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Fantastic S5 Episode 25(11/13/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 25(11/13/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 25(11/13/23)

Post by QG Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:25 am

At Masters Corp, Lucas, Lawrence, Dylan, and Lysandros are all in a conference room. “I know you have no use for me, but are you really going to vote in favor of Lawrence becoming the new CEO?” Lucas questions Lysandros. “I’m afraid you misunderstood, Lucas. You see, I have no intention of serving as CEO myself.” Lawrence says. “So then who the hell do you plan on replacing me with?!” Lucas questions. “Me.” Dylan says. “And me.” Lysandros says. “Well this is just great. An alliance between a Stanpatos and a Masters, what could possibly go wrong?” Lucas asks. “Plenty could go wrong, but hey, at least we’re all getting what we want, right?” Lysandros asks. “Well almost all of us.” Dylan says, motioning towards Lucas. “Just when I thought you couldn’t sink any lower.” Lucas tells Dylan. “Why single me out?” Dylan questions. “Because I expect this sort of thing from Lysandros, I expect this sort of thing from your father, given the things I’ve heard about him, but you...even with my low opinion of you, I still expected better.” Lucas says. “And why’s that?” Dylan wonders. “Because you were married to Lydia once, you know how much this company means to her! For you to swoop in here and steal it for yourself, you might as well be spitting on her grave!” Lucas says. “I think that may be a bit melodramatic, don’t you?” Lawrence asks. “I wasn’t talking to you!” Lucas snaps. Lucas turns back towards Dylan. “Did you ever care about Lydia at all?” Lucas asks. “Of course I did, but as I’m sure you remember, any hope she and I had at a relationship was destroyed when she cheated on me with you!” Dylan says. “So that makes it okay for you to disrespect her memory?” Lucas asks. “How is taking over the company disrespecting her memory?!” Dylan questions. “Because she never would’ve wanted it to fall into Lysandros’ hands, or the hands of the Stanpatos family! Come on, Dylan! You are the only other person in this room who ever gave a damn about Lydia! Do you really think this is what she would have wanted?” Lucas asks. “With all due respect, I think what Lydia would have wanted is rather redundant, given the fact that she is dead.” Lawrence says. “You watch the way you talk about my wife!” Lucas warns. “Your wife? That’s interesting, I was under the impression that the two of you were planning to marry but never got the opportunity to do so before she became a casualty of Joe Fish’s chaos. Surely you aren’t referring to your first marriage to Lydia, which was never legal because she was still married to my son.” Lawrence says. “How the hell do you even know so much about Lydia and I?” Lucas asks. “I’ve done my research. But enough about that, I fear we are wandering off topic.” Lawrence says. “I couldn’t agree more. Now in case there is any confusion, allow me to reiterate exactly what our little coup here today means. From this moment on Lucas, you will no longer have any ties to Masters Corp. You will no longer be serving as its CEO, you will no longer be serving as the CEO of New Horizons Media, a subsidiary of the company. You won’t even have a seat on the board because you don’t possess any shares.” Lysandros says. “Only because you dirt bags managed to steal a good chunk of the company’s stock. Lydia would have wanted me to have her 20%.” Lucas says. “Unfortunately what Lydia would or would not want is irrelevant at this point. But now that that’s all settled, would you kindly go and vacate your office?” Lawrence asks. “This is not over, do you understand that? I won’t let the three of you disrespect Lydia by running her company into the ground. I am going to get Masters Corp back, and when I do I am going to make sure all three of you pay dearly for this.” Lucas warns, before storming out.

