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Fantastic S5 Episode 30(11/22/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 30(11/22/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 30(11/22/23)

Post by QG Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:42 am

Its Thanksgiving in Fantastic City. In the living room of the Goo Castle, Dannie stands below Queen Goo’s portrait and looks up at it. “Happy Thanksgiving, Mom. Its certainly looking like it is gonna be a good one. Andy and Rebecca are home, so isn’t Ava. It feels so good to have so many Goos under the same roof, especially during the holidays.” Dannie says. Andy walks in. “Talking to Mom?” Andy asks. Dannie turns towards him and nervously laughs. “Guilty. You probably think that I’ve lost my mind.” Dannie assumes. “Not at all. When we remodeled the house a few years back, we put that painting there so it’d feel like Mom was always with us, watching over us. And I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been known to talk to her a few times myself. It's comforting.” Andy says. “Talking to her always was…you know, I can’t believe that she’s been gone for over seven years. Even after all of this time, it still doesn’t feel real.” Dannie says. “I know. Every once in a while, I still find myself with a problem that I want to talk about with her and then I remember that I can’t. Like this whole situation with Ava…” Andy says. “I take it the situation wasn’t resolved last night.” Dannie assumes. “Rebecca and I are on speaking terms with her at least but I know it wasn’t resolved. The poor girl is acting out because she feels like she didn’t have much of a childhood thanks to Andre and Virmor putting her in comas, and it’d be bad enough if those comas lasted a few days, but the combined time she spent in a hospital bed because of those bastards amounts to YEARS! Years she lost of her life that she’s never gonna get back!” Andy says. “That poor girl…I feel terrible for her.” Dannie says. “So do I. But despite all that, she can’t be allowed to pull all this crap and then get away with it.” Andy says. “So what are you planning to do about it?” Dannie wonders. “Rebecca and I are gonna make her get a job to pay back all the money she stole from us. We don’t really need the money, but we also don’t want her to get off scot free. She needs to learn that actions have consequences.” Andy says. Victor walks in. “Well I’ll be damned! Andy, I didn’t realize you were home!” Victor exclaims. Andy walks over to Victor and shakes his hand. “Hey Uncle Vic, good to see you again! How have you been?” Andy asks. “I’ve been terrific.” Victor says. “Oh yeah? Everything going well with Julia?” Andy questions. Victor smiles. “Julia and I are making tremendous progress.” Victor says. “That’s great!” Andy exclaims. “Did you invite her over for Thanksgiving?” Dannie wonders. “I did, but Julia is actually going to spend the day with Kaylie and her mother. Kaylie is still in the hospital so they are going to bring the holiday to her.” Victor says. “Do you have any idea how Kaylie is doing?” Dannie wonders. “Its my understanding she is going to make a full recovery. In fact, she should be out of the hospital tomorrow.” Victor says. “Thank goodness. I feel so bad about what happened to her.” Dannie says. “Don’t. What happened to Kaylie was not your fault, it was Meow Cat’s.” Victor says. “I still can’t believe that Meow Cat of all people is the guy who’s been stalking you.” Andy says. “Me neither. What’s worse is that somehow he has been able to evade the police all this time.” Dannie says. “Well that ends now. Rebecca plans on returning to the force after today, and when she does, she’s gonna find the bastard and lock him up for good.” Andy says.

