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Fantastic S5 Episode 123(6/17/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 123(6/17/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 123(6/17/24)

Post by QG Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:11 am

At Fantastic Medical, Acerbi, Dannie, and Scarlett enter a conference room. “Thank you for bringing us somewhere a little more private. I don’t think this is a conversation we should be having in a hospital corridor.” Scarlett says. “Then maybe you shouldn’t have dropped this bombshell on me in the hospital corridor.” Acerbi suggests. “I would’ve loved to have avoided that, but you seemed convinced that I was some nobody so I felt compelled to set the record straight. Not a nobody, by the way. Scarlett King here, daughter of Alastair King, who happens to be a rich and powerful businessman.” Scarlett says. “Would you like a medal?” Acerbi asks. “Just trying to clarify a few things here.” Scarlett notes. “Well clarify this. Your father is the one who bought the hospital, so what does any of this have to do with you?” Acerbi wonders. “Great question! Dad is very pleased to be the new owner of your little hospital, but he’s far too busy to give it the attention he’d like to, so he’s put me in charge of managing it!” Scarlett reveals. “I see…” Acerbi mutters. “You don’t seem too happy about that.” Scarlett observes. “I still have a lot of questions. The sale of the hospital sprung on me rather quickly, so surely you can understand why I would not be jumping for joy at your family purchasing it.” Acerbi says. Scarlett sits down. “Of course. Any questions you have, I’d be more than happy to answer them. Assuming I have the answers, anyway.” Scarlett says. “I think the biggest question on my mind and on Doctor Acerbi’s mind is whether or not you plan on closing the hospital.” Dannie says. “That is very true. What exactly are you and your father’s plans for this hospital, Miss. King?” Acerbi questions.

At the Fantastic P.D, Don is standing in the squad room on the phone. “I understand. Let me know what happens…okay, bye.” Don says, before hanging up. Kaylie walks in. “Hey, I just got off the phone with Jenna. Apparently she had to hang up because the prison went under lockdown, any idea what that’s about?” Don asks. “I was actually just coming to fill you in. Lydia Masters has escaped from Baronville.” Kaylie reveals. “You’re kidding.” Don says. “Nope. I guess Lydia was supposed to be driven to the courthouse for a hearing that could’ve gotten her transferred to a minimum security prison while she’s awaiting trial. The problem with that is that Lucas Cambino clobbered the driver over the head before they could leave Baronville and then took off with Lydia.” Kaylie tells Don. “That doesn’t make any sense! Lydia has been swearing up and down that she’s innocent, that she didn’t kill Mia in cold blood! Why would she jeopardize her case like this?” Don wonders. “Because she isn’t innocent.” A voice says. Don and Kaylie turn around just in time to see Julia walking in. “Do you believe me now, Kaylie? Lydia Masters is guilty as sin!” Julia states. “This doesn’t prove anything.” Kaylie argues. “Seriously? If Lydia was as innocent as she claims, why escape prison? Why not stick around to try and prove her innocence? I’ll tell you why, because she knows that she can’t!” Julia says. “I took a look at Lydia’s inmate file, and she was apparently attacked about a month ago and spent a bit of time in the infirmary. Maybe she broke out because she was afraid for her life.” Kaylie suggests. “That’s hardly an excuse.” Julia points out. “I never said it was an excuse, just a possible motive.” Kaylie notes. “Well whatever the case is, I want both Lucas and Lydia caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They won’t get away with this, you and this entire department are going to make sure of that.” Julia states.

