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Fantastic S5 Episode 143(7/31/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 143(7/31/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 143(7/31/24)

Post by QG Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:30 am

It’s a new day in Fantastic City. In Lucas and Lydia’s bedroom, Lydia stirs awake and notices that Lucas isn’t in bed next to her. “Lucas?” Lydia calls out. Lydia sits up and then notices a note left on the end table next to her side of the bed. “What could this be about?” Lydia wonders. Lydia picks up the note and begins reading it. “Dear beautiful bride of mine. I climbed out of bed and went to sleep in one of the spare bedrooms at approximately 11:59 last night. Given the run of luck we’ve had these last few years, I didn’t want to take on any more bad luck by seeing the bride before the wedding. By the time you would have read this, I’ve probably already left the house to make sure everything is ready for our big day. This day is going to be life changing for the both of us, and I cannot wait to be able to call you my wife again, and to begin our brand new life together. I love you with all of my heart, Lucas.” Lydia reads. Lydia smiles. “He’s such a romantic…” Lydia mutters. The doorbell rings. “Who could that be this early?” Lydia wonders.

In the foyer of Lydia’s mansion, Lydia comes down the stairs, opens the door, and finds Serena standing on her front doorstep! “Surprise!” Serena exclaims. “Serena?! What are you doing here?” Lydia asks, before pulling Serena into a hug. “You did invite me to your wedding, didn’t you?” Serena asks. “Yeah, but I didn’t think you would actually come! Especially not after you were literally JUST in Fantastic.” Lydia says. “About that. Sorry I didn’t get the chance to catch up with you.” Serena says. “To be fair, I was on the run. I’m not anymore, though. Lucas and I are finally going to get married!” Lydia says. “And I’m happy for you. I know what you’re going to say, you’re going to remind me that I haven’t always been Lucas’ biggest fan. That is very true, and I still don’t like him all that much, but I know he makes you happy.” Serena says. “Thank you, I appreciate you saying that. Speaking of people who make us happy, did V.J come back with you?” Lydia wonders. “No, he didn’t. After what happened the last time V.J left the clinic, he didn’t want to chance anything.” Serena says. “I can’t say I blame him. That’s too bad though, I haven’t had the chance to see him since he came back.” Lydia says. “You can finish that sentence, sis. Since he came back from the dead.” Serena says. Lydia smiles. “Right. So have you been by to see Colin yet?” Lydia wonders. “I just came from the Goo castle. I also checked in on Andy, who seems to be doing pretty good after Lawrence shot him.” Serena says. “He and Rebecca are actually going to be coming to the wedding.” Lydia says. “He told me! He’s really looking forward to getting out of the house for a bit.” Serena says. “I can imagine.” Lydia says. “So after you and Lucas get married, what’s next? I heard Dylan gave you back Masters Corp, so you won’t have to fight him for control of that.” Serena notes. “That’s very true. Lucas and I were actually talking about moving.” Lydia admits. “Really? To where?” Serena wonders. “I’m not sure yet. Somewhere quiet.” Lydia says. “Ireland is pretty quiet.” Serena notes. “Is that your way of trying to get us to come and join you and V.J?” Lydia wonders. Serena laughs. “It’s just a suggestion. I’ve got a spare room where I’m staying, so you guys could come and stay with me until you find a place of your own.” Serena says. “That’s something to think about. I’ll have to talk to Lucas about it after the wedding.” Lydia says. “So on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you to be getting married again?” Serena questions. “100! Oh my god, Serena, it has been such a long road to get here. The last time Lucas and I tried to get married, Mia Goo kidnapped him on our wedding day. Then before we even had the chance to reschedule, Lawrence and Mia faked my death in that explosion at Andy and Rebecca’s would be wedding. But now that Lawrence is dead and Mia is in prison, I really feel like today’s festivities are going to go off without a hitch.” Lydia says. “I hope so. You deserve it more than anyone I know.” Serena says. “Thank you.” Lydia says, before pulling Serena into another hug.

In the food court of Goo Village, Lucas and Kristina are sitting at a table. “If I had more notice that the two of you were going to be getting married today, I could’ve thrown you a bachelor party! Drinks, strippers, all the sort of stuff guys usually do before they get married.” Kristina says. Lucas chuckles. “I could do without the strippers. I’ve got my eye on only one woman, and I’m about to marry her.” Lucas says. Kristina smiles. “Your devotion to Lydia is awe inspiring. I wish I had someone who was crazy about me like that.” Kristina says. “You did. His name was Brady Goo.” Lucas points out. “Yeah, and as you know, that relationship fizzled.” Kristina notes. “About that. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Brady to the wedding. I still consider him a friend, you know?” Lucas asks. “It’s fine. Brady and I are on decent-ish terms now.” Kristina says. “How decent?” Lucas wonders. “So how does he plan on getting to the wedding?” Kristina wonders. “You’re changing the subject.” Lucas accuses her. “I’m just curious about how Brady is getting to the wedding when he’s in a wheelchair.” Kristina says. “Well Andy, Rebecca, and Dannie will all be coming, so I imagine Brady will be hitching a ride with them.” Lucas says. “Okay, just curious.” Kristina says. “Were you gonna offer to pick him up?” Lucas wonders. “I mean, if he had no other way of getting to the wedding…” Kristina mutters. “Hm, that would’ve been awfully generous of you.” Lucas notes. “I’m trying to be friendly with him. Can we stop talking about me and Brady now? Today is about you and Lydia! You’re about to marry the woman of your dreams, the love of your life! What comes next?” Kristina questions. “After the wedding? Well Lydia and I are seriously considering moving.” Lucas says. “Why? You live in a freaking mansion!” Kristina notes. “What I mean is we’re considering moving out of Fantastic.” Lucas says. “Oh…” Kristina mutters. “We’re just looking to live a quieter life once we’re married, you know? Given everything that’s happened, we don’t think we’re going to find that here in Fantastic.” Lucas says. “I wish I could argue with you, but I can’t. I swear to god there must be some kind of curse over this city that forces people to live in misery.” Kristina says. “You aren’t miserable, are you?” Lucas asks. “I’m not exactly happy! I haven’t been truly happy since-” Kristina stops herself. “Since things ended between you and Brady?” Lucas questions. “Since losing my baby.” Kristina corrects him. “Sorry. You’re right, that is the bigger tragedy.” Lucas admits. “Well like I said, today is about you and Lydia, so I’m not gonna focus on any of that. What I am going to focus on is helping you get ready for your big day! As your best friend, there is no way I can let you marry Lydia looking like that.” Kristina says. “Like what?” Lucas asks. “Like a walking disaster! Come on, we’re going to go back to my boutique and I am going to fix you up so that today doesn’t end with a runaway bride, okay? Okay!” Kristina says, before standing up. Lucas scoffs. “Kristina-” Lucas begins to say. “Let’s go!” Kristina demands. Lucas sighs, and then stands up and follows Kristina away.

