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Fantastic S5 Episode 133(7/9/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 133(7/9/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 133(7/9/24)

Post by QG Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:08 pm

In a corridor in Lawrence’s compound, Lawrence has his gun trained on Daisy as Lysandros lies on the floor bleeding. “R-run!” Lysandros shouts. “Try to run and I won’t hesitate to shoot you.” Lawrence warns Daisy. “Even when I’m holding your granddaughter?” Daisy asks. “Don’t test me, my dear. I am in no mood for games. Surely you don’t want to risk any harm befalling your precious daughter, do you?” Lawrence asks. “No, which is exactly why I’m not going to give her to you!” Daisy snaps. “My intention isn’t to hurt Harper, it’s to educate her as a proper Stanpatos.” Lawrence says. “News flash, that would be harming her! Dylan has told me all about your family’s history, I know what it means to be raised and educated as a proper Stanpatos and that is the last thing that I want for my little girl!” Daisy shouts. “This is not a matter I’m open to negotiating! Your daughter is the last remnant of potential left of this family! If I’m not able to raise Harper how I see fit, the Stanpatos dynasty runs the risk of going extinct!” Lawrence states. “Cry me a river!” Daisy says. “Dylan is a disappointment, as are Clara, Rebecca, Ava, Franco, Sabrina. Harper is this family’s final hope, and I will not allow you to leave this building with her.” Lawrence says. “Maybe she is the final hope for your version of the family, which is exactly why you aren’t going to shoot me while I’m holding her. You aren’t going to risk hurting the one person on this earth that MIGHT be able to carry on your sadistic legacy!” Daisy tells him. “Tell me something, Daisy. How exactly do you envision this playing out? Let’s say that I do allow you to leave here with Harper in your arms. Surely you don’t expect to escape the island with her.” Lawrence says. “Why wouldn’t I be able to?” Daisy wonders. “Well for one, your partner in crime here is in dire straits, so I don’t think he’ll be able to assist you with your little escape. There’s also the matter of my guards, who I don’t think will be quite as merciful as I am. I may not be willing to harm my granddaughter, but I can’t guarantee my employees will share the same sentiment.” Lawrence says. “Just…just take the chance! You can’t…leave Harper with that bastard!” Lysandros growls. “I wouldn’t pay much attention to him, the man is dying from a gunshot wound.” Lawrence notes. “I’m not going to let you have her.” Daisy says. “Then you run the risk of endangering her life! Is that what you want? Are you so determined to keep me from my granddaughter that you are willing to risk her life? You are never going to escape this island alive, not without assistance! The same goes for Harper! Trust me, her only hope is for you to hand her over to me! I’m not going to hurt her, I’m her grandfather!” Lawrence says. “Except you aren’t!” Daisy blurts out. Lysandros’ eyes dart towards Daisy. “Oh? What is that supposed to mean?” Lawrence wonders. “There’s no hidden meaning, I mean exactly what I said. Harper isn’t your granddaughter.” Daisy tells him. “Just because you disapprove of my relationship with her doesn't mean she isn’t my granddaughter. My blood is coursing through her veins!” Lawrence states. “It isn’t! Harper doesn’t have a drop of Stanpatos blood in her!” Daisy confesses. Lawrence slightly lowers his gun. “What are you saying? That Dylan isn’t Harper’s father?” Lawrence questions. Daisy doesn’t respond. “No, you’re lying! This is nothing more than a stall tactic!” Lawrence shouts. “I am telling you the truth! Harper isn’t the heir that you were hoping for because she isn’t a biological Stanpatos, so there’s no reason for you to continue obsessing over her!” Daisy tells him. “My god, I should have known! When Dylan first found out that you were pregnant, I told him that he should’ve run a DNA test to make sure that baby was actually his! If he had taken my advice, he never would’ve been bamboozled by you! So tell me Daisy, how did this come about? Were you so desperate to win Dylan back that you decided to jump into bed with the first man who crossed your path, hoping that he would impregnate you and you could pass the child off as Dylan’s?” Lawrence asks. “It’s a little more complicated than that…” Daisy mutters. “The situation itself isn’t all that complicated. The