At an unknown house, Lucas unlocks the front door and he and Lydia walk inside. “Where are we?” Lydia wonders. “This is an old safe house from my mobster days.” Lucas reveals. “And you still own it?” Lydia questions. “I like to keep it around just in case we ever need to disappear for whatever reason. We both have our fair share of enemies so I figured it’d be good to keep it on hand. It’s up in the mountains so it’s pretty secluded from the rest of civilization, and I made sure that the house can’t be traced back to me in any way.” Lucas says. “Right…” Lydia mutters. “What’s wrong?” Lucas wonders. “Is that a serious question? You just broke me out of jail! We’re probably both wanted by the police right now!” Lydia points out. “I had my reasons.” Lucas says. “Are you going to tell me what those reasons are?!” Lydia questions. “Obviously the main one is to keep you safe. Even with Gretta in solitary, I’m still not confident that she won’t be able to get to you. Besides that though, I broke you out because I think I might be getting closer to proving your innocence.” Lucas says. “How?” Lydia asks. “I think I’ve figured out who Gretta is in league with: it’s Mia.” Lucas says. “What?! Mia is dead!” Lydia points out. “We’ve thought that once before. Hell, we went into the morgue to make sure that Mia was dead that time and she still ended up coming back! Her body was never found after she went over that cliff, and sure maybe the tide took her out to sea, but it’s also a possibility that she may have survived somehow.” Lucas notes. “And now she’s going into business with your sister? Trying to go into business with you?” Lydia asks. “This is right up her alley. Every time Mia cooks up a new scheme, she always tries to use a figure head. Back in the day, she used me by threatening the people I care about, the same way this mysterious partner of Gretta’s tried to get me into line this time around. A few years ago it was Zoey’s turn. We thought Zoey was just trying to come between us at first, we didn’t know that Mia had hired her to drive a wedge between us.” Lucas recalls. “That’s true…but that still doesn’t mean Mia is alive.” Lydia notes. “Maybe not, but it’s a theory I’m willing to pursue. After all, you can’t exactly be prosecuted for Mia’s murder if Mia isn’t dead, right?” Lucas asks. “So how do you plan on proving Mia is alive?” Lydia wonders. “I think I have an idea of how to go about that.” Lucas says.

At the footbridge, Andy is on the ground after being shot in the chest by Lawrence. While Rebecca is distracted, Lawrence comes up and rips Ava away from her! Rebecca quickly draws her gun but Lawrence already has his gun pointed at Ava’s head! “LET HER GO!” Rebecca demands. “Or what? You aren’t in any position to be making demands of me, not when I hold your precious daughter’s life in my hands.” Lawrence notes. “Don’t worry about me, mom! Just take the shot and get back to Dad! He needs you!” Ava cries. “Ava is right about one thing, Andy really does need you. If he doesn’t get medical attention soon, he could very well die! But if you’d prefer to take the shot and risk losing your daughter as well as your husband, then by all means, do it.” Lawrence urges. After contemplating for a moment, Rebecca lowers her gun. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I can’t risk hurting you.” Rebecca tells Ava. Ava nods. “I…I understand.” Ava says. Lawrence begins backing up towards the other side of the footbridge, still holding Ava at gunpoint. “Where are you taking her?!” Rebecca questions. “Don’t worry, dear niece. I have no intention of harming Ava, so long as you don’t try to follow me. Despite how it may appears, I really do adore her and would like to avoid hurting her at all costs. However, Ava’s fate hinges on your ability to control yourself. Please don’t try your hand at anything that even remotely resembles a rescue, I can assure you that it won’t end well for your daughter.” Lawrence warns. Rebecca looks at Ava. “Ava…” Rebecca mutters. Ava tearfully nods. “Don’t worry about me, K? I’m gonna be fine. Just go and take care of Dad! He has to be okay, he just has to be!” Ava says. Rebecca nods. “He will be, and so will you. I’m going to find you and I’m going to bring you home.” Rebecca says. “Don’t make promises you aren’t capable of keeping.” Lawrence says. Rebecca turns towards Lawrence. “And you? I am going to send you straight to hell the next time I see you, mark my words.” Rebecca growls. Lawrence smiles. “I wouldn’t count on ever seeing me again, or your daughter for that matter.” Lawrence says. Lawrence turns towards his men. “We got what we came for, time to go.” Lawrence says. The goons run off, and Lawrence begins dragging Ava away, who shares one last look with a terrified Rebecca, before she and Lawrence vanish into the woods. Once Lawrence is gone, Rebecca rushes over to Andy and kneels down next to him. “Can you hear me?” Rebecca asks. “Y…you…should’ve gone…after them…” Andy mutters. “He was going to shoot her, I couldn’t risk it! There was nothing I could’ve done to get Ava away from Lawrence right now, but I am going to help you. Once I know you’re out of the woods, I’m going to find our daughter and I am going to make Lawrence wish he had never messed with our family.” Rebecca says.

