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Fantastic S5 Episode 28(11/20/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 28(11/20/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 28(11/20/23)

Post by QG Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:00 pm

In the Goo Castle, King Beast, Dannie, Andy, and Rebecca are still in the living room and King Beast begins looking around. “Wait a minute, someone is missing. Where is that darling daughter of yours? Is she still out in the car?” King Beast questions. “No actually, that’s why Andy and I came home a bit earlier than expected. Ava has disappeared.” Rebecca reveals. “Disappeared? What do you mean disappeared?” Dannie asks. “Before we get into that, I just want you both to know that we don’t suspect any foul play.” Andy says. “Well that’s good to hear.” King Beast says. “How can you be so sure though?” Dannie wonders. “Because of the charges to our credit cards.” Rebecca says. “I beg your pardon?” King Beast asks. “A couple of days ago, Ava disappeared from the hotel we were staying at in Brazil. At first we were really worried, but then we found out that one of our credit cards was used to charter a flight from Brazil to Miami.” Andy says. “You think that was Ava?” Dannie asks. “We’re sure of it. We put a hold on the card but then one of our other cards got used multiple times at several different venues throughout Miami. Five star restaurants, clubs…” Rebecca says. “Clubs? But Ava isn’t old enough to drink yet!” King Beast says. “Did that stop you when you were her age, King Beast?” Andy asks. “No, I suppose not. But the club had to have carded her, no?” King Beast asks. “I’m guessing she probably managed to get her hands on a fake ID.” Rebecca says. “Fake IDs cost money though, and she couldn’t have used your credit cards to purchase one of those.” Dannie says. “She didn’t need to. Did we forget to mention she also stole a lot of cash Rebecca and I had put away in case of emergencies?” Andy asks. “Oh…” Dannie mutters. “Yeah. So as you can plainly see, our daughter has seemingly decided to go on a bit of a rebellious streak.” Rebecca says. “Do you have any idea why?” King Beast questions. “Not a clue. I mean sure, Ava has always had a bit of a mouth on her, that’s nothing new. But to steal cash and credit cards and go on a spending spree?” Andy says. “It came completely out of left field.” Rebecca adds. “So why did the two of you come back here then?” Dannie wonders. “Because the last thing Ava did with the one credit card we hadn’t put a hold on was charter yet another flight...to Fantastic City.” Andy reveals.
At the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence is standing in the solarium staring at his phone. “Damn it Carlo, why haven’t you called yet? Assuming there weren’t any complications, I would have expected you to have retrieved the bracelet by now…” Lawrence mutters. The door can be heard opening and Lawrence turns around just in time to see Dylan walking in. “Ah, well if it isn’t the new CEO of Masters Corp!” Lawrence exclaims. “It is indeed.” Dylan says. “For someone who was just on top of the world a mere few hours ago, you don’t seem very happy. Are you alright?” Lawrence questions. “Kristina knows about the Masters Corp takeover.” Dylan reveals. “Well that’s good! Invite her over and she can share a celebratory drink with us!” Lawrence urges. “I don’t think she’s really in the mood to celebrate, seeing as how our takeover of Masters Corp screwed over her BFF.” Dylan says. “Silly me, how could I forget about Kristina’s unfortunate connection to Lucas Cambino? So I take that to mean that she is angry with you?” Lawrence asks. “No, she’s not angry. She’s utterly furious, I’m pretty sure she despises me and will probably never talk to me again. But hey, at least I get a brand new corner office, right?” Dylan asks. “I’m sorry to hear that, but you should try to chin up! Yes, Kristina may be upset with you now, but given the chance to calm down, she may find herself softening towards you.” Lawrence says. