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Fantastic S5 Episode 51(1/16/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 51(1/16/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 51(1/16/24)

Post by QG Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:08 pm

At the Stanpatos mansion, Dylan is standing in the living room checking his phone when Lawrence walks in. “Good afternoon, my boy!” Lawrence exclaims. “Good afternoon indeed. Have you heard the news?” Dylan asks. “What news?” Lawrence questions. “The WPA showed up here this morning and arrested Lysandros for Lydia’s kidnapping.” Dylan reveals. Lawrence’s eyes widen. “The WPA think Lysandros was responsible for Lydia’s kidnapping?! My goodness, that is quite the turn of events. Do you know what the evidence is?” Lawrence wonders, feigning ignorance. “No idea, but I’m guessing Mia Goo probably told them that Lysandros was her partner.” Dylan says. “It would make sense that Lysandros and Mia would work together. Mia mentioned at the party that the two used to work for the same organization.” Lawrence says. “Well now hopefully they both get sent to the same prison. You know what this means though. If Lysandros is in the WPA’s custody, it means he won’t be able to serve as the Co CEO of Masters Corp.” Dylan notes. “Which means you will be the company’s only CEO, just as we intended! Congratulations! I think this calls for a celebratory drink!” Lawrence exclaims, as he walks over to the bar. “There’s something that doesn’t sit right with me about this whole thing though.” Dylan says. “And what might that be?” Lawrence asks, as he begins pouring the drinks. “Lydia told me that she was being held prisoner on Stanpatos Isle.” Dylan says. Lawrence turns towards Dylan. “Is that right?” Lawrence asks. “Yeah. What I can’t understand is why Lysandros would choose to hold Lydia hostage on our family island.” Dylan says. “Perhaps he knew it was vacant and decided to take advantage of that. It wouldn’t be the first time someone has used our island as their base of operations, The Master did many years ago.” Lawrence recalls. “Even though the island was vacant, I still had a security presence there to keep out any outsiders. I find it hard to believe Lysandros could buy off the entire security team.” Dylan says. “Are you suggesting you think Lysandros could be innocent?” Lawrence asks.

