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Fantastic S5 Episode 137(7/17/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 137(7/17/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 137(7/17/24)

Post by QG Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:42 am

At the Goo Castle, Ava runs into the living room and finds King Beast on his laptop. “My darling, I have done it! I have ordered a bicycle online! It says it will be delivered in three days. It even has a little horn on it and a basket! Thank you so much for teaching me how to shop online a few months back, it has changed my life!” King Beast says. “I kinda figured that since you’ve been getting a new package coming in every day for the last few months. Look though, I’m really happy about you buying that bike and possibly finding a new hobby, but I have the BEST news! Dad is awake!” Ava exclaims. King Beast closes his laptop and jumps out of his chair. “He’s awake?” King Beast asks. “He’s awake!” Ava repeats. “Oh my goodness, that is wonderful news! What a relief that must be for you and your mother, huh? For the entire family, really! I’m so happy. I’d go and visit him right now, but I’m guessing your mother is probably with him now and I don’t want to interrupt.” King Beast says. “I was in the same boat. I spent a little time with him, but I took a ride share home so they could have some privacy. If I didn’t give it to them, they were just gonna be gross right in front of me.” Ava says. “Well I’m sure they appreciate you giving them time. Oh, by the way, Colin is waiting for you out in the garden.” King Beast says. “He is? What for?” Ava wonders. “I’m not quite sure. He told me to direct you out there once you got home.” King Beast says. “Oh, okay. Well thanks for passing the message along.” Ava says. “You’re very welcome. And once again, I couldn’t be more thrilled that your father is awake!” King Beast says. “Yeah, me too! Okay, I better get out to the garden. See you later, grandpa. Love you!” Ava says. “I love you more, sweetheart.” King Beast says. Ava heads towards the patio door.

Ava walks outside and discovers a table for two set up with candles and food. “What is all this?” Ava wonders. Colin steps out from the bushes. “Good afternoon, my love.” Colin says. Ava turns towards him. “What’s all this for?” Ava questions. “Consider it a welcome home lunch. I’ve missed you desperately while you were gone so I wanted to give you a proper welcome home.” Colin says. Ava smiles. “That’s so sweet of you. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long.” Ava says. “No, not at all.” Colin says. “Good. I was at the hospital for a bit because my dad woke up.” Ava reveals. “He did? That’s fantastic!” Colin exclaims. “Yeah, tell me about it. I’m over the moon.” Ava says. “I can imagine. Listen, if you’d rather be at the hospital with him, we can do this another time.” Colin says. “I came back here to give my parents some privacy. Besides, I’d hate to see all this hard work of yours go to waste.” Ava says. Colin smiles. “Alright, bon appetit then.” Colin says.

At the hospital, Acerbi walks into her office and finds Scarlett sitting behind her desk. “What’s up, doc?” Scarlett asks. “Miss. King.” Acerbi coldly says. “That’s what they call me.” Scarlett says. “What do you think you’re doing in my office?” Acerbi wonders. “Waiting for you, obviously.” Scarlett says. “So you let yourself in?” Acerbi asks. “I wouldn’t call it letting myself in when my family owns the entire hospital. So where were you?” Scarlett questions. “That’s none of your concern.” Acerbi says. “I disagree. You left while you were on the clock. Everything you do on this hospital’s time is my concern.” Scarlett says. “I’m permitted a break, am I not?” Acerbi says. Scarlett nods. “You have a point. I was just yanking your chain anyway, I really don’t care where you went.” Scarlett says. “So what brings you to my office?” Acerbi wonders. “I wanted to discuss some business. I’ve been meaning to bring this up for weeks, but I’ve just been so swamped with meetings.” Scarlett says. “It sounds important.” Acerbi says. “It is. Do you have any recommendations for the best office in the building?” Scarlett questions. “I beg your pardon?!” Acerbi asks. “Well now that I’m going to be running the hospital for my dad, I plan on sticking around for a bit. Obviously it’d make sense for me to get an office in the building, right? I really like your office, but I’m guessing you probably wouldn’t be too open to giving it up.” Scarlett says. “I’m not open to giving you ANY office in the building!” Acerbi snaps. “Wow, that’s kinda harsh. Have I done something to offend you? You know, besides saving your hospital from being turned into an apartment complex or a parking garage?” Scarlett asks. “You’re planning to micromanage me.” Acerbi assumes. “Okay, wow. That doesn’t sound paranoid AT ALL.” Scarlett sarcastically says. “I hardly ever saw the previous owner of the hospital except at board meetings. Now, suddenly, you take over and I can’t seem to get rid of you.” Acerbi says. “Dad wants me to make sure we made a worthwhile investment.” Scarlett says. “Perhaps you should have done that BEFORE buying the hospital!” Acerbi says. “Let me rephrase that. We know we made a worthwhile investment, dad is just having me observe the staff so we can see who is worth keeping and who’s head is on the chopping block.” Scarlett says. “Is that why you are sticking your nose in my business? You’re looking for a reason to fire me?” Acerbi questions. “Let me make something clear to you, doc. Your business is my business, literally! I’m here to make sure you aren’t running it into the ground, and given the state the hospital was in when my family bought it, it would seem that’s exactly what you were doing. So yes, I am keeping you under close watch. If that’s a problem, feel free to walk right now, it’d save us from having to pay your unemployment. Either way, I’m running this hospital now, Liv, and you’re gonna have to learn to deal.” Scarlett says.

