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Fantastic S5 Episode 142(7/30/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 142(7/30/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 142(7/30/24)

Post by QG Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:11 pm

In Dannie's office at the hospital, Dannie is looking over files at their desk when there is a knock at the door. “Come in!” Dannie calls out. The door opens and Acerbi walks in. “I need to book an appointment.” Acerbi says. “Pardon?” A surprised Dannie asks. “For therapy! That woman is driving me to the brink of madness!” Acerbi states. “Which woman?” Dannie questions. “Scarlett King, of course!” Acerbi reveals. Acerbi sits across from Dannie. “The other day, I found that wretched woman waiting for me in my office, waiting to inform me that she wanted an office here at the hospital. She wanted to know if I had any recommendations for which one she should claim!” Acerbi says. “Scarlett owns the hospital, I think it's perfectly normal that she'd want an office.” Dannie notes. “No no, Scarlett's FATHER owns the hospital. Scarlett is nothing more than a glorified property manager! Anyways, I expressed to her that I wasn't fond of the idea of her micromanaging me, to which she informed me that she could not care less. To break the ice at the end of our conversation, she generously gifted me a framed photograph of herself.” Acerbi tells Dannie. “She didn't!” Dannie says. “She most definitely did! And to make matters even worse, the office she finally settled on is one right across the hall from mine! That gives her even more of an excuse to pop in on me whenever the mood suits her!” Acerbi notes. “I understand your frustrations, but look at the bright side! At least the hospital is still operating! If anyone other than Scarlett had decided to buy it, they could've easily decided to close the hospital down!” Dannie points out. “Yes, and Scarlett made sure to remind me of that! At this point, I would have happily taken my chances with another buyer! I just don't know how much longer I will be able to deal with that woman.” Acerbi says. “If you're already annoyed with Scarlett, you probably aren't going to like what I'm about to tell you.” Dannie says. “What has she done now?” Acerbi questions. “She's asked me to help her organize a gala to raise funds for the hospital.” Dannie reveals.

In the food court of Goo Village, Bethany and Scarlett are sitting at a table. “So you'll be happy to know I've booked an appointment with a therapist. My first appointment is next Tuesday.” Bethany tells her. “I'm glad to hear it. Hopefully this will be enough to prove to Kaylie that you're serious about changing for her.” Scarlett says. “Well I don't think I'd tell her that I'm changing FOR her. She'd just tell me that I need to be doing this for myself.” Bethany says. “Right. Either way, I think you're making a step in the right direction.” Scarlett says. Dylan and Daisy approach their table with Harper in a stroller. “Bethany, just the person I was looking for.” Dylan says. “And you two were the exact opposite of what I was looking for! Please tell me the rumors aren't true, Dylan. Don't tell me you took that she devil back.” Bethany says. “Why, are you jealous? I hear you and Dylan nearly…ew, I feel like throwing up just thinking about it.” Daisy says. “Same. Don't worry, he's all yours.” Bethany says. “You have every right not to like me.” Dylan admits. “That’s big of you to admit.” Bethany notes. Dylan turns towards Daisy. “I should probably have this conversation solo. Would you mind waiting in the park?” Dylan asks. “Sure. Don't take too long.” Daisy urges. “I won't.” Dylan says. Daisy turns towards Bethany and smiles. “Always a pleasure, Bethany.” Daisy says. “Go lick a light socket.” Bethany snarks. Daisy pushes Harper's stroller away. “May I join you?” Dylan asks. “I'm on a lunch date.” Bethany points out. “It's okay, I can go.” Scarlett says. “I don't want you to go. I’d rather spend my lunch with you than with him.” Bethany says. “Can I still join you? Because I've got something that I think you would want to hear.” Dylan says. “We do have an extra seat.” Scarlett points out. “Thank you. I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name.” Dylan says. “Scarlett, Scarlett King.” Scarlett tells him. “King, huh? Any relation to Alistair King?” Dylan questions. “He's my dad. Do you know him?” Scarlett asks. “We've done business with each other a few times over the years. I'm the