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Andy is sitting on the sofa when Rebecca walks in. “So I know we’ve got a lot to do today since we’re going to Lucas and Lydia’s wedding, but I just added something else to our list.” Rebecca says. “You can’t stand relaxing for one second, can you?” Andy asks. “I’m sorry, it’s about the live in nurse that I’m hiring for you. I put out an ad last night and I have gotten a ton of inquiries, but there’s one in particular that has shown a great deal of interest in the position, so I agreed to give her a quick interview this morning.” Rebecca says. “Do you have her information handy?” Andy wonders. “I printed out her resume, I thought you might want to look over it before the interview.” Rebecca says, as she hands Andy the resume. “Nicolette Pierce, is that the girl you’re talking about?” Andy questions. “That’s the one.” Rebecca confirms. “Wow, she’s young. Only 20 years old.” Andy notes. “That was a concern of mine too, but I’ve also looked into how she did in nursing school and she seemed to have gotten stellar grades and was quite popular with her teachers.” Rebecca says. “You spoke to her teachers? You don’t think that’s a little much?” Andy asks. “You’re Queen Goo’s son, that makes you something of a public figure. That means we need to be extra careful when hiring someone to take care of you!” Rebecca says. “That makes sense. So no red flags stood out to you about Nicolette?” Andy asks. “Nothing at all. She seems squeaky clean.” Rebecca says. “Okay, I don’t see any harm in interviewing her then. When is she supposed to get here?” Andy wonders. Rebecca checks her watch. “She should be here in about a half hour.” Rebecca says. “That’s cutting it kinda close to when we’re supposed to leave for the wedding.” Andy points out. “I know, which is why I’m hoping I’ll be able to figure out pretty quickly whether or not Nicolette is the right fit for this job.” Rebecca says. The doorbell rings. “Could that be her now?” Andy wonders. “She’s not due for another half hour. If she’s here this early, I’m already impressed.” Rebecca says. Rebecca heads into the foyer, opens the front door, and finds a young blond woman standing outside. “Hi! I’m looking for Rebecca Rogers.” The woman reveals. “That’s me. Are you Nicolette Pierce?” Rebecca asks. “I am! Sorry for being so early, but I was just really, REALLY excited about this job opportunity!” Nicolette says. “Yes, I figured that out while we were texting. Please, come in.” Rebecca urges. Nicolette walks in and begins taking in her surroundings. “Wow! You have a beautiful home, Miss. Rogers!” Nicolette exclaims. “I appreciate the kind words. Follow me.” Rebecca says. Rebecca leads Nicolette into the living room, where Andy is sitting. “Andy, sweetheart, this is Nicolette Pierce. The girl coming in to interview for the live-in nurse position.” Rebecca says. “Hi! My wife has told me a lot about you.” Andy says. “She’s told me quite a bit about you too, Mr. Goo, when we were talking about the job.” Nicolette says. “I wanted Nicolette to know about you and your situation, just in case it changed her mind about coming in for the interview.” Rebecca says. “Spoiler alert: it didn’t! I am still very interested in the job.” Nicolette says. “Great! Let’s get started then.” Andy says.

At the Stanpatos mansion, Dylan walks into the living room and takes in his surroundings one last time. Daisy comes in behind him. “Hey, the bags are all in the car and the hotel room has been booked. Are you okay?” Daisy wonders. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just having a moment.” Dylan says. “Which is totally understandable. This is your family home.” Daisy notes. “This was Andre’s home when he first turned up in Fantastic, but somehow the house stayed in the family…until now, that is.” Dylan says. “Are you having second thoughts about giving Bethany Stanpatos Enterprises and the house?” Daisy questions. “No, absolutely not. This house was paid for by the blood money that came from Stanpatos Enterprises. I’m happy to be rid of both of them, it makes me feel like I can finally move on from having anything to do with the Stanpatos family after years of being pulled back into their mess one way or another.” Dylan says. “Well you shouldn’t have to worry about that anymore now that Lawrence is dead.” Daisy says. “Lawrence is dead, Andre is dead, Claudia is in prison, it feels like after years of trying to fight this family, they’ve finally been stopped.” Dylan says. “I guess that means all of your hard work has finally paid off.” Daisy says. “Yeah…well now that the Stanpatos family is no more, I’m gonna spend my time working on myself, distancing myself as far from this family as humanly possible.” Dylan says. “Shouldn’t be too hard.” Daisy says. “Eh, I don’t know about that. While I had amnesia, being a Stanpatos was pretty much my whole identity. I clung to it like a lifeline because it was the only thing I knew for sure about myself, which is kinda ironic because the man that I became is nothing like the man that I am. I’ve got a lot to make up for, with a lot of people, including myself. Hopefully now that I am finally walking away from Satan Enterprises, I can start doing that.” Dylan says. “You will. And while we’re on the topic of making amends, maybe it’s time I do something similar.” Daisy suggests. “With who? Rebecca?” Dylan wonders. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be at a point where I’ll want to apologize to Rebecca, but now that we have a daughter, I do want to be a good example for her, one that she can look up to and one day be proud of.” Daisy says. “She’ll be proud of you. I know I am.” Dylan says, before leaning in and hugging Daisy.