At the mountain cabin, Mia is holding Lydia at gunpoint. “So you did survive.” Lydia observes. “Not due to a lack of trying on your part. I knew you were a violent psychopath, but to go and shoot me off of a cliff? You’re even more treacherous than I ever thought possible!” Mia claims. “Oh please! We both know that you planned it that way!” Lydia snaps. “I planned for myself to get shot and fall off of a cliff? What nonsense are you spewing now?” Mia questions. “The gun you used to abduct me? It was MY gun. From that very moment, you had planned on me shooting you so that I would go down for your murder! I mean, it makes sense! Faking my death and keeping me from my family for two years didn’t work, brainwashing Lucas to despise me didn’t work, so of course you would settle on something a little more permanent! Too bad that didn’t work either.” Lydia says. “Didn’t it? Have you not been rotting in prison for the past several months? The only reason you’re out now is because Lucas finally realized that you were going to be convicted and sentenced to life, so he decided to intervene. That and the fact that you got attacked while behind bars. That must’ve been so terrifying for you.” Mia says. “Maybe you can find out for yourself, once the police learn you’re alive and that you framed me.” Lydia says. “Who do you think is going to tell them? It won’t be you, darling. No, you won’t be living long enough to tell the police that I’m alive.” Mia says. “How did you even find me here?” Lydia questions. “Your dear friend Doctor Acerbi, of course. It was rather foolish of you to send her to your home. For all you know, the police could have followed her back here! Luckily for you, it was just little old me instead! Now I realized that Acerbi may be paying attention to see if anyone followed her back here, so while she was in your house grabbing your things, I planted a tracking device underneath her car. That way, she wouldn’t have any idea she was being followed.” Mia says. “Olivia did say she didn’t notice anyone following her here…” Lydia recalls. “That’s because I didn’t technically follow her, I just tracked her location. Anyways, now that I finally have you where I want you, I’m not going to waste anymore time.” Mia says. “Lucas will be back any minute now.” Lydia says. “That’s funny, I saw Lucas walking towards the road. I figured he was probably going to pick up some supplies, which means he’ll be gone for more than just a minute. I’d say that gives us plenty of time to gab, but I don’t plan on doing much talking!” Mia says, as she aims her gun at Lydia’s head. “Wait!” Lydia shouts. “WHAT?!” Mia questions. “If you’re going to shoot me, don’t you at least owe me an explanation?” Lydia asks. “Seriously? I think you know why I want to shoot you!” Mia notes. “I mean about what your plan was when you kidnapped me at gunpoint months ago! I want you to tell me everything!” Lydia says. Mia smirks. “Fine. It seems Lucas is going to be gone for a little while, so I guess we have some time to kill. I’d be delighted to tell you all about my ingenious plan to destroy your life, and Lucas’.” Mia says.