In Kaylie’s hospital room, Bethany is sitting by Kaylie’s bedside. “You don’t have to stay, you know.” Kaylie says. “Its Thanksgiving, Kay.” Bethany points out. “I know, but who wants to spend Thanksgiving in a hospital?” Kaylie asks. “I do because that is where you are. Besides, I’ve got nobody else to spend the holiday with. No one else in Fantastic likes me.” Bethany points out. “That isn’t exactly true.” A familiar voice says. Bethany turns around and sees Rebecca standing in the doorway! “Rebecca? I didn’t know you were coming home!” Bethany exclaims, as she walks over to Rebeccca and hugs her. “What can I say? There’s only so much sun a person can take. Besides, my lovely daughter is having some personal problems that required me to return home.” Rebecca says. “Oh boy, what’s Ava gotten herself into? Do you need me to talk to her?” Bethany asks. “No, that’s alright. I’ve got everything under control. The reason I’m here is because I heard about what happened to Kaylie and I wanted to check in with her. How are you feeling?” Rebecca asks Kaylie. “Better now. I’ll be a lot better once I can leave.” Kaylie says. “Any idea when that will be?” Rebecca asks. “Tomorrow of course. Just long enough to ruin my Thanksgiving.” Kaylie says. “I’m sorry. Trust me though, now that I’m back, I’m going to be doing everything possible to locate Meow Cat and bring him to justice. He won’t get away with what he did to you or what he’s been doing to Dannie.” Rebecca says. “Thank you, Commissioner. I know that if anyone can take down Meow Cat, its you.” Kaylie says. Rebecca smiles. “Well I’m going to do everything I can to make sure your faith in me isn’t misguided.” Rebecca says. “I know it isn’t.” Kaylie says. “Well I should probably be going. I just wanted to stop in and check on you ladies, see how you are doing.” Rebecca says. “A lot better now that you’re here. You know, we really should grab some drinks together sometime now that you’re back.” Bethany says. “I’d like that. Anyways, I really should be getting back to the castle. It was great seeing you both.” Rebecca says. “It was good seeing you too, and just so you know, I’ll be back to work the minute I get out of this bed.” Kaylie says. “I appreciate your dedication, but you’ll be back to work the second you are well enough to return to work. Those are your orders.” Rebecca says. Kaylie smiles and nods. “Yes ma’am.” Kaylie says. “Alright, I’ll see you two later. Bye now.” Rebecca says. “Bye.” Bethany says, as Rebecca walks out. “That was nice.” Kaylie says. “It was. I’m glad Rebecca is back, and I can’t wait to see Ava again. I bet she’s grown up a lot since the last time I saw her.” Bethany says. Someone knocks on the door. “Come in!” Kaylie calls out. Virginia, Julia, and Lucas walk in carrying several bags of food. “Happy Thanksgiving, baby girl!” Virginia shouts. Kaylie smiles. “What is all this?” Kaylie asks. “Its dinner, sis.” Julia tells her. “Don’t worry, its not hospital food..” Lucas says. “I put in a very large order at my hotel’s restaurant for a nice big Thanksgiving feast! We’ve got everything, Kaylie! Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, every kind of pie you could possibly dream of! Trust me, you ain’t gonna be able to eat anything else for the next week you’ll be so stuffed!” Virginia says. “I…I can’t believe you did all this!” Kaylie says, tearing up. “Now you’ve done it, now she’s crying.” Bethany says. Kaylie turns towards Bethany. “Did you know about this?” Kaylie asks. “Not to take all the credit, but I may have been the one to suggest to your Mom that we do this.” Bethany says. “Take all the credit you want Bethany, it was all your idea! And I’m so glad she thought of it.” Virginia says. “I’m so lucky…so lucky to have such amazing people in my life.” Kaylie says. “Trust me, we are the lucky ones to have someone as smart, funny, and wise as you in our lives.” Julia says. Bethany puts her arm around Kaylie. “So just think of this as our way of thanking you for being in our lives.” Bethany says. “And for not leaving our lives. We are so grateful you decided to stick around.” Virginia says. “How could I die when I have such amazing people in my life? I love you…each and every one of you.” Kaylie says. “Right back at you.” Bethany says, before leaning in and hugging Kaylie.

