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Fantastic S5 Episode 109(5/14/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 109(5/14/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 109(5/14/24)

Post by QG Tue May 14, 2024 4:21 pm

At Baronville, a bruised Lydia is lying in a bed in the prison infirmary when Lucas comes rushing in. “Lydia!” Lucas exclaims. Lydia turns and sees Lucas. “Lucas…” Lydia mutters. “My god, what did they do to you?” Lucas questions, as he takes a seat next to Lydia. “I…I’m not really sure what happened, it all just happened so fast. I remember I was getting my lunch in the cafeteria, then I felt someone grab me from behind and slam my head into the wall. The next thing I know, I'm waking up here and I'm told that someone attacked me.” Lydia reveals. “I'm so sorry.” Lucas tells her. “Sorry for what? This isn't your fault.” Lydia tells him. “Except that it is. I…I don't think it's a coincidence that you were attacked right after Gretta had offered to protect you.” Lucas admits. “You think Gretta arranged the attack?” Lydia asks. “I'm almost certain of it. I wanted to put off telling you this because I didn't want to upset you anymore than you already have been, but not long after I got off the phone with you, I came to visit Gretta here to try and get to the bottom of why she had taken an interest in you.” Lucas says. “Did she tell you anything?” Lydia wonders. “Actually, she did. Some mysterious organization had approached Gretta and asked her to make contact with me. Apparently they plan on setting up their business in Fantastic and they were hoping I could put them in touch with some of my former contacts, maybe even arrange for them to get control of my old territory.” Lucas reveals. “I almost hate to ask, but what's the business?” Lydia questions. “Drugs. As soon as I heard that, I told Gretta no. I've been involved with selling drugs before and I hated myself for it, I wasn't about to be complicit again. Anyways, before I left, Gretta told me that it'd be better for me to work with these people than to stand against them.” Lucas says. “So she basically threatened you?” Lydia asks. “That's right, and clearly she acted on her threats. Either her or the people she's representing tried to have you killed, or at the very least, they hurt you bad enough to send a chill down both of our spines.” Lucas notes. “I'm fine…” Lydia claims. “You aren't fine! You are lying in a hospital bed covered in bruises, and the person responsible could potentially be the person you're sharing a cell with.” Lucas points out. “Well I hope you aren't considering going into business with these people just because of what happened to me! Don't you remember everything that happened with Mia when she forced you to come and work for her?” Lydia asks. “Of course I do, which is why I'd never make that mistake again. I’m not gonna let these people intimidate me, but I’m also not gonna let them hurt you again.” Lucas says. “Stopping them may be easier said than done, especially when they have Gretta working on their behalf.” Lydia says. “Did someone just mention my name?” A voice asks. Lucas and Lydia turn and discover Gretta standing in the doorway!

At the Lakeside Diner, Ava and Dannie are sitting at a booth. “Thanks for meeting with me.” Ava says. “Of course. I’m sorry you had trouble getting in touch with me at first, I went for a walk to clear my head.” Dannie says. “No worries, I get it.” Ava says. “So what’s on your mind?” Dannie wonders. Ava hands Dannie King Beast’s phone. “This.” Ava tells them. “Isn’t this my dad’s phone?” Dannie asks. “Mmhm. I found it on the floor in the solarium.” Ava says. “I see…Ava, you should know that King Beast and I…we aren’t really on speaking terms right now. If you’d like to return his phone to him, your best bet would be to track him down yourself.” Dannie says. “I’ve tried, but I can’t find him anywhere! I’m worried that something has happened to him.” Ava admits.

