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Queen Ghoul

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Queen Ghoul Empty Queen Ghoul

Post by QG Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:53 pm

Written By: Andy(Caramel Bubble)

Outside of Kaylie's apartment, Lucas and Julia are standing outside the door. "Are you as excited for this Halloween party as I am?" Lucas asks excitedly. "No. Honestly I expect to be here for about 10 minutes tops before getting either bored, uncomfortable, or sick from seeing Kaylie's dance moves. Someone needs to tell her she dances like she's trying to swat away a swarm of bees." Julia says. "C'mon, Jules! Where's your Halloween spirit?" Lucas asks her. "About as dead as my respect for you after seeing your costume." Julia responds. Lucas is dressed as the Banana from Fortnite wearing a suit. "Um... CLEARLY you haven't seen my Fortnite streams on twitch.tv/LuckyLucas421 otherwise you would be in love with my costume. It's not like yours is any better." Lucas says. Julia is wearing a Judge Judy costume. "I would've been Judge Toler but there's no way anyone from this town has ever heard of her." Julia says. "Judge who-ler?" Lucas asks. "Exactly. Now let's get this trainwreck over with already. Mama needs to rewatch Friends season 8." Julia says. "Ugh, Rachel really slayed in that season." Lucas says before knocking on the door. Kaylie opens the door.  "Oh.... heyyy sis. SO glad you could make it." Kaylie says through her teeth. "Cut the act, Fakerella. Where's the chip table." Julia says pushing her out of the way. Bethany walks over to Lucas and Kaylie. "Lucas, you're just in time! I was just about to beat Acerbi at bobbing for pumpkins. But now that you're here, I can beat you too!" Bethany says. "Honestly I'm surprised you invited me, what with the whole me cheating on you with Lydia and then us breaking up- did you say bobbing for pumpkins?" Lucas asks. "Yeah, grandma over there is about to lose the game AND her dentures." Bethany says. "How old do you think I am?!" Acerbi loudly asks while attempting to lift a fully sized pumpkin with her teeth. "I dunno... 94? 95? Am I getting warmer?" Bethany asks. "I'm sixty! .....three." Acerbi says muttering that last part. "Maybe in dog years." Kaylie whispers. "Anyways Lucas, it's all water under the bridge." Bethany assures him. "Phew, that's good to hear." Lucas says. "A bridge that's on fire over a sea of gasoline. Anyways! Why don't you join Acerbi? Just know I won't be held responsible for any dental or neck related injuries." Bethany tells him. "Oop, there goes my filling." Acerbi says. "I'm gonna pass. Banana, away!" Lucas says hurling himself like a boomerang. "Kinda thought that there would be more people at this party. I mean you posted about it on Twitter and tagged everyone in town!" Kaylie says. "Yeah, about that... my account got suspended." Bethany admits. "What? Why??" Kaylie asks. "Because I changed my name on there to Ariana Grande and they flagged it as impersonation. How else am I supposed to let people know who I'm dressed as?!" Bethany asks. "By not releasing a good song since 2017?" Kaylie asks. Bethany grabs Kaylie by the collar and shakes her. "Take it back! TAKE IT BACK!!!" Bethany shouts. 

At the Goo living room, Ava and Andy are chilling on the sofa. "I can't believe the mayor cancelled trick or treating because he watched Halloween Kills and is afraid it 'might happen in real life'". Ava says. "If I had a nickel for the amount of times Queen Goo has referenced Michael Myers I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice." Andy says. "Isn't Grandma Goo dead?" Ava asks. "That didn't stop Michael Myers. Bleep, that's 3 times now! Ava, get me a nickel out of your college fund." Andy says. Victor walks in. "Vell, vhat do you think of my costume?" Victor says in a bad Romanian accent. "Why are you wearing mom's shock blanket as a cape?" Ava asks. "And when did you get hair?" Andy asks. "It's a toupee. I'm renting it. Anyway, don't you know who I am?" Victor asks, lifting up his blanket-cape to his face. "An old man." Ava says. "The Count from Sesame Street?" Andy asks. "Wha- no! I'm Count Dracula! You know? I vant to suck your blood?" Victor asks. "I don't watch crap." Ava says shadily taking a sip from her hot chocolate. "Man, this crowd… sucks!" Victor says. A laugh track can be heard in the distance. "Oo, pretty sure Kaylie is already dressed as a vampire. You might wanna change." Andy says. "Drat! Isn't that a… bite in the neck!" Victor says. No laugh track is heard. "Nobody says that." Ava slays. "But this is my only costume. Anyways, are you two and Rebecca not going?" Victor asks. "Nah, we're gonna stay in and binge watch Dark Shadows. Rebecca's going though, why don't you see if she's ready." Andy says. "Sure... fang! I'll be bat!" Victor says before going upstairs. "Girl, where's the garlic?" Ava says. "Ava you are SPILLING tonight!" Andy says. "When don't I?" Ava says reaching for her hot chocolate but ends up spilling it everywhere. "I'm not cleaning that up." Ava says.