In the living room of the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence is pouring himself a cup of tea when Dylan walks in. “Ah, good morning my boy! Happy Thanksgiving!” Lawrence exclaims. “Happy Thanksgiving.” Dylan responds. “I just spoke to the chef. He and his team have begun preparing our holiday feast.” Lawrence says. “A feast? Don’t you think that’s a bit overkill? There aren’t going to be that many of us.” Dylan points out. “I’m going to be here, as are you and Harper.” Lawrence says. “Harper doesn’t eat solid food yet.” Dylan notes. “I’ve also invited Olivia to join us once she finishes up at the hospital. I’ve also taken the liberty of inviting our two house guests, Lysandros and Daisy.” Lawrence says. “You did what?! I can understand Daisy given that she’s Harper’s mother, but why invite the SOB who forced his way into this house?” Dylan wonders. “Surely you’ve heard the expression to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This is merely my way of keeping our family’s latest interloper under close watch.” Lawrence says. “I don’t like it.” Dylan says. “Neither do I. However, sometimes it is necessary to do things we don’t like in order to stay ahead of the game.” Lawrence says. Suddenly, the bookshelf on the back wall begins to move on its own. Once the bookshelf finishes moving, Ava emerges from the secret entrance to the tunnels. “Good morning gentlemen, and happy Thanksgiving!” Ava exclaims. “Who the hell are you and how did you know about the secret passageway?” Dylan asks. “Seriously? Everyone knows about the tunnels under this city and how they connect to the Stanpatos mansion. It isn’t exactly a big secret.” Ava says. “Wait a minute, I think I know her.” Lawrence says. “You do?” Dylan asks. “I would hope you would as well. You’re Andy and Rebecca’s daughter, aren’t you? Ava?” Lawrence asks. Ava smiles. “That’s right. I can’t believe you recognized me.” Ava says. “Of course I recognized you, my dear! You may have grown up quite a bit since I last saw you, but you are still quite recognizable. You have your mother’s eyes.” Lawrence says. “Not sure if that’s a compliment or not but thanks anyway.” Ava says. “Do your parents know you’re here?” Dylan wonders. “What do you think?” Ava asks. “I figured as much.” Dylan says. “Regardless, I am so pleased that you decided to stop by and say hello! It is lovely to see you, my dear.” Lawrence says. “I guess I should be saying its lovely to meet you. If I have all my facts right, you showed back up in town the day my parents got married, the wedding without any explosions. That would’ve been when I was unfortunately possessed.” Ava says. “I think you may be right. I suppose a formal introduction is necessary then. I am your Uncle Lawrence.” Lawrence says. “Nice to finally meet you, Uncle Lawrence.” Ava says. “So what brings you by?” Dylan asks. “I wanted to drop in and say hello to the other side of my family. It is Thanksgiving, after all.” Ava says. “And I am so delighted you decided to do so. I must admit I am surprised though. The last I had heard, you and your parents were away on an extended vacation.” Lawrence says. “Vacation time is over now. Mom and Dad are back and so aren’t I.” Ava says. “Well I am most thrilled to have you back. I know you and I don’t know each other all that well, but I would really like to change that.” Lawrence says. “So wouldn’t I.” Ava says. “Oh yeah? How does your mother and father feel about that?” Dylan wonders. “It doesn’t really matter since I’m an adult.” Ava notes. “Is there any chance you would be able to stay for dinner?” Lawrence wonders. “I’d love to, but Mom and Dad are probably expecting me to have dinner at the castle. They don’t even know I’m here and they’d probably freak if they found out.” Ava says. “What happened to not caring what they thought because you’re an adult?” Dylan asks. “Its a holiday, I don’t need that kind of stress today.” Ava says. “Well if you aren’t going to stick around for dinner, perhaps we could schedule a day where I could take you out for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, my treat of course!” Lawrence says. Ava smiles. “I’d really like that. Anyways it was great seeing you two, hopefully we can make a habit out of this.” Ava says. “I would hope so! The more members of this family, the better!” Lawrence exclaims. “Okay, well I’m gonna head out now. Bye now.” Ava says, before heading back into the secret tunnel. The bookshelf closes, once again concealing the entrance. “She realizes she could have just used the front door, right?” Dylan asks. “She’s a Stanpatos, when do we ever use the front door?” Lawrence asks. “Point taken.” Dylan says.

