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Fantastic S5 Episode 20(10/31/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 20(10/31/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 20(10/31/23)

Post by QG Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:51 pm

At Lydia’s mansion, someone can be heard opening the front door and a moment later, Mia walks in. “How lovely to see that my lock picking skills haven’t grown rusty over the years! It has been a minute since I’ve broken in anywhere.” Mia says. Mia walks into the living room and takes in her surroundings. “Its been quite some time since I’ve been in this house. I believe the last time was when I kidnapped Lucas on what was supposed to be his wedding day to Lydia. Too bad they never got the chance to reschedule that wedding because Lydia met with an unfortunate end not long after, or so everyone thought. Enough reminiscing about the good old days, Mia! You are here on a mission!” Mia says. Mia reaches into her purse and pulls out a replica of the diamond bracelet. “Well, you may not be the real bracelet, but you are certainly the perfect replica. By the time Lawrence figures out he’s been duped, Lydia will be dead and I will be long gone. I get what I want but Lawrence doesn’t get what he wants, its a win win! Now the question is, where do I put the bracelet? I can’t just stuff it under a couch cushion, that would be far too obvious which may make Lawrence suspicious…” Mia says. Mia begins eyeing the bookshelf. Mia walks over to it and pulls a book off of it. “I know! I’ll hide the bracelet inside of this trashy romance novel! That should be well hidden enough where it won’t set off any alarms for Lawrence.” Mia says. Mia puts the bracelet inside the book, closes it, and then puts the book back onto the shelf. “And done! My, that was easier than I thought. It certainly helps that Lucas no longer lives here after moving in with that Lydia replacement of his, Juliet or something like that. I believe she’s Victor’s daughter. Alright, well I guess now that the bracelet has been planted, there isn’t any reason for me to stay in Fantastic...except it seems like such a waste to leave so quickly, especially when its Halloween of all days! There must be something going on in this bleak city that could be entertaining.” Mia says. Mia checks her phone. “Lets see...Halloween...in...Fantastic...City.” Mia types in. Mia’s face lights up. “What’s this? A Halloween party at Club Aqua? Sounds like a real treat! But I can’t just show up looking like this, people may recognize me! Not to mention that it is Halloween. I suppose its a good thing I bought a costume.” Mia says…

At Club Aqua, Bethany, dressed in a pirate costume, is standing behind the bar, when Kaylie walks in, dressed as a detective. “Bethany Wilson, you’re under arrest for stealing my heart.” Kaylie says. Bethany turns around and sees Kaylie’s costume. “What are you wearing?” Bethany questions, with a laugh. “I’m a detective!” Kaylie tells her. “Babe, you’re a detective every day. Its literally your career.” Bethany points out. “Yeah, but I never get to wear the trench coat, or the hat, I even brought a magnifying glass!” Kaylie says. Bethany smiles. “You’re such a dork.” Bethany says. “Yeah, but I’m your dork. So the turn out is pretty good tonight, huh?” Kaylie asks. “Yeah, it is. Not a whole lot of people we know though.” Bethany notes. “I figured you would’ve wanted it that way.” Kaylie says. “Believe me, I’m not complaining! I thought Dannie would’ve come though, I did give them an invite, not that they needed one.” Bethany says. “Does that mean the two of you have cleared the air?” Kaylie asks. “We’re trying to get along, especially since we’re gonna be living together for a little while.” Bethany says. Dannie walks in dressed as Princess Peach. “Speak of the devil! We were just talking about you.” Bethany says. “Good or bad?” Dannie asks. “I was just telling Kaylie how you and I agreed to get along since we’re gonna be living together.” Bethany says. “And I was just about to tell Bethany how proud I am of her for managing to do that.” Kaylie says. “You’re sweet.” Bethany says. “Again, thank you both for letting me stay with you. I really appreciate it.” Dannie says. “Its no problem at all. By the way, great costume!” Kaylie says. “Aww, thanks. Your costume is pretty good too.” Dannie says. Dannie looks around. “Not too many familiar faces here today, huh?” Dannie asks. “Nope, and I’d like to keep it that way. The less people we know, the less chance of there being some kind of drama.” Bethany says. “That’s a pretty bleak way of looking at things.” Kaylie says. “How am I supposed to look at them? Every time a party happens in this city, some bad usually happens! Whether its a bomb, or someone gets kidnapped, or some psychopath from the past shows up to commit all of the above crimes! Lets hope tonight is a nice, peaceful evening.” Bethany says.