At the Goo Castle, Rebecca walks Nicolette into the foyer. “That was a very productive interview.” Rebecca says. “Thanks, I completely agree. Even if I don’t get the job, it was really nice getting to know you and your husband. The two of you are just the cutest!” Nicolette says. Rebecca smiles. “Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. Now Andy and I will still need to talk things over, but I will say that I was very impressed with what you showed me. We’re going to a wedding today so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get in touch again that quickly, but if not today, I will definitely give you an answer by the end of tomorrow.” Rebecca says. Nicolette nods. “Fair enough! I’ll look forward to hearing from you. Again, it was great meeting you.” Nicolette says. “You too, Nicolette. Have a nice day.” Rebecca says. “You as well. Bye bye.” Nicolette says, before walking out. Once Nicolette is gone, Rebecca returns to the living room where Andy is sitting. “So, what did you think?” Rebecca wonders. “I like her. She’s bubbly, but she also seems pretty mature for her age. How about you?” Andy asks. “I personally think we should give her a chance, but at the end of the day, you’re the one she’ll be taking care of. Do you think we should hire her? Or maybe we should interview a few more people first?” Rebecca asks. “We could interview more people, but I think we’ve already found the right pick.” Andy says. “Alright. I’ll send Nicolette a text and let her know that she got the job. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled!” Rebecca says. Andy’s phone goes off. “Speaking of texts, I just got one from Dylan. He and Daisy just moved out of the Stanpatos mansion.” Andy reveals. “I heard that Dylan is giving Stanpatos Enterprises back to Bethany, I guess that means she gets the house too.” Rebecca says. “I don’t think he’s too broken up about it. The Dylan I remember wouldn’t want to spend one more second than he had to in that house, or in that CEO chair. It’s a shame he and Daisy go hand in hand, otherwise I’d offer to let him and Harper come stay here until he finds a more permanent place.” Andy says. “Yeah, the last thing we need is for that woman to be darkening our doorstep again. Truthfully, Dylan would be better off without her.” Rebecca says. “I know how you feel about Daisy, I feel the same exact way, but Dylan does love her and there isn’t anything we can do about that.” Andy says. “I know, but I just can’t shake the feeling that Daisy is lying to him.” Rebecca says. “Really? About what?” Andy questions. Rebecca sits on the couch next to Andy. “If I tell you, you need to promise not to say anything to Dylan. I don’t want him getting upset thinking that I’m trying to cause problems for him and Daisy.” Rebecca says. “I won’t say a word. What’s going on?” Andy questions. “While we were in Siberia, right after Lawrence had shot Lysandros, he was going to rip Harper right out of Daisy’s arms. To stop him, Daisy told Lawrence that Harper wasn’t Dylan’s daughter.” Rebecca reveals. Andy’s eyes widen. “What? Is it true?” Andy wonders. “I’m not sure. Lawrence told Dylan this himself when he was dying, but Dylan didn’t believe him. I spoke to Daisy about it yesterday and she claimed that she only told Lawrence that because she wanted to dissuade him from kidnapping Harper again.” Rebecca says. “I don’t know. It might’ve been safer for Lawrence to believe that Harper was his granddaughter, at least then he’d have less reason to hurt her.” Andy notes. “Which is what I thought, but as usual Daisy went and did something without giving a single thought to the consequences.” Rebecca says. “It makes sense that Daisy would lie to Lawrence about that though.” Andy says. “Maybe, but when I brought it up to Daisy, she got incredibly defensive about it. In fact, she was acting pretty threatening. Things could’ve escalated between us if Dylan hadn’t interrupted the conversation.” Rebecca says. “So you think there’s a sliver of truth to what Daisy said about Harper?” Andy asks. “I think it’s worth looking into. If Dylan isn’t Harper’s biological father, he needs to know about it!” Rebecca says. “But Daisy was madly in love with Dylan, would she have jumped in bed with another man?” Andy questions. “Given the timing, the baby had to have been conceived either at the tail end of Dylan and Daisy’s relationship, or right around the time they were on the outs. Daisy could’ve convinced someone to help her get pregnant so that she could pass Harper off as Dylan’s, as a way to worm her way back into Dylan’s life.” Rebecca says. “The way she tried to use her pregnancy with our son to worm her way back into my life.” Andy recalls. “Exactly.” Rebecca says. “Well if Dylan isn’t Harper’s father, I wonder who is.” Andy says. Dannie wheels Brady into the living room. “Is everyone ready to go?” Dannie asks. “Yeah, we were just chit chatting.” Andy says. “I hope you guys chit chatting isn’t the reason you wanted to leave a little later.” Brady says. “No. I had to interview someone for the live-in nurse position, she was insistent that we do the interview today.” Rebecca says. “Oh really? How did that go?” Dannie questions. “It went great. We’re gonna hire her.” Andy says. “Are you sure you don’t want to interview anyone else first?” Dannie asks. “Andy and I talked about it, and we think we’re making the right choice by hiring Nicolette.” Rebecca says. “Nicolette, huh? Can’t say I’ve ever met a Nicolette.” Brady says. “I think it’s a very pretty name.” Rebecca says. “Never said it wasn’t! Just said I’ve never met one. Well, I hope this Nicolette works out for you two.” Brady says. “Me too. Anything to get me back on my feet faster.” Andy says. “Such a shame she can’t work her magic so that could happen today. You’re going to be missing out on all the fun on the dance floor.” Rebecca says. “Hey, I can still stand!” Andy says. “You just won’t be dancing. I don’t want you pushing yourself like that.” Rebecca says. Rebecca turns towards Brady. “Oh my god, Brady! I’m so sorry! It’s incredibly insensitive of us to be talking about standing and dancing like that, given your situation.” Rebecca says. “It’s all good! I’m going in for an appointment tomorrow to get a prosthetic leg, so hopefully I’ll be dance floor ready by the time of the next wedding I attend.” Brady says. “I hope so. Okay, are we ready to go?” Rebecca asks. “Are Ava and Colin coming with us?” Dannie wonders. “They’re going to be taking Colin’s car.” Rebecca says. “I guess Ava didn’t think it’d look very cool if she showed up with her parents.” Andy says. “I’m sure that’s not what was going through her head.” Rebecca says. “You know how our daughter is.” Andy notes. “No comment. Okay, let’s get going before we’re late.” Rebecca says.