Nearby in the woods, as Dylan is still unconscious on the ground, Gizelle has her gun aimed at Ciara. “Did you hear that gunshot? Sounds like you just got one of your friends killed. Too bad.” Gizelle says. “You’ve made your point! Now put the gun down and let Dylan and I go!” Ciara demands. “Nice try, but Lawrence gave me orders to kill any intruders. It’s a shame, really. You just finally got your life back after how long? Just in time for it to end.” Gizelle says. “It’s gonna take a bigger bitch than you to take me down.” Ciara says. “You wanna put that to the test?” Gizelle wonders. “I’d love to.” Ciara says. Ciara kicks the gun out of Gizelle’s hand and then whips the nozzle of her sniper into Gizelle’s head! Gizelle falls to the ground and Ciara quickly aims the sniper at Gizelle. Ciara fires a tranquilizer dart at Gizelle but Gizelle quickly rolls out of the way before she can be hit. Gizelle jumps to her feet and before Ciara can fire another shot, Gizelle grabs part of the sniper as Ciara is holding it and slams it into Ciara’s chest! Ciara falls backwards and releases her hold on the sniper, and Gizelle tosses the sniper into the bushes. “I don’t need a firearm to take care of you.” Gizelle says. Ciara gets off the ground and lunges at Gizelle, tackling her to the ground! Once Ciara has Gizelle pinned down, Gizelle grabs Ciara’s shoulders and manages to roll Ciara over so that Gizelle is on top of her. Gizelle wraps her hands around Ciara’s neck and begins strangling her. As Ciara struggles to breathe, a smirk forms on Gizelle’s face. “I told you I could take you. In fact, putting you down was almost as easy as kidnapping your brother was.” Gizelle gloats. “You…YOU kidnapped…Brady?!” Ciara questions, still struggling to breathe. “It wasn’t difficult. Apparently incompetence runs in your family, you and your idiot brother are both examples of that. He lucked out though. He may not have kept all his limbs but at least he’ll get to keep his life, unlike you.” Gizelle says. Ciara suddenly grabs a handful of dirt and shoves it into Gizelle’s eyes! “Gah!” Gizelle screams. Ciara flips Gizelle onto her back and then pins her down onto the ground. “You screwed with the wrong family, BITCH!” Ciara snaps, before punching Gizelle in the face! Gizelle’s head hits the ground and her eyes are now closed. “Please tell me I killed her…” Ciara begs. Ciara checks Gizelle’s pulse. “Damn it! I never get lucky!” Ciara complains. Ciara turns towards Dylan and crawls over to him. “Dylan, are you okay? Wake up!” Ciara urges. As Ciara tends to Dylan, Gizelle’s eyes pop open, seemingly having faked being unconscious. “Dylan, please, open your eyes! I don’t know what’s going on over there but I heard a gunshot! We need to go and make sure everything is okay!” Ciara says. Ciara pauses when she hears the faint noise of a twig snapping. Ciara turns her head just in time for Gizelle to slam a decent sized tree branch into her head! Ciara is thrown back onto Dylan, unconscious. A cocky Gizelle smiles. “I told you I could take care of you. Now that you’re finally down and out, what do I do about you and your friend here?” Gizelle wonders, as Dylan and Ciara are still knocked out…

