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Fantastic S5 Episode 52(1/17/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 52(1/17/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 52(1/17/24)

Post by QG Thu Jan 18, 2024 5:41 pm

At Lydia's mansion, someone can be heard unlocking the front door. The door opens and Lydia enters the foyer. “Home sweet home…” Lydia mutters. Lydia walks into the living room and finds that the furniture is all covered up. Lydia then makes her way over to the fireplace where a wedding photo of her and Lucas is sitting on top of the mantle. Lydia picks up the photo and sighs. “I don't understand what happened to you, Lucas. Where did everything go wrong? No matter what the case is, I'm going to find out.” Lydia says. Lydia hears a noise coming from the other room and quickly puts the photo back in its place. Lydia grabs a fireplace poker and wields it as a weapon. “Whoever you are, show yourself! I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!” Lydia shouts. The door on the other side of the room opens and Serena walks in! “Are you really gonna beat your own sister with that thing?” Serena questions. Lydia drops the fireplace poker to the floor. “Serena?” Lydia asks. “You sound surprised to see me. I'm the one who should be surprised! Its not every day you find out your big sister is alive and well.” Serena says. “Who told you?” Lydia wonders. “No one did. I mean, Victor called and said I needed to come back to town for something really important, he didn't get into the details though. Honestly, I thought someone died!” Serena admits. “No, just the opposite.” Lydia says. “So as I was moving around my whole schedule so I could make time to come back, I saw an article online about you being alive! Why didn't you call me?” Serena wonders. “Honestly, I wanted you to find out in person. Calling your little sister and letting her know you aren't dead over the phone just doesn't seem like the best way to approach the situation.” Lydia says. “Well when have we Masters sisters ever approached a situation in the best way?” Serena asks. Lydia smiles. “Good point.” Lydia says. “Well now that you're no longer ready to beat me with a fireplace poker and I've sorta gotten over the shock of seeing you alive and well, any chance you'll give me a hug?” Serena asks. “Come here.” Lydia urges. Lydia opens her arms and Serena runs into them. “I have missed you so much!” Lydia tells her. “Not as much as I've missed you. So tell me, what the hell happened? Where have you been all this time? I know that nut job Mia Goo was a part of it.” Serena says. “I don't want to talk about any of that. I'd rather not even think about any of it. Lets talk about you, how are you? How are the boys?” Lydia asks. “I'm doing alright. My music has actually gotten pretty big these last few years, I've been touring all across Europe.” Serena says. “Mother must love that.” Lydia says. “I wouldn't know, she and I had a pretty big blow up at…um…at your funeral.” Serena reveals. “I take it she made an embarrassment of herself?” Lydia asks. “Big time.” Serena confirms. “Well that's not surprising. So how are Brad and Orpheus doing?” Lydia wonders. “Brad is doing pretty good. He's actually been dating this guy for the last few years who is pretty great, things are serious between them. Get this, Brad even told me that he's thinking about asking him to marry him!” Serena says. “That's amazing. I'm really happy for him. And Orpheus? How are things with him?” Lydia asks. “Complicated. He's older now and he is being a royal pain in the ass.” Serena says. “Typical. Is he here with you?” Lydia asks. “No, he's actually in Bermuda with some friends of his. You know how Brad was always really humble about being a Goo and a Masters? Yeah, Orpheus isn't humble in the slightest. He loves to throw around the family name and the money, he uses the high dollar vocabulary.” Serena says. “He sounds a lot like mother.” Lydia notes. “He can be in a lot of ways. Luckily he hasn't kidnapped or tried to murder anyone. But enough about my life, catch me up with yours! How is Lucas doing? Is he going to make a full recovery?” Serena asks. Lydia's face grows serious. “Uh…yeah…yeah. He's awake now and…um…physically it looks like he's going to be fine.” Lydia says. “Then why don't you seem happy?” Serena wonders. “I'm thrilled that Lucas is awake, that he's going to make a full recovery.” Lydia says. “Where's the but?” Serena asks. “But for whatever reason, Lucas has made it abundantly clear he doesn't want anything to do with me. Its why I came back here, he threw me out of his hospital room and seemingly out of his life.” Lydia reveals.

