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Fantastic S5 Episode 132(7/8/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 132(7/8/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 132(7/8/24)

Post by QG Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:10 pm

At the Goo Castle, Bethany is sitting on the sofa. “Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Bethany’s Back Up! We had a pretty eventful week this past week, with that psychopath Lawrence literally holding the world hostage. Not to worry though, I still found time to make a new friend in Scarlett. I’m also going to be looking after Issac since Kaylie foolishly decided to chase after Lawrence! Not sure what she was thinking when she agreed to do that, but hey, somebody’s gotta save the world, right? But while Rebecca, V.J, Ciara, and Kaylie made plans to go after Lawrence, Lysandros and Daisy made plans of their own to head to Lawrence’s island. Everyone conveniently arrived at around the same time in the previous episode, but while Rebecca, V.J, Ciara, and Kaylie got onto the island relatively unscathed, Lysandros and Daisy had a bit of a wet landing because Lawrence shot their plane out of the sky. Don’t worry, they survived unfortunately.” Bethany says. Bethany looks around the room. “Sorry, I just kinda expected for Victor to have interrupted us by now. Maybe he finally took the hint. Anyways, with everyone on Lawrence’s island, the plan to stop Lawrence was on! Ava managed to escape the room Lawrence locked her in by climbing through an air vent, Kaylie and V.J got to shoot a couple of henchmen that no one cares about because they aren’t main characters, and Gizelle shot Lysandros! Once again, he survived, unfortunately. I’m sorry if I’m a bit biased, but that crazy bastard literally held me at gunpoint years ago! I’m not gonna forgive him just because he suddenly decided he doesn’t want to be a psychopathic murderer anymore! Anyways, Gizelle was going to do us all a favor and finish Lysandros and Daisy off, but then Ciara showed up and shot her in the back. R.I.P Gizelle, you will be missed. And that’s it for last week! Wow, I can’t believe I got through the ENTIRE recap without a single interruption!” Bethany exclaims. “THERE SHE IS!” A voice yells. Victor walks up to Bethany, pointing at her. “This is the woman! She doesn’t live here, officer! This is the third time she has broken into my home! I want her arrested for trespassing promptly!” Victor states. A cop walks over to Bethany, pulls her off the couch, and begins handcuffing her. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Bethany questions. Bethany turns towards Victor. “You will NOT get away with this, do you hear me?!” Bethany asks. “Funny, I was just about to say the same to you! Bye now!” Victor says. The cop drags Bethany away. Victor sits on the couch and turns towards the camera. “I’m so sorry you had to witness that. Don’t worry though, the days of Bethany’s horribly biased recapping are over. Beginning next week, I am going to run the recap, and my first order of unbiased recapping will be a detailed list as to why I think Bethany Wilson should be deported. I can’t wait to see you all there!” Victor says, as he waves goodbye.

