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Fantastic S5 Episode 46(1/8/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 46(1/8/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 46(1/8/24)

Post by QG Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:10 pm

Its a new day in Fantastic City. At the Goo Castle, Dannie is coming down the foyer stairs when they hear the doorbell ring. “Just a minute!” Dannie calls out. Dannie runs to the door, opens it, and finds Kaylie standing outside. “Hey there, stranger.” Kaylie says. “Kaylie, hi! What a nice surprise.” Dannie says. “Mind if I come in?” Kaylie questions. “Not at all! Come in, its cold out there.” Dannie says. Kaylie walks in and Dannie closes the door behind her. “So what brings you by?” Dannie asks. “I wanted to give you an update on Meow Cat.” Kaylie says. “There’s an update already?” Dannie asks. “Mmhm, he was arraigned this morning.” Kaylie says. “And how did that go?” Dannie wonders. “Not good. The prosecutor tried to get Meow Cat shipped off to Baronville until the trial, but now it turns out there isn’t going to be a trial.” Kaylie reveals. “Wait a minute, are you telling me the charges against Meow Cat have been dropped?” Dannie questions.

In the food court of Goo Village, Andy is sitting at a table when Bethany walks up. “Thanks for meeting me, have a seat.” Andy says. “Yeah, sure.” Bethany says. Bethany sits across from Andy. “So, how are you doing after everything that went down at the New Years Eve party?” Andy wonders. “Fine. I mean, I’m not the one who got shot. Speaking of which, any word on Lucas?” Bethany asks. “Still in surgery. Rebecca actually went over there this morning to go and check in with Lydia.” Andy says. “Check in or interrogate? I’m sure Lydia has quite the story to tell about where she’s been these last two years.” Bethany says. “And Rebecca has some questions about that, questions that hopefully Lydia will have the answers for.” Andy says. “Well it seems pretty cut and dry to me. Obviously Mia was holding Lydia captive to get revenge on Lucas.” Bethany says. “Maybe, but when are things ever as they seem in this city?” Andy asks. “Mmm, good point.” Bethany says. “Speaking of which, I called you down here to talk to you about another criminal in this city.” Andy says. “Meow Cat?” Bethany asks. “That’s the one.” Andy says. “What’s left to say? He’s been caught and is hopefully on his way to Baronville.” Bethany says. “I’d say there’s plenty to say if Meow Cat isn’t the actual stalker.” Andy says. Bethany raises an eyebrow. “I don’t get it, we know Meow Cat was the one who attacked Dannie both times.” Bethany points out. “Something that has never sat right with me. It just doesn’t track, I don’t care what Meow Cat’s lawyer is arguing.” Andy says. “Meow Cat has a lawyer already?” Bethany asks. “Some hot shot attorney from out of town. Apparently Meow Cat suffered some sort of mental breakdown and thought Dannie was Katie Cat.” Andy says. “One of his former employers?” Bethany asks. “That’s right. Supposedly he feels like Katie Cat abandoned him and that’s why he’s been targeting Dannie.” Andy says. “That’s a load of bull!” Bethany shouts. “I know it is. I also know that Meow Cat isn’t smart enough to come up with something like that on his own, just like he isn’t smart enough to pull something like this off on his own. Now more than ever I’m convinced that somebody else is involved in this, the true mastermind.” Andy says. “Well if you’re looking for somebody else that’s interested in Dannie, try looking at their new BFF Caleb.” Bethany says. “That’s exactly the direction I’m looking in.” Andy tells her.

At the hospital, Rebecca walks in and finds Lydia sitting in the waiting room. “Good morning.” Rebecca says. “Morning…” Lydia mutters. Rebecca hands Lydia a cup of coffee. “I brought you this. I guess you could say this is my way of welcoming you back to the land of the living.” Rebecca says. Lydia smiles. “Thanks.” Lydia says, as she takes the coffee from Rebecca. Rebecca sits next to Lydia. “Its really good to see you again.” Rebecca tells her. “Just goes to show how far you and I have come over the years.” Lydia says. Rebecca smiles. “Most definitely. So, any word on Lucas?” Rebecca questions. “He’s still in surgery. I haven’t heard a single peep from the doctors since he was brought in.” Lydia says. “No news is good news.” Rebecca says. “Either that or the surgery is taking so long because nothing is going right.” Lydia suggests. “You can’t think like that. Lucas is tough, and this would hardly be the first near death experience that he’s survived. If anyone can make it through this, its him, especially now that he knows you’ll be here waiting for him.” Rebecca says. “Careful not to let Lucas’ new girlfriend hear you say that.” Lydia says. “Speaking of Julia, where is she?” Rebecca wonders. “Her mother and her are in a different waiting room. I don’t think Julia wants to be anywhere near me right now.” Lydia says. “She’s under a lot of stress.” Rebecca notes. “Yeah, I know. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for her, not just Lucas being shot but me coming back.” Lydia says. “She’ll get through it. Everyone is going to get through this just fine.” Rebecca says. “I hope so…anyway, I’m guessing you didn’t just come here to check on me.” Lydia assumes. “That was part of the reason I came here, but you’re right, I’m also here on official police business.” Rebecca says. “About the shooting?” Lydia wonders. “No, about where you’ve been for the last two years. Now from everything I’ve heard, I’m guessing that Mia Goo was responsible for your kidnapping. Still though, I need to fill in the rest of the blanks.” Rebecca says. “Well believe me, there is a lot more to what happened to me than just Mia Goo’s involvement.” Lydia says.