In the basement of an abandoned power plant, King Beast is tied to a chair, still unconscious, as Janice stands over him. “Get all the rest you need, your royal highness. You’re gonna need it for what comes next.” Janice says. “Mom?” A voice can be heard shouting. “I’m in here, sweetie!” Janice yells back. Jenna walks into the room and notices King Beast tied up. “What the hell?!” Jenna questions. “What’s the matter?” Janice wonders. “You…you kidnapped King Beast!” Jenna points out. “I sure did! Oh come on sweetie, don’t act so surprised! You knew I was gonna take matters into my own hands! You also know how I deal with people who mess with my kids. If you ask me, this SOB deserves far more than what I’m doing to him.” Janice says. “I…I guess I didn’t realize what that meant…you getting involved.” Jenna claims. “You knew exactly what it meant, otherwise you wouldn’t have hesitated when I offered. I get that you’re a little squeamish about this whole thing, this is a lot more drastic than what you first had in mind for the old goat. But trust me, the end WILL justify the means! You’re finally gonna have your justice, Jenna! King Beast is gonna suffer for what he did to you!” Janice says. “What are you planning on doing to him?” Jenna wonders. “First, did you do what I asked?” Janice wonders. “Uh, yeah…I got ordained online, just like you asked me to.” Jenna says. “Did you print out the certificate?” Janice wonders. “I did. I’m not sure why you had me do it, though. Getting ordained means that I’m able to officiate weddings, so what does that have to do with King Beast?” Jenna wonders. “Easy! King Beast and I are gonna be getting married today, and you’ll be officiating the wedding.” Janice tells Jenna!

Dylan and Daisy are sitting on the sofa in the Stanpatos Study. “So you’re sure that Lawrence knows you’re playing him?” Daisy questions. “Practically positive.” Dylan says. “Practically positive isn’t positive.” Daisy points out. “I’m like 99.9% positive, good enough?!” Dylan asks. “Not when it comes to our lives possibly being in danger! What exactly makes you so sure that Lawrence is onto you?” Daisy wonders. “He was just acting incredibly weird with me, especially when the topic of Zoey came up. I’m wondering if maybe Zoey really did say something to him about me going to visit her in Baronville.” Dylan says. “Okay, let’s say that Lawrence does know you aren’t on his side. Why wouldn’t he have confronted you?” Daisy wonders. “I don’t know, maybe he’s waiting for more confirmation or something. Or maybe he’s waiting for me to let my guard down so he can stab me in the back, literally.” Dylan says. “Well then you need to find a way to throw him off the scent!” Daisy states. “It’s too late, the damage is done! If Lawrence truly is convinced that I am double crossing him, there isn’t a thing that I could say or do that would convince him otherwise! And what’s worse is that I’ve involved you in all of this, putting your life in danger along with my own!” Dylan says. “You didn’t involve me in any of this, I involved myself when I started digging into the possibility of Lysandros being framed for kidnapping Lydia!” Daisy notes. “Well then I should’ve done more to un-involve you!” Dylan argues. “If you tried, do you really think it would have worked? If you had tried to shut me out, I just would’ve kept investigating on my own.” Daisy notes. “Well your involvement ends here.” Dylan says. “Excuse me?” Daisy asks. “I’m going to arrange for you to go out of town for a while. There are places where you could hide out, places that Lawrence knows nothing about. I think that’d be the safest thing for you right now.” Dylan says. “I appreciate your concern, but I am not about to run out of town with my tail in between my legs!” Daisy tells him. “This is for Harper’s benefit! I am not going to risk her losing both of her parents, that’s why I need you as far away from this mess as possible!” Dylan says. “So then you’re totally fine with Harper losing one of her parents?” Daisy asks. “That’s not what I’m saying…” Dylan says. “Really? Because that’s what it sounds like! I go into hiding and I’m safe from Lawrence’s reach, and in the meantime, where does that leave you? A dead man walking?” Daisy questions. “Of course I would prefer that Harper not lose either of her parents, but if she did have to lose one…I’d prefer it be me. Despite your colorful history, you’re a good mom for our little girl and I can’t imagine her life without you.” Dylan says. “I can’t imagine her life without YOU, and I’m not going to either! No one is going to die!” Daisy states. “We’re entering the final stretch in all of this, Daisy. Andy and Rebecca have two of the diamond jewels, the final one is within reach. Do you know what that means? It means Lawrence is going to become even more ruthless, even more violent when it comes to collecting all three of the jewels. I can’t risk him hurting you in any way, that’s why I think it’d be best if you were to leave town for the foreseeable future.” Dylan says. “I have a better idea.” Daisy says. “I’m listening.” Dylan says. “Rather than letting Lawrence chase us out of town, maybe we should call in reinforcements.” Daisy says. “Meaning?” Dylan wonders. “Meaning we’ve already established that we are on the same side as Andy when you caught him stealing the bracelet from Masters Corp, it’s time we call him in for help.” Daisy states.

