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Fantastic S5 Episode 108(5/13/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 108(5/13/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 108(5/13/24)

Post by QG Mon May 13, 2024 11:03 am

In the food court of Goo Village, Lucas hugs Kristina. “Thanks for meeting me.” Lucas says. “Sure, it was time for me to take a break anyway. Is everything okay?” Kristina asks. “You mean besides my fiancee being in prison?” Lucas questions. “Besides that.” Kristina says. Lucas motions for Kristina to sit and the two sit down at a table. “You seem on edge. You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Kristina asks. “I just came from visiting my sister in Baronville.” Lucas says. “Gretta? I didn’t know you two were even on speaking terms.” Kristina says. “We weren’t. Lydia is now sharing a cell with Gretta, and Lydia told me that Gretta has offered her protection in prison. Now knowing my sister, I know that she doesn’t do anything without some sort of agenda, so I figured I would go to Baronville and try to find out what it was.” Lucas says. “Did she bother telling you anything or did she string you along?” Kristina wonders. “She was surprisingly forthcoming, at least as far as I can tell.” Lucas says. “What did she say?” Kristina questions. “Apparently some crime syndicate has reached out to Gretta, hoping that she could convince me to enter some sort of partnership with them.” Lucas says. “That sounds ominous. What kind of partnership?” Kristina asks. “They want me to give them some of my old contacts as well as give them my blessing to take control of my old territory here in Fantastic. In exchange, they would give me a certain percentage of their profits and they would also arrange for Gretta’s release from prison.” Lucas says. “Ah, no wonder Gretta wants to help these people out. Well I hope you didn’t say yes.” Kristina says. “Of course I didn’t say yes. I fought tooth and nail to get out of that life, there’s no way I would ever go back.” Lucas says. “That’s what you said the last time, right before Mia Goo blackmailed you into going to work with her.” Kristina says. “Well what happened with Mia nearly cost me my relationship with Lydia. After that, I promised myself I would never be put in that position again.” Lucas says. “You saying no to Gretta obviously wasn’t the end of it though. If it was, I don’t think you would’ve called me here wanting to talk.” Kristina notes. “You’re right. You’re one of my oldest and dearest friends, I’d trust you with my life. Plus…this isn’t something I’m ready to talk about with Lydia just yet. She’s already dealing with so much right now, the last thing I want to do is pile on.” Lucas says. “Of course. So Gretta pitched this offer to you, you said no, what has you so upset?” Kristina wonders. “Before I left, Gretta made some sort of comment about how it’d be better for me to work with these people than turn them down, that if I turned them down…I’d become an obstacle they’d have to remove.” Lucas reveals. “You’re worried they’re going to come after you?” Kristina asks. “I’m more worried that they’ll target the people I care about.” Lucas admits.

In the Goo Castle solarium, King Beast is unconscious on the floor as Janice stands over him. “You really should be careful about who you accept tea from, your royal highness. There are just so many sick people out there these days, you can never be too careful, you know what I’m saying? Not saying that I’m one of those sick people! No, I’m just an overprotective mom trying to get justice for her baby girl. I owe it to Jenna, you know? I wasn’t there for her when she was growing up, I couldn’t be…but I can be there for her now, and I’m gonna be. I won’t let her down, I will make you pay for the pain that you have caused! Just you wait and see!” Janice warns. “I had a really good time, Colin.” Ava can be heard saying. “I’m glad to hear that.” Colin can be heard responding. “Shoot! Somebody’s coming! I better get you outta here, and fast!” Janice says. Janice grabs King Beast’s arms and begins dragging him towards the back door. Janice then kicks open the back door and drags King Beast outside. Once Janice is out of sight, Colin and Ava enter the solarium. “Mom and Dad are gonna kill me, but I’m not hungry for dinner after eating that coffee roll.” Ava says. “But it was totally worth it, wasn’t it?” Colin asks. “It totally was.” Ava confirms. Colin smiles. “What is it? Do I still have frosting on my face or something?” Ava wonders. “No, it’s nothing like that. I was just thinking about what a lovely time we had today, how I can’t wait to do it again sometime soon. Assuming that’s what you want, of course.” Colin says. “If the answer to that question isn’t completely obvious to you, then your people reading skills could really use some sharpening.” Ava says. Ava takes a step and hears something crack. “What was that?” Colin wonders. “That’s a good question.” Ava says. Ava looks down and sees a shattered phone by her feet. Ava bends over and picks up the broken phone. “Looks like you owe someone a new phone.” Colin jokes. “Well what’s it doing on the floor?” Ava questions. “No idea.” Colin says. “Wait a minute…this phone belongs to my grandpa.” Ava says. “King Beast?” Colin questions. “Yeah. He usually never leaves this thing anywhere, he’s like a teenager when it comes to that sort of thing. What would it be doing sitting on the floor?” Ava wonders.

