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Fantastic S5 Episode 13(10/16/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 13(10/16/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 13(10/16/23)

Post by QG Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:29 pm

On Stanpatos Isle, Mia has come face to face with Lawrence in the main house dining room. “Lawrence…” Mia mutters. “Hello Mia, its been quite some time.” Lawrence says. “I...I had no idea you were coming, Andropov didn’t mention anything to me.” Mia says. Lawrence smiles. “That’s because Doctor Andropov had no idea I was coming, it was a bit of a surprise.” Lawrence says. “I see. Well, its certainly a pleasant surprise!” Mia claims. “I don’t know whether you are being sincere or just trying to flatter me.” Lawrence says. “How could I not be sincere after all you’ve done for me? Yes, Joe Fish may have been the one who resurrected me after I was shot, but you were the one who has kept me hidden all this time by allowing me access to your family’s island!” Mia notes. “I had my reasons. I knew you would be useful when it came to delivering Lydia to me.” Lawrence recalls. “And you couldn’t have been more right! Its thanks to me that you knew the night of Andy and Rebecca’s would be wedding would be the perfect opportunity to arrange for Lydia to vanish. I knew you wanted to abduct Lydia, I also knew that Joe was planning to set off a bomb at Andy and Rebecca’s wedding.” Mia says. “For the record, I’m still not pleased that you didn’t tell me about the bomb in advance. All you told me was that something was going to happen at the Goo Castle which would give me the perfect opportunity to take Lydia, you didn’t mention that that lunatic you were working with was going to detonate a bomb!” Lawrence says. “I figured you wouldn’t want all of the details!” Mia says. “Both my son and my niece were at that wedding! My niece was the bride!” Lawrence points out. “Oh since when do you give a damn about Rebecca? As for your son, you didn’t know he was your son at the time!” Mia argues. “I believed he was my nephew, which still makes him my family! The same goes for Rebecca! You’re lucky you were able to procure Lydia that night, otherwise I may not have let you walk away from this situation alive.” Lawrence says. Mia flashes back.

At the Goo Castle in 2021, a terrible fire is blazing through the ruins of the castle with several of the wedding attendees unconscious. A mysterious figure emerges from the fire and approaches an unconscious Lucas and Lydia. “Just the woman I was looking for. Take her.” A familiar voice says. A henchman comes and picks up Lydia, rushing her out of the building. Meanwhile, the camera pans up and reveals Mia!

“You’re very lucky I made such a swift recovery after that gunshot wound. It made it possible for me to personally oversee Lydia’s abduction and make sure everything went off without a hitch.” Mia says. “I’d say everything worked out neatly. You were able to bring Lydia here to Stanpatos Isle, and you also made sure there was a body for Lucas Cambino and the police to find, one that they would be convinced was Lydia.” Lawrence says. “I may have provided the body, but it was you who altered those dental records on the body to make sure they matched Lydia’s.” Mia points out. “Teamwork makes the dream work as they say. But thanks to our teamwork, the rest of the world believes Lydia Masters perished in an explosion. No one has any idea that she is alive and well.” Lawrence says. “Which suits your purposes, doesn’t it? No one is out there looking for Lydia, which means there isn’t any chance for anyone to interfere with your search for the diamond jewels, or at least not the bracelet.” Mia says. “You know about that, do you?” Lawrence asks. Mia smiles. “I do. So since you and I are thick as thieves now, why don’t you tell your dear friend Mia just what it is you plan to do with those jewels?” Mia asks…

In Phoenix Arizona, Lysandros is sitting in the lobby of a hotel reading a book when Dylan walks over to him. “Where’s Acerbi?” Dylan asks. “She’ll be along shortly.” Lysandros says. “You sure?” Dylan asks. Lysandros closes the book. “Well I imagine she has a vested interest in finding her daughter and making sure she returns home safe and sound.” Lysandros says. “She does. She also knows where Wishbone is holding Adelina, so who’s to say she didn’t decide to head to the old clinic herself and rescue Adelina?” Dylan asks. Acerbi walks up behind Dylan. “Believe me, it was tempting.” Acerbi says. “There you are! Where have you been?” Dylan asks. “I was reacquainting myself with the city. Its been nine years since I was last here.” Acerbi says. “Is that all you were doing?” Lysandros asks. “If you’re asking if I went to the clinic, the answer is yes.” Acerbi reveals. “Are you nuts? You could’ve been killed!” Dylan says. “Oh calm down! I didn’t get that close! Just close enough to survey the area to see what we are up against.” Acerbi says. “Did you see anything of interest?” Lysandros asks. “Well for a supposedly abandoned building, there was quite a security presence outside. There is no doubt in my mind that Wishbone is using that clinic as his base of operations, and that he is holding Adelina inside.” Acerbi says. “Now we just need to figure out a way to extract Adelina from the building.” Lysandros says. “Rescuing my daughter isn’t the only objective of this mission. Wishbone has made a grave error in judgment that he must pay for. Wishbone dies, today.” Acerbi announces!