Victor knocks on Andy and Rebecca's bedroom door. "Oh, Rebecca? It's time we STAKE our leave!" He says. There's no response. "Rebecca, if I come in there and you're dead you are SO uninvited to you and Andy's wedding!" Victor says knocking harder. The door slowly creaks open on it's own. "Well that's really… coffin me by surprise! Okay that one was bad. Good thing no one heard-" Victor starts to say before seeing Rebecca sitting in the dark, her back towards Victor as she faces the window. "Uh… Rebecca? Were you planning on going to the party in those old lady robes? Who are you dressed as? Acerbi?" Victor asks, waiting for a laugh track that never comes. Rebecca slowly gets up from the bed, still not facing him. "Well, crappy choice in hair AND wardrobe aside, we gotta go! This vampire is looking to party like it's 1851! The good ol' times! You could say whatever you wanted back then and not get in trouble!" Victor says. The audience boos him. "Ugh, you people can't take a joke!" Victor says. Rebecca's head turns a full 180°, her bones cracking. The rest of her body twists forward as she begins to levitate, her eyes glowing blue. "OH MY GOD! …Your bones are worse than mine!!!" Victor yells. "After 500 years… I have returned to seek revenge on Fantastic City! I was going to use my old possessing victim from 2014, but she died apparently. Kind of rude but okay. But this new host is ten TIMES better so really she did me a favor." Demonbecca says. "This is a lot of information that I wasn't present for but AAHHH!!! I'm too pretty to die!!" Victor says before running to the door. Demonbecca lifts her arm and the door slams shuts. "I'm here to take back what was stolen from me, starting with you, Uncle Vic!" Demonbecca says. She levitates him by his cape and throws him out the door. "NOT THE CAAAAAPE!!!" Victor yells before he hits the wall outside. He falls down the stairs, there's a lot of stairs.  He keeps falling down until he eventually stops at the midway point. "Oh good…. I stopped…" Victor says. "The bleep, you're not dead yet?! People just don't die like they used to!" Demonbecca says before kicking Victor down more stairs.

Victor eventually hits the bottom and ends up in the living room again. "Oh hey, Victor. Can you give us a refill on salt and vinegar chips? I don't want to miss even a SECOND of Dark Shadows." Andy says. "Also why do you look even worse than you did 5 minutes ago?" Ava asks. "REBECCA IS A DEMON!!!" Victor yells. "Okay rude, that's my wife/ex-wife/soon-to-be-wife-until-joe-blew-up-our-wedding-and-put-Rebecca-in-a-coma you're talking about." Andy says. "You don't understand! She was wearing this really ugly outfit and she broke her neck and then she started floating and she tried to kill me!!!" Victor says. "That's literally just Rebecca on most days." Daisy says. "When the h-e-double-HELL did you get here?!" Ava asks. "Oh good, can YOU refill our chip bowl?" Andy asks. "Actually I already HAVE a boyfriend. Dylan, your ex-bestie. I'm sure you're jealous." Daisy says. "I'm here too." Dylan says. "HELLO?! There is a crazy demon ghost that is heckbent on revenge and, again, TRIED TO LYDIA ME!" Victor says. "I'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible: I don't give two bleeps. Now come on, BOYFRIEND. We have a party to get to in our amazing couples costume!" Daisy says. Daisy and Dylan are dressed as Harley Quinn and The Joker. "Dylan, you should've been Poison Ivy. Just saying." Andy says. "Couldn't find a wig in time. Anyways bye." Dylan says before the two of them leave. "Why were they even here in the first place?! Who let them in?!" Ava asks. "We sold our locks to afford this TV. The city stopped giving me checks for being the son of Queen Goo after they found out she's been dead for 5 years." Andy says. "You forgot to tell them?" Ava asks. "Yeah… forgot… anyways Victor seems like you're dealing with Virmor." Andy casually says while eating chips. "Dealing with WHOmor?!" Victor asks. "He was the king of Fantastic City a long time ago but he died in a fire or something I don't know I wasn't really listening. Anyway he blew up the castle while he was possessing my mom. It was a whole thing. Did I forget to tell you?" Andy asks. "Wow, even I knew that. And I wasn't even born- I mean yes I was I'm 8 teehee!" Ava giggles. "Okay so how do I beat this thing?! Do I suck it up with a vacuum?! Smack it with a bible?!" Victor asks. "Drive to a corn maze and sternly talk to it. Worked for me." Andy says. "That's it? I'm a lawyer, I sternly talk to people all the time! And at MAGA rallies! Brb!" Victor says before running out of the room. "He's gonna die on Wednesday, October 2nd 2024 at 12:54am. Polio." Ava casually says. "Should've been vaccinated." Andy says. 