Upstairs in Ava’s bedroom, Ava is trying to put her necklace on. “Colin, can you give me a hand?” Ava asks. Colin comes up behind her and clips the necklace for her. “There you go.” Colin says. Ava turns around and smiles. “Thanks.” Ava tells him. “You’re welcome. You know, I have known you for months, and I think this is probably the first time I’ve ever seen you wear a dress.” Colin notes. “Were you expecting me to go to the wedding in a leather jacket and torn up jeans?” Ava wonders. “Not going to lie, I was sort of expecting something along those lines.” Colin says. “Dresses aren’t usually a part of my wardrobe, but I’ll make an exception for a wedding. I actually love weddings.” Ava says. “Really? I never would have known. They don’t really seem like your thing.” Colin admits. “I’m a sucker for them, which is why I hate that I missed out on my parents’ last wedding.” Ava says. “Were you sick or something?” Colin asks. “I was possessed.” Ava recalls. “Right, the infamous possession. Now that you mention it, I do recall you telling me that you weren’t in attendance at their wedding for that exact reason, not mentally, anyways. Well going by the way people seem to get married and divorced and then married again in this city, perhaps you’ll get another shot.” Colin jokes. “That is NOT funny! Besides, my parents’ marriage is rock solid. After everything they’ve gone through, I’m not sure there’s anything that could rip them apart at this stage in their life.” Ava says. “You’re probably right. The way your parents love and adore each other…it’s admirable, and it’s something I hope to one day have myself.” Colin says. “Maybe you and I will one day get to that point. I mean, we’ve still got a million years to go before we’re at the stage of life that my parents are in, but I think we can make it. I really like you, Colin, and I can see myself going through all of the obstacles life tries to toss at me with you.” Ava says. “I hope I can do that, because I really like you as well. Like I said, when you were in Siberia…I was beside myself with worry. I’ve never been so terrified my entire life, and that really made me realize just how much I’ve fallen for you. I realize that you and I having a perfect relationship is something of a pipe dream, but at the very least, I do hope we have the sort of relationship where we can talk through our problems and sort them out like adults.” Colin says. “I mean, you already know that I have no problem speaking my mind.” Ava notes. “Is that right? I hadn’t noticed.” Colin sarcastically says. Ava smiles. “I think we can make this work, because I am crazy about you, Colin Masters.” Ava says. “And I am crazy about you, Ava Goo.” Colin says. Ava grabs the collar of Colin’s shirt and pulls him into a passionate kiss. Ava begins to remove his tie and Colin pulls away. “Wait…” Colin mutters. “What? Isn’t this what you want?” Ava asks. “We have a wedding to get to.” Colin points out. “We’ve still got plenty of time.” Ava notes. “A more important point is that…well…I know you’ve said before that your experience…with…other men is…uh…minimal. I just-I really don’t want to pressure you into doing anything you aren’t comfortable with.” Colin says. “Back up a sec. I’m the one taking the lead here, you aren’t pressuring me into anything. This is what I want, Colin. You’re the one that I want.” Ava says. “Maybe, but I-I just thought you would want a bit more of a lead up. Candles, dinner, rose petals on the bed…” Colin notes.  “The talk we just had was more than enough lead up. I’ve never felt closer to you than I do right now.” Ava says. Colin smiles. “I feel the exact same way.” Colin says, before pulling Ava into another kiss.

In the park of Goo Village, Lucas and Kristina arrive and Kristina’s eyes widen when she sees the set up. “Oh my god, this is freaking GORGEOUS Lucas!” Kristina notes. “I’m glad you think so, let’s hope Lydia feels the same way.” Lucas says. “I know she will. Who’d you hire to do all this?” Kristina wonders. “No one. I did all of the decorating myself. This is going to be the most important day of my life and I felt like everything needed a personal touch. That’s why I’ve only hired professionals to take care of the stuff that I’m absolutely incapable of doing myself, such as the catering.” Lucas says. “Well I can pretty much guarantee you that Lydia is going to love it.” Kristina says. Rebecca wheels Brady onto the scene with Andy close behind. “Hey! I’m glad that the three of you could make it.” Lucas says. “I wouldn’t miss it.” Brady says. “How’s it going, Andy? Feeling any better?” Lucas wonders. “Slowly but surely. After your experience at the New Years Eve party, I don’t think I have to tell you how much getting shot can slow you down.” Andy says. “In fairness, I wasn’t in anywhere near as bad of shape as you were. I’m glad you were able to pull through.” Lucas says. “That makes two of us.” Andy says. “A lot more than just two of you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost you.” Rebecca says. “Well luckily you’ll never have to find out.” Andy says. “Mmhm. So long as you continue to follow your doctor’s orders and my orders to the letter.” Rebecca says. “She’s so bossy!” Andy jokes. “Listen to her. I know all too well what it feels like to lose the person you love.” Lucas says. “So do I. Those few months I thought Andy was dead, when Dongwa Cat had faked his death…they were absolute torture.” Rebecca recalls. “I know something about that sorta pain myself.” Brady admits, while looking at Kristina. Lucas smiles. “Well, in the end all of our loved ones came back to us. Each of us got really lucky.” Lucas notes. “Lucky beyond words.” Rebecca agrees. “Mmm. Hey, where’s Dannie? Weren’t they supposed to be coming with you?” Lucas asks. “Yeah, they’re here. They had to run back to the car because they forgot their phone.” Andy says. “Still doing that, huh? I remember they used to do that all the time back when we were dating.” Lucas recalls. “You know that they say, old habits die hard.” Andy says. “Tell me about it. I caught Andy here sneaking downstairs for a 3am snack this morning.” Rebecca says. “Yeah, but that’s no big deal.” Andy says. “It is when you’re supposed to be eating a healthy diet while you recover.” Rebecca argues. “Man, this whole recovery thing stinks.” Andy says. Lucas chuckles. “I remember all too well. Come on, let me show you guys to your seats.” Lucas says.

