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Fantastic S5 Episode 05(9/26/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 05(9/26/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 05(9/26/23)

Post by QG Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:20 am

Lawrence is sitting in the Stanpatos Solarium when Dylan walks in. “I need a drink, a really, REALLY strong one.” Dylan says. “I can imagine. I couldn’t help but notice that Harper seemed particularly fussy tonight.” Lawrence notes. “You’re telling me, getting her to bed was an absolute nightmare.” Dylan admits. “And that is why the invented nannies.” Lawrence says. “I’m not going to have a nanny put my daughter to bed! I want to be an attentive parent, I don’t want to constantly be dumping Harper off on the help. I wasn’t there for Sabrina growing up so I would really like to change that with Harper.” Dylan says. “Oh come now dear boy, you don’t even remember anything from that time in your life, how could you say with absolute certainty that you weren’t there for Sabrina?” Lawrence questions. “Because I’ve heard the stories. I know that I was either chasing down bad guys on the other side of the planet, being held prisoner, or presumed dead. That doesn’t leave much time to be an attentive father.” Dylan says. “Have you tried reaching out to Sabrina at all?” Lawrence wonders. “Not lately. I’m not really sure what I would say if I did call her, its not like I really know all that much about her, or even feel a connection to her!” Dylan says. “Its understandable why you wouldn’t, you don’t remember being her father.” Lawrence says. “Maybe not, but I’m hoping that will change soon.” Dylan says. Lawrence raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that? Have your memories started returning to you?” Lawrence asks. “Not really, but I think I’ve figured out a way to get them back.” Dylan admits. “I’m very curious to hear this.” Lawrence says. “Well since Doctor Andropov is seemingly alive and well, I figured that if I were to track him down, he may have a way to get rid of whatever blockage is preventing my memories from returning on their own. In fact, maybe he’s created a drug that would force my memories to return. Its certainly plausible. After all, Andropov knows that the early recipients of his back from the dead experiments suffered from memory loss so you would think he probably developed an antidote.” Dylan says. “Its certainly a possibility, but are you sure this is worth the hassle?” Lawrence asks. “What hassle?” Dylan wonders. “Surely you don’t think locating Doctor Andropov is going to be easy! Its my understanding that after he fled Fantastic City last spring, no one has been able to track him down! That includes some of the most resourceful law enforcement agencies on the planet! Now if they can’t track down Doctor Andropov, what makes you think that you can?” Lawrence wonders. “Those law enforcement agencies don’t have the Stanpatos underworld ties at their disposal, I do. I’m thinking that if I reach out to the right people, one of them may be able to give me a location on Andropov.” Dylan says. “This search of yours could be time consuming.” Lawrence notes. “So what?” Dylan asks. “So what? You have a corporation to run and a baby to take care of! You don’t have the luxury of time!” Lawrence says. “I can multitask, Lawrence. I can run Stanpatos Enterprises, care for Harper, and look into Andropov all at the same time.” Dylan says. “And what about when you go hunting for Doctor Andropov? You’ll be leaving the company unattended, you’ll be leaving Harper without her father for an unspecified period of time! Now given that the other parental influence in Harper’s life is Daisy, she needs her father!” Lawrence states. “Harper also needs to know where she came from! How the hell am I supposed to tell her anything about that when I don’t even know myself? This isn’t just about me, this is about her too! So when Harper comes to her Dad asking me a question about my past or my childhood, my answer isn’t going to be “I don’t know!” Dylan shouts. “I see...I had no idea you were so passionate about this.” Lawrence says. “And I had no idea you would be so against the idea of me pursuing this. I hope you realize that I am going to do so with or without your approval.” Dylan says. “Its not so much that I disapprove, its just that now really isn’t a good time for you to be leaving.” Lawrence says. “Why not? Because of Harper?” Dylan asks. “Because we are on the verge of entering a new age for the Stanpatos family, courtesy of our impending takeover of Masters Corp.” Lawrence says. “There is no impending takeover of Masters Corp. We can’t do anything without getting our hands on Adelina Harman’s shares which is seemingly impossible to manage.” Dylan says. “Not impossible, just more difficult than I originally anticipated.” Lawrence says. “Your plan was to convince Acerbi to tell Lysandros Masters that it was safe for Adelina to come home, that you would provide her with protection from Madeline Masters. Acerbi still didn’t feel comfortable bringing Adelina home which means its the end of the road, there’s nothing more you can do.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “My dear son, you should know better than to say that. Given that our plan has been on hold for so long, I finally came up with a new plan to bring Adelina home.” Lawrence reveals.

