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Fantastic S5 Episode 112(5/21/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 112(5/21/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 112(5/21/24)

Post by QG Tue May 21, 2024 8:24 am

At the Stanpatos mansion, Dylan and Daisy walk into the living room and come across Lawrence pouring himself a drink. “Good evening, you two!” Lawrence exclaims. Daisy fakes a smile. “Lawrence, twice in one day! How nice.” Daisy tells him, feigning sincerity. “Having a nightcap?” Dylan wonders. “I was. I'd be delighted if the two of you would join me. We may live in the same house, but we hardly ever get to spend any time together as a family.” Lawrence says. “”Uh…yeah, sure. That'd be great.” Daisy says. “I concur.” Dylan adds. “Splendid!” Lawrence exclaims. Dylan heads towards the mini bar, but Lawrence cuts him off. “No, please. Allow me. You two just go and get comfortable on the couch. I'm sure you could both use some rest and relaxation with all of that planning you've probably been doing for Harper's birthday party!” Lawrence notes. “You have no idea.” Daisy says. Dylan and Daisy walk over to the couch as Lawrence pours the drinks. Once Lawrence finishes, he walks over to the two of them and hands them their glasses. “You know, I really must confess that I'm surprised to see how well the two of you have been getting along as of late.” Lawrence admits. “We share a daughter, we don't really have much choice.” Dylan points out. “Not necessarily. When Harper was first born, the two of you could barely tolerate one another.” Lawrence says. “Not true, Dylan was the one who took issue with me. I've always tried to make it work.” Daisy argues. Dylan laughs. “Yeah right! By making it work, you mean trying to press my buttons at every turn?” Dylan asks. “Not intentionally!” Daisy notes. Lawrence takes a seat in a chair next to the sofa. “Regardless, I am really happy to see the two of you getting along better these days. Harper deserves suitable role models in her life, and obviously if the two of you were at each other's throats, that wouldn't be setting a very good example.” Lawrence says. “I completely agree.” Dylan says. “Me too.” Daisy says. “I am curious though, what was it exactly that pushed the two of you to put aside your differences?” Lawrence wonders. Dylan shrugs and him and Daisy exchange a look. “I don't know, I guess we just grew tired of the arguing.” Dylan claims. “Come now, my dear boy. You're a Stanpatos, for heaven's sake! We never tire of the arguing. There must be a reason, something that forced the two of you to lower your swords and work together.” Lawrence says. “I think the term co-parenting would be more appropriate.” Daisy says. “What's really going on here, father?” Dylan questions. “I'm not sure I get what you mean.” Lawrence claims. “I'm getting the distinct impression that you're asking these sorts of questions not necessarily looking for answers, but more looking to hear what I'm going to say.” Dylan admits. “You mean searching for a lie? Now why on earth would I do that? You're my son, I trust you with all my heart.” Lawrence claims. “Is that right?” Dylan asks. “Now you're the one who sounds as if you don't trust my answers.” Lawrence points out. “Is there any reason I shouldn't?” Dylan coldly wonders. “I'm beginning to feel like I'm in the middle of something that I probably shouldn't be in the middle of.” Daisy says. “On the contrary, I do think you should be present for this conversation.” Lawrence says. “Why's that?” Dylan asks. Lawrence smirks. “You were right, I was anticipating you not to be completely honest with me.” Lawrence confesses. “What do you want to know?” Dylan asks. “What business did the two of you have at the Goo castle earlier tonight?” Lawrence questions!

