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Fantastic S5 Episode 117(6/3/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 117(6/3/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 117(6/3/24)

Post by QG Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:00 am

At the Lakeside Diner, Acerbi and Dannie are sitting at a booth together. “Are you absolutely sure you don’t want to take any time off from the hospital? Given the trauma you experienced, I wouldn’t blame you if you did.” Acerbi tells them. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Dannie says. “I suppose I will take your word for it. By the way, I would like to offer you a sincere apology.” Acerbi says. “For what?” Dannie questions. “For hiring that Jenna woman. I had no idea she was so unstable.” Acerbi says. “No one knew how troubled Jenna was, she did an excellent job at hiding it. None of this is your fault.” Dannie says. “I heard that Janice Reynolds was Jenna’s biological mother, the same woman who terrorized my Josephine.” Acerbi says. “It’s true, Janice is Jenna’s mother. I don’t think we’ll have to worry about Janice anymore though, she’s even further up the river than Jenna is. At least Jenna realized how wrong she was in the end and tried to stop it. Janice had no intention of sparing me or my dad.” Dannie says. “At least they are both out of your life now.” Acerbi says. “Yeah…hey, I know that this is thinking a little ahead, but is there any chance Jenna could be rehired at the hospital whenever she gets out of prison?” Dannie wonders. “I would never hire her back. Besides, I very much doubt she’ll be allowed to continue as a nurse once she is released. Her medical career is over.” Acerbi says. “I just wanted to make sure. In the event that Jenna were to be released, I wouldn’t have to work at the same place as her.” Dannie says. “I understand. In full disclosure however, even if Jenna were to be able to be a nurse again, I’m not sure she would be able to come back to Fantastic Medical because I’m not sure anyone will be working at Fantastic Medical for much longer.” Acerbi admits. “What do you mean?” Dannie wonders. “I didn’t want word getting out, but I need to talk to someone about this.” Acerbi says. “Of course. Tell me what’s going on.” Dannie urges. “I’m afraid the hospital could be in danger of closing.” Acerbi reveals!

In the food court of Goo Village, Bethany is walking through, texting, when she bumps right into Kaylie. “Watch where you’re going!” Bethany snaps. Bethany then looks up and sees Kaylie. “Oh, sorry. I-I didn’t know it was you.” Bethany says. “No worries.” Kaylie coldly says. Kaylie walks past Bethany. “Kaylie, wait!” Bethany calls out. Kaylie stops. “I know you’ve been getting all of my texts and my voicemails, can’t we at least talk for a minute?” Bethany asks. Kaylie turns around. “I’m not really sure what there is to talk about. I said everything I needed to say the day I moved out.” Kaylie says. “Which was a month ago. Time heals a lot of wounds, I just thought that maybe now would be a good time to revisit things now that you’ve had time to think.” Bethany says. “I don’t need time to think, Bethany! Especially not after what just happened!” Kaylie says. “What are you talking about?” Bethany asks. “You seriously don’t know?” Kaylie questions. “Know what? I’ve been visiting Brad the last few weeks to try and clear my head, I haven’t even been in town! What happened?” Bethany asks. “Jenna kidnapped Dannie and King Beast. The two of them could have died and it would’ve been your fault!” Kaylie states.