In Kaylie’s hospital room, Bethany is sitting by Kaylie’s bedside as Virginia stands behind her. “Kay, can you hear me?” Bethany asks. “Beth...Bethany?” Kaylie asks. Bethany smiles. “Yeah, its me. You have no idea how good it is to see those beautiful eyes of yours!” Bethany says. “Same here! Don’t you ever go scaring me like that again!” Virginia warns. “Scaring you? What happened? Where am I?” Kaylie questions. “You’re in the hospital, you...um...you were attacked.” Bethany reveals. Kaylie’s eyes widen. “By who?!” Kaylie asks. “Don’t worry about it, I don’t want to stress you out.” Bethany says. “I don’t know, I think it might be too late for that.” Virginia says. “Just try to focus on taking it easy, okay? I don’t want you to have any kind of set back.” Bethany says. There’s a knock on the door and Julia pokes her head in. “Hey, how’s my little sister doing?” Julia asks. “She’s doing fine.” Kaylie responds. Julia smiles when she sees Kaylie is awake. “Thank God. You know, you really had me worried for a minute there.” Julia says. “Sorry about that…” Kaylie says. “Don’t apologize! I’m just glad to see you’re awake and talking.” Julia says. Julia turns towards Virginia. “You know, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to give these two a moment alone.” Julia says. “You’re probably right.” Virginia says. Virginia turns towards Kaylie. “You haven’t seen the last of me, you got that? I’ll be back soon!” Virginia tells her. Kaylie smiles. “I know you will. See you soon, mama.” Kaylie says. Virginia follows Julia out of the room. Kaylie looks towards Bethany. “Can you please tell me what happened now?” Kaylie asks. “Like I said, I don’t want to stress you out.” Bethany says. “You’re stressing me out by keeping me in the dark! Please Beth, just tell me why I’m in this hospital bed.” Kaylie urges. Bethany sighs. “Okay...Dannie’s stalker broke into our place and tried to attack them. You saved them but then the stalker got the jump on you and injected you with something.” Bethany says. “Did the police catch him?” Kaylie asks. “No. By the time Don got to the apartment, the attacker was already gone.” Bethany says. “So we still don’t know who’s doing this to Dannie?” Kaylie asks. “I never said that. Apparently, before the stalker injected you, you ripped off their mask and saw their face...the person who attacked you was Meow Cat.” Bethany reveals. Kaylie’s eyes widen. “Wait...its coming back to me now. I don’t get it though, why would Meow Cat stalk Dannie?” Kaylie wonders. “I don’t know and I don’t care. All I care about is making sure that you are okay.” Bethany says.

Acerbi and Dannie are standing in a corridor in Fantastic Medical. “Regarding the attack on Kaylie, the results of her tests are in…” Acerbi says. “So you know what Meow Cat injected her with?” Dannie asks. Acerbi nods. “I do.” Acerbi confirms. “What was the drug?” Dannie asks. “See for yourself. I’m confident you’re well acquainted with this particular drug.” Acerbi says, as she hands Dannie the folder. Dannie opens the folder and looks at the results. Dannie’s face turns white. “Oh my god...this is the same drug Corey Cambino used on his victims.” Dannie recalls. “I remember.” Acerbi says. Dannie closes the folder. “Kaylie is lucky to have survived.” Dannie notes. “I imagine the reason she did is because the paramedics got to her so quickly.” Acerbi says. “So Meow Cat used the same drug Corey used on Kitty Cat and Hank Chandler...Meow Cat, the same person who has been stalking me all of this time.” Dannie says. “You don’t think its a coincidence, do you?” Acerbi asks. “That my stalker used the same drug my serial killer ex boyfriend used to kill his victims? No, I don’t think that’s a coincidence at all. But even so, none of this makes any sense! Why is Meow Cat stalking me in the first place? And why would he use that particular drug?” Dannie wonders. “Perhaps it isn’t as complicated as you are making it out to be. Maybe all roads lead back to Corey Cambino.” Acerbi suggests.