fact of the matter is that you tried to pass that little bastard off as a member of this family, you allowed Dylan and myself to fall in love with her as if she were a member of this family!” Lawrence shouts. “Dylan is Harper’s father in every way that counts!” Daisy snaps. “Except for the only one that matters, which is blood.” Lawrence says. “Blood means nothing. My biological father treated me like crap my entire life, my mother didn’t treat me much better!” Daisy notes. “Oh spare me the sob story! Your father probably treated you so terribly because you were a colossal disappointment, just like my Dylan was to me. I had hoped that his daughter may be able to continue the Stanpatos legacy, but if Harper doesn’t have Stanpatos blood, I suppose that is no longer feasible.” Lawrence says. Lawrence once again points his gun at Daisy. “Wait, what are you doing?!” Daisy questions. “What, did you think your big revelation would somehow save you? You deceived me, Daisy. Not only that, but you also sealed your daughter’s fate. There’s really no reason to let Harper live if she isn’t Dylan’s daughter.” Lawrence says. “What?! She’s a CHILD!” Daisy shouts. “A child who just became expendable. If Harper isn’t a blood Stanpatos, she is of no further use to me.” Lawrence says. Rebecca and Ciara come around the corner and point their guns at Lawrence. “Drop the gun, Lawrence!” Rebecca demands. Lawrence quickly turns around and fires a shot at Rebecca, but Rebecca manages to dive out of the way. Lawrence turns and runs off. “MOVE!” Ciara yells at Daisy. Daisy steps out of the way and Ciara fires a shot at Lawrence, but the bullet hits the wall instead. “Damn it!” Ciara complains. Rebecca holsters her gun and crawls over to Lysandros. “What happened?” Rebecca questions. “Lawrence, he…shot me in the back.” Lysandros reveals. Rebecca looks up at Ciara. “I’ve got things covered here, go after Lawrence!” Rebecca urges. “Are you sure?” Ciara questions. “Yes! You can’t let him get away!” Rebecca shouts. Ciara nods and runs off. Rebecca then removes her jacket and applies pressure on Lysandros’ wound. “I don’t want you to worry, you’re going to be fine.” Rebecca tells him. Lysandros smiles. “I love your…optimism, but I’ve…I’ve seen gunshot wounds like this before.” Lysandros says. “I know it looks bad, but I’m going to get you help! You’re going to be fine!” Rebecca says. Lysandros places his hand on Rebecca’s cheek. “I can’t thank you enough.” Lysandros says. “For trying to save you?” Rebecca questions. “No, not for trying…you did save me. You…were the one who convinced me to turn my life around, to try and…become a better man. I could never repay you for giving me a chance even though you had every reason not to.” Lysandros says. “Stop it! You are going to have plenty of chances to repay me, you’re going to be fine!” Rebecca states. “Make me a promise, will you?” Lysandros asks. “Anything.” Rebecca responds. “You go and you make Lawrence pay for all the pain he’s caused. He has to be stopped.” Lysandros says. “Of course I will, you know that. Right after I get you help, okay?” Rebecca asks. “Do me a favor, hold my hand.” Lysandros says. Rebecca’s face turns pale. “Y-yeah, of course.” Rebecca says. Rebecca takes Lysandros’ hand and squeezes it. Lysandros smiles. “Now I know what peace feels like. Thank you.” Lysandros says, before his head falls back to the floor, his eyes still open. “No…Lysandros, you don’t get to do this! You don’t get to die on me like this!” Rebecca shouts. Daisy holds back tears as she looks on. Rebecca then checks Lysandros’ pulse. “He’s…he’s gone…” Rebecca whimpers. Daisy covers her face as she begins to cry. At that moment, V.J and Kaylie come around the corner. “Rebecca, Daisy, what happened?” V.J asks. Rebecca wipes away tears. “He killed him…that bastard killed my brother.” Rebecca reveals. “I’m so sorry, Rebecca.” Kaylie says. “Do you know where Lawrence is now?” V.J questions. “I-I don’t know. Ciara went after him.” Rebecca says. Rebecca stands up and turns towards them. “Have you found Ava or Dylan yet?” Rebecca questions. “Yeah. They were locked in a room but they’re out now and they’re with each other, at least last we knew.” Kaylie says. “Good. Take Daisy and Harper and get them to the beach.” Rebecca orders. “Where are you going?” V.J wonders. “To settle the score. Lawrence kidnapped my daughter, he shot my husband, and he murdered my brother. I’ll be damned if I let him leave this island alive!” Rebecca growls, before running off.