At the police station, Mia is handcuffed to a desk in the interrogation room when a guard opens the door. “Goo, your lawyer is here.” The guard says. “Lawyer? I haven’t called for a lawyer yet!” Mia notes. An unseen mystery person walks into the room. “Thank you officer, you can leave now.” The mystery person says. The guard nods and walks out. “What in the hell are you doing here?” Mia questions. The camera pans up and reveals Gizelle. “Why else? I came to see you. I’m flattered you recognize me, by the way.” Gizelle says. “How could I not? You work closely with Lawrence, do you not?” Mia questions. “I do. In fact, I’m probably one of the few people that Mr. Stanpatos trusts with his deepest and darkest secrets.” Gizelle says. “Well before you do anything you may regret, I want you to go and tell Lawrence that if anything happens to me, I have made arrangements for evidence implicating him in Lydia’s abduction to reach the Fantastic P.D! Evidence so damning that even his position at the WPA won’t be able to save him!” Mia warns. Gizelle smirks. “You think I’m here to kill you?” Gizelle asks. “Why else would you be here?! You slink in here posing as my attorney, then you inject me with some untraceable drug so that the police think I died from a heart attack! Well it won’t make much difference how I die, if I do happen to perish, your employer will go down and so will you by association!” Mia warns. “God, you're dramatic. I didn’t come here to kill you, Mia, I came to offer you a way out.” Gizelle says. “That’s a lovely sentiment, Gizelle, truly! Too bad you don’t have the ability to back it up!” Mia says. “Maybe not, but Lawrence certainly does. Have you forgotten already he’s the director of the WPA?” Gizelle asks. “Does it matter? Lawrence wasn’t willing to use his position to help Kitty Cat go free, why the hell would he make an exception for me?” Mia wonders. “Because Lawrence’s association with Kitty Cat was nothing but a brief business transaction. What he has with you is far more of a…partnership.” Gizelle says. “Don’t make me gag.” Mia says. “Not that kind of partnership, you hag! Look, my point is that Lawrence has far more incentive to help you than he did to help Kitty Cat.” Gizelle says. “I see…so what exactly is Lawrence offering me?” Mia wonders. “A get out of jail free card, literally. If you take him up on his offer, you’ll be out of here before the day is over.” Gizelle says. “And if I don’t?” Mia questions. “You get to spend your evening sleeping in one of the uncomfortable cots at Baronville Prison.” Gizelle says. “You best hope Lawrence doesn’t let me go to jail, or else you’ll be in that cell right next to me.” Mia warns. “Lawrence isn’t going to let you go to jail, Mia.” Gizelle says. “He’s also not going to help me out of the kindness of his heart! So why don’t you tell me what he wants in exchange for my cooperation?” Mia asks. Gizelle smiles. “Excellent question, one which I’d be more than happy to answer.” Gizelle says.