Acerbi is still at it with the bobbing for pumpkins. "Why couldn't these have been apples?!" Acerbi asks. "Pumpkins aren't "Halloween" enough, according to Bethany." Kaylie says. "Is she SERIOUS?! Apples are good any time of year! ESPECIALLY fall! That girl is a real piece of work." Acerbi says. "I'll admit Bethany is…" Kaylie begins. "I just think that it's FUNNY that you had the nerve to come to MY party with the same costume as me!!! Would you come to your best friend's wedding wearing the same dress as her?! WOULD YOU?!?!" Bethany yells. "I want to go home." Kristina tells Brady. "She's difficult for sure. But she's someone who's worth digging beneath the surface for. Some people just suck inside and out, but others you just have to look deeper." Kaylie says while looking at Bethany longingly. "Girl you are gay. Respect. Anyways, I'm gonna go call my dentist. Pretty sure all of these bits are cracked." Acerbi says before walking away. She stops when she sees Julia. "Judge Judy? That's pretty good, although I would've gone as Judge Toler." Acerbi says. "THANK YOU. Divorce Court is the superior courtroom show. Are you dressed as…" Julia begins to say. "Melody Thomas Scott?!" They say at the same time. "Do you want to be like, BFFs?" Acerbi says. "I think we already are, come on Ashley!" Julia says. "It's Acerbi." Acerbi says. "No it's not." Julia says. 

Daisy and Dylan are walking through a graveyard. "Man, it's colder out here than when I pushed Rebecca down a flight of stairs." Daisy says. "YOU fell down a flight of stairs, Daisy." Dylan says. "I think I would rebeccmember that, Dylan. Andyways, I thought you said this was a shortcut." Daisy asks. "It is, we're almost there." Dylan says. "Really because it seems like we're stuck in a dumb graveyard!" Daisy says. "And it seems like I'm stuck with this pig-tailed whiny bit!" Dylan says. "Oh tell me you did NOT just diss my ICONIC costume!!!" Daisy angrily asks. "You want to be Rebecca so bad! Admit it!! Well SHE-" Dylan starts. "Don't say it! Don't you BLEEPING SAY IT-!" Daisy says. "Wears pigtails better than YOU could ever dream of doing." Dylan says. "That… is… IT!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Daisy screams before pushing Dylan into a tombstone, knocking it over. "Good going, Leto. You knocked over some poor sap's tombstone!" Daisy says. "First of all, that's harsh even from you. Second of all, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't-" Dylan stops talking when he notices whose tombstone he knocked over. "Hello?! What are you even looking at?" Daisy says before looking over. The camera pans to reveal that it's Andre's grave they've disrupted. "Okay, I'm sure that doesn't mean anything… I mean, the guy's dead, what are the odds he'd come back to-" Before Daisy can finish, a hand reaches out from the earth. An undead Andre crawls out of the dirt. "Who… disturbed me?!" Andre angrily, but groggily asks. Daisy points at Dylan. "I had nothing to do with it, I swear!" Daisy says, holding her hands up. "Really?" Dylan asks. "You have disrespected my resting place… now you will JOIN US!" Andre says. He snaps his rotting fingers and a horde of zombies come out of the ground and towards Dylan and Daisy. "I AM AN OLD MAN!!!" Andre says, for some reason. "Well I'd love to stay and chat but this brain is leaving the station. Bye!" Daisy says before booking it out of there. "I am so haunting that bit…" Dylan says before the zombies begin to eat him.