Meow Cat and Caleb are face to face on the docks. “Why so jumpy, Meow Cat? I figured you’d be happy, Doctor Cooper is ready to see you now.” Caleb says. “Oh cut the crap, buddy! If your names Caleb Cooper, mine is Ryan Reynolds! We both know who you really are. You are Doctor Corey Cambino!” Meow Cat shouts. Corey smiles. “Indeed we do. Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, its time we figure out the next step in our little plan.” Corey says. “Our little plan? This isn’t our plan! This is some scheme that you cooked up that I was forced to go along with!” Meow Cat snaps. “Don’t rewrite history, Meow Cat. No one is forcing you to go along with any of this. I just gave you some incentive to give me a helping hand in my plan to win Dannie back.” Corey says. “I still can’t even believe you’re alive...Rebecca Rogers gutted you like a fish!” Meow Cat recalls. “I’m hardly the first person in this city to pull a lazarus. Your boss Kitty Cat sure has done it more than a few times.” Corey notes. “That’s different! Kitty Cat is larger than life, she’s an iconic queen! You’re...well, you’re YOU!” Meow Cat says. “I’ll try not to take that personally.” Corey says. “Well I meant it to be personal!” Meow Cat snaps. “Faking my death wasn’t easy, but it was a group effort. The paramedics who pronounced me dead were paid to say that. Then my body was supposedly cremated and my ashes were sent to my brother Lucas.” Corey says. “Obviously you weren’t cremated though, you’re standing right here.” Meow Cat says. Corey smiles. “Lucky me. Anyways, it took a bit for me to recover from the stab wound Rebecca Rogers inflicted upon me, but when I did I was advised it might be smart for me to get plastic surgery. That way I could go anywhere I wanted to without having to worry about anyone recognizing me.” Corey says. “Who advised you to do that?” Meow Cat wonders. “Doesn’t matter. So I got myself a new face and a friend of mine arranged for a new identity for me as well. Ever since then, I’ve been living overseas without a care in the world.” Corey says. “But you came back.” Meow Cat notes. “I had to. When I heard about what had happened to Dannie, how they were possessed and tried to take over the world using that devil’s medallion, I had to come back for them. Even though we were together for only a short period of time, the relationship I had with them was the most I’ve ever been in love. They made me want to be a better person, you know?” Corey says. “Not enough considering you’re the one who’s been stalking them these last few months.” Meow Cat notes. “A necessary evil. Obviously I can’t go to Dannie and tell them who I really am, which means I’ve gotta improvise. By convincing Dannie that their life is in imminent danger, it gives me the chance to play the hero. They fall into my arms as I protect them from the big bad stalker and then eventually, they fall in love with me all over again. Its genius, right?” Corey asks. “Its never gonna work. Dannie is gay.” Meow Cat points out. “So? We were in love once before.” Corey points out. “Because Dannie hadn’t yet figured out that they were gay! Its not that uncommon! But now that they know, they are never going to fall for Caleb Cooper and they are DEFINITELY not going to fall for Corey Cambino.” Meow Cat says. “They certainly aren’t going to fall for me the way things are currently going. For example, today did not go as planned. You were supposed to break into that condo, go after Dannie, and then I was going to burst in and save them from you, the treacherous stalker. Kaylie Simms was supposed to have no part in any of this.” Corey notes. “You took too long to ride to the rescue!” Meow Cat points out. “While we’re on the topic, I also didn’t want anyone to get hurt today, yet somehow Kaylie Simms is in the hospital.” Corey says. “I panicked! Besides, if you didn’t want anyone to get hurt, maybe you shouldn’t have given me a loaded syringe! What was even in the thing anyway?” Meow Cat wonders. “The same drug I used on Kitty Cat and Hank Chandler.” Corey reveals. Meow Cat’s eyes widen. “That drug killed Hank! It killed Kitty Cat too, but luckily Doctor Andropov saved her!” Meow Cat points out. “Doesn’t bold well for Detective Simms then, does it? Oh well, its probably for the best that she dies. I couldn’t have someone else playing the role of Dannie’s knight in shining armor, now could I?” Corey asks. “I didn’t want to hurt her…” Meow Cat mutters. “But you did. What’s done is done, there’s no point looking back, I’d much rather look forward to the future. I can just feel how close I’m getting to what I’m after Meow Cat. Soon I will finally have Dannie back, and if I have an extra minute, I wouldn’t mind sticking it to my brother Lucas too.” Corey says.