At the Stanpatos gatehouse, Dylan walks up to the front door and knocks on it. A moment later, Kristina opens the front door dressed as Barbie. “Dylan! You’re back!” Kristina exclaims. “I am. I got back last night but it was kinda late and I figured you were probably asleep. Off topic, but what are you wearing?” Dylan asks. “Its a costume. I’m Barbie.” Kristina says. “A costume?” Dylan asks. “Yeah, for Halloween?” Kristina says. “Hold on, today is Halloween? Damn, I didn’t even realize it.” Dylan says. “That must’ve been some trip you had.” Kristina notes. “It was something, that’s for sure. So if you’re dressed up, I’m guessing that means you must be going somewhere.” Dylan assumes. “I am. Club Aqua is having a Halloween party so I figured it would be a good chance to get out. You know what? You should come with me.” Kristina suggests. “I don’t know, I don’t even have a costume.” Dylan says. “You mean to tell me you don’t have one buried in your closet somewhere? Come on, it’ll be fun! Besides, obviously this business trip you took off on took quite the toll on you, I think it would do you good to let loose.” Kristina says. “In that case, I might be able to find something tucked away in the mansion somewhere.” Dylan says. Kristina smiles. “Perfect, I’ll meet you back at the mansion in 15 minutes.” Kristina says. “Alright, its a date...I mean, not an actual date of course.” Dylan says. “Right, yeah, I knew what you meant.” Kristina says. “Yeah, I’m sure...well, I’m gonna go then.” Dylan says. “Probably a good idea, you need to hurry up and find that costume.” Kristina says. “Right. See you soon.” Dylan says, before walking off.

At Julia’s penthouse, Julia is in the living room dressed as Morticia Addams. “Are you almost ready yet?” Julia calls out. “Just a minute!” Lucas shouts back. Julia rolls her eyes. “You’ve been saying that for the past 30 minutes! We’re already leaving later than I wanted to!” Julia yells. Lucas comes downstairs dressed as Gomez Addams. “Sorry about that, I needed to make sure my costume was absolutely perfect. The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass you.” Lucas says. Julia smiles. “You could never do that. You look great by the way.” Julia says. “Well thank you, though I think my costume pales in comparison to yours. You look absolutely incredible. You know, you look so sexy, it almost makes me want to skip this party and just spend the evening with you.” Lucas says. Julia smiles. “As tempting as that may be, we are going to this party. You and I hardly ever get to go out.” Julia points out. “In fairness, that’s mainly because of the long hours you work.” Lucas notes. “Oh, playing the blame game are we? I see how it is.” Julia says. “Of course your long hours are very understandable, you are doing important work.” Lucas says. “Nice save. Ready to go?” Julia asks. “I’m ready when you’re ready.” Lucas says. “Perfect, lets get out of here then before you find something wrong with your costume and have to spend another half hour in the bathroom.” Julia says. “You know, I think my wig could use some work…” Lucas jokes. Julia glares at him. “I’m just kidding.” Lucas says. “That’s what I thought. Lets go!” Julia tells him. Julia heads out the door and Lucas follows her.