In the corridor of Lawrence’s compound, Rebecca runs to check on Lysandros as Ciara keeps her gun trained on Gizelle. “Are you okay?” Rebecca questions. “Like I told Daisy, it’s just a flesh wound.” Lysandros says. “That’s what they always say. Going by the looks of it though, I’d say you’re telling the truth this time. How did you even find this island?” Rebecca wonders. “I had Colin snap a picture of that journal you had.” Daisy admits. “Are you kidding me?! Why on earth would you involve Colin in this?!” Rebecca questions. “Because he was living at the Goo castle and had easier access to that sort of information!” Daisy snaps. “Well I hope you at least had the good sense not to bring him here with you!” Rebecca says. “Calm down! As far as I know, Colin is still back in Fantastic, even though I’m sure he was expecting me to bring him with me.” Daisy says. “Even without bringing Colin here, this is still incredibly reckless of you!” Rebecca snaps. “I’m here for my daughter, just like you’re here for yours! Speaking of which, I need to go and find her.” Daisy says. Daisy stands up and then takes off. “Oh for god’s sake…can you stand?” Rebecca asks Lysandros. “Stand? I could probably dance.” Lysandros says. “Great. Please go after her before she gets herself killed.” Rebecca urges. Lysandros stands up. “Sure. You’re not coming?” Lysandros asks. “Ciara and I are looking for Lawrence.” Rebecca says. “That’s surprising. I would’ve thought your top priority would be locating your daughter.” Lysandros says. “V.J and Kaylie Simms are here with us, they’re searching for the hostages while we look for Lawrence.” Rebecca says. “I see. Best of luck then.” Lysandros says. “Same to you. By the way, I’m really glad you’re free.” Rebecca says. “Same here. Maybe we could grab some drinks and catch up when this is all over.” Lysandros says. “Maybe.” Rebecca says. Lysandros runs off after Daisy and Rebecca turns towards Ciara, who is checking Gizelle’s pulse. “How is she?” Rebecca questions. “She’s dead, which is a bummer.” Ciara says. “Why do you say that?” Rebecca wonders. “I wanted to see her face when they told her they don’t allow hair extensions in jail.” Ciara says. Rebecca smiles, trying to hold back a laugh. “I made you smile. Does that mean you aren’t as mad at me as you were?” Ciara wonders. “Let’s not go there just yet. I want to stay focused on taking care of business here before we talk about anything personal.” Rebecca says. Ciara nods. “Sure, I can deal with that.” Ciara says.

In another part of the facility, Ava leads V.J and Kaylie to a door. “Pretty sure this is the room they locked Dylan and I in.” Ava says. Kaylie tries the doorknob. “The door is locked.” Kaylie reveals. “Stand back.” V.J urges. Ava and Kaylie step aside as V.J kicks the door open, finding Dylan inside! “That was fast!” Dylan notes. “I told you I’d come back.” Ava says. “Yes you did, I just didn’t expect you to bring the entire calvary with you.” Dylan notes. “We bumped into Ava when she literally fell out of the sky on us.” V.J says. “Are you two here alone?” Dylan wonders. “Rebecca and Ciara are with us but they’re looking for Lawrence. They left us in charge of finding the hostages.” Kaylie reveals. “We’ve found you and Ava, which means Harper is the last one left. Any idea where she is?” V.J questions. “Not a clue, but I’m not leaving here until I find her.” Dylan says. V.J turns towards Kaylie. “Could you take Ava back to the beach?” V.J asks. “You take Ava back to the beach! I want to find Harper and Lawrence!” Kaylie says. “Speaking of which, while you two are debating who’s gonna take me back to the beach or whatever, I’m gonna go and look for Lawrence. Good luck!” Ava says, before running off. “Ava, hold on! Ava!” V.J shouts. “That girl takes too much after her mother. I’ll go after her.” Dylan says, before running off. “I guess that means we should start looking for Harper.” Kaylie says. “Yeah, let’s do it.” V.J says.

In another part of the building, Ava runs up to the door of the control room and attempts to open it. “Damn it!” Ava complains. Dylan comes up behind her. “What are you doing?” Dylan questions. “I’m trying to get inside so that I can stop Lawrence from taking over the world! After blindly defending him these past few months, I owe it to the world!” Ava says. “You are not taking Lawrence down by yourself! Step aside.” Dylan says. Ava steps aside and Dylan tries to open the door. Dylan then backs up and attempts to tackle the door open, but it’s no use. “Great! Lawrence must’ve barricaded the door to keep everyone out.” Dylan realizes. “No worries! All the rooms are connected by the air vent probably. I just need to get back up there and I can get myself into the control room.” Ava says. “Are you nuts? I’m not letting you go in there alone!” Dylan tells her. “Relax! I’ve got my pipe!” Ava points out. “Yeah, and Lawrence has a gun! Who do you thinks gonna win?” Dylan wonders. “I’m Andy Goo and Rebecca Rogers’ daughter, I can handle myself! Look, as far as I can tell, this is the only way we’re gonna get inside that room. So it’s either you help me, or this entire world is going to end up being ruled by Lawrence and I’m going to tell my mom that it’s all your fault! So, do we have a deal?” Ava asks. “That’s emotional blackmail, you know that?” Dylan asks. “Is it working?” Ava wonders. “Yes. Come on, let’s get you up there.” Dylan says.

