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Fantastic S5 Episode 138(7/22/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 138(7/22/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 138(7/22/24)

Post by QG Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:14 pm

At the Goo Castle, Bethany sits on the couch in the living room. “Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of Bethany’s Back Up! It was a heartwarming week as everyone involved in the takedown of Lawrence came back to Fantastic and reunited with their loved ones. One of the biggest moments of the week though was probably Andy finally coming out of his coma! I am so happy for Rebecca, she must be over the moon! I wouldn’t know though, we’re never allowed to share scenes anymore. Instead, I’m stuck doing this silly ass recap. But I’m not bitter! No, not at all! Anyways, V.J decided to leave town because he was afraid he’d see a chess board one day and start going on a killing spree. Okay, I might’ve twisted that a bit, but it’s not that far from the truth. So now V.J is gone and Serena went with him, that was a fast visit. Meanwhile, Colin and Ava had this cute little lunch in the garden where they admitted to each other how crazy they are for each other. Colin even said he’d go camping if it meant making Ava happy! In my personal opinion, agreeing to sleep out in the wilderness for the person you love goes to show how in love you are with them. If Kaylie asked me to go camping, that’d be the end of our relationship…not that we currently have a relationship. On another note, Scarlett and Acerbi are still butting heads, and I’m pretty sure that framed picture of herself that Scarlett gave Acerbi nearly shoved Acerbi straight off the edge. Though if Acerbi killed Scarlett and then lost everything, she’d probably think it was worth it. We also FINALLY got a resolution to the Lucas and Lydia thing, or at least we’re close to a resolution. Mia Goo is alive, she popped up at the mountain cabin, and she was ready to blow Lydia away…only turns out it was all part of a plan Lucas, Lydia, and Kaylie cooked up to get a confession out of Mia that she framed Lydia for her own murder. Julia is gonna be PISSED. But while we’re talking about them, can we talk about how dangerous it was that they let Lydia face Mia alone? If Mia had tried anything, by the time Lucas and Kaylie got in, her brains would probably already be splattered all over the furniture! Great plan, guys! I swear, they should just leave me in charge of catching the bad guys. I’d do a much better job, and I’d be a lot smarter about it too!” Bethany says. Ciara walks up to her. “Where’s my Dad?” Ciara questions. “I don’t know. Have you checked all the local nursing homes?” Bethany asks. “This is NOT funny! He has been missing since last week, and my research suggests that you were the last person to see him!” Ciara says. “Well your research is wrong! Now can we table this for now? I’m in the middle of a conversation!” Bethany says. Bethany turns back towards the camera. “Sorry about that.” Bethany says. Ciara sits on the couch next to Bethany. “Who the hell are you talking to?” Ciara asks. “None of your damn business!” Bethany snaps. “You’re in my house!” Ciara snaps. “It’s Dannie’s house!” Bethany argues. “Well Dannie doesn’t like you either!” Ciara points out. Bethany sighs and then turns towards the camera. “I think we’re gonna have to end this recap here, the girls are about to fight.” Bethany says. “I’m a WPA agent, I’ll leave your ass on the ground!” Ciara says. “EX WPA agent!” Bethany says. “CURRENT WPA agent! I’m going back as the director!” Ciara reveals. Bethany pulls out a notebook and checks her notes. “Huh?! That isn’t mentioned in the notes I got from the producers! When did this happen?” Bethany questions. “Last week.” Ciara reveals. “Screw this! I need to go have a talk with our producer about not providing me with all the information I need!” Bethany says, before standing up and storming off. Ciara turns to face the camera. “Don’t know who I’m talking to, but this is the end of Ciara’s Callback!” Ciara says.