Out in the woods, Ava is running through but trips over a root sticking out of the ground. “OW!” Ava shouts. Ava manages to stand back up. “Okay, gotta keep going…” Ava mutters. As Ava continues walking, a gunshot rings out! Ava turns around and discovers Lawrence pointing his gun at her. “Going somewhere?” Lawrence questions. “Uncle Lawrence…” Ava says. Lawrence smiles. “I bet you didn’t expect to see me again so soon, did you?” Lawrence asks. “Honestly? I expected Uncle Dylan to take care of you.” Ava says. “It was the other way around. My son is currently lying on the floor in the control room, nursing a gunshot wound.” Lawrence says. “You shot him?!” Ava questions. “Oh calm down, it was only in the shoulder.” Lawrence says. “You still shot him! He’s your SON!” Ava screams. “Perhaps defined by biology, but by character? That disgrace couldn’t be further from being a true Stanpatos. But I didn’t track you down to discuss Dylan, now did I? Hand over the jewels.” Lawrence demands. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ava claims. “Don’t lie to me, Ava! Dylan didn’t steal the three diamond jewels, which means it had to have been you! Now despite your insolence, I do still have a certain fondness for you. I’d be willing to negotiate an agreement that involves us both getting what we want.” Lawrence says. “What do you think I want?” Ava wonders. “To live. If you give me the three jewels, I will let you leave the island.” Lawrence tells her. “How generous of you. I get to leave the island and go back to a civilization that’ll be crumbling because you would’ve either enslaved it or destroyed it.” Ava sarcastically says. “I’m not looking to enslave anyone, my dear. I just want to improve the world, that’s all.” Lawrence claims. “You don’t give a damn about this world! This is all about you being a power hungry lunatic with a superiority complex! All the people in this world are nothing but ants to you, including your own family! I mean, you’ve spent YEARS going on and on about how you’re a devoted family man, but the truth is you only care about the family that blindly follows you! The minute someone starts thinking for themselves, you cast them aside like they’re nothing!” Ava shouts. “Oh come on, that’s total lunacy!” Lawrence claims. “It’s the truth! I’m ashamed that I fell for it all. I knew your history, but I still wanted to believe that there was some humanity in you! And why? Just because you were nice to me? It was all just some crazy illusion, because the person you pretended to be with me doesn’t actually exist!” Ava states. “Are you finished yet?” Lawrence asks. “Why? You in a rush to set your plan into motion? Probably, right? I mean, every bad ass in Fantastic City has come here looking to take you out! And they aren’t messing around either. If they bump into you, I don’t think a single one of them would hesitate to put a bullet between your beady little eyes!” Ava gloats. “That’s enough! Give me the bloody jewels!” Lawrence demands. “You want them? You can pry them out of my cold dead hands!” Ava tells him. “You know that can easily be arranged. I am walking away with those three jewels one way or another, I’d much prefer to do it with you still breathing. One would think that you’d feel the same. So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to be a good girl and comply? Or are you going to be defiant and die for your cause?” Lawrence wonders. Ava sighs. “You’ve made your point. You win.” Ava says. “I always do. Now hand them over.” Lawrence urges. Ava pulls out the three jewels from her pocket and then approaches Lawrence. Lawrence holds his hand out. “Go ahead, give them to me.” Lawrence urges. Ava places the bracelet and the necklace into Lawrence’s hand. “There you go.” Ava says. “Much appreciated, but that’s only two of the three jewels. Where’s the ring?” Lawrence questions. “Oh yeah, you kinda need all three for your plan to work, right?” Ava asks. “Give it to me, Ava.” Lawrence demands. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it!” Ava says. Ava holds up the ring, but instead of handing it to Lawrence, she shoves it into her mouth and swallows it! “NOOOOOOOO!” Lawrence screams. Ava quickly swipes the other two jewels back from Lawrence and then backs away from him. “Oops.” Ava sarcastically says. “Do you have any idea what you have done?!” Lawrence questions. “Sure I do, I just saved the whole freaking world. Sorry, not sorry.” Ava says. “You smart mouthed little BITCH!” Lawrence yells. Lawrence aims his gun at Ava and a shot is fired! Lawrence collapses to the ground and Ciara is revealed to be standing behind him with a smoking gun!