Outside, Janice is revealed to be watching Colin and Ava through the window. “Damn it, you little brat! Why can’t you just mind your own damn business?!” Janice questions. Janice looks down at King Beast, who is lying in a bush. “Looks like we better put a rush on things, handsome. That nosey little bitch in there is about to figure things out, and we can’t have that! No we cannot! At least not until I’ve done what I set out to accomplish. Enough lounging around! I gotta get you into the trunk of my car! Come on.” Janice says, as she grabs King Beast’s arms and begins dragging him again…

At the Stanpatos mansion, Daisy looks on as Dylan is on the phone. “Thank you very much for the update.” Dylan says, before hanging up. “Well?” Daisy asks. “My source at Baronville confirmed that Zoey Kellers was released earlier today.” Dylan says. “Which means someone else was able to give her what we couldn’t, which means she likely gave that person the diamond necklace.” Daisy says. “I’ll give you one guess as to who that person probably was.” Dylan says. “So if Lawrence has the necklace, do you think Zoey could’ve mentioned to him that you were interested in it as well?” Daisy asks. “I’m not really sure why my name would’ve come up.” Dylan says. “Seriously? You’re Lawrence’s son! Zoey is a troublemaker! It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t know you or Lawrence all that well, if she could stir up drama between the two of you somehow, she’d probably jump at the chance!” Daisy says. “Hm, kinda sounds like another person I know.” Dylan says. Daisy glares at him. “Very funny, but this is serious! You cannot afford for Lawrence to find out that you’re working against him!” Daisy says. “Here’s hoping that Zoey was able to keep her mouth shut then. I think we have bigger problems at hand though, that being that Lawrence may now have the diamond necklace.” Dylan notes. “That’s only one of the three jewels, Andy and Rebecca have the other two.” Daisy points out. “And you don’t think he won’t make a play for the other two? At this point, the best thing Andy and Rebecca could do for themselves is to go into hiding and take their entire family with them! Now that Lawrence has one of the jewels and knows where the other two are, he’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on the remaining two.” Dylan says. The doors open and Lawrence walks in. “Hello, you two! Lovely day today, wouldn’t you agree?” Lawrence asks. “Absolutely.” Daisy says. “Yeah. Beautiful weather we’re having.” Dylan says. “Mmhm.” Daisy says. Lawrence raises an eyebrow. “Is everything okay?” Lawrence wonders. “Why do you ask?” Dylan questions. “You two seem to be acting strangely, even stranger than usual. What’s going on?” Lawrence asks. Dylan and Daisy exchange a look…

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Andy is on the phone. “Hey Dannie, it’s me again. Call me back when you get this, I just want to see how you’re doing with…you know, everything that happened with Jenna and King Beast. Give me a call.” Andy says, before hanging up. Andy turns and sees Rebecca standing in the doorway. “Trying to call Dannie?” Rebecca asks. “Trying to. I checked their room to see if they were still here first but it looks like they went out.” Andy says. “I feel terrible for them. Not just for everything that happened with Jenna, but also finding out the role King Beast played in everything.” Rebecca says. “I’m sure it was pretty upsetting for them.” Andy says. “Are you angry with King Beast?” Rebecca wonders. “I knew the kind of man King Beast was, none of this really surprises me. I can see why it would bother Dannie though, this hits a little closer to home for them. I just hope the two of them can find some way to work out their differences.” Andy says. “Yeah, me too.” Rebecca says. “How are things going on your end? Any luck with that necklace?” Andy asks. “I’m afraid not. Zoey Kellers was released from prison earlier today, and ever since then, I haven’t been able to track her down. If I had to guess, I’d say Lawrence probably has the diamond necklace by now.” Rebecca says. “Don’t worry, we still have the ring and the bracelet.” Andy says. “That gives me even more reason to worry. We have targets on our back, everyone we love has targets on their backs. Lawrence is going to do whatever it takes to get his hands on the remaining jewels, he won’t care who he has to hurt in the process.” Rebecca says. “Then we need to make sure we stop him before it gets that far.” Andy says. “And we will. I won’t let that bastard hurt this family.” Rebecca says. “It’s not gonna be easy, especially if he has Ciara working for him.” Andy says. “Did I hear my name?” A voice asks. Andy and Rebecca turn and see Ciara and Victor standing in the doorway.