In the Goo Village food court, Dylan and Daisy are walking through with Harper’s stroller when they bump into Dannie. “Dylan, hi! Hello Daisy.” Dannie says. “Hey there! You look nice, what’s the occasion?” Dylan wonders. “Lucas and Lydia’s wedding. They’re getting married right over in the park…and I’m sure you would prefer not to hear about the details given your history.” Dannie says. “It’s okay. Lydia and I have made something of a truce.” Dylan says. “Yes, I heard that you’ve given up Masters Corp and Stanpatos Enterprises and have decided to accept Andy’s offer for a partnership! Andy was raving about it during the whole car ride, he is very excited to be working with you again.” Dannie says. “I’m excited to be working with him too, whenever he decides to get off his lazy ass and get back to work.” Dylan jokes. Dannie smiles. “Well Rebecca mentioned something about hiring a live-in nurse to help move Andy’s recovery along, so hopefully he’ll be back to his old self before we know it.” Dannie says. “I hope so. Andy’s issues are sort of the last reminder of Lawrence that is still lingering around.” Dylan admits. “I’m sure you’re anxious to put any reminder of Lawrence behind you.” Dannie says. “We both are. That monster caused so much havoc for the both of us. Kidnapping us, kidnapping our daughter…” Daisy says. “That must’ve been very traumatic for you.” Dannie says. “It was. We’re lucky to be alive.” Daisy says. “The same cannot be said for Lawrence, may he burn in hell.” Dylan says. “Amen.” Daisy says. “So where are the two of you headed?” Dannie wonders. “Slate Gray. We’re going to book a hotel while we search for a place to live.” Dylan says. “I wish you both the best of luck. The rental market is pretty tough these days.” Dannie admits. “Maybe, but we’re tougher. Aren’t we Daisy?” Dylan asks. “That’s right.” Daisy agrees. “By the way, I couldn’t help but notice the baby stroller with you. I assume little Harper must be in there.” Dannie says. “That’s right, you haven’t met her yet!” Dylan realizes. “I haven’t. Would you mind if I said hello?” Dannie asks. “Absolutely not! You’re pretty much like family to me, I want you to be family to my daughter too.” Dylan says. Dannie pokes their head in Harper’s stroller. “Hello there, cutie! Oh my goodness, she is such a doll!” Dannie notes. “She probably gets that from me.” Dylan says. “More like from me!” Daisy argues. “Weirdly enough, I don’t see much Dylan in her.” Dannie notes. “I’ve heard that quite a bit. Probably because she’s still a baby.” Dylan assumes. Suddenly, Dannie flashes back.

“Andy and Rebecca seemed like they didn’t know a thing when I went to see them this morning.” Daisy notes. “How sweet of you to go and check on Andy’s condition, or at least it would’ve been if you didn’t go to see him to make sure he didn’t know anything about that baby you’re carrying.” Demon Dannie says.

Back in the present, Dannie’s face grows serious and they stand back up. “Is something wrong, Dannie?” Dylan asks. “Uh…no. Nothing is wrong. I just…I should probably get going to the wedding. It was great seeing you, Dylan.” Dannie says. “You too. We should get drinks or dinner sometime, it’ll give us the chance to catch up.” Dylan says. Dannie smiles. “I’d like that. See you around.” Dannie says, before walking off. “Hm, that was strange.” Daisy notes. “They probably just realized they were running late to the wedding. No big deal.” Dylan says. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Daisy says. Meanwhile, Dannie can be seen watching them from nearby…

Over in the Goo Village Park, Lucas is checking his watch when Dannie runs up to him. “Hey, sorry I'm late.” Dannie says. “No worries. Did you have to park really far away or something?” Lucas wonders. “I'm sorry?” A confused Dannie asks. “Andy said you had forgotten your phone back in the car.” Lucas notes. “Oh, yeah, I did. But on my way back, I ran into Dylan and Daisy, and, uh…you know, we talked for a bit.” Dannie says. “Are you okay?” Lucas asks. “I'm fine.” Dannie claims. “Come on, we've known each other for a long time. I'm able to tell when you aren't okay.” Lucas says. Dannie smiles. “Don't worry about me, today is your day.” Dannie says. “I appreciate your selfless nature, but if something is bothering you, you can tell me.” Lucas says. Dannie sighs. “Alright…I had a memory flash of when I was possessed and it left me feeling a bit on edge.” Dannie admits. “Wow. I know you had mentioned before that you didn't remember a thing from when you were possessed, I didn't think those memories would ever return.” Lucas notes. “Neither did I. I guess I always knew it was a possibility. Technically it was my body that did all of those things, so it makes sense that those memories would still exist in my brain somewhere. I just didn't actually think they would start coming back!” Dannie says. “What was the memory about?” Lucas questions. “It was a conversation that Virmor was having with Daisy…honestly, it could mean nothing. For all I know, the memory may not even be real.” Dannie notes. “Maybe, but it could be.” Lucas argues. “If it was real, I'm not even actually sure what it could mean. It had something to do with the baby she was carrying, which at the time was Harper.” Dannie says. “Well we know Virmor resurrected Andre, and that Andre planned on kidnapping Kristina and then raising Harper as their daughter. Maybe it had something to do with that.” Lucas suggests. “Could've been. I'm not going to give it anymore thought though, not on a day where I'm supposed to officiate your wedding to Lydia.” Dannie says. Lucas smiles. “I'm so glad you agreed to do this for me.” Lucas says. “I'm honored you even asked!” Dannie says. “You're one of my oldest friends, I can't think of anyone I'd rather perform my wedding ceremony.” Lucas says. Dannie smiles and hugs Lucas.