At the hospital, Acerbi is heading towards the elevator. “Mother!” A voice calls out. Acerbi turns and sees Adelina standing there. “Hello my darling girl! What brings you by on a Holiday? Are you alright?” Acerbi asks. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just looking for you, I wanted to see if you wanted to go get something to eat at Slate Gray with me, we could celebrate Thanksgiving together.” Adelina says. “That’s a lovely suggestion, but I’ll actually be spending the holiday at the Stanpatos mansion. Lawrence invited me to join him and his family. You are more than welcomed to join us!” Acerbi says. “Uh…no, actually, I think I’ll pass.” Adelina says. “How come? It would give you the chance to become better acquainted with Lawrence, and you already know Dylan from the role he played in rescuing you from Wishbone.” Acerbi says. “I’d rather stay away from those sharks if I can help it. In fact, I’d urge you to as well.” Adelina says. “Why would you say that?” Acerbi wonders. “You know what? Forget I said anything. Its Thanksgiving and the last thing I want to do is ruin your holiday.” Adelina says. “I’m not going to forget you said anything! Clearly you have some sort of problem with the Stanpatos family and I would like to know what that problem is!” Acerbi says. Adelina sighs. “Okay…so you know how Lysandros and Dylan helped rescue me? Well turns out, they weren’t doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.” Adelina says. “What do you mean?” Acerbi questions. “The other day, Lysandros came to visit me in the hospital and convinced me to sign over my shares in Masters Corp. I didn’t have any interest in the company so I had no problem doing that, at least until I found out Lucas was in charge of the company after Lydia’s death.” Adelina says. “Well even if you gave Lysandros your shares in the company, it shouldn’t have been enough to oust Lucas.” Acerbi notes. “It wouldn’t have been, but turns out Dylan and Lawrence already had an additional 40% and they combined their shares with the shares Lysandros got from me.” Adelina reveals. “I don’t understand…” Acerbi says. “I don’t think the three of them wanted me rescued for your benefit. I think they only went through the trouble of bringing me home so they could steal Masters Corp from Lucas.” Adelina reveals. “He used me…” Acerbi mutters. “What was that?” Adelina asks. “Excuse me my dear, I have some business I need to attend to. Perhaps we can meet up for dinner later.” Acerbi says. “I thought you were having dinner at the Stanpatos mansion.” Adelina says. “I still am, but I suspect I won’t be there for long.” Acerbi says, before storming off.

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Andy and Dannie are sitting on the sofa as Victor is on the phone. “I’m sorry you are spending the holiday alone. If I had known, I would’ve insisted on you coming back to Fantastic…well feel free to give me a call later if you get lonely, you know my phone is always on for you…I love you too, Sabrina. Bye.” Victor says, before hanging up. “What’s this about Sabrina spending the holiday alone? I thought Brady and Ciara were both with her?” Dannie asks. “Brady was only visiting with them for a little while, he hasn’t been there in a few months. As for Ciara, I guess she’s off on something work related.” Victor says. “Work related? Ciara hasn’t been part of the WPA in a few years. Did she get a new job?” Andy asks. “She must’ve, even though she never said anything to me. Then again, Ciara has always been pretty secretive.” Victor says. “I just feel so bad for Sabrina having to spend the holiday alone.” Dannie says. “Yeah, me too.” Victor says. Rebecca walks in. “Happy Thanksgiving!” Rebecca exclaims. “Happy Thanksgiving, Rebecca! Its good to see you.” Victor says. “My, we’ve certainly come a long way. Never in a million years did I think you would ever be happy to see me.” Rebecca notes. “Things change.” Victor says. “Sweetheart, has Ciara said anything to you about getting a new job?” Andy questions. “No, nothing. Why do you ask?” Rebecca wonders. “Victor just got off the phone with Sabrina and I guess Ciara is away on work.” Andy says. “On a holiday? I wonder if Ciara got back into the intelligence field.” Rebecca says. “I don’t know why she would. She told me she was all done with that after she got by Stefan Cat a few years ago.” Victor notes. “Well I think we all know how quickly Ciara can change her mind sometimes. Speaking of fickle, where is Ava?” Rebecca wonders. “I assumed