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Fantastic S5 Episode 27(11/15/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 27(11/15/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 27(11/15/23)

Post by QG Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:20 pm

At Bethany and Kaylie’s condo, Bethany is sitting on the sofa watching TV when she hears a knock on the door. “Who the hell could that be this late?” Bethany wonders. Bethany stands up and walks over to the door, opening it to find Corey standing in the hallway. “Can I help you with something?” Bethany asks. “I’m looking for Dannie Goo. I don’t suppose they’re around, are they?” Corey asks. “Actually, you just missed them.” Bethany says. “They went out?” Corey asks. “No, they moved out. Who’s asking anyways?” Bethany questions. “I’m Doctor Caleb Cooper, I’m a friend of Dannie’s.” Corey says. “Now I know who you are. You showed up here during the attack.” Bethany realizes. “I did. I wish I could’ve done more to help Detective Simms.” Corey says. “You went chasing after Meow Cat, right?” Bethany asks. “I tried to. Unfortunately, he out ran me.” Corey claims. “Right. Its so strange how someone so stupid was able to get away so easily.” Bethany says. “Meow Cat?” Corey asks. “Yeah. I’m not sure how much you know about him, but he isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Must be quite the athlete though to have been able to out run you.” Bethany says. “I guess so.” Corey says. “By the way Doctor Cooper, why did you come here during the attack? Why are you here now?” Bethany questions.

At the Goo Castle, King Beast is sitting on the sofa reading a book when Dannie walks in carrying their suitcases. “Hi Dad.” Dannie says. “Dannie! I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight. What’s with the bags?” King Beast questions. “I’m moving back in.” Dannie reveals. “Oh? Are things not working out at Kaylie’s?” King Beast asks. “You could say that. My stalker somehow managed to track me down at Kaylie’s and attacked me.” Dannie reveals. King Beast stands up. “What?! When did this happen?! Are you alright?!” King Beast questions. “It happened earlier today, and I’m fine. I can’t say the same for Kaylie though. She showed up and managed to save me, but she ended up getting hurt in the process.” Dannie tells him. “Dear God...well please at least tell me that they finally have this lunatic in custody.” King Beast says. “No, I’m afraid they don’t. We do however know who has been doing all of this. Its Meow Cat.” Dannie reveals. “Meow Cat? That doesn’t make any sense! Why would he target you?” King Beast wonders. “I really don’t know. The creepiest part is that Meow Cat was carrying a syringe filled with the same drug Corey Cambino used to kill his victims back in 2016, its what he injected Kaylie with!” Dannie says. “Is Kaylie going to be okay?” King Beast asks. “Bethany says Kaylie is gonna make a full recovery.” Dannie says. “I can’t believe any of this...so do you think there could be some sort of connection to Corey Cambino given that Meow Cat used his drug of choice?” King Beast wonders. “I don’t know. Corey has been dead for years, I don’t see what the connection could be.” Dannie says. “The two of you did used to date, and if I remember correctly, the note you received stated that your story isn’t over yet. Could that pertain to your story with Corey?” King Beast asks. “Of course it couldn’t! Corey Cambino is dead! Rebecca killed him! Besides, we already know that Meow Cat is the one who’s been behind all of this!” Dannie says. “I know, it just doesn’t make much sense. Why would Meow Cat do all of this to you? I realize the two of you have known each other for nearly twenty years, but there still isn’t very much history between the two of you.” King Beast notes. “I know...honestly, I have no idea why Meow Cat would decide to target me.” Dannie says. “So is this why you left Kaylie’s? Because Meow Cat somehow found out you were staying there?” King Beast asks. “No, I left Kaylie’s because Bethany threw me out.” Dannie says. “What? Why would she do a thing like that when you are so vulnerable?” King Beast wonders. “Bethany blames me for what happened to Kaylie, which is totally understandable. I blame me too!” Dannie says. “No, that’s nonsense! What happened to Kaylie is not your fault!” King Beast says. “Meow Cat was looking for me, Dad. He didn’t go there to hurt Kaylie, he was there to hurt me!” Dannie says. “That does not make this your fault! You never asked for Meow Cat to come after you! You certainly didn’t ask for him to nearly kill Kaylie!” King Beast says. “My goodness, this is just such a mess. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do! Even though the police know Meow Cat is responsible for all of this, I don’t think he’s going to stop!” Dannie says. “If its any consolation, Meow Cat is no criminal mastermind. I think its only a matter of time before the police catch up to him.” King Beast says. “That’s another thing that doesn’t sit right with me. We know from personal experience that Meow Cat has never been too bright, and yet suddenly he has been able to stay one step ahead of the police for so long? This whole thing just seems so bizarre.” Dannie says. “I know, darling. I wish Andy and Rebecca were here for this. If anyone could find Meow Cat and find out why he’s doing all of this, it would be them.” King Beast says. “Have you told Andy anything about what’s going on?” Dannie asks. “I didn’t have to. Rebecca has been keeping in constant contact with Don Reynolds and he has been keeping her updated. Andy has wanted to come back to Fantastic more than once to look into this but I’ve managed to talk him down every time.” King Beast says. “Good. Andy and Rebecca have been through so much these last few years, I just want them to enjoy themselves, enjoy their vacation!” Dannie says. “That won’t be a problem, the vacation is over.” A voice says. King Beast and Dannie turn to find Andy and Rebecca standing in the doorway! “Surprise!” Rebecca exclaims!