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Dylan says. “I see...well, worst case scenario, you could always threaten to take the boutique away from her.” Lawrence suggests. “Are you out of your mind?! I’m not going to threaten to take the boutique away! Kristina loves working there!” Dylan says. “I’m sure she does! But what good is letting her work there if it doesn’t bring the two of you closer together?” Lawrence questions. “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t say that.” Dylan says, as he walks over to the bar and pours himself a drink. “For what its worth, I am sorry. I know how much Kristina was beginning to matter to you. With that being said, you made the right choice, seeing this takeover through. It's what is best for the family.” Lawrence says. “But is it what’s best for me?” Dylan wonders. “Absolutely! Trust me Dylan, this takeover of Masters Corp is just the beginning! Wonderful things are in store for our family in the very near future, you’ll see!” Lawrence exclaims. “You know, I’m still not entirely sure I’m comfortable with how this whole takeover went down.” Dylan admits. “Of course you aren’t. I’m not too fond of Lysandros being a part of it either.” Lawrence says. “I wasn’t talking about that. The shares you are in control of once belonged to Lydia and Serena, but they were stolen by The Master and Kitty Cat.” Dylan says. “Perhaps, but that was many years ago.” Lawrence says. “Lydia and Serena never got those shares back, so how on earth did they end up with you?” Dylan questions. “I already explained this to you. After The Master died, I went searching for the shares he had stolen from Lydia and I discovered them in one of his hideouts.” Lawrence says. “I know what you told me about The Master, I’m more curious about how you got Serena’s shares away from Kitty Cat. She was still alive when you got those shares, she also happened to be in Fantastic City at the time, which leads me to think you made some sort of deal with her.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “I’d rather not trouble you with the details of how I managed to acquire Serena’s shares in the company.” Lawrence says. “Basically what I’m asking you is if you getting those shares from Kitty Cat had any connection with her escaping from police custody and turning up dead.” Dylan reveals. “Are you insinuating that I was somehow involved?” Lawrence questions. “The police seem to think that you might’ve been. Kitty Cat called you and then not long after the bus transporting her to prison crashed and she ended up escaping, so yeah, I find that to be a little suspect. So why don’t you clear this up for me and tell me the truth?” Dylan asks.
At Lydia’s mansion, Carlo is zipped up into a body bag and wheeled out of the house. Lucas is standing in the living room when Don walks up to him. “You alright?” Don asks. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m a little upset that I found some creep lurking around in my dead fiancee’s house.” Lucas admits. “So you’ve never seen him before?” Don asks. “Never.” Lucas confirms. “Well I found an ID on him and ran his name through the database back at the station. His name was Carlo Armani. Apparently he was some kind of mercenary. He’s been arrested on suspicion of all sorts of different crimes. Robbery, kidnapping, even murder, but the charges never stick. Seems like he’s pretty good at what he does, or he was good at it.” Don says. “So this guy has been evading the law for years and suddenly he takes a cyanide pill and ends it all?” Lucas asks. “Maybe it had something to do with whoever Carlo was working for. He was a mercenary for hire, which means its likely someone sent him here.” Don says. “But why would someone do that? I haven’t been living here for a while so it couldn’t be to get to me.” Lucas says. “I think I might have some answers. My team found something on Carlo’s body and I’m willing to bet it didn’t belong to him.” Don says. Don pulls out a plastic baggy that contains the fake diamond bracelet. “Do you recognize this?” Don asks. Lucas shrugs. “It looks kind of familiar, I guess.” Lucas says. “Do you think it belonged to Lydia?” Don questions. “It could’ve, but I don’t ever remember Lydia wearing anything that looks like that.” Lucas says. “You sure?” Don asks. “Positive. Something that flashy, I would’ve noticed if Lydia ever wore it.” Lucas says. “But you said you thought it looked familiar.” Don says. “It does. I don’t think Lydia has ever worn it before, but there is something vaguely familiar about it. Maybe I saw it in a jewelry store one time or something. Or maybe it was in Lydia’s jewelry box and she just never wore it. So, you think this Carlo guy stole that from here?” Lucas asks. “That’s what it looks like to me.” Don says. “You know, when I first walked in here and saw him, he looked like he was getting ready to leave. Why would he break into a house filled with expensive jewelry and antiques and just try to take off with one bracelet?” Lucas questions. “That’s an excellent question. It's almost like Carlo came here looking specifically for this bracelet.” Don suggests…