In Andy’s room at the hospital, Rebecca and Andy are asleep in his bed when Ciara walks in. The noise from Ciara coming in wakes Rebecca up. “Oh my goodness, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you!” Ciara says. Rebecca climbs out of the bed and stands up. “It’s okay. We were just taking a little nap. It’s been a while since we’ve had one of those.” Rebecca says. “A nap? Does that mean…is Andy awake?” Ciara questions. “Not right now obviously, but he is out of the coma.” Rebecca says. “That’s great! Oh Rebecca, I’m so happy for you.” Ciara says. “Thanks. So what brings you by?” Rebecca wonders. “I wanted to apologize to you about what happened to Andy one last time before I leave.” Ciara says. “You’re leaving? Where are you going?” Rebecca wonders. “Back to D.C. The WPA wants me back as the director.” Ciara says. “I didn’t think you’d be interested in that job again.” Rebecca notes. “I didn’t think so either, but I feel partially responsible for the damage Lawrence caused since I was helping him, whether against my will or not. I also want to help repair the damage he’s done to the agency and hopefully restore the WPA’s good will with the public.” Ciara says. “Did it ever have any to begin with? This is hardly the first case of corruption at the WPA.” Rebecca notes. “True, but I’m still gonna try and make things right.” Ciara says. “Well that is quite admirable if you ask me.” Rebecca says. Ciara smiles. “Thanks.” Ciara says. “And in regards to your apology…it isn’t necessary. I forgive you.” Rebecca says. “Seriously?” Ciara asks. “Seriously. You were a huge help in taking down Lawrence, and I’m incredibly grateful for that. Besides, even though I was upset with you for the way you handled things at the bridge, I get why you approached the situation the way you did. I still don’t agree with the approach, but I understand it. I was just lashing out because Ava had been kidnapped and Andy had just been shot, I wasn’t even sure if he was going to make it.” Rebecca says. “I get it, and you had every right to be pissed at me. I’m grateful that you’re giving me another chance.” Ciara says. “So when do you leave?” Rebecca wonders. “In a few hours. I’m just on a bit of a goodbye tour before then. You were my first stop.” Ciara says. “I’m flattered. Do you plan on coming back at some point?” Rebecca wonders. “Totally! Fantastic City will always be my home, and I don’t plan on staying director of the WPA forever. Just long enough to fix some of the damage Lawrence has caused at the agency.” Ciara says. “Well hopefully that doesn’t take too long. Despite everything, I have enjoyed having you back in town.” Rebecca says. “I’ve enjoyed being back. I probably would’ve stuck around permanently if not for the job offer.” Ciara says. “Damn the WPA then!” Rebecca jokes. Ciara laughs. “I’m gonna miss you.” Ciara says. “I’ll miss you too.” Rebecca says, before hugging Ciara. “Don’t worry, I’m not rejoining as a field agent so I’ll be able to keep in pretty decent contact.” Ciara says. “I’m going to hold you to that! And you better stop by to visit now and then.” Rebecca says. “I will. I love you.” Ciara says. “I love you too. Take care.” Rebecca says. “You too, and tell Andy I said I hope he gets better soon.” Ciara says. “I will. Bye.” Rebecca says. “Bye.” Ciara says, before walking out.

In the corridor outside Andy’s room, Ciara heads for the elevator just as Dylan steps off of it holding a bouquet of flowers. “Ooooh, pretty! Those for me?” Ciara asks. “Ha ha, very funny. They’re for Andy. Some get well soon flowers.” Dylan says. “That may happen sooner than any of us thought. Rebecca is in with him now and she says that he’s woken up.” Ciara reveals. “Has he? That’s great news! Maybe now things can start getting back to normal.” Dylan says. “That’s the plan.” Ciara says. “Speaking of plans, what are your plans now that you’re no longer plotting to take Lawrence down?” Dylan wonders. “I’m rejoining the WPA as it’s director.” Ciara reveals. “Seriously?” Dylan asks. “Yeah, seriously.” Ciara says. “Does Sabrina know?” Dylan wonders. “I talked to her about it earlier. She was hoping I’d be coming back to Paris to stay with her, but she understands why I’m doing this. I’ve gotta do my part in cleaning up the destruction Lawrence left in his wake.” Ciara says. “That’s definitely something I can relate to.” Dylan says. “You know, if you want to help, you COULD always come back to the WPA. Now that I’m the director again, I’m looking to get rid a lot of the people Lawrence hired and replace them with people I know I can trust. I don’t trust too many people more than I trust you.” Ciara says. “I’m surprised to hear you say that since our relationship ended because I left you for Lydia.” Dylan recalls. “You had amnesia, you weren’t in your right mind. Besides, it’s been almost ten years, I’d like to think we’ve moved past that and can be good friends.” Ciara says. “You know I consider you to be one of my best friends.” Dylan says. “Does that mean you’ll accept my offer?” Ciara wonders. Dylan sighs. “I can’t, I’m sorry. Don’t get me wrong, now that I’ve got my memory back, I really do miss that line of work.” Dylan says. “But?” Ciara asks. “But I know that if I accept the job, I’m probably going to be sent out of town a lot, and I don’t want to spend any time away from my daughter. One of the many mistakes I made with Sabrina was that I wasn’t there for her all that much when she was a kid. Some of the time I missed wasn’t my fault, but a lot of it was. I don’t want to make those same mistakes with Harper, especially when I just came so close to losing her.” Dylan says. Ciara nods. “I understand. But just so you know, this is an open offer. If you ever decide to change your mind, just give me a call.” Ciara says. “I appreciate that.” Dylan says. “Take care of yourself, Dylan. And try to watch your back where that Daisy woman is concerned.” Ciara says. “Daisy has been on her best behavior lately.” Dylan notes. “That doesn’t mean she’s going to stay that way. Just…be careful. I care about you, and I don’t want you getting hurt.” Ciara says. “Awww, CiCi, I’m flattered.” Dylan says. Ciara punches his arm and laughs. “You did NOT just call me CiCi!” Ciara says. “Didn’t go over well?” Dylan asks. “I might just shoot you if you ever call me that again!” Ciara warns. “Okay, Ciara it is then. Well, I guess I’ll see you around again sometime, hopefully someday soon.” Dylan says. “Hopefully. You know, one of my biggest regrets in life was that you and I couldn’t make things work.” Ciara says. “Yeah…mine too.” Dylan admits. “Maybe in another lifetime. Either way, I’m glad I still have you as a friend.” Ciara says. “Take care of yourself, okay?” Dylan asks. “You too. Bye.” Ciara says, before stepping onto the elevator. Dylan then watches as the elevator doors close.

Dannie and Scarlett are sitting at a table in the Slate Gray restaurant. “Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.” Scarlett says. “Of course. What’s up?” Dannie wonders. “Well first, I heard the brilliant news that your brother is out of his coma. Congratulations!” Scarlett exclaims. “Thank you. The whole family couldn’t be happier.” Dannie says. “I bet. It must feel like a huge weight has been lifted, yeah?” Scarlett asks. “You have no idea! I feel like I can finally breathe again! While his wife was away, when I wasn’t working, my time was spent by his bedside. I didn’t want him to spend a single second alone so my dad and I alternated shifts.” Dannie reveals. “That was sweet of you.” Scarlett says. “He would’ve done the same for me. I’m just glad that this is finally over and we can stop worrying.” Dannie says. “Maybe we should order some champagne to celebrate.” Scarlett says. “It’s a little early for me.” Dannie says. “Oh come on, one glass isn’t gonna kill you!” Scarlett says. “You don’t mind me drinking at a business meeting?” Dannie asks. “So long as you aren’t seeing patients after this.” Scarlett says. “No, the rest of my day is clear.” Dannie says. “Wonderful!” Scarlett says. Scarlett turns around. “Can I have a bottle of your best champagne please? Thanks!” Scarlett shouts. Scarlett turns back towards Dannie. “Now where were we?” Scarlett wonders. “You had business you wanted to talk to me about.” Dannie says. “Ah yes, of course. Here’s the deal, I’m looking for ways to spread some good publicity for the hospital.” Scarlett says. “Did you have anything particular in mind?” Dannie wonders. “I’ve got some ideas.” Scarlett says. “Let’s hear them.” Dannie says. “I was thinking that we could throw a gala, and that all of the money raised from purchased tickets could go towards a good cause.” Scarlett says. “What cause did you have in mind?” Dannie wonders. “I didn’t have one in mind yet, but I’m sure we’ll think of something.” Scarlett says. “I’m sorry, we?” Dannie questions. “Well yes. The reason I called this meeting is because I want to collaborate with you to organize the event.” Scarlett says. “I don’t understand. My aunt Olivia is the chief of staff, it seems like she is the person you would want to be coordinating with.” Dannie notes. “Nah, she doesn’t have the same likability factor that you do. Besides, you have one thing other thing that I think would work spectacularly in our favor!” Scarlett says. “And what’s that?” Dannie questions. “The last name Goo! I’ve done my research, and your mother was one of this hospital’s biggest supporters! The Goo family has an extraordinary reputation in this community, and I think attaching your family name to this event would do wonders for it! And as an added bonus for me, you know the community like the back of your hand, right? I think that would serve me well when planning what we’re going to have at this gala. So in a way, I guess you could say that you’d be working as a consultant for me.” Scarlett says. “That’s a good point…” Dannie says. “So what do you say? Are you interested in helping me?” Scarlett wonders. Dannie smiles. “I’d love to help you, and I’d love to help the hospital even more!” Dannie says. Scarlett smiles. “Wonderful! This is going to be so much fun, I can already tell!” Scarlett exclaims.