In the dining room on Stanpatos Isle, Andropov and Mia are with a guard. “Miss. Masters is back in her room.” The guard says. “Excellent. See to it that she remains that way.” Andropov says. “Yes Doctor.” The guard says, before walking out. “I can’t believe you!” Mia says. “What?!” Andropov asks. “You barely even gave that man so much as a scolding! Do you realize how disastrous it could’ve been if I hadn’t been here to stop Lydia?!” Mia asks. “Just how far did you expect Lydia to make it? We are on an island! We are surrounded by water and sharks!” Andropov points out. “This island has boats, doesn’t it? Lydia could have very easily stolen one of those, found her way back to the main land, and gotten help!” Mia notes. “I think you are putting too much thought into this.” Andropov says. “Are you kidding me?! Lydia has already managed to outsmart one of the guards and nearly made it out of the main house, something which neither of us ever anticipated! Its clear to me that her determination to go home and reunite with that idiot Lucas Cambino has made her even more difficult than usual, and that could be a problem!” Mia says. “I will handle it…” Andropov says. “Oh there’s no need, my dear! I would be more than happy to handle her for you! Just give me a knife or a gun or a hand grenade and 30 seconds alone with her, she will most definitely be handled.” Mia says. “NO! We need Lydia alive!” Andropov snaps. “No, YOU need Lydia alive! The satisfaction of knowing she is alive while Lucas believes she’s dead has passed for me, I am now fully on board the train of beheading her and then feeding whatever is left of her to the sharks!” Mia says. “Why beheading her?” Andropov asks. “Because I don’t want you to go and resurrect her when my back is turned! Lydia’s next death needs to be final!” Mia says. “Fortunately that isn’t for you to decide! There are still plans for Lydia, as you well know!” Andropov says. “To hell with whatever those plans are! I have my own plans for that insufferable twit! Ooooh, I know! Maybe I could kill Lydia and then send her corpse home to Lucas! That way he’ll have to grieve for her a second time! My, I am just full of delicious ideas today!” Mia says. “YOU ARE NOT KILLING LYDIA!” Andropov yells. “Says who?! YOU?! I don’t take orders from you!” Mia snaps. “Maybe not, but lets not forget you are no more in charge than I am. We both know what happens to Lydia is a decision that falls to someone much bigger than the both of us.” Andropov notes…

On the balcony of Slate Gray, as Lucas and Julia are kissing, Lucas’ phone begins ringing. Julia pulls away. “Are you expecting a call?” Julia wonders. “Not that I’m aware of.” Lucas says. Lucas checks the caller ID. “Unknown Caller. I’m guessing its probably spam.” Lucas assumes. “Answer it.” Julia says. “Why?” Lucas wonders. “Because if it is spam, imagine their surprise when you put the District Attorney on the phone with them.” Julia says. Lucas smiles. “I like the way you think.” Lucas says. Lucas answers the phone. “This is Lucas Cambino.” Lucas answers. “Lucas, its Lydia! I’m alive!” Lydia tells him. “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. You’re breaking up. Who is this?” Lucas asks. “Its Lydia!” Lydia repeats. “I still didn’t hear what you said, you keep cutting in and out.” Lucas says. “Lucas, its ME!” Lydia shouts. Lucas’ eyes widen. “Wait...Lydia, is that you?” Lucas asks. “Did you just say Lydia?” Julia asks. Lucas holds his hand up to Julia. “Lydia, can you hear me? Come on, say something!” Lucas urges. No response. “Lydia!” Lucas repeats. “Lucas, what is going on?!” Julia questions. Lucas puts his phone down. “I think I just got a call from Lydia!” Lucas reveals!