Meanwhile, Daisy is running door to door in a long corridor. “Harper! HARPER!” Daisy screams. Suddenly, faint crying can be heard coming from nearby. “Oh my god, that’s her!” Daisy realizes. Daisy follows the crying to a door, opens it, and finds Ella the nanny standing over Harper’s crib! “Oh my god, it’s you!” Daisy realizes. Ella turns towards her. “What the hell are you doing here?” Ella wonders. “I’m here for my daughter! Get the hell away from her!” Daisy demands. “Sorry, can’t do that. Mr. Stanpatos has given me strict orders not to let anyone near the baby.” Ella says. “You’re working for the wrong Mr. Stanpatos. Dylan and I were the ones who hired you, you answer to US!” Daisy snaps. Ella smirks. “Not anymore. Mr. Stanpatos made me a better offer.” Ella says. “Did he warn you that this so-called better offer would end with you either in prison or dead?” Daisy wonders. Daisy pulls out her gun and points it at Ella. “I am only going to say this one more time before I paint these walls with your blood, get away from my daughter right NOW!” Daisy yells. Reluctantly, Ella steps away from Harper. Daisy walks closer, still keeping her gun trained on Ella. When Daisy is close enough, she pistol whips Ella across the head and knocks her out! Daisy puts her gun back in her purse and rushes over to Harper. “There you are, my beautiful girl!” Daisy exclaims. Daisy picks Harper up and holds her close. “You have no idea how worried I was about you! You don’t have to worry anymore though, sweetie. I’m going to get you away from this psychopath and I’m going to get you home.” Daisy says. Lysandros runs in and comes across Daisy holding Harper. “You found her?” Lysandros asks. Daisy smiles. “I did.” Daisy confirms. Lysandros notices Ella lying on the floor. “I know her. Wasn’t she Harper’s nanny?” Lysandros asks. “She was, but she can consider the blow to the head a pink slip. When Harper was originally kidnapped, she made it sound like Lawrence had tricked her into giving him Harper, but she was lying! Clearly she’s been working for him this entire time!” Daisy notes. “Well now that she’s been neutralized, she’s going to get exactly what she deserves.” Lysandros says. “Well she better hope that punishment involves a very LONG prison sentence, because if not, I’m going to make her wish she had been locked up for the rest of her life. Anyways, I don’t want to spend anymore time here. I need to get Harper out of here before Lawrence realizes she’s missing.” Daisy says. “What about Dylan?” Lysandros wonders. “Dylan can take care of himself and he would want me to get Harper as far away from here as possible!” Daisy states. Lysandros nods. “You’re right. Alright, let’s get you both out of here.” Lysandros says, before leading Daisy and Harper out of the room.