“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea, the charges against Meow Cat haven’t been dropped.” Kaylie says. “Oh, thank goodness. I don’t understand then, if the charges haven’t been dropped, why isn’t there going to be a trial?” Dannie wonders. “Because he pleaded insanity and the judge bought into his claim.” Kaylie reveals. “What?! How could anything Meow Cat did fall under the insanity plea?” Dannie questions. “He says he went after you because he thought you were his former employer, Katie Cat.” Kaylie says. “His dead former employer? Katie Cat and I did share a face, but why on earth would Meow Cat think I’m someone who has been dead for six years?” Dannie questions. “I don’t know, but apparently he was pissed with Katie Cat, AKA you, because he feels like you abandoned him.” Kaylie says. “That’s ridiculous.” Dannie says. “I agree. I really don’t think there is a shred of truth to what he’s saying.” Kaylie says. “Where is Meow Cat now?” Dannie questions. “He got remanded to Riverview Psychiatric Hospital.” Kaylie reveals. “That’s a minimum security facility!” Dannie points out. “I know! Its absolutely ridiculous! Its almost like they’re just letting him get away with what he did to you!” Kaylie says. “He’ll spend about a year in Riverview at most before he’s released. I assume Meow Cat must’ve been evaluated by a psychiatrist, right?” Dannie asks. “Yup, and yet somehow they weren’t able to see through his facade.” Kaylie says. Dannie sighs. “Unbelievable…so is there really nothing we can do?” Dannie asks. “Not right now, at least not until the doctors at Riverview determine Meow Cat is well again.” Kaylie says. “Okay then…I guess this is it then. Case closed.” Dannie says. “I’m just glad you can finally feel safe again.” Kaylie says. “Part of that is thanks to you, you know. I really appreciate the dedication you showed trying to solve this case. You went above and beyond and…I’m grateful. Thank you.” Dannie says. “You’re welcome. Anyways, I should probably get back to work…” Kaylie says. “Yeah…it definitely sounds like you have your hands full. Hey, any word on Lucas?” Dannie asks. “I talked to my mom about an hour ago and Lucas is still in surgery I guess. I’m really pulling for him.” Kaylie says. “Same here. Lucas is one of my best friends and I can’t even think of the possibility of him not making it…” Dannie says. “Then don’t. From everything I know about Lucas, he’s strong. It’ll take a lot more than a bullet to take him down.” Kaylie says. Dannie smiles. “You’re right.” Dannie says. “Well I really should get back to work now, this time for real.” Kaylie says. “Right…see you around then.” Dannie says. Kaylie smiles. “See you around.” Kaylie says, before walking out.

“So you’re suspicious of that Caleb guy too?” Bethany asks. “I think its kinda suspicious he popped up both times Dannie got attacked.” Andy says. “He also seems to be hovering over them quite a bit. Like five seconds after I kicked Dannie out of my apartment, Caleb was there looking for them to supposedly check up on them. I got this weird vibe from him right away and he just proved me right more and more as the conversation went on. The day Dannie first got attacked and Caleb rode to their rescue, he had already seen them once that day! But then coincidentally, he decided to drop by and ask them out for lunch right when Meow Cat was attacking.” Bethany says. “Which is why I’m thinking maybe that was staged so he could play the hero.” Andy says. “It’d make sense. Caleb did tell me he had already asked Dannie out once and they turned him down.” Bethany recalls. “And you would think that would’ve been the end of it, seeing as how Dannie isn’t interested in men.” Andy says. “Well I learned the hard way watching Kaylie with Xavier, some men have trouble getting that through their thick heads. So what do we do? How do we find out for sure if Caleb and Meow Cat were working together?” Bethany wonders. “I need to get to know Caleb a bit better to try and figure out who we’re dealing with.” Andy says. “And how are you gonna do that?” Bethany wonders. “I’m meeting him for a cup of coffee in a half hour to thank him for being such a big help to Dannie.” Andy says. “Wow, you work fast.” Bethany says. “If this Caleb guy is a danger to my sibling, I’m gonna find out and I’m gonna put a stop to it.” Andy says. “I wish you luck. Because if Caleb is Dannie’s stalker, that means he’s also the person who nearly killed Kaylie. We need to stop this bastard before he can hurt anyone else.” Bethany says. “If Caleb really is the guy we're looking for, we will. Hopefully this little meet up of ours will help me size him up so I'll know exactly what we're dealing with.” Andy says.