At the hospital, Julia is adjusting Lucas’ pillow. “Are you comfortable?” Julia asks. “I'll be a lot more comfortable when I get to go home. Any idea when that will be?” Lucas questions. “Doctor Acerbi is going to need to examine you still to make sure everything is okay.” Julia says. “Everything is fine, I feel fine!” Lucas says. “You just woke up after being shot in the chest! You're lucky to even be alive!” Julia notes. “Even more proof that I am fine. I know I haven't been awake for that long, but I'm getting really tired of this place. All I want is to go home with you.” Lucas says. “Really?” Julia asks. “What do you mean really? Of course that's what I want!” Lucas says. “I guess I'm just surprised.” Julia says. “Surprised about what?” Lucas wonders. “Surprised that you would pick me. Its no secret that Lydia is the love of your life, that you were devastated when you lost her…I don't know, I guess I just expected you to go back to her and forget all about me.” Julia says. “I could never forget you.” Lucas says. “Maybe forget was a bit too strong of a word. Still though, I honestly didn't think you would choose me over her. Not only that, I figured that even if by some miracle you did choose me, I thought you would need some time to think about it.” Julia says. Lucas shrugs. “I don't need time, I've made up my mind.” Lucas says. “Why so quickly?” Julia questions. “Why so many questions? I figured this is what you wanted.” Lucas notes. “What I want is stability! I heard what you said, but I'm not completely comfortable that you'll be able to stand behind your words. I need your assurance that you aren't going to just change your mind one day and decide to go back to Lydia! In fact, I need your assurance that you aren't still second guessing your choice even a little bit, because I'm not interested in participating in some juvenile love triangle! If you can give me that assurance, then we'll be able to move forward. If not, this is where we part ways.” Julia says.

Down at the police station, Kaylie is sitting on a desk in the squad room as Don is standing in front of her. “I can’t believe Mia Goo is back on the streets!” Kaylie complains. “Neither can I, but when the WPA comes knocking, there isn’t much you can do but nod your head.” Don says. “So they are convinced that Lysandros Masters is the one behind Lydia’s kidnapping?” Kaylie asks. “Most definitely. Its my understanding that they even found a trail of money linking Mia to Lysandros during the time period Lydia was being held captive.” Don says. “Do you have any past experience with Lysandros? What do you think?” Kaylie asks. “I don’t have much, but from what I do know about him, I think there was a point in time where he would’ve done something like this. But honestly, I thought he was on the straight and narrow! He was pretty instrumental in taking down that bastard Joe Fish after he poisoned the city.” Don recalls. “So why throw all that growth away? I don’t get it.” Kaylie says. “Neither do I, but if this is all some giant misunderstanding, you can guarantee the commissioner is going to get to the bottom of it. She won’t rest until she does.” Don says. “Yeah, that’s true.” Kaylie agrees. “In the meantime, let's celebrate something we know for a fact our department got right. Meow Cat was caught after terrorizing Dannie Goo for all those months, he’s locked up, and its all thanks to you.” Don says. “I’m not the one who caught Meow Cat, that was Andy Goo.” Kaylie notes. “No, but you stayed on the case until that son of a bitch was finally put away. Nice work, Detective.” Don says. Kaylie smiles. “Thanks. I’m just happy that Dannie is finally safe.” Kaylie says.