In the dungeon in Monte Carlo, Dylan manages to stand up. “Alright, no more sitting around and feeling sorry for myself. I’ve got to find a way out of this dump. Obviously the door is out of the question, which means I’m gonna need to find another way.” Dylan says. Dylan looks down at the vent. “No, it’s too small. We wouldn’t be able to fit through there. I’m not even sure Daisy would have the strength to climb through it if I managed to wake her up.” Dylan notes. Dylan looks up at the ceiling but doesn’t see anything that sticks out. He then begins looking around the room. “Hm, I wonder…this is a Stanpatos owned building, and I know from years of experience that this family just LOVES their trap doors and secret passageways. It’s possible this building could have some sort of secret tunnel, and that tunnel could connect to this room. I’ve got nothing else going for me right now, I guess it’s worth checking out.” Dylan admits. Dylan walks to the back wall and begins knocking on it. “Wait…this wall actually feels pretty weak, is it possible I could bust right through it?” Dylan wonders. Dylan backs away from the wall, and then a moment later, kicks a hole right through it! Dylan looks inside the hole and discovers a tunnel hidden behind the wall! “Bingo! Now I know where Andre inherited his predictability from, good ole Uncle Lawrence.” Dylan says. Dylan turns around and rushes to Daisy’s side. “Daisy, can you hear me? Come on, you’ve gotta wake up!” Dylan urges. Daisy slowly begins opening her eyes. “D-Dylan? Are we…” Daisy begins to wonder. “No, we’re still alive, and we’re going to stay that way! I’ve found a way out!” Dylan reveals. Daisy’s eyes widen and she sits up. “You WHAT?” Daisy asks. “Can you stand?” Dylan questions. “I can try…” Daisy mutters. Dylan grabs Daisy’s hand and helps her to her feet. Daisy then notices the hole in the wall. “Wait…is that some kind of room back there?” Daisy wonders. “It’s a tunnel.” Dylan reveals. “How in the world did you know to check for that?” Daisy questions. “After fighting off psychotic Stanpatos’ for so many years, you kinda know what to check for whenever one of them is holding you captive.” Dylan says. Daisy turns towards Dylan. “You don’t remember any of that though.” Daisy points out. “Actually…” Dylan begins to say. “Wait, did you get your memory back?” Daisy questions. “We’ve got a lot to talk about, but I really think we should try and save all of that for when we get the hell out of here.” Dylan says. “No, you’re right. But we WILL be talking about this when we get out!” Daisy states. “You have my word. Now follow me, we’ve got some escaping to do.” Dylan says. Dylan climbs through the hole in the wall and is soon followed by Daisy…

“You’re going to need to elaborate further on that.” Dannie tells Acerbi. Acerbi sighs. “During last week’s board meeting at the hospital, the CEO of the company who owns the hospital declared that he planned on selling it.” Acerbi reveals. “Why would he want to do that?” Dannie wonders. “Supposedly the hospital has not been profitable in quite some time.” Acerbi says. “How could that be?” Dannie questions. “I don’t know. As the chief of staff, my job is not to pay attention to the numbers. That is a bit beyond my pay grade.” Acerbi says. “I don’t understand though, if the owner is planning to sell the hospital, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s closing.” Dannie points out. “It also doesn’t necessarily mean that it is staying open! Yes, the new owners could decide to keep the hospital open, but they could just as easily decide that the hospital is not worth keeping open and turn the building into luxury condos instead! I can guarantee you that will be the mindset of probably 95% of anyone interested in buying the hospital! They don’t care about all of the people who will lose out on medical care due to the closure of the hospital, all they will care about is filling their own wallets!” Acerbi says. “As much as I hate to say it, you have a point.” Dannie says. “And when I worry about the hospital closing, I admit that a part of me is being selfish. I know that if the hospital closes, that will also signify the end of my medical career. I was incredibly lucky to have been hired to work here, and if I were to go to any other hospital looking for work, I know that they would not hire me due to the things I did while working for Wishbone and for Lawrence Stanpatos.” Acerbi says. “Which makes sense, but you are an extraordinary doctor!” Dannie notes. “I’m not sure anyone else will see me that way, not after the life I have lived. To people who don’t know me, I am a monster.” Acerbi says. Dannie frowns. “I’m sorry, I know how much practicing medicine means to you. Have you considered retiring?” Dannie wonders. “To do what? I’m not the sort of woman who can sit at home and watch television all day, or knit, or go out to breakfast with friends! I don’t even have friends to go out to breakfast with! Do you know the expression where one is married to their work? Well I am literally married to mine! I live and breathe this hospital, and if I were to lose it…I’m not sure I would be able to survive. This job is my entire life and I cannot fathom the possibility of not being able to go to work anymore!” Acerbi says. “Is there any chance that maybe you could buy the hospital?” Dannie wonders. “I’m afraid the former owner is asking for far too much money.” Acerbi says. “Maybe he’d be willing to go down on the price for you, seeing how many years you’ve dedicated to being the hospital’s chief of staff.” Dannie suggests. “I can assure you that this man has no attachment to me. In fact, since the moment he hired me to be the chief of staff at the hospital, I could tell he’s never cared much for the hospital! He has been waiting for the opportunity to finally wash his hands of it!” Acerbi states. “Well we need to do something, because we can’t take the risk of this hospital closing down! Think of how dangerous that could be for the people in this city! They would have to drive to the next town if they ever had any sort of medical emergency! That could be life threatening! No, we aren’t going to let this happen. You and I are going to find a way to save this hospital.” Dannie tells Acerbi.