Out in the Goo Castle garden, Ava and Colin are now sitting at the table together. “I really appreciate you going through all this trouble for me.” Ava says. “It wasn’t any trouble. Honestly, I was happy to be able to do something nice for you after the ordeal you went through.” Colin says. “Well I appreciate it. After these last few months, I could really use some time to just relax.” Ava says. “If it’s relaxation you’re looking for, we could always take a vacation.” Colin suggests. “No, absolutely not! I’ve had my fill of exotic locations after my world tour with my parents last year. I’ll stick to staycations for now. Orrrrrrrrr, maybe we could go camping!” Ava suggests. “Camping?” Colin asks. “Yeah, camping. You know, where you sleep out in the great outdoors?” Ava asks. “We’d be renting an RV, right?” Colin asks. “I was actually thinking more along the lines of sleeping out in a tent.” Ava admits. “Wouldn’t the ground be kinda hard to sleep on?” Colin asks. “That’s why they invented sleeping bags. Why do I get the feeling that you really don’t wanna do this?” Ava questions. “It’s just…I’ve never actually gone camping before.” Colin admits. “Yeah, neither have I.” Ava reveals. “You aren’t worried about the bugs or snakes or anything like that?” Colin asks. Ava smiles. “Colin, people go camping every day and you never hear stories about them choking on a bug in their sleep or getting killed by a snake. I think we’ll be fine. If you don’t want to do it though…” Ava says. “I’ll do it if it means putting a smile on your face.” Colin says. “I appreciate that, but I don’t want you to do something you aren’t comfortable with just to make me happy.” Ava says. “Relationships are about compromise, I’m willing to make this compromise for you.” Colin tells her. “That’s sweet of you.” Ava says. “Ava, while you were gone…I was absolutely terrified that I was never going to see you again. I kept thinking about all the things that we wanted to do together that we may never get the chance to do. In fact, I was so desperate to get you home that I was actually planning on going to Siberia myself to help rescue you.” Colin says. “You were?” Ava asks. “I was, that is until Daisy stabbed me in the back. Anyways, the point that I was getting to is that this whole mess made me realize just how crazy about you I actually am. I don’t see you as just some casual date, I see you as the girl I may want to spend the rest of my life with.” Colin says. “Back up a sec, you aren’t gonna propose to me, are you?” Ava asks. Colin laughs. “No.” Colin answers. “Okay, good! Because I’m not at THAT point just yet! I will say though that I feel the exact same way about you, Colin Masters. I haven’t been too lucky in life, but my luck changed the day I met you.” Ava says, before leaning in and kissing Colin.

In Acerbi’s office, Scarlett stands up and approaches Acerbi. “So now that we’ve finally gotten that cleared up, do you still want to keep working here?” Scarlett wonders. “I have been working at this hospital for the better part of a decade, and I will be damned if I allow someone like you to drive me away after all of these years. If you want to try and make my life hell, go ahead. Just know that I turned terrorizing people into an artform while you were still in pre school.” Acerbi says. “I’m not looking to make your life a living hell, Liv. In a perfect world, you and I would be able to work together peacefully with absolutely no conflict whatsoever.” Scarlett says. “But this isn’t a perfect world, this is a terrible world!” Acerbi argues. “Doesn’t mean we can’t at least try, right? Anyways, I’ve got a meeting I need to get to, but before I go, I did want to leave you with something of a peace offering.” Scarlett says. Scarlett reaches into her purse and pulls out a wrapped present. She then hands it to Acerbi. “I hope you like it.” Scarlett says. Acerbi unwraps the gift and discovers that it is a framed photograph of Scarlett. Acerbi looks up at Scarlett, her eyes wide open. “That photographer really knew how to capture my good side. You know, I think that picture would look GREAT right on your desk! What do you think?” Scarlett wonders. Acerbi doesn’t respond and just continues to glare at Scarlett. “You’re speechless, I totally get it. Anyways, I really do need to get going for that meeting. Call me if you can think of a good office for me. Oh, and I hope you’re able to find a good place for that picture. It’s one of my faves.” Scarlett says, before walking out. “I know of the perfect place for your picture…” Acerbi mutters, before walking over to the trash bin and dropping the picture in it. “The perfect place for a trash person. I hope you’re prepared to join your photograph one day soon, Scarlett, because I will not stand for you coming in here and taking over my hospital. I have been here for far too long than to allow some Australian reject to push me out.” Acerbi mutters…