Down at the police station, Agent Carter is walking towards the interrogation room when Daisy comes up behind him. “Excuse me!” Daisy calls out. Carter turns to face Daisy. “Yes?” Carter asks. “Are you with the WPA?” Daisy asks. “What gave it away?” Carter asks. “You’re wearing the same cheap looking suit that your associate was when he came and arrested my friend earlier.” Daisy says. Carter smiles. “You’re friends with Lysandros Masters.” Carter realizes. “That’s right, and I don’t appreciate how one of your agents showed up at his home earlier and dragged him out as if he was some kind of dangerous criminal!” Daisy says. “He is a dangerous criminal, ma’am.” Carter says. “Based on what evidence?” Daisy wonders. “I’m sorry, are you this man’s attorney?” Carter asks. “No, but I do know the law like the back of my hand.” Daisy says. “Is that from working in a field involving the law or because you’ve been on the wrong side of it plenty of times?” Carter asks. “Why should I answer your question when you refuse to answer mine?” Daisy asks. Carter smirks. “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that. The reason we arrested Mr. Masters is because his co-conspirator, Mia Goo, identified him as the mastermind behind his niece Lydia’s kidnapping.” Carter says. “I think you mean alleged co-conspirator. Do you have any further proof tying Mr. Masters to the kidnapping?” Daisy asks. Rebecca comes out of the interrogation room. “What’s going on here?” Rebecca questions. “I’m doing your job for you, Commissioner. Are you just going to let this well dressed clown drag Lysandros off to jail?” Daisy asks. “My hands are tied, Daisy, there’s only so much I can do.” Rebecca says. “There’s nothing you can do because this isn’t your investigation.” Carter tells her. “This is my police station, and if you plan on using it to conduct your investigation then you are going to have to play by my rules.” Rebecca says. “Don’t worry Commissioner, I won’t have much use for your police station for much longer.” Carter says. “Meaning?” Rebecca asks. “Meaning we’ll be taking Mr. Masters to a secure WPA facility where we can question him further about his role in his niece’s abduction.” Carter says. “Absolutely not!” Rebecca tells him. “Its not your call.” Carter states. “Are you familiar with how the law works? You can’t just throw Lysandros in prison without due process!” Daisy says. “I’m not throwing him in prison, I’m taking him to a WPA facility.” Carter says. “Which I assume is code for some blacksite, right? A place where you can torture him until you get the answers you want, assuming there are even any answers to get from him! Well that’s not how this works, Agent! Mr. Masters is owed an arraignment in a court of law where it will be decided whether or not he is a flight risk. Depending on what the judge finds will determine whether or not he has to remain in police custody until the date of his trial.” Daisy says. “That’s how the American judicial system works, but Mr. Masters’ crimes didn’t take place on American soil which complicates matters.” Carter says. “Once again, I think you mean Mr. Masters’ alleged crimes.” Daisy says. “And as for his alleged crimes not taking place on American soil, that isn’t exactly true. Lydia Masters may have been held prisoner on an island outside of the country, but she was initially kidnapped in this city, which would fall under my jurisdiction.” Rebecca notes. “Yes, but seeing as how there are certain factors that make this a matter of national security, that makes this my jurisdiction.” Carter argues. “How on earth would Lydia’s kidnapping be considered a matter of national security?” Daisy questions. “There are classified details about this case that the public hasn’t been made aware of, details which I’m sure Commissioner Rogers knows all about.” Carter says. “Regardless, I’m not seeing any concrete proof that Lysandros was involved in any of this! All you have is the word of Mia Goo, a woman with a criminal history that stretches back years! If that’s what you call concrete evidence, then your agency’s standards have really gone downhill since Ciara Goo stepped down as the director. Speaking of which, who is your director these days? Maybe I should talk to him or her about this.” Rebecca says. “I think that’s an excellent idea. After all, we want to make sure our friend here is following protocol.” Daisy says. “I can assure you I have been in constant communication with the director. And as for your concerns about the evidence we have against Mr. Masters, I can assure you there’s more to it than just Mia Goo’s word.” Carter says. “We’re all ears.” Daisy says. “I don’t owe you any answers.” Carter tells her. “You owe me answers seeing as how you arrested him in my jurisdiction.” Rebecca notes. “Alright, fine. We found evidence that Mr. Masters has been making weekly payments to Mia Goo since June 2021, not long after Lydia Masters disappeared in that explosion. That, plus the timing of the payments, indicate that Mr. Masters was paying Mia Goo to keep Lydia Masters prisoner.” Carter says. “Have you authenticated these payments?” Rebecca questions. “I have. They’re legitimate.” Carter confirms. “Did you personally authenticate them? Or was it someone else?” Daisy asks. “What does it matter? The point is that the WPA has found credible evidence connecting Mr. Masters to Lydia’s kidnapping, its the reason we are taking him into custody! Now you two can either step aside and let me do my job, or I’ll be forced to place the both of you under arrest for obstructing my investigation. And just like with your friend in there, there will be no arraignment. You’ll both be taken to jail immediately. What’s it going to be?” Carter asks. “You do whatever it is you have to do, Agent Carter. But at the same time, I’ll be doing what I have to do. Lysandros is innocent, I’m certain of that! And when I find the person who is really behind all of this, you are going to come out of this looking like an absolute fool! You’ll be lucky if you don’t lose your job when this is all over.” Rebecca says. Carter smiles and leans in to look Rebecca in the eye. “I think I’ll take my chances.” Carter says, before walking towards the interrogation room…

Julia and Lydia are both still in Lucas’ hospital room. “This doesn’t make any sense! You were so happy to see me when I came to you on New Years Eve, why the 180?” Lydia questions. “I think I should probably step out and give the two of you some privacy…” Julia says. “Wait! Please don’t go.” Lucas urges. “So you want her to stay but me to leave?!” Lydia asks. “Why would he want me to leave?” Julia asks. “Why would he want ME to leave?!” Lydia questions. Lydia turns towards Lucas. “Lucas, baby, when we reunited on New Years Eve, you were so happy to see that I was alive! You wanted to pick up right where we left off, so I don’t understand what’s changed!” Lydia says. “I’ve changed. I’m not the person I was when I lost you all those years ago, my feelings have changed.” Lucas says. “That isn’t how you acted a few days ago.” Lydia points out. “My judgment was clouded. I was surprised to see that you were still alive, I wasn’t thinking straight.” Lucas says. “But you’re thinking straight now, right? Five minutes after waking up after you were shot in the chest?” Lydia asks. “I know what I want…who I want.” Lucas says. “Enlighten me then.” Lydia urges. “I don’t want to be with you, Lydia. Julia is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Lucas announces!

