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Fantastic S5 Episode 09(10/4/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 09(10/4/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 09(10/4/23)

Post by QG Wed Oct 04, 2023 12:13 pm

Its a new day in Fantastic City. Julia is in her office working on her laptop when someone knocks on the door. “Come in.” Julia calls out. The door opens and someone walks in, holding a bouquet of flowers to cover their face. “Who the hell are those from?” Julia questions. “From me.” The person says. The person lowers the flowers and reveals themselves to be Lucas. “Oh...cute flowers.” Julia says. “I hope so, I seem to remember you saying they were your favorite.” Lucas says. “Well you didn’t have to go through the trouble of buttering me up. I already agreed to talk to you, remember?” Julia asks. “I remember, and for the record I’m not trying to butter you up, I’m just trying to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.” Lucas says. “Then where were you yesterday when I first wanted to talk?” Julia wonders. “I had something I needed to take care of.” Lucas says. “Yeah, I know. Something that would apparently make life better for everyone once you got it handled.” Julia recalls. “Is it okay if I sit down and tell you what that something was?” Lucas asks. “Sure.” Julia says. Lucas puts the flowers on Julia’s desk and sits across from her. “I guess there’s no easy way of saying this, so I’m just gonna come right out and say it...I’m selling Lydia’s house.” Lucas reveals. Julia’s eyes widen. “You’re kidding.” Julia says. “I’m not kidding.” Lucas tells her. “Why would you do that?” Julia wonders. “Well for starters, that house is kinda big for just one person. But the main reason I did it is because of the fact that I’m having trouble letting go of Lydia, which I’m sure you picked up on.” Lucas says. “You mean when you got a phone call from someone here in Fantastic and jumped to the conclusion that it was Lydia?” Julia asks. “I know, I overreacted.” Lucas says. “You didn’t overreact. I know how much Lydia meant to you, and I also know that you would be overjoyed if she were alive.” Julia says. “But she isn’t, she couldn’t be. Despite knowing that though, I’m still having trouble letting go of her, and I realize that’s causing friction in our relationship. I also know that it is causing me a lot of stress too.” Lucas says. “How do you figure?” Julia asks. “Its been two years since I lost Lydia, two long years and yet I still can’t seem to let myself move on. You know, I’ve even been having recurring dreams about Lydia, that she’s alive and well and that she’s wondering why I didn’t come looking for her.” Lucas says. “You never told me that.” Julia notes. “I know I didn’t, and the reason I didn’t is because I was afraid it was going to drive a wedge between us but I’m not going to think like that anymore. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” Lucas says. “Is there an us though? Honestly Lucas, if you are this hung up on Lydia still maybe it isn’t a good idea for you to be moving on to a new relationship.” Julia says. “But I want this relationship, Julia! I care about you more than I ever thought I would care about another woman after I lost Lydia! The problem is that I’m still being haunted by these memories, which brings me to the reason that I’m selling the house. That house was never just my house, not until after losing Lydia, so all of the memories that I have living there are memories that I made with her! Every corner I walk around, every room just holds a different memory of her and the time we had together and those memories are haunting me! I’m never gonna be free from this grief, at least not as long as I’m living in her house! I’ve got to get out of there, its the only way I’ll ever be able to move on!” Lucas says. Julia looks down at her desk, avoiding eye contact. “What is it? Why aren’t you saying anything?” Lucas wonders. Julia shrugs. “I don’t know Lucas, I just don’t think its going to be that easy. Do you really think moving out of the house is going to fix all of your problems, or is that just a convenient excuse to delay the inevitable?” Julia asks. “What’s the inevitable?” Lucas questions. “You and me...breaking up.” Julia says.

