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Fantastic S5 Episode 139(7/23/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 139(7/23/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 139(7/23/24)

Post by QG Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:43 am

At Lydia’s mansion, Lucas and Lydia walk into the living room. “Home sweet home!” Lucas exclaims. “Oh my goodness! I never thought I would actually be back here! This is an absolute miracle.” Lydia says. “No it isn’t. I’ve known from the beginning that we were gonna prove your innocence one way or another.” Lucas says. “And you did.” Lydia says. “No, we did. You were the one who stared down the barrel of Mia’s gun to get a confession out of her, which I’m still not too thrilled I let you do.” Lucas says. “And we both know that I don’t need your permission to do anything, which is why I still did it. It all worked out in the end though. I’m free and Mia is the one in prison.” Lydia says. The doorbell rings. “I’ll get it.” Lydia says. Lydia runs into the foyer, opens the front door, and finds Julia standing outside. “Julia!” Lydia exclaims in surprise. “I hope this isn’t a bad time.” Julia says. “Um…no, I was just getting settled in.” Lydia tells her. “I can come back another time.” Julia says. “It’s fine. Come in.” Lydia urges. Julia walks in and Lydia leads her into the living room. “Look honey, Julia is here.” Lydia says. “I can see that. I hope you aren’t here to tell us that Mia broke out of prison.” Lucas says. “No, you don’t have to worry about that happening. I actually just got off the phone with the warden at Baronville and he told me that Mia arrived about a half hour ago.” Julia says. “I never thought I’d see the day where Mia actually had to answer for her crimes.” Lydia says. “It’s been known to happen from time to time, a criminal answering for their crimes.” Julia says. “So what brings you by? I’m sure you didn’t drive over here just to tell us that Mia has arrived at the prison.” Lucas says. “No, that isn’t the reason I’m here. I actually came to apologize.” Julia admits.

In Andy’s room at the hospital, Dylan is sitting by Andy’s bedside. “You don’t have to apologize. You didn’t have your memories.” Andy tells him. “That doesn’t excuse me for being an absolute jackass. I let my thirst for power cloud my judgment, and I thought that because of my last name that I was somehow better than everyone else. It was wrong of me, and I’m sorry. I’m especially sorry to you, you know, for keeping quiet about Daisy being the one who gaslit Rebecca, letting Bethany take the fall.” Dylan says. “Kinda sounds like you should be apologizing to Bethany for that.” Andy notes. “And I absolutely plan to. You’re just one of my many stops on my apology tour.” Dylan says. “Well I appreciate you thinking of me, but no apology is necessary. I forgive you.” Andy says. “Thank you. And I know this may be asking a bit too much, but is it possible that you and I could go back to being friends?” Dylan wonders. “How is that asking too much? I’d love that! Honestly, it wasn’t until recently that I realized how much I missed having you around. We used to see each other every single day back when we were partners at the Fantastic P.D, and even after you left the department, we’d still talk every single day.” Andy recalls. “I miss those days.” Dylan admits. “Well now that you’ve got your memories back, any chance you plan on going back? I remember you used to HATE the corporate world, so I can’t see you sticking with Stanpatos Enterprises.” Andy notes. “I’m still trying to figure out what my next move is. I think my days as a cop are probably over, too many rules and protocols you’ve got to follow. I’m not sure I’d be able to put up with them these days.” Dylan admits. “What about the WPA?” Andy wonders. “Funnily enough, Ciara actually just offered me a position at the WPA. I’m not interested though. If I rejoined as a field agent, I’d have to leave town on a regular basis, and it just isn’t feasible when I’m trying to raise a kid. I wasn’t there for Sabrina as much as I should’ve been, and I don’t want to make the same mistakes with Harper.” Dylan says. “I get that…wait a minute, I’ve got the perfect idea! You are going to love it!” Andy exclaims. “I’m listening.” Dylan says. “You should become a P.I!” Andy suggests. “A private investigator? I tried that out years ago, remember? I didn’t last too long before I went back to the Fantastic P.D.” Dylan recalls. “Well that had to have been almost fifteen years ago, a lot has changed since then. Besides, I have it under good authority that this up and coming P.I firm is hiring.” Andy says. “Now you want me to go and work for some random P.I firm? I thought we were talking about me opening my own firm.” Dylan admits. “I’m talking about you becoming a partner in this P.I firm.” Andy says. “Who’s partner?” Dylan questions. “Mine. Since Rebecca and I got back from our trip last year, I’ve been planning on opening my own P.I firm, but we’ve been so caught up in investigating Lawrence that I haven’t really been able to set anything up. Now that Lawrence is dead, my calendar is a lot more open.” Andy says. “That makes two of us. Tell me more.” Dylan says. “I still don’t really have all the details sorted out, but I was looking at possibly renting a unit in Goo Village for our HQ.” Andy says. “And I would be a partner? Not an employee?” Dylan asks. “Yeah! It’d be just like the old days! Except we wouldn’t have to answer to anyone and there would be less rules.” Andy says. “Hm, the less rules thing sounds appealing. Any other additional hires you’re planning?” Dylan wonders. “I’m thinking about bringing Ava on I know she's working for you at Stanpatos Enterprises right npw, but I'm not sure how she feels about keeping the job after the whole Lawrence ordeal.” Andy says. “I get it. So what's the deal there? Does she want to follow in her parents’ footsteps and become a cop?” Dylan wonders. “I don’t think so, but I figured it’d be good for her until she finds what she’s truly passionate about. So, what do you say? Are you interested?” Andy wonders. “I’m not ready to say yes just yet, but I’m also not saying no either. I’m definitely intrigued by your offer though.” Dylan says. “Well a maybe is better than a flat out no. I really hope you end up saying yes. Working with you again would be a dream come true.” Andy says. “Do you have a name picked out yet for the firm?” Dylan questions. “Not yet, but consider that another perk if you do sign on. I’ll let you help pick out the name!” Andy says. “This is starting to sound like emotional blackmail. I might have to sign on just to stop you from butchering the name and making a complete fool of yourself.” Dylan jokes. Andy laughs. “There you go! Now you can’t say no!” Andy says. Dylan smiles. “This is nice. Even if I don’t end up taking you up on your offer, I’m glad we’re in a good enough place for it to even be on the table.” Dylan says. “Me too, buddy. Me too.” Andy says.

