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Fantastic S5 Episode 49(1/11/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 49(1/11/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 49(1/11/24)

Post by QG Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:40 pm

At the Fantastic P.D, Agent Fitzgerald leads a handcuffed Lysandros into the squad room. Rebecca’s eyes widen when she spots Lysandros. “What on earth is going on here?” Rebecca asks. “A complete misunderstanding! I had nothing to do with any of this!” Lysandros says. “The evidence suggests otherwise.” Fitzgerald says. “What evidence? What is Lysandros being accused of?” Rebecca questions. “The kidnapping of Lydia Masters.” Fitzgerald reveals. “So Lysandros was the name Mia gave that WPA agent…” Rebecca mutters. “Mia is claiming I was behind this?! That’s absurd! Clearly she’s lying!” Lysandros shouts. “I’d like to have a moment alone with the suspect please.” Rebecca says. “Sorry ma’am, but this is our prisoner. We need to properly question him.” Fitzgerald says. “He may be your prisoner but this is my police station! While you’re here, you follow my rules! Do you understand?” Rebecca asks. Fitzgerald sighs. “Okay, you can talk to him.” Fitzgerald says. “That’s what I thought. Come on, Lysandros.” Rebecca says, as she leads him into the interrogation room.

At the hospital, Lydia walks into Lucas’ room and notices a chair tipped over. “What happened here?” Lydia wonders. Lydia picks the chair up and looks over at Lucas. “Were you having a big party in here during the thirty minutes I was gone? Things must have gotten pretty wild…” Lydia jokes. Lucas doesn’t respond. Lydia sighs. “I know Olivia said that things were looking up for you, but…I just thought you would have regained consciousness by now. I know that I’m supposed to keep hope alive, but the more time that passes without you waking up, the more I start to lose hope. You have to open your eyes, Lucas. Please, I am begging you!” Lydia cries. Andropov, dressed in scrubs, a face mask, glasses, and a cap walks in and freezes when he sees Lydia by Lucas’ bed. Andropov clears his throat. “Uh…excuse me, ma’am.” Andropov says, faking an American accent. Lydia turns towards him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” Lydia says. “I’m so sorry for intruding, but I need to take the patient downstairs for some tests.” Andropov says. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Lydia asks. “You’ve probably seen me around the hospital a few times.” Andropov claims. “Its just…you look so familiar. What’s your name?” Lydia asks. “Doctor Franklin.” Andropov lies. “I can’t say it rings a bell.” Lydia says. “Yes, well as I said ma’am, I really need to be getting the patient downstairs for his tests.” Andropov says. “Is everything okay with him?” Lydia questions. “Yes, everything is just fine! These are routine, nothing to worry about! Everything is just fine!” Andropov says. “Okay, I guess I’ll go sit in the waiting room then.” Lydia says. Lydia turns towards Lucas and smiles. “See you soon, Lucas.” Lydia says, before walking out. Once Lydia is gone, Andropov pulls his face mask down and lets out a huge breath. “That was far too close for my liking…but enough about her. The doctor is ready to see you now, Lucas.” Andropov tells Lucas…

Andy and Bethany are still sitting in the Goo Village food court. “Corey Cambino…I had completely forgotten about him.” Bethany says. “I haven’t. Corey was known as the Syringe Serial Killer. We all thought he killed Kitty Cat, he attacked Dannie, he did kill King Beast’s cousin Hank and…and Emma.” Andy recalls. “He did all that because of Kitty Cat, right?” Bethany asks. “Yeah. Corey worked for Kitty Cat on a project and she treated him terribly. Corey attacked Kitty Cat and we all thought he had killed her, Hank was a witness so Corey bumped him off to keep him quiet, and then Emma started looking into the murders for a school project which put her in Corey’s sights. Up until Corey got exposed, Dylan Cat was the prime suspect in the murders.” Andy says. “And Corey dated Dannie…you said he attacked her? That was when he was exposed, right?” Bethany asks. “He also paid someone to attack them so that he could come riding to their rescue. It also made sure no one was suspicious of him when it came to the syringe deaths.” Andy recalls. “Kinda like how Meow Cat was positioned to be the fall guy for Dannie’s stalking…” Bethany says. Andy sighs. “You know what? I don’t even know why I brought Corey up, he’s been dead for almost eight years. Rebecca rescued Dannie from him down at the docks and ended up stabbing him to death.” Andy remembers. “But what if Corey ISN’T dead?! Think about it, Andy! Corey’s weapon of choice was a syringe, well that’s how Meow Cat went after Dannie both times! He also paid someone to attack Dannie years ago so he could ride to their rescue and not look like the guilty party, just like how Meow Cat was probably paid to go after Dannie!” Bethany says. “Hold on though. If by some crazy chance Corey really is alive, that would discount the Caleb connection we were trying to make.” Andy says. “Maybe not…” Bethany mutters. “What are you saying?” Andy wonders. “What if Corey Cambino and Caleb Cooper are the same person?” Bethany questions!