In Corey’s basement, Dannie is still trying to wiggle out of their restraints. “Come on! Corey may be a serial killer, a kidnapper, and a creep, but I would hardly call him a master criminal. If I keep trying, I’m confident I’ll be able to get out of these restraints, hopefully before he gets back…” Dannie says.

Upstairs, Bethany finishes picking the lock and enters Corey’s living room. “Nice house, doc. You buy it with all the blood money from the Cambino organization?” Bethany wonders. Bethany closes the door behind her. “Okay, so I need to find something with DNA on it…maybe try the bathroom? I could take a toothbrush, or a comb that might have hair on it. Shouldn’t be too difficult.” Bethany says. Bethany begins looking around and notices that a door is slightly cracked open. “What have we here?” Bethany says. Bethany looks through the slightly open door and notices what appears to be someone lying in a bed. “Corey just left, so who the hell is that?” Bethany wonders.

Downstairs, Dannie can hear footsteps upstairs. “Corey just left probably not even five minutes ago, he couldn’t be back yet…could someone else be in the house?” Dannie wonders.

Upstairs, Bethany begins to open the door more. “HELP! I’M IN THE BASEMENT! SOMEBODY HELP ME!” Dannie can be heard screaming. “Looks like this weirdo has more than one house guest!” Bethany realizes. Bethany closes the door to the room before she can see who’s in the bed. Bethany then follows the screams towards the basement door.

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! I’M BEING HELD PRISONER!” Dannie screams. The door opens and Bethany runs down the stairs. Bethany stops in her tracks when she notices Dannie tied up. “Dannie?!” Bethany asks. “Bethany?! What on earth are you doing here?!” Dannie questions.

“I don’t know if Lysandros is innocent or not. The history between him and Lydia certainly suggests a possible motive.” Dylan notes. “It sounds like an open and shut case then. Does Daisy know Lysandros has been arrested?” Lawrence questions. “Why do you think she’s not here? She went running down to the police station to see if there was something she could do to help him.” Dylan says. “She was disbarred years ago, its not as if she could act as his attorney. Besides, with the WPA involved, I’m not so sure an attorney would do Lysandros any good. At this point, it would take an absolute miracle to save Lysandros from what’s coming.” Lawrence says. “How would you know?” Dylan asks. “Just from my little knowledge of how the WPA operates. Now that they have Lysandros in their sights, it is going to be quite difficult for him to get out of their sights. Unless he can procure proof that he isn’t as guilty as they suspect, I’m willing to wager that his life is over.” Lawrence says. “Yeah…I just hope they have the right person.” Dylan says. “You still aren’t convinced?” Lawrence asks. “Someone used our family island as their base of operations while they held my ex wife prisoner. Whether that person is Lysandros or not, I want to see them brought to justice.” Dylan says. “As do I.” Lawrence claims.

In the squad room of the Fantastic P.D, Carter brings a handcuffed Lysandros out of the interrogation room. “Where are you taking him?” Daisy questions. “That’s classified.” Carter says. “Really? Its classified information where you are going to be holding a prisoner?” Daisy asks. “When said prisoner could be a threat to national security? Absolutely.” Carter says. Rebecca walks over to Lysandros. “This isn’t over. I know that you’re innocent and I’m going to prove it, even if I have to launch my own independent investigation to do so.” Rebecca says. “Thank you. I appreciate your support more than you know.” Lysandros says. Lysandros turns towards Daisy. “I’m a bit surprised to see you here. I assumed you would’ve ran for the hills the moment you found out what I was being charged with.” Lysandros says. “Did you kidnap Lydia?” Daisy asks. “Absolutely not.” Lysandros says. “I believe you. We’re going to get this sorted out for you, the truth always comes out in the end.” Daisy says. “Daisy knows that better than anyone, you should listen to her.” Rebecca says. Daisy looks over at Rebecca and glares at her. “Enough good byes, time to go.” Carter tells Lysandros. “Fine, I’ll go. But when the truth comes out that I’m innocent, I’ll have your job for this. Hell, I may just end up running your entire agency.” Lysandros says. “We’ll see.” Carter says, before dragging Lysandros out of the police station as Rebecca and Daisy look on…