At Bethany’s apartment, Bethany and Issac are playing patty cake on the couch. “Well, you are really good at this! You know that?” Bethany asks. “Better than you?” Issac asks. “Uh, WAY better than me! You could probably teach me a trick or two.” Bethany says. Someone knocks on the door. “That’s probably Grandma, she said she was gonna be coming to pick you up soon.” Bethany says. “Do I have to leave?” Issac asks. “Yes, because mama is really looking forward to spending time with you. She’s missed you.” Bethany says. “I missed her too, but I miss seeing you all the time mommy.” Issac says. “I know, me too buddy. Anyways, I should go and get the door.” Bethany says. Bethany stands up and walks over to the door, opens it, and finds Kaylie standing outside. “You aren’t Virginia.” Bethany observes. “No I’m not. Mama got called into a last minute meeting so I clocked out of work early to come over and pick up Issac.” Kaylie says. “Mama?” Issac asks. Kaylie walks past Bethany and kneels down as Issac comes running to her. “There’s my precious boy! Oh my goodness, I’ve missed you SO much! I’m sorry mama didn’t come to see you sooner, but I had to get right back to work as soon as I got back.” Kaylie says. “It’s okay, mommy and I were having lots and lots of fun. She says I’m even better at patty cake than she is!” Issac exclaims. “Wow! That is a great compliment if I’ve ever heard one! Do you have your things all put together?” Kaylie asks. Issac shakes his head. “I tried to get him to go and pack, but he kept asking for one more game of patty cake.” Bethany says. Kaylie looks up at Bethany and smiles. “And you never could say no to him.” Kaylie says. “No.” Bethany responds. Kaylie turns towards Issac. “Okay, go grab your stuff. I’ll hang out here and wait for you.” Kaylie says. Issac nods. “Okay!” Issac says, before running into the other room. Kaylie stands up. “Well it looks like he’s had fun here with you.” Kaylie notes. “We always have lots of fun together. I love spending time with him.” Bethany says. “He feels the same way about you.” Kaylie says. “So…I heard Siberia was quite the adventure, huh? Good to hear that Lawrence is finally dead.” Bethany says. “Lawrence is dead, the three diamond jewels are no longer a threat. I think it’s a real turning point for the city.” Kaylie says. “You didn’t get hurt at all, did you?” Bethany asks. “I’m fine.” Kaylie says. “You sure?” Bethany asks. “You don’t have to worry about me, Bethany. It’s not your responsibility anymore.” Kaylie says. “I never thought of caring about you as a responsibility, Kaylie. I just…do.” Bethany says. “Life would be easier for you if you’d stop.” Kaylie says. “It’s not that simple, which I’m sure you already know. Have you stopped caring about me?” Bethany questions. Kaylie pauses for a moment before answering. “No, I haven’t.” Kaylie admits. “Didn’t think so.” Bethany says. “Don’t get it twisted, okay? Still caring about someone is a lot different from giving them a second chance.” Kaylie says. “I know that, but…I still miss you, and I’m finding it incredