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Fantastic S5 Episode 143 Part 2(7/31/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 143 Part 2(7/31/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 143 Part 2(7/31/24)

Post by QG Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:47 pm

Andy, Rebecca, Brady, Kristina, Colin, Ava, Serena, and Dannie all turn their attention to Lucas and Lydia. “First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you for coming today. I realize that the wedding was incredibly short notice, which makes it even more special to Lydia and myself that you all were able to put aside the time to be here. I’d also like to give a special thanks to my very dear friend Dannie, who was able to find time in their very busy schedule to not only attend our wedding, but also officiate the ceremony! You’re a rock star, and we couldn’t have done any of this without your help.” Lucas says. “We’d also like to take the chance to make an announcement. After talking it over at length, Lucas and I have decided to leave Fantastic City behind us for now. Once we’re finished with our honeymoon, we’re going to immediately fly to Ireland to join my gorgeous sister Serena, where we can hopefully start a new, much quieter life together.” Lydia says. “Maybe not too quiet, but less gunshots would be appreciated.” Lucas jokes. “Maybe cool it on the gunshot jokes, the wounds are still fresh, literally!” Andy playfully responds. “It wasn’t that long ago where I was shot, so I’m allowed to make those kinds of jokes! Anyways, Lydia and I would just like to thank all of you for joining us on this amazing journey. You’ve each played something of a role, whether it be in our individual lives or our love story. We wouldn’t be the people we are today without you, all of you.” Lucas says. “Each and every one of you means the world to us, and we promise we’re going to keep in touch with all of you.” Lydia says. “But before we go, I would like to give a toast to my beautiful wife.” Lucas says. Lucas turns towards Lydia. “Thank you for giving me a reason to wake up every morning, for giving me a reason to smile when I go to bed at night and the last thing I see before closing me eyes is your perfect face. You mean the world to me, and I’m looking forward to growing old with you.” Lucas says. “I’m not sure I agree about the growing old part, but I share the sentiment. I love you, Lucas, with all of my heart and soul.” Lydia says, before kissing Lucas.

