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Fantastic S5 Episode 24(11/8/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 24(11/8/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 24(11/8/23)

Post by QG Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:41 pm

At the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence is standing in the living room when Dylan walks in with Lysandros. “Look who’s here.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “Mr. Masters! I’m so glad you could get here on such short notice.” Lawrence says. “Of course. I assume this is regarding my offer.” Lysandros says. “Funny, I think of it more as a demand.” Dylan says. “Whatever the case may be, I assume you’ve reached your decision. So tell me, will the three of us be going into business together or no?” Lysandros asks. Dylan sighs. “I’ve thought long and hard about this, but ultimately...I think it’d be best for all involved if we move ahead with the takeover of Masters Corp, which would mean you being my Co CEO.” Dylan says. “I’m so glad we finally understand one another. Shall we shake on it?” Lysandros asks. Dylan shakes Lysandros’ hand. “Make no mistake, I don’t trust you one bit. And if you are thinking of trying something to double cross me, don’t. I’m a Stanpatos and we are the ones who turned double crossing into an art form.” Dylan warns. “You may have invented that art, but I’ve perfected it. You would do well to remember that before even thinking of stabbing me in the back.” Lysandros threatens. Kristina comes in through the patio doors and finds them shaking hands. “What the hell is going on here?!” Kristina asks. “Kristina! What a nice surprise! How long has it been?” Lysandros questions. “Not long enough you sick bastard! What are you doing here?!” Kristina asks. “I’m just here on a little bit of business, but I’m so glad I am. Since returning to Fantastic City, I have gotten to see so many familiar faces, one of them being yours of course.” Lysandros says. “Friendly in general maybe, but definitely not towards you, you twisted son of a bitch!” Kristina says. “On that note, I really should be going. It appears I have a meeting to set up. Dylan, I’ll be in touch.” Lysandros says, before walking out. “This is a glorious day in Stanpatos family history! How shall we celebrate it?” Lawrence asks. “You can celebrate it in a different room, I think Kristina and I have to talk.” Dylan says. “Yes...it certainly seems so. Well, I’ll be in the solarium if you need me. We’ll speak soon.” Lawrence says, before walking out. “What the hell was he doing here?!” Kristina asks. “Lawrence lives here!” Dylan says. “Don’t be smart with me, you know I don’t mean Lawrence! I was talking about Lysandros!” Kristina says. “Right…” Dylan says. “Do you have any idea the things that monster has done in the past?” Kristina asks. “Lydia told me a little bit of history. I know he had kidnapped Serena’s son, I also know he took a bunch of people hostage in Greece.” Dylan says. “I was one of those people.” Kristina says. “Oh...I did not know that.” Dylan says. “Mmhm. I was also on the plane that Lysandros tried to bring down, the one where he killed two innocent pilots just so he could kill everyone else on the plane! And you want to know something else? He made me think Brady was dead, and when he finally decided to let Brady go home after he used him as a bargaining chip with the police, we found out that Brady was dying from this rare disease! He’s lucky to be alive, Dylan!” Kristina points out. “Yeah...Lydia did not get into all of that when she told me about Lysandros years ago.” Dylan says. “So why were you shaking hands with him?! Please don’t tell me you are going into business with him!” Kristina says. “I’m not gonna lie to you. Lysandros and I are pursuing a business venture together.” Dylan says. “Oh my god Dylan! Seriously?!” Kristina asks. “Believe me, this is NOT something I wanted to do! But this is something that would be too big to pass up on! The only downside is that the only way to move forward is with Lysandros’ help, he made sure of that.” Dylan says. “What kind of business venture is this?” Kristina asks. “I can’t say anything just yet, but I’m guessing it’ll probably be public knowledge before the day is over. Lysandros is off making the arrangements now.” Dylan says. “Was he the handsome stranger Daisy was talking about before you left for Greece?” Kristina asks. “He was.” Dylan confirms. “So that trip to Greece had something to do with Lysandros then. After all, the Masters family is from Greece.” Kristina notes. “It was part of this deal I’m working on, but Lysandros was never supposed to be involved to this extent. But then he went and did something that made it so I can’t move forward without him.” Dylan says. “That’s Lysandros in a nut shell! Always looking out for himself! Trust me, you are going to regret going into business with him!” Kristina says. “Well if all goes well, I’m hoping that our arrangement won’t last long and my dealings with him will be finished for good.” Dylan says. Lysandros walks back in. