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Fantastic S5 Episode 10(10/9/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 10(10/9/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 10(10/9/23)

Post by QG Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:50 pm

At the Fantastic P.D, Kaylie is sitting in the squad room working at her computer when Bethany walks in. “Hey babe, you ready?” Bethany asks. “Ready for what?” Kaylie questions. “To go look at the condo! Oh my God, don’t tell me you forgot!” Bethany says. Kaylie smiles. “Relax, I’m just messing with you. Of course I didn’t forget!” Kaylie says. “You know that isn’t funny! I was really nervous we were gonna have to cancel.” Bethany says. “Relax! Not only are we not going to cancel, but I have a feeling we are gonna love this place. I mean, the pictures online made it look absolutely beautiful.” Kaylie says. “Tell me about it. I would absolutely KILL for that balcony view.” Bethany says. “Please don’t do that, then I’ll have to arrest you.” Kaylie says. Bethany walks over to Kaylie and sits on her lap. “Oh yeah? You threatening me with a good time?” Bethany asks. “Maybe.” Kaylie says. Bethany leans in and kisses Kaylie. Kaylie then pulls away from the kiss. “Hold on, we shouldn’t be doing this.” Kaylie says. “Why not?” Bethany asks. “Because we are in the middle of my workplace!” Kaylie points out. “So? This place looks like a ghost town. Besides, nothing wrong with a little romance to give you proper motivation for the day.” Bethany says. “Not only that, but we are going to be late for our appointment.” Kaylie says. “Right, the appointment.” Bethany says. Kaylie smiles. “Now you’re forgetting.” Kaylie says. “I get a little absent minded when in the presence of your radiant beauty.” Bethany says. “You’re sweet. We really should be going though, we don’t want to be late.” Kaylie says. Bethany stands up. “God forbid.” Bethany says. Kaylie stands up. “So you ready to go?” Kaylie asks. “I’m ready. Oh, and Kay?” Bethany says. “Yes?” Kaylie asks. “I love you.” Bethany says. Kaylie smiles. “I love you too.” Kaylie says, before she and Bethany walk out.

On Stanpatos Isle, Andropov is in the laboratory when Mia comes up behind him. “Hello!” Mia exclaims. A startled Andropov drops the vial he was holding and it smashes. “Oh dear, I hope that wasn’t anything important.” Mia says. “Oh no, just a potential vaccine to protect the heart against heart attacks! Nothing too major!” Andropov sarcastically says. “Oh...well look at the bright side! Even if someone were to drop dead from a heart attack, you could always just bring them back!” Mia notes. “Perhaps, but I’m sure they would prefer avoiding the heart attack and the dying altogether! Now what do you want, Mia? I am very busy.” Andropov says. “Well I was taking a little stroll through the halls earlier and I couldn’t help but notice you exiting Lydia’s room. What were you two crazy kids talking about?” Mia wonders. “Lydia and I were conferring about the climate crisis and trying to come up with a solution to stop it.” Andropov sarcastically says. “And you asked HER? She probably doesn’t even know how to turn the heat down in her own home, never mind the planet!” Mia says. “I was being SARCASTIC!” Andropov snaps. “Well excuse me! It was just a simple question! So if the two of you weren’t discussing saving the world, what exactly were you discussing?” Mia wonders. “That’s none of your concern.” Andropov tells her. “I beg to differ seeing as how I am up to my neck in this little plot to keep Lydia away from her loved ones. Now I know why I am doing this, I’m doing it for the pleasure of seeing Lucas having to go through each day without his beloved, but I still don’t understand why you are doing it.” Mia says. “I’m doing it because I’m being paid to do it.” Andropov says. “Let me rephrase that then, I don’t understand why Lawrence Stanpatos is doing it. To my knowledge, the only connection Lawrence would have to Lydia is that she was once married to his son, but that is no reason to go through the trouble and the expense of faking her death, curing her of her brain tumor, and then keeping her prisoner here for two years. There must be another reason Lawrence wants Lydia, so why don’t you tell me what that reason is? Who knows, maybe I could even help!” Mia suggests. “How would you be able to help? Lydia despises you!” Andropov points out. “Well I would imagine Lydia would despise anyone who would keep her from her loved ones for two years, including you and Lawrence, if she knew of his involvement. She doesn’t know, does she?” Mia asks. “No, and he has made it abundantly clear that she cannot know.” Andropov says. “Yes, of course...anyways, circling back to the topic of conversation, what exactly is the purpose of keeping Lydia here? Why not just repaint the dining room walls with her blood and close the book on her permanently?” Mia asks. “Because we need Lydia alive! She has information Lawrence wants, information he has been after for quite some time…” Andropov says. “What kind of information?” Mia questions.