In the mountain cabin, Mia is still holding Lydia at gunpoint. “As you can probably imagine, it all began after Lucas’ brainwashing fell apart and the two of you reunited.” Mia says. “You were furious, weren’t you?” Lydia asks. “I was very disappointed that things didn’t work out the way I had intended. I wasn’t about to let the two of you have your happily ever after, so I decided it was time to come up with a new plan. I could’ve just killed one of you and let the other mourn you, but I figured that would be far too easy for the person who died. So, I came up with a plan that would leave you both miserable. I snuck into your house and I found the gun that you had previously used to hold me at gunpoint.” Mia says. “How did you even know where to look?” Lydia wonders. “Because one of your staff members was on my payroll and they had seen where you stashed the gun! So I took it and then I used it to abduct you. I dragged you down to the cliff to make it look as if I was going to give you an ultimatum, to either jump or have me shoot you.” Mia says. “What if I had jumped?” Lydia questions. “We both know you weren’t going to jump, you’re much too defiant! I also knew that you wouldn’t just let me shoot you, that you would try and fight me for your life! That goes to show just how predictable you are. You fought me for the gun and played right into my hands by shooting me. And of course, there was no indication that I had abducted you, or even that I planned on killing you! It all looked as though you had decided to exact your revenge on me by killing me in cold blood. It certainly helped that the DA wanted to see you locked up just as much as I did. I must say, it really was the perfect plan. You would spend the rest of your life bunking with murderers in the state penitentiary, and poor Lucas would spend the rest of his life longing for his beloved Lydia, close enough to talk to but not close enough to touch. Knowing that was the fate that awaited both of you, I had no problem dying.” Mia says. “But you didn’t.” Lydia points out. “I said I had no problem dying, I didn’t say that meant I didn’t have a contingency plan in place to prevent it from happening! I had an associate of mine waiting in a boat down below the cliff, and they were able to fish me out of the water and get me to a doctor. I’ve been recovering ever since.” Mia says. “You must be so proud of yourself.” Lydia says. “Immensely. Of course, I guess I should have anticipated that Lucas may try to break you out. Despite claiming to be an upstanding citizen, he’s never been above breaking the law to get what he wants. In fact, you both think you’re above the law! Too bad it was all for nothing. By the time Lucas returns, you’re going to be dead on the floor and there isn’t a thing he can do to save you.” Mia says. “And then you’ll get away with everything, right?” Lydia asks. “That’s the plan, yes!” Mia says. Lydia smiles. “I’m sorry, do you find it amusing that you’re about to die? You do know this isn’t going to be a fake death, right? I’m actually planning to kill you.” Mia notes. “I just find it amusing how you talk about me being so predictable, and yet you did exactly what Lucas and I thought you would.” Lydia says. “What are you talking about?” Mia asks. Suddenly, Kaylie breaks down the door and aims her gun at Mia! “Drop the gun, Mia! NOW!” Kaylie demands. “What-what are YOU doing here?!” Mia questions. Lucas comes in behind Kaylie. “I called her here.” Lucas reveals. “I said drop the gun!” Kaylie repeats. Finally, Mia slowly lowers her gun to the floor and puts her hands in the air. Lucas walks over to Lydia. “Are you okay?” Lucas questions. “I’m fine…” Lydia says. “What the hell are you doing back so quickly?!” Mia asks. “I never left.” Lucas reveals. “Huh?” Mia asks. “It’s pretty simple. Lucas only pretended to leave because we knew you were outside.” Lydia says. “How could you have possibly known that?!” Mia asks. “The tracking device you put on Acerbi’s car gave you away.” Lydia reveals, before flashing back.