In Lydia’s room on Stanpatos Isle, Lydia is facing down a guard who is holding the phone she used to call Lucas. “Who the hell did you just call?!” The guard questions. “It doesn’t matter, the signal was too weak. He didn’t hear a word I said.” Lydia says. “Answer the question! Who did you call?!” The guard asks. “You want to know who I called? I called to order some pizza because I’m starving!” Lydia lies. The guard pulls out a gun. “Don’t test me, lady! You tell me who was on the other end of that phone call or you are a dead woman.” The guard warns. The phone begins to ring and the guard looks at the Caller ID. “Would you look at that! Whoever you called is trying to get back in touch, you must’ve left a pretty big impression on them.” The guard says. The guard answers the phone. “Lydia, can you hear me?!” Lucas asks. “I’m sorry, who’s Lydia?” The guard asks. “I-I just got a call from this phone number, there was a woman on the other end of the line.” Lucas says. “You know what? That was probably my wife. She was trying to get in touch with her doctor but she accidentally dialed the wrong number.” The guard says. “Put her on the phone.” Lucas demands. “Excuse me?” The guard asks. “Put your wife on the phone, I want to hear her voice.” Lucas tells the guard. “She’s not big on talking to strangers. Goodbye sir.” The guard says, before hanging up the phone. “That was the fiance, wasn’t it?” The guard asks. “That’s none of your business.” Lydia says. The guard aims his gun at Lydia’s head. “My job is to keep you under lock and key, that makes everything you do my business. On top of that, it was my phone you stole to make that call! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end you right here, right now!” The guard says.

Back on the balcony, Lucas is trying to call the number back. “Damn it, straight to voicemail!” Lucas says. “Lucas, talk to me! What the hell is this all about?” Julia asks. “I just got a phone call from someone. At first it was mostly static but then I heard the woman on the other end of the line say “Its me.” I’m telling you Julia, that woman sounded exactly like Lydia! She’s alive!” Lucas says. “Are you sure it was her?” Julia questions. “I know what her voice sounds like! I’d recognize it from anywhere. I need to go.” Lucas says, as he stands up. “Where?” Julia asks. “I’m going to track down who made this call so I can find Lydia and bring her home!” Lucas says...

“I’m all ears. What is your new plan to bring Adelina home?” Dylan wonders. “Rather than convincing Olivia to contact Lysandros and have him bring Adelina back to Fantastic, we are going to go straight to the source!” Lawrence says. “Please tell me you don’t mean what I think you mean.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “I suspect I do. We are going to ask Lysandros to put us into contact with Adelina.” Lawrence reveals. “Are you out of your mind?!” Dylan asks. “I’m not sure I understand the reluctance.” Lawrence says. “Have you heard anything at all about Lysandros Masters? I heard plenty from when I was married to Lydia! The man is a murderous sociopath!” Dylan points out. “Perhaps at one time, but I understand he has turned over a new leaf as a respected operative for the WPA.” Lawrence says. “Ah, I see. So now that he has an actual license to kill people, suddenly he’s a changed man. Got it.” Dylan sarcastically says. “I’m not suggesting we go into the business with the man, just that we ask him for a simple favor.” Lawrence says. “Do you really think he is going to do a favor for two people he doesn’t even know out of the kindness of his heart? Of course not! He’s going to want something in return!” Dylan notes. “And I am prepared to give him whatever he wants if it means potentially strengthening this family’s empire! There was a time where Lysandros would do absolutely anything if the price were right, perhaps I could convince him to put us into contact with Adelina in exchange for a sizable sum of money.” Lawrence says. “And what if you can’t? What if he decides he wants something more? Try to keep in mind that it is his family company we’re after.” Dylan says. “Then I suppose its a good thing I have no intention of telling Mr. Masters why we want to speak to Adelina. As for whether or not he wants something more, I suppose we will cross that bridge when we get there.” Lawrence says. “You know, I don’t really care much for going into business with killers. I’ve had enough experience dealing with our own family!” Dylan says. “I understand why you would be worried, but trust me when I tell you that this is what’s best for the company and for the family.” Lawrence says. “You say that quite a lot, but seeing as how I am the CEO of Stanpatos Enterprises, don’t you think I should have a say in what is best for the company?” Dylan wonders. “Of course! I am just here to assist you, you are the true star of this show my boy!” Lawrence claims. “Great, so does that mean I have time to ponder this whole Lysandros thing?” Dylan asks. “I’m afraid not. I’ve already reached out to Mr. Masters and he is currently on his way to Fantastic City.” Lawrence says. Dylan’s eyes widen. “You summoned him HERE? You do know there is such a thing as a phone call! Hell, we could’ve done this over video conference!” Dylan says. “Yes, but seeing as how we are trying to endear ourselves to him so he agrees to put us in contact with Adelina, I felt it was necessary to do things in a much friendlier, much more personable manner.” Lawrence says. “See? This is exactly what I was saying! You like to talk like I am the future of this family, that I’m the one in charge, but then you go and make all of these big decisions! Like for instance, I never even agreed to this takeover of Masters Corp before you began accumulating shares of the company!” Dylan notes. “Perhaps, but I suspected you would react positively when I proposed my plan to you, and you did!” Lawrence says. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for a big money opportunity. But let me be clear about one thing with you, I am not your puppet! So don’t ever think that you can use me for your own nefarious agenda!” Dylan says. “I’m hurt you would even suggest that I have some sort of nefarious agenda! My only agenda is making sure that the future of the Stanpatos empire is set in stone, both for you and your daughters! Everything that I do is for the benefit of this family and one day you are going to realize that!” Lawrence says. “You better hope you’re telling the truth about that.” Dylan says. “I am! Now if I were you, I would get ready for bed. Lysandros will be arriving early tomorrow morning and you’ll need to be sharp as ever if you’re going to be prepared for this meeting.” Lawrence says. “Does that mean I get to be included on this meeting? I thought I’d be left out of that too since you left me out of all the other decision making.” Dylan snarks. “I apologize for not coming to you about my plan sooner, I should have. With that being said, I do hope you won’t allow your displeasure with me to squander this wonderful opportunity!” Lawrence says. Dylan sighs. “Of course not. Despite my reservations, I understand that this takeover of Masters Corp would be a game changer for the family.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “Brilliant! I’m glad to see that you continue to think of the best interest of the company. Now I realize that going to Lysandros for help isn’t something you want to do, it isn’t particularly something I want to do either. However, sometimes difficult choices need to be made, especially in business.” Lawrence says. “I understand that.” Dylan says. “So it seems. Anyways, I think I am going to retire for the evening. I want to be well rested for our big meeting tomorrow, sweet dreams my boy.” Lawrence says, before walking out. “Sweet dreams…” Dylan mutters, still seemingly unsure…