In Corey's basement, Corey is holding Bethany and a tied up Dannie at gunpoint. “You just don't know how to stay out of trouble, do you Dannie? I leave you alone for twenty minutes and I come back to find you on the verge of escaping.” Corey says. “What are you doing back so quickly?” Dannie wonders. “Forgot my wallet. I almost got all the way to Slate Gray before I realized it. Turns out that minor inconvenience might've actually been a blessing in disguise. If I didn't come back, I wouldn't have stumbled upon our guest. Bethany, right?” Corey asks. “Glad you remembered, COREY.” Bethany says. Corey smirks. “So Dannie filled you in, huh?” Corey asks. “They didn't have to, I figured it out by myself.” Bethany says. “Well good on you, Nancy Drew! Too bad your detective skills lead you to this dead end.” Corey says. “I don't think so. See, I'm not the only one who suspects who you really are! Andy Goo does too, remember him? I'm pretty sure you killed his daughter!” Bethany shouts. “Daughter is a bit of a strong word. He had the girl for a couple of months!” Corey points out. “That was long enough for Rebecca to develop a bond with her, a bond that made it so she wanted to kill you! You better run Corey, because when Rebecca finds out you're still alive, she might just decide to finish the job!” Bethany says. “This city is drowning in crime right now, I think Rebecca has bigger things to worry about.” Corey says. “I think she'll make the time for the sadistic bastard that murdered Emma.” Bethany says. “What happened to Emma was a mistake! I didn't want to hurt her, she left me with no choice!” Corey snaps. “I dare you to try saying that to Andy and Rebecca's faces, lets see how that goes!” Bethany says. “That won't be a problem. Andy might suspect who I really am, but by the time he figures anything out I'll be long gone. And I'm taking Dannie with me!” Corey says. “I'm not going anywhere with you!” Dannie snaps. “I wasn't giving you the choice!” Corey says. “You aren't taking Dannie anywhere!” Bethany growls. “And who's gonna stop me? You? That might be difficult to manage if you're dead.” Corey says, as he points his gun at Bethany's head. “Corey, don't…” Dannie urges. “You didn't really think I was gonna let you walk out of here alive. You're an obstacle, and when I'm faced with an obstacle, I remove it! Just like any good surgeon does.” Corey says. “The gall of you pretending you know ANYTHING about being a good doctor! Doctors are supposed to save lives, they don’t end them! You are an embarrassment to all medical professionals!” Dannie shouts. “I’m not gonna deny that I broke my oath as a doctor, but seeing as how I already killed two people, one more is really nothing.” Corey says, as he aims his gun at Bethany! Corey’s finger squeezes the trigger, but Dannie lunges out of their chair and knocks Corey to the ground as he fires the gun! The gun goes off and the bullet hits the wall, missing Bethany. Corey sits up and turns towards Dannie. “That was a HUGE mistake!” Corey growls. Corey grabs Dannie’s throat and begins strangling them, but Bethany picks up a metal shovel from nearby and slams it into Corey’s head! Corey collapses to the floor, unconscious. “Please tell me he’s dead!” Bethany says. Dannie reaches over and checks Corey’s pulse. “He’s alive.” Dannie says. “Damn it!” Bethany complains. “Its fine, what matters is that he’s been neutralized. Thank you for saving me, by the way.” Dannie says. “Thank you for saving me! How did you even get out of the ropes?” Bethany questions. “You were successful in untying me, I just didn’t want him to know it.” Dannie reveals. “Nice move, now lets get the hell out of here. I’ll call Kaylie on the drive away and let her know what’s going on.” Bethany says, before grabbing Dannie’s hand and running up the stairs.

Outside, Bethany and Dannie run to Bethany’s car across the street but Bethany suddenly stops in her tracks. “Oh god no…” Bethany mutters. “What is it?” Dannie asks. “You don’t see it? All of my tires are flat!” Bethany announces. “Do you think he slashed them?” Dannie wonders. “He must’ve. Corey probably noticed my car out here and figured out what was going on. Alright, guess I’m not calling Kaylie during the drive, guess I’m calling her now.” Bethany says, as she pulls her phone out. The phone rings for a moment and then Kaylie picks up. “Bethany, is everything okay?” Kaylie asks. “No, everything is not okay! I know that we were gonna keep our distance for now, but this is an emergency!” Bethany tells her. “What’s wrong?” Kaylie asks. “Dannie and I are at Caleb Cooper’s house, the guy is completely nuts! He cut my tires and he has a gun!” Bethany says. “Is he there with you now?!” Kaylie asks. “No, Dannie and I made it out to the street. He’s knocked out in the basement. Please, Kay, you have to hurry! I don’t know how much longer he’s gonna be-” Before Bethany can finish, a gunshot rings out and Bethany’s driver side window shatters! Bethany and Dannie turn and discover Corey standing in the middle of the road aiming his gun at them! “Drop the phone NOW!” Corey demands. “Bethany, are you there?! What’s going on?!” Kaylie asks. Bethany hangs up the phone and drops it to the ground.