“I don't get why these people would consider you an obstacle. If you refuse to help them, that's it! It's not like you'd be deliberately sabotaging any attempts at them setting up their business here in Fantastic.” Kristina notes. “But I also wouldn't be making their job any easier. I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe Gretta was exaggerating the threat so that I would throw in with these people and she would get released from prison.” Lucas suggests. “Definitely sounds like something Gretta would do. I wouldn't put too much thought into it, honestly. You've got way too much going on than to be worrying about some phantom organization that Gretta warned you about. I mean, for all you know, these people may not even exist! It could be a story Gretta made up that's part of some game she's playing.” Kristina notes. “Yeah, that could be too. I'm not going to give it any more thought. Right now, I need to focus on proving that Lydia did not kill Mia in cold blood. I don't have the time or the energy to worry about my sister or whoever she may or may not have thrown in with.” Lucas says. “That's the spirit! So now that you're thinking more positively, are you feeling any better?” Kristina asks. “Actually? Yeah, I am.” Lucas says. “And that is why you come to talk to me, I radiate positive energy!” Kristina exclaims. Lucas chuckles. “You do. Thank you for allowing me to vent.” Lucas says. “Any time. You've been there for me once or twice, I think returning the favor is the least I can do.” Kristina says. Lucas’ phone begins to ring and he checks the Caller ID. “It's Baronville, probably Lydia calling. Hold on a second.” Lucas says. Lucas answers the phone. “Hello?...that's me…what? When?!...Is she okay?!...I'll be right there.” Lucas says, before hanging up. “What happened?” Kristina wonders. “Lydia was attacked in prison.” Lucas reveals!

At the Goo Castle, Colin is sitting at a table in the solarium when Ava walks back in. “How did it go with your grandfather? Was he upset over you stepping on his phone and shattering it into a million pieces?” Colin wonders. “I didn't get the chance to tell him. I've looked for him all over the castle and he isn't here.” Ava says. “Did he go out?” Colin wonders. “That was my first thought, but his car is still here.” Ava says. “Perhaps he just went out for a walk. It is a beautiful day outside.” Colin notes. “I considered that, but then why would his phone be lying on the floor? I can see leaving it on the table or on the counter, but in the middle of the floor? Something doesn't seem right.” Ava says. “Do you think something could've happened to him?” Colin wonders. “I don't know, but I'm going to find out.” Ava states.

In a car, Janice is on the phone. “Hey sweetie, guess who?...Oh you're no fun, Jenna! Anyways, I'm calling you because I've got some good news. I've completed phase 1 of my plan for the esteemed King Beast, now I'm on my way to phase 2…I'll tell you all about it, but first, I need you to do me a teensy little favor, and I'm guessing you’re probably gonna be a little surprised when I tell you what the favor is.” Janice says…