In the squad room of the Fantastic P.D, Kaylie is sitting behind a desk on the phone. “So I’ve got some good news for you. I’ve been emailing back and forth with this woman who owns a bunch of rental properties and she has agreed to show us a condo!...I’ll have to double check the email, but I think we set up an appointment for Monday October 9th. I hope that’s good with you, because if you’ve got something going on that day I could easily get back and touch with her and reschedule...perfect! It won’t be long Beth, pretty soon we’re going to have our own place together. You, me, and Issac of course.” Kaylie says. Kaylie notices Lucas and Julia walking in. “Listen, I’ve gotta go, my sister just walked in. I’ll talk to you later...okay, bye.” Kaylie says, before hanging up. Kaylie stands up and walks over to Lucas and Julia. “Hey you two, what brings you by so late?” Kaylie wonders. “I’m sorry for bugging you this late Kaylie, but I could really use your help.” Lucas says. “What’s up?” Kaylie asks. Lucas hands Kaylie his phone. “I just got a phone call from an unknown number, I was hoping maybe you would be able to trace it for me.” Lucas says. “How come? Did this person say something to upset you?” Kaylie asks. “No, its not that...the person on the other end of the line sounded a lot like fiancee Lydia.” Lucas reveals. “Oh…” Kaylie says. “There was a lot of static so he wasn’t able to tell for sure, but when he called the number back a man answered the phone and said that his wife had called Lucas by mistake and that she believed she had called her doctor.” Julia adds. “Still though, that very easily could’ve been a cover story.” Lucas says. “A cover story for what exactly?” Julia wonders. “To keep me off of Lydia’s trail!” Lucas says. “And who would want to do such a thing?” Julia questions. Lucas sighs. “I...I don’t know, its hard for me to think straight right now.” Lucas says. Lucas turns towards Kaylie. “Can you please just track the call for me?” Lucas asks. “Yeah, I’ll see what I can do.” Kaylie says, before taking Lucas’ phone and walking out. “I hope Kaylie is able to get a location on that call fast.” Lucas says. “Why? Are you going to hop on a plane and fly to wherever that call came from?” Julia wonders. “If there’s a possibility Lydia could be there? Absolutely!” Lucas says. “I see…” Julia mutters. “I’m...I’m sorry, I’m being insensitive to you right now.” Lucas says. “Don’t worry, I can take it. You are the one that I’m worried about.” Julia says. “Why would you be worried about me?” Lucas questions. “You are getting your hopes up for something that is very much not within the realm of possibility. Lucas, I understand that you miss Lydia, she was the love of your life. But don’t you think you are setting yourself up for certain disappointment? What are the odds that Lydia is alive out there somewhere?” Julia asks. “Given all the people who have come back from the dead in this city, I’d say its not as unlikely as you would think.” Lucas says. “And what makes you think Lydia is one of those people? I wasn’t here when it happened, but...its my understanding that there was nothing ambiguous about her death.” Julia says. “She supposedly died in an explosion.” Lucas notes. “An explosion that very few people could have survived.” Julia adds. “I survived it, and so didn’t a lot of the other people that were caught in it!” Lucas points out. “But none of them disappeared and were presumed dead! Okay, lets say for argumentative purposes that Lydia did survive the explosion, where has she been for the last two years? Why hasn’t she come home?” Julia asks. “Maybe the explosion caused her to lose her memory.” Lucas suggests. “That’s one option, but why wasn’t she at the castle when people began waking up? Do you think she just wandered away from the castle when there were people on the ground dying?” Julia asks. “Maybe she was disoriented.” Lucas says. “Maybe, but then how is it that no one would’ve recognized her? Lydia has lived in Fantastic for years, I’m sure news of her supposed death spread like wildfire. You would think someone would’ve seen her and recognized her, even if she didn’t recognize herself.” Julia points out. “Well then maybe she didn’t lose her memory, maybe someone has her!” Lucas suggests. “But who? Joe Fish is the one who planted the bomb at the Goo Castle but he’s dead! If he had Lydia, do you really think his men would still be holding her prisoner two years after his death?” Julia asks. “I guess not...besides, Joe didn’t even know Lydia, or me at that time. He wouldn’t have any reason to fake her death.” Lucas admits. “So if it wasn’t Joe, then who else could’ve done this? Because hypothetically speaking, if someone did kidnap Lydia and fake her death, they would’ve had to have known that Joe was going to detonate that bomb which means they must’ve been in cahoots with him.” Julia notes. “Only two of Joe’s associates come to mind, Lysandros Masters and Mia Goo. Lysandros and Joe wanted each other dead when Joe poisoned the city years ago, and Mia Goo is dead…” Lucas says.