she was with you.” Andy says. “No. I just came from visiting with Bethany and Kaylie, I haven’t seen Ava all morning.” Rebecca says. “Oh jeez, don’t tell me she disappeared again.” Andy says. Ava walks in. “Who disappeared?” Ava wonders. “There you are! You had us worried!” Rebecca says. “Relax Mom, I was just out exploring the city.” Ava claims. “Don’t tell me this is little Ava! My god, you have grown so much since I last saw you!” Victor exclaims. Ava walks over to Victor and hugs him. “Its good to see you, Uncle Vic!” Ava says. “How have you been?” Victor wonders. “I’ve been alright. How about you? You doing a good job of keeping the city safe while Mom and Dad were out of town?” Ava questions. Victor chuckles. “I don’t think there was much I could do for this city without breaking any bones.” Victor says. “Don’t be modest, Uncle Vic. You might not be out there fighting bad guys, but you’ve done a lot for the community.” Andy notes. “Andy is right. You’re still a member of the city council, right?” Rebecca asks. “Yes.” Victor confirms. “There you go, Fantastic City’s hero!” Andy jokes. “Quick question, when are we eating? I’m starving.” Ava says. “That reminds me, I should really go and check on the food.” Dannie says. “YOU are cooking?” Ava asks. “That’s not a problem, is it?” Dannie asks. “No, I just figured we had a staff or something for that sort of thing.” Ava says. “We give our staff the holidays off.” Andy says. “Your grandmother did the same thing. She would give the entire staff Thanksgiving and Christmas off and then she would do all of the cooking herself. But since she’s not here anymore, I’m doing my best to try and fill her shoes, not that that’s even possible.” Dannie says. “You’re doing a great job at it.” Andy says. “Thanks. Anyways, I really should be going to check on the food. The last thing we want is a burnt turkey.” Dannie says. Dannie goes to walk out but bumps into King Beast, who is coming in. “Happy Thanksgiving, Dad.” Dannie says. “Happy Thanksgiving, darling.” King Beast says, as he kisses Dannie on the cheek. Dannie walks out. “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!” King Beast exclaims. “Happy Thanksgiving, Grandpa.” Ava says, as she walks up to King Beast and hugs him. “Have I mentioned how wonderful it is having you home? Your parents too, I guess.” King Beast jokes. “You guess? That settles it, we’re crossing your name off of the Christmas shopping list.” Rebecca jokes. “Oh please god not that! I’m positively THRILLED to have the two of you home, in addition to my amazing granddaughter.” King Beast says. Andy laughs. “That’s MUCH better.” Andy says. “So Dannie is taking care of the cooking this year again, eh?” King Beast asks. “That’s right. They’re going to check to make sure nothing is burning.” Andy says. King Beast sits in a chair. “You know, I just came from the kitchen, and the timer on the stove still had thirty four minutes to go. Surely they knew the turkey wasn’t anywhere near done yet.” King Beast says. “Probably, but you remember how Mom was about that sort of thing, wanting to make sure everything is perfect for the holidays. Well Dannie is the same way.” Andy says. “Indeed. Its astounding just how similar Dannie and your mother are sometimes.” King Beast says. “In so many ways. Even the advice they give is similar sometimes.” Andy says. “Believe me, I’ve noticed.” King Beast says. Adelina walks in. “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope I’m not interrupting.” Adelina says. “Actually, you were.” Victor says. Andy stands up and smiles. “Hey! I had no idea you were back in town!” Andy exclaims. “I’ve been back for a few weeks now, I just haven’t had the chance to stop by and see everyone.” Adelina says. “No worries. Rebecca and I, we actually just got back ourselves yesterday. Oh! Adelina, there’s somebody I’d like you to meet.” Andy says. Andy walks over to Ava. “Adelina, this is my daughter Ava. Ava, this is Adelina, your great aunt Olivia’s daughter.” Andy says. “So I guess that makes us cousins or something?” Ava asks. Adelina smiles. “Something like that. Its nice to meet you, Ava. I haven’t seen you since you were a baby.” Adelina notes. “That long, huh?” Ava asks. “Its been a while, yeah.” Adelina confirms. “Where’s your Mom today? Is she working?” Andy asks. “Actually she went over to the Stanpatos mansion.” Adelina says. “She’s spending the holiday with Lawrence?” Rebecca asks. “I don’t think spending the holiday with him is really her plan.” Adelina says.