“You want to spend the rest of your life with Julia?! That doesn’t add up with what you were telling me just a few days ago!” Lydia points out. “I understand why that may be difficult for you to understand, I know that none of this has been easy for you. But…my feelings have changed over the last two years. I met Julia, I fell in love with her, and now I can’t imagine my life without her.” Lucas says. “And what about imagining your life without me?” Lydia asks. “I’ve had to live with that reality for the last two years, its become the only reality I’m familiar with, the only one I’m comfortable with. I’m sorry about everything you’ve gone through, and maybe I came off a little harsh when I first woke up, but…this is how I feel now. Julia is the woman I want to be with, Lydia. She’s the one I love. You are an incredible woman, and I’m sure there is someone out there who will treat you the way you deserve, but that someone isn’t me. Goodbye now.” Lucas says. “Lucas…” Lydia mutters. “I said goodbye!” Lucas shouts. “Lydia, you should probably go…” Julia says. “Of course you would say that! This is all working out exactly how you wanted it to!” Lydia says. “Excuse me?” Julia asks. “Oh come on, Julia! You know exactly what I mean! I get that you were hoping that Lucas would choose you but do you not see that something is seriously off here?! A person’s feelings don’t just get turned off like a light switch!” Lydia tells her. “You let me worry about that!” Julia tells her. “By letting you worry about it, do you mean completely ignoring it because this scenario benefits you?! No! I’m not going to do that!” Lydia snaps. “Well you being here isn’t helping things one way or another. Lucas doesn’t want to see you right now, your presence is clearly upsetting him and I think the last thing either one of us want is for him to suffer a relapse!” Julia says. Lydia glares at Julia and then turns towards Lucas. “This isn’t over! Something is seriously wrong here and I’m not going to rest until I get to the bottom of it!” Lydia says, before storming out. As Lydia walks down the hallway, a disguised Andropov is revealed to be watching…

In the living room of the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence raises his glass to Dylan. “To the downfall of Lysandros Masters, and the future prosperity of the Stanpatos family.” Lysandros says. “Salute.” Dylan responds. Lawrence’s phone begins to ring and he checks the Caller ID. “Excuse me for just a moment, I’ve been expecting this call.” Lawrence says. “Go ahead.” Dylan urges. Lawrence walks out into the foyer and answers the call. “I hope you have some good news for me.” Lawrence says. “I’m at the hospital. I just saw Lydia rush out of Lucas’ room and she seemed quite upset.” Andropov says. “I take that as meaning that the procedure was a success?” Lawrence asks. “It would appear so. Thanks to my brilliant work, Lucas’ feelings for Lydia have been completely erased while his feelings for Julia have intensified.” Andropov says. “Brilliant work, Doctor. That should be more than enough to leave Mia content, or at least one could hope.” Lawrence says. “Does that mean our business has concluded?” Andropov asks. Lawrence smiles. “Not quite. You’ve known my family long enough to know that we could always use someone with your particular skill set. I’ll be in touch.” Lawrence says, before hanging up the phone.

In Corey’s basement, Bethany is face to face with a tied up Dannie. “I was not expecting to find you down here.” Bethany says. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here in general! But enough about that, come untie me!” Dannie urges. Bethany rushes to Dannie’s side and begins working on the knots. “So why did you come here? I assume it wasn’t by invitation.” Dannie says. “No it was not. Andy and I have been talking a lot about your stalking, and we don’t think Meow Cat was working alone. Caleb was the first person who came to mind because of how he keeps popping up whenever you’re in danger, but then I found out that the lawyer who helped get Meow Cat sent to Riverview instead of prison used to work for the Cambino family! So you better brace yourself for this, but our latest theory is that Caleb is really your ex Corey, back from the dead!” Bethany says. “No kidding…” Dannie says. “I’m serious! So I broke in here when I saw Caleb leave to hopefully get a DNA sample that I could compare to Lucas. If the DNA comes back a match, then that means Caleb and Corey are the same person!” Bethany says. “You don’t need to go that far. He admitted to me that he’s really Corey.” Dannie reveals. “Seriously? I was right?!” Bethany asks. “You sound almost surprised.” Dannie notes. “I mean, I knew Corey was a possibility, but a part of me still thought it was a reach! I can’t believe that psycho is alive! Andy and Rebecca are gonna kill him when they find out! No offense to Rebecca, but hopefully she finishes the job this time.” Bethany says. “Right now, I’d just like to focus on getting out of this house before that monster comes back. How are the knots coming?” Dannie wonders. “You can tell he’s a trained psychopath, these knots are really tight! I think I’ve almost got them though.” Bethany says. A shot suddenly rings out which gets both Bethany and Dannie’s attention! “Get the hell away from them.” A voice demands. Bethany and Dannie look up and see Corey at the top of the stairs holding a gun!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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