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Fantastic S5 Episode 21(11/1/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 21(11/1/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 21(11/1/23)

Post by QG Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:40 pm

In Adelina’s hospital room, Lysandros is sitting by Adelina’s bedside. “Thank you again for coming to rescue me, Uncle Lysandros. I really appreciate it.” Adelina says. “You don’t need to thank me anymore, you have done more than enough to show your gratitude.” Lysandros says. Someone knocks on the door. “Come in!” Adelina calls out. The door opens and Lucas walks in. “Accepting visitors?” Lucas asks. Adelina smiles. “Lucas! Long time no see!” Adelina exclaims. “Too long. I heard you recently had quite the adventure.” Lucas says. “If by adventure, you mean me being kidnapped, sure.” Adelina says. “I really wish I had known, I would’ve done anything I could to help bring you home.” Lucas says. Lysandros stands up. “Fortunately that wasn’t necessary. Adelina had more than sufficient help.” Lysandros says. “Now there is a face I haven’t missed.” Lucas says. “Hello Lucas, nice to see you.” Lysandros says. “The feeling isn’t mutual. What the hell are you doing back here?” Lucas questions. “I came back to give Adelina a helping hand.” Lysandros says. “Is that right? I heard Acerbi was the one who killed Wishbone.” Lucas says. “She was, that doesn’t mean I didn’t assist with the rescue.” Lysandros says. “While my mother was dealing with Wishbone, Lysandros got me out of the room Wishbone had locked me in.” Adelina says. “And I suppose you’re expecting a thank you.” Lucas says. “I’m not expecting anything but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.” Lysandros says. “Thank you for helping bring Adelina home safe and sound, that still doesn’t change the fact that you are a treacherous son of a bitch who nearly killed Lydia, myself, and a bunch of other people I care about.” Lucas says. “Maybe not, but it helps me feel pretty damn good about myself. Anyways, I have somewhere else to be so I really should be going.” Lysandros says. Lysandros turns towards Adelina. “Take care of yourself, okay? Try not to get kidnapped by anymore lunatics.” Lysandros says. Adelina smiles. “I’ll try my best.” Adelina says. “Good girl. Lucas, always a pleasure.” Lysandros says, before walking out. “I assume this is the part where you tell me I’m being too hard on him.” Lucas says. “Hell no. You have every right to despise that man. But, that doesn’t mean I have to.” Adelina says. “You have a right to your opinion. But enough about him, how are you doing?” Lucas asks. “I’m being released today, so that’s nice.” Adelina says. “But are you okay emotionally?” Lucas asks. “I guess…” Adelina says. “Don’t do that, Adelina. We used to be married, I can tell when you’re holding something back.” Lucas says. Adelina sighs. “Its just...that whole ordeal was really scary for me. I mean, Wishbone wanted me to put together this incredibly complex protocol in a short period of time and it just wasn’t feasible, but the only other alternative was death!” Adelina says. “What kind of protocol are we talking about here?” Lucas asks. “Something Doctor Ilia Andropov had already developed, a procedure that could transport someone’s memories into another human body, essentially making that person’s essence immortal.” Adelina says. “In other words what Andropov did to Dylan and Kristina when he turned them into The Evil Force.” Lucas realizes. “Exactly like that.” Adelina says. “Please tell me you never completed the research. Tell me there isn’t some digital copy of Wishbone’s consciousness out there waiting to be uploaded into someone’s mind.” Lucas urges. “Like I said, there was no way I could ever meet Wishbone’s deadline, especially when I didn’t even have any of Andropov’s notes to go off of. Fortunately, Omar Holt won’t be coming back from the dead this time. He’s finally gone...which means my mother and everyone she loves is finally safe.” Adelina says.