In the kitchen of the Goo Castle, Ava walks in as the tea kettle whistles. “Dannie, I checked around the house again but no luck.” Ava says. Ava notices that Dannie is nowhere to be found. “Dannie?” Ava questions. Ava then notices pieces of the vase Jenna used to knock Dannie out on the floor. “Oh no…” Ava mutters. Ava rushes to the doors leading outside and opens them. “Dannie? DANNIE?!” Ava calls out. Rebecca rushes into the kitchen. “Ava, what's wrong?” Rebecca questions. “I think something might've happened to Dannie.” Ava tells her. “What would give you that idea?” Rebecca asks. “Look!” Ava shouts, pointing at the pieces of the broken vase. “That wasn't there when I left Dannie! Not only that, but the tea kettle is still going! I'm worried that whoever took King Beast might've taken Dannie too.” Ava says. “Wait a minute, King Beast is missing?” Rebecca asks. “Dad didn't fill you in?” Ava asks. “No, we've been pretty preoccupied with something else. Have you notified the police?” Rebecca asks. “Yeah, Dannie and I went to Kaylie. She was gonna check out Jenna's apartment to see if she could find anything.” Ava says. “Jenna…the woman Dannie dated briefly?” Rebecca asks. “I guess she had a grudge against Grandpa.” Ava says. “Okay, let me call Kaylie real fast.” Rebecca says. Rebecca pulls out her phone and clicks on Kaylie's contact. “Kaylie, hi. I was just talking to my daughter Ava and she filled me in on everything going on with King Beast…you do? Okay, I'll be right there.” Rebecca says, before hanging up. “Why didn't you tell her about Dannie?” Ava wonders. “Because she said there's been some sort of development. She's going to fill me in down at the station, so I'll tell her about Dannie once I get there.” Rebecca says. “Okay, let's go.” Ava says. “You aren't coming.” Rebecca tells her. “What?! Why not?!” Ava questions. “Because this is where the actual police work begins and I can't have you involved! You have done tremendously so far, sweetheart, but this is where you need to get off.” Rebecca says. “Just promise me you'll keep me updated.” Ava says. Rebecca smiles. “You know I will. I love you, and I'm proud of you.” Rebecca says, before hugging Ava. “I love you too.” Ava says. Rebecca then rushes out the door.

At the Fantastic P.D, Kaylie slaps the photo of Janice and Jenna down onto the interrogation room table. “That baby is Jenna Martin? You're sure?” Don asks. “That's what the description says on the back. You're older than Jenna, so if your mom had been pregnant with another baby, you must've known about it, right?” Kaylie asks. Don's face suddenly turns serious. “I knew of a baby…yeah…” Don mutters. “What is it?” Kaylie questions. Don looks down at the floor. “When my brother Harry and I were kids, our mother told us the news that she was having another baby…a girl. We were your average little boys so I don't think either of us were too excited about welcoming a girl into the family, but we got used to the idea. We never got to meet her though…I remember one day mom went to the hospital and when she came home, she told us the baby…the baby had gone to heaven.” Don reveals, getting choked up. “How old would she have been?” Kaylie wonders. “Right around Jenna's age. What I don't understand though is why my mother would have lied! Don't get me wrong, I understand she isn't perfect, but to lie about your kid dying to your other two kids? Young kids? It's sick!” Don states. “If Jenna is involved with King Beast disappearing, do you think your mom could've been helping her?” Kaylie questions. “I wanted so badly to think she had turned a corner, but…if Jenna is responsible for King Beast's disappearance and she really IS Janice's daughter, I'd bet good money that Janice is involved somehow. In fact, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Jenna went this far because Janice pushed her to it.” Don admits. “It's possible. Jenna admitted she was planning on marrying Dannie and then taking all their family's money, but that's a far cry from kidnapping.” Kaylie notes. “Absolutely.” Don agrees. The door opens and Rebecca walks in. “Hey, you said you have an update for me about the King Beast situation?” Rebecca asks. “Yeah…we don't think Jenna Martin is working alone.” Kaylie reveals.

In the basement of the abandoned power plant, Dannie is tied to a chair and begins to come to when they hear King Beast shouting their name. A groggy Dannie lifts their head and looks at King Beast. “Dad?” Dannie asks. “Oh thank goodness you're alright!” King Beast exclaims. “They won't be for much longer!” Janice states. Dannie turns their head and notices Janice and Jenna. “I knew you had something to do with my dad's disappearance. How could you do something so awful?” Dannie questions. “The same way your dad could do such awful things. This isn't awful, it's justice.” Jenna says. “What you're doing to me is justice, what you're doing to Dannie is despicable!” King Beast shouts. “Turnabout is fair play. You took Jenna's adopted mommy, now we're taking your kid!” Janice says. “Janice Reynolds…what are you doing here?” Dannie questions. “She's Jenna's biological mother.” King Beast reveals. “What?!” A stunned Dannie asks. “And what a proud momma I am! My baby girl is standing up for what she believes in and it is a sight to behold!” Janice says. Dannie turns to face Jenna. “No wonder you're doing all of this! You have that awful woman corrupting your mind!” Dannie realizes. “No, that isn't what this is!” Jenna claims. “Isn't it? I admit that I clearly had no idea who you really were when we got involved, I never imagined that you would be using me for money or for revenge! But even after finding all of that out, the thought never occurred to me that you