At the entrance of the park, Colin and Ava arrive. “Do you think anyone will question why we're late?” Colin wonders. “I mean, the wedding hasn't started yet…” Ava points out. “Maybe, but where everyone else has seemingly already arrived, our late arrival is going to be even more noticable.” Colin notes. Serena walks up to them. “Look who finally decided to show up!” Serena says. Colin smiles. “Hello mother, lovely to see you as always.” Colin says. “Sweet talking me isn't going to make me ignore the fact that you're late.” Serena tells him. “Late? It doesn't look as though the wedding has started yet.” Colin says. “And yet you still showed up AFTER the arrival time!” Serena says. “We got stuck in some pretty nasty traffic.” Ava claims. “Funny, traffic seemed fine when Lydia and I drove here.” Serena says. “You and Aunt Lydia also drove from a different side of town than we did.” Colin points out. “True. Honestly, I'm just yanking your chain anyway. I don't care that you were a couple of minutes late! I do care about getting a picture of how adorable you look though!” Serena says. “Mother, please. I do not look adorable!” Colin tells her. “You kinda do.” Ava says. “Your girlfriend is right, now put your arm around her so I can get a cute picture of the two of you together.” Serena says. “I'll never object to the opportunity to put my arm around her.” Colin says. Colin puts his arm around Ava and Serena snaps a quick picture with her phone. “Perfect! The two of you make such a great looking couple!” Serena exclaims. “Couldn't agree more. So now that you have snapped your picture, may we go to our seats?” Colin asks. “No one's stopping you!” Serena points out. “You were!” Colin argues. “Attention, everyone! Can you all please take a seat?” Lucas asks. “There's our cue!” Serena says.

All of the wedding guests flock to their seats. Once everyone is seated, music begins playing. Kristina appears at the end of the aisle and begins slowly walking down it. As Kristina passes by Brady, he smiles up at her and Kristina faintly smiles back. Once Kristina reaches Lucas, she kisses him on the cheek and takes her place next to him. Serena then begins walking down the aisle and ends up standing next to where Lydia is going to be standing. As “Here comes the bride” begins playing, all of the wedding guests stand up and Lydia shows up at the end of the aisle. Lucas winks at Lydia upon seeing her and Lydia smiles back at him. Lydia then begins walking down the aisle. Once Lydia reaches the end, she turns to face Lucas. “You look absolutely incredible.” Lucas says. “I could say the same about you. You always did know how to wear a tuxedo.” Lydia tells him. “We're gathered here today to join Lucas Cambino and Lydia Masters in holy matrimony. Before we get to that though, does anyone have any reason as to why these two should NOT get married?” Dannie asks. “Do we really have to ask that question?” Lydia wonders. “I’m sorry, it’s just part of the process.” Dannie notes. “Well seeing as Mia is locked away, I think we should be good. We are sure that Mia is still in Baronville, right?” Lucas asks. “I called earlier this morning and checked.” Rebecca says. Lucas smiles. “Thanks for the solid!” Lucas tells her. “Well since it seems as though no one here is going to object to the marriage, thankfully, we can begin with the vows. Lucas, Lydia, I understand you’ve both written your own vows.” Dannie says. “Do you want to go first?” Lucas asks Lydia. “I’m not sure…” Lydia says. “Feeling shy?” Lucas wonders. “It’s not that, I just figured that if you go after me, you may have trouble topping my vows.” Lydia jokes. Lucas laughs. “Very good point. Alright, I’ll go first then. I’m sure this probably isn’t news to anyone, but there was a time in my life where I was involved in some very questionable business practices. I know that I’ve since gone legitimate, but I’m not sure I ever would have gotten that far had it not been for Lydia’s love and her encouragement.” Lucas says. Lucas grabs Lydia’s hand. “You saw a light in me, potential in me that I never saw myself. In my eyes, I was always going to live in my father’s shadow. The best I could possibly hope for was to one day live up to his reputation, or so I thought. I love my father to death, but I was groomed into thinking that my place in the world was as the head of our family business. I was wrong, you helped me understand that I was wrong. Realizing that staying a part of that life would make me lose out on the love of an extraordinary woman like yourself helped me leave that life behind me and start building a better life for myself, one that I could one day be proud of. If it weren’t for you, your wisdom and your guidance, I’m not sure where I would be right now. I’m not even sure if I’d be alive! God knows staying in that line of work wouldn’t have ended well for me, I probably would’ve ended up either in prison or dead. Not only did falling in love with you give me a more epic love story than I ever could’ve imagined in my wildest of dreams, but it also saved my life, YOU saved my life. While you were gone…that light you had found inside of me, it dimmed, and even though there were times after losing you where I had seen glimmers of happiness, even smiled, that light never came back, not until you did. You coming back to me saved my life a second time, and I could never put into words how grateful I am to have had you come into my life not once, but twice. I love you, Lydia Masters, and I will continue to love you for as long as I have a pulse.” Lucas tells her.