At the Goo Castle, paramedics wheel Zoey’s body out of the foyer as Andy, Rebecca, Ciara, and Victor look on. “I remember that woman, her name was Zoey Kellers I believe. A few years ago, she had tried to pick my pocket. I had her arrested and Lucas Cambino ended up bailing her out of jail. What kind of a sicko would do this to her? And why would they abandon the body on our doorstep?” Victor wonders. “It was a threat.” Rebecca says. “A threat from whom?” Victor questions. “Do you remember that case I said Andy, Ciara, and I were working on together? Zoey is connected to that case. My guess is that the person we’re investigating killed her and then left her body on our doorstep as a warning.” Rebecca assumes. “I…I have to go.” Ciara nervously says. “Ciara…” Rebecca mutters. “I’m sorry, Rebecca, I can’t right now. I really need to get out of here.” Ciara says, before running out the front door. “Poor Ciara. I can tell she was pretty shaken up over this.” Victor says. “Yeah…I think I’m going to go after her.” Rebecca says. “That’s probably a good idea. Let me know how everything goes.” Andy says. “I will.” Rebecca says. “And please be careful. Zoey’s death escalates things significantly, I’m not sure how safe any of us are now.” Andy notes. “I’ll keep a close eye over my shoulder. I love you.” Rebecca says. “I love you too.” Andy says. Andy kisses Rebecca, and she runs out the door. Andy turns towards Victor. “I’m sorry.” Andy says. “Sorry for what? You aren’t the one who killed her.” Victor notes. “You shouldn’t have had to see that, especially when you aren’t involved in any of this.” Andy says. “Are you ever going to tell me what “this” is?” Victor questions. “It’s better that you don't know. Anyone who knows is at risk of ending up exactly like Zoey Kellers.” Andy tells him. “Clearly this is serious…” Victor observes. “More serious than you’ll ever realize, and it’s not gonna be over until the person who killed Zoey is either behind bars or dead themselves.” Andy says.

In the prison infirmary, Lucas stands up when he notices Gretta standing in the doorway. “What the hell are you doing here?” Lucas wonders. “I heard that Lydia had been attacked, I just wanted to drop in and see how she was doing.” Gretta claims. “Don’t pretend to be concerned about her. You don’t give a damn what happens to her!” Lucas states. “Come on Lucas, that simply isn’t true. I offered to protect Lydia when I first became her cellmate, I never wanted any of this to happen to her!” Gretta says. “You only offered to protect her so you could butter me up before asking me to help your drug trafficking friends set up their business!” Lucas snaps. “You told her?” Gretta asks. “Yeah, I told her. Lydia and I don’t keep secrets from each other.” Lucas says. “How sweet, and how different from the way things were seven years ago.” Gretta says. “You did this, didn’t you?” Lucas asks. Gretta scoffs. “That is absolutely ridiculous! I feel no ill will towards Lydia at all, why on earth would I have her attacked?!” Gretta questions. “Maybe because me refusing to do business with your new friends cost you an early release from prison? Maybe you thought that if Lydia were to get injured, you could use that as leverage to get me to reconsider your offer.” Lucas suggests. “Of course I was disappointed that you declined my offer, but to arrange for Lydia to be attacked? That’s preposterous.” Gretta says. “Is it?” Lucas questions. Gretta sighs. “Let’s say for a moment that you’re right, that I did have a hand in what happened to Lydia. If that were the case, don’t you think it would be wise to reconsider your answer to me? You know, to avoid any more harm befalling your precious Lydia?” Gretta asks. “He’s not helping you!” Lydia states. “And that’s final.” Lucas adds. “Look at you two, so in sync! It’s actually pretty adorable.” Gretta says. Gretta walks over to the other side of Lydia’s bed. “Good luck with the rest of your stay here, sweetie. It would be a shame if you fell victim to more violence.” Gretta coldly whispers. “Threaten her again and you will be sorry.” Lucas warns. “Who’s threatening anyone? I was just letting Lydia know that I’d be absolutely gutted if any more harm were to befall her. Lydia got lucky this time, but next time she may not be so lucky. Let’s hope for all of our sakes that the tides change and there isn’t a next time.” Gretta says. “Go to hell.” Lucas tells her. “You may end up regretting those words. I’ll catch up with the two of you soon.” Gretta tells them, before walking out. Once Gretta is gone, Lydia turns towards Lucas with tears in her eyes. “What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?!” Lydia questions. Lucas leans in and hugs Lydia. “It’s going to be okay. I promise, everything is going to be okay.” Lucas assures Lydia…