At the Stanpatos mansion, Kristina is sitting in the living room when Daisy walks in dressed as cat woman. “Hello Kristina. All dressed up with nowhere to go?” Daisy asks. “I’m going to the party at Club Aqua, actually.” Kristina reveals. “Really? Me too! We should go together!” Daisy suggests. “Thanks, but I think I’m good. Besides, I’m already going with someone.” Kristina says. “Oh really? Who?” Daisy asks. Dylan walks in dressed as Batman. “Okay, I’m ready to go.” Dylan says. Daisy turns towards Dylan. “Oh God, don’t tell me you’re going.” Dylan says. “To the party at Club Aqua? Yes, yes I am. Or at least I was planning to when I thought you’d be here to watch Harper. Who did you suppose would look after our daughter while you were out clubbing?” Daisy asks. “I figured you would seeing as you don’t normally have any semblance of a life.” Dylan says. “Pot, I’d really like you to meet someone, her name is Kettle.” Daisy says. “I don’t think its really that big of a deal. You both live in a mansion with a huge staff, I’m sure someone can look after Harper while you go to the party.” Kristina says. “Its not that big of a deal, but Daisy has a tendency of being theatrical over the smallest of things.” Dylan says. “Once again, pot, meet kettle.” Daisy says. “Okay, I think I’m gonna head out now.” Kristina says. “Wait for me, I think we’re done here.” Dylan says. “So you two are going together, huh? Don’t you think Barbie and Batman are a bit mismatched?” Daisy asks. “We aren’t going as a couple, we’re going as two friends.” Kristina tells her. “Just saying, it would look a lot better for Batman to walk in there with Catwoman.” Daisy says. Dylan rolls his eyes. “Okay, time to go. Daisy, I’ll see you at the party.” Dylan says. Dylan walks out and Kristina follows him. Once they are gone, Daisy looks annoyed…

At Club Aqua, Bethany is still working behind the counter when a woman dressed as a nun wearing a mask walks up to the bar. “Oh wow, cool costume. You supposed to be some kind of killer nun or something?” Bethany asks. “What was your first idea?” The woman, who clearly has Mia’s voice, asks. “I was just wondering, no need to be so touchy. So what can I get you?” Bethany asks. “What would you recommend?” Mia asks. “Well, my personal favorite on the menu is the Bethatini.” Bethany says. “A Bethatini? What a ridiculous name for a drink!” Mia says. “I’m the one who named it, after myself.” Bethany says. “My, naming drinks after yourself? Someone has a bit of an ego.” Mia says. “Do you want a Bethatini or not?!” Bethany asks. “I suppose I’ll try one, just make sure you go heavy on the vodka.” Mia says. “I always do. Just a second.” Bethany says, before walking over to the alcohol. At that moment, Lucas and Julia walk in and walk towards the bar, finding themselves standing right next to Mia. Bethany turns around and sees the two of them. “You made it.” Bethany comments. “I’ve never been one to miss a party.” Lucas says. “I wouldn’t know, you were always such a snooze fest when we were together.” Bethany says. “I’m going to interrupt the two of you before things get out of hand, is Kaylie here yet? I wanted to go say hello.” Julia says. “She’s sitting at a table over there with your cousin Dannie.” Bethany says. “Great, I’ll stop by and say hi.” Julia says. Lucas turns and sees the nun staring at him. “Can I help you with something?” Lucas asks. The nun doesn’t respond. “Alright then, I guess we should go say hi to Kaylie then.” Lucas says. Julia and Lucas walk off. Bethany hands Mia her drink. “Here you go Sister Creepy, your Bethatini.” Bethany says. Mia lifts up her mask just enough to take a sip of her drink. “Oh my goodness, this is actually quite divine!” Mia says. “Right? Its Club Aqua’s signature drink!” Bethany says. “I can certainly see why, though I still believe the name could use a major overhaul. Even still, the drink itself is excellent.” Mia says. “Thank you. So what was the deal with you and Lucas just now?” Bethany asks. “You mean that gentleman that was just standing over here?” Mia asks. “That’s the one. I noticed you were staring at him a bit.” Bethany says. “I just don’t like him very much.” Mia says. “You know him?” Bethany asks. “I know of him, and from everything I’ve heard about him, he isn’t a very nice man.” Mia says. “What, because he used to be a gangster?” Bethany asks. “Among other things. I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t seem to be a fan yourself. You said something about the two of you being in a relationship?” Mia asks. “We were, until he cheated on me with his ex, Lydia.” Bethany says. Mia shakes her head. “What an awful, awful man. Was that Lydia he was with?” Mia asks. “No, that was Julia.” Bethany says. “Oh? What happened to Lydia?” Mia asks. “She died. She was killed in an explosion.” Bethany reveals. Mia raises her glass. “Congratulations!” Mia says. “Pardon?” Bethany asks. “Lydia is dead! You must be thrilled!” Mia exclaims. “Look, obviously I wasn’t happy that Lydia came between Lucas and I, but that doesn’t mean I wanted her dead!” Bethany says. “Oh come now dear, you don’t have to pretend with me. I understand what its like to celebrate the death of someone you utterly loathed! There’s no need to hide your glee. I bet you wish you had killed Lydia yourself.” Mia says. “Lady, I’m gonna say this in the nicest way possible, you should go talk to someone else. There’s a psychiatrist right over there, I’d start with them.” Bethany says. “You can’t see me but I’m currently rolling my eyes. And here I thought you were different from the rest of these self righteous idiots, I should have known better!” Mia says, before standing up and storming off. “What a strange woman…” Bethany mutters.