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve gotta get going.” Lysandros says. “What?” Dylan asks. “I called the meeting and it’ll be happening in less than 30 minutes. If we’re gonna be on time, we need to get going.” Lysandros says. “Yeah, fine. I’ll be out in a second.” Dylan says. “Alright. In the mean time, I’ll call your father and let him know what’s going on.” Lysandros says, before walking out. “Lawrence is involved too? Well THAT isn’t a recipe for disaster!” Kristina sarcastically says. “I’m sorry, I genuinely had no idea what Lysandros had done to you. Are we good? You don’t hate me?” Dylan asks. “I guess not. Obviously you’re already in pretty deep, whatever this is. I just hope you’re careful. You can not trust Lysandros for a minute! And I’m not just saying he’ll stab you in the back in the board room, if Lysandros sees you as a problem, he will kill you! I know people says he’s changed, but I don’t believe it for a second!” Kristina says. “I’ll be careful.” Dylan says. “Okay, good. Well I guess since you’re going to some top secret meeting, that means you don’t want to catch a movie?” Kristina asks. “I’ll have to take a rain check on that one.” Dylan says. Kristina smiles. “Okay. Again, be careful.” Kristina says. “I will.” Dylan assures her. Kristina hugs Dylan and then walks out. Once Kristina is gone, a look of concern crosses Dylan’s face…

At Lucas’ office at Masters Corp, Lucas is sitting behind his desk when someone knocks on the door. “Come in!” Lucas calls out. The door opens and Julia walks in. “Bad time?” Julia asks. “Are you kidding? Its never a bad time for you! This is quite the surprise though, I wasn’t expecting you.” Lucas says. “That’s what makes it a surprise! Anyways, my day got cut short so I was wondering if you’d like to join me for dinner.” Julia says. “I’d love to. You wanna go now?” Lucas asks. “Only if I’m not interrupting anything.” Julia says. “Not at all. This place practically runs itself, I think it’ll be okay if I step out early.” Lucas says. “Perfect!” Julia says. Julia’s phone begins to ring. “Oh hold on, its my mother. I better take this.” Julia says, before answering the phone. “Hey mama, what’s up?...Woah, slow down. Kaylie’s what?...Okay, I’ll be there right away.” Julia says, before hanging up. “What’s wrong?” Lucas asks. “I don’t know. My mother said Kaylie is in the hospital but she doesn’t know what happened! I better head over there.” Julia says. “I’ll come with you.” Lucas says. “You don’t have to do that.” Julia says. “Yes I do. Part of the job of being your boyfriend is providing you with support, someone to lean on.” Lucas says. “I’m strong.” Julia says. “I know you’re strong, but even strong people sometimes need support.” Lucas says. Julia smiles. “Thank you.” Julia tells him. “You’re welcome.” Lucas says. Lucas and Julia head towards the door but Lucas’ phone begins to ring. “I’m sorry, I have to take this real fast. Its work related.” Lucas says. “Not to be rude, but make it really fast. I need to get to the hospital right away!” Julia says. Lucas answers the phone. “Hello?...What? Who?...When is it?...Look, that really doesn’t work. My girlfriend’s sister is in the hospital and I need to give her a ride over there…” ---Lucas sighs--- “Alright, fine. I’ll be there.” Lucas says, before hanging up. “What happened?” Julia asks. “I really don’t know. One of the shareholders called a board meeting, apparently its urgent.” Lucas says. “That doesn’t sound good.” Julia says. “It isn’t, especially since the only other person who has shares in the company is Lydia’s mother Madeline. Lydia and Serena’s shares are floating off in the void somewhere so this has to be Madeline.” Lucas says. “Isn’t she dangerous?” Julia asks. “Yes, but she’s not going to try anything at a board meeting if this is really her. I’m so sorry Julia.” Lucas says. “Its okay. This doesn’t sound like something you can miss so I completely understand.” Julia says. “Thank you. Let me know what happens with Kaylie.” Lucas says. “I will.” Julia says, before kissing Lucas and walking out. Lucas sighs. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this board meeting?” Lucas wonders.

