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Fantastic S5 Episode 111(5/20/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 111(5/20/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 111(5/20/24)

Post by QG Mon May 20, 2024 8:40 am

In an apartment building, Kaylie comes up a flight of stairs and arrives at a door. “This is Jenna’s apartment…” Kaylie mutters. Kaylie knocks on the door and the door opens up slowly opening on it’s own. “Wow, someone must’ve left in a hurry to not close the front door all the way.” Kaylie says. Kaylie opens the door the rest of the way and pokes her head in. “Jenna, are you here? This is Kaylie from the Fantastic P.D! I’m Dannie’s friend!” Kaylie calls out. No response. “Jenna?” Kaylie once again calls out. Once again, no response. “Okay then. If Jenna’s not here, I guess I’ll have to take a look around.” Kaylie says, before entering the apartment…

In the basement of the abandoned power plant, King Beast is horrified by Janice’s revelation. “You plan on marrying me?!” King Beast asks. “Why do you sound so surprised? You and I had an instant connection! It’s a natural next step for our relationship.” Janice claims. “That was before I realized who you really were! If I had known what you had done to Josephine, I never would have given you the time of day!” King Beast states. “Right, because I’m such an awful person and you’re such a saint. You know, at least I paid for my crimes! I spent years in an asylum because of the things I did to Josephine and to my Donny’s wife Alexa, where’s your punishment? Oh right, there wasn’t one!” Janice says. “I don’t understand. Jenna blames me for the death of her adopted mother, so how does making me marry you achieve justice on her mother’s behalf?” King Beast wonders. “It’s simple! I marry you, then I kill you and inherit all your money!” Janice notes. “Since you screwed up my plans for Dannie, we had to improvise a bit.” Jenna says. “Somehow, I don’t think you had planned to kill Dannie after they married you.” King Beast assumes. “You’re right. My plan was to get them to cheat on me, or at least make it look like they had cheated on me.” Jenna says. “Which Dannie would have never done! You would’ve been wasting your time…in fact, you’re wasting your time now!” King Beast tells them. “And why’s that?” Jenna questions. “I wouldn’t pay much attention to him, baby. He’s probably just gonna say how we won’t get to enjoy any of his money because we’ll both be in prison for what we did to him. Well I’ve got news for you, your royal highness! This isn’t my first rodeo! I know how not to get caught!” Janice tells him. “Actually, what I was going to say is that you aren’t going to inherit a single penny of my money, even if you did marry me. You see, I have a will where I leave everything to Dannie. So if I were to turn up dead, the only person who would see any of my money would be them.” King Beast says. “Oh…well, I guess I didn’t think this through completely…” Janice mutters. “Obviously not!” King Beast says. Jenna pulls Janice aside. “You didn’t think this could happen?!” Jenna questions. “I mean, this whole thing came together so fast! You know this wasn’t the original plan!” Janice says. “Okay, I guess we’ve got to let him go then.” Jenna says. “Oh no! No way in hell are we letting him go anywhere!” Janice says. “If we can’t take all his money, this whole thing has been a gigantic waste of time!” Jenna argues. “It’s not just about the money, sweetie! It’s about justice! Now, there is a way that we could salvage this, but I don’t think you’re gonna like it.” Janice says. “What is it?” Jenna wonders. “We’ve got to get rid of Dannie too!” Janice announces. “No! We are not doing that!” Jenna firmly states. “Come on, don’t go soft on me now.” Janice says. “Look, marrying Dannie and taking their money was one thing, but killing them? Their only crime was giving this piece of crap the time of day! They don’t deserve to die for his sins!” Jenna notes. “Oh come on! Haven’t you ever heard of sins of the fathers and all that good stuff? We need to do whatever we can to make sure King Beast get’s what is coming to him, and if that means bumping off Dannie, so be it.” Janice says. “I can’t! I know that I was just using Dannie the entire time we were together, but they were still really nice to me! I can’t just kill them because I don’t like their father! It’s wrong!” Jenna argues. “Okay, fine. Look at the alternative then. We let King Beast go back to his loved ones, he tells the cops what we did and we both end up spending the next twenty years in jail. Meanwhile, King Beast gets to pretend like all of this never happened, he forgets all about you and what he did to you while you rot in jail! Is that what you want? How fair is it that he gets to move on with his life while you’re the one who gets punished? Doesn’t sound too fair, does it?” Janice asks. “No, it doesn’t…” Jenna admits. “There you have it, then! You need to go find Dannie and bring them here. Once we’ve got them both where we want them, the wedding of the century can begin!” Janice exclaims. Jenna sighs. “I can’t believe things have gone this far…” Jenna whispers. “I know, it isn’t what you planned. Trust me though, this is what’s best for everybody, especially you. Now can I count on you to take care of Dannie and bring them here?” Janice asks. After hesitating, Jenna nods. “Yeah…you…you can count on me.” Jenna says. Janice smiles and places her hand on Jenna’s cheek. “That’s my girl! I’ll see ya soon.” Janice says. Jenna turns around and walks out. “Where is she going?” King Beast wonders. “Well I just realized that we’re missing something for our wedding!” Janice says. “Love, perhaps?” King Beast asks. “Nah! Who actually marries for love these days? No, I was talking about a witness!” Janice says. “So Jenna is going to go grab some stranger off the streets and force them to participate in this sham of a wedding?” King Beast questions. Janice smiles. “Silly boy, Jenna’s going to grab someone far more important than some stranger.” Janice hints…