At the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence hands Dylan a glass of wine. “No thanks, its a little early for me.” Dylan says. “Nonsense! Its a small glass. Besides, there is plenty to celebrate!” Lawrence says. “Which is what exactly?” Dylan wonders. “Us taking control of Masters Corp, as well as our family’s expansion with Ava back in town.” Lawrence says. “I wouldn’t get too excited where Ava is concerned. Andy and Rebecca are never going to let her near this family.” Dylan says. “I’m not so sure they have much control over her.” Lawrence says. Daisy walks in carrying Harper, who is wearing a turkey costume. “Happy Thanksgiving!” Daisy exclaims. “Is that my beautiful daughter underneath all those feathers?” Dylan wonders. “The one and only! I saw this costume at the store yesterday and thought it was just too adorable, I couldn’t resist.” Daisy says. “As adorable as it may be, I’m afraid Halloween has been over for weeks. This is more of a formal holiday, which means Harper should have been dressed more appropriately.” Lawrence says. “Oh, well maybe I’d take your advice to heart if your opinion mattered in the slightest. It doesn’t, though.” Daisy says. “I for one think its a cute costume and perfectly appropriate for a child on Thanksgiving.” Dylan says. Lysandros walks in. “Gobble gobble everyone, happy Thanksgiving!” Lysandros exclaims. Lawrence smiles. “Happy Thanksgiving, Lysandros! Thank you for joining us on this wonderful holiday!” Lawrence says. “I was happy to receive an invitation.” Lysandros says. “I still can’t believe we extended one.” Dylan mutters. “What was that?” Lysandros wonders. Dylan fakes a smile. “Nothing.” Dylan says. “I for one am very happy you were able to join us, Lysandros.” Daisy says. “Why thank you, Daisy. I appreciate that.” Lysandros says. “So, any chance Kristina will be joining us?” Daisy wonders. “No. Kristina no longer lives here.” Dylan reveals. Daisy’s eyes widen. “Oh no, what happened?” Daisy asks. “Don’t act so surprised, I’m sure your eyes were glued to the window when Kristina tossed her bags into the car.” Dylan says. Daisy shrugs. “For all I know, she could’ve been leaving on some vacation.” Daisy says. “I think going anywhere that isn’t here could be considered a vacation.” Lysandros says. “If that’s the case, any chance I can introduce you in a vacation?” Dylan asks. “Be nice. Lysandros is a guest in our home.” Daisy says. “Our home? Since when is your name on the deed of the house?” Dylan asks. “No, Daisy is right. We really should try to show Lysandros some more respect. He is after all going to be playing a substantial role in our lives now that he is the Co CEO of Masters Corp.” Lawrence says. “Speaking of this whole Masters Corp takeover, I don’t suppose that’s the reason Kristina packed her bags and moved out, is it?” Daisy asks. “Drop it.” Dylan urges. “Just curious.” Daisy claims. Acerbi walks in and Lawrence smiles. “Olivia! Happy Thanksgiving! I am so glad you were able to make it!” Lawrence exclaims. “Going by the look on her face, I don’t think she is nearly as happy to be here as you are to have her here.” Daisy says. Acerbi walks over to Lawrence. “Is it true, Lawrence?” Acerbi questions. “Is what true, darling?” Lawrence wonders. “Did you use my daughter’s shares in Masters Corp to take control of the company? To oust Lucas?” Acerbi questions. “I see that you’ve spoken to Adelina.” Lawrence realizes. “Just answer the question!” Acerbi snaps. “Lysandros is the one who acquired Adelina’s shares.” Lawrence notes. “Only because I beat Lawrence and Dylan to the punch, or did you not plan on sharing that piece of information with Olivia?” Lysandros questions. “Is he telling the truth?” Acerbi wonders. Lawrence sighs. “Yes, but-” Before Lawrence can finish, Acerbi slaps him! “You bastard!” Acerbi snaps. “What did I do?” Lawrence wonders. “What did you do?! You’ve been using me! You pretended that you cared about reuniting me with my daughter, but all you really cared about was stealing her shares in some stupid corporation!” Acerbi yells. “Olivia, that simply isn’t true.” Lawrence says. “No? So you didn’t have an ulterior motive all this time you’ve been encouraging me to bring Adelina out of hiding? I don’t think it is a coincidence that you have been pestering me about bringing her home practically since the moment we first got together! Go ahead, tell me you haven’t been after Adelina’s