At the Lakeside Diner, Dannie takes a deep breath. “I admit that it’s deeply concerning that my dad seems to have disappeared without a trace, and I also don’t think it’s like him to lose his phone on the floor and never go back to look for it.” Dannie says. “What do you think we should do?” Ava wonders. “We don’t have any choice, we have to go to the police.” Dannie tells her. “Wouldn’t Grandpa have had to have been missing for 48 hours for the cops to consider him a missing person?” Ava questions. “In most cases, but where he is an elderly man, they may make an exception. It also helps that we know people on the police force, like your mother and Kaylie Simms.” Dannie says. “What do you think, Dannie? Do you think Grandpa could be in any real danger?” Ava asks. “I don’t want to speculate…” Dannie says. “Please!” Ava begs. “Okay, yes, I think that there is reason to be worried. That girl I was involved with, Jenna, it turns out that she hated your grandfather, and for good reason.” Dannie says. “Do you think she could’ve done something to hurt him?” Ava asks. “I’m not sure what to think. I thought I knew who Jenna was, but it turned out I knew nothing about her at all. The truth is, I really have no idea what Jenna is capable of.” Dannie admits.

“Why on earth would you want to marry King Beast?!” Jenna questions. “Why not?” Janice asks. “Is that a serious question? I can give you about a million reasons why you shouldn’t marry that monster!” Jenna says. “And I can give you a single reason for why I should marry him, one that would trump all the reasons I shouldn’t!” Janice says. “Well I can’t imagine what it could be.” Jenna says. “Really? You can’t? You planned on marrying Dannie for the same reason!” Janice points out. Jenna’s eyes widen. “You want his money!” Jenna realizes. “Ding ding ding! Congratulations! We have our winner! You know, I really missed my calling! I would’ve been an excellent game show host!” Janice exclaims. “My plan was to get Dannie to marry me and then somehow get them to cheat on me so I could sue them for every penny they had, but if King Beast is locked up here, you wouldn’t be able to get him to cheat.” Jenna notes. “Of course not. If I let King Beast go, he ain’t gonna go running to another woman! No, he’s gonna go running straight to the police! That’s why when I do let the world know that I am Mrs. Damien Beast, I’ll also be letting them know that he tragically died and that I am his widow.” Janice reveals. “You’re gonna kill him!” Jenna realizes. “What do you think? Do you think I should say he croaked in a boating accident? Or maybe he went skiing and crashed into a tree! That’d be a good one! I’ve got it! We went skydiving and his chute wouldn’t open! Oh the tears I will shed! My poor, poor Beasty, splattered into the ground like a tomato falling from a skyscraper! Boo hoo!” Janice says, fake crying. “Oh my god! I never agreed to any of this!” Jenna points out. Janice pouts. “Of course you did, baby girl. Like I said, you knew how I’d handle this, deep down.” Janice notes. “When I first set out to ruin King Beast, I planned on taking all of his child’s money for myself! Murder was never part of the plan!” Jenna argues. “And what good would that have done? If you married Dannie and took all their money, you only would’ve taken the Goo family money! King Beast still would’ve had his own! So what you would’ve owned the castle? Big whoop! King Beast would just go and buy another one, he can afford it! Jenna, there is only one way to stop rich people like King Beast, he HAS to die! It’s the only way! Now I get why you’re hesitating, you’re probably worried about getting caught and sent to jail.” Janice says. “You think I’m worried about going to jail? The thought hasn’t even occurred to me! I just don’t want to have someone’s death on my conscience!” Jenna tells her. “Even the scum of the earth? Because that is exactly what this man is! He has been allowed to get away with his crimes for over twenty years, and the courts aren’t gonna do a damn thing about it! That’s why we’ve got to take matters into our own hands! Think of all the people he’s responsible for killing, all the restless souls that are calling out for justice! We need to be the heroes that step up to the plate and deliver that justice! Nobody else will, it’s up to us.” Janice says. “He’s hurt so many people…” Jenna notes. “He has, and he’s never had to pay for any of it because he made friends with some respected people. Well that all changes now! Assuming you’ll let me handle this my way, of course.” Janice says. Jenna pauses and then looks back at Janice. “You do what you need to do to make this son of a bitch pay.” Jenna says. Janice smiles. “That’s my girl! Now listen, I’ve gotta go pick up my wedding dress. Would you mind staying with King soon to be dead Beast here?” Janice asks. “Yeah, sure.” Jenna says. “Great! I’ll be back real soon! Promise!” Janice says, before running out. Once Janice is gone, King Beast can be heard groaning and Jenna turns to look down at him…