Kristina is pacing in the Stanpatos gatehouse when she hears a knock on the door. Kristina walks over to the door, opens it, and finds Dylan standing outside. “Hey, I got over here as soon as I got your call. Everything okay?” Dylan wonders. “Oh everything is just fine and dandy, you son of a bitch!” Kristina shouts, before slapping Dylan! “Ow, that hurt.” Dylan says. “Good!” Kristina says. “Do I at least get to know what I did to deserve your wrath?” Dylan asks. “As if you can’t figure it out!” Kristina says. “I take it you’ve heard about the Masters Corp takeover then…” Dylan realizes. “Yeah, I heard about the Masters Corp takeover! Nice of you to talk like its no big deal though.” Kristina says. “Its strictly business, that’s what it is.” Dylan says. “Business that screwed over my best friend! You do remember that Lucas is my best friend, right? Or were you too blinded by dollar signs to take that into consideration?” Kristina asks. “Kristina…” Dylan begins to say. “Don’t even start with your bull excuses! You know, when you first let me run the boutique, Lucas actually came to me because he was worried about how close you and I were getting, but you know what? Like the total idiot I am, I DEFENDED YOU! Can you believe that? What a sucker I was!” Kristina yells. “You weren’t a sucker! I am the same person that I was when you gave me that chance!” Dylan says. “Do you even hear yourself right now? That doesn’t make me feel any better! When I was defending you to him, you were probably already plotting this little takeover!” Kristina says. “It was an idea that was being tossed around, but honestly at that point, I really didn’t think it was going to happen. All we had was a 40% stake in the company and as far as I could tell, that was all we were going to get.” Dylan says. “By we, do you mean you and Lawrence or you, Lawrence, and Lysandros?” Kristina asks. “Lysandros was nowhere near any of this back then. He only recently came into the picture when Lawrence brought him to town so he could try and find out where Adelina was. Lysandros had been keeping Adelina in a safe house so that Madeline wouldn’t get to her.” Dylan reveals. “So Lawrence was the one who brought Lysandros back? Was he also the one who came up with this plan to take over Masters Corp?” Kristina asks. Dylan nods. “Yes. He came to me about a year ago and told me he already had a 20% stake in the company, which was right before he acquired another 20% in the company.” Dylan says. “Let me guess, that additional 20% he got belonged to Serena Masters, the shares Kitty Cat stole from her years ago.” Kristina assumes. “Correct.” Dylan confirms. “Aren’t you a little curious about how Lawrence got his hands on those shares? I mean, he must’ve made some sort of deal with Kitty Cat, right?” Kristina asks. “What are you getting at?” Dylan asks. “After Kitty Cat was arrested for kidnapping Kaylie’s son Issac, I heard she called Lawrence. In fact, I heard the cops actually questioned Lawrence after Kitty Cat escaped and then died.” Kristina says. “I heard all that too, but Lawrence wouldn’t have any reason to help Kitty Cat.” Dylan says. “You sure about that? Think about this for a sec. How did Lawrence convince Kitty Cat to part ways with those shares? He couldn’t have paid her because Kitty Cat already had boat loads of money! He must’ve offered her something else, right? Who’s to say Kitty Cat didn’t use that something else to blackmail Lawrence into helping her escape? Who’s to say he didn’t retaliate against her by planting a bomb on her escape boat and killing her?” Kristina asks…