In the conference room at the hospital, Scarlett leans back in her chair. “What are my plans for the hospital? Hm…well, I do enjoy a good trip to the spa. Maybe I’ll close down the hospital and build a spa in its place!” Scarlett suggests. “You are going to close down a large hospital and put a spa in place of it? That takes care of one floor of the building, what do you plan on doing with the rest?” Acerbi wonders. “I need some place to store my shoes. They’re beginning to flood out of my closet.” Scarlett says. “Surely you aren’t being serious!” Acerbi growls. “I’m sure it’s just a joke.” Dannie says. “Of course it is! I’m not gonna close down the hospital! My dad and I are committed to turning things around to make Fantastic Medical great again!” Scarlett says. “Fantastic Medical is already great.” Acerbi argues. “Eh, that’s not really the story that the profits seem to be telling. In fact, the information I’ve collected suggests that the hospital’s patient numbers have gone down by 25% over the past ten years.” Scarlett says. “That isn’t horrible over a ten year period.” Acerbi claims. “Here in the business world, we aren’t usually happy unless the numbers are going up and not down. Now upon further investigation, I’ve found that the hospital’s decline in patients seemed to have started right around the time you joined the staff.” Scarlett says. “You can’t be serious!” Acerbi snaps. “Oh, I am. Could be a coincidence, but all of the HR complaints filed against you seem to indicate that it isn’t.” Scarlett says. “What HR complaints?!” Acerbi questions. “People don’t seem to be a big fan of your bedside manner. There have also been accounts of you being down right rude to patients, which is no way to run a hospital.” Scarlett says. “What do you know about running a hospital?!” Acerbi questions. “Absolutely nothing! But I’m hoping to learn it all on the job.” Scarlett says. “Well this is just lovely! The person in charge of the hospital has absolutely no experience! Yet somehow I am the problem!” Acerbi shouts. “We’ve both got some learning to do, Liv.” Scarlett says. “....What did you just call me?!” Acerbi questions. “Liv, short for Olivia. That’s okay, right?” Scarlett asks. “No!” Acerbi snaps. “Oops, sorry about that.” Scarlett says. “And as for your insinuation that I still have learning to do-” Acerbi begins to say. “It wasn’t an insinuation, Liv. It was a statement of fact.” Scarlett says. “Let me rephrase. As for your incorrect opinion that I still have some learning to do, I can assure you that I do not. I have been a doctor for decades, I’ve worked at this hospital for almost a decade, I do not have anything else I need to learn to do my job any better than I already do.” Acerbi claims. “Really? Cause it sounds like your people skills could use some work, but you and I could work on that together! I’ve got great people skills, I’m sure I could give you a pointer or two.” Scarlett says. “I don’t need your help to run this hospital.” Acerbi says. “You need my support to keep your job.” Scarlett points out. “The hell I do! Contrary to what you may think, you do not own this hospital! Your father does!” Acerbi notes. “And he’s given me full autonomy.” Scarlett says. “Then he must be hoping to intentionally tank the hospital.” Acerbi says. “I get why you’re upset, really. You aren’t used to having someone being so attentive to what’s happening here at the hospital. It’s my understanding that the former owner didn’t really care what you did with it. That isn’t the case with me and my family. If you want to stay here, then I’m gonna need to see that you’re doing your job right. Otherwise, you might not fit into the vision I have for the hospital’s future.” Scarlett says. “I have to get back to work.” Acerbi says. “Terrific. Give me a shout when you want those people skills lessons, yeah?” Scarlett says. Acerbi ignores her and storms out. “Well she’s intense.” Scarlett notes. “This is just a lot for her to process. I’m sure she’ll come around.” Dannie says. “Not so sure about that. I have a feeling that my lack of experience may have turned her off. That and the fact that I questioned the way she’s been running the hospital these last few years.” Scarlett says. “I get she may seem like…” Dannie begins to say. “A nasty bitch?” Scarlett questions. Dannie smiles. “She means well. She’s come a long way these last few years, she isn’t the person she used to be.” Dannie says. “I hope you’re right about that.” Scarlett says. Dannie sits across from Scarlett. “You know, when you had told me that you were in town for some business investment, it never occurred to me that investment would be buying the hospital.” Dannie says. “Well it never occurred to me that I would bump into you here of all places. I guess it works out though. I did tell you that once I was able to talk about my investment, you’d be my first call. Looks like I didn’t have to look for you too hard.” Scarlett notes. Dannie smiles. “I work here. I’m a psychiatrist.” Dannie says. “Is that right? Well then I guess we’ll be seeing quite a bit of each other.” Scarlett says. “Very true. You know, before I found out you had bought the hospital, I was actually gonna buy it myself.” Dannie admits. “Liv pays you that much, does she?” Scarlett asks. “My salary isn’t anything to complain about, but I have the money because I come from a wealthy family.” Dannie says. “Really? Well you’ve GOT to tell me all about it sometime.” Scarlett says. “How about now? I don’t have any appointments for another hour.” Dannie says. “But I do. I’ve got a conference call with King International’s head of publicity. Dad has put me in charge of coordinating with publicity over the press release.” Scarlett says. “Ah, I see.” Dannie says. “Maybe another time? I’m gonna need someone to show me the hot spots in Fantastic for fun and entertainment.” Scarlett says. “I don’t go out too often, last night was a bit of a fluke. I’d be happy to help in any way I can though.” Dannie says. “Perfect. Can’t wait to see you again.” Scarlett says, before standing up and walking out. Once Scarlett is gone, a huge grin appears on Dannie’s face.