Back at the police station, Kaylie is attempting to call Bethany back but with no luck. “Damn it!” Kaylie complains. “What’s wrong? You sounded pretty panicked when you were on the phone.” Don says. Kaylie ignores Don and types in Caleb’s name into her computer. “Alright, I got an address.” Kaylie says. Kaylie stands up and rushes towards the door. “Kaylie, where are you going?” Don questions. “I don’t have time to explain, Bethany is in danger!” Kaylie shouts, before running out the door.

Back in the street outside Corey’s house, Corey slowly walks closer to Bethany and Dannie. “Did you really think I would let you get away?” Corey asks. “Honestly? Yes.” Bethany answers. Corey turns to face Dannie. “Let me make something clear to you, I did not claw my way back from the brink of death just to lose you again! You are my reason for living, don’t you get that?! The thought of building a life with you, starting a family with you, that is what’s kept me alive for the last several years! With all that said, there is no way in HELL I’m letting this piece of trash come between us and our happily ever after!” Corey screams. Corey points his gun towards Bethany. “Hold that last phone call with Kaylie close to your heart, it's the last time you’re ever gonna hear her voice.” Corey says. Before Corey can pull the trigger, Dannie steps in front of the barrel of the gun! “STOP IT!” Dannie demands. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?! Get out of the way!” Corey orders. “Bethany has nothing to do with this! This is all about me, isn’t it? Your sick obsession with me?! Well the only way you’re going to have me is to let her live. If you can’t do that, then you’ll just have to kill me to get to her. It's your choice!” Dannie declares!

“That doesn’t make any sense! Why the hell would Lucas throw you out like that? Its no secret that Lucas will never be my favorite person, but even I know how in love with you he was, and how devastated he was when he thought he lost you! He wouldn’t just toss all that away!” Serena says. “Well he did, and it makes absolutely no sense to me.” Lydia says. “What about the girl he was dating? Victor’s long lost daughter. Did Lucas mention how he feels about her?” Serena asks. “He wants to be with her! And look, I’m not discrediting what Lucas and Julia had, but not for one moment do I believe he would kick me to the curb and take her back without a second thought! In fact, when Lucas first found out I was alive, he told me that I was the one great love of his life and that no one could take my place!” Lydia says. “Something is definitely fishy.” Serena says. “But the question is what.” Lydia says. “Is it possible that the shooting caused some kind of brain damage?” Serena questions. “I don’t know. Lucas was shot in the chest, not the head.” Lydia says. “Yeah, but maybe it still had some kind of impact on the brain. You should talk to his doctor, see if you can have some sort of tests run to get to the bottom of why he’s acting so weird.” Serena suggests. “Yeah, I’m sure Olivia would be willing to do that.” Lydia says. “Olivia? You mean Acerbi? You’re on a first name basis with her?” Serena asks. “Yeah! She’s not as bad as people think, we actually have quite a bit in common.” Lydia says. “Being reformed criminals?” Serena asks. “Haha, very funny. Anyways, I should head over to the hospital and talk to Olivia about this, hopefully she’ll be able to help in some way. What about you? Are you going to be here when I get back?” Lydia wonders. “Are you kidding? My sister just rose from the dead, I’m not here for just a drive by! I’ll be sticking around town for at least a little while.” Serena says. Lydia smiles. “Good, because I really enjoy having you here, especially now that everything has gone to hell.” Lydia says. “I enjoy being here, especially now that you’re alive. Good luck.” Serena says. “Thanks.” Lydia says. Lydia hugs Serena and then runs out the door.