shares since the moment we first slept together!” Acerbi urges. Lawrence sighs. “I suppose I can’t tell you that.” Lawrence says. Acerbi punches Lawrence! “Already this is turning out to be the best Thanksgiving I’ve ever been a part of.” Lysandros mutters. “Same!” Daisy agrees. “YOU USED ME!” Acerbi snaps. “I did nothing of the kind! Did I use rescuing Adelina as an excuse to further my own agenda? Perhaps. But I truly did want to reunite you with your daughter and I truly did care for you, I still care for you!” Lawrence says. “You care for no one but yourself and your supposed legacy! Everyone else is just pawns in your little game of chess! Well I just killed a man who wanted nothing more than to use me, I have no intention of staying involved with another who has those same intentions!” Acerbi says, before slapping Lawrence again! Acerbi turns around and storms out. “Olivia, please don’t go! Olivia!” Lawrence calls out. “Happy Thanksgiving, Doctor Acerbi!” Daisy shouts to her. “Wow, witnessing all of that really left me quite famished. Anyone up for some pre-dinner pie?” Lysandros asks. “You brought pie?” Dylan asks. “I fished some out of the garbage, it made me think of you and your family.” Lysandros says. Lawrence throws his wine glass at the wall. “Does that mean no pie then?” Daisy asks. “It means no bloody holiday! I’m going upstairs, I need to be alone for the rest of the day.” Lawrence says, before storming out. “We’re still going to have turkey though, right?” Daisy asks. “The cook has already started preparing the food, I see no reason to stop him now.” Dylan says. “Well look on the bright side, at least our little family unit gets to spend Harper’s first Thanksgiving together. Harper may not remember it when she gets older but I definitely will.” Daisy says. “I guess that would be nice…for Harper.” Dylan says. “I’m still here.” Lysandros points out. “No you aren’t. My father invited you but since he will no longer be attending dinner, that invitation is no longer valid. Go mooch off someone else for Thanksgiving dinner.” Dylan urges. Lysandros sighs. “Suit yourself. Daisy, I hope you have a magnificent holiday. Dylan, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” Lysandros says. “Don’t remind me.” Dylan says. Lysandros walks out. “So what’s the deal between you and Lysandros?” Dylan asks. “Why do you ask? Are you jealous or something?” Daisy wonders. “No, definitely not jealous. Just curious.” Dylan says. “Right, just like I was only just curious when I asked about Kristina moving out.” Daisy says. “I’m going to go check and see how the food is coming along. Excuse me.” Dylan says, before walking out. Daisy smiles. “Well, well, well, Dylan might not be as over me as he pretends to be.” Daisy mutters.

In Kaylie’s hospital room, Bethany hands Kaylie a plate of food. “Here you go babe.” Bethany says. “Thank you. Any chance you have some wine to help wash it down?” Kaylie asks. Bethany laughs. “I thought about sneaking you some, but pretty sure Acerbi would kill me if she found out I was sneaking one of her patients booze.” Bethany says. “Just figured I’d ask. Hey, where’d mama go?” Kaylie wonders. “She went to go and grab something that would cheer you up a bit.” Julia says. “I really hope you mean what I think you do.” Kaylie says. “I have a feeling she does.” Lucas says. The door opens and Virginia walks in carrying Issac! “Special delivery for a Miss Kaylie Simms!” Virginia shouts. Kaylie smiles. “There he is! My beautiful baby boy!” Kaylie exclaims. “I figured I’d save the best surprise for last. I know not much is better than turkey, but I think my cute little grandson might just be the exception.” Virginia says. “Definitely! Can I hold him?” Kaylie asks. “You sure that won’t be too much for you?” Julia asks. “I was drugged, not shot. The only reason I’m still here is because the doctors want to keep me under observation, I think I can handle holding Issac.” Kaylie says. “Okay, just wanted to be sure.” Julia says. Kaylie hands Bethany her plate of food. “Can you hold this for a sec?” Kaylie asks. “Of course.” Bethany answers, as she takes the food from Kaylie. Virginia then passes Issac over to Kaylie. “Hi there, kiddo. Mommy is sorry she hasn’t been home for a bit. Believe me, there’s nothing I hate more than being away from you. But I promise, that’s not gonna happen again. I’m not going anywhere any time soon, trust me.” Kaylie tells