would resort to kidnapping, especially not to murder! At least not until my dad disappeared. When he did disappear, you being behind it was the only plausible explanation I could come up with. Then again, I had no idea about her involvement.” Dannie says, looking in Janice's direction. “You think I can't think for myself?” Jenna wonders. “That's not what I said. I do think that you were hurt tremendously by what happened to your adopted mother all those years ago, and I do think that Janice may actually believe she is trying to help you. The problem is that she isn't helping you, she is only causing you more problems, more trauma! Jenna, please. Let us go and we can sort through this together.” Dannie says. “Together?” Jenna questions. “I'm a psychiatrist, I can help you.” Dannie tells her. “You don't think that's a conflict of interest?” Jenna wonders. “I can refer you to a trusted colleague.” Dannie says. “Don't listen to them! If you let them go, they'll throw you in jail! They'll throw the both of us in jail! Dannie doesn't care about you, they don't have your best interest at heart! I care. I've been on your side ever since you came to visit me and told me that you were my daughter!” Janice says. “Why did you decide to seek her out, Jenna?” Dannie wonders. “Because I missed my mother and I thought I could help fill that void by connecting with my biological mother!” Jenna snaps. “And she has started to fill that void! I have been there for my baby ever since I found out she was mine.” Janice says. “By getting her involved in a situation that could get her sent to prison for decades?” Dannie questions. “We aren't gonna get caught!” Janice argues. “You don't know that!” Dannie tells her. “My goodness, you're just as insufferable as your cousin Josephine, you know that? She thought she knew what was best for my Donny, just like you think you know what's best for Jenna! Well news flash, dumb ass, you don't! Just because you've got some fancy medical degree don't mean you're smarter than the rest of us!” Janice says. “I never said I was smarter than either of you. I understand where you're coming from, the both of you! Janice, you want to help your daughter get justice, something she's been yearning for ever since she was a teenager. And Jenna, all you want is to avenge your mother. But is this really the way you want to go about it? Jenna, you're a nurse, you've made a career out of helping people! Don't you think it's a betrayal to the title to take someone else's life?” Dannie questions. Jenna's eyes become watery and Janice notices. “Okay, that's enough! Sweetie, I think we better get this show on the road.” Janice says. “What show?” Dannie asks. “You can't tell by my outfit? I'm getting married…to your Dad! Jenna might not have been able to get her hands on your money, but I'm definitely gonna get my hands on your old man's money!” Janice says. “How do you plan on doing that? If you kill him, you'll go to prison!” Dannie points out. “No I won't, not if they think his death was accidental! What, do you think this is my first rodeo?” Janice wonders. “That's right, you did something like this once before. You thought you had killed Don's wife and you tried to make it look like a suicide. The only problem is that the police ended up suspecting Don, then they suspected Andre Stanpatos, and then finally they figured out that it was you.” Dannie recalls. “Well I'm gonna get it right this time! You and your miserable father are gonna die, I'm gonna inherit all of his blood money, and my Jenna will finally get the justice she deserves!” Janice shouts. Meanwhile, a seemingly conflicted Jenna stares off into space…

“How did you know we were at the Goo Castle? Did you have us followed?” Dylan questions. “That doesn't answer my question.” Lawrence points out. “Answer mine first! Daisy and I have the right to know if you're having us followed!” Dylan states. “You know, I don't think we owe him any sort of explanation. We're both adults, we can do whatever we please and go wherever we please.” Daisy says. “Absolutely.” Dylan agrees. Lawrence smiles. “Neither one of you are on good terms with anyone in the Goo household, there's no reason you would be visiting there.” Lawrence notes. “This conversation is over!” Daisy snaps. Daisy stands up but nearly loses her balance. “Are you alright?” Dylan asks. “I…yeah…I just…I feel woozy all of a sudden.” Daisy admits. “Yes, you don't look well at all. I do hope everything is okay.” Lawrence claims. Daisy turns towards Lawrence. “Oh my god…you…you…” Daisy tries to say. “I what, my dear?” Lawrence questions. Before Daisy can finish speaking, she collapses onto the floor. “Oh my goodness, looks like someone had a tad too much to drink!” Lawrence claims. Dylan looks down at his glass and then drops it to the floor. “And now we have to have the carpet cleaned.” Lawrence adds. “You…you drugged us!” Dylan realizes. Lawrence leans in and smiles. “I did do that. Too bad it's too late for you to do anything about it.” Lawrence gloats. Dylan attempts to lunge at Lawrence but ends up collapsing onto the floor before he can reach him. Lawrence then stands up and steps over Dylan and Daisy. “I really wish it didn't have to come to this, my boy. I truly thought you had such extraordinary potential, but turns out you are just as mediocre and ordinary as the rest of the people in this city. Oh well, I suppose there is still hope for Ava and Harper.” Lawrence says, before sighing and taking a sip of his drink. “I'm not going to dwell on your betrayal for too long, I have far more important things I need to be focusing on. But now that I have the two of you where I want you, that begs the question…what am I to do with you?” Lawrence wonders.

