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Fantastic S5 Episode 45(1/3/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 45(1/3/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 45(1/3/24)

Post by QG Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:37 pm

Down at the police station, Don is sitting behind his desk in the squad room when Rebecca walks in. “Hey Commissioner, how’s your daughter doing?” Don wonders. “She’s asleep now.” Rebecca says. “I imagine she isn’t too happy with you still.” Don assumes. “Actually it feels like we may have made some progress. Now I just need to hope and pray that it sticks.” Rebecca says. “Kids, am I right?” Don asks. “Tell me about it. Do you have any idea what time it is?” Rebecca asks. “Its a little after 1 am.” Don says. “And you’re still here?” Rebecca asks. “Like I said, I’m just trying to get some work done.” Don tells her. “I appreciate your dedication to the job, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’ve been here since 8am yesterday, you deserve to go home and get some rest.” Rebecca says. “I appreciate your concern Commissioner, but I really don’t mind working the extra hours.” Don says. “I’m sure you don’t. I do mind, though. I don’t want you burning yourself out by working so long without taking a break. Go home, get some rest.” Rebecca says. At that moment, Kaylie runs in. “Commissioner, a call just came in. Apparently there are reports of shots fired over at Slate Gray.” Kaylie says. “What?! Any idea if anyone was hurt?” Rebecca asks. “I really don’t know. What I do know is that my mom, my sister, and Bethany are all there and I need to make sure they’re okay.” Kaylie says. “There are a lot of people I care about at that party as well…we need to get moving.” Rebecca says. Rebecca turns towards Don. “I know what you’re going to say, but no, you aren’t coming with us. Go home, get some rest, Detective Simms and I can handle whatever is going down at Slate Gray!” Rebecca says. “Alright, just be careful.” Don urges. “Always.” Rebecca says. Rebecca and Kaylie then rush out the door.

In the Slate Gray restaurant, Lucas is lying on the floor unconscious, his shirt covered in blood. Lydia and Julia both kneel down next to him. “Oh my god Lucas, please wake up! Wake up! PLEASE!” Lydia begs. Julia checks Lucas’ pulse. “He still has a pulse!” Julia announces. “But for how long? There is a lot of blood.” Mia points out. Lydia looks up at Mia. “You crazy bitch, you SHOT HIM!” Lydia screams. “I wouldn’t fret too much, darling. Lucas may be dying, but don’t worry, you’ll be seeing him very soon.” Mia says, as she aims her gun at Lydia. Before Mia can pull the trigger, Andy slams a chair into the back of her and Mia collapses to the floor! “Thank you!” Lydia says. “No problem. I’m gonna call 911.” Andy says. “Don’t worry about it. I made the call while that crazy old bat was waving her gun around!” Virginia says. “We need something to slow the bleeding.” Julia says. Victor takes off his coat and hands it to Julia. “Here!” Victor says. Julia grabs the coat and holds it down on Lucas’ wound. The elevator doors open and EMTs step off of the elevator. “Clear a path!” One of the EMTs shout. Everyone moves out of the way and the EMTs make their way over to Lucas, Lydia, and Julia. “Please, you have to help him! I’m begging you!” Lydia cries. “We’ll do everything in our power, ma’am.” One of the EMTs says. They manage to move Lucas onto the gurney and pick him up. “I’d like to ride in the ambulance with him.” Lydia says. “Are you two married? Are you family?” The EMT asks. “I…well, we were engaged to be married…” Lydia mutters. “I’m sorry, we can’t let you ride with him.” The EMT says before wheeling Lucas away. “This is unbelievable! Lucas is the love of my life but I can’t ride with him to the hospital?!” Lydia asks. Dylan walks over to Lydia. “Its okay, I’ll give you a ride over there if you need one.” Dylan says. “I couldn’t ask you to do that…” Lydia says. “You aren’t, I’m offering.” Dylan says. Lydia smiles. “Thank you.” Lydia says, before following Dylan out. Meanwhile, Victor and Virginia walk over to Julia. “I’m sure you probably want to go to the hospital as well, your mother and I would be happy to bring you.” Victor says. “I can drive myself.” Julia says. “Not in your emotional state you can’t! Your boyfriend’s dead fiancee just rose from the grave! And on top of that, your boyfriend got shot!” Virginia points out. “I’m sure Julia doesn’t need to be reminded of all of that…” Victor notes. “Well the bottom line is our girl is in no condition to be out driving the streets!” Virginia says. “Okay, I see your point. I’ll take you up on your offer.” Julia says. “Good! Lets get going then.” Virginia says. Victor, Virginia, and Julia head towards the elevator when the doors open and Rebecca and Kaylie step off. “Mama, Julia! Are you two okay?!” Kaylie asks. “Physically, yeah.” Virginia says. “Lucas was shot, Kaylie!” Julia reveals. “What?! By who?!” Kaylie asks. “We don’t have time to go over all the details, I need to get to the hospital! The crazy bitch responsible is unconscious on the floor if you want to ask her for all the details though.” Julia says, before she, Victor, and Virginia get on the elevator.