“If Mia doesn’t make an appearance soon, that means we’re back to square one.” Lydia notes. “I know that, but if worst comes to worst, we’ll just have to leave the country and go somewhere without an extradition treaty. I am not going to let them put you back in prison, I promise.” Lucas says, before hugging Lydia. Lucas’ phone begins ringing. Lucas pulls away from the hug and checks the Caller ID. “Hm, it’s Acerbi.” Lucas reveals. Lucas answers. “Hey, what’s up?” Lucas asks. “I just got back to the hospital and I had a thought. Just because I didn’t notice anyone following me to the cabin doesn’t mean no one did.” Acerbi says. “Meaning?” Lucas asks. “I was in Lydia’s house for about ten minutes, that would give someone plenty of time to put a tracking device on my car. As it turns out, someone did. I just looked underneath my car and there is one attached to it.” Acerbi reveals.

Back in the present. “After Acerbi told us that she found a tracking device under her car, we knew that you had fallen into our trap.” Lucas says. “Trap?” Mia questions. “We had Olivia go back to my house to pick up some things hoping that you would follow her back here.” Lydia reveals. “We knew that if we were going to prove Lydia was innocent, the best way to do that would be to prove that you were actually alive.” Lucas adds. “But we also knew that proving you were alive wasn’t exactly the same as clearing my name. You could still tell the police that I shot you in cold blood.” Lydia says. “You did shoot me in cold blood!” Mia snaps. “I didn’t, and I have proof!” Lydia declares. Lydia lifts up her shirt and reveals that she is wearing a wire! “I-I don’t understand…” Mia says. “That’s some of the Fantastic P.D’s finest equipment right there.” Kaylie says. “You were in on this with them?!” Mia questions. “Lucas called me after he got off the phone with Acerbi and filled me in on what was going on.” Kaylie says, before flashing back.

In the squad room at the Fantastic P.D, Kaylie is sitting at her desk when her phone begins ringing. Kaylie checks the Caller ID. “Unknown caller, huh?” Kaylie says. Kaylie answers. “Hello?” Kaylie asks. “Kaylie, it’s Lucas.” Lucas tells her. Kaylie’s eyes widen. “Why are you calling me?” Kaylie questions. “Because I need your help.” Lucas says. “My help? You do realize that you and Lydia are fugitives, right? I should be tracing this call so I can arrest you both!” Kaylie notes. “I understand that, but I have an idea that could help solve a case.” Lucas says. “What case?” Kaylie wonders. “What really happened to Mia Goo, which in turn would prove Lydia’s innocence. If it doesn’t pan out, you have my full permission to arrest both of us, but I’m confident that it will. Are you in?” Lucas questions. “Before I agree to anything, tell me what you’re asking of me.” Kaylie says.

Back in the present. “Lucas explained to me that the plan was to get Lydia to wear a wire so that she could get your confession on tape.” Kaylie explains to Mia. “And I did, every single word.” Lydia says. Mia nervously smiles. “Everything I said was taken out of context, I can assure you.” Mia claims. “I heard everything you said, and it sounded pretty clear to me. You did abduct Lydia at gunpoint, and you did plan on her shooting you so it would look like she had killed you in cold blood.” Kaylie says. “That is absurd! Why would I risk my own life just to frame Lydia for murder?!” Mia questions. “I think you explained that pretty well in the wiretap recording.” Lydia says. “Agreed. Not only is this recording enough to clear Lydia’s name, but it’s enough to put you away for the rest of your life!” Kaylie tells Mia. “No, please! This is just a misunderstanding! A terrible misunderstanding!” Mia claims. “That excuse doesn’t fly with me, and it’s certainly not gonna work on a judge.” Kaylie says. Kaylie pulls out a pair of handcuffs and begins cuffing Mia. “Mia Goo, you have the right to remain silent…” Kaylie begins to say. Lucas walks over to Lydia. “Is this nightmare really over?” Lydia asks. “It’s over. Not only are you about to go free, but Mia Goo is never going to hurt you again.” Lucas says, before pulling Lydia into an embrace. Meanwhile, a visibly fuming Mia glares at them…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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