In Lydia’s room on Stanpatos Isle, Mia reaches behind Lydia’s head and pulls out a pillow. “It's time that I close the book on you once and for all. And Lydia, when you arrive at the gates of hell, please do give a hearty hello to my old friend Joe Fish. In fact, I highly recommend you get better acquainted with him. The two of you will be spending a lot of time together for the next eternity!” Mia says. Mia pushes the pillow onto Lydia’s face and applies pressure. As Mia is holding the pillow down, Lydia’s hand suddenly grabs Mia’s wrist! “No, it can’t be! You are supposed to be comatose!” Mia shouts. Lydia kicks Mia off of her and removes the pillow from her face. “Guess again, bitch!” Lydia yells. Mia lets out a furious growl. “You treacherous woman, you were FAKING!” Mia shouts. “Of course I was faking! It was the only way I could get Andropov to leave me alone about that stupid bracelet!” Lydia says. “But he gave you truth serum! How the hell were you able to overcome that?!” Mia asks. “I used what little will power I had left to make it look like I had a bad reaction to the drug! Andropov bought it and was convinced that I lapsed into a coma. You see, something you people either don’t know about me or just had forgotten about is that I spent YEARS locked away in a mental hospital, years of people poking me with needles filled with all sorts of drugs! I’ve got a pretty high tolerance for that sort of thing!” Lydia says. “My God, why didn’t I bring a gun with me and just shoot you?! Better yet, I should’ve just thrown a stick of dynamite in here and brought the whole damn house down!” Mia yells. “Too bad you didn’t think of it sooner, but you know what they say, too little, too late!” Lydia says. Mia grabs a scalpel from a medical tray and points it at Lydia. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that! If you think for one moment I’m letting you leave this room, you are even more deluded than I ever thought possible!” Mia says. “Are you really going to do this?” Lydia asks. “Yes, I am going to do this! I did not go through the trouble of saving you from the brink of death so that I could kill you myself just so you could go running back to Fantastic City to have your happily ever after with that hooligan you call a fiance! I would sooner die before letting the two of you reunite!” Mia growls. “But if you kill me, what about that stupid diamond bracelet? You’ll never know where it is if I die.” Lydia says. “Screw the diamond bracelet! I couldn’t care less about it! All I care about is getting my revenge on you and Lucas!” Mia shouts. “I knew it! You aren’t interested in the bracelet, its someone else! Tell me who it is, Mia!” Lydia demands. Mia smirks. “Oh wouldn’t you like to know!” Mia says. “You seem convinced you’re going to kill me anyways, I don’t see any harm in telling me the truth.” Lydia says. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you? Unfortunately for you, I have no intention of giving you the satisfaction of knowing the truth based on the simple fact that I do not like you! Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, its time I finish you off!” Mia says, before charging at Lydia! Lydia grabs a pillow and quickly hits Mia in the face with it, causing her to drop the scalpel! “You stupid cow! Look at what you’ve done!” Mia yells. Mia bends down to grab the scalpel. “Oh no you don’t, you crazy bitch!” Lydia growls. Lydia grabs Mia from behind, pulls her off the floor, and then shoves her up against the wall! “I’m not gonna let you do this to me again, you hear me?! I am going home to Lucas and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me! NOTHING!!!” Lydia yells. “No! I’m not going to let you leave this island, not alive!” Mia yells. Mia grabs Lydia’s throat and attempts to strangle her but then Lydia manages to slam Mia’s head into the wall! Mia lets go of Lydia and falls to the floor. “What were you saying about not letting me leave the island alive?” Lydia asks. Lydia bends down and checks Mia’s pulse. “Still alive...not sure if that's a good thing or not. As evil as you are, I’m not sure I want your blood on my hands. Speaking of hands, I’m going to need yours for just a second…” Lydia says. Lydia drags Mia over to the door and then holds her thumb up to the thumb scanner. The scanner scans Mia’s fingerprint and accepts it, opening the door for Lydia. “Thank you so much for the help Mia, you’ve been a huge help.” Lydia says. Lydia pokes her head outside the door and sees that there aren’t any guards around. “The coast is clear…” Lydia mutters. Lydia looks down at an unconscious Mia. “Don’t worry Mia, I’ll send someone to come help you...just as soon as I get home and reunite with Lucas. Enjoy your rest, hopefully it’ll take care of those dark circles under your eyes.” Lydia tells an unconscious Mia, before running down the hallway…