Meanwhile, Andy picks Mia up and puts her in a chair as she begins to come to. Lysandros and Daisy walk over to him. “How is she?” Lysandros wonders. “She’s waking up so she can’t be that badly injured.” Andy says. “How unfortunate.” Lysandros says. “That was pretty heroic, what you did here today.” Daisy notes. “I had to. If I didn’t make a move, Mia would’ve killed Lydia and god knows how many other people.” Andy says. “I still can’t believe Lydia is alive.” Daisy says. “Not nearly as implausible as Mia being alive.” Lysandros notes. “Mia might be alive, but she’s gonna be spending the rest of her life in a cell.” Andy says. Rebecca and Kaylie walk over to them. “Andy, are you okay?!” Rebecca asks. “I’m fine.” Andy says, as he stands up and hugs Rebecca. Kaylie looks over at Mia. “Is this the woman who shot Lucas?” Kaylie wonders. “That’s her.” Daisy confirms. Rebecca looks over at Mia and her eyes widen. “Mia Goo?!” Rebecca asks. “In the flesh.” Andy confirms. “I don’t understand, how is this even possible?” Rebecca questions. “According to Mia, we have our old pals Joe Fish and Doctor Andropov to thank for this. Joe saved Mia’s life after Acerbi shot her and then brought Mia to Andropov.” Andy tells her. “Why am I not surprised? What I don’t understand is why she would show up here tonight.” Rebecca says. “You better brace yourself for this one. Mia showed up because she was looking for Lydia.” Andy reveals. “Lydia? She’s alive?!” Rebecca asks. “And Mia has had her all this time.” Andy adds. “When you say Lydia, do you mean Lucas’ dead fiancee Lydia?” Kaylie asks. “The one and only…” Andy says. “Oh my god…” Kaylie mutters. Mia finally opens her eyes. “What…what happened?” Mia wonders. Rebecca stands in front of Mia. “I’d say karma happened.” Rebecca says. Mia smiles. “Commissioner Rogers, how long has it been?” Mia asks. “Not long enough. Detective Simms, cuff her and read her her rights.” Rebecca orders. “With pleasure.” Kaylie says. Kaylie pulls Mia out of the chair and begins to handcuff her. “Excuse me! Some cretin knocked me over the head, I could very well have a concussion! Shouldn’t you be arresting them as well?!” Mia asks. “I’m pretty sure that cretin had good reason to knock you out seeing as you were about to shoot Lydia.” Andy says. “Why on earth would you care if I shot her? She framed you for domestic violence, she buried your wife alive! I am the hero in this story, don’t you understand?! I was doing this city a favor by going after the mob boss and the resident psychopath! I shouldn’t be going to jail, I should be awarded with the key to the city!” Mia shouts. “Oh for god’s sake! Get her out of here please!” Rebecca orders. “Time to go!” Kaylie tells Mia. Kaylie escorts Mia towards the elevator but then stops when she sees Bethany. “Are you okay?” Kaylie asks. “I’m fine.” Bethany tells her. Kaylie smiles. “Good.” Kaylie says. “Is this what my tax dollars are going towards? You having personal conversations on my dime?” Mia asks. Kaylie rolls her eyes. “Let's go!” Kaylie snaps, as she shoves Mia towards the elevator.

Out on the balcony, Lawrence is looking off into the distance when Gizelle comes up behind him. “Mia was just taken into custody.” Gizelle tells him. “That doesn’t come as much of a surprise, though I would have preferred her dead.” Lawrence says. “Now that she is in police custody, she is going to want to make a deal in exchange for her freedom!” Gizelle points out. “There isn’t anything Mia could offer the police that would get her awarded immunity.” Lawrence notes. “I disagree. If Mia were to offer them a Stanpatos, I think the DA might be willing to negotiate. That sort of get is the kind that makes careers.” Gizelle notes. “District Attorney Gray will be far too busy worrying about her critically injured boyfriend than to concern herself with Mia’s prosecution.” Lawrence says. “Maybe so, but I’m sure one of her colleagues would be more than happy to step in.” Gizelle notes. Lawrence turns towards Gizelle and smiles. “You worry far too much, Gizelle. Do you really think I don’t already have a plan to deal with Mia? I know exactly how to secure her silence.” Lawrence says.