In the Masters family home in Greece, Dylan, Acerbi, and Lysandros turn to face the staircase just in time to see Madeline coming down the stairs. “Madeline…” Lysandros mutters. “Hello my dear brother in law, it has been quite some time.” Madeline says. “So you are Madeline Masters.” Dylan says. “Oh come now Mr. Stanpatos, don’t you recognize your former mother in law? Ah yes, that’s right, your memory is impaired, isn’t it?” Madeline asks. “Much like your brain is impaired.” Acerbi says. “Doctor Acerbi, I didn’t even see you there! If you are here looking for Wishbone, I’m afraid you wasted a trip.” Madeline says. “Wishbone? Why on earth would I come here looking for him?” Acerbi questions. “Wishbone is a former associate of mine, and you did once have a misguided infatuation with him. Though I imagine that infatuation may have evaporated when he informed me that you and my late husband Walter had a child together.” Madeline says. “Don’t you dare speak of Adelina to me! You are the reason that I haven’t been able to see my daughter in 6 years!” Acerbi notes. “You’re absolutely right, I apologize. If you tell me where Adelina is, I would love to go to her and apologize in person.” Madeline says. “Tell you where she is? You know where she is, you vindictive old hag! You abducted her!” Acerbi shouts. “I’m quite certain I have no idea what you are babbling about, per usual.” Madeline says. “And I’m quite certain that I’m going to kill you!” Acerbi says, before pulling out her gun and aiming it at Madeline! “Now she’s done it…” Dylan mutters. Madeline laughs. “A gun? How tacky. I’ve always found a knife to the throat to be far more effective.” Madeline says. “Enough of your games! Tell me where my daughter is or I will shoot you dead!” Acerbi threatens. “I’m not going to tell you anything if you don’t dispense with the hostile tone in your voice.” Madeline says. “Olivia, I’m not sure this is the best way to go about getting answers from her…” Lysandros says. “Do listen to him, Olivia. Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day, that same description applies to Lysandros.” Madeline says. Two guards come down the stairs and aim their guns at Acerbi. “Put the gun down!” One of the guards order. “I’d listen to him. The only people I employ are of the trigger happy variety.” Madeline says. “No...I am not lowering my weapon until you tell me everything I want to know!” Acerbi says. “Then I suppose it will be your funeral. Kill them all, try to avoid making a mess.” Madeline says. “WAIT!” Lysandros shouts. Lysandros walks in front of Acerbi’s gun. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Acerbi asks. “Saving us all from dying in a hail of gunfire!” Lysandros says. “I would be perfectly content with that, so long as I am able to drag her to hell with me!” Acerbi says. “Are you also content with Adelina’s only hope of being rescued dying? Madeline may be the only one who can give us any sort of answers, and we may be the only ones with any chance of bringing Adelina home. If the three of us and Madeline die, no one is going to come for Adelina.” Lysandros says. Acerbi ponders for a moment before finally lowering her gun and putting it back in her purse. “Wise choice.” Madeline says. “You can thank me any time now.” Acerbi says. Madeline laughs. “You should be the ones thanking me. Under most circumstances, I would have disposed of the three of you for having the audacity to come into my home and threaten me with a loaded gun. However I just got done enjoying this wonderful glass of pinot noir and it has put me in a fabulous move.” Madeline says. “No one cares what wine you had with your lunch, granny! We just want answers.” Dylan says. “Well now that we are no longer on the verge of a shootout in the middle of my living room, perhaps now we can behave like civilized adults. So tell me, what brings the three of you all this way to see me?” Madeline asks. “Have you not been paying attention?! My daughter is missing!” Acerbi yells. “Now how could that be? I was under the impression that Lysandros had her safely tucked away somewhere in order to protect her from harm. Now surely you aren’t trying to tell me that he failed!” Madeline sarcastically says. “While I was on my last mission for the WPA, Adelina was abducted from the safe house I was keeping her at in Amsterdam. Are you trying to tell me that wasn’t you?” Lysandros asks. “Heavens no! I am a true believer in both truth and honesty, I would never even contemplate lying.” Madeline says. “That statement in itself is a lie.” Lysandros argues. “Hold on, if I’m understanding this right, you are admitting you had Adelina kidnapped?” Dylan asks. “Not exactly. I didn’t orchestrate Adelina’s abduction...I orchestrated her murder.” Madeline reveals!