Over at Kaylie and Dannie’s table, Lucas and Julia walk up to them. “I hope we aren’t interrupting.” Julia says. Kaylie sees Julia and smiles. “Hey there! I didn’t know you were coming tonight!” Kaylie exclaims. “I’m the district attorney, I need to keep up public appearances.” Julia says. “Nice costume by the way. I see the two of you decided to go the couple costume route.” Kaylie observes. “It was Lucas’ idea. I’ve never been much of a fan of couple costumes but he insisted on it.” Julia says. “And aren’t you glad I did?” Lucas asks. “I am. So where’s Issac?” Julia wonders. “Mama and Victor took him trick or treating.” Kaylie says. “Victor Goo trick or treating? That’s an image I just can’t picture.” Lucas says. “Tell me about it. I was in shock when Kaylie told me.” Dannie says. “I bet. Dannie, you want to come to the bar with me to grab a drink? It’ll give us the opportunity to catch up.” Lucas says. “Sure, I’d like that.” Dannie says. “I hope for your sake that creepy nun is gone.” Julia says. “What creepy nun?” Kaylie asks. “Some woman dressed in a nun costume that wouldn’t stop staring at me.” Lucas says. “Maybe she had the hots for you.” Julia suggests. Lucas chuckles. “There’s a thought I wish could be erased from my head.” Lucas says. “You’re welcome.” Julia says. Dannie stands up and walks off with Lucas. Julia then takes Dannie’s seat. “So, how come you’re sitting here with Dannie?” Julia questions. “The place is pretty busy and Bethany is short staffed, I didn’t want to spend the whole night bothering her.” Kaylie says. “So you’re sitting with my cousin? Do the two of you even know each other?” Julia asks. “A little bit...I mean...Dannie is living with us now.” Kaylie reveals. “I’m sorry, what?” Julia asks. “It was really sudden. Dannie has been having this issue with a stalker lately and this stalker actually made it onto the Goo castle property, so naturally they’re really freaked out and weren’t comfortable in their own home. So...I offered to let them come stay with Bethany and me.” Kaylie reveals. “I don’t understand, how is your place any safer than the Goo castle?” Julia asks. “Because this stalker has no idea that Dannie is staying there. Besides, I had this new security system installed that should keep the place safe.” Kaylie says. “And how does Bethany feel about this?” Julia wonders. “She’s okay with it now.” Kaylie says. “By the sound of your wording there, I’m guessing that wasn’t always the case.” Julia says. “I made the stupid mistake of moving Dannie in without asking Bethany first.” Kaylie admits. “You’re right, that was stupid.” Julia agrees. “It was just really last minute, you know? I suggested to Dannie that they move in with me literally the second the thought came into my head.” Kaylie says. “I see, you aren’t usually so impulsive.” Julia notes. “I know I’m not, but I sympathized with their situation after everything I went through with Xavier.” Kaylie says. “So Bethany is okay with it now?” Julia asks. “About as okay as she can get. Look, there isn’t really much more to say about this situation than I already have, so why don’t you tell me about your life? Last time I saw you, you and Lucas were having problems but you seem fine now.” Kaylie notes. “That’s because we are. Lucas is trying his hardest to move on from Lydia, so much so that he’s actually selling her house and has moved in with me.” Julia reveals. “That I remember you mentioning to me in a text. I thought it was kinda strange that Lucas suddenly was putting Lydia’s house on the market and moving in with you.” Kaylie says. “Lucas thinks it’ll help with the moving on process. As for him moving in with me, that was my suggestion and he accepted.” Julia says. “I’m happy for you two, really. So moving in with you and out of Lydia’s house, have you noticed it helping him at all?” Kaylie asks. “I have. Lucas has been more attentive and focused on us than he has since we got together. For the first time in a while, I really feel like we have a real shot at making this work.” Julia says.