In the squad room at the Fantastic P.D, Kaylie is filling out paperwork when Julia walks in. “I got your message. What was so urgent that I needed to drop everything and get down here?” Julia wonders. “Look in through the interrogation room window.” Kaylie urges. Julia looks in through the interrogation room window and sees an alive Mia sitting at the table! “What the hell? Is that Mia Goo?!” Julia questions. “The one and only.” Kaylie confirms. “How is this possible?” Julia wonders. “She came to kill Lydia.” A familiar voice says. Julia turns around and sees Lucas and Lydia! “Well this day keeps getting better and better! Kaylie, you need to arrest them!” Julia states. “I can, but I don’t think the charges are going to stick.” Kaylie says. “What are you talking about? Lydia was in prison, Lucas helped her escape! Even if Mia Goo miraculously survived what happened to her, all that means is that Lydia committed attempted murder rather than murder!” Julia states. “Lydia didn’t try to kill anyone, it was self defense!” Lucas argues. “Show me the proof! That’s right, there isn’t any!” Julia snaps. “Actually, there is.” Kaylie says. Julia turns towards Kaylie. “What?” Julia asks. “Lucas called me when he realized Mia was likely going to try and hurt Lydia and he asked me to set Lydia up with a wire so she could get a confession from Mia.” Kaylie reveals. “And you agreed?” Julia questions. “We agreed that if the plan didn’t work, Lucas and Lydia would turn themselves in and Lydia would be returned to Baronville.” Kaylie says. “But the plan did work. Mia admitted to everything, including stealing my gun from my house and dragging me to the cliff that day planning on me shooting her in self defense so that she could set me up for her murder. She also planned on you running with it because of your personal disdain towards me.” Lydia reveals. “Y-you can’t be serious…” Julia mutters. “We are. Lydia is innocent, just like I’ve been trying to tell you for months.” Lucas says. Reagan walks in. “District Attorney Gray, I’m glad to see you were able to make it. Lucas called me and filled me in on everything that was going on. I trust you’ll be dropping the charges against Lydia soon, right?” Reagan asks. “I’m gonna need to listen to that recording myself.” Julia says. “I’ll forward it to you.” Kaylie says. Kaylie pulls out her phone. “Okay…it should be hitting your email any second now.” Kaylie says. “Excuse me.” Julia says, before walking out. “I’ve got some work calls I need to make. Call me if Julia gets back before I do.” Reagan says. “Sure.” Lucas says. Reagan walks out. “So what are my chances of going free here?” Lydia wonders. “I’m no lawyer, but that recording makes it pretty clear that you didn’t do anything wrong. To be perfectly honest, I never thought you did to begin with.” Kaylie says. Lydia smiles. “Thank you.” Lydia says. “What about Mia? What happens with her now?” Lucas wonders. “She’s gonna be taking Lydia’s place in Baronville. We’re just waiting for the transfer van to get here.” Kaylie says. “Can I go in and see her?” Lydia asks. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea…” Lucas says. “I have to! I’ve lost years because of that woman, in addition to the months I lost while I was in prison! I need to let her know what I think about her!” Lydia says. Lucas looks over at Kaylie. “Okay, just-try not to lose your cool.” Kaylie says. “I’ll do my best.” Lydia says.