CEO of Stanpatos Enterprises.” Dylan says. “Only because you stole the job from me.” Bethany points out. Dylan takes a seat at the table. “That's why I came looking for you. I wanted to apologize for what I did to you, framing you for gaslighting Rebecca, stealing Stanpatos Enterprises from you…” Dylan says. “I'm sorry, can you repeat that first part?” Scarlett asks. “I second that! I could've sworn I heard you trying to apologize!” Bethany says. “I am. Everything I did to you was not right, and I'm sorry for all of it.” Dylan says. “What's brought this on?” Bethany questions. “My memories coming back, me realizing that I was a selfish SOB to you and to a lot of other people.” Dylan says. “I guess I can appreciate the self awareness.” Bethany says. “Thanks, but I also realize that words don't mean anything, which is why I'd like a chance to prove to you how sorry I am by correcting the terrible mistakes I've made.” Dylan says. “Oh really? If you aren't gonna return Stanpatos Enterprises to me, I'm not interested.” Bethany says. “That's exactly what I'm gonna do.” Dylan tells her. Bethany laughs. “Yeah right.” Bethany says. “I'm serious.” Dylan tells her. “You're just going to hand over control of a multi billion dollar conglomerate?” Scarlett asks. Dylan shrugs. “I don't want it, and I did technically steal it from Bethany. It's only fair that I give it back.” Dylan says. “So you're serious? You aren't playing a late April fools joke? You aren't brainwashed?” Bethany asks. “I'm 100% serious.” Dylan says. “You do remember that also means handing over ownership of the mansion to me too, right? Ownership of Stanpatos Enterprises and the Stanpatos mansion go hand in hand.” Bethany points out. “I've already booked a hotel room for Daisy, Harper, and myself.” Dylan tells her. “Wow…I…I don't know what to say. Have you talked to Daisy about this?” Bethany wonders. “I have. Of course she was against the idea, but she understands it's my choice to make. I realize I can't take back the things I've done over the last five years, but I can try and do some damage control. So, are you interested in running Stanpatos Enterprises?” Dylan wonders. “I mean…I've never stopped being interested. The only reason I haven't tried to get back into it was because I didn't see any way of ousting you from the company.” Bethany notes. “Well now you don't have to find a way. I'm gonna call my lawyer and make the necessary arrangements, but I don't see anything stopping this from going through.” Dylan says. “I really don't know what to say. Thank you.” Bethany says. “No need to thank me. I couldn't be happier to get the company off my hands.” Dylan says. “So what's your plan now? Early retirement? You could probably afford it.” Bethany notes. “No. Andy has suggested we get into the PI business together.” Dylan reveals. “Mmm. Bit of a step down from being a hot shot CEO.” Bethany points out. “So isn’t going from CEO to bartender.” Dylan notes. “It’s club owner, and that wasn’t exactly by choice which you well know.” Bethany reminds him. “Touche, sorry. Anyways, I should be going. Again, I’m sorry for all the crap I’ve pulled with you these last few years, and even though I doubt we’ll ever be friends, I do hope we can at least peacefully coexist.” Dylan says. “This is quite the start. I do appreciate the gesture.” Bethany says. “Good, I’m glad. My people will be in touch with your people, have a nice day.Scarlett, it was nice meeting you. Tell your dad I said hello.” Dylan says. Scarlett smiles. “Will do. Take care.” Scarlett says. Dylan stands up and walks away. Scarlett turns towards Bethany. “Why are you acting so calm? Dylan just handed you control of a major corporation!” Scarlett points out. “Don’t get me wrong, I am totally freaking out on the inside! I just didn’t want him to see that! Oh my god, this is INSANE. I never thought I would actually get Stanpatos Enterprises back! When Dylan took back control last time, he had pretty much locked me out of the company entirely.” Bethany recalls. “And now here you are, back on top again. Although I should warn you, that means you’re now a direct competitor with my family.” Scarlett notes. “No big deal. Dylan seemed to get along with your father just fine.” Bethany notes. “Eh, doubtful. No one gets along with my father. If he appears to like you, he’s probably only pretending. But forget about that, this is HUGE for you! Congrats!” Scarlett says. “Thanks! Looks like things are finally starting to turn around for me.” Bethany says.