Back inside, Andy, Rebecca, Bethany, Lysandros, and Daisy are all standing around together. “I understand this was a difficult night for everyone, so feel free to go home, but I will need statements from each and every one of you at some point.” Rebecca says. “Great, I’ll be on my way then. Good luck with Mia by the way, she seems like a real kook.” Bethany says. “Thanks, I have a feeling I’ll need it.” Rebecca says. Bethany walks off. “Well thank you for showing up, too bad you weren’t here when the shooting started. Then again, I’m sure you would’ve been if you didn’t need to go and take care of your wayward daughter.” Daisy says. “I’m not in the mood for any of your snide remarks tonight. And I’m telling you right now, I better not read a word about Ava’s situation in your paper tomorrow morning.” Rebecca warns. Daisy shrugs. “Ava is the daughter of two of Fantastic City’s most prominent residents, that news is too big to ignore.” Daisy argues. “I don’t see any reason as to why we should drag Ava’s name through the mud. If the details of her arrest are published, Cutting Edge won’t have anything to do with it.” Lysandros says. Daisy sighs. “Thank you, Lysandros.” Rebecca says. “No problem. You ready to go home, Daisy?” Lysandros asks. “Yeah, I guess…” Daisy says. “Good. Andy, Rebecca, happy New Year.” Lysandros says. “Same to you.” Rebecca says. Lysandros and Daisy head towards the elevator. Rebecca turns towards Andy. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Rebecca asks. “I’m fine, not a single scratch. I’m more worried about Lucas, he didn’t look too good when the paramedics took him out of here.” Andy says. “I really hope he makes it. He and Lydia were just reunited, for that reunion to be cut short…it would be nothing short of tragic.” Rebecca says. “Yeah…I can’t help but feel for Julia though. We both know that if Lucas does make it through this, he’s gonna choose Lydia. That leaves her all alone.” Andy notes. “Its going to be a difficult time for her, no doubt. But Julia is strong, I’m sure she’ll make it through this.” Rebecca says. Lawrence walks over to the two of them. “Has everyone gone home already?” Lawrence questions. “Yeah, people don’t really like to hang around after staring down the barrel of a crazy person’s gun. I’m surprised to see you’re still here.” Rebecca notes. “I wanted to stick around in case the police had any questions for me about what transpired tonight.” Lawrence says. “What a good citizen you are.” Andy sarcastically says. “I always try my best to help law enforcement in any way I can.” Lawrence claims. “How considerate.” Rebecca says. “So would you like me to give my statement?” Lawrence asks. “Feel free to go down to the station tomorrow to give it. I’m sure one of my officers would be thrilled to speak with you on the matter.” Rebecca says. Lawrence smiles. “Of course. Oh, one last thing before I go, how is Ava doing? I couldn’t help but notice you seemed to be arresting her earlier.” Lawrence notes. “That’s because I was. You see, underaged drinking and using a fake ID are considered crimes.” Rebecca says. “Oh dear, I had no idea she was doing either. Still though, don’t you think arresting her was just a touch extreme?” Lawrence asks. “No, I don’t. Ava has been acting out for some time and nothing else seemed to be working, so I needed to resort to extreme measures to get my point across.” Rebecca says. “Even if your extreme measures could create a rift between you and your daughter?” Lawrence asks. “Ava and I talked before I left the police station and we’re fine now. In fact, I think she may try to clean up her act now.” Rebecca says. Lawrence smiles. “Wonderful! I’m happy to hear that.” Lawrence says. “Sure you are. A word to the wise, Lawrence, don’t you dare ever try to give me parenting advice. The only reason I haven’t taken more direct action to put distance between you and Ava is because I don’t want to alienate her, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be civil with you and let you give me advice on how to properly punish my child when you didn’t have a role in either of your children’s life when they were growing up.” Rebecca says. “I’m sorry if it felt as if I was intruding, that wasn’t my intention.” Lawrence says. “I think we’re done here.” Rebecca says. “I think so. Happy New Year to the both of you, I suspect this year may be the best one yet.” Lawrence says, before walking off. “Have I mentioned how much I hate the idea of our little girl spending any time around that bastard?” Andy asks. “Me too, but we can’t do anything to keep her from him. All that will do is cause Ava to resent us and go out of her way even more to spend time with Lawrence.” Rebecca says. “So how are we supposed to keep her safe from his influence?” Andy wonders. “Like I said before, we need to find out what Lawrence is involved in. We both know its unlikely his hands are clean, we just need to figure out exactly what he’s up to.” Rebecca says.