On Stanpatos Isle, Lydia is pacing back and forth in her room when she hears the door opening. The door opens and Andropov walks in. “Where the hell have you been?!” Lydia questions. “Good morning to you as well, sunshine.” Andropov sarcastically says. “Its been days since I last saw you! Ever since then, the only people I’ve seen are guards!” Lydia says. “By ever since then, I assume you are referring to your escape attempt?” Andropov asks. Lydia rolls her eyes. “You should consider yourself lucky. After the stunt you pulled, I should have issued some sort of punishment.” Andropov says. “There’s still time. Oh wait, you can’t do that, because for whatever reason you still need me!” Lydia says. Andropov nods. “That’s right, we do still need you.” Andropov confirms. “Who’s we? You and Mia? Because I certainly can’t picture Mia wanting to keep me alive.” Lydia says. “Its true, Mia’s only interest in this ordeal is keeping you and your dear fiance separated. If I were to shoot you dead this very second, I don’t think she would care. In fact, she’d probably be furious that I didn’t let her pull the trigger. But she can’t kill you, not until I get what I need from you.” Andropov says. “Why would I give you anything when you’re just gonna kill me afterwards anyways?” Lydia asks. “That might be Mia’s plan for you but it isn’t mine. That’s actually why I came to talk to you today.” Andropov says. “What do you mean?” Lydia questions. “I have very little interest in keeping you prisoner forever, its hindering my other research. For that reason, I’m inclined to let you go home to your loved ones.” Andropov says. “Seriously?” Lydia asks. “Seriously.” Andropov confirms. Lydia smiles. “That’s...that’s wonderful! When can I leave?” Lydia asks. “You didn’t let me finish. I will personally arrange for you to return home to Fantastic City, but only after you give me the information I want.” Andropov says. “Well I can’t do that if I don’t know what you’re after.” Lydia says. “Patience my dear, I’m about to show you.” Andropov says. “Show me?” Lydia asks. “Mmhm. I need you to tell me where I can find this.” Andropov says. Andropov reaches into his lab coat pocket and pulls out a photo. Andropov then turns the photo towards Lydia and it is revealed to be a picture of a diamond bracelet...

In Greece, Dylan and Acerbi are sitting at a table in a diner. “Where is Lysandros?! He was supposed to be here by now!” Acerbi complains. “He’s a jack ass, he’s probably taking his time just to spite us.” Dylan suggests. “He better not be! We don’t have any time to waste where Adelina is concerned!” Acerbi says. “About Adelina, are you sure you’ll be okay doing all of this?” Dylan asks. “You’re worried about my welfare? Do you not think I’m capable of handling myself?” Acerbi asks. “I never said that.” Dylan says. “But you implied it.” Acerbi argues. “My concern was you going to face down Madeline Masters, especially if it turns out she is responsible for Adelina’s kidnapping.” Dylan says. “IF she is responsible?! She is the only person who would have any motive to kidnap Adelina! As for facing Madeline, I’m not afraid! I have no issue going toe to toe with that vile woman, and if she does give me any issue, I’ve brought with me a little insurance policy.” Acerbi says. Acerbi unzippers her purse and reveals she has a gun! “You brought a GUN?!” Dylan questions. “Shhhhhhh! Keep your voice down!” Acerbi whispers. “Is it loaded?” Dylan asks. “Of course its loaded! I wouldn’t have it if it wasn’t!” Acerbi says. “So what’s your plan? Are you going to shoot an old lady?” Dylan asks. Acerbi laughs. “This is yet another example that you do not remember your past, otherwise you would know that Madeline Masters is not some “old lady”. Venom flows through her veins and everything she touches shrivels up and dies, just look at her husband! Oh that’s right, you cannot do that because she murdered him!” Acerbi says. “In fairness, he did cheat on her about two dozen times, that’d be enough to make anyone snap.” Dylan says. “Why are you defending this wretched woman?!” Acerbi asks. “I’m not defending her, I’m just saying that maybe killing her pig of a husband wasn’t the worst thing she’s ever done.” Dylan says. “No, she’s done much worse, like brainwashing you to steal the three diamond jewels for her!” Acerbi says. “I heard about that. I don’t know what it is about my brain that all these super villains like to use it as their own personal fun park.” Dylan says. “If its any consolation, you are hardly the only person Madeline has tormented. You, my nephew Andy and his wife Rebecca, your friend Kristina.” Acerbi says. “Wait, what has Madeline done to Kristina?” Dylan questions. “She let the entire world believe she was dead!” Acerbi says. “Do you mean when The Master had turned her into The Evil Force?” Dylan asks. “No, that was the second time she was killed! I’m referring to the first! Kristina was abducted by The Evil Force, the REAL Evil Force, and when she attempted to escape, he shot her. She had presumably been killed but she wasn’t, The Evil Force handed her over to Madeline. Andy, Rebecca, and Peter Wilson found Kristina when they were in Egypt attempting to stop Madeline from unleashing the power of the diamond jewels.” Acerbi says. “Wow...some wild history right there. Maybe it isn’t such a bad idea that you brought a gun with you. You think Madeline might shoot back?” Dylan asks. “I’ve always heard Madeline’s weapon of choice is a dagger, her stabbing her husband is proof enough of that. Her guards on the other hand? I’m sure they will be sufficiently armed.” Acerbi says. “Well lets hope this little get together doesn’t devolve into a full scale shootout.” Dylan says. Lysandros walks in and approaches their table. “Good morning Olivia, good morning Dylan.” Lysandros says. “Where the hell have you been?! You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago!” Acerbi notes. “I’m sorry for the delay, I was in the middle of something and lost track of time.” Lysandros says. “In the middle of something? You do realize we’re here looking for a kidnapped woman, maybe now isn’t the best time for you to be dropping in on some of your old haunts.” Dylan says. “The only old haunt of mine I dropped in on was my family home, which Madeline is currently occupying.” Lysandros reveals. “You already went and spoke to Madeline?” Acerbi asks. “No, but I did drop by the house to survey the area, see if we had anything to worry about before we made our formal visit.” Lysandros says. “You mean check and see if the outside of the building was swarming with guards?” Dylan asks. “Exactly! I’m happy to report that doesn’t appear to be the case.” Lysandros says. “Of course, that also means it is unlikely Adelina is being held in the house if there are no guards on the outside.” Acerbi says. “Which is to be expected, I didn’t think Madeline would want to keep her in the main house. Its likely she has her stashed in some other property. But, if all goes well, we should know where Adelina is before the day is over.” Lysandros says. “What are we waiting for then? Lets go! The sooner we go to speak to Madeline, the sooner we get answers!” Acerbi says. “Can’t argue with that logic.” Dylan says. “Alright then, follow me.” Lysandros says. Lysandros exits the diner and is followed by Dylan and Acerbi.