In the Goo Village Park, Daisy is sitting on the park bench in front of the water fountain, making faces at Harper in her stroller, when Rebecca walks up to them. “Hello Daisy, good to see you out and about.” Rebecca says. “Did you think I was going to hide in my room for the rest of my life?” Daisy wonders. “Well I wasn’t sure what state of mind you were in after everything that happened in Siberia.” Rebecca notes. “I’m fine, I do appreciate the concern though, despite the fact that it’s phony.” Daisy says. “Believe whatever you’d like, but I do feel terrible about everything you had to go through at my uncle’s hand.” Rebecca says. “Right, sure you do. On a more positive note, I understand that Andy is awake. I’m happy for him.” Daisy says. “We’re all very happy.” Rebecca notes. “I’m kinda surprised you aren’t with him right now. I would have assumed that you wouldn’t want to leave his side.” Daisy says. “He insisted that I get some fresh air. To be perfectly honest with you, I think he was just tired of me hovering and wanted some space.” Rebecca says. “Can’t blame him for that…anyways, if there was nothing else, Harper and I were waiting for Dylan to come back.” Daisy says. “Is he going to be long?” Rebecca wonders. “I’m not sure how long he’s going to be. Why?” Daisy wonders. “Well, since I ran into you, I was hoping to ask you about something that happened in Siberia.” Rebecca says. “Oh?” Daisy questions. “You see, before Lawrence died, he told Dylan and I that Dylan wasn’t Harper’s father.” Rebecca says. “Yes, Dylan told me. I mean, obviously it’s not true! I’m sure Lawrence was just trying to mess with Dylan’s head. I’m not even sure where he would get such a crazy idea!” Daisy claims. “I thought he got it from you.” Rebecca says. “Excuse me?” Daisy asks. “When Ciara and I found Lawrence about to shoot you, I heard Lawrence yelling something about Harper not being a blood Stanpatos, so clearly that wasn’t something he had come up with while he was lying there dying.” Rebecca notes. “You’re right, it isn’t. Lawrence cornered me after he shot Lysandros, he wanted to take Harper from me, so I lied and I told him that Dylan wasn’t Harper’s father.” Daisy lies. “If that’s true, why tell me that you had no idea where Lawrence got the idea from? Clearly he got the idea because it’s what you had told him and he was convinced you were telling the truth.” Rebecca says. “He was convinced I was telling the truth because he despised me and wanted to think the worst of me!” Daisy lies. “Even if it meant believing Harper wasn’t his granddaughter?” Rebecca asks. “I’m sorry, but what is any of this to you?” Daisy questions. “Dylan is my brother, the only brother I have left, and I want to do everything I can to look out for him, so if Harper isn’t his, I think he has the right to know!” Rebecca states. “No, it has nothing to do with some phony concern for Dylan! You haven’t cared about Dylan for as long as I’ve known you! This is all about sticking it to me, creating this conspiracy theory that Dylan isn’t actually Harper’s father!” Daisy claims. “I didn’t come up with that, you did.” Rebecca says. “To save my daughter!” Daisy snaps. “Right, so you keep saying! And yet you’re getting awfully defensive.” Rebecca observes. “Because you’re standing there accusing me of lying about my daughter’s paternity!” Daisy points out. “Because that is what you told Lawrence! It just seems strange to me that you could have come up with literally anything to try and get yourself out of that situation, but you chose to tell Lawrence that Harper wasn’t Dylan’s daughter! It’s just very strange to me, that’s all.” Rebecca says. Daisy stands up and gets in Rebecca’s face. “You listen to me, you bitch. You inserted yourself into my relationship with Andy, you inserted yourself when I was pregnant with his child, but you will NOT insert yourself into my daughter’s life! Harper is Dylan’s daughter, whether you want to admit it or not. So do me, yourself, and everyone else a favor and drop this ridiculous theory of yours. It’s not going to lead anywhere besides you looking like a complete and total moron.” Daisy says. “God knows you have plenty of experience in that department, don’t you?” Rebecca asks. “You looking like a complete and total moron? Why yes, I have a lifetime of experience.” Daisy says. “Well if I’m as wrong about this as you claim, why are you acting so stressed? I mean, clearly what you told Lawrence couldn’t be true, so there’s nothing for you to worry about, right?” Rebecca asks. Before Daisy can respond, Dylan approaches them. “Hey there ladies, everything okay?” Dylan asks. “Everything is fine. Rebecca was just checking in on me after everything that happened in Siberia.” Daisy tells him. “That was generous of you.” Dylan says. “I try. Listen, I should really get going. I’ve got to go and pick up some prescriptions for Andy.” Rebecca says. “See you around then.” Dylan says. “Bye.” Rebecca says, before walking off. “Well that seemed tense.” Dylan observes. “You know our history, things are always going to be tense. So, now that you’re back, do you want to go and get an ice cream?” Daisy asks. “I’m actually gonna have to take a raincheck. I’m meeting with Andy to give him an answer about us going into business together.” Dylan says. “Isn’t he still recovering?” Daisy asks. “Yeah, that’s why I’m dropping by the Goo castle. I’ll let you know once I’m wrapped up there, maybe the three of us could go for a walk by the pond, feed the ducks.” Dylan says. “I’d love that. I’m sure Harper would too.” Daisy says. “I’m sure. Hey, are you sure you don’t want to talk about what happened between you and Rebecca? That seemed even tenser than usual.” Dylan points out. “I’m sure! Go to your meeting.” Daisy urges. “Okay. Catch up with you later.” Dylan says, before walking off. Once Dylan is gone, Daisy sighs. “I swear to god, Rebecca, you better not ruin this for me like you have everything else in my life. If the truth comes out about Harper, my entire life will be over.” Daisy mutters.