At Lydia’s mansion, the front door opens and Carlo walks in. “Mr. Stanpatos was right, doesn’t look like anyone else is here.” Carlo says. Carlo shines his flashlight and heads into the living room. “The bracelet must be in here somewhere…” Carlo says. Carlo heads over to the bookshelf and begins going through all of the books. “Not this one...it isn’t in this one...hm, not in this one, but this book might be worth checking out. I love a good steamy romance novel.” Carlo says. As Carlo continues looking through the books, he opens one in particular and the fake diamond bracelet falls out of it! “Ah ha! There you are!” Carlo says. Carlo leans down and picks up the bracelet. “I might just get a raise for this…” Carlo says. Carlo shoves the bracelet into his pocket and then stands up. “Alright, time to get the hell out of dodge.” Carlo says. Suddenly, Lucas comes up behind Carlo and puts him in a choke hold! “Who are you, and what the hell are you doing here?!” Lucas asks!

On Stanpatos Isle, Mia is pouring herself a drink in the dining room when Andropov walks in. “Ah, good evening Doctor! How is everything going? Is Lydia still comatose?” Mia asks. “I’m afraid so.” Andropov says. “Aw, too bad. I was really hoping she’d be awake when I killed her. Its no fun killing someone unconscious.” Mia says. “Well you’ll be pleased to know that we should be able to dispose of Lydia soon. I spoke to Lawrence earlier today and I told him where he could find the fake diamond bracelet.” Andropov says. “Splendid! Lets go kill Lydia then!” Mia says, before trying to walk off. Andropov grabs her arm. “Hold it right there! We can’t kill Lydia yet! Lawrence told us to hold off until he has the diamond bracelet in hand!” Andropov says. “Oh for God’s sake, Andropov! What’s the point in waiting?! We both know that the bracelet Lawrence is going to find isn’t the real one, and we also both know that it won’t take very long for him to figure that out! You just know he’s going to have some expert analyze it as soon as it falls into his hands, do you really want to stick around and wait for that to happen?!” Mia asks. “If we did, it wouldn’t be long before Lawrence killed us both for betraying him…” Andropov mutters. “Exactly! There is no point in waiting any longer! You and I need to get the hell off this island before Lawrence figures out the truth, but before we do, we need to take care of Lydia!” Mia says. Andropov sighs. “I must admit, you do have a point.” Andropov concedes. “I’m so glad you agree! So, shall we go get rid of Lydia now?” Mia asks. “You go take care of her. I need to go and pack up my research and my equipment.” Andropov says. “More fun for me then! I’ll let you know when the deed is finally done, assuming you haven’t already flown the coop by then.” Mia says. “Doubtful. It is going to take me a while to gather all my things.” Andropov says. “Well lets hope it doesn’t take any longer than it’ll take Lawrence to realize the bracelet he found is a fake! That would just be such a terrible travesty...for you! Ta!” Mia says, before walking out. “It would be a travesty for you as well, Mia. Anyone who would dare cross Lawrence Stanpatos won’t live to talk about it.” Andropov says…