In the dining room of the house on Stanpatos Isle, Mia walks over to the bar and pours herself a drink. “I am perfectly aware that Lydia’s fate is not for me to decide, our mutual friend made that abundantly clear when we first forged this partnership.” Mia says. “Then perhaps you should ease up on these murderous fantasies you keep having involving Lydia. Until we get what we want from her, Lydia is allowed to continue breathing.” Andropov says. “Which is what exactly?! I have the right to know!” Mia says. “No Mia, you do not! Now this back and forth is becoming tiresome, I will see you in the morning.” Andropov says. “You’re just going to walk away from me mid conversation?!” Mia asks. “It is the only way to end a conversation with you!” Andropov says. “Well at the very least tell me you have a plan to make sure we don’t have to worry about any more escape attempts! It would not be good for any of us if Lydia were to find a way off of this island and back home to the people she loves.” Mia says. “You worry too much. Lydia won’t be escaping again. Besides, if all goes well, she will be telling me what it is I wish to know very soon and then once she does, she will be of no further use to me. THEN you can kill her.” Andropov says. Mia claps her hands together. “Oh goody! I’m already counting down the days!” Mia exclaims. “Have a good evening.” Andropov says, before walking out. “Oh I will doctor, just as soon as that red headed menace has the life snuffed out of her…” Mia mutters.