Daisy finally gets to Kaylie's apartment out of breath and bangs on the door. Brady opens the door. "What's all the-" Brady begins to say before Daisy accidentally punches him in the face. "LET ME IN!!! Also sorry I guess." Daisy says before pushing him out of the way. "Brady, I thought I told you NOT to let her in! You had one job!" Bethany says. "She punched my face." Brady says in pain. "You guys will never believe what just- wait, why did you tell him not to let me in?" Daisy asks. "Do you really need to ask that?" Kaylie asks. "Ignoring that. A bunch of zombies just attacked Dylan! I TRIED to save him but I barely made it out with my life!" Daisy says. "First off, zombies are scientifically impossible. Believe me, I've tried. Secondly, we don't care." Acerbi says. "Also you dropped this." Kristina says before decking her in the face. "PERIOD!" Bethany says. "You know what, fine! I'm out of here, this party's dead anyway." Daisy says. She opens the door to leave but sees a crowd of zombies all standing outside the door. She slowly closes the door. "Um, weren't you just about to leave??" Bethany asks. "Yeah well the zombies had other plans!" Daisy snaps. "Oh enough with the fake zombie story!" Bethany yells her. A zombie breaks a hole in the door and grabs Bethany by the hair and begins to bang her head against the door. "AHH! NOT THE HAIR! NOT THE HAIR!!" Bethany says, trying to free herself. "Who's lying now?" Daisy asks smugly. Bethany breaks free. "Okay, because of DAISY here. Who wasn't even bleeping invited!!! We have a horde of zombies trying to break into my apartment!" Bethany says. "Uh, OUR apartment. Anyways I think we should give them Daisy since she led them right to us in the first place. All in favor, say aye." Kaylie asks. "Aye." Everyone unanimously says. "Um, I DON'T say aye! Can't one of you go instead? Looking at you Lucas." Daisy says. "No! I spent 15.95 PLUS shipping on this costume and I am NOT about to ruin it!" Lucas says. "Anyone else notice how there's only like 7 people at this party?" Brady asks. Xavier opens the door. "Kaylie, I've finally arrived-" Before he can finish, the zombies attack him and start eating him. "Kaylie help! HELP!!" Xavier screams. "Some crimes can never be forgiven, British bit." Kaylie says. "Who was that? The pizza guy? Anyways, let's give them Daisy already!" Bethany says. They all grab Daisy and push her towards the door. "No! There has to be a better way! We should take them down together, right? Let's fight them!" Daisy suggests. "We could… but this is easier." Kaylie says. "NO!!!" Daisy screams. She accidentally kicks her shoe off and knocks over a candle. It lands on the carpet, creating a fire.