Inside the facility, Rebecca is running through when Dylan comes around the corner and bumps into her. “Rebecca?!” Dylan asks. “Dylan! What happened to your shoulder? Are you okay?” Rebecca asks. “I’m fine. Lawrence shot me, but it wasn’t meant to be a kill shot. What about you? Are you alone?” Dylan asks. “Ciara is around here somewhere, as is Daisy. And you already know that V.J and Kaylie are here, they mentioned they found you earlier.” Rebecca says. “Hold on, DAISY is here?!” Dylan questions. “She came with Lysandros. He…Lawrence shot him in the back, he died.” Rebecca reveals. “Oh man, I’m sorry Rebecca. I wasn’t crazy over the guy myself, but I know you loved him.” Dylan says. “Thanks…I can’t let any of that distract me though. Ciara went after Lawrence and Kaylie and V.J took Daisy and Harper back to the beach.” Rebecca says. “So Harper is safe?” Dylan asks. Rebecca smiles. “She’s going to be fine.” Rebecca says. “Oh thank god…” Dylan says. “Where’s Ava? V.J and Kaylie had mentioned that she was with you.” Rebecca notes. “She was, until she took off with the three diamond jewels.” Dylan says. “She did what?!” Rebecca questions. “Yup. She knocked Lawrence out with a pipe and then took off with the three jewels. I would’ve tried to catch up with her, but Lawrence shot me and slowed me down.” Dylan says. “If Ava has the three jewels, that means Lawrence is probably looking for her. We need to get to him before he can find her!” Rebecca states. “Sounds like a plan. I’m looking for an excuse to take on that bastard, especially after he shot me.” Dylan says. “Well looks like you’ll get your chance. It’s now or never, we have to find Lawrence and stop him once and for all.” Rebecca says. “Let’s end this.” Dylan says, before he and Rebecca run down the hall.

In the woods, Lawrence is on the ground groaning in pain as Ava and Ciara look on. “Why’d you only shoot him in the leg? You should’ve gone for the head shot!” Ava says. “I have my reasons. Are you okay?” Ciara wonders. “Yeah, thanks to you. I thought for sure he was gonna kill me…” Ava says. “What set him off?” Ciara wonders. “Just me dismantling years worth of his work. I swallowed the diamond ring.” Ava says. “You didn’t.” Ciara says. Ava smiles. “I did, and he was PISSED.” Ava says. “Nice work, kiddo. That was some good thinking on your part.” Ciara says. “Yeah, I just hope I’m not gonna have to have surgery to have that thing removed from my stomach.” Ava says. “We’ll worry about that after. Right now, you should head to the beach where our boat is. If you head straight back this way, you should get there in about five minutes.” Ciara says. “You aren’t coming?” Ava asks. “I’ve got unfinished business with Uncle Lawrence here.” Ciara says. Ava nods. “Okay, good luck.” Ava says, before running off. Once Ava is gone, Ciara turns her attention to Lawrence. “Wow, you aren’t looking too good there. Hope I didn’t hit an artery.” Ciara sarcastically says. “Do you really think that this is over?” Lawrence asks. “Ava swallowed one of your precious diamond jewels, I’d say it’s about as over as it can get.” Ciara says. “No matter, I’ll just arrange for my men to cut it out of her.” Lawrence says. Lawrence attempts to stand but Ciara trains her gun on him. “Don’t even think about it!” Ciara warns. “Oh come on Ciara, I think if you were going to shoot me, you would’ve done so already.” Lawrence says. “I did.” Ciara points out. “I meant somewhere a bit more fatal.” Lawrence says. “That’s still in the cards. Why do you think I sent Ava away? It was half to get her as far away from you as possible and half because I didn’t want her to see me blow you away. The dilemma I’m stuck with though is where I’m gonna shoot you. I could make it a quick death and shoot you between the eyes, or I could shoot you somewhere a bit more painful. No matter where I shoot you though, I don’t think it’ll match the pain you inflicted on my brother when you cut his leg off, or the emotional pain you caused me by making me betray everyone I care about for months!” Ciara shouts. “Do you know why I chose you, Ciara?” Lawrence asks. “Because you got some kind of sick pleasure out of forcing Rebecca’s best friend to double cross her?” Ciara questions. “That’s part of it, but I also did so because I knew you had no qualms about getting your hands dirty when necessary. I never would have picked you if I thought you were like the rest of those so called do gooders. You aren’t though! It’s why you made such an excellent WPA operative, why you’ve always been considered the black sheep of your family.” Lawrence says. “My family loves me.” Ciara argues. “They begrudgingly accept you, or rather the version of yourself you pretend to be. Trust me, none of them wants anything to do with the person you really are at your core. At your core, you and I aren’t all that different.” Lawrence claims. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am more like you than I’d care to admit, which is why I shouldn’t have any problem putting you in a long overdue grave. Like I said though, I’m not gonna shoot you between the eyes or even in the stomach. I’m aiming for a place where it will REALLY hurt.” Ciara says, before pointing her gun at Lawrence’s crotch! “You’re so obsessed with having a worthy heir, but I’m sorry to say that you won’t be producing any more heirs. Not that I plan on letting you live anyway.” Ciara says. “You wouldn’t!” Lawrence says. “Watch me, old man!” Ciara says. Before Ciara can fire, a guard knocks her out from behind! Ciara falls to the ground. “Well it’s about bloody time!” Lawrence shouts. The guard helps Lawrence up off the ground. “Are you okay sir?” The guard asks. “Yes, I’m fine. The gunshot wound isn’t that serious, not nearly as serious as the wound she was about to inflict upon me.” Lawrence says. “Looks like my timing is perfect then.” The guard says. “Yes. Listen, I’m going to need you to clean up this mess.” Lawrence says. “What do you mean?” The guard asks. “You know exactly what I mean.” Lawrence says. “And what will you be doing?” The guard questions. “Why all the questions?! I’ll be heading towards the helicopter.” Lawrence says. “But what about your plans?” The guard asks. “My plans are a lost cause! At least for the time being. For right now, I need to focus on getting the hell off of this island so that I can plan my next move! While I’m doing that, I need you to eliminate this pest. I’d be delighted to do it myself, but I can’t afford to waste any more time.” Lawrence says. The guard nods. “Yes sir.” The guard says. “Excellent. Radio me when the job is completed.” Lawrence says, before walking off, struggling to walk due to his leg. Once Lawrence is gone, the guard aims his gun at Ciara…