At Fantastic Medical, Dannie runs off of the elevator and encounters Acerbi. “Aunt Olivia! Listen, Kaylie Simms was just brought in, do you have any idea what her condition is?” Dannie asks. “I just got finished with her. I was able to stabilize her condition but I’m afraid she isn’t out of the woods just yet.” Acerbi says. “Well at least she’s stable. Do you have any idea what she was injected with?” Dannie asks. “That is what I’m waiting to find out. I’ve run a number of tests and the results should be in shortly.” Acerbi says. “Thank you.” Dannie says. “So what exactly happened to Detective Simms?” Acerbi questions. “She was injected while saving me from an attacker.” Dannie says. “Who on earth would want to attack you?!” Acerbi asks. “The same person who has been stalking me...Meow Cat.” Dannie reveals. “No, that cannot be. I know Meow Cat has done some questionable things while working for Kitty Cat, but he never struck me as a violent person outside of his work for her.” Acerbi says. “I didn’t think so either, but Kaylie pulled the mask off of the assailant and it was him.” Dannie says. “Is he in police custody?” Acerbi wonders. “No. Doctor Cooper showed up and Meow Cat made a run for it.” Dannie says. “Doctor Cooper? You mean Caleb? What was he doing there?” Acerbi questions. “I don’t know, I guess he wanted to see if I was interested in going out for lunch.” Dannie says. “Are the two of you involved?” Acerbi wonders. “No. I’m not even interested in men, but Caleb is my friend.” Dannie says. “I see…” Acerbi says. The elevator doors open and Virginia and Bethany rush off of it over to Acerbi and Dannie. “Where’s Kaylie? Is she okay?” Bethany asks. “She’s in stable condition for now. As for where she is, she’s in room 307.” Acerbi says. “I’m gonna go check on her. You coming?” Virginia asks Bethany. “I’ll catch up, I need to find out what happened.” Bethany says. “Alright. I’ll let Kaylie know you’ll be in soon. Even if she isn’t awake, I’m sure she’ll hear me.” Virginia says, before walking off. “I have other patients to see. I’ll let you know when the test results come in.” Acerbi tells Dannie. “Thank you.” Dannie says. Acerbi walks off. “Report? What report? What the hell happened to my girlfriend Dannie?!” Bethany questions. “She was attacked…” Dannie reveals. “Attacked by who?!” Bethany asks. “It was Meow Cat.” Dannie reveals. “Meow Cat?! Why the hell would Meow Cat attack Kaylie?! Was Virginia too mean or something so he decided to retaliate by going after her daughter?!” Bethany questions. “It had nothing to do with Virginia or even Kaylie...Meow Cat was there for me.” Dannie reveals. Bethany glares at Dannie. “Why would Meow Cat come looking for you?” Bethany wonders. “I think...I think he may be my stalker.” Dannie says. Suddenly, Bethany slaps Dannie! “I knew this was gonna happen, I freaking KNEW IT! I knew moving you in was gonna put all of us in danger, and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! Now Kaylie is in that hospital bed, fighting for her life, and its all because you were living under the same roof as us!” Bethany yells. “I’m sorry…” Dannie mutters. “You should be sorry! You should be more than sorry! Kaylie could die because of you!” Bethany shouts. “I never wanted any of this to happen! You have no idea how grateful I am to Kaylie for letting me come stay at your place, and the fact that she got hurt saving me...it KILLS me!” Dannie cries. “Good! Because if anything happens to Kaylie, if the guilt doesn’t kill you, you can be damn sure that I will!” Bethany threatens. “And I would totally understand if you did. Believe me, I don’t fault you for being angry with me. I’m angry with myself!” Dannie says. “So what exactly happened?! I know Kaylie was attacked, but how?!” Bethany asks. “Meow Cat injected her with something. We won’t know what the drug was until the test results come back.” Dannie says. “Why the hell would Meow Cat have a syringe? Why not use a knife or a gun?!” Bethany questions. “I really don’t know. It doesn’t make much sense to me either, none of this does! I just pray Kaylie pulls through.” Dannie says. “That makes two of us. I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t pull through…” Bethany mutters.