Lawrence is sitting in the living room of the Stanpatos mansion when Dylan walks in. “Good morning, dear boy.” Lawrence says. “Morning.” Dylan says, as he walks over to the coffee pot and pours himself coffee. “How was your evening?” Lawrence asks. “You mean last night?” Dylan asks. “Yes. I understand that you and Kristina attended a Halloween party at Club Aqua together.” Lawrence says. “We went together as friends before you go making any assumptions.” Dylan says. “That’s how love always begins. You start out as friends and then the next thing you know you’re hearing wedding bells.” Lawrence says. “Well I don’t think there are any wedding bells in my future, especially not the immediate future.” Dylan says. “No need to be so pessimistic, I’m confident the right woman will come along for you! So long as that woman is not Daisy Nichols, I heard she attended this party as well.” Lawrence says. “What is it with you? Do you always have your ninjas spying on me or something? Do they hide in the bushes? Jump roof top to roof top while following me?” Dylan asks. “I just like to keep myself informed on all the current events transpiring within this family. For example, do you know that Rebecca and her family just arrived in Rio?” Lawrence asks. “I’m sure Rebecca would be delighted to know you keep such close tabs on her.” Dylan sarcastically says. “Oh don’t worry, I’m quite certain she does the same to me!” Lawrence says. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Dylan says. “Anyways, while I have you here, I was hoping you and I could quickly touch base on our planned coup of Masters Corp.” Lawrence says. “I’m listening.” Dylan says. “Have you made any effort to relieve Adelina of her shares in the company?” Lawrence questions. “No, I have not. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but Adelina was just held captive by an illiterate nutcase. As such, I’m doing the decent thing and giving her some time to rest.” Dylan says. “She has had plenty of time to rest! It is time we stop wasting time. You need to march over to that hospital right away so that you can convince Adelina to part ways with her 20% in Masters Corp. Be sure to remind her just how much she owes you for getting her away from that demented psychopath.” Lawrence says.

At Fantastic Medical, Dannie is walking through a corridor when Caleb comes up to them. “Hey there stranger, long time no see.” Caleb says. “Caleb! How nice to see you again! How have you been?” Dannie asks. “I’ve been pretty good. I’m finally starting to feel settled here at the hospital, and here in Fantastic.” Caleb says. Dannie smiles. “That’s good, I’m so glad to hear that.” Dannie says. “What about you? How have you been?” Caleb asks. “I’ve been doing alright…” Dannie says. “Yeah? No more mystery gifts from that stalker person?” Caleb asks. “I wouldn’t say that. Unfortunately my latest run in with them wasn’t what I would call a gift.” Dannie says. “What happened?” Caleb asks. “I was sitting at home talking to my Dad when I saw someone lurking outside the window. Now obviously I can’t say for sure, but my gut is telling me that was the same person who sent me the flowers and the note.” Dannie says. “Oh God, please tell me you at least called the police this time!” Caleb says. “This time I did! Sending me flowers and slipping a note under my office door are one thing, but trespassing onto my property and watching me through my window...that’s a whole different level of creepy.” Dannie says. “Absolutely. So do the cops have any leads on who could’ve done any of this?” Caleb asks. “Not so far.” Dannie says. “I’m sorry. It must be pretty scary to feel like you aren’t even safe in your own home.” Caleb says. “It is. Luckily I haven’t been staying at home so I’ve felt a little safer. I actually think that’s why I haven’t experienced anymore incidents, I don’t think the stalker knows where to find me.” Dannie says. “I’m glad to hear that, but in case this person does track you down, I hope there are security measures in place.” Caleb says. “Believe me, I don’t have to worry about that. I’m actually staying with the police detective who’s investigating my case. Kaylie has been really good to me.” Dannie says. “I’m glad to hear you’re in good hands, but should you be talking about this in public?” Caleb asks. “I don’t see anyone else around, and I trust you aren’t going to take advantage of this information. You were with me when I got that note so I know you’re innocent.” Dannie says. “I’m glad you feel that way, it means a lot. So what’s your plan for the rest of the day? Looks like you’re heading towards the exit.” Caleb notes. “I am. I had a really short day today so I’m just gonna go home and relax. On that note, I really should be going. See you later, Caleb.” Dannie says. “Bye Dannie.” Caleb says, before Dannie walks away.