Issac. “You know what? Maybe we should give these two some time alone together.” Virginia says. “You don’t have to do that.” Kaylie says. “That’s alright, sweetie. Its been a hot minute since you’ve had some one on one time with Issac.” Virginia says. “Lucas and I should probably be going anyway. We were going to be handing out food at the homeless shelter.” Julia says. “That sort of thing goes a long way in endearing Julia to the public.” Lucas says. “But the reason I’m mainly doing it is because it is the right thing to do, right Lucas?” Julia asks. “Of course dear.” Lucas says. “Well you two drive safely, you hear?” Virginia asks. “We will. Love you mama. Kaylie, get your ass out of that bed soon.” Julia orders. Kaylie smiles. “I’ll try my best.” Kaylie says. “Bye sis.” Julia says. “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.” Lucas says, before he and Julia walk out. Virginia turns towards Bethany. “Bethany, you wanna join me in the hall for a sec?” Virginia asks. “Yeah, sure. We’ll be right outside if you need anything, Kay.” Bethany says. “Got it.” Kaylie responds. Bethany follows Virginia into the hallway and closes the door behind her. “So did you really want to give Kaylie some alone time with Issac or is there something you wanted to talk to me about?” Bethany asks. “A little bit of both. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with Dannie Goo living with you girls, not now that them being there nearly got my daughter killed.” Virginia says. “Good, looks like you and I are on the same page then.” Bethany says. “We are?” Virginia asks. “Mmhm. I tossed Dannie out already. I’m not gonna risk that psycho Meow Cat coming back to kill Dannie and then Kaylie getting in the way again.” Bethany says. “Good! Does Kaylie know Dannie is out yet?” Virginia asks. “Not yet. I figured I’d wait until she was out of the hospital first.” Bethany says. “Oh boy, well you know she ain’t gonna take that well.” Virginia says. “She’s probably gonna be pissed with me, but I don’t care. All I care about is keeping her safe, and if that means sending Dannie back to where they came from, so be it. Kaylie’s safety is more important to me than anything else.” Bethany says. “I couldn’t agree more.” Virginia says.

At the Goo Castle, Andy, Rebecca, Ava, Dannie, Victor, King Beast, and Adelina gather around the dining room table, which is filled with different selections of food. “The food looks great! You’ve really outdone yourself this year, Dannie.” Andy says. “I’m just trying my best to make Mom proud.” Dannie says. “I’m confident that your mother is smiling down on all of us right now.” King Beast says. “Thanksgiving was always one of Molly’s favorite holidays. A lot of people get stressed out when cooking for the whole family during the holidays, but not her! She tackled every year with a smile.” Victor says. “A foreign concept for you I bet, Uncle Vic.” Andy jokes. Everyone laughs. “I really wish I could’ve met her…” Ava mutters. “She would’ve adored you, sweetheart.” Rebecca says. “I wonder how she would’ve felt about me. I know she and my mom weren’t on the best of terms.” Adelina says. “That wouldn’t have mattered to her. She would’ve embraced you as a member of her family, without a doubt.” Andy says. “Besides, despite Molly and Olivia’s problems, I do think Molly would have had no trouble mending fences with Olivia.” Victor says. Acerbi appears in the doorway. “I certainly would like to believe so.” Acerbi says. Adelina stands up. “Mother, I didn’t know you were coming.” Adelina says. “Thanksgiving is a day to spend with your family, and this is my family.” Acerbi says. Andy stands up. “Feel free to join us. Anyone is welcome in our home on Thanksgiving.” Andy says. “Are you sure? I know that we have not always been on the best of terms.” Acerbi notes. “None of that matters now. You helped me save Rebecca’s life a few years back when Joe Fish wanted her dead, I will always be grateful to you for sticking your neck out like that.” Andy says. “I was happy to help.” Acerbi says. “I’m happy to have you here as well Olivia, please have a seat and help yourself.” Victor says. “Thank you…all of you.” Acerbi says. “There’s no need to thank us, we’re family.” Dannie says. Acerbi takes a seat next to Adelina and everyone begins helping themselves to the vast selection of food.


Posts : 1027
Join date : 2021-01-15


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