At Masters Corp, Lucas is standing in the conference room on the phone. “So you haven’t heard anything from your mother? Anything to indicate she was planning on calling a board meeting?...Alright, thanks for the info Serena. I appreciate it, especially given how you feel about me...alright, bye.” Lucas says, before hanging up. The door opens and Lawrence walks in. “Ah good, you’re already here.” Lawrence says. “What the hell are you doing here?” Lucas questions. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m here for the shareholders meeting!” Lawrence says. “Except you aren’t a shareholder.” Lucas says. “I’m so sorry to disappoint you Lucas, but that is no longer the case.” Lawrence says. “What the hell are you talking about?!” Lucas questions. “Not only do I possess shares in the company, but I am the holder of 40% of the company’s stock.” Lawrence reveals. “No, that’s impossible! Madeline would never hand over her shares, or her husband’s shares.” Lucas says. “I know, which is why instead of going to Madeline asking her to surrender control of her shares, I set my sights on Lydia and Serena’s shares.” Lawrence tells him. “The shares The Master and Kitty Cat stole years ago?” Lucas questions. “That’s right, and I am very happy to report that I am now in possession of Lydia’s 20% stock in the company AND Serena’s 20% stock!” Lawrence exclaims. “How the hell did you get your hands on those shares? Lydia spent years trying to track them down!” Lucas says. “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that now that I hold such significant stock in the company, I intend to make some rather big changes. I’d like to start with the CEO position, I don’t believe you are qualified to be acting as CEO so I’ll be removing you from the position.” Lawrence says. Lucas chuckles. “Well that isn’t the reaction I was expecting. Regardless, I’m glad to see you’re taking it so well.” Lawrence says. “I’m laughing at you! Clearly you are incapable of simple addition, otherwise you would realize that you only possess 40% in the company, which means you aren’t the majority shareholder which means you aren’t in any position to take my job. Now I know Madeline doesn’t like me and probably doesn’t approve of me as CEO, but I don’t think she’d ever vote in your favor, especially after you stole both of her daughter’s shares.” Lucas says. “Oh Lucas, I didn’t steal anything. As for your accusation that I don’t have enough stock to vote you out, I’d beg to differ. You see, there is another shareholder who has decided to vote in my favor.” Lawrence says. “No...if you’re talking about Adelina, she would never vote against me!” Lucas says. “I wasn’t talking about Adelina.” Lawrence says. The door opens and Lysandros and Dylan walk in. “He was talking about me.” Lysandros reveals. “Well its a party in here now, isn’t it? What the hell are the two of you doing here? Neither of you are shareholders.” Lucas notes. “Dylan may not be, but I most definitely am.” Lysandros says. “Nice try, but Lydia’s father only left shares to Madeline and his three daughters.” Lucas says. “I know. Luckily for me, Adelina was so grateful that I helped rescue her from that maniac Wishbone, she decided to sign over her shares in the company to me.” Lysandros reveals. Lucas’ face grows serious. “She didn’t…” Lucas mutters. “She did.” Lysandros confirms. “And now that Lysandros is in possession of a 20% stake in Masters Corp, he has opted to vote with me.” Lawrence says. “In other words, he’s opted to vote me out!” Lucas shouts. “Oh don’t take it too personally Lucas, its just business.” Lysandros says. “I know you have no use for me, but are you really going to vote in favor of Lawrence becoming the new CEO?” Lucas questions. “I’m afraid you misunderstood, Lucas. You see, I have no intention of serving as CEO myself.” Lawrence says. “So then who the hell do you plan on replacing me with?!” Lucas questions. “Me.” Dylan says. “And me.” Lysandros says…