At the Goo Castle, Dannie and Ava enter the living room and find Andy, Dylan, and Daisy. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize we had guests.” Dannie says. “Uh…yeah, Dylan and Daisy stopped by because they needed my help with something.” Andy says. “Why would they ask you? Don’t you hate both of them?” Ava asks. “We’ve come to an understanding.” Daisy says. “Shouldn’t you be at work?” Dylan asks Ava. “I have the day off.” Ava says. “Oh. You seem to have a lot of those.” Dylan says. “Look who's talking.” Ava snarks. “So what are the two of you doing together? Enjoying some family time?” Andy wonders. “I wish it were that simple. King Beast is missing.” Dannie reveals. “What?” Andy asks. “That’s not all, we think Jenna could’ve had a hand in it.” Dannie says. “Who's Jenna?” Daisy questions. “Dannie’s now ex girlfriend who held a grudge against King Beast.” Andy reveals. Dylan turns towards Daisy. “Remember I told you about the conversation King Beast and I had at Club Aqua?” Dylan asks. “You spoke to my Dad?” Dannie asks. “I ran into him last night, that was probably long before he vanished. For what it’s worth, he feels terrible about this whole mess. He told me so.” Dylan says. “I’m sure…so just to clarify, none of you have seen him around today?” Dannie asks. “Not since this morning.” Andy says. “Okay, that’s probably the last time I saw him as well…” Dannie recalls. Ava turns towards Dannie. “We should take a look around, see if maybe he came home. We still don’t know for sure that anything bad happened to him.” Ava says. “Yeah, good idea.” Dannie says. “Before the two of you go anywhere, can you do me a favor and be extra careful from here on out? You know, always be aware of your surroundings, make sure nothing and no one is out of the ordinary.” Andy says. “Is this about Jenna?” Dannie wonders. “This is bigger than Jenna. Just…please, don’t let your guard down.” Andy urges. “We’ll keep an eye open. Dad, is everything okay?” Ava asks. “Oh yeah, everything is fine. You don’t have to worry.” Andy claims. “That’s why you’re telling us to keep looking over our shoulder.” Ava notes. “Trust me, your mom and I are doing our best to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we just want everyone to be careful.” Andy says. “Yeah, of course. Out of curiosity, what situation are you talking about?” Ava asks. “It’s better you don’t know.” Andy says. “But they get to know?” Ava asks, pointing at Dylan and Daisy. “Trust me, this isn’t something any of us want to be involved in. Consider yourself lucky that you aren’t.” Daisy says. “For once, she’s right.” Andy says. Ava sighs. “Okay then. While you three are dealing with whatever this is, I’m gonna look for grandpa.” Ava says. “Good. I’ll help out once we wrap up here.” Andy says. “That really isn’t necessary. I spoke to Kaylie and she’s going to investigate. Focus on whatever is going on here, I’m sure Kaylie has everything under control.” Dannie says. “You sure?” Andy asks. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Dannie says. “Okay then. Good luck, and keep me posted.” Andy says. “Will do.” Dannie says, before they and Ava exit the room. “Any chance King Beast dropping off the face of the earth could have anything to do with Lawrence?” Daisy wonders. “I’m not ruling it out, but I don’t think this Jenna thing blowing up right before King Beast disappeared is a coincidence.” Andy says. “Probably not…well Dannie, Ava, and Kaylie seem to have the King Beast situation under control, which means we need to focus on keeping the Lawrence situation under control.” Dylan says. “Pretty sure it’s way too late for that.” Daisy comments.