Bethany and Kaylie step off of an elevator and approach a door. “I think this is the place, right?” Kaylie asks. “I think so. What’s up? You seem a little nervous.” Bethany notes. “That’s because I am a little nervous. I mean, what if we really end up liking this place and the landlord doesn’t approve of us?” Kaylie asks. “Why wouldn’t they? I mean, I know my history is a little sketchy, but a lot of that stuff is ancient history!” Bethany says. “I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about us being a couple. You know how the world is, some landlords might not want to rent to us because we’re dating and they might not approve of two women being romantically involved.” Kaylie says. “Well if that’s the case, I guess we just move onto the next place. I certainly wouldn’t want to live nowhere where we’re gonna be hated on for who we are attracted to.” Bethany says. “I know, its just the thought of being in that awkward position...I know that I’m probably overthinking it.” Kaylie says. “Don’t worry, you’re fine, and your concerns are completely, 100% valid. So, should we knock now?” Bethany asks. “Yeah, lets do that.” Kaylie says. Bethany knocks on the door. A moment later, an older blonde woman opens the door. “You must be Bethany and Kaylie! How nice to meet the two of you, I’m Mabel, I own the building!” Mabel says. “Nice to meet you, Mabel. I’m Kaylie, I’m the one you’ve been emailing back and forth with, and this is my girlfriend Bethany.” Kaylie says. “Its nice to meet both of you! And might I just say that you make the most precious looking couple!” Mabel says. “Oh, uh, thanks!” Bethany says. “Anyways, come in! Come in! Let me show you around!” Mabel says. Mabel walks into the condo and is followed by Bethany and Kaylie. “This is it, the big palace!” Mabel says. “Wow, its really nice!” Kaylie says. “I’d like to think so. So this right here is the living room, obviously! Then if you look at the back of the room, you’ll see the doors that lead out to the balcony. That door underneath the staircase leads to the kitchen and dining room area, and off of that is a bathroom. Then up the stairs you’ve got three bedrooms and yet another bathroom! Isn’t that amazing?” Mabel asks. “It definitely sounds like what we’re looking for.” Kaylie says. “And on top of that, I live right here in the building. So if you ever need any repairs done, I’m just a phone call away, and my handyman is just a phone call away for me! And since I live in the building, if you want to know anything about the neighbors, I’m the gal to ask! They tell me EVERYTHING! And if you ever want someone to talk to, someone to confide your secrets too, I’m also the gal to talk to!” Mabel says. “Wow, that’s...um...you definitely go above and beyond for a landlord!” Bethany says. “I try my best.” Mabel says. Mabel’s phone begins to ring. “Oh, hold on, I’ve really got to take this! Its my cat’s groomer.” Mabel says. “You have a cat? That’s nice.” Kaylie says. “I don’t have A cat, darling, I have 7 cats! Maybe you’ll get to meet them if you move in! Excuse me.” Mabel says, before stepping outside to take a call. “Wow...she’s a lot.” Bethany says. “But at least my worries about her possibly being a homophobic jerk were put to rest. Did you hear what she called us? The most precious couple.” Kaylie says. “Well, I mean...she isn’t WRONG.” Bethany says. Kaylie smiles. “Not by a long shot.” Kaylie says. “So what do you think of the place? Not too bad, huh?” Bethany asks. “Not too bad? Its gorgeous! I mean, we’ve still gotta see the other rooms, but I don’t know Beth...I think this might be the place.” Kaylie says.

On Stanpatos Isle, Mia and Andropov are in the underground lab. “A bracelet?! Lawrence went through all of this trouble for a bracelet? Is he looking to purchase Olivia an early Valentine’s Day present and Lydia just so happened to have the last of that particular jewelry line?!” Mia asks. “It is no ordinary bracelet, it is part of a set of three pieces of jewelry. Have you ever heard of the legendary diamond jewels?” Andropov asks. “I’m not sure...would you care to refresh my memory in the event that I have?” Mia asks. “Years ago, Madeline Masters set out to locate these three pieces of jewelry that were said to hold mysterious power. There was a bracelet, a ring, and a necklace.” Andropov says. “Come to think of it, I do remember hearing about that. Didn’t Madeline brainwash Dylan Stanpatos into trying to locate the jewels for her?” Mia asks. “She did. She was also working with Andre Stanpatos and Wishbone to track them down.” Andropov says. “If I remember correctly, Madeline had this compound in Egypt with some sort of machine...I believe the machine was supposed to cause a massive heat wave.” Mia says. “Indeed it was, and that heat wave would have wiped out all of mankind. Of course, Madeline intended on abducting her family members and keeping them inside the pyramid, which was supposed to act as a safe haven from the heat wave.” Andropov says. “If I’m not mistaken, those jewels were supposed to power Madeline’s machine, weren’t they?” Mia asks. “They were. Luckily for the rest of us, Madeline was thwarted by Andy Goo, Rebecca Rogers, and Peter Wilson and the pyramid she was using for her hideout exploded.” Andropov says. “Indeed it did...wait, come to think of it, I could’ve sworn I heard that the three jewels were destroyed in that explosion!” Mia recalls. Andropov smiles. “But they weren’t. The jewels survived the explosion and they are out there.” Andropov tells her. “And Lydia is supposedly in possession of the bracelet...but how? How did she end up with it?” Mia asks. “I don’t know.” Andropov says. “Does Lawrence know?” Mia asks. “He hasn’t shared that information with me.” Andropov says. “I see...I don’t suppose he’s told you why he’s after the jewels, has he? Madeline’s machine was destroyed so he couldn’t possibly be planning on activating it.” Mia says. “I have no idea why Lawrence is interested in tracking down the jewels, or how he even knows they survived the explosion in Egypt 8 years ago!” Andropov says. “And it doesn’t concern you why he may want those jewels? Think about it, Andropov! Madeline Masters was going to use the three jewels to wipe out all of humanity, with the exception of her own kin of course. Who’s to say Lawrence doesn’t have something similar in store for the planet?” Mia asks. “Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. It really isn’t any of my concern.” Andropov says. “It will be if you end up being a casualty of whatever he has cooked up!” Mia says. “Our priority is to keep Lydia under lock and key until she tells us where the bracelet is, everything else is not important.” Andropov says. “I suppose you’re right. My only investment in all of this is that I’ll hopefully be able to dispose of Lydia in the end.” Mia says. “Don’t worry, your time will come.” Andropov says. “It better! Or else there will be hell to pay for anyone who stands in my way!” Mia warns.