Back in Fantastic, Lucas and Julia are still sitting in Julia’s office. “Hold on, what would make you think that us breaking up is inevitable? Julia, despite everything, I really do feel like you and I have a real connection. Sure there have been some complications, but I don’t want this to be the end! Believe me, I want to do everything in my power to make this work!” Lucas says. “But what if it can’t work? What if you realize you aren’t able to let go of Lydia? I can’t keep doing this, Lucas, I can’t keep feeling like there is someone else in our relationship positioned right between us! Something has to give.” Julia says. “I know that, that’s why I’m taking such a big step in selling the house.” Lucas says. “Selling the house might help when someone buys it, but until that happens, you’re still going to be living in it.” Julia points out. “No I won’t. I’ve actually already arranged for my stuff to be moved to a storage unit until I’m able to find a more permanent living arrangement.” Lucas reveals. “Where will you be staying in the meantime?” Julia asks. “I’m gonna call Slate Gray and see if they have any available rooms. I figured your Mom would appreciate my business.” Lucas says. “I’m sure she would...so you are really committed to this, huh?” Julia asks. “I have to be. I can’t keep wallowing in grief for the rest of my life, I need to move on. Besides, I want more than anything for our relationship to work and I know that isn’t going to happen as long as I am still hung up on Lydia. So if you could...please give me another chance, I promise I am going to do everything in my power to change things so that you and I are both happier, just please don’t give up on us.” Lucas says. Julia takes Lucas’ hand. “I’ll keep trying if you will.” Julia tells him. Lucas smiles. “You and I are gonna do more than just try, we are going to succeed.” Lucas says, before leaning over the desk and kissing Julia. “I have really missed you. I know its only been a few days, but I just missed being able to text you or call you whenever I wanted to.” Julia says. “I’m sorry I caused you so much stress.” Lucas tells her. “Just because I was upset doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. I completely understand, believe me.” Julia says. “I really appreciate that. Well, now that we’re back on good terms, now you can go back to texting me and calling me whenever the mood suits you. I’ve certainly missed talking to you throughout the day. Hell, I’ve missed seeing you in general.” Lucas says. “Hm…” Julia mutters. “What’s on your mind?” Lucas questions. “I just thought of a way we could see more of each other...move in with me.” Julia suggests. “Are you serious?” Lucas asks. “Does it sound like I’m joking? We’ve been dating for quite a while now, and with you moving out of your house it seems like the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Plus, even though my mother runs a really nice hotel, I think my penthouse is a huge upgrade over a hotel room.” Julia says. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? Moving in together is a pretty big step.” Lucas notes. “I’m ready for it if you are.” Julia tells him. Lucas smiles. “Well in that case, I’d love to move in with you.” Lucas says. “Yeah?” Julia asks. “Yeah, definitely yeah.” Lucas says, before leaning in and kissing Julia.