In the control room, Lawrence’s timer reaches zero and he smiles. “Well, well, well, it would appear that time is up. How unfortunate, still so many countries who have yet to bend to my will. Well, they will soon realize what a grave mistake ignoring my demands was. Now that begs the question, where on earth should I start? I suppose the United States seems like an appropriate option. I’d like nothing more than to wipe Fantastic City off the map once and for all. Yes, I think that is exactly what I’ll do.” Lawrence says. Lawrence walks over to the large screen containing the map of the world and marks the United States. Lawrence then adjusts the power of the blast. “There, that should be more than enough firepower to absolutely obliterate that sad excuse for a country.” Lawrence says. After Lawrence adjusts all the settings, the option “Launch Attack” appears on the screen. Lawrence smirks. “Good bye, Fantastic City. I wish I could say I’m sorry to see you go, but I’d hate to lie to you in your final moments.” Lawrence says. Lawrence goes to press the button but then hears noises coming from the ceiling. “What the hell is that?” Lawrence wonders. The cover from the vent falls from the ceiling and Ava jumps down from the air vent! “Ava?!” Lawrence questions. Before Lawrence can react, Ava swings the pipe at his head! Lawrence falls onto the floor, unconscious. “I-I did it!” Ava exclaims. Ava turns towards the computer. “Knocking him out isn’t enough though…” Ava admits. Ava looks underneath the computer and spots the three diamond jewels in their respective slots. “Bingo! I’ll be taking these with me, Uncle, if you don’t mind.” Ava tells an unconscious Lawrence. Ava runs towards the door and moves a large desk out of the way. Ava then opens the door and discovers Dylan standing outside. “You made it!” Dylan states. “Yeah, of course I did.” Ava says. “So what happened?” Dylan questions. “I knocked Lawrence out and grabbed the three diamond jewels.” Ava reveals. “Just like that?” Dylan asks. Ava shrugs. “Just like that. I should probably get these out of the building before he wakes up. See you later!” Ava says. “Ava, hold on!” Dylan encourages, as Ava runs off. Before Dylan can follow, he hears groaning coming from inside the control room. Dylan walks inside just in time to see Lawrence waking up. “Tell me something, why is it that the bad guys never stay knocked out for too long? The good guys can be unconscious for hours, but the bad guys are sometimes out for less than a minute.” Dylan says. “That’s funny, I…don’t seem to see any bad guys around.” Lawrence mutters. “Only you would be delusional enough to think that you’re somehow the hero in all of this. Get off your ass, you’re coming with me.” Dylan says. “And just where do you think we’re going?” Lawrence questions. “I haven’t decided whether I’m gonna turn you over to the cops or throw you off a cliff.” Dylan admits. “You aren’t considering shooting me? Perhaps you don’t despise me as much as you claim.” Lawrence says. “The only reason I didn’t shoot you right off the bat is because I don’t have a gun. Otherwise, you’d be dead. Doesn’t really matter though either way, your plans are finished.” Dylan says. Lawrence uses the table to help himself stand up. “Not quite, dear boy. I’ve still got…” Lawrence pauses when he sees that the computer screen is turned off. “I-I don’t understand, what happened?” Lawrence questions. Dylan shrugs. “A glitch maybe?” Dylan suggests. Lawrence looks under the table where the three diamond jewels are supposed to be. “That little BITCH!” Lawrence snaps. “Something wrong?” Dylan wonders. Lawrence whips out a gun and points it at Dylan. “Where are they?” Lawrence questions. “No clue what you’re babbling about.” Dylan claims. “Obviously I am referring to the three diamond jewels! Did Ava take them?!” Lawrence asks. “I hope so. The thought of you being outsmarted by a 19 year old girl is really amusing to me.” Dylan says. “I don’t have time for any of this.” Lawrence says, before shooting Dylan in the shoulder! Dylan falls to the ground and Lawrence points his gun at him. “If not for the fact that I had to go find those jewels, I’d have no qualms about shooting you between the eyes. Do yourself a favor and do NOT follow me!” Lawrence warns, before exiting the room. After a few moments, Dylan manages to stand back up. “Damn, that hurts. I’d almost forgotten what it feels like to get shot. Ah well, not the worst place I’ve been shot. I just hope Ava was able to get enough of a running start.” Dylan mutters…

Meanwhile, Ava is running as fast as she can down a long corridor. “Where the hell is the exit?” Ava wonders.

Elsewhere, Lysandros, Daisy, and Harper are rushing down a corridor. “Pretty sure we’re going the right way.” Lysandros says. “I hope so. That gunshot a little while ago didn’t sound too promising.” Daisy says. “Hopefully Lawrence was on the receiving end of that bullet.” Lysandros says. Suddenly, a bullet pierces through Lysandros’ back! “LYSANDROS!” Daisy screams. Daisy turns and sees Lawrence pointing a gun at her! “Hand over my granddaughter, or else!” Lawrence warns!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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