“Don’t worry, this department is going to do everything possible to find Lucas and Lydia and bring them both in. Contrary to what you might think, we aren’t gonna treat them with any special treatment. But at the same time, don’t expect us to hang them in the middle of Goo Village like what you’re probably hoping for.” Kaylie tells Julia. An officer walks in. “Chief, Detective Simms, we just got a call about a shooting out in the woods. Apparently the victim was hurt pretty badly.” The cop says. “Send me the location, I’ll head over there and check out the scene.” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns towards Don. “Can you orchestrate the search for Lucas and Lydia please? I’ve gotta go take care of this.” Kaylie says. “Sure.” Don answers. “Thanks.” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns back towards Julia. “See you later.” Kaylie coldly says, before walking out. “She thinks I’m being too harsh…” Julia admits. “I think you might’ve been a little too harsh to her earlier. She probably feels like maybe you’re questioning her skills as a police officer.” Don says. “That wasn’t my intention.” Julia argues. “Don’t tell that to me, tell that to Kaylie.” Don says, before walking away.

“Every time Mia has come out into the open before has been when one of her plans had failed. When people started realizing that I was being coerced by her back in the day, that’s when she openly came after us. When her plan to have Zoey come between us failed, she kidnapped me on the day you and I were supposed to get married.” Lucas recalls. “Her plan this time was for me to take the fall for her murder, so now that I’ve escaped prison, Mia may see that as a failure on her end.” Lydia realizes. “Exactly. Now that you aren’t in jail anymore, I’m willing to bet Mia is absolutely fuming if she’s alive. She’s gonna want to come after you herself now, which is how we catch her.” Lucas says. “But no one has any idea where we are, and that includes Mia! How are we going to lure her here?” Lydia wonders. “That’s going to be the tricky part. We’ll need to find a way to leak our location to her without leaking it to the police.” Lucas says. “And we’ll also need to make sure we’re prepared for when she does come. Mia has made it pretty clear that she’d like nothing more than to see us both dead. If she finds us, she will kill us.” Lydia notes. “We’ll be expecting her, I’m not gonna let her lay a finger on you. If all goes well, this will end with Mia being hauled off to jail and you being released.” Lucas says. “I hope so. Now that I’m out, I can’t go back to prison.” Lydia says. “And you won’t. Worst case scenario and I can’t clear your name, I’ll make sure we both disappear to somewhere the police can never find us.” Lucas says. “Lucas, you can’t throw away your life for me.” Lydia says. “I won’t have a life without you. The years you were gone…I don’t even really know how to describe them. Looking back on them now, they almost don’t even seem real, just like some kind of dream…a nightmare. I’m not gonna lose you again. If I have to spend the rest of my life on the run to be with you, I’ll do it.” Lucas says. Lydia places her hand on Lucas’ cheek. “Thank you.” Lydia tells him. Lucas then pulls Lydia into a kiss.

At the footbridge, Rebecca is now holding her jacket over Andy’s wound. “Try to keep your eyes open, okay? Help is going to be here soon.” Rebecca says. “Rebecca…” Andy mutters. “What? What is it?” Rebecca wonders. “You…you’ve gotta stop Lawrence…you’ve gotta save our daughter.” Andy tells her. “Of course I will, and I’m going to do it with your help.” Rebecca says. “Whatever happens…promise me you won’t lose focus.” Andy says. “What are you talking about? Nothing is going to happen! You are going to be okay and we’re going to stop Lawrence together!” Rebecca states. “Please…please just promise…promise me.” Andy begs. Rebecca sighs and then nods. “I promise, but it’s not going to come to that!” Rebecca tells him. “I…I love you…I’ll always love you.” Andy mutters, before his eyes close. “Andy?” Rebecca asks. Rebecca checks his pulse. “Oh my god, he’s not breathing. Oh god, please honey, you can’t do this! You can’t leave me! Our daughter needs you! I need you!” Rebecca sobs. Sirens can be heard getting closer. “OVER HERE! QUICKLY!” Rebecca screams. The paramedics run over to Rebecca. “Please, you have to help him! He’s stopped breathing!” Rebecca yells. “Ma’am, please step aside and give us some space to work.” One of the paramedics say. Rebecca stands up and backs away from them, just as Kaylie runs onto the scene. “Commissioner!” Kaylie shouts. “Thank god you’re here. You have to go after him!” Rebecca states. “Who?” Kaylie questions. “Lawrence! He shot Andy, and then he took off with Ava!” Rebecca reveals. “When did you last see him?” Kaylie wonders. “About twenty minutes ago. I know he’s probably long gone by now, but you still have to try! We cannot let him leave this city!” Rebecca states. “We won’t.” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns towards another cop. “I need you to arrange for roadblocks to be set up on every road out of this city, every sidewalk, no one goes in or out without their identity being verified. I mean NO ONE. I also want an APB put out on Lawrence Stanpatos, and make sure to mention he’s armed and has a hostage.” Kaylie says. “Two hostages. He’s also kidnapped Dylan and Daisy’s daughter, Harper.” Rebecca reveals. “Two hostages. In the meantime, I’m going to canvas the area in case the suspect is still here.” Kaylie says, before running across the bridge. Rebecca then looks down and sees the paramedics still trying to revive Andy…