“I came by to check on Dannie.” Corey claims. “Twice in one day?” Bethany asks. “Well the first time was to ask them if they’d like to join me for lunch.” Corey says. “I see, which is when you walked in on Meow Cat attacking Dannie and Kaylie.” Bethany says. “That’s right.” Corey confirms. “So why the interest in Dannie? You do realize that they’re gay, right?” Bethany asks. “I know that, Dannie made that abundantly clear when I asked them out back when we first met.” Corey says. “And yet here you still are, pursuing them.” Bethany says. “I’m not pursuing anyone, we’re just friends.” Corey says. “Riiiiiiight. It just seems awfully convenient that you showed up just as Meow Cat was making his move. But I’m sure you must just have excellent timing.” Bethany says. “I guess you could say that. Look, if you’re insinuating I had anything to do with what happened here tonight, you couldn’t be further from the truth! It was Meow Cat, he was the one who attacked Dannie and Kaylie tonight! I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.” Corey says. “Whatever you say, Doctor Cooper.” Bethany says. “So you said Dannie moved out, any chance you can give me a forwarding address? I’d really like to check up on them and see how they’re doing.” Corey says. “Here’s a thought, why don’t you try calling Dannie? And while you’re at it, you can ask them where they’re keeping themselves these days. You certainly won’t be getting that info from me.” Bethany says. “Dannie has nothing to fear from me.” Corey says. “Maybe, maybe not, I’m not taking any chances. Good night, Doctor Cooper.” Bethany says, before closing the door in Corey’s face…

In the living room of the Goo Castle, King Beast and Dannie are exchanging hugs with Andy and Rebecca. “I had no idea the two of you were coming home today!” Dannie exclaims. “It was a bit last minute. Andy and I had originally planned on coming home on Thanksgiving day to surprise everyone, but our plans got moved up a day.” Rebecca says. “Is everything okay?” King Beast wonders. “I’m the one who should be asking that. I was catching up on the local news on the plane ride here and I saw that you were attacked earlier today, Dannie.” Andy says. “I’m fine, really.” Dannie assures him. “What about Kaylie? I heard she ended up getting injected with something.” Rebecca says. “Kaylie is fine too. Acerbi says she is going to make a full recovery.” Dannie says. “Thank god…” Andy mutters. “I know. Poor Bethany must have been a wreck...have you spoken to her at all, Dannie?” Rebecca asks. “Uh...yeah, a little bit. She’s managing.” Dannie says. “Good, that’s good.” Rebecca says. “So Meow Cat is the one who attacked you, huh? That doesn’t sound right.” Andy says. “I agree, but Kaylie ripped the mask off of him right in front of me. There’s no doubt in my mind that it was Meow Cat.” Dannie says. “Do you think he’s the one who’s been stalking you these last few months?” Andy questions. “It seems likely. As to why Meow Cat would come after me, I really have no idea.” Dannie says. “Meow Cat and the Cats in general have pretty nasty history with our family, that could have something to do with it. As for why Meow Cat would target you in particular, that’s the part I can’t wrap my brain around.” Andy says. “Well being the brilliant detectives that the two of you are, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You just won’t be doing it tonight, I’m sure you both must be pretty jet lagged.” Dannie says. Rebecca smiles. “You have no idea…” Rebecca says. King Beast looks around. “Wait a minute, someone is missing. Where is that darling daughter of yours? Is she still out in the car?” King Beast questions. “No actually, that’s why Andy and I came home a bit earlier than expected. Ava has disappeared.” Rebecca reveals!