Victor is holding a cross in one hand and an ear of corn in the other while tiptoeing around the halls of the Goo castle. "Where are you bit… I'm gonna find you and when I do, you'll regret ever messing with Uncle Vic!" Victor says. When he opens the door, there's a car in his room. Victor gasps. "No way! Andy got me a car! And it's not even Christmas! Little weird he put it INSIDE the castle but I mean it's not like we use all these rooms anyways! This place is so big people get lost in it and written out of the show!" Victor says. He hops in the car. "Hmm, why does it smell like a sad reporter's lost hopes and dreams in here?" Victor asks. "Aha! You've fallen right into my trap, Victor Connor Richard Goo!" A familiar voice says. "Mommy??" Victor asks. Demonbecca appears in his rearview mirror. "You thought that you could stop me but soon, you AND this entire castle will crumble to the ground!!!" Demonbecca says. "No please! You can take the castle and everyone in it but please! Not my new car!!" Victor cries. "You fool, this isn't YOUR car!" Demonbecca says. "Really? Then whose car is this?" Victor asks. A ticking sound can be heard. "Uh oh." Victor says. "Soon it will blow up the entire castle and I can exact my revenge!" Demonbecca says triumphantly. "How is blowing up a castle a second time exacting your revenge? I mean, it's not like Fantastic even has royalty anymore." Victor says. "I- ...hmm, you know I never thought I would be saying this but you bring up a good point." Demonbecca says. "I know, it feels wrong." Victor says. "But no matter! I'm doing this for me!" Demonbecca says. "Well I'm doing this for ME!" Victor says. He throws the corn at Demonbecca. "Ow! What the-?!" Demonbecca says. "Go awayyyy oOoOO ghost! Begone from this house!" Victor says. "What… are you doing?" Demonbecca asks, confused. "Get outttt get outttt!" Victor says waving the cross in her face. "Okay this is getting ridiculous." Demonbecca says as she levitates Victor and throws him out the car window, breaking it. "It's time to end this. Once and for all!" Demonbecca/Virmor says floating on top of the car. 

"Daisy, are you bleeping kidding me?!" Lucas angrily asks. "What? That could've been anyone's shoe!" Daisy says. "In the bathroom! Now!" Julia says. They all run inside the bathroom. "Alright. Now that that's settled. Daisy… do you bleeping see why we didn't want you coming here?!" Bethany asks. "Oh like anyone saw this coming!" Daisy angrily whispers. "I mean disaster does seem to follow you." Lucas says. "I don't want to hear it from mister sofa seller!" Daisy says. "So what's the plan, wait here until midnight?" Brady asks. "I'm still all for just dumping Daisy on them. I mean she looks dead already in this trash costume, you'd fit right in!" Bethany says. "Oh I am about to go Birds of Prey on your butt in two seconds!" Daisy yells. "You guys! As much as I am living for this drag-a-thon we're having right now, we need to figure out how to deal with this. Not only are there zombies wandering around, but my apartment is about to burn down and I can't blame it on my electric blanket for the insurance like I did last time. Mostly because my insurance expired and I forgot to renew it. So we gotta deal with that as well." Kaylie says. "Was that the same electric blanket I let you borrow?" Julia asks. "...no." Kaylie says. "I got it! We take a bunch of buckets, fill 'em with water and put out the fire!" Brady says. "We don't have any buckets." Bethany says. "Oh… I got it! We take a bunch of bowls, fill 'em with water and put out the fire!" Brady says. "I am not letting you waste my bowls!" Kaylie says. "If we die your stupid bowls won't even matter anymore!" Daisy says. "And what about the zombies?" Kristina asks. "We just fight them if they get in the way. Now let's do this! I have another party to get to after this." Acerbi says. "Another what?" Bethany asks. "Nothing! Okay, bust down the door and head to the kitchen in 3… 2… 1!" Acerbi says as she kicks down the door and everyone rushes out.

Andy and Ava are still watching Dark Shadows. "And episode 1,225… done! That's the whole show! Okay now we have to read all 52 books, 3 movies, listen to the audio dramas, watch the stage play, play the two Dark Shadows board games, read Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Book, watch the 1991 revival, the 2004 TV pilot aaaaand wait for The CW's reboot. Whenever that comes out." Andy says. "This is the most interesting thing happening tonight." Ava says. Victor can be heard screaming in the distance. "Oh my god, we need to do something about that!" Andy says. "Right!" Ava says. They both put on headphones. "Ah, that's better. Joan Bennett, take it away!" Andy says.