At the Acerbi Clinic, Adelina is working behind her computer when the door opens and Wishbone walks in. “Good morning my dear, how are you doing?” Wishbone asks. “How am I doing or how is my research doing?” Adelina questions. “I think you already know. Have you made any progress since we spoke last night?” Wishbone asks. “You mean since you dropped this project on me and practically threw the laptop at me? I’ve made about as much progress as you could expect.” Adelina says. “So nothing then.” Wishbone says. “I didn’t say that. I’ve taken this time to familiarize myself with what Andropov set out to accomplish with this procedure, being able to preserve one’s memories and implant them into someone else’s brain. I need to know what I’m working towards.” Adelina says. “Is it helping?” Wishbone asks. “I think so, but like I told you last night, its going to take some time before I have any progress to show! You can’t revolutionize medicine over night. I mean, if I can see this project first, it would be a major breakthrough in being able to prolong someone’s life indefinitely, it would be a HUGE help for people with Alzheimer’s or any other sort of illness that impacts someone’s memory, this is going to take a LOT of time.” Adelina says. “Well we don’t have a whole lot of time! You really think I’m gonna be able to keep you here indefinitely with no one coming for you? Someone is gonna find you, and I hope by that time you’ll already have something to show for your time here!” Wishbone says. “Let me explain this again, only this time I’ll do it a little slower so you may have an easier time understanding. Science...takes...TIME! I can’t develop this procedure over night, not when it probably took Andropov YEARS to perfect! If you still don’t get it, I’d like to see an idiot like yourself try and do this!” Adelina says. Wishbone backhands Adelina across the face! “You little bitch, don’t you ever speak that way to me again!” Wishbone warns. “Or what? You’ll kill me?” Adelina asks. Wishbone suddenly pulls out a gun. “You know what?! MAYBE I WILL!” Wishbone yells!

“You needn’t concern myself with what my plans for the jewels are.” Lawrence says. “I’ll be concerned if you plan on using them to wipe out the population like Madeline Masters tried to do years ago.” Mia says. “Yes, but Madeline’s machine was destroyed!” Lawrence points out. “Who’s to say you didn’t somehow rebuild it? What other explanation could there be for you wanting those jewels? You’re already rich so I don’t think its because they’re valuable.” Mia says. Lawrence smiles. “I don’t want to divulge too much, but I will tell you that I have no intention of destroying the world or wiping out its population. I have something much grander in mind, and as long as you continue to remain loyal to me, your loyalty may be rewarded when the time comes for me to initiate my plan.” Lawrence says. “Color me intrigued! Just don’t forget you first need to find the jewels.” Mia points out. “I am well aware of that, Mia. I am close to locating the bracelet as you well know.” Lawrence says. Mia laughs. “Close? Lydia may be your guest in the compound darling, but I assure you, you are no closer to finding that bracelet now than you were when Lydia was still in Fantastic City! Andropov already questioned her, he even offered to let her go home, and she wouldn’t tell him a single thing.” Mia says. “I’ve already spoken to Andropov and he told me all about Lydia’s reluctance to cooperate.” Lawrence says. “So what to do now? Perhaps we should torture her for the information? I hear waterboarding can be quite fun!” Mia exclaims. “There is no need for such extremes. Andropov is going to administer truth serum to Lydia.” Lawrence says. “Truth serum? Are you sure that’s reliable?” Mia asks. “Its going to have to be. I suggested to Andropov that he use mind control to get Lydia to talk, but he tells me that the procedure he performed to rid Lydia of her brain tumor rendered it so that she cannot be brainwashed.” Lawrence says. “Can’t be brainwashed?! Well then what good is she?” Mia asks. “Once she tells us everything that we want to know, or rather I should say once she tells us where the bracelet is AND I am able to find the bracelet, she will be of no further use to me. I trust that once we got everything we need from Lydia that you will be able to take care of any loose ends.” Lawrence says. Mia smiles. “Oh I would love to take care of those loose ends for you.” Mia says. “But only after I am able to find the bracelet. Even if Lydia gives us a location, we still need to verify that she is telling the truth.” Lawrence says. “Of course! You can count on me, Lawrence.” Mia says. “I certainly hope so. Well, I should probably be getting back to Fantastic City. My son may not be home but that doesn’t mean others haven’t noticed that I’m gone, such as Kristina Cat and Daisy Nichols, both unfortunate guests in my family’s home.” Lawrence says. Lawrence heads towards the door. “You go ahead and return home, I have everything under control here.” Mia says. “I certainly hope so, I don’t want to find out Lydia has tried to escape or made contact with her fiance again.” Lawrence says. “What do you mean made contact? Lydia hasn’t made any contact with Lucas!” Mia says. “Oh but she has! You see, Lucas received a phone call from Lydia a few weeks ago. He was so convinced his beloved Lydia was alive that he brought his phone down to the police station hoping to trace the phone call.” Lawrence reveals. “Lucas hasn’t shown up on the island so it must’ve been a false alarm.” Mia assumes. “The phone call was indeed traced back to this island. Fortunately an associate of mine works for the police department and made it appear as though the call came from somewhere in Fantastic City. Its my understanding that Lucas has come to terms with Lydia being dead but I’m not sure he’ll be so easily fooled if she were to reach out again, so make sure it never happens again!” Lawrence says. “I don’t think we’ll have to worry for much longer. Once Andropov finds out from Lydia where the diamond bracelet is, we can finally cut our losses with her!” Mia says. “I certainly hope so.” Lawrence says. “I wouldn’t worry too much about what’s going on with Lydia. You should focus on trying to find the other two jewels.” Mia says. “I’m working on it. As the director of the WPA, I have resources at my disposal that I never did before. Hopefully I will reach a breakthrough soon. But you let me worry about that, you worry about keeping Lydia contained. Don’t disappoint me again, my dear.” Lawrence warns, before walking out. Mia smiles. “Don’t worry, Lawrence. Once Lydia points us towards that damn bracelet, I’ll take great pleasure in ending her life. Who knows? I may even send her corpse back to Lucas just to reignite his grief all over again!” Mia exclaims, as she claps her hands together.