In the interrogation room, a distraught Mia is staring off into space when Kaylie and Lydia walk in. “You’ve got five minutes. Make them count.” Kaylie tells Lydia. “Believe me, I will.” Lydia says. Kaylie walks out. Mia slowly turns to face Lydia. “What the hell do you want? Haven’t you done enough?” Mia questions. “You seem different, not your normal chipper self. Could it be because you have realized you’ve run out of aces? The first time you got arrested, you used the information that Joe Fish was alive to get yourself sent to an insane asylum instead of prison. Then the last time, you lied to the police and told them that Lysandros had been behind my kidnapping so you could get yourself an immunity deal!” Lydia recalls. “May he rest in peace…” Mia mutters. “But by the looks of things, you’ve run out of bargaining chips and ways to screw things up for Lucas and I.” Lydia says. “As usual, you’re completely clueless and have no idea what you’re talking about!” Mia claims. “I know EXACTLY what I’m talking about! You wouldn’t be sitting there looking like someone died if you had something up your sleeve! You’ve run out of tricks and you’re being forced to face the reality that you finally have to own up to the things you’ve done. And since you lied about Lysandros being behind my kidnapping, I’m guessing your immunity deal for faking my death and holding me prisoner for two years, as well as shooting Lucas, has probably been revoked. That’s even more prison time, in addition for the time you were already looking at for kidnapping me at gunpoint and then framing me for your own murder! You’re SO SCREWED!” Lydia shouts. Mia lunges across the table but is stopped by the handcuffs holding her to the table. “You think that this is over?! I’ve hit roadblocks before, but I always rise above them!” Mia points out. “Yeah, but that’s assuming you survive prison. I’m not sure how likely that is once you find out that they don’t cater to the luxurious lifestyle you’ve grown accustomed to. I know it was certainly an adjustment to me, going from my life to that hell.” Lydia says. “Oh, you poor thing.” Mia sarcastically says. “Luckily, I’m getting my life back. Lucas and I are going to go home and we’re going to start planning our future together, which includes a wedding by the way. I’d invite you, but I don’t think Baronville would give you a day pass. They wouldn’t even let me out for my sister’s wedding. But that works out just fine. It’s going to be great knowing that Lucas and I can get married without having to worry about you crashing the wedding, because you’ll be stuck in your miserable little cell with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company, because even if you have a cellmate, you’re ALWAYS alone in there. I hope that sense of loneliness drives you completely mad, the way it almost did to me! That’s why I really hope you do survive in there. The few months I spent incarcerated were probably some of the worst months of my entire life, I can’t even imagine having to spend the rest of my life in there! Fortunately, now I’ll never have to find out. I can’t say the same thing about you though, because from this day forward, that prison will be your ENTIRE life. So I’ve got just one last question for you, who's laughing now, bitch?” Lydia questions. “You listen to me, when I get out of here, and believe me, I WILL, I’m not going to bother torturing you and Lucas any longer, I’m just going to kill you both. So you go on your merry little way, enjoy what little happiness the two of you could possibly find together, and you just wait until the day where I come and rip it all away from you. That day is coming. I know it, and I think deep down you know it too. You really should’ve killed me in cold blood, Lydia. You’d be safer in prison than you’ll ever be on the outside.” Mia says. Lydia leans in towards Mia. “The same cannot be said about you. You seem to forget who you’re talking to so allow me to remind you. I have the resources to make your stay in Baronville a very unpleasant one. In fact, I could even make it a brief one by having an accident befall you that pushes you into an early grave. Like I said, I do hope you survive long enough for your life to become a true living hell, but if you give me any indication that you’re coming after me or Lucas, I will see to it that those prison walls will be the LAST thing that you ever see! Do we understand each other?” Lydia asks. “Go to hell!” Mia snaps. “That’s where you’re headed. Have a nice stay!” Lydia says, before turning around and walking out.