Back at the beach, V.J, Kaylie, and Daisy are standing by the boat. “So what do we do now?” Daisy wonders. “We wait. Rebecca, Ciara, Ava, and Dylan are still inside the compound.” V.J says. “So shouldn’t someone go looking for them so we can get the hell off of this island?” Daisy questions. Ava runs onto the beach. “Thank god, I made it!” Ava exclaims. V.J rushes over to Ava. “There you are! Are you alright? Where’s Dylan?!” V.J questions. “I haven’t seen Dylan since I left the control room. Listen though, I’ve got the diamond jewels!” Ava tells them. “What?! How?” Kaylie questions. “I stole them from Lawrence! Well, I should say I got two of them: the bracelet and the necklace. I swallowed the ring to keep Lawrence from being able to use them.” Ava says. “That was kinda a bold move.” V.J notes. “I’d say! He was literally just about to shoot me not far from here when Ciara showed up and shot him.” Ava says. “Is he dead?” V.J wonders. “No, she only shot him in the leg. Pretty sure she was gonna aim somewhere higher though once I left.” Ava says. “Where did you last see Ciara?” Kaylie wonders. “About five minutes straight that way.” Ava answers. “Okay, I’m gonna go and make sure she’s okay.” Kaylie says. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll go and check it out.” V.J says. “I think you’re better staying here and keeping an eye on Daisy, Harper, and Ava.” Kaylie says. V.J sighs. “Alright, fine. Good luck.” V.J says. “Thanks.” Kaylie says, before running off. “So now that I’m back, does anyone else want to take the jewels off my hands before I end up having to swallow another one?” Ava asks. Ava pulls out the two remaining jewels and V.J goes into a trance gazing at them. Suddenly, Madeline appears behind V.J and places her hands on his shoulders! “Hello V.J, did you miss me?” Madeline asks, her voice echoing through the wind. “No…you…you can’t be real.” V.J mutters. Madeline cackles. “Oh come now V.J, haven’t you learned by now that I’m always going to be a part of you? We bonded when I brought you back from the brink of death. Now prior to my own passing, I gave you a very important mission. Now is the perfect time to execute my orders, my darling. Take the diamond jewels, and annihilate anyone who dares stand in your way.” Madeline orders!