Victor is still on the ground in pain. "Oughh.. wait where's my cross?" Victor asks. He looks around and sees it on the other side of the car across the room. "This car is rigged to blow in 5 minutes, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!" Demonbecca says. Victor gets up and slides across the hood of the car. He quickly goes to grab the cross but Demonbecca gets in his way. "Didn't you hear me? I said nothing can stop me!" Demonbecca says. Victor rips off her pigtails. "No!! My source of power!!!" Demonbecca yells. Victor dives to the floor and grabs the cross, doing a sick roll in the process. "You don't belong in this world, so I'm sending you back where you belong! Although you kinda seem like a pretty cool guy, maybe I could've been your second in command or something. I mean you ARE from 1599 so our political views probably match but you tried to kill me so… bye!" Victor says. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Virmor screams, before dropping to the ground. "Huh, that was it? That was... kinda easy." Victor says. Rebecca groans on the floor before coming to. "What… happenAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Rebecca screams when she sees her torn off pigtails on the ground. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Rebecca growls, shaking Victor by the shoulders. "OH BLEEP, YOU'RE STILL POSSESSED!" Victor says. "Possessed? What the bleep are you talking about? Why is there a CAR in here? And why is it ticking?" Rebecca asks. "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!" Victor says. They both run to the door but a hand reaches out of the ground and grabs Victor by the ankle. "AH!! Something's got me!!" Victor yells. "You think I'm getting stopped in the same anticlimactic way a SECOND time?! You're coming with me Victor!" Virmor says. "Rebecca, save me!" Victor yells. "I'm not saving the bit who ripped off my pigtails!" Rebecca says before booking it out of there. "No, don't go! Help! HELP!!!" Victor says. A laugh track can be heard. "HOW IS THIS FUNNY?! ONE OF YOU BLEEPING HELP ME!!!" Victor says.

Bethany, Kaylie, Lucas, Julia, Kristina, Brady, Acerbi and Daisy dump bowls of water on the fire to put it out. "This isn't working fast enough! The fire's too big!" Kaylie says. "Quick, use the punch bowl!" Kristina says. They grab the bowl of punch off the table and dump it onto the fire, which makes the fire bigger. "What the bleep! How is it worse now?!" Brady asks. "I may have… spiked the punch bowl?" Daisy says guiltily. "WHAT?!" Everyone angrily yells. "HOW DID YOU EVEN HAVE TIME TO DO THAT?!" Bethany angrily asks. "It's not my fault you got dollar store punch." Daisy says. "That's it, COME HERE BIT! LET ME AT HER!! LET ME THE BLEEP AT HER!!!!" Bethany yells while Kaylie and Julia hold her back. "As satisfying as that would be, I have an idea that would kill two birds with one stone." Julia suggests. "Does it involve murder? And I don't mean the zombies." Bethany asks. "Well if we make it look like an accident… nevermind, anyways here's the plan. One of us gets covered in blood and goes around the carpet, behind the fire and on top of that ledge in front of the windows. That's where the huge bobbing for pumpkins bucket is. The person will lure the zombies towards them with the scent of the blood. The zombies will follow it, then walk RIGHT into the fire hopefully killing them. Once all of the zombies are dead, we can take the bucket and put out the fire! Both problems taken care of." Julia says. "Kinda... needlessly risky but it just might work! Okay who's gonna do this?" Kaylie asks. Everyone turns to face Daisy. "Wha-?! Why me?!" Daisy asks. "In case you didn't notice… EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED TONIGHT HAS BEEN YOUR FAULT!!! So toughen up and just do it!" Bethany yells. "There's NO way I'm doing this!" Daisy says. A zombie comes up behind her and attempts to bite her shoulder. "AHH!! OKAY OKAY I'LL DO IT!" Daisy says. They take some of Xavier's blood and put it on Daisy. "Can you put some on my eyelid like it's eyeshadow? I feel like this calls for a cut crease." Daisy says. Kristina slathers it all over Daisy's face. "Perfect." Kristina says. Daisy carefully goes around the carpet narrowly avoiding the fire. The fire lightly stinging her legs as she moves. "Keep going, you're almost there!" Lucas shouts. A bunch of zombies come up behind them. "Ahh!!! Wait, is that Alexios?" Bethany asks. A zombie Alexios nods. "Oh my god, where have you been? What's up! Feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" Bethany says. Zombie Alexios groans in a way as if he's saying he's "been good but things could be better". "Yeah well I've been great. I have a girlfriend, a rockin' Halloween party, and I just started binging that show you recommended!" Bethany says. Zombie Alexios groans asking her what she thinks so far. "Pretty good, love the lead actress. Such a girlboss." Bethany says. "AAHHH!! IT'S BITING MY FACE!!!" Lucas screams as a zombie attacks him. "We're surrounded, there's too many of them!" Acerbi says. A zombie grabs Kristina by the leg. "No! I JUST came back to life! I am NOT dying again!" Kristina says. "Hang on, babe! I'm coming!" Brady says before tripping and landing on her, incapacitating them both. "Nevermind, guess I'm dying a SECOND time! If someone's consciousness gets implanted into my body again, PLEASE let it be someone cool! Like Sandra Bullock!" Kristina says. "Curse you Zombie Alexios! I thought we were COOOOOL!" Brady yells as he and Kristina get dragged into the crowd of zombies to get eaten. "No!!! Well one less Ariana at the party." Bethany says. Everyone looks at her angrily. "What? We were all thinking it." Bethany says. "No we weren't." Acerbi says.