At the police station, Mia is handcuffed to a desk in the interrogation room when Kaylie walks in. “Hi Miss. Goo, I don’t think we had a proper introduction back at the restaurant. My name is Detective Simms.” Kaylie says. “I know who you are, you’re Julia Gray’s sister.” Mia says. “Why do you care about my sister?” Kaylie wonders. “She’s family for one, my cousin Victor’s long lost daughter. But more importantly, she served as a distraction to keep Lucas’ mind preoccupied so he wasn’t always thinking about Lydia, so he didn’t suspect she was alive.” Mia says. “Except he did suspect she was alive, back in September. Lucas got a call from someone who he thought was Lydia. He brought his phone down here so we could trace the call and we traced it back to a place here in Fantastic. That really was Lydia, wasn’t it?” Kaylie asks. “Let me tell you one thing, if you ever get the urge to kidnap someone, don’t kidnap Lydia! The most unagreeable hostage I have ever had the displeasure of housing!” Mia says. “Right, I’ll keep that in mind. Out of curiosity, you do understand the severity of the charges you’re facing, right? We’ve got the kidnapping of Lydia Masters, the attempted murder of Lucas Cambino and that’s assuming he doesn’t die from his injuries.” Kaylie says. “One can only hope.” Mia says. “And then when I was looking over your file just now, I saw you were facing a plethora of charges BEFORE you died. Kidnapping, murder…” Kaylie says. “Oh those are hardly relevant now, I’d prefer to stay focused on the present.” Mia says. “No, trust me, those crimes are still relevant. Look, its pretty obvious to me that you are going away for life no matter what, the only question is how easy are you going to make it for the courts and for yourself.” Kaylie says. Mia smiles. “Oh Detective Simms darling, I can assure you that nothing is certain. You may think I’m going to spend the rest of my life in jail, but I think I’m actually going to go free.” Mia says. “Oh yeah? Are you planning a jail break I should know about?” Kaylie wonders. Mia gasps. “A jail break? How pedestrian do you think I am? I’m not going to break out, I am going to be released.” Mia says. Kaylie smiles. “Yeah, right.” Kaylie says. “You don’t believe me?” Mia asks. “What I believe is that it’d take a real Christmas miracle for you to go free.” Kaylie says. “Miracles exist, Detective! Me being alive and well is proof of that!” Mia says. “That being a miracle is endlessly debatable.” Kaylie says. “This isn’t over, not by a long shot.” Mia states…