“Olivia, you can’t kill Wishbone.” Dylan says. “Why can’t she?” Lysandros asks. “Because its against the law!” Dylan points out. “To hell with the law! If the police and the WPA are incapable of bringing Wishbone to justice, I will just have to do it myself!” Acerbi says. “Wishbone will be brought to justice! Once we rescue Adelina, we’ll tie Wishbone up and notify the WPA. They’ll come pick him up and then they’ll dump him at some black site where he’ll probably never be heard from again.” Dylan says. “I’m confident if you had your memories you would not be so convinced that would be the end! Wishbone’s reign of terror branches back twenty years! Yes, he spent many of those years incarcerated, but he eventually came back! Prison is not enough to stop that man, the only way to stop him is to END him!” Acerbi says. “Well before we decide what to do with Wishbone, I think we should agree on an extraction plan for Adelina. We need to come up with some way to get her out of there.” Lysandros says. “Do you have any ideas?” Dylan asks. “As a matter of fact, I do. We’re gonna get into that compound by giving Wishbone something he wants.” Lysandros says. “And what might that be?” Acerbi questions. “You.” Lysandros tells Acerbi…

At the Acerbi Clinic, Wishbone still has his gun aimed at Adelina. “You have a way of testing my patience...just like your mother.” Wishbone says. “I’m an excellent doctor just like my mother, which is why it would be a mistake for you to kill me.” Adelina says. “You just told me you can’t get me what I want in a timely manner, so what the hell good are you?!” Wishbone questions. “Because if you really want to be able to profit off of this procedure, I could be your only hope! Use your head, Wishbone! Even if you were able to track down Andropov, do you really think he would let you sell his research? Of course not! Me on the other hand, I’d let you do it in a heartbeat if it means being able to go home!” Adelina says. Wishbone begins to lower his gun. “I suppose you have a point.” Wishbone says. “Yeah, I do. Thank you.” Adelina says. Wishbone grabs Adelina by the throat! “But you better start showing me some progress soon. If I get the slightest sense that you’re stalling me, I will kill you. You understand that?” Wishbone asks. Adelina nods so Wishbone lets her go. “Good! Now get back to work.” Wishbone says. Adelina nods. “I won’t let you down.” Adelina says. “See that you don’t, or else there will be dire consequences for you.” Wishbone warns, before walking out. Once Wishbone is gone, Adelina appears nervous. “How the hell am I supposed to get this done for him before he decides I’m not worth the trouble of keeping around?” Adelina wonders...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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