Rebecca is running through the endless halls of the Goo Castle. "Man this place is huge! Where the bleep is the exit?!" Rebecca asks. Suddenly the room begins to shake. "What the? Is this an earthquake?!" Rebecca asks. She turns around as a fiery explosion rushes towards her. "WOAH MAMA! THAT'S A PROBLEM!" She yells. She bolts down the hall with the traveling explosion hot on her trail. She pants as her bare feet smack the hardwood floors, where she finally reaches the railing above the living room. She takes a deep breath, a step backwards, then LEAPS over it, spinning in the air down to Andy and Ava on the catch. "Hey Rebecca." Andy casually says. "Sup Mom-a-tron." Ava says. Rebecca crashes through the window behind them and lands face first into the lawn outside. The castle blows up. "Well, looks like I'm staying at the Stanpatos Mansion. Eh, the Wi-Fi is better over there. Also the butlers don't offer you dog food." Rebecca says.

Andy and Ava are in the remains of the Goo castle. The two of them, the sofa, and the TV are all completely unaffected. "Man, I'm glad we stayed home tonight. Can you imagine how boring our night would've been if we went trick or treating? That'd be so un-Dark Shadows." Ava says. "I a-Dark Shadows-gree, Ava!" Andy says. "Are our brains Dark Shadows broken?" Ava asks. "Dark Shadows." Andy says dismissively. Victor crawls out from under some rubble. "Call… Dr. Stevens…" Victor weakly says. "AH! IT'S BARNABAS FROM DARK SHADOWS!! AVA GET THE STAKE! THE STAKE!!" Andy says. Ava falls over from delirium into the hot chocolate she never cleaned up.

Daisy manages to reach the ledge near the window. "I'm here! What's next, again? I forget." Daisy says. "GRAB THE BUCKET AND DOUSE THE FLAMES!!!" Kaylie yells trying to fight off a zombie. "I can't, there's a pumpkin in it!" Daisy says. "Oh for the love of- lift the pumpkin out!" Lucas yells. "It's too heavy! Can one of you do it?" Daisy whines. "There's only one thing you can do, Daisy. You must… pick the pumpkin up with your mouth. It's the only way! Do what I could not!" Acerbi says determinately. Daisy looks unsurely at the pumpkin, then at the remaining group of party goers fending off as against the zombies. "Okay, here goes nothing!" Daisy says. She bends down and grabs the pumpkin with her mouth. "She's doing it!!! She's really doing it!!!" Lucas excitedly says. Daisy attempts to lift the pumpkin but her neck snaps and she falls face first into the fire. They all just stand there in silence. Bethany takes a deep breath. "Okay… first of all, deserved. Second of all, HELP!!!!" Bethany screams. "This can't be the end! I've never even been on a plane before! I mean I never planned on going on one but I liked being alive and having the option!" Julia says. "And I never got to tell you I was the one who dropped your phone in the toilet and accidentally flushed it! Honestly I did you a favor, it was an iPhone 4." Kaylie says. "I knew it! I had Flappy Bird on that thing! Now I can never play it again!" Julia says. "Enough bickering! This is… the end for us." Acerbi says. The five of them join hands and look to the ground, accepting their fate. Suddenly the door bursts open and a hooded person holding a fire hose sprays water everywhere. It puts out the fire! "Everyone duck!" The hooded person says. They all duck as the mysterious person pulls out a scythe and slices off all of the zombies' heads, killing them. "Woah… that was… amazing! Thank you for saving us!" Lucas says. "Do you like, wanna be my new best friend?" Bethany asks. "Who are you, though?" Kaylie asks. The person takes off their hood, revealing to be Lydia with burn marks on her face. "L...Lydia?!" A shocked Lucas asks. "I sensed danger and I came to thwart it. And now… I'm here Lucas. Let's go home." Lydia says. Lucas gives her a big hug, lifting her off the ground. "I can't believe you're alive! You're not a zombie or a ghost or a zombie ghost are you?" Lucas asks. "Nope. Just burnt and a little hungover." Lydia says. "You're hungover at midnight? Who are you, me?" Acerbi asks. "Don't ask questions. Anyways, I want to go home." Lydia says. "Meee too. L&L, away!" Lucas says while holding Lydia and hurling himself like a boomerang. "Sooo, do the two of you want to help clean up?" Kaylie asks. Acerbi and Julia look at each other then laugh. "Come on, Julia. This party's dead… AND washed up." Acerbi says. "Ooo, you did NOT just say that!" Julia says as the two of them leave. Bethany and Kaylie are left standing in the burnt living room with headless zombies littering the floor. "Do you just want to go to bed?" Bethany asks. "Yeah, let's do that." Kaylie says.