On Stanpatos Isle, Lydia is looking at the picture of the diamond bracelet Andropov is showing her. “This is why you kidnapped me? You want a bracelet?” Lydia asks. “Do you recognize it?” Andropov wonders. “Yes, I recognize it. I have about a dozen bracelets that look just like that. You know you could probably just go somewhere and buy one, you didn’t need to go through the trouble of faking my death.” Lydia says. “Don’t play stupid with me, Miss Masters. We both know that this is no ordinary bracelet.” Andropov says. “I don’t know, it looks pretty ordinary to me.” Lydia says. “Why are you doing this?” Andropov questions. “Doing what? I’m not doing anything.” Lydia claims. “You’re pretending to have no idea what I am talking about.” Andropov says. “That’s because I don’t. Look, if the issue is you want this really nice bracelet but you can’t afford it, all you have to do is let me go home and I will give you the money.” Lydia says. “I don’t want just any bracelet, I want THIS bracelet! Just tell me where it is, and I will let you return home to your fiance.” Andropov says. “Well I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you where to find that particular bracelet.” Lydia tells him. “You can’t or you won’t?” Andropov questions. “I can’t because I don’t know where it is. If it isn’t some ordinary bracelet, if there is something special about it, then I probably don’t have it.” Lydia says. Andropov sighs and puts the photo back in his lab coat. “I suspected you would be unwilling to cooperate. You do realize that providing me with this information is the only way you’ll ever reunite with your beloved Lucas?” Andropov asks. “If that’s what all of this is about, you made a pretty massive miscalculation because I have no idea where that bracelet is.” Lydia says. “Fine, have it your way.” Andropov says. “So now that we’ve established I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about, can I please go home now?” Lydia asks. Andropov laughs. “Are you serious? Surely you don’t think I am just going to take your word for it!” Andropov says. “I already told you, I don’t know anything!” Lydia snaps. “And I don’t believe you! I am going to get the truth out of you Lydia, it is not a matter of if but when! The only question is just how much you will have to endure before you are willing to tell me what I want to know.” Andropov says. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lydia questions. Andropov smirks. “You’ll see. We’ll talk again soon.” Andropov says, before walking out. Once Andropov’s gone, a nervous expression crosses Lydia’s face. “How the hell did he find out about the bracelet?” Lydia wonders…

At the Masters family home in Greece, Lysandros, Acerbi, and Dylan all arrive at the front door. “You weren’t kidding about there being no guards outside. This place is like a ghost town.” Dylan notes. “That’s probably because they’re all inside. I sincerely doubt Madeline wouldn’t have some sort of security presence here, with how many people out there want her dead.” Lysandros says. “Myself included.” Acerbi says. “Me as well.” Lysandros adds. Lysandros opens the front door and enters the living room of the house. “Fancy place. Didn’t you say this place was your childhood home, Lysandros?” Dylan asks. “I lived here during my teen years until I was old enough for my father to throw me out onto the streets.” Lysandros says. “I believe that wasn’t the last time you stepped foot in here, no? This is where you took multiple members of your family hostage, as well as a few innocent bystanders.” Acerbi says. “Not my finest moment, but yes, this is where it all happened. That was seven years ago…” Lysandros recalls. “So, what do we do now? Do we shout for Madeline and ask her to come down and play?” Dylan asks. “And just hope she isn’t in her coffin recharging.” Acerbi says. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure Madeline already knows that we’re here.” Lysandros says. “Did anyone happen to notice winged pigs filling the sky? For once, Lysandros is correct.” A familiar voice says. Dylan, Acerbi, and Lysandros turn to face the staircase just in time to see Madeline coming down the stairs. “Madeline…” Lysandros mutters. “Hello my dear brother in law, it has been quite some time.” Madeline says...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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