In an unknown basement, Dannie is tied to a chair and begins to stir awake. “Ow…my head…” Dannie complains. Dannie then begins looking around the room. “Where on earth am I?” Dannie wonders. Dannie attempts to move and discovers they are tied to a chair. “I’m…I’m tied up? Wait…the last…the last thing I remember, I was in the hospital’s parking garage. Someone must have knocked me out. Going by the way my head feels, I’m guessing I was probably drugged. But by whom? Meow Cat is in Riverview, it couldn’t have been him…” Dannie says. Dannie hears a door opening and then notices a dark figure coming down the stairs. “Hello sleeping beauty, glad to see you’re finally awake.” A familiar voice says. “That voice…” Dannie mutters. The person reaches the bottom of the stairs, steps out of the shadows, and is revealed to be Corey! “Caleb!” Dannie exclaims. Corey smiles. “Hi Dannie. I’m glad I have you here, you and I have so much to talk about.” Corey tells them…

In the interrogation room at the police station, Rebecca finishes handcuffing Lysandros to the desk. “Is this really necessary?” Lysandros asks. “We need to follow procedure. I don’t want your friend out there to think I’m bending the rules because you’re my brother.” Rebecca says. “I know you’d never do that.” Lysandros says. “Maybe, but he wouldn’t.” Rebecca says. “You know I’m innocent, right? I didn’t do this.” Lysandros says. “Here’s what I know. I know that there is plenty of bad blood between you and Lydia, I know that you’ve made attempts before to hurt her, and I also know that you and Mia have a prior association from when you both worked for Joe Fish at LIBERTY.” Rebecca says. “For god’s sake, Rebecca! If I was gonna kidnap Lydia, I would have picked someone more reliable than Mia to handle everything. I also wouldn’t have held her at Stanpatos Isle, I have plenty of my own hideaways to use. Besides, I haven’t had any interest in targeting Lydia for years, why the hell would I start now?” Lysandros wonders. “Because it wasn’t personal for the person behind all of this.” Rebecca says. “How do you know that?” Lysandros questions. “From Lydia. She made it clear to me that the person who kidnapped her was after a very specific piece of information.” Rebecca says. “What information?” Lysandros questions. Rebecca sits across from Lysandros. “You need to keep this between us, I’ve been trying to keep this information out of the media so that it wouldn’t reach certain people.” Rebecca says. “Shouldn’t I already know this information if I’m the one who kidnapped Lydia?” Lysandros asks. “Don’t get cute with me, Lysandros. This is serious.” Rebecca says. “I’m aware. I’m the one who’s freedom is at risk. So tell me, what is it that I was supposedly after?” Lysandros questions. “The three diamond jewels.” Rebecca answers. Lysandros’ face goes white. “I see you’ve heard of them.” Rebecca says. “Of course I have. I’ve heard the stories about how Madeline tried to use those jewels to destroy the world.” Lysandros says. “Is that all you know about the jewels?” Rebecca wonders. “Here’s what I know about the jewels, Rebecca. I know that they were destroyed in an explosion back in 2015 when Madeline’s plan backfired on her! If somehow the jewels are still out there, its news to me!” Lysandros claims. “Are you sure? Because your reaction indicated to me that you know more than you’re letting on.” Rebecca says. Lysandros looks away from Rebecca. “Lysandros, look at me! If you know something about the jewels, you need to tell me! If you really are innocent of kidnapping Lydia, I need to know everything you can tell me so that I can clear you!” Rebecca says. Lysandros sighs. “I had nothing to do with Lydia’s kidnapping.” Lysandros says. “But?” Rebecca asks. “But you’re right, I know a little bit more about the jewels than I let on.” Lysandros admits. “Okay, lets start with a simple question then. Did you know that the jewels survived the pyramid explosion back in 2015?” Rebecca asks. “Yes.” Lysandros tells her. “How could you have known that?” Rebecca questions. “Because I’m the person that recovered the jewels from the explosion’s site!” Lysandros confesses!