In Dylan and Daisy’s hotel room at Slate Gray, Dylan is putting clothes away in the dresser as Daisy looks out the window. “Okay, I believe that is everything.” Dylan says. Daisy ignores him. “Daisy? Did you hear me?” Dylan asks. “Hm?” Daisy asks. Dylan comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. “What has you so enthralled out there?” Dylan questions. “I can see the Goo Village park from here, looks like Lucas and Lydia’s wedding is in progress.” Daisy tells him. “Okay, and that’s our business because?” Dylan asks. “We’re in the PERFECT spot! If you grab a sniper, you could probably take them both out! Maybe even with one bullet if you aim it just right!” Daisy suggests. “Since when you do feel so passionately about Lucas and Lydia to want them dead? You barely even know them, other than that time you and Lucas teamed up to kidnap Joe Fish.” Dylan recalls. “I feel passionate about you, and they hurt you!” Daisy points out. “Well they aren’t hurting me now. I’ve made peace with Lucas and Lydia’s relationship, and with Lydia in general! If they want to tie the knot, I’ve really got no issue with it.” Dylan says. “Wow, the old Dylan Stanpatos really is different from the Dylan Stanpatos I’ve gotten to know these past few years!” Daisy admits. “That isn’t an issue, is it?” Dylan wonders. “No. You’re still the man I fell in love with, the one person who accepts me for me.” Daisy says. “You certainly don’t make that too easy sometimes.” Dylan jokes. “Excuse me, but I make it plenty easy thanks to my sparkling personality!” Daisy argues. “Life is certainly never boring with you around. One of the many reasons I’m absolutely crazy about you.” Dylan says. Daisy looks past Dylan and notices another suitcase on the bed. “Oh, did you unpack that one yet?” Daisy asks. “Don’t worry about that one, I can take care of-” Daisy ignores Dylan and opens the suitcase anyways, finding a small black box sitting inside of it. “What’s this?” Daisy wonders. Daisy pops open the box and discovers a ring inside! Daisy’s eyes widen and she turns towards Dylan. “Is this an engagement ring?” Daisy asks. “Do you remember when I told you we could go downstairs to the restaurant and have dinner out on the balcony tonight?” Dylan asks. “You were planning to propose?!” Daisy questions. Dylan nods. “Yeah, I was planning to. Planning to being the operative phrase.” Dylan says. Daisy covers her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I completely ruined the surprise!” Daisy states. “No, you didn’t.” Dylan claims. “Except I totally did!” Daisy argues. “Okay, maybe you did. But it’s no big deal! You’ve seen the ring, there’s no going back now, now the only thing left is for you to give me an answer.” Dylan says. Daisy smirks. “Oh no, it doesn’t work like that!” Daisy says. “Doesn’t work like what?” Dylan questions. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it properly!” Daisy says. “What, you mean get down on one knee? Because I was planning to do that at the restaurant tonight!” Dylan notes. “Oh for god’s sake, you’re taking too long!” Daisy tells him. Daisy then drops down to one knee and holds the ring up. “Dylan Stanpatos, will you please accept the burden of becoming my husband?” Daisy asks. “Hold on, I was going to ask you!” Dylan points out. “Well you took your time getting to it so now I’m asking you! So will you do it? Will you be my husband?” Daisy asks. “Well considering I was supposed to be the one to propose, of course I will marry you.” Dylan says. Daisy jumps up and pulls Dylan into a kiss. “I cannot believe we’re going to be getting married! This is insane!” Daisy says. “The good kind of insane. So how should we celebrate?” Dylan questions. “Hm, let’s see. Well Lucas and Lydia are downstairs in the park getting married as we speak, maybe we should go down there and steal their thunder!” Daisy suggests. “We are not going to try and upstage Lucas and Lydia at their own wedding!” Dylan argues. “At the very least, don’t you want to congratulate them on their nuptials?” Daisy asks. Dylan sighs. “I guess that wouldn’t be a bad idea, just as long as you’re on your best behavior.” Dylan says. Daisy smiles. “I always am!” Daisy claims. Dylan scoffs. “Yeah right.” Dylan responds.

Down in the Goo Village Park, Lucas and Lydia are still standing in front of the fountain as their friends and family look on. “Wow, and here I was thinking that my vows were going to outshine yours! I couldn’t have been more wrong. That was beautiful, really beautiful.” Lydia says, holding back tears. “Not as beautiful as you.” Lucas says. Lydia smiles. “You know, you came into my life in a time where I desperately needed someone to help keep me sane. I had just been through an incredibly traumatic loss and I remember being out for blood, so much so that I decided the best way to solve my problem was to recruit the resident mob boss, who I had felt IMMENSE disdain for. I really hated having to turn to you for help, but I knew you were the best person to help me hunt down who killed Dylan…who would have killed Dylan had he not been brought back from the dead. I never imagined what we had would become anything more than an incredibly reluctant partnership, let alone that it would evolve into this…I don’t even know what to call what you and I have, it’s not something that words can really do justice because of how incredible it is. Working with you so closely helped me see the Lucas Cambino that existed deep inside you, not the man you were seen as by the public or the man you tried to pretend to be in order to intimidate your enemies. The loving, tender, attentive man who would do absolutely anything for the people he loves. I’m so glad you were vulnerable with me and showed me the man you really are, it created what I believe is a love story for the ages. These last few years, our love has been tested in ways I never thought possible. We’ve spent more time apart than we have together, and I’ll forever regret the time we’ve lost together. But, I’m not going to waste anymore time dwelling on it when I could be thinking of the possibilities of what our future could look like. The hardships are over, and I just know that we’re going to have an extraordinary life together, filled with love, humor, and adventure. There’s no one I’d rather go on this journey with, you’re it for me, Lucas Cambino. This moment right here is just the beginning of our love story, and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us.” Lydia says.