Don, Kaylie, and Rebecca are now sitting around the table in the interrogation room at the Fantastic P.D, with a file on Janice lying directly in the middle. “Now that Dannie has disappeared and we know Janice Reynolds is potentially involved, this raises the stakes significantly. We don't know how big of a threat Jenna is, but we do know that Janice has a history of violence.” Rebecca notes. “And given what we know about the history between Jenna and King Beast, my mother probably believes that she's helping Jenna by going through all this trouble.” Don points out. “And Jenna is so messed up and traumatized by everything she's been through in life, it probably makes it easier for Janice to plant all these dangerous thoughts into her head.” Kaylie says. “Exactly. Right now, we need to assume that Janice is the mastermind behind all of this and that Jenna is just going along with whatever her mother has come up with.” Rebecca says. “So to find out where King Beast and Dannie are, we need to get into her head.” Don realizes. “You probably know her better than anyone in this world, Don. Can you think of anywhere Janice may have taken King Beast and Dannie?” Rebecca questions. “I can think of somewhere. I'm not sure if my mother would go back there, but it's worth a shot.” Don says. “Where is it?” Rebecca wonders. “Back when Josephine figured out my mother had tried to kill my wife Alexa, my mother kidnapped Josephine and dragged her to this abandoned power plant.” Don recalls. “Come to think of it, I remember that.” Rebecca says. “Any idea if the building is still standing?” Kaylie questions. “I just drove by it the other day.” Rebecca reveals. “Great! Let's check it out! Should we put together a team?” Kaylie wonders. “Absolutely not. More people means more noise, and if my mother hears any noise, she might be pushed to do something drastic to Dannie and King Beast. She just got out of the asylum so I know she wouldn't be able to afford to hire any goons.” Don says. “Which means we should be good with just the two of us.” Rebecca says. “Two of us?” Don questions. “I'm sorry Don, I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to come.” Rebecca says. “I understand it's a conflict of interest, but I can be objective where my mother is concerned! I've done it before! Besides, if it comes to it, I'm probably the only person in the world who can talk her down.” Don says. “He has a point.” Kaylie notes. “Yes he does…okay, let's move.” Rebecca says. Rebecca, Don, and Kaylie stand up and rush out the door.

In the basement of the abandoned power plant, Jenna begins playing “Here comes the bride” on her phone. Once the music starts playing, Janice, who is standing in the doorway, enters the room and begins walking towards King Beast. Janice stops in front of King Beast and jumps up and down. “Oh goodness, I'm so excited! It's been so long since I've been married!” Janice exclaims. “Janice, come on, you don't really want to do this! Why would you want to marry someone who you don't actually love?” Dannie questions. Janice rolls her eyes. “Are you really gonna start with that? I never pretended to love King Beast, especially not when I've only known him for all of five minutes! No, this is all for the money! And for getting my baby justice, of course.” Janice says. “Um…we are gathered here today to join King Damien Beast and Janice Reynolds in holy matrimony. Does anyone have any reason as for why these two should not get married?” Jenna questions. “Is that a serious question?! I do! I can think of several reasons as for why I should not marry this woman! In fact, I can think of just as many reasons as for why you shouldn't perform this ceremony! Jenna, I know I've hurt you tremendously, but surely you understand on some level that this…this is wrong! This is all wrong!” King Beast notes. “Can we just skip over the part where people are able to object? Everyone is pretty much supportive of our relationship so there's really no reason to waste any time on this.” Janice claims. “Are you kidding me?! Not a single person in this room other than yourself thinks that this is a good idea! Not even Jenna is on board anymore! Look at her face, Janice. I can see it in Jenna's eyes that she is beginning to realize how over the top this wedding actually is!” Dannie says. Dannie turns towards Jenna. “You do realize that this is wrong, right? Putting aside your feelings towards my dad for a moment, you're a nurse! You know that killing people is wrong, regardless of what they've done in the past! Your job isn't to hurt people, Jenna, it's to help people! Deep down, I think you understand that.” Dannie says. “I…” Jenna begins to say. “Don't listen to them! They're just trying to save their monster of a father! Sweetie, trust me, this is the only way to avenge your mom! If we don't go through with this, King Beast is just gonna