In Lydia’s room, the guard has his gun pointed at her. “You aren’t going to shoot me.” Lydia says. “Oh? And why not?” The guard asks. “Because for some bizarre reason your bosses still need me! So until I give them or tell them whatever it is they want, I’m virtually bullet proof.” Lydia says. “Wanna bet?” The guard asks. “Go ahead, put my theory to the test. These people didn’t go through the trouble of saving me from certain death in that explosion and then curing my brain tumor with an experimental treatment just for some idiot henchman to screw up all of their hard work! If you kill me, they will kill you! We both know that is a fact! If you’re comfortable taking your chances, then go ahead and pull the trigger. Otherwise? Do me a favor and go, you are wasting both of our time!” Lydia says. Frustrated, the guard holsters his gun back on his belt. “Don’t get too comfy! The day is gonna come where you aren’t useful to them anymore and when that day does come, I’m gonna be the one to put a bullet in you.” The guard claims. “You might have to get in line behind Mia for that, she’s wanted me dead for years.” Lydia says. The guard glares at Lydia before walking out. Once he is gone, Lydia breathes a sigh of relief. “For a minute there I really wasn’t sure if that was going to work, but since it has, I now have one less thing to worry about. Now I can refocus on getting out of here and getting home to my family. I just hope Lucas heard something that I said, just enough for him to know that I’m alive and to come looking for me.” Lydia says.

Back at the police station, Kaylie rejoins Lucas and Julia in the squad room, followed by another man. “Lucas, I’d like you to meet Dalton, he’s the Fantastic P.D’s IT specialist. And Julia, I think you’ve already met him.” Kaylie says. “Good to see you again.” Julia says. “Likewise.” Dalton responds. “Anyways, Dalton is usually the guy to go to for anything having to do with technology, so I brought your phone to him, I explained your situation, and I asked him to trace the call for you.” Kaylie says. “Thank you, Kaylie. So did you find anything?” Lucas questions. “I traced the call to an apartment building right here in Fantastic City, over on Nelson Street.” Dalton says. “One of the worst areas in town.” Julia notes. “It is. Anyways, even though the number was unknown, I was still able to identify it as a number belonging to a landline, one owned by a Ricky Summers and an Alexis Summers, a married couple.” Dalton says. Lucas sighs. “So the woman who called me was likely Alexis Summers, and the man who picked up when I called back was Ricky.” Lucas assumes. Julia puts her hand on Lucas’ shoulder. “I’m sorry…” Julia says. “Not as sorry as I am for convincing myself...even for a second...that Lydia could still be alive...I guess I should probably get out of here. Julia, you ready to go?” Lucas asks. “Actually...I think I’ll call a cab, thanks.” Julia says. “Are you sure?” Lucas asks. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Julia says. “Alright...I’ll talk to you in the morning then.” Lucas says. Lucas goes to kiss Julia but Julia turns her cheek to him. Lucas backs up. “Good night…” Lucas says, before walking out. “Don’t worry about calling a cab. My shift just ended, I can drop you off on my way home.” Kaylie says. “Thank you…” Julia says. “Are you okay?” Kaylie asks. Julia shrugs. “I don’t know...I guess I’m just starting to realize that Lydia has a bigger chunk of Lucas’ heart than I thought.” Julia says. Kaylie puts her arm around Julia. “Come on, lets get you home.” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns towards Dalton. “Thank you, Dalton.” Kaylie says. “No problem, Detective.” Dalton says. Kaylie and Julia walk out. Once they’re gone, Dalton’s face grows serious and he walks into the interrogation room, closing the door behind him. Dalton pulls out his phone and makes a call. “Its Dalton. I thought you should know that Lucas Cambino was just here trying to trace a call that he believed came from his presumed dead fiancee Lydia. I did it but I had to doctor the results so it looked like the call came from some dumpy neighborhood here in Fantastic. But going by the original results I got from tracking the call, I’d say the person that called him really was Lydia.” Dalton says.

Elsewhere, someone is sitting at a desk with a drink in their hand looking over a file on Lydia. “That is rather curious. Did Mr. Cambino seem satisfied with the results you provided him with?” A familiar voice wonders. “Not satisfied, more like disappointed. But to ease any concerns of yours, I don’t think he still believes Lydia is alive.” Dalton says. “Excellent work, Dalton.” The mystery person says. The camera pans up and reveals that the mystery person is Lawrence! “As long as Mr. Cambino and the rest of the world believe Lydia is dead, no one is going to stand between me and getting what it is that I’m after.” Lawrence says...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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