At the Stanpatos gatehouse, Kristina is folding laundry when she hears a knock at the door. “Just a minute!” Kristina calls out. Kristina walks over to the front door, opens it, and finds Lucas standing outside. “Lucas! This is an unexpected surprise.” Kristina says. “Hi, sorry for dropping by unannounced.” Lucas says. “No, its fine. Come in.” Kristina says. Lucas walks in. “Everything okay? You look kinda upset.” Kristina says. “That’s because I am. Kristina, I know you and Dylan Stanpatos have gotten pretty close lately, which is why I feel like you have the right to know all about the latest stunt that son of a bitch pulled.” Lucas says.

At Masters Corp, Lawrence, Dylan, and Lysandros are still in the conference room. “That went even better than I anticipated! I feel as though its worthy of a celebration!” Lawrence exclaims. “As nice as that sounds, I think I’m actually gonna head home and get settled in.” Lysandros says. “Home? Have you already found somewhere to stay?” Lawrence wonders. “I have. The Stanpatos mansion seems to have plenty of free rooms, so I think I’ll set up camp there.” Lysandros says. “I never said you could move in with me!” Dylan snaps. “Maybe not, but seeing as how I made sure you got control of Masters Corp, I think you owe me.” Lysandros says. “You’re the Co CEO of the company, isn’t that enough?” Dylan asks. “No, it isn’t. Look, if you really don’t feel comfortable having me live in the mansion, I’m fine with that. However, I may have to reconsider voting with you gentlemen.” Lysandros warns. “There’s no reason to resort to threats. There are plenty of available rooms at the mansion, we probably won’t even notice you’re there.” Lawrence says. “Great! I’ll start moving my bags in right away. Anyways, I will see you two at home.” Lysandros says, before walking out. Dylan turns towards Lawrence. “How could you invite that man to live in my home?” Dylan asks. “How could I not? He was threatening to change his mind about voting with us!” Lawrence notes. “I don’t care! I do not want him living under the same roof as us, under the same roof as my daughter!” Dylan says. “I’m sure Lysandros poses no threat to Harper.” Lawrence says. “What about Kristina? Do you know that she was one of the people he terrorized in Greece years ago? One of the people he tried to kill?!” Dylan asks. “Kristina is a lovely young woman, I’m sure she’ll be able to co exist with Lysandros.” Lawrence says. “What if I can’t co exist with him?” Dylan asks. “I hope that isn’t the case. The time will come where we can cut our losses with Lysandros, but as of right now, we still need him.” Lawrence says. “Don’t be too sure. There’s only so much I’m willing to tolerate before I say forget it to the whole thing! I’m also not going to tolerate you making decisions that should be my decisions to make, such as moving people into MY house.” Dylan tells him. “I understand, and I apologize if I overstepped. I know none of this is ideal, but sometimes compromise is necessary.” Lawrence says. “Maybe, but there’s only so much I’m willing to compromise.” Dylan says, before walking out. Lawrence sighs. “Oh my son, I’m starting to really worry about you and whether or not you are truly capable of leading this family. Once I am able to acquire the three diamond jewels, I am going to need someone by my side who I can count on to lead this family for years to come...speaking of, I think its time I check in with Doctor Andropov about how close he is to finding out the location of that bracelet.” Lawrence says. Lawrence pulls out his phone and makes a call. “Mr. Stanpatos, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.” Andropov says. “I’m sorry I haven’t been responsive. Today was the day where my son and I finally took control of Masters Corp.” Lawrence reveals. “Congratulations!” Andropov says. “Thank you, but that isn’t the reason I’m calling. I’m hoping you have an update for me on where the diamond bracelet is. Has Lydia told you anything at all about its location?” Lawrence questions. “She did.” Andropov lies. “Alright, where is it?” Lawrence wonders. “Lydia tells me she stashed it inside of a book on the bookshelf in the living room of her mansion. She couldn’t remember the name of the book.” Andropov claims. “Excellent. I’ll send someone over there tonight to retrieve the bracelet.” Lawrence says. “Very good. Now that that’s settled, what do we do with Lydia?” Andropov questions. “Nothing for the time being. However, once I have the bracelet in hand, you can tell Mia that Lydia is of no further use to me.” Lawrence says, before hanging up…