At the hospital, Andropov wheels Lucas’ bed into an operating room where Gizelle is waiting, dressed like a doctor. “Any problems?” Gizelle questions. “Lydia Masters was in his room.” Andropov reveals. “Did she recognize you?” Gizelle wonders. “No, fortunately.” Andropov says. “That’s too bad. I was looking for an excuse to shoot her.” Gizelle says. “Enough about Lydia. Did you bring everything I asked for?” Andropov questions. Gizelle picks up a bag and tosses it to Andropov. “See for yourself. If something isn’t there, its because you forgot to write it on the list.” Gizelle says. Andropov checks in the bag. “It would appear everything is here…good work.” Andropov says. “Now its your turn to do some good work. You have everything you need, Doctor, now its time for you to work your magic on our patient here.” Gizelle says, looking down at Lucas…

“What would make you think Corey and Caleb could be the same person?” Andy asks. “They’re both doctors, for one.” Bethany notes. “Not just doctors, they’re both neurologists! But that could just be a coincidence.” Andy says. “They also have the same initials, CC! Obviously Corey thought he was being clever when he picked a name for his new identity.” Bethany says. “That seems like a bit of a reach.” Andy says. “Except it isn’t! Corey paid someone all those years ago to target Dannie so that he could ride in looking like the hero, the same way we suspected Caleb paid Meow Cat to attack Dannie so that he could come out looking like the hero!” Bethany says. “But how the hell could Corey still be alive? The paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene!” Andy recalls. Bethany shrugs. “Corey is a doctor! He probably knows what kind of drugs can make it look like a person died!” Bethany suggests. “But Corey would’ve had to have suspected that a situation like that was coming! He had no idea the cops were closing in on him that night!” Andy points out. “So then maybe someone else helped fake his death! Didn’t Lucas hand over the reins of the Cambino organization to Corey after he left the business to go be with Lydia? It could’ve been some old mob allies of the Cambino family!” Bethany says. “There’s a lot of speculation going on here, Bethany…” Andy says. “Speculation is the only way we are going to get concrete answers!” Bethany points out. “Here’s what I know. If Corey Cambino is alive, that means the bastard that murdered my daughter is alive!” Andy growls. “We need to find out somehow if we’re right…maybe we should exhume the body.” Bethany suggests. “We can’t do that. Corey was cremated.” Andy says. “Well that’s not suspicious at all.” Bethany sarcastically says. “People get cremated all the time, its not that suspicious.” Andy says. “Especially the people in this city who love faking their deaths. Hell, sometimes people who choose to be buried end up turning up alive! If that can happen, I think the chances of Corey coming back from the dead are even more likely!” Bethany says. “Maybe, but it makes it more difficult to figure out if Corey is alive or not. Whoever’s ashes are in that urn, its likely any trace of their DNA was destroyed during the cremation.” Andy says. “So then we’ll need to get our hands on Caleb’s DNA somehow. If we could do that and then compare it to something of Lucas’, we could find out if the DNA is a match!” Bethany says. “So how are we gonna get a sample of Caleb’s DNA?” Andy wonders. “I think I have an idea on that…we’ll just need to figure out a way to run the DNA test.” Bethany says. “You let me worry about that. I know someone who can take care of that. You just tell me how you plan on getting that DNA.” Andy says. Bethany stands up. “Its probably better you don’t know.” Bethany says. “So that means its either illegal, dangerous, or both. You’ve gotta think this through, Bethany! If Caleb really is Corey, that means he’s dangerous!” Andy says. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’ll let you know when I’ve got the DNA sample.” Bethany says. Bethany runs off. “Bethany, hold on! Bethany!” Andy calls out.

In the basement, Corey and a tied up Dannie are face to face. “Where am I?” Dannie questions. “Where you’re supposed to be.” Corey says. “Which is where exactly?” Dannie asks. “So many questions. You can tell you’re definitely a psychiatrist.” Corey says. “Why are you doing this? Is it because I’m not interested in having a relationship with you? Is that what this is all about?! I already told you Caleb, I’m gay!” Dannie shouts. “THAT DIDN’T STOP YOU FROM LOVING ME BEFORE!” Corey snaps. A confused expression crosses Dannie’s face. “What are you talking about? I…I was never in a relationship with you before, even back when I thought I was straight! I would remember that!” Dannie notes. “You might not remember me with this face, but I’d bet you would remember me with my old one.” Corey says. Corey reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wrinkled up photo. “This is you and me during happier times.” Corey says. Corey turns the picture towards Dannie and Dannie’s eyes widen when they see a picture of them and Corey from years ago! “No…no, it couldn’t be…” Dannie mutters. “It is. After all these years, I came back for you.” Corey tells a horrified Dannie!


Posts : 1027
Join date : 2021-01-15


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