“I don’t blame you for being hesitant.” Lucas says. “Then give me a reasonable explanation as to why you suddenly don’t give a damn about Lydia.” Julia says. “Because I’m not the same person I was when Lydia and I were together! When I first saw her out on the balcony, yeah, I’ll admit I was overcome with some pretty powerful emotions. I thought she was dead for two years, so seeing her alive and well was quite the experience.” Lucas says. “So what’s changed between then and now? Don’t tell me you’ve had time to think about it because you’ve been unconscious since New Years Eve!” Julia notes. “The shock has worn off. I’ve seen Lydia, I know that she’s alive, and now I’ve come to realize that my feelings for her aren’t the same. I spent two years living without her, Julia, and a lot of that time I spent falling in love with you. Since meeting and falling in love with you…I’ve evolved as a person, and the man that I’ve become isn’t compatible with Lydia.” Lucas says. “But that man is compatible with me?” Julia asks. “That man exists because of you. I love you, Julia, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. The thought of abandoning you and running back to Lydia…its not something that I find appealing.” Lucas says. “And you aren’t doing this out of pity for me?” Julia asks. “If I were, don’t you think I would’ve let Lydia down a little easier? Trust me, this is what I want. You and me, together, for the rest of our lives. That’s what you want too, isn’t it?” Lucas asks. Julia nods. “Of course it is. Its just…it seems too good to be true, and when something feels that way its usually because it is.” Julia says. “Not in this case. I love you, and that’s something that’s never gonna change. If you need more proof, I’d be happy to give it to you.” Lucas says. “What kind of proof?” Julia wonders. Lucas sits up and kisses Julia. Julia pulls away and smiles. “You make a convincing argument.” Julia says. “I know, I should’ve been a lawyer. So…do you believe me now? Are you willing to give us another chance?” Lucas asks. “There’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you.” Julia says, before hugging Lucas. Meanwhile, a hint of doubt can still be seen in Julia’s eyes…

In the street in front of Corey’s house, Corey still has his gun trained on Dannie as they stand in front of Bethany. “Are you really gonna do this?” Corey asks. “Do what? Save someone’s life? It's what I’m supposed to do, it's what you were supposed to do! I don’t want there to be any bloodshed, so if you agree to let Bethany live, I’ll…I’ll go with you, wherever you’d like to go.” Dannie says. “Just like that?” Corey asks. “Just like that. So do we have a deal?” Dannie wonders. “If I say yes, if I take you up on your offer, will you try to return my feelings?” Corey asks. “We both know I can’t make any such promise. The best I can offer is that I’ll try to be civil, but I can never love you. Deep down inside, I think you already know that.” Dannie says. “That is a bold-faced LIE! What we had before was real!” Corey yells. “WHAT WE HAD WAS A LIE! I had no idea who you really were, what you were doing when you weren’t with me! And besides that, I wasn’t being true to myself when I was with you, when I was with any man for that matter! There are so many reasons as to why a relationship between us was never going to work, even if you ignore the fact that you killed people! You need to let go, Corey! Leave town, start a life somewhere far away, pretend as if you never met me! I’m not just saying this for my own benefit, I’m saying this for yours! You’ll be happier far away from me.” Dannie says. “So much for going away with me, now you want me to run?” Corey asks. “If going away with you is the only way you’ll spare Bethany’s life, I’ll do it. I’m just advising you on what I think would be best for you.” Dannie says. Corey’s hand begins to shake. “I used to think you were what was best for me. My entire life, I was always second best! My father always treated Lucas better than he did me, everybody did! The only time I ever got close to winning one over him was when I stole his wife! I thought I had finally found someone who would put me first when I found you, but then that idiot Emilio came into the picture! Constantly coming between us every chance he got! But when you and Emilio broke up, when I came back and found you single…I thought I finally had my shot. But you’re never gonna love me! You’re just like every other piece of garbage in my life that has let me down! Maybe you’re right, maybe I would be happier if I just left town and forgot all about you.” Corey says. “You would be, I truly believe that!” Dannie says. “But if you think that means I’m gonna let you move on to the next sucker and live happily ever after, you’re wrong, DEAD wrong! I am gonna kill Bethany, so if that means killing you too, so be it.” Corey says. “Corey, please don’t…” Dannie urges. Corey aims his gun at Dannie. Suddenly, a police car swerves around the corner of the street and barrels straight towards Corey! Corey quickly points his gun at the car but is unable to fire before the car hits him and he goes flying across the road! Dannie and Bethany turn their heads just in time to see Kaylie get out of the police car! “Looks like I made it just in time.” Kaylie says!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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