In Dannie's office, a furious Acerbi stands up. “She asked YOU to help organize this gala? Not the chief of staff, but YOU?!” Acerbi questions. “I had a feeling you'd react this way.” Dannie admits. “Why on earth would the hospital even need to host some silly gala?!” Acerbi asks. “You know as well as I do that the hospital hasn't been turning much of a profit, which is the reason the former owners decided to sell. This is Scarlett's way of trying to make some extra money and earn some good publicity for the hospital.” Dannie says. “Why turn to you for help? I am perfectly capable of organizing an event, no matter how foolish the idea may be.” Acerbi says. “She thought I might be a better fit because my last name is Goo, and having someone with the last name Goo attached to the project may draw attention.” Dannie tells her. “Don't be mislead, Dannie. Scarlett did not pick you because she believed you would bring good publicity, she picked you because she didn't want to pick me! Because she knew I would be utterly livid if she decided to work with someone else on a project like this! Do you think it's possible she is hoping to drive me to quit?” Acerbi wonders. “I think that's a bit of a reach.” Dannie says. “I don't! Scarlett hasn't been shy about the fact that she hates me!” Acerbi says. “Aunt Olivia, you are the one who hasn't been shy about your hate for Scarlett!” Dannie argues. “Perhaps she isn't being as forward as I am, but her passive aggressive nature has not gone unnoticed! Tell me, did you agree to help her with this ridiculous gala?” Acerbi questions. “Yeah, I think it's a fine idea.” Dannie admits. “Hmm, perhaps I could use that.” Acerbi mutters. “Excuse me?” Dannie questions. “I want you to work closely with Scarlett on this gala, and I want you to continue to develop a friendship with her. Clearly the two of you have clicked, otherwise she never would have chosen you for this project.” Acerbi says. “I don't understand. You were just going off about how upset you were that Scarlett chose me to work with her, and now you're being supportive of the idea?” Dannie asks. “Of course I am! If you're working closely with Scarlett, that means you can spy on her for me!” Acerbi states. “Oh my goodness, spy on her why?!” Dannie questions. “To get enough dirt on her that I can force her scrawny bottom out of this hospital! Scarlett comes from a rich family, she seems to be quite the party animal, now surely she MUST be hiding something! I need you to find out what that something is so that we can rid this hospital of her once and for all!” Acerbi says. “No, absolutely not! I'm not going to spy on my boss!” Dannie tells her. “I am your boss, and these are the orders I'm giving you. I trust you value your job, no?” Acerbi asks. “Are you trying to blackmail me? You do realize I could bring this to Scarlett's attention and she'd probably fire you, right?” Dannie asks. Acerbi sighs. “Perhaps threatening you with your job was a touch unwise.” Acerbi says. “Only a touch?” Dannie questions. “But I still need you to find something on that nasty woman! Something, anything! Whatever I can use to take this hospital back from her wretched clutches!” Acerbi says. Dannie sighs. “I won't do it. BUT, if I happen to see anything that I find concerning, I might be willing to pass it along.” Dannie says. Acerbi smiles. “Really?!” Acerbi asks. “ONLY if I think it's something that would be bad for the hospital! I'm not going to report back to you anything trivial, such as her liking pineapples on pizza or something equally as pointless.” Dannie says. “Well if she does, she's even more of a sociopath than I imagined. But, thank you for agreeing to do this. I'm confident you'll eventually come across something, and when you do, Scarlett King will become nothing more than a distant memory for this hospital.” Acerbi says.