Deeper in the woods, the guard aims his gun at an unconscious Ciara. “I’ve gotta say, I feel pretty good about myself now that the boss has given me the job of killing you. I know how much he hates you, so the fact that he’s letting me do this feels pretty huge. I’m not gonna screw it up.” The guard says. The guard prepares to pull the trigger, but Kaylie runs onto the scene and tackles him! The gun goes off but the bullet narrowly misses Ciara! The guard grabs Kaylie, pins her down onto the ground and begins strangling her. As the life slowly drains from Kaylie’s eyes, Kaylie manages to knee the guard in the groin! Kaylie pushes the guard off of her, pulls out her own gun, and slams the butt of it into the guard’s head, knocking him out! Kaylie then crawls over to Ciara. “Ciara, wake up!” Kaylie urges. “K-Kaylie?” Ciara asks. “Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay?” Kaylie wonders. “Other than a massive headache, I’m fine. What are you doing here?” Ciara wonders. “Ava told us that you were out here with Lawrence so I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Kaylie says. “Lawrence…LAWRENCE! Where’s Lawrence?” Ciara questions, quickly sitting up and looking around. “I-I don’t know. He was gone by the time I got here. That guard over there was getting ready to shoot you.” Kaylie says. “Wait…” Ciara mutters. “What is it?” Kaylie wonders. “I-I don’t think I was completely out. I remember hearing bits and pieces of Lawrence’s conversation with the guard.” Ciara admits. “What did you hear?” Kaylie wonders. “He’s on his way to his helicopter, he’s going to try and escape the island!” Ciara reveals. “Alright. Head back to the beach, I’m gonna go look for him.” Kaylie says. “I’m going too!” Ciara states. “Ciara, you have a nasty cut on your head! It could be a concussion! Trust me, you’re better off heading back to the beach with the others. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for your daughter.” Kaylie says. Ciara sighs. “Fine, just make sure you catch that bastard!” Ciara states. Kaylie smiles. “I will. Be safe.” Kaylie says, before running off.

At the boat, V.J is still being haunted by a vision of Madeline. “V.J, you good? You look off.” Ava notes. “Don’t listen to that insipid little girl, V.J. You’ve never been better! In fact, you are perfectly positioned to rise to greatness! Take the jewels, make your way to the control room of this facility, and force this dreadful planet to kneel before you…before US!” Madeline exclaims. “She…she…ate one of the three jewels…” V.J mumbles. “That’s of no consequence, my darling. Take Ava with you and cut the ring out of her once you reach the control room.” Madeline says. “N-no, I can’t…” V.J mutters. “V.J, listen to me! This is NOT something you can say no to! I may not have realized it at the time, but I brought you back to life for this very moment! THIS is your destiny! Seize the moment, V.J! Take what is rightfully ours!” Madeline demands. “Earth to V.J! Helloooooooo!” Ava says. V.J pulls out his gun and grabs Ava! “Oh my god, what the hell is the matter with you?!” Daisy questions. V.J points his gun at Daisy. “STAY BACK! We’re leaving!” V.J states. “V.J, this-this isn’t funny! Let me go!” Ava demands. “I’m sorry, I can’t do that.” V.J says. V.J begins dragging Ava back towards the woods. “V.J, hold on!” Daisy says, attempting to follow. V.J fires a shot past Daisy’s head. “I SAID STAY BACK!” V.J shouts. V.J then drags Ava away, leaving a concerned Daisy behind…

In the woods, Kaylie runs by the entrance to the facility when she notices Dylan and Rebecca coming out of the bulkhead. “Good, perfect timing!” Kaylie says. “Why? What’s going on?” Rebecca questions. “I just ran into Ciara. She said she heard Lawrence saying that he was heading towards his helicopter. She thinks he’s trying to escape the island.” Kaylie says. “Well why didn’t she try to stop him?!” Rebecca questions. “One of Lawrence’s goons knocked her out.” Kaylie reveals. “If Lawrence is trying to flee the island, he must’ve given up on Ava.” Dylan says. “Or he already caught her.” Rebecca suggests. “Ava is fine. She’s at the beach with Daisy, Harper, and V.J. Ciara is heading back there now too.” Kaylie says. “Oh thank god.” Rebecca says. “All that’s left is to find Lawrence and stop him then. We came to the island via helicopter and I think I remember my way back there.” Dylan says. “Well if Lawrence is already heading there, we may not make it in time.” Rebecca says. “Ciara shot him in the leg, he’s probably moving a little slower than usual.” Kaylie says. “Sounds like we’ve still got a shot then. Come on!” Dylan urges Rebecca. Rebecca turns towards Kaylie. “Dylan and I will handle Lawrence. You go back to the boat and make sure everyone is ready to leave. This will all be over soon.” Rebecca says. Kaylie nods. “Understood.” Kaylie says, before turning around and heading back into the woods. Rebecca turns towards Dylan. “Let’s go take down that son of a bitch.” Rebecca says, before she and Dylan run off.