In another part of the woods, Kaylie is running through with her gun drawn when she comes across an unconscious Ciara! “What the hell?” Kaylie wonders. Kaylie kneels down and checks Ciara’s pulse, before nudging at her shoulder. “Ciara, wake up!” Kaylie urges. Ciara begins to open her eyes. “What…what happened?” Ciara asks. “I was about to ask you that. You’re out in the woods and you’ve got a nasty cut on your head, do you remember anything about it?” Kaylie wonders. Ciara’s eyes pop open. “Oh my god, where’s Dylan?!” Ciara questions. “Dylan Stanpatos? I don’t know, I haven’t seen him.” Kaylie admits. Ciara sits up and looks around. “He was here before! He had been knocked out!” Ciara recalls. “By Lawrence Stanpatos?” Kaylie questions. “By Gizelle, Lawrence’s right hand woman! I…I think she was the one who knocked me out too, she must’ve taken him! We have to find him!” Ciara shouts. “The department is doing everything we can to track down Lawrence.” Kaylie says. “Have you seen Andy and Rebecca? I heard a gunshot earlier, are they okay?” Ciara asks. “Lawrence shot Andy.” Kaylie reveals. “What?! Is he going to be okay?” Ciara questions. “The paramedics were working on him when I last saw them. It…didn’t look good.” Kaylie admits. “Oh my god…” Ciara mutters. “I know that’s probably not the news you were hoping to hear, Andy IS your cousin.” Kaylie notes. “It’s not just that. I’m the reason Andy got shot.” Ciara tells Kaylie.

At the footbridge, one of the paramedics is talking with Rebecca. “We were able to get your husband breathing again, but…he’s lost a lot of blood. If I’m being completely honest with you, we aren’t even sure if he’ll make it to the hospital.” The paramedic admits. “You can’t let him die. That man is one of the most wonderful human beings I have ever known. He got shot trying to rescue our daughter from a maniac! Please, you have to save him!” Rebecca begs. “We’ll do our best, I promise.” The paramedic says, before running off. Rebecca then turns back towards the bridge. “You won’t get away with this, Lawrence. You’ve taken my daughter, you may have killed my husband…I don’t care if it takes the rest of my life, I’m going to find you and I’m going to kill you…” Rebecca coldly whispers…

On a plane, Gizelle is sitting at a table when Lawrence hands her a glass of wine. “Here you go, my dear.” Lawrence says. “What’s this for?” Gizelle wonders. “For a job well done! You were able to thwart my son and his ex lover’s ill advised attempt to undermine me, in the process procuring my son. I’m very impressed.” Lawrence admits. “My only regret is that I didn’t finish Ciara Goo off.” Gizelle says. Lawrence sits across from her. “You made the right decision. With Andy Goo having been shot, I imagine the police were minutes away from arriving. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time. Besides, there isn’t much Ciara Goo can do to us now, now is there? Not a single soul on this planet has any idea where we’re going.” Lawrence says. “That’s because none of them know what you’re planning.” Gizelle says. Lawrence smiles. “I’ve been working towards this goal for years. To finally have all three diamond jewels in my possession…it is a feeling that words simply cannot describe.” Lawrence says. Harper can be heard crying from the other room. “Even better is that I have my lovely granddaughter, as well as my son and my niece along for this wonderful ride. Yes, after all these years…my plan is finally going to come to fruition and this world will be forever changed.” Lawrence says, as he raises his glass…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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