"If Ava is here in Fantastic City, I haven't seen her anywhere." King Beast says. "Neither have I." Dannie says. "That doesn't surprise me in the least. Ava has always been a master at hide and seek, ever since she was a little girl." Rebecca says. "In fairness, she's the daughter of two cops. She's been paying enough attention to us all these years to the point where she's probably pretty good at evading law enforcement." Andy says. "So if Ava is back in Fantastic, where do you suppose she would have gone?" King Beast wonders. "Is it possible she went over to the Stanpatos mansion?" Dannie questions. "Its possible, but I don't see why she would have. She doesn't really know Dylan, or Lawrence thankfully." Rebecca says. "Which begs the question, where the hell is she?" Andy wonders. Dannie begins looking around with a perplexed expression on their face. "Something wrong?" Andy asks. "Do you smell that?" Dannie asks. "Now that you mention it, I do. It smells like…no, it couldn't be." Rebecca says. "Certainly not in this house." King Beast says. "Definitely not." Andy says. Dannie turns around. "It smells like its coming from out on the patio." Dannie says. Dannie walks over to the patio doors, opens them, and their eyes widen. "Oh my god…" Dannie mutters. King Beast, Andy, and Rebecca follow Dannie out onto the patio. "Look who decided to drop in." Andy says. "Hello Ava, so nice of you to finally join us." Rebecca says. Wearing a leather jacket and smoking a joint, Ava smiles at them. "Hey Mom, Dad, I was wondering when you two would finally catch up with me." Ava tells them.
"I cannot believe you actually think I had something to do with Kitty Cat's escape, her death even!" Lawrence says. "So you're denying it?" Dylan asks. "Absolutely! Yes, I made a deal with Kitty Cat so that she would provide me with Serena's shares in Masters Corp, but that was months prior to her arrest and her escape!" Lawrence says. "That's interesting, because I heard you told the police you never had any dealings with Kitty Cat." Dylan says. Lawrence sighs. "I admit that I wasn't entirely forthcoming with the police, but only because I didn't want anyone knowing at that point in time that I was in possession of Masters Corp shares." Lawrence says. "And why's that? Did you think the police were going to tell Lucas you were planning on overthrowing him at Masters Corp?" Dylan wonders. "Detective Kaylie Simms was the lead detective on the case, her sister is Julia Gray who I understand has become rather attached to Lucas. The last thing I wanted was for Detective Simms to tell Miss Gray that I had shares in the company because then Miss Gray would have warned Lucas." Lawrence says. "So you lied to the police instead?" Dylan asks. "Yes, but given that I had no involvement in Kitty Cat's escape, I'm confident my dishonesty did nothing to interfere with the Fantastic P.D's investigation." Lawrence says. "Well if you're so innocent, why did Kitty Cat call you from jail mere hours before her transfer to Baronville went wrong and she escaped?!" Dylan questions. "As I told the police, Kitty Cat blamed me for her being arrested. The lab she was hiding in was located underneath this house and she assumed that I provided the police with access to the lab." Lawrence says. "So instead of making a phone call that could possibly be of use to her, she called you to yell at you for getting her arrested?" Dylan asks. "You don't sound convinced." Lawrence says. "I'm sorry, its just that the possibility of you helping that woman escape prison and then killing her…it has me a little on edge!" Dylan says. "Well I'm afraid you are getting worked up over nothing! I had nothing to do with Kitty Cat's escape or her murder and I resent the implication that I did!" Lawrence shouts."Surely you can't blame me for asking!" Dylan says. "Yes, I can! I am your father, and I would expect you to have a wee bit more faith in me! Quite frankly, I'm hurt that you would think so little of me." Lawrence says. Dylan laughs. "Oh come on! Lets not act like you're some saint! I may have amnesia, but I do know how to use the internet. Believe me, I'm familiar with your sorted history of aiding and abetting the criminals in