Down at the docks, Rebecca drags Ciara by her arm and Ciara pulls it away. “Will you let go?!” Ciara asks. “Don’t give me an attitude! Not when you’ve been playing Andy and I for weeks!” Rebecca snaps. “I’m not playing you!” Ciara argues. “Oh really? You know, Andy picked up pretty early on that something wasn’t right with you, but I told him he was probably reading into things. Still though, where Lawrence is concerned, you can’t be too careful. That’s why we agreed to keep you at a distance until we got some answers. But then, I found you visiting Zoey Kellers at the prison.” Rebecca says. Ciara shrugs. “Big deal!” Ciara says. “It is a big deal! You never mentioned going to visit Zoey to me, I think that’s because you didn’t want me to find out. You figured your secret would be safe because you didn’t expect me to pop up at the prison that day. You negotiated Lawrence’s deal with Zoey, didn’t you?” Rebecca asks. “That’s ridiculous!” Ciara argues. “Nothing is ridiculous where Lawrence is concerned! Ciara, I know you, and I know you wouldn’t work with Lawrence for money. There has to be another reason behind all of this!” Rebecca shouts. “Can-can you just leave it alone? Please?” Ciara asks. “I can’t do that. You’re my best friend, and this is serious! You have to tell me what is going on! Has he brainwashed you? The same way Madeline brainwashed V.J?” Rebecca asks. “No! He’s not controlling my mind.” Ciara says. “Then what is it? I’m not dropping this until you give me some answers. Maybe I can help.” Rebecca suggests. “How do you expect to help me when there isn’t even anything I can do?!” Ciara questions. Rebecca’s eyes grow softer. “So he is holding something over you.” Rebecca realizes. Ciara fights back tears. “It’s Brady, Lawrence has him.” Ciara reveals. “I guess that makes sense. Victor has mentioned that he’s only been speaking to Brady via text the last several months, he just assumed it was because Brady was still dealing with the loss of the baby and his breakup with Kristina.” Rebecca recalls. “That isn’t it. Months ago, a friend of mine at the WPA told me something weird was going on so I started investigating. Eventually, my investigation led me straight to Lawrence.” Ciara reveals. “I’m guessing he must have found out.” Rebecca assumes. “You know Lawrence, always three moves ahead. He contacted me one day and told me that he had kidnapped Brady. Of course I didn’t believe him, but then he sent me proof. He told me that if I ever wanted to see Brady again, I’d have to do his bidding.” Ciara tells her. “What exactly did that involve?” Rebecca wonders. “Trying to find the three diamond jewels was the main objective. Look, when I first started working for Lawrence, I didn’t know anything about him holding Lydia captive! If I did, I would’ve tried to find a way to tell someone!” Ciara clarifies. “No, I believe you.” Rebecca says. “I also had nothing to do with Zoey’s death. I…I guess she had tried to give him a fake necklace and that’s why he killed her.” Ciara reveals. “So he doesn’t have the real one?” Rebecca asks. “No, he does. He must’ve convinced her to hand it over before he killed her.” Ciara says. “So that’s why you wanted me to give you the bracelet from the evidence locker, to hand it over to Lawrence.” Rebecca realizes. “He insisted on it.” Ciara says. “And the bracelet turned out to be fake…my god, you’re lucky he didn’t kill you!” Rebecca notes. “I wish he had! It would’ve been preferable to what he ended up doing.” Ciara says. “Brady…” Rebecca realizes. “He didn’t kill him, but he did cut his leg off.” Ciara reveals. Rebecca covers her mouth. “Oh my god…are you sure? Lawrence could’ve just been telling you that to scare you.” Rebecca suggests. Tears begin streaming down Ciara’s face. “I heard him, Rebecca! Lawrence put Brady on the phone and I heard him scream on the other end of the line! That scream…it’s tattooed onto my brain, I’m never going to forget it.” Ciara sobs. “I’m so sorry, this is my fault.” Rebecca says. “How could you say that?” Ciara wonders. “Because I’m the one who gave you the bracelet! If it wasn’t for that fake bracelet, Lawrence never would have done this to Brady!” Rebecca claims. “You had no idea that bracelet was fake, and you definitely had no idea I was giving it to Lawrence so he wouldn’t kill my brother! How could you know when I didn’t say anything?” Ciara asks. “Why haven’t you said anything?” Rebecca wonders. “Because I didn’t know if it was safe to! I don’t know when Lawrence is watching, or where he’s able to see me! For all I know, he could be watching us right now!” Ciara suggests. “I made sure no one followed us when we came here.” Rebecca says. “He could have me bugged somehow. I’ve checked myself thoroughly to make sure he hasn’t planted a bug somewhere on me, but he’s the director of the WPA, he could’ve tapped my phone mic.” Ciara suggests. Rebecca sighs and puts her hand on Ciara’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with all this, but you won’t be dealing with it alone anymore. I’m going to be by your side, and I’m going to help you navigate through this. We’re going to find Brady, and we’re going to get you out from under Lawrence’s thumb.” Rebecca says. “But what if he finds out?” Ciara questions. “He’s not going to find out! I’m going to make sure of that, and when we do finally bring Brady home, we are going to bring Lawrence down once and for all.” Rebecca assures her. Ciara pulls Rebecca into an embrace. “Thank you, thank you so much.” Ciara tells her. “You’re welcome. Well, we better get to work if we’re going to dismantle Lawrence’s entire plan.” Rebecca says. Ciara cracks a smile. “Let’s do it.” Ciara says, before walking away with Rebecca.