Lucas and Dannie are standing at the bar. “So, you and Kaylie are friends?” Lucas asks. “We’re friendly. Kaylie is actually letting me stay with her.” Dannie says. “Why aren’t you living at the castle anymore?” Lucas questions. “Because I found someone spying on me through the window at the castle. I think its probably the same person who sent me the flowers, the note…” Dannie says. “What note?” Lucas asks. “Someone slipped a note underneath my office door telling me that our story isn’t finished, whatever that means.” Dannie says. “Sounds like whoever this person is knows you.” Lucas says. “That’s what it sounds like, but I can’t think of who it could possibly be!” Dannie says. “The only person I could think of would be my brother Corey, but we both know he isn’t in a position to hurt anyone anymore.” Lucas says. “My only guess is that whoever this person is is trying to misdirect me by making it seem as though we have personal history together.” Dannie says. “Do you need help finding out this person’s identity?” Lucas asks. “Define help.” Dannie says. “I still have connections I could use to try and track this son of a bitch down. Then once I find him, all you have to do is say the word and I will deliver my own brand of justice.” Lucas says. “No, that isn’t who you are anymore.” Dannie says. “Its who I am when someone screws with the people I care about and I care about you! We might not be a couple anymore, but you are still one of my nearest and dearest friends.” Lucas says. Dannie smiles. “Thank you, but I don’t want you going to such extremes for me. We just need to let the police handle it.” Dannie says. “Well no offense to Kaylie, but the Fantastic P.D doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to solving crimes.” Lucas says. “I trust them.” Dannie says. “Okay, then I’ll leave it alone. I just hope your faith isn’t misplaced.” Lucas says.

Over by the entrance, Dylan and Kristina walk in soon followed by Daisy. “You two couldn’t have waited five seconds for me?!” Daisy asks. “Oops, didn’t even see you there.” Dylan claims. “Oh please! You were looking right at me when I parked my car!” Daisy says. “Can the two of you chill for just a little while? This is a party, lets try to have fun!” Kristina says. Bethany walks up to them. “What the hell are you doing here?!” Bethany asks. “Are...you talking to me?” Dylan asks. “No, though I guess that would apply to you too, but I was actually talking to your nutty ex!” Bethany says. “Okaaaaay. Kristina, we should go grab some drinks. Daisy, good luck.” Dylan says, before he and Kristina walk off. “Hello Bethany, you look…” Daisy begins to say. “Fabulous? I know.” Bethany says. “Actually I was gonna say you look like a bum, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Say, are Andy and Rebecca here? Its been so long since I’ve seen them, I’d love to say hello.” Daisy says. “No, Andy and Rebecca are still off enjoying their extended honeymoon, far away from you and your crazy antics. Honestly, I don’t know why they’d ever want to come back.” Bethany says. “Well it certainly wouldn’t be to see you.” Daisy says. “What are you doing here, Daisy? You have to know that no one wants you here. Even your own baby daddy acts like he can’t even stand to be in the same room as you!” Bethany says. “Only because he’s been infected by Barbie and turned into Ken.” Daisy says. “Does Dylan and Kristina’s friendship bother you? I can see why, Dylan has finally broken your spell and is starting to fall for someone who is actually normal.” Bethany says. Daisy laughs. “Normal? Say what you will about me, but I’ve never been in a psych ward. Kristina can’t say the same.” Daisy says. “The only reason you have never been locked up is because you keep getting lucky. Not really sure I’d call it luck though. I mean sure, you aren’t rotting in jail, that’s a plus, but its not like you have much going for you on the outside. You have no job, you don’t have a boyfriend or friends or family…” Bethany says. “I do have family, actually. I have my daughter, and she loves me very much.” Daisy says. “Only because she’s too young to understand what a psycho her mommy is. Don’t worry, once she grows up and finds out who you really are, she is going to despise you just like the rest of us do.” Bethany says. “You know, it always amuses me how you just love to look down at me from your high horse, but you seem to forget that it wasn’t that long ago where you were the town pariah just like me.” Daisy says. Bethany rolls her eyes. “You can’t compare us.” Bethany says. “Really?! I’ve done my research, I know your history! You sold guns to dangerous criminals, you came between Andy and Rebecca and Alexios and Ciara in the same exact night, you stole Stanpatos Enterprises from Alexios when the only work experience you had was waiting tables at a coffee shop and selling machine guns to future mass murderers, but go ahead and tell me how much better you are than me! I’ve done a lot of bad things, but everything I have ever done has been out of love whereas every mistake you ever made is because you’re a selfish bitch!” Daisy says. Bethany slaps Daisy! “Say it again! SAY IT AGAIN!” Bethany yells. “Gladly! You are a selfish bitch and the only reason you’ve managed to get acceptance in this hypocritical city is because you and that self righteous cow Rebecca found common ground in hating me!” Daisy shouts. “I’ve humored you long enough, get out of my club before I kick your scrawny ass!” Bethany warns. Daisy smirks. “Fine, I’ll go. Just a word of advice though, I wouldn’t get too comfy up there rubbing elbows with the elite members of this city’s society. From everything I know about you, its only a matter of time before you screw up again and believe me, it isn’t going to take much for them to decide you aren’t someone they ever want to be seen socializing with. After all, once trash always trash.” Daisy says. “You wanna see trash?” Bethany asks. Bethany grabs Daisy by the hair and begins dragging her towards the door. “Ow! What are you doing?!” Daisy asks. Bethany pulls Daisy outside the club towards the trash barrels. Bethany pulls a cover off of one of the barrels. “Don’t you dare! Don’t you even think about it!” Daisy warns. Bethany manages to shove Daisy into the trash barrel head first. “BETHANY! YOU BITCH! GET ME OUT OF HERE” Daisy screams. “There’s what trash looks like! If you need anymore examples, just look in the mirror.” Bethany says, before walking back inside. The trash barrel then tips over with Daisy still inside.