this city. My concerns aren't invalid. So answer me this, what'd you offer Kitty Cat in exchange for those shares? An infinite supply of cat nip? Eternal life?" Dylan wonders. "I offered her some assistance that only I could provide her, but as I said, that was long before her escape and her death." Lawrence says. "So why don't you just tell me what you did for her?" Dylan asks. "Because it is best that you don't know." Lawrence says. "I see, so its something shady. Got it." Dylan says. "Why the sudden interest in my dealings with Kitty Cat? None of this seemed to bother you before!" Lawrence says. "I'm bothered because I don't like the idea of you committing crimes on my behalf! Let me remind you father, I am in charge of this family, not you." Dylan says. "And let me remind you, I am the one who got you that position at Masters Corp." Lawrence says. "Are you threatening to take it away now?" Dylan wonders. "No, I'm simply making sure you don't forget all that I've done for you, for this family." Lawrence says. "I know everything you do is for this family, or at least that's what you keep telling me." Dylan says. "Can we please just move on from this dreary topic? Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I would really hate for us to spend the holiday at odds. Please my boy, let's not discuss this any further." Lawrence says. Dylan sighs. "Alright, I'll drop it. Look, I…I have really come to depend on you over the last year, you're the only family I've got besides Harper. Please don't make me regret trusting you." Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. "You won't. Believe me, you are going to realize in the weeks and months to come just how large my contributions to this family have been. Exciting things are about to unfold, my son, you'll see that soon enough. Anyways, I really should retire for the evening. Sweet dreams." Lawrence says. "Good night." Dylan says. Lawrence walks out and Dylan sighs. "Sorry father, but I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. If you think you're going to use me as a pawn in whatever you have cooked up, you have got another thing coming." Dylan says…
At Lydia’s mansion, Lucas follows Don out into the foyer. “I’m going to hold onto this bracelet and see if I can find anything more out about it.” Don says. “Good idea, and what about the guy who tried to steal it?” Lucas asks. “He’s dead.” Don points out. “Perhaps, but from what you’ve told me about him, it seems likely that someone sent him here to steal that bracelet. If someone else is behind this, I want to know who it is.” Lucas says. “I’ll check into all of Carlo’s known associates and see if any of them have any known connection to Lydia. That could help us figure out who orchestrated this.” Don says. “Thank you, Don.” Lucas says. “You’re welcome. I’ll be in touch.” Don says, before walking out. Lucas sighs. “What is the deal with that bracelet? And why don’t I remember ever seeing Lydia with it?” Lucas wonders…
In Lydia’s room on Stanpatos Isle, Mia begins to stir awake just as the door opens and Andropov walks in. “Good heavens! Mia!” Andropov shouts. Andropov rushes to Mia’s side. “Are you alright?” Andropov questions. Mia pushes Andropov away. “Do I look alright to you?!” Mia questions. “What on earth happened?! Where’s Lydia?!” Andropov wonders. “I’ll tell you what happened! Lydia assaulted a frail old woman and escaped!” Mia shouts. “Lydia is GONE?!” Andropov asks. “Well I sincerely doubt she hung around after knocking me out!” Mia yells. “Oh dear…this is not good. On the plus side, Lydia will never be able to escape the island.” Andropov says. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. As much as I despise her, I know Lydia is far more resourceful than anyone gives her credit for. If anyone can find their way off of this dreadful island, it's her!” Mia says.
On another part of the island, Lydia runs down to the dock and looks behind her. Lydia smiles. “I can’t believe I actually got away! Thank god for Mia’s blood thirst getting the better of her. Now I just need to find a way to get off this island…” Lydia says. Lydia looks down and spots a canoe tied to the dock. Lydia shrugs. “It's not ideal, but if it’ll get me off the island and back to the mainland, it may be my only option of getting home.” Lydia says. Lydia unties the canoe from the dock and then climbs in. “Goodbye Stanpatos Isle, hello Fantastic City…” Lydia says, as she rows away from the island…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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