“How’s Dannie? Are they okay?” Kaylie asks. “Dannie is fine. Meow Cat wasn’t able to hurt them because you showed up just in time.” Bethany says. “Thank God…” Kaylie says. “Maybe for Dannie but not for you! Kay, you could’ve died!” Bethany notes. “I didn’t though, so everything is fine.” Kaylie says. “Nothing is fine! That psycho Meow Cat is still out there somewhere! He could come after you to finish the job!” Bethany suggests. “I’m not worried about Meow Cat coming after me. Dannie is the one he was stalking, they’re the one we should be worried about.” Kaylie says.

“What could any of this have to do with Corey? He’s been dead for years.” Dannie notes. “Think about this, what is the connection between Corey and Meow Cat?” Acerbi asks. “Kitty Cat.” Dannie realizes. “Exactly. Years ago, Corey injected Kitty Cat with a drug that should have killed her. It would have, had it not been for Doctor Andropov’s intervention. Perhaps Meow Cat is targeting you because you once dated Corey.” Acerbi suggests. “Corey and I dated for a few months, sure, but that doesn’t explain why Meow Cat would target me. Its not like he could be doing it to hurt Corey, there isn’t anything anyone could do to hurt Corey anymore. I’m wondering if maybe Meow Cat targeted me because of my resemblance to Katie Cat, another one of his former employers.” Dannie says. “That wouldn’t explain the connection to Corey Cambino.” Acerbi notes. “Maybe there isn’t a connection, maybe I’m just overthinking it. Maybe it really is just a coincidence that Meow Cat used the same drug on Kaylie that Corey used on Kitty Cat and Hank.” Dannie says. “You seemed to think it was too big of a coincidence a few moments ago.” Acerbi notes. “I still have trouble accepting that it could be a coincidence, but come on, what other explanation could there be? Corey is dead, he’s been dead for years! Why would Meow Cat suddenly decide to dredge up his memory so long after his death?” Dannie asks. “I don’t know. That’s a question the police can ask him whenever they manage to locate him. Speaking of, I should probably send these test results over to Commissioner Reynolds.” Acerbi says. “You should, maybe the police can make something of all of this. I know I can’t right now.” Dannie says. “It isn’t your job to make something of any of this, you shouldn’t have to worry about it.” Acerbi says. “But I am worried! Kaylie nearly died tonight because of someone that is targeting me, and for the life of me, I can’t figure out why this someone would want to target me!” Dannie says. “Hopefully your answers will come soon.” Acerbi says. “Hopefully. Thank you for listening, by the way.” Dannie says. Acerbi smiles. “Of course. We’re family, Dannie. I have lost so much these past few years, but all of those losses have helped me realize just how important family is. We’ll talk again soon.” Acerbi says, before walking away. Dannie sighs. “What on earth do you want from me, Meow Cat? And does all of this somehow tie back to Corey?” Dannie wonders…