Inside, Mia is on the dance floor dancing her heart out as Dylan and Kristina look on. “Wow, that nun is really going to town.” Kristina says. “I’d say.” Dylan says. Mia turns towards Dylan and Kristina. “Oh my, I didn’t realize I had an audience!” Mia says. “Sorry for staring, we just couldn’t help but smile at how much fun you seem to be having.” Kristina says. “Of course I’m having fun, darling! I haven’t been out in eons!” Mia says. “It shows.” Dylan whispers to Kristina. Kristina stomps on his foot. “Ow!” Dylan says. “That’s what you get for being a jerk!” Kristina whispers. “Is everything alright?” Mia asks. “Oh yeah, everything is fine. He just forgot to take out the dog.” Kristina claims. “Yeah, the dog…” Dylan says. “So, are you from around here?” Kristina asks. “I am, but I haven’t been here in several years. This is actually my first day back.” Mia says. “And what a first day it is. What’s your name?” Kristina asks. “My name? My name is...er...Gia. Gia Foo.” Mia claims. “Interesting name.” Kristina says. “No offense, but your name is Kristina Cat.” Dylan points out. “Did my heel not dig into your foot enough? Do I need to do it again?” Kristina asks. “Sorry.” Dylan says. “As much fun as it was talking to you two darling people, I think I hear karaoke calling my name! Ciao!” Mia says, before rushing off. “Oh dear God, she’s gonna sing?” Dylan asks. Mia runs up on stage. "Hello, hello, Fantastic citizens! And I do mean fantastic, each and every one of you! Well, almost each and every one of you. Anyways, I understand that karayoke is encouraged at this party, so I'd like to serenade all of you with a song that I just can't help but relate to. I'm a little nervous, but here I go!" Mia clears her throat and begins to sing.

Everyone starts clapping. Lucas turns towards Julia. “That nun’s voice sounds vaguely familiar.” Lucas says. “Maybe she’s sang karaoke here before.” Julia suggests. “Maybe.” Lucas says. Meanwhile, Mia is bowing to the audience...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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