In Andy’s hospital room, Andy is now awake. “Hey, did I hear Ciara’s voice earlier?” Andy asks. “Yeah, she just stopped in to say goodbye. She’s going back to the WPA as the new director and she leaves for D.C today.” Rebecca reveals. “I’m sorry I missed her.” Andy says. “Well she wanted me to give you her best wishes.” Rebecca says. Someone knocks. “Come in!” Rebecca calls out. The door opens and Dylan walks in. “Hey! I just bumped into Ciara in the hallway and she gave me the good news! Congratulations.” Dylan says. “Thanks. It’s good to be back. Are those flowers for me?” Andy asks. “They are. I found them in the trash can in the parking garage and they made me think of you.” Dylan jokes. “What a comedian you are.” Andy says. “I’m gonna go and pick up a coffee, give you two a chance to catch up.” Rebecca says. “Don’t stay away too long.” Andy says. “You know I won’t.” Rebecca says, before kissing Andy. Rebecca then heads towards the door. “Bye sis. Love you!” Dylan calls out. “Love you back!” Rebecca tells him, before walking out. “It’s crazy. Now that you’ve got your memories back, it’s almost like we’ve gone back in time ten years. It’s really good to have you back, the REAL you.” Andy says. “Thanks, but I feel like I owe you an apology.” Dylan says. “For what? The flower joke?” Andy asks. “Who said I was joking? No, what I meant was…I owe you an apology for treating you and everyone else I care about like garbage these past few years.” Dylan says.

At the Goo Castle, Victor, Brady, and Ciara are sitting around the kitchen table. “Well I had hoped you’d be able to stick around a little bit longer, but I understand why that isn’t possible.” Victor says. “You know Ciara. She’s gotta be a big show off by running off and saving the world.” Brady says. “I’d settle for just saving the WPA from corruption. I’m happy to be leaving on a positive note, though. I just talked to Rebecca and she has forgiven me for what went down with Andy.” Ciara reveals. “That’s great news. I know how broken up you were over that.” Victor says. “Yeah…I was really worried about leaving town without resolving things with her, that’s why I stopped by the hospital wanting to apologize one more time before I left. Imagine my surprise that she actually accepted my apology! On my way out, I ran into Dylan too, which was nice.” Ciara says. “How’s he doing?” Brady wonders. “He seems fine, which is a miracle after everything that went down with Lawrence.” Ciara says. “Maybe if he hadn’t enabled him for so long…” Victor begins. “Dad, stop it. Dylan had lost his memories, he didn’t remember all of the terrible things Lawrence had done in the past. Besides, he ended up making up for it in the end. I’m just glad that he and I are on decent terms again, I’ve missed him.” Ciara says. “Missed him as a friend or missed him as something more?” Brady wonders. “You know, I’m starting to think maybe I should’ve left you with Lawrence.” Ciara jokes. “What are you talking about? Dylan and Daisy are the ones who found me. You were probably off somewhere getting your nails done.” Brady says. “You’re SUCH an ass.” Ciara says. Victor smiles. “I am really going to miss all this family bickering. Are you sure you can’t run one of the world’s largest intelligence agencies from right here in Fantastic City?” Victor questions. “I’m sure. Believe me, I checked. But, I promise that I’m gonna try and visit as often as I can.” Ciara says. “Oh joy…” Brady jokingly says. “And the next time I do, maybe we should all do something fun together. You know, like mini golfing. You remember mini golfing, don’t you Brady?” Ciara asks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Brady claims. “I get it, you probably blocked out the trauma of me kicking your ass every time we’d go when we were kids.” Ciara says. “Did you ever think maybe I let you win because I knew you’d throw a tantrum if you didn’t?” Brady asks. “How would you know what I’d do if I lost when I never did?” Ciara questions. Ciara’s phone goes off. “Oh, that’s a reminder letting me know I’ve gotta get to the airport.” Ciara says. “It was really good having you back these last few months, sweetheart. Hopefully you’ll start making more frequent visits.” Victor says. “I’ll try, Dad. I really will.” Ciara says. Ciara stands up and hugs Victor. Ciara then turns towards Brady, who opens his arms, waiting for a hug. Ciara pats him on the head. “Take care, little bro. Try not to act like an idiot.” Ciara says. “Yeah, same to you. Be more careful next time you decide to investigate a dangerous criminal, alright?” Brady asks. “No promises. Bye!” Ciara says, before walking out. “There she goes, another one of my kids. You know, you and I haven’t talked about how long you plan on sticking around for.” Victor notes. “Until I’m back up on my feet…sorry, I mean foot.” Brady says. “You’ll have two feet again once we get you fitted for a prosthetic leg.” Victor says. “Yeah…then once I get used to walking around with that thing, I’m probably gonna head out again.” Brady admits. “You don’t want to stick around?” Victor asks. “Too many memories, both of Kristina and everything that went down with our baby.” Brady says. “I understand, but I am going to enjoy every moment I have left with you here in Fantastic.” Victor says.