Back in Greece, Acerbi lunges at Madeline and Lysandros has to hold her back. “YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER?!?!” Acerbi asks. “Oh calm down.” Madeline urges. “Madeline never said Adelina was dead.” Lysandros notes. “Haven’t you been listening?! She JUST said she orchestrated Adelina’s murder! For that reason, I’m about to commit hers!” Acerbi shouts. “My men will execute you before you even get the chance.” Madeline warns. “Do you think I care?! My Adelina, my only living child, is GONE! And it is all thanks to you, you treacherous woman!” Acerbi yells. Madeline rolls her eyes. “Good God, would you please dial down these insipid theatrics? As Lysandros tried telling you, I never once said your precious Adelina was dead.” Madeline points out. “You said you orchestrated her murder! What else could that possibly mean?” Dylan asks. “I said I orchestrated her murder, I never said she had actually been killed.” Madeline notes. “You think maybe you can dispense with the riddles and explain to us what you are talking about?” Lysandros asks. “I’d be delighted. The truth is, after years of searching, I was finally able to deduce where you had stashed Adelina. Now I realized that despite knowing where Adelina was, actually gaining access to her may prove difficult, especially with you keeping her under such careful surveillance. So to solve that unfortunate problem, I arranged for the WPA to receive an anonymous tip about a terrorist group that was overseeing the sale of some military grade firearms.” Madeline says. Lysandros’ eyes widen. “You arranged for me to be away on that mission!” Lysandros realizes. “I knew that those individuals were former associates of yours, which the WPA would likely know and would want to take advantage of by sending you off on this mission.” Madeline says. “How did you even know about the arms sale?” Lysandros asks. “A few of the people involved in the sale were associates of mine. I realized that turning them in would obliterate any professional relationship I once had with them, but it was a small prize to pay to gain access to the grand prize...my husband’s bastard.” Madeline says. “So once Lysandros was in disposed of, that is when you made your move.” Acerbi assumes. “Indeed. I contacted a trusted colleague of mine to bring Adelina here so that I could kill her myself. I was going to slit her throat with the same dagger I used to kill my husband, her father.” Madeline says. “Wow Madeline, you’re a real peach…” Dylan sarcastically says. “Thank you, I try my best.” Madeline claims. “So you sent your associate to go abduct Adelina and bring her here. Obviously they succeeded in kidnapping her from the safe house in Amsterdam but I’m not hearing the part where she made it here.” Lysandros says. “That’s because she didn’t. My associate double crossed me and took Adelina for himself.” Madeline says. “Why would your henchman do that?! What could they possibly want with my daughter?” Acerbi questions. “Lets just say they too had personal reasons to resent Adelina.” Madeline says. “Why would they? Who is this man?” Acerbi questions. “I’m surprised you even have to ask, Olivia! Adelina’s kidnapper is someone you are well acquainted with.” Madeline says. The color drains from Acerbi’s face. “Dear God...it couldn’t be…” Acerbi mutters.

In an undisclosed location, Adelina is locked inside a room banging on the door. “Let me out of here! You can’t keep me in here! One way or another, I am going to find my way out of here!” Adelina yells. Adelina notices the doorknob turning and steps back from the door. The door opens and Adelina’s eyes widen. “Wait a minute...I know you! You’re my mother’s ex!” Adelina realizes. The camera pans up and reveals the mystery person to be Wishbone! Wishbone smiles. “I have a name, Adelina. I was born Omar Holt, but you can just call me Wishbone.” Wishbone tells her...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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