“Daisy and I were just having a little debate over what we were going to do for Harper's birthday.” Dylan says. “Mmhm. I want to go all out and have this huge party for her at a water park, and Dylan seems to think we should do something a little more low key.” Daisy claims. “I mean, she is just a baby…” Dylan notes. “A baby with expensive taste. She takes after her mother.” Daisy says. “I hope that's the only thing she inherited from you.” Dylan jokes. “Anyways, I'm going to go and start planning her party. I'll catch up with the two of you later.” Daisy says, before walking out. “What a strange woman.” Lawrence says. “Despite my disagreement, I can't fault her for wanting to go all out for our baby's first birthday. Anyway, moving on to other topics, how goes the search for the three diamond jewels?” Dylan wonders. “I'm afraid I haven't had any luck on that front.” Lawrence lies. “Really? That's surprising. I had heard that a woman spoke to the press about being in possession of the diamond necklace, Zoey something. I figured you would've spoken to her already.” Dylan says. “I did. Unfortunately, she and I were unable to reach an agreement.” Lawrence claims. “That's it? She says no so you aren't going to pursue the matter any further?” Dylan questions. “As I said, we couldn't come to an agreement. It can't be helped I'm afraid. What about you? How come you didn't come to me about Zoey sooner?” Lawrence asks. “Sooner?” A confused Dylan asks. “Why yes. The article about her has been out for 24 hours, I'm surprised you didn't bring it to my attention sooner.” Lawrence claims. “You're usually on top of this sort of thing, I didn't see any reason to.” Dylan lies. “Hm, I see.” Lawrence says. “You sound unconvinced.” Dylan observes. “Why would I be unconvinced? You and I are partners, aren't we? I have every reason to place my trust in you. We'll talk later.” Lawrence says, before walking out. Once Lawrence is out of the room, Dylan whips out his phone and makes a call. “Daisy, we need to talk. I think Lawrence may know I'm double crossing him.” Dylan reveals.

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Andy and Rebecca are face to face with Victor and Ciara. “You did hear your name. Andy and I were just discussing how happy we were to have you back, and helping us out with our investigation no less!” Rebecca lies. Ciara smiles. “I'm glad to be back.” Ciara says. “What's this about an investigation? And here I thought you had come home to see your father who has missed you desperately.” Victor says. “Obviously you and I have plenty of reconnecting to do, Dad. But, Andy and Rebecca do need my help with a case they're working on.” Ciara notes. “Seeing as Andy is no longer a cop, I assume whatever this case is must be personal.” Victor assumes. “I suppose you could say it's personal only because we don't have enough evidence to launch an official police investigation. I'm hoping that will change soon.” Rebecca says. “Can you share any details?” Victor asks. “I'm afraid not. The less people involved, the better.” Rebecca says. “Agreed. So, where are you two off to?” Andy wonders. “We were going to go for a walk. Ciara and I have a lot of reconnecting to do.” Victor says. “So things are better between the two of you now?” Rebecca asks. “Much better. These last few months, I've really come to realize just how important family is.” Ciara says. The doorbell rings. “I'm going to go answer that real quick. I'm expecting a package that I ordered online.” Victor says. “That's your fifth package in the last three days!” Ciara points out. “What can I say? Now that I've discovered online shopping, I can't seem to get enough.” Victor says. “Yeah, I can see that. Maybe it's time for an intervention, maybe even rehab.” Ciara jokingly suggests. Victor laughs. “I don't have a problem.” Victor says. “That's what an addict WOULD say. Go get the door.” Ciara tells him. “Yes ma'am. I'll be right back.” Victor says, before heading into the foyer. “So, any updates on the diamond jewels?” Ciara questions. “I'm afraid not.” Rebecca says. “I know you had gone to visit that Zoey woman to try and convince her to sell the necklace to you, any luck?” Ciara wonders. “Nope. Zoey wouldn't sell to me.” Rebecca says. “That's too bad.” Ciara claims. “I'm not giving up hope. We still have the ring.” Rebecca notes. “And what about the real diamond bracelet? Any news on that?” Ciara asks. “None.” Andy lies. “Someone get out here! Quick!” Victor can be heard shouting. “What's that about?” Ciara wonders. “I don't know, but we better go find out.” Andy says. Andy, Rebecca, and Ciara rush into the foyer and discover Victor standing in the front doorway, looking down. “Uncle Vic, what's wrong?” Andy asks. “See for yourself!” Victor urges. Victor steps aside and Andy, Rebecca, and Ciara discover what set him off. “Oh my god…” Andy mutters. Zoey's corpse is revealed to be lying on the Goo Castle doorstep!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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