“I'm not sure if you remember, but before I…left Fantastic, I had a pretty serious brain tumor. I was looking into different treatment plans but I never got the chance to pursue any before the explosion at your would be wedding.” Lydia says. “Do you still have the tumor?” Rebecca wonders. “No…and honestly, I don't think I'd be alive if I did. I'll give Andropov credit for that, he developed some sort of procedure that cured my tumor and saved my life. But of course, he only did that because they needed me alive.” Lydia says. “That's what I don't understand. Mia despises you, so why would she go through the trouble of faking your death? Just to convince Lucas that you were dead?” Rebecca asks. “That's part of it, but its bigger than that. Someone else was behind the kidnapping and their motives were far different than Mia's.” Lydia says. “Do you have any idea who that someone is?” Rebecca questions. Lydia shakes her head. “I have no idea. I never saw their face, I never heard their name, all I know is that they exist.” Lydia says. “Lydia…does this have anything to do with a certain bracelet?” Rebecca wonders. “Hold on, how do you know about the bracelet?” Lydia asks. “Someone broke into your house about a month ago and tried to steal it. Luckily Lucas was there to stop them. Ever since then, the bracelet has been in the evidence locker down at the station because we didn't feel comfortable closing the investigation, still too many unanswered questions. Anyways, I recognized the bracelet as one of the three diamond jewels your mother was after nine years ago.” Rebecca tells her. “That doesn't make any sense…I wasn't keeping the bracelet at my house! I knew there was a chance someone may try to steal it so I kept it hidden in a location that only I knew about!” Lydia says. “But you were in possession of the diamond bracelet at one point? The real one?” Rebecca asks. “That's right.” Lydia confirms. “How did you end up with it? All three of the jewels were supposedly destroyed in an explosion.” Rebecca recalls. “When Lucas’ father died a few years ago and we went out of town so Lucas could take care of his estate, I saw an advertisement for an auction and I noticed that one of the items on sale looked exactly like the same diamond bracelet my mother was after all those years ago. So while Lucas was meeting with the lawyers, I went to the auction and made this outrageous bid to buy the bracelet. After all, knowing what I do about the jewels, I figured it'd be safer if I was the one who had it instead of someone more dangerous. But someone must have found out I bought it for them to have gone to all this trouble…” Lydia says. “Did you tell anyone you purchased the bracelet?” Rebecca asks. “No one! Not even Lucas! I thought that if I had told him, it would've put his life in danger.” Lydia says. “That's understandable. So you don’t have any idea how the bracelet survived the explosion? Or even if there is a chance the other jewels may have survived as well?” Rebecca asks. “I don’t have a clue, but if someone was willing to fake my death and keep me away from my family for two years just to find out about the bracelet, I’d say its a safe bet that the other jewels are still out there and this person knows about it.” Lydia says. “I’m inclined to agree with you…thank you for talking with me, you’ve been very helpful. I just have one last question for you.” Rebecca says. “What is it?” Lydia wonders. “Can you tell me where you were being held all this time? I’m thinking that maybe we could use that to figure out who orchestrated all of this. We could possibly find out who owns the building, or even search the place for clues.” Rebecca says. “I can tell you who owns the place, it’s family.” Lydia says. This catches Rebecca’s attention. “My family?” Rebecca repeats. “The Stanpatos family. I was being held on their island.” Lydia reveals. “Wait a minute, are you telling me that Mia and Andropov were holding you prisoner on Stanpatos Isle?!” Rebecca asks. “That’s right. I don’t know if it means anything, maybe the mystery puppeteer has some sort of connection to the Stanpatos family, maybe they are a Stanpatos…” Lydia suggests. “Its worth looking into. Thank you for everything, you’ve been incredibly helpful.” Rebecca says. Rebecca and Lydia stand up. “Of course, anything I can do to help get to the bottom of who did this to me.” Lydia says. “I am going to get to the bottom of this, Lydia, I promise you that. Whoever did this to you is going to pay dearly.” Rebecca says. “So what’s your next move?” Lydia wonders. “Its time I go have a talk with Mia and see if she’s willing to clue me in on the identity of her mystery partner.” Rebecca says.

Back in the interrogation room of the police station, Gizelle has just finished telling Mia what Lawrence wants her to do. “That’s all Lawrence wants from me?” Mia asks. “It would be a tremendous help to him.” Gizelle says. “And it would also be no effort on my part! It almost seems too easy.” Mia says. “I take it we have a deal then?” Gizelle asks. Mia goes to answer but then stops herself. “I sense hesitation from you, Mia. Surely you don’t have issue with the terms of Lawrence’s offer, it is MORE than generous. More than you deserve if you ask me.” Gizelle says. “I didn’t ask you, Gizelle. You see, as yummy as it would be for me to go free again, I can’t help but have certain other concerns.” Mia says. “Lawrence isn’t going to retaliate against you so long as you don’t tell anyone about his involvement in any of this.” Gizelle says. “No, not that! I’m talking about more important things, like the happiness of my enemies.” Mia says. “I don’t think you need to worry about that. Lucas is probably on the verge of croaking any time now and Lydia will be utterly devastated.” Gizelle says. “As soothing as that is to hear, I just don’t believe it. Lucas is far too obnoxious to die, which is why I’d like to put a contingency plan into motion, one that I’m going to need Lawrence’s help with.” Mia says. “You want us to finish Lucas off?” Gizelle asks. Mia smirks. “No no, dear Gizelle, I have something far more enjoyable in mind.” Mia says…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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