Ciara runs onto the beach and finds only Daisy and Harper. “Took you long enough! Where’s Kaylie?” Daisy questions. “She went looking for Lawrence. Where are V.J and Ava?” Ciara questions. “I’m not really sure. V.J totally snapped.” Daisy says. “Meaning?!” Ciara asks. “Meaning he pulled out his gun, grabbed Ava, and took off! I have no idea what got into him!” Daisy says. “I think I do…” Ciara mutters. “Huh?” Daisy asks. “V.J must still be under Madeline’s control.” Ciara realizes!

In the control room of the facility, V.J leads Ava in, holding her at gunpoint. “What the hell are you doing?” Ava questions. “Following orders.” V.J answers. “Whose orders?” Ava wonders. “Madeline Masters!” V.J announces. Ava’s eyes widen. “Madeline Masters? V.J, Madeline Masters is dead!” Ava points out. “Her plans aren’t. Madeline gave me orders and I intend on carrying out those orders.” V.J states. “Well that’s gonna be kinda tough when one of the three diamond jewels is in my stomach!” Ava points out. V.J pulls out a switchblade. “I’ve got that covered.” V.J says. “What-what are you doing?” Ava asks. “You were the one stupid enough to swallow the ring, now I’m gonna have to cut it out of you.” V.J tells her!

At the helicopter launch pad, Lawrence is making his way towards the helicopter. “I can’t believe it’s come to this, me running away like a dog with his tail between his legs. No matter, this isn’t the end. Not even close! I am going to come back for what is rightfully mine, and I’ll do it with a vengeance.” Lawrence says. “LAWRENCE!” Dylan can be heard shouting. Lawrence turns and discovers Dylan and Rebecca running out of the woods. Lawrence quickly boards the helicopter. “Get this thing in the air! NOW!” Lawrence orders the pilot. The pilot starts the helicopter and it begins to ascend from the ground. “He’s getting away!” Dylan notes. “Like hell he is!” Rebecca shouts. Rebecca runs towards the helicopter as it gets higher and higher into the air. When Rebecca gets close, she leaps into the air and manages to grab onto the helicopter’s landing skid! Lawrence looks down and sees Rebecca hanging from the helicopter. “BLOODY HELL!” Lawrence screams. Rebecca pulls herself into the helicopter and Lawrence quickly draws his gun as Rebecca pulls out her own gun! “You just don’t know when to quit, do you?” Lawrence asks. “Funny, I was about to say the same thing about you. Drop the gun!” Rebecca demands. “You drop yours.” Lawrence orders. “We both know that I am a much quicker shot than you. You’ll be dead before your finger even reaches the trigger, so it would be better for everyone if you put it down.” Rebecca says. “How about I put you down instead?” Lawrence asks. Lawrence turns his gun and shoots the pilot in the back of the head! Lawrence then turns his gun on Rebecca and fires a shot, but Rebecca somersaults under it. Rebecca jumps to her feet and tackles Lawrence up against the wall of the helicopter! As Rebecca tries to wrestle the gun out of Lawrence’s hand, the helicopter begins to plummet from the sky! Rebecca slams Lawrence into the control panel of the helicopter, causing him to drop his gun. As she tries to keep him pinned down, Lawrence slams his head into Rebecca’s, forcing her to release her grip. Lawrence then throws Rebecca onto the floor! Lawrence stands up and picks his gun up off the floor. As Lawrence turns towards her, Rebecca quickly draws a gun she has attached to her ankle and shoots at Lawrence! The bullet pierces right through Lawrence’s chest! “AH!!” Lawrence screams. Lawrence drops his gun and clutches his chest in pain. As Lawrence stumbles, he ends up falling backwards out of the helicopter, plummeting to the concrete below!


Posts : 1027
Join date : 2021-01-15


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