At Slate Gray, Scarlett raises a glass of champagne. “To a very productive partnership between you and I.” Scarlett toasts. “Cheers!” Dannie says. The two clash glasses and then take a sip of their drinks. “You know, my aunt is probably going to be furious that you picked me to help you with this over her.” Dannie says. “Not sure why. I would think your aunt would be delighted that she wouldn’t have to work closely with me on a project. She’s made it pretty clear she’s not a fan.” Scarlett says. “She’s a…complicated person. Even though she probably wouldn’t want to work with you on this, that won’t stop her from complaining that you never asked.” Dannie notes. “Well hopefully you’ll be able to talk her off the ledge.” Scarlett says. “I don’t know, she gets pretty riled up when she gets angry. It can be difficult to get through to her.” Dannie says. “Well if anyone can get through to her, I reckon it’d be you. There’s a reason you’re such a gifted psychiatrist, you’re able to reach people’s hearts.” Scarlett says. “Thank you for saying that.” Dannie says. “It’s true.” Scarlett says. Dannie blushes and smiles. “Well I should probably go. My Dad wants me to call him with a progress report.” Scarlett says. “I don’t want to delay you. The last thing I want is to get you into any trouble with your dad.” Dannie says. “He’d forgive me. He usually does.” Scarlett says. Scarlett stands up but nearly loses her balance. “Are you okay?” Dannie asks. “I-I’m fine.” Scarlett claims. “Are you sure? You look like you nearly fainted!” Dannie points out. Scarlett smiles. “Don’t worry about me. I think the champagne probably just rushed to my head a little faster than I expected. I’ll be fine, and I’ll be contacting you later to go over details for the gala.” Scarlett says. “Looking forward to it.” Dannie says. Scarlett heads towards the elevator, and when she reaches it, she looks back at Dannie with a concerned expression on her face…

At the Fantastic P.D, Lydia rejoins Lucas and Kaylie in the squad room. “How’d it go?” Lucas wonders. “Better than I could’ve expected. I feel like we might actually be putting the Mia Goo chapter behind us this time.” Lydia says. “I sure hope so.” Lucas says. Lydia turns towards Kaylie. “Something I thought of when I was in with Mia was the deal she made to avoid going to prison the last time. Since she lied about Lysandros being the one who orchestrated my kidnapping, does that mean the deal will be revoked?” Lydia asks. “It already has been. That’s why Mia is being sent to Baronville immediately. She’s never going to see the light of day again.” Kaylie says. Reagan walks back in. “Still no Julia? Seriously? I’ve got other clients I need to be meeting with!” Reagan notes. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon. She’s probably just playing that recording over and over again. My sister does not accept defeat very well.” Kaylie says. “Yeah, I remember.” Lucas says. Julia returns. “I reviewed the recording you supplied me with, and…it does seem that Mia had set Lydia up to take the fall for her supposed murder. With the information that’s come to light…I’m choosing not to pursue a case against Lydia and am dropping all charges.” Julia reveals. “I’m-I’m free?!” Lydia asks. “You’re free!” Lucas exclaims. “Oh my god, it’s finally over! It’s finally over!” Lydia shouts, before jumping into Lucas’ arms!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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