Dylan and Daisy come through the entrance of the park, pushing Harper’s stroller. “Well, well, well, I hear congratulations are in order!” Daisy exclaims. “Oh good god…” Rebecca whispers to Andy. “This is a private event.” Lucas coldly says. “And this is a public park.” Daisy argues. “We won’t take much of your time. I just wanted to come and offer you both my sincerest congratulations. I wish you all of the happiness in the world.” Dylan says. “Thank you, Dylan. That is very big of you after everything we’ve been through.” Lydia says. “It wasn’t all you. I wasn’t a perfect husband, which I’m sure we can both agree on.” Dylan says. “We both made mistakes, but I’d very much like to put the past behind us. Especially since Lucas and I are actually going to be moving to Ireland!” Lydia says. “Is that right? Well I didn’t spend too much time in Ireland, only a little bit one of the many times I was being held captive. But, from what I’ve seen, it’s beautiful. You’ll love it.” Dylan says. Lydia smiles. “Thank you.” Lydia says. “Yeah, thank you. Like you, I’d very much like to put the past behind us.” Lucas says. “Shall we settle it with a handshake then?” Dylan asks. Lucas walks over to Dylan and shakes his hand. “Take good care of Lydia, she’s one of the good ones.” Dylan says. “I will.” Lucas says. “Not to take any of the spotlight away from your wedding, but we actually have some news of our own to share.” Daisy says. “Daisy sweetie, now might not be the time…” Dylan mutters. “Now is the perfect time, honey! Dylan and I are going to be getting married!” Daisy exclaims, flashing her engagement ring to everyone. “You proposed to her?!” Rebecca questions. “Don’t sound too thrilled, Rebecca.” Daisy says. “To answer your question, I was planning to propose, but Daisy found the ring and ended up proposing to me.” Dylan says. “She hijacked your proposal, how out of character.” Rebecca dryly says. “I’m not expecting you to congratulate me. I understand you have every reason under the sun to not approve of Daisy and I.” Dylan says. “Nonsense! Rebecca supposedly loves you like a brother, right? Well the least she can do is pretend to be happy for us!” Daisy says. “How do you suppose I do that when you could be lying to Dylan?!” Rebecca questions. “What do you mean?” Dylan asks. “You know what? Now is not the time or the place to be talking about any of this. Today is about Lucas and Lydia.” Rebecca says. “Mom, now is the PERFECT time!” Ava says. “How do you figure?” Colin questions. “I’m here for the drama, okay?” Ava says. “Okay, we should probably head back to our hotel room…” Daisy tells Dylan. “No, I want to know what Rebecca meant when she said you could be lying to me.” Dylan says. “Rebecca probably doesn’t even know what she means! She’s just being her delusional self!” Daisy claims. “Really? You’re going to pretend to not know what I’m talking about after our conversation the other day?” Rebecca asks. “You mean when I found the two of you here?” Dylan asks. “I had just asked Daisy about Lawrence’s claim that Harper isn’t really your daughter. You see, Lawrence wasn’t just throwing that out there to play mind games with you. Daisy had told him prior that Harper wasn’t a Stanpatos.” Rebecca reveals. “How do you know that?” Dylan questions. “Because I overheard them talking about it after Lawrence shot Lysandros!” Rebecca states. “Okay, what happened was Lawrence was about to take Harper from me again after I had found her, I wasn’t about to let that happen so I lied and told him that she wasn’t his granddaughter.” Daisy tells Dylan. “Lawrence seemed convinced you were telling the truth.” Rebecca notes. “Lawrence was a lunatic!” Daisy argues. “Sweetheart, I think you were right. Now probably isn’t the best time to be doing this.” Andy says. “I couldn’t agree more.” Lucas says. “I’d be more than happy to discuss this with Dylan in private, but I’m not about to let him marry a woman that could be pulling the wool over his eyes.” Rebecca says. “In fairness, Daisy’s story does make sense.” Dylan notes. “But I don’t think it’s true! Daisy got very defensive when I suggested that Harper might not actually be your daughter!” Rebecca recalls. “This is so ridiculous, you know that?! Dylan, we settled this after you found out I was pregnant, remember? Right after you broke things off with me, I was arrested for helping Xavier frame you for all those corporate crimes! Not long after I got out of jail, I found out I was pregnant! So unless I slept with one of the guards at the Fantastic P.D jail, there’s literally no way for any other man to be Harper’s father! We are her parents, Dylan! You and me!” Daisy lies. Meanwhile, Dannie grows distant as a memory floods back to them and they flash back.

“People are going to realize that I’m missing!” Daisy claims. “Who? Your new boyfriend Brady? That’s right, I know all about your little fling with Brady Goo, too bad its not going to last. Brady doesn’t care about you, he only used you so he could try and forget about Kristina for a night.” Demon Dannie says. “Whether that’s true or not, Brady is still going to notice that I’m gone and so won’t Dylan!” Daisy says. “Really? Dylan couldn’t care less about you.” Demon Dannie points out. “He cares about this baby.” Daisy argues. “Only because he doesn’t know that it isn’t really his baby, that it belongs to Brady and Kristina!” Demon Dannie says.

Back in the present, Dannie turns towards Dylan and Daisy. “Rebecca is right!” Dannie exclaims. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, so stay out of this!” Daisy demands. “I remember, Daisy! Harper is as much Dylan’s daughter as she is yours, which is to say NOT AT ALL!” Dannie shouts. Andy turns towards Dannie. “What are you talking about?” Andy wonders. Dannie turns towards Brady and Kristina. “She’s yours.” Dannie tells them. Daisy’s face turns white. “Ours? As in mine and Brady’s?” Kristina asks. “Mmhm.” Dannie says. Dannie turns towards Daisy. “Harper is Brady and Kristina’s daughter, the daughter they thought they lost.” Dannie reveals!


Posts : 1027
Join date : 2021-01-15


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