“So, how have you been? Anything change in the last six years?” Adelina asks. Lucas chuckles. “More than you would ever guess.” Lucas says. Adelina’s face grows serious. “I heard about what happened to Lydia. I’m sorry.” Adelina says. “Yeah, losing Lydia was quite the devastating blow...I should be offering you my condolences too, Lydia was your sister.” Lucas notes. “Which I had only just found out before I left town. I didn’t know Lydia nearly as well as you did. She was the love of your life.” Adelina points out. “Yeah, she was...believe me, it hasn’t been easy. In fact, there have been more than a few times where I thought I wouldn’t be able to go on without her.” Lucas admits. “I can imagine...but, you’re still here. That’s what’s important, right?” Adelina asks. Lucas smiles and nods. “Right. I’m lucky though, I was fortunate enough to fall in love again.” Lucas reveals. “You have? Is it anyone I know?” Adelina asks. “You don’t know her, but she’s your cousin on your mother’s side.” Lucas says. “Are you talking about Victor’s daughter Ciara?” Adelina asks. “Actually I’m talking about Victor’s other daughter, Julia.” Lucas says. “I didn’t know Victor had a daughter named Julia.” Adelina notes. “Neither did he until about a year ago. But that’s besides the point, having Julia in my life has really done me some wonders. She’s taught me how to smile again after losing Lydia, how to laugh again. I’m so glad that I met her.” Lucas says. “I’m so happy for you. How did the two of you meet?” Adelina asks. “Oh, well...that’s a bit of a complicated story.” Lucas says. “Well I’ve got some time before I’m released, tell me.” Adelina urges. “You see, I was...I was actually stabbed by Joe Fish when Julia found me on the ground, which is when we first met.” Lucas says. “Why did Joe stab you? You know what? Forget I asked, the man was a lunatic. But that’s pretty cool that Julia pretty much saved your life.” Adelina says. “She saved my life in more ways than one. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay her for all the light she has brought back to my life.” Lucas says. “If you want to repay her, I suggest you be a good boyfriend to her.” Adelina says. “I’m trying my best.” Lucas says. “I know you are, you always did with me. Our marriage ending...it wasn’t your fault.” Adelina says. “Adelina…” Lucas mutters. “No, I mean it. I’m the one who cheated with your brother, I ruined everything between us.” Adelina says. “You never would’ve cheated with Corey if I had been a better husband. You and I both made some mistakes, but I don’t see any reason to look back on them now. I’d much rather focus on the future...my future, yours. Both of them are looking pretty bright, huh?” Lucas asks. Adelina smiles. “Yeah…” Adelina says. “So now that you got away from Wishbone, do you plan on going back into hiding? Madeline is still out there.” Lucas notes. “I’m not sure what my plans are, but I’m definitely not hiding anymore. I’m done with all of that. If Madeline wants to try again, she can come and get me. I’m ready for her.” Adelina says. “And I’m ready to help protect you from her if it comes down to it.” Lucas says. Adelina smiles. “Thank you.” Adelina says.

At the Stanpatos mansion, Dylan hangs up the phone as Lawrence looks on. “Well?” Lawrence asks. “Adelina has a visitor right now. Not only that, but it sounds like she’s being released pretty soon.” Dylan says. “Then you must get over to that hospital and intercept her! For all we know, Lysandros plans to place Adelina back into hiding! We can’t have that, not before we get what it is we’re after!” Lawrence says. “Well then I guess I’ll head over there!” Dylan says. Dylan turns to walk out just as Lysandros walks in. “Sorry for the intrusion gentlemen. I rang the doorbell but no one answered. Is your staff on strike or something?” Lysandros asks. “I really don’t have time for this, I need to be going.” Dylan says. “Come on Dylan, after everything we’ve been through these past few weeks, I figured you would show me a little more kindness.” Lysandros says. “Maybe some other time. Excuse me.” Dylan says. Dylan begins walking towards the door. “If you’re going to visit my niece Adelina, you’re wasting your time.” Lysandros says. Dylan turns back towards Lysandros. “What would make you say that?” Dylan asks. “You want to visit her so you can convince her to sign over her shares of Masters Corp, right?” Lysandros asks. “What on earth would give you an asinine idea like that?” Lawrence questions. “Don’t bother, Lysandros here told me on the flight back from Phoenix that he had figured everything out about our plan.” Dylan reveals. “I see. Well Mr. Masters, I hope you realize that if Adelina does opt to sign over her shares to us, there isn’t anything you can do.” Lawrence says. Lysandros smiles. “The sense of importance the two of you feel about yourselves is astounding, truly. Lawrence, the only part you played in all of this was getting me to return to Fantastic City. You didn’t go to Phoenix, nor did you go to Greece. You had very little to do with rescuing Adelina. As for you Dylan, the only thing useful you did was get yourself knocked out by Wishbone. Well I guess that isn’t true, you did distract Wishbone long enough for Olivia to shoot him, so points for that.” Lysandros says. “Speaking of points, I don’t suppose there is a point to all of this, is there?” Lawrence asks. “My point is that its very bold of you to assume that Adelina would even consider surrendering control of her shares to the two of you.” Lysandros says. “I still think its worth a shot.” Dylan says. “Trust me when I tell you it isn’t. You see, Adelina can’t sign over her stock certificate to you because she just got finished signing it over to me.” Lysandros reveals. “She didn’t…” Dylan says. Lysandros smirks. “Oh she did, which means if either of you ever hope of getting control of Masters Corp, you’ll need to go through me first.” Lysandros tells them!

At Bethany and Kaylie’s Condo, Dannie walks into the condo and locks the door behind them. “Kaylie, are you home? Bethany?” Dannie calls out. No response. “I guess they must both be out. Works out for me. The quieter it is, the easier it’ll be to try and take a nap.” Dannie says, before heading upstairs. Once Dannie is out of sight, the camera pans down the staircase and towards the front door. Someone can be heard playing with the lock as they attempt to enter the condo...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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