“Do you really think Lawrence could be responsible for Kitty Cat’s escape and her death?” Dylan questions. “He’s not a saint, Dylan! Those are things Lawrence is definitely capable of! And to make things worse, whoever helped Kitty Cat escape, they were willing to kill Kaylie to cover it up.” Kristina tells him. “I...I guess its possible…” Dylan says. “Its more than possible! Anyways, while you’re trying to decide whether or not your father is a homicidal maniac, I’ll be packing my bags.” Kristina says. “Packing your bags? What do you mean?” Dylan asks. “I’m gonna book a room at Slate Gray, I can’t stay here any longer.” Kristina says. “Kristina, come on! I know you’re angry with me, but moving out? You aren’t even living in the same house as me!” Dylan says. “I don’t want to live anywhere near you! Not in the same house, not on the same property, nowhere that has anything to do with you or the Stanpatos family!” Kristina shouts. “Kristina, please, what happened with Lucas and Masters Corp was strictly business.” Dylan says. “I don’t care! I can’t just look the other way after you screwed over my best friend! That would be a betrayal to Lucas.” Kristina says. “But what about our friendship? Kristina, having you around these last several months has meant the world to me! You have no idea how nice it is for me to have someone that I can actually call a friend! I don’t want to lose that!” Dylan says. “You already lost it! You lost it the minute you decided to disregard our friendship for money! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got lots of packing to do!” Kristina says. Dylan nods. “Okay, fine. I’ll leave you to it…” Dylan says, before heading towards the door. Dylan turns back towards Kristina. “But I’m not going to give up on you. I’ve grown to care about you, and I don’t want to lose you.” Dylan says. Dylan opens the door and goes to walk out. “Dylan.” Kristina calls out. Dylan turns back. “Yes?” Dylan asks. “I’ll be staying on at the boutique until I can find another job. Once I do though, you’re on your own.” Kristina says. Kristina then walks over to the door and closes it in Dylan’s face.

Back at Lydia’s mansion, Lucas still has Carlo in a choke hold. “Answer me, damn it! Who are you and what are you doing in my fiancee’s house?!” Lucas questions. “Chill, man! I’m here to repair the sink!” Carlo claims. “Nice try! The sink doesn’t need any repairs! Its also nowhere near the bookshelf I found you lurking around! So why don’t we start again and you tell me what you’re really doing here?!” Lucas asks. “Screw you!” Carlo says, before elbowing Lucas! Carlo pushes Lucas off of him and then runs towards the door. Lucas jumps back to his feet and dashes into the foyer after Carlo. Carlo goes to open the front door but Lucas grabs him from behind and throws him down to the floor! “I’m only gonna ask you one more time! What the hell are you doing in my fiancee’s house?!” Lucas questions. Carlo doesn’t answer so Lucas kneels down and grabs him by the collar. “That’s gonna require an answer you son of a bitch! Who are you and what do you want?!” Lucas asks. “I’ll see you in hell!” Carlo shouts, before quickly shoving something into his mouth! Suddenly, Carlo begins foaming at the mouth and violently shaking! “You’ve gotta be kidding me right now! A cyanide pill?! Really?!” Lucas asks. Carlo falls onto the floor and Lucas checks his pulse. “Damn it!” Lucas shouts.

In Lydia’s room on Stanpatos Isle, Lydia is seemingly asleep when her door can be heard opening. Moments later, a dark figure lurks over Lydia. “Oh my dear, sweet Lydia...how unfortunate that it has come to this.” A familiar voice says. The person standing over Lydia is revealed to be Mia. “I had hoped that your demise would be slightly more climatic than this, that perhaps you would be kicking and screaming at the very least. But instead, you are about to take your final breath and you won’t even have any sort of objection. How very sad...oh well, there will be plenty of time for tears later.” Mia says. Mia reaches behind Lydia’s head and pulls out a pillow. “Its time that I close the book on you once and for all. And Lydia, when you arrive at the gates of hell, please do give a hearty hello to my old friend Joe Fish. In fact, I highly recommend you get better acquainted with him. The two of you will be spending a lot of time together for the next eternity!” Mia says. Mia pushes the pillow onto Lydia’s face and applies pressure. As Mia is holding the pillow down, Lydia’s hand suddenly grabs Mia’s wrist!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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