At Jenna’s apartment, Kaylie is going through Jenna’s drawers. “Nothing but a bunch of old drawings…” Kaylie mutters. As Kaylie is going through the drawings, a photo falls out onto the floor. “Wait…what’s this?” Kaylie wonders. Kaylie kneels down and picks the photo up off of the floor. Kaylie looks at the picture and sees that it is a picture of Janice holding a baby. “I know that woman…that’s Don’s mother, the woman that just got released from the insane asylum. Don has a picture of her on his desk.” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns the picture around and on the back, in pen, it says “Jenna and Janice, 1988”. Kaylie squints when she sees this. “Why would Janice be holding Jenna as a baby? Unless…oh my god. When I looked into Jenna’s background, it said she was adopted. Could Janice be Jenna’s biological mother? Could she have done something to King Beast?” Kaylie wonders.

At the Goo Castle, Dannie and Ava walk into the kitchen. “I’m going to make some tea, I need something to try and calm my nerves. Would you like some?” Dannie questions. “No thanks, I don’t do relaxation.” Ava says. “Coffee then?” Dannie asks. “That’d be great. While you’re doing that, I’m gonna take another look around to see if Grandpa turned up anywhere.” Ava says. “Sounds good. Thank you for helping me look for him, I really appreciate it.” Dannie says. “You know I’m happy to help, especially where grandpa is concerned. I’ll check back in soon.” Ava says, before walking out. Once Ava is gone, Dannie walks over to the stove and pours water into a tea kettle. Dannie then puts the tea kettle onto the stove and begins boiling it. As Dannie is boiling the water, Jenna can be seen silently entering the kitchen through the back door. As Dannie watches the water boil, Jenna spots a vase nearby and picks it up. Jenna slowly creeps up behind Dannie and then smashes the vase over their head! Dannie collapses to the ground. “I’m sorry, it…it just had to be this way.” Jenna says. Jenna grabs Dannie’s legs and drags them out of the kitchen through the back door…

“You stay the hell away from Dannie!” King Beast demands. Janice laughs. “I’m not going anywhere near Dannie, Jenna is!” Janice notes. “You are sick, you know that? Jenna’s whole life was turned upside down because of the trauma inflicted on her at a young age.” King Beast notes. “Trauma inflicted by YOU.” Janice interrupts. “And instead of trying to guide her through that in a healthy way like any decent mother would do, you’ve decided to feed her anger and her dark impulses! And for what? I can almost guarantee you had no use for her mother!” King Beast says. “That’s not true! I chose her to raise my Jenna when I couldn’t!” Janice says. “And look how that turned out! Jenna’s father pimped her out so that he could make enough money to pay the bills after her mother passed away.” King Beast notes. “I didn’t know he was like that!” Janice snaps. “And that makes it okay?” King Beast asks. “Do you want to know what isn’t okay? The trauma YOU caused Jenna! That set the course for her entire life! Her father wouldn’t have had the chance to do what he did to her if you hadn’t gotten her mother killed!” Janice says. “I regret what I did to Jenna’s mother, I’ll always regret it! But this is NOT healthy!” King Beast snaps. “Feels pretty damn healthy to me! Jenna gets her revenge on you not just by killing you, but also killing your kid.” Janice says. “Leave Dannie out of this, I am begging you!” King Beast shouts. “Why should I? Death is too quick, there’s no justice in that. You know what isn’t quick? The pain of losing a loved one, that’s a feeling that’ll last you a lifetime. Of course, I don’t plan on giving you a lifetime to grieve your precious Dannie, but those minutes you have left after their death will feel like decades!” Janice notes. “Don’t do this!” King Beast yells. “It’s too late. Dannie and Jenna are gonna be here soon, and when they get here, the wedding of the century is gonna start! It’s gonna be great! We’ve got Jenna officiating, we’ve got your Dannie as our witness, and then once the “I dos” are out of the way, this is going to turn into a very, very red wedding. How exciting!” Janice squeals, before jumping up and down in excitement.