“What do you think Andy could possibly do for us?” Dylan wonders. “I don’t know, help us somehow? I almost married him, so I know that he can be pretty resourceful. I’m sure he could figure out some way to get us out of this mess.” Daisy says. “I’m not so sure. Lawrence has a pretty far reach, and he’s also talented at staying three moves ahead of everyone.” Dylan says. “Is he? Because Andy and Rebecca were able to get to two of the three diamond jewels before he could.” Daisy says. “Fair point…you do realize that if we were to turn to Andy for help, that would also mean turning to Rebecca, right?” Dylan asks. Daisy sighs. “I guess I could stomach asking her for help if it meant making sure our daughter got to keep both of her parents. We need to do whatever we can to survive this, Dylan. Not for our sakes, but for Harper’s.” Daisy says. “And we will.” Dylan says. Dylan places his hand on Daisy’s cheek. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, I promise.” Dylan assures her. Daisy gazes into his eyes but then Dylan quickly removes his hand and stands up. “On that note, we should probably head over to Andy’s.” Dylan says. “Right now?” Daisy asks. “Yeah, right now. Might as well get it out of the way.” Dylan says. “Okay…yeah, let’s…let’s do that then.” Daisy says. “Yeah…” Dylan says, before heading towards the door. Daisy quickly stands up. “Dylan!” Daisy calls out. Dylan turns to face her. “Yeah?” Dylan asks. “Um…it’s nothing. Let’s just get over to the Goo Castle.” Daisy says. Dylan nods, and Daisy follows him out the door…

At the Goo Castle, Victor follows Andy into the living room. “Should I be worried that this family could be in danger from this invisible threat?!” Victor questions. “I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure that isn’t the case, Uncle Vic.” Andy says. “That doesn’t answer my question.” Victor points out. “I wish I could answer your question, but the fact is that I don’t know.” Andy admits. “That’s reassuring.” Victor sarcastically comments. “I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to this family, I promise you. One lost life is far too much, and all Zoey’s death does is make me realize that we can’t waste anymore time. This needs to end, and it needs to end soon.” Andy tells Victor.

In the living room at the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence is on the phone. “I assume the body was delivered to the Goo Castle as instructed?...Wonderful! Excellent work Gizelle, as per usual…no, I made sure to tuck the necklace away in a location where no one will ever find it. I also made sure not to mention to my son Dylan that I have acquired it, now that we know there’s a chance he cannot be trusted…no, I’m still not 100% sure he is betraying me, but I have people monitoring the situation. I hope to have confirmation one way or the other soon. But, if it does turn out that he has been double crossing me…he is going to wish he had met a fate as pleasant as Zoey Kellers’.” Lawrence says. Lawrence hears the front door slam shut. “I’ll have to call you back.” Lawrence says, before hanging up. Lawrence turns around in time to see Ciara storm into the living room. “You son of a bitch!” Ciara snaps. “Hello, Ciara! What seems to be the problem?” Lawrence asks. “Do you really have to ask? I was at the Goo Castle!” Ciara notes. “I imagine so. You live there!” Lawrence points out. “And you arranged to have a dead body delivered to my family’s doorstep! You have gone too far, Stanpatos. This has got to end!” Ciara declares.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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