In another part of the hospital, Bethany and Scarlett walk into Scarlett's office. “Wow, I can't believe your office is right across the hall from Acerbi! She must be pissed.” Bethany says. “Oh, she is. That's why I picked this one.” Scarlett admits. “Gotta love that level of petty. At least it's a nice office.” Bethany says. “Most definitely, I love it.” Scarlett says. “Well now that I've seen it, I should probably go and start making plans for my big move back into the Stanpatos mansion, as well as me finally having control of Stanpatos Enterprises again.” Bethany says. “Congrats again! We've really got to celebrate sometime.” Scarlett says. “I'm gonna hold you to that! See you around.” Bethany says. “Bye.” Scarlett responds. Bethany walks out. Once Bethany is gone, Scarlett locks the door behind her and heads over to her desk. Scarlett opens up a drawer and pulls out a syringe. Scarlett hesitates for a moment, before injecting the syringe into herself. Scarlett pulls the syringe out, a worried expression crossing her face…

At the Goo Castle, Andy is sitting on a lounge chair out in the patio when Dylan hands him a beer. “Don't tell Rebecca I gave you that, she might just kill me.” Dylan says. Andy laughs. “I'll keep my mouth shut.” Andy says. “So what's your recovery plan here? Are you planning to sit on your butt all summer long and do nothing? Sounds kinda nice, honestly.” Dylan says. “Rebecca has made it pretty clear that I need to take it easy or else I'm gonna land right in the dog house.” Andy says. “That's a pretty scary place to be!” Dylan admits. “Yeah. She also said something about hiring me a live in nurse while I'm recovering. She can only look after me for a few more days until she's back to work.” Andy says. “A live in nurse doesn't sound like a bad idea.” Dylan says. “Whatever gets me back on my feet the quickest. I'm really not looking forward to sitting around for the next few months. I want to be able to get my business up and running as soon as possible. Speaking of which, you said you were stopping by to give me an answer to my offer.” Andy says. “I did say that. I've returned control of Masters Corp to Lydia and I'm returning control of Stanpatos Enterprises to Bethany, which means I'm going to be in need of a job. Do you happen to know anyone who's hiring?” Dylan asks. Andy smiles. “I'm glad to have you on board!” Andy exclaims. “Yeah, I'm glad to be on board. It's going to be like old times for us, you know? But since I'm going to be an equal partner, I assume that means I'll have input on the name, right?” Dylan asks. “Funny you should mention that. I was just talking to Ava and she gave me this really neat idea for a name! What do you think of Dandy P.I Services?” Andy asks. “Dandy?” Dylan asks. “Yeah! It's our names combined together!” Andy says. “Yeah, I figured that.” Dylan says. “What do you think?” Andy questions. “Eh, not really a huge fan to be perfectly honest with you. Plus, it doesn't really fit the brand, you know? I don't think the people who hire us are going to be feeling too dandy when we deliver them proof that their spouse is cheating on them.” Dylan notes. “Yeah…I guess you’re right…” Andy says. “Back to the drawing board.” Dylan says. “Okay, I've got another one. How about A&D P.I Services?” Andy asks. “Wait a minute, how come your initial comes before mine?” Dylan questions. “Because I came up with the idea for the business! Plus, A comes before D in the alphabet!” Andy points out. “Ooooh, someone's been eating their alphabet soup. Did they serve you that in the hospital?” Dylan asks. “Very funny.” Andy says. “Wait a minute…I've got it! This is genius! We should call the firm D&A P.I Services!” Dylan exclaims. “So switch the initials around so that your's is first? How is that any better than my idea?” Andy questions. “I know it seems like I'm just suggesting this because I questioned your initial being first, but hear me out! D&A sounds a lot like DNA. Someone might hire a P.I to find a long lost relative, right? So DNA might be in the DNA of our business, which makes D&A perfect!” Dylan exclaims. “Oh my god…that really is perfect!” Andy admits. “Right?” Dylan asks. “Okay! D&A P.I Services it is!” Andy says. “Great name! I've got a good feeling about this, Andy. I think this business is going to be a roaring success!” Dylan says. “That's because the A team is back together again! The two of us, plus Ava working for us? We are going to be unstoppable!” Andy says. Dylan raises his beer bottle. “Cheers.” Dylan says. Rebecca walks out onto the patio. “I leave you alone for less than an hour and already you're breaking the rules of your recovery?” Rebecca questions. “There was something about no drinking, wasn't there?” Andy asks. “There was, but I guess I'll let it slide this time. So what has the two of you so hyped up?” Rebecca asks. “Dylan has agreed to be my partner at our new P.I firm…drum roll please…D&A P.I Services.” Andy reveals. “I couldn't be happier to be partnered up with this buffoon again.” Dylan says. “I couldn't be happier to see the two of you working together again. This is great. Oh! If you're still looking at that space in Goo Village, when I was there earlier I noticed that a business is moving in to the unit right next door that I think you'll be pretty pleased about: The Coffee Bean.” Rebecca says. Andy's face lights up. “The Coffee Bean is coming back?!” Andy asks. “I looked into it while I was waiting for your prescription to be ready and I guess it's under new ownership.” Rebecca says. “Well this day is just full of nostalgia! Andy and I working together, The Coffee Bean coming back…” Dylan says. “Fantastic City is starting to feel a lot like Fantastic City again.” Andy says. “It's a good time to live here.” Rebecca says. “And I still have a feeling that the best is yet to come.” Andy says, as he raises his beer bottle.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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