“What’s your beef with Lucas?” Meow Cat wonders. “He inherited everything that should’ve been mine. I was the son who showed an interest in running my father’s empire, but instead of giving it all to me, he chose Lucas instead. Lucas never gave a damn about the Cambino organization! If he did, he wouldn’t have been so quick to pawn it off on me years ago…” Corey says. “That was during your serial killer era, right?” Meow Cat asks. Corey glares at him. “Sore subject?” Meow Cat asks. “Never mind any of that. We’re wasting time talking about Lucas, my focus needs to stay on Dannie.” Corey says. “Yeah, about this whole alliance thing you and I got going...if you want me to keep helping you, I’m gonna need something from you.” Meow Cat says. “And what’s that?” Corey asks. “Well now that Detective Kaylie ripped that mask off my face, the cops are going to be looking for me, which means I can’t go back to Virginia Gray’s mansion. I need somewhere to hide out.” Meow Cat says. “If you’re asking me to put you up in a hotel somewhere, that isn’t possible. My funds are limited right now.” Corey says. “You’re a doctor! One who faked your own death! How the hell don’t you have any money? Never mind that, if you won’t pay for a hotel for me, I’m gonna have to stay with you.” Meow Cat says. “I’m not interested in harboring a fugitive.” Corey says. “Bitch please, you’re a fugitive!” Meow Cat points out. “Caleb Cooper isn’t a fugitive, and Corey Cambino is dead.” Corey argues. “He won’t be for much longer if the cops get a hold of me. Oh come on Corey, if I get arrested, do you really think I’m going to keep my mouth shut and let the police charge me with Kaylie’s attempted murder? I will tell them the truth! I’ll tell them that Corey Cambino is alive and he’s been parading around town as Doctor Caleb Cooper!” Meow Cat threatens. “That would be a mistake.” Corey warns. “No no doc, a mistake would be turning your back on me when I’m the only one keeping the heat off of you. If you plan on playing the role of Dannie’s hero, you’re gonna need someone to play the role of their stalker.” Meow Cat says. Corey sighs. “Alright, fine, I guess you can stay with me.” Corey says. “Thanks. So how much longer do you expect this to go on anyway?” Meow Cat questions. “As long as it takes for me to get my prize.” Corey says. “That could take forever, literally. Like I said, you can’t just change someone’s sexuality.” Meow Cat says. “And like I said, Dannie and I were in love once before, we can be again.” Corey says. “And how do you plan on getting Dannie to fall in love with you again when you won’t even tell them your real name?” Meow Cat asks. “You let me worry about that. You just worry about making yourself available whenever I need you.” Corey says. Corey hands Meow Cat a key. “That’s the key to my apartment, try not to make a mess of the place.” Corey says. “What was that? Invite all my friends over for friendsgiving? Okay!” Meow Cat says. “Very funny. Just remember one thing Meow Cat, when I get what I want is when you will get what you want. No sooner, no later.” Corey says. “Whatever you say boss man, see you at home!” Meow Cat exclaims. Corey rolls his eyes as Meow Cat skips away. Corey then looks around the docks and flashes back.

"Its over, Corey Cambino, you are under-" Before Rebecca can finish, Corey lunges at her, and the two begin to struggle over the gun! The gun falls out of their hands and slides into the water! Corey throws a punch at Rebecca, but Rebecca dodges and punches Corey. She then knees Corey in the groin and kicks him in the face. As Corey is on the ground, he picks up the steak knife and is able to stand up and swing at Rebecca with it. Rebecca dodges, and the two begin to struggle over the knife. Rebecca knees Corey in the stomach, which causes him to release his hold on the knife. Corey runs at Rebecca, but Rebecca stabs Corey in the stomach! "You should have surrendered when you had the chance." Rebecca, who is now out of breath, states. Corey tries to attack Rebecca once more, but she stabs him two more times! Corey collapses to the ground, and Rebecca kicks him one more time. Rebecca kneels down and checks his pulse. “Justice is served.” Rebecca says.

Corey smirks. “Hard to believe that happened right here in this very spot. Rebecca was so sure she had seen the last of me, everyone was. They couldn’t be more wrong...Corey Cambino is back, and this city is in for one hell of a ride.” Corey says...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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