The Camera Fades

“Now repeat after me. I, Lucas, take Lydia to be my lawfully wedded wife. Through sickness and in health, through rich and poor, until death do we part.” Dannie says. “I, Lucas, take Lydia to be my lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health, through rich and poor, until death do we part.” Lucas says.

The Camera Fades

“I, Lydia, take Lucas to be my lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health, through rich and poor, until death do we part.” Lydia says.

The Camera Fades

Lucas slides the wedding band onto Lydia's finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Lucas says.

The Camera Fades

Lydia slides the wedding band onto Lucas’ finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Lydia says. “With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you both husband and wife. Lucas, you may now kiss the bride.” Dannie says. “The part I've been looking forward to all day!” Lucas says, before pulling Lydia into a passionate kiss! Everyone stands up and begins clapping for the newly married couple.

Slightly later, Lucas and Lydia are now standing over by the wedding cake. Lucas cuts a slice, picks it up, and prepares to shove it in Lydia's face. “Don't you dare, Lucas! Don't you dare! I spent hours on my look, and if you shove cake in my face, I might just go and divorce you as quickly as I married you!” Lydia warns. “You didn't marry me all that quick!” Lucas points out. Lydia glares at him. Lucas sighs. “Alright, I guess this is one wedding tradition we can skip over.” Lucas says, as he puts the piece of cake back. “Eh, maybe not entirely.” Lydia says. Lydia picks up the piece of cake Lucas just put down and shoves it into Lucas’ face! “Wow, I never knew you to be so two faced!” Lucas jokes. “We're married now, you're going to be finding out a lot more about me!” Lydia says. Lucas smiles. “So now that we're married, we're going to have to plan a honeymoon.” Lucas says. “I was thinking maybe we could go to Greece and stay in my family home, that way we don't have to worry about trying to book a hotel room last minute, as if booking a wedding last minute wasn't bad enough.” Lydia says. “I don't know. The last time I was in that house, your mother held a knife to my throat.” Lucas recalls. “I don't think she'll be doing that again, just like I don't think Lysandros will be holding any of us hostage in that house again.” Lydia says. “Alright, sounds like a plan.” Lucas says. “Great! Oh, another thing! I mentioned to Serena how you and I were talking about leaving Fantastic, and she suggested we move to Ireland. She says it's pretty quiet there, which is what we were looking for, and she said we could stay with her until we found a more permanent home.” Lydia says. “That does sound tempting. Maybe we could even head straight to Ireland from Greece once our honeymoon is finished.” Lucas suggests. “What about our things?” Lydia questions. “We could always send for them.” Lucas says. “Yeah, I guess that’s true. If that’s what we’re doing though…that means we’d be leaving Fantastic behind us today.” Lydia says. “Which means our wedding is sort of doubling as a goodbye party.” Lucas notes. “And no one even knows it…” Lydia mutters. Serena comes up behind them. “Nobody knows what?” Serena questions. “Oh, hi! Lucas and I were just discussing your suggestion that we move to Ireland.” Lydia reveals. “Great. What’s the verdict?” Serena questions. “I think it’s a terrific idea. Lydia and I will be heading there once our honeymoon is finished.” Lucas reveals. “That’s great! I can’t wait. With V.J getting inpatient care, it’s been kinda lonely at my apartment.” Serena admits. “Well hopefully Lucas and I will be able to liven things up a bit for you!” Lydia says. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up on that one. You and I are going to be your average old, married couple.” Lucas says. “Maybe I would believe you if there were anything average about us.” Lydia says. “Good point.” Lucas concedes.

In another area of the park, Brady is looking on as everyone else is dancing. Kristina comes up behind him. “What are you doing over here all by your lonesome?” Kristina wonders. “Just thinking about how that could be me. Before…before everything that happened.” Brady says. Kristina pulls up a chair and sits across from Brady. “How are you doing?” Kristina questions. “Honestly? Not good. I thought I’d be able to keep it together today, you know, for Lucas and for Lydia. But…I’m just struggling in every area of my life. I’ve lost my leg, more importantly, I’ve lost you and our baby. And I know, I’ve only got myself to blame for that. I’m so sorry, Kristina. I-I don’t know how I ever could’ve believed that you were the one that handed over that recording to Julia’s campaign.” Brady says. “I mean, there was video footage of me doing it…” Kristina says. “And in this city of plastic surgery and rubber masks, I should’ve known better.” Brady says. “In fairness, it wasn’t plastic surgery or a mask.” Kristina notes. “No, Ava had morphed into another person while she was possessed.” Brady says. “Which you NEVER could have known!” Kristina argues. “Why are you defending me? You blamed me for everything that went down, and you had every right to!” Brady recalls. “Well I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on everything that’s gone down. You never meant for us to lose our baby, and I know that guilt has been ripping you apart since the day it happened.” Kristina says. “Yeah, it has been. Doesn’t make it right though.” Brady argues. “None of this is right, Brady! But you didn’t mean for any of it to happen. You had been given a convincing argument that I stabbed you in the back and you rightfully lashed out at me! I would’ve done the same thing if the positions were reversed!” Kristina says. “The difference is I wouldn’t have been pregnant. God Kristina, I am so sorry for everything.” Brady says. “And I forgive you!” Kristina tells him. “Seriously?” Brady asks. “Yeah, seriously. Obviously the pain of losing our baby was brutal, but that doesn’t negate the years of happiness we’ve had together. You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and I can’t ignore that anymore.” Kristina says. “What are you saying? That you want to give our relationship another shot?” Brady wonders. Before Kristina can respond, Lucas taps on his champagne glass loudly. “Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention please?” Lucas asks.

PART 2: https://qg-network.forumotion.com/t1035-fantastic-s5-episode-143-part-27-31-24


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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