At the hospital, Victor, Virginia, and Julia rush off of the elevator and Julia spots Lucas’ clothes in a plastic bag on the nurses station. “Oh dear god…” Julia mutters. “Let me go see if I can find anything out.” Victor says. Victor walks up to the nurses station. “Excuse me, I’m looking for an update on a patient that was just brought in. His name is Lucas Cambino.” Victor says. “Mr. Cambino was just brought in to surgery, that’s all I know.” The nurse says. Victor nods. “Thank you.” Victor says. Victor picks up the bag containing Lucas’ clothes and walks back over to Virginia and Julia. “Well? Anything?” Virginia wonders. “The nurse I spoke to said Lucas just went into surgery. Other than that, there’s no other update.” Victor says. “Well I’m just glad to know he’s still alive!” Virginia says. Victor hands Julia the bag containing Lucas’ clothes. “Here, I figured you might want these.” Victor says. “Thank you…” Julia tells him. Julia opens the bag, pulls out Lucas’ jacket first, and a ring falls out of it. “What’s this?” Julia wonders. Julia kneels down to the floor and picks up the ring. “Oh my god…its an engagement ring!” Julia realizes. Julia stands up and turns towards Victor and Virginia. “Why would Lucas have an engagement ring on him?! Could he have been…” Julia begins to say. “He was.” Virginia confirms. Julia’s eyes widen. “How do you know?” Julia questions. “Because he came to me on Christmas and wanted to run it by me. Baby, I’m so sorry, he was planning on proposing to you tonight. He probably would’ve if-” Virginia stops herself. “If his presumed dead fiancee hadn’t shown up?” Julia asks. The elevator doors open and Dylan and Lydia step off. Lydia and Julia immediately lock eyes. “How-how’s Lucas? Any word?” Lydia wonders. “He just went in for surgery. That’s all we know at the moment.” Victor says. “No news is good news, right?” Dylan says. Lydia notices the ring Julia is holding. “Is that-” Lydia begins to ask. “An engagement ring? Yeah…yeah it is…” Julia says. “Where did you get it?” Lydia wonders. “It was in Lucas’ coat pocket. I’m guessing he probably planned to give it to me, that is until he found out you were alive. Now even if Lucas does make it through this, he and I probably don’t have a future together. Everything is ruined!” Julia shouts, before storming off. “I should probably go after her.” Virginia says, before following Julia. “Wow, that was intense…” Dylan says. “I feel for her, I really do. None of this is her fault. She met Lucas, she fell in love with him, she had no idea that I was alive and well somewhere. She had no reason to ever suspect her world would come crashing down like this.” Lydia says. “Well I’m sure if anyone could relate to that it’d be Lucas. That sounds a lot like what he went through when I came back.” Dylan recalls. “You know, I’m really surprised you offered to bring me here. You and I weren’t exactly on the best terms when I was last in Fantastic.” Lydia notes. “No we were not, but believing that you were killed in that explosion really helped put things into perspective. There was a time where I did love you, and for that reason I am so glad that you are alive.” Dylan says. Lydia smiles. “Thank you.” Lydia says. Victor walks over to them. “Lydia, I know that you and I didn’t always get along…” Victor says. “We never got along.” Lydia recalls. “Right…well, with that being said, I want you to know that I’m also happy you’re alive.” Victor says. “Thank you, Victor.” Lydia says. “Have you spoken to Serena yet? Does she know you’re alive?” Victor wonders. “No, I haven’t had the chance to.” Lydia says. “If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to give her a call and tell her the news. If you were the one who called her, she might just faint.” Victor says. “You’re probably right. I’d appreciate that, thank you.” Lydia says. Victor walks off. “Wow, I’m not used to seeing Victor being so civil.” Dylan notes. “Victor and Serena are close. Serena was engaged to marry his son V.J before his death.” Lydia says. “I think I remember you mentioning that when we were married.” Dylan says. “Wow...Victor mentioning Serena, it makes me remember how many more people I can’t wait to see. Serena, my nephews, my mother…” Lydia says. “You’ll see them, don’t worry.” Dylan assures her. “I just really hope Lucas makes it through this. The entire time I was stuck on that island, all I could think about was coming home and reuniting with him.” Lydia says. “You were on an island that whole time?” Dylan asks. “Yeah, I was. Actually, its an island you have pretty close ties to. Stanpatos Isle.” Lydia reveals. “Mia was holding you captive on Stanpatos Isle?” Dylan asks. “You seem surprised. That island has been deserted ever since Claudia went to prison.” Lydia notes. “Yeah, but I’ve been paying a security team to keep the island under close watch. You know, to prevent trespassers!” Dylan says. “Obviously someone paid them off.” Lydia says. “By someone, you mean Mia?” Dylan asks. “No, I don’t mean Mia. Mia might’ve had a personal stake in all of this, but she wasn’t the mastermind. Someone else orchestrated all of this and that person is still out there.” Lydia says. “That begs the question, who the hell are they?” Dylan wonders.

Down at the docks, Lawrence is with Gizelle once again. “So are we clear on how we are going to handle this situation with Mia?” Lawrence asks. “I suppose.” Gizelle says. “You don’t seem very enthused.” Lawrence points out. “Its not the way I would’ve handled the situation, but you are the man in charge.” Gizelle says. “Believe me, I would much prefer to eliminate Mia altogether, but killing her now that she’s in police custody may lead the police to make a connection between her death and Kitty Cat’s, given Kitty Cat was killed after she escaped police custody.” Lawrence notes. “And the police already have you as a person of interest in Kitty Cat’s death, they don’t need any more reason to be suspicious.” Gizelle notes. “Especially not now. With Lydia having escaped the island, we need to move into the next phase of my plan. We need to collect the three jewels, only then can my plan finally come to fruition.” Lawrence says. “I’ll do anything I can to help. I’ll go make the preparations for our plan. I’ll put it into motion as soon as everything is in order.” Gizelle says. “Excellent. Thank you, my dear.” Lawrence says. Gizelle smiles before walking off. Lawrence looks out at the water. “A new year has dawned on us…this year is going to bring about a new beginning for the Stanpatos family…and the world.” Lawrence says…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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