Somewhere in a secret underground laboratory, Andropov is performing surgery on an unknown patient. "Yes… yes! It's finally complete! This may be my finest work yet! Do you wish to see the final product?" Andropov says. The patient(s) nod. "Excellent." Andropov says. He goes and gets a mirror to show them the result of the surgery. "Is it to your liking?" Andropov asks. "Y….ye….s." They say. The person is revealed to be Queen Goo and Mia Goo's heads on the same body! "Let's introduce you to the world, shall we? You have a lot of work to do." Andropov says as he maniacally laughs.

Suddenly, Andy snaps awake, and Rebecca puts her hand on his shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?” Rebecca asks. “Yeah...I guess that’s one word for it. Detective Simms was having a party, and there were a bunch of zombies there. The zombies ate Daisy, they ate Dylan, they ate Brady and Kristina...and the craziest part is, Andre was the one leading the charge. And then Andropov...he created this weird hybrid between my mother and Mia Goo…” Andy says. Rebecca laughs. “What?!” Rebecca asks. “I know, its all insane.” Andy says. “Was I in the dream at all?” Rebecca asks. Andy’s face grows serious. “Yeah...you were.” Andy says. “What was I doing? Was I one of the zombies?” Rebecca asks. “No, you...you were possessed by Virmor.” Andy reveals. “The same demon that possessed your mother? Well, I’m not surprised you’d be dreaming of him. Its Halloween, and if I remember correctly, that was the day you stopped him and freed your mother.” Rebecca remembers. “Thank God...I just hope we never have to deal with anything like that again. I got incredibly lucky that I was able to get rid of that demon from her so quickly, and if something like that happened again...I can’t guarantee luck would be on my side.” Andy says. “Its not going to happen again. Demonic possession is already incredibly uncommon, what do you think the odds are it would happen again?” Rebecca asks. Andy smiles. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Andy says. Thunder can be heard rumbling outside. Andy gets out of bed, opens the curtains, and sees its pouring outside. “Looks like a pretty bad storm. What time is it?” Andy questions. “3 AM. Devil’s hour.” Rebecca says. Andy looks outside, clearly uneasy…

A view of a crypt can be seen, as the wind heavily blows. Inside the crypt, a large sarcophagus sits in the middle. “Those fools actually think they’ve beaten me. Why? Because he drove me away with a crucifix? This isn’t over...not even close. Evil will return to Fantastic City one day, and when it does...all hell is gonna break loose.” Virmor’s voice echoes through the crypt. Virmor begins to laugh maniacally, as thunder rumbles in the background...


(Author's note: Hello, it's me Andy. I really hope you enjoyed this Queen Goo Halloween event. I hope it was fun and funny and not boring…… idk when the next time I'll write a QGF2 style thing for Queen Goo will be but hopefully it'll be… a little shorter than this one 😁. Ps. Just wanted to add that everytime I wrote "Dark Shadows" in this episode it made me want to watch "What We Do in The Shadows" which is a really good show about pansexual vampires that I highly recommend. It's on Hulu. Okay goodbye. Andy OUT! *rides away on a skateboard while doing a handstand.)


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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