pretend like all of this never happened! He doesn't feel guilty about what he's done! It's not like your life is the first life he's destroyed, he's probably used to this sorta thing! Well it's time somebody taught him that actions have consequences, and you and I are those people!” Janice says. “There are ways of seeking justice without resorting to murder, Jenna! File a lawsuit against me if you'd like, I won't fight it! I'll admit to everything and pay whatever you demand of me, even if it's every single penny I have. I know that all the money in the world won't be nearly enough to make amends for the pain that I've caused you, but it's the least I can do to show you how sorry I am.” King Beast says. “He's not sorry! He's only sorry because his entire life is flashing before his eyes! If it weren't for that, he wouldn't give a damn about the pain he's caused you! All he cares about is the pain you've caused him and his precious Dannie! Nothing else matters to him, trust me!” Janice tells Jenna. Jenna hesitates for a moment before continuing. “Janice, do you take Damien to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and in health, through rich and poor, until death do you part?” Jenna nervously asks. Janice smiles. “I do! I DO!” Janice exclaims. “And do you, Damien-” Jenna begins to say. “Absolutely not!” King Beast states. “Damien, don't be difficult!” Janice urges. King Beast turns towards Janice. “I would not marry you if you were the last woman on earth!” King Beast snaps. Janice rolls her eyes. “Seriously? Is that how you want to play it? Because if you don't say yes, I'm gonna be very upset, and I might just take my frustrations out on Dannie!” Janice warns. “You already plan on killing me, and him. I don't see any reason as to why my father would need to cooperate with this little sham you've put together. You don't have any leverage on us!” Dannie points out. “Will you please shut the hell up?!” Janice asks. Dannie smirks. “Yeah, that's what I figured.” Dannie says. Janice turns towards Jenna. “Forget King Beast, let’s just finish the ceremony. This is the part where you pronounce us husband and wife!” Janice says. Jenna turns towards King Beast and Dannie. “Don't! I know you're angry, but do you really think you'd be able to live with our deaths on your conscience? I think you're a good person at your core, Jenna. Just terribly wounded. I think you're letting your anger towards me guide your actions, and once you'd have time to think and reflect on all of this, you'd realize what a terrible mistake you've made and you will feel awful. I know what it feels like to be responsible for things you can't take back, and I wouldn’t wish that sort of guilt on anyone. Least of all someone with such a bright and promising future. If you won't stop this for yourself, stop it for your mother. I didn't know her, but she sounds like she was a remarkable woman, and I don't think she'd want you to go to these lengths for her. But then again, I didn't know her. You did though, and I think you'd know better than anyone whether or not she would approve of what you're doing here.” King Beast says. “She would!” Janice claims. “No…she wouldn't…” Jenna mutters. “What?!” Janice questions. Jenna turns towards Janice. “I really appreciate all you've done for me, but we can't kill them! It's…it's wrong! We have to let them go!” Jenna says. “But-but what about justice for your mom?” Janice questions. Jenna shakes her head. “This isn't justice, this also isn't me!” Jenna says. “If we let them go, they're gonna go to the police and you are going to be sent to jail!” Janice points out. “I'm fine with that.” Jenna says. “Are you?” Janice asks. “I'm here because I want King Beast to be held accountable for his crimes, I'd be a hypocrite if I wasn't prepared to accept responsibility for mine.” Jenna says. “I can't believe you let them get inside your head…” Janice says. Jenna places her hands on Janice's cheeks. “We need to let them go, mom, and we need to do it now. This can't go on.” Jenna tells her. “You're absolutely right, it can't.” Janice agrees. Janice walks past Jenna towards King Beast. “Are you going to untie me now?” King Beast questions. “Sure…right after I kill you!” Janice shouts. Janice whips a large knife out and prepares to stab King Beast. “NO!” Dannie screams. Rebecca, Don, and Kaylie barge in with their guns drawn! “POLICE! Drop the weapon now!” Rebecca demands. Janice turns to face the police. “She said drop it, ma.” Don notes. Janice reluctantly drops the knife onto the floor and puts her hands in the air, as does Jenna. Don walks over to Janice and begins handcuffing her, as Kaylie begins handcuffing Jenna. Jenna turns to face Dannie. “I'm so sorry…” Jenna cries. “So am I.” Dannie tells her.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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