In Kaylie’s hospital room, Virginia is sitting by her side. “Come on baby, you’ve gotta open those beautiful brown eyes of yours for mama. Please...don’t do this to me.” Virginia says. Bethany walks in and Virginia stands up. “How is she?” Bethany questions. “She’s hanging in there I guess. Did you find anything out about what happened to her?” Virginia asks. “I guess she was injected with something...by Meow Cat.” Bethany reveals. “Say WHAT?! My butler did this?!” Virginia questions. “I guess so. Dannie seems to think Meow Cat might be their stalker and that he went there to attack them. But then Kay showed up and she ended up getting injected instead.” Bethany tells her. “That no good little weasel! He is FIRED! In fact, he’ll be lucky if that’s all I do to his scrawny ass!” Virginia yells. “I don’t think firing him will be a problem. I’m guessing the little rat is probably hiding under a rock somewhere.” Bethany says. “If he did this to my daughter, there ain’t NO rock he can hide under that will keep him safe from me!” Virginia says. “Well he better hope for his sake that you get to him before I do.” Bethany says. Bethany sits next to Kaylie’s bedside and takes her hand. “Okay Kay, I’m here. Nap time is over, its time for you to wake up and give me the attention I deserve. You know how I get when I’m not the center of attention!” Bethany says. No response. Bethany picks Kaylie’s hand up and kisses it. “Come on Kaylie, don’t do this to me! Please just...just open your eyes! Please!” Bethany begs. A tear falls down Bethany’s cheek and lands on Kaylie’s hand. Kaylie then begins to squeeze Bethany’s hand! Bethany’s eyes widen. “Kaylie? Kaylie?!” Bethany asks. Kaylie’s eyes begin to slowly open. “Oh my god, Virginia! She’s waking up! She’s gonna be okay!” Bethany exclaims, as she stands up and hugs Virginia!

Dannie is sitting on a bench in a corridor at Fantastic Medical when Acerbi walks over to them. “I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation between you and Bethany earlier.” Acerbi says. “So then you know that Bethany rightfully blames me.” Dannie says. “Don’t talk like that. None of this is your fault, regardless of what you or Bethany think in this very moment. You are both shaken up, and for good reason.” Acerbi says. “You know, even if Kaylie does make it out of this...I’m still not going to feel better. I won’t feel better until Meow Cat is caught and brought to justice.” Dannie says. “Regarding the attack on Kaylie, the results of her tests are in…” Acerbi says. “So you know what Meow Cat injected her with?” Dannie asks. Acerbi nods. “I do.” Acerbi confirms. “What was the drug?” Dannie asks. “See for yourself. I’m confident you’re well acquainted with this particular drug.” Acerbi says, as she hands Dannie the folder. Dannie opens the folder and looks at the results. Dannie’s face turns white. “Oh my god...this is the same drug Corey Cambino used on his victims.” Dannie recalls…

Down at the docks, Meow Cat comes down the stairs wearing a hooded sweatshirt. “No cops, good...now I just need to figure out how I’m gonna get out of this mess.” Meow Cat says. “Good luck with that.” A voice says. A startled Meow Cat jumps. Meow Cat turns and sees someone standing on the other side of the dock. “You!” Meow Cat says. The camera pans up and reveals Caleb standing on the other side of the dock. “Why so jumpy, Meow Cat? I figured you’d be happy, Doctor Cooper is ready to see you now.” Caleb says. “Oh cut the crap, buddy! If your name is Caleb Cooper, mine is Ryan Reynolds! We both know who you really are. You are Doctor Corey Cambino!” Meow Cat shouts. Corey smiles. “Indeed we do. Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, its time we figure out the next step in our little plan.” Corey says...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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