“How the hell is what happened to Dannie MY fault?” Bethany wonders. “You were the one who brought Jenna into their life!” Kaylie points out. “Maybe, but I didn’t know Jenna had some secret beef with King Beast! If I had-” Bethany begins to say. “You would what? Choose someone else to keep Dannie busy so that they’d stay away from me?” Kaylie questions. Bethany sighs. “I know that I screwed up.” Bethany admits. “Do you? Because that’s what you said when you threw Dannie out of our apartment without talking to me first.” Kaylie says. “You mean like how you moved them in without talking to me?!” Bethany asks. “And then you were also sorry when you nearly slept with Dylan during the whole two minutes we were fighting for! But the problem is no matter how many times you apologize, you just keep doing things that cause problems for our relationship! You were so insecure about Dannie being in our lives, but when you think about it, the only person who has been a threat to our relationship has been YOU!” Kaylie snaps. Bethany nods. “I know…I know! I get that I’ve made some pretty big mistakes, but Kay, I’m ready to do better!” Bethany tells her. “I can’t take you at your word! You’ve said this so many times, and each time you keep proving that you’re your own worst enemy! How do you expect us to go on like this, Bethany? If it weren’t Dannie, it’d probably be someone else!” Kaylie says. “Just tell me what I need to do to fix things between us!” Bethany urges. “Maybe worry less about fixing us and worry more about fixing yourself. Something has to be causing all of those insecurities inside of you, maybe find out what that something is so that you can solve the problem.” Kaylie suggests. “What? You mean, like, go to therapy or something?” Bethany asks. “If that’s what it takes.” Kaylie says. “I’m not going to therapy, I don’t need it!” Bethany argues. “Well until you can resolve these issues of yours, you’re just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, sabotaging your own relationships. Good luck.” Kaylie says, before storming off.

In the compound in Monte Carlo, we see a shot of a long corridor. A panel in the wall begins to open and Dylan and Daisy emerge from the secret passageway. “Good to know that the tunnel didn’t lead to nowhere.” Dylan says. “So now what?” Daisy questions. “Now we find the exit so we can get out of here.” Dylan says. “Hold on, before we do anything, don’t you think it’s kind of strange how quiet it is?” Daisy wonders. “I mean, it’s not like we’re in the mall or anything. I wouldn’t expect to hear too much noise.” Dylan notes. “Right, but you would think there would at least be guards or something! It almost seems like this building is completely deserted!” Daisy says. “That doesn’t make any sense. If Lawrence wanted to keep us here, why wouldn’t this place be crawling with guards?” Dylan wonders. “That is an excellent question, and one that makes me a little nervous.” Daisy says. “IS ANYONE OUT THERE? I NEED HELP IN HERE!” A voice yells. “Did you hear that?” Dylan asks. “It was hard not to!” Daisy says. Dylan and Daisy rush over to a door. “It sounds like the scream came from in here.” Dylan says. “Well be careful, god only knows what’s on the other side of this door.” Daisy says. Dylan opens the door and he and Daisy proceed into the room. “What the hell?” Dylan asks. “Brady?!” Daisy questions. Brady is revealed to be lying in a bed! “Well I’ll be damned. Fancy meeting you two here.” Brady says!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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