At the Goo Castle, Rebecca and Ciara walk into the living room and discover Dylan and Daisy with Andy. “Hey, I’ve been waiting for you.” Andy says, before walking over to Rebecca and kissing her. “As much as I love this sort of greeting, that isn’t going to distract me from the fact that we have some unexpected guests.” Rebecca notes. “Right…they’re here because they wanted our help, they think Lawrence could be onto them.” Andy reveals. “What would give them that impression?” Rebecca wonders. “The fact that he didn’t share with me that he got his hands on the necklace even though he clearly did.” Dylan says. “You mean when he killed Zoey Kellers?” Rebecca asks. “Andy told us about that. Such a tragedy.” Daisy says. “Hm. You know, I warned you about getting involved in this.” Rebecca recalls. “Are we really going to do this?” Daisy questions. “Yes, we’re going to do this! I told you that this situation with Lawrence was dangerous, that I wasn’t giving you any details for your own good, but you wouldn’t leave it alone! You were so desperate for information that you went snooping through confidential police files!” Rebecca points out. “Because you wouldn’t tell me what was going on! Lysandros has been framed for a crime he didn’t commit, you know this, and yet for some reason you aren’t shouting it from the rooftops!” Daisy shouts. “I’m not shouting it from the rooftops out of regard for other people’s lives, something you clearly don’t know anything about!” Rebecca snaps. “I’m worried about Lysandros’ life, remember him? Framed for a crime he didn’t commit and has been sitting in a prison cell for the last four months? Maybe not since you haven’t been doing anything to clear him.” Daisy says. “I’ve been working day and night to stop Lawrence, what do you call that?!” Rebecca questions. “I call it pointless if you aren’t actively looking for evidence to arrest Lawrence!” Daisy argues. “Because that always works! Look at how well it worked out with you in the past! All your crimes, and you’re still walking free when you should be even further up the river than Lawrence!” Rebecca notes. “Can we table this for another time? I know the two of you hate each other’s guts but we’ve got a common enemy here.” Dylan notes. “Dylan is right. Lawrence is the only enemy.” Ciara says. “On that note, there is something Ciara would like to share, once Dylan and Daisy leave.” Rebecca says. “No, I’m just as much a part of this as you are now! Whatever Ciara has to say, she can say it in front of me and Dylan.” Daisy says. “Unfortunately, she’s right.” Andy says. “I…haven’t been completely honest with you all. The truth is that I’ve been working for Lawrence for months now. I started investigating him a while ago and when he found out, he kidnapped Brady and used him as leverage over my head.” Ciara says. “What?!” Daisy asks. “Lawrence has Brady?” Andy asks. “Mmhm. That’s why no one has talked to him over the phone for so long. Not only that, but Lawrence…he…he had Brady’s leg cut off.” Ciara reveals. A look of disgust crosses Dylan’s face. “Oh my god!” Dylan exclaims. “That’s sick!” Daisy shouts. “Is he okay?!” Andy questions. “For now he is, but I don’t know for how long. I need to find a way to get him home before Lawrence has the chance to hurt him again.” Ciara says. “Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to bring him home.” Andy says. “Yeah, I hope so. The more time that passes, the more I start to lose hope.” Ciara admits. “Well hopefully having some backup will help rekindle some of that lost hope.” Rebecca says. “You know, I think it would be within our best interest to join forces. We all have one common enemy, might as well fight him together.” Daisy says. Rebecca sighs. “I agree with Daisy, for once. It’s going to take more than just one person to bring Lawrence down, it’s going to need to be a group effort. Since we are in the inner circle of people who know what Lawrence has been up to, it makes sense that we continue to keep each other in the loop on any new developments.” Rebecca says. “Thank you for the support.” Daisy says. “Don’t let it go to your head.” Rebecca tells her. “I think this is the best course of action. We can’t just be sitting around anymore talking about taking Lawrence down, we need to take action!” Dylan says. “I agree, especially now that people are dying and now that all three of the diamond jewels are accounted for. It’s only a matter of time before he makes a play for the two jewels that we have.” Andy says. “And we need to be ready for him.” Ciara adds. “We will be. This has got to end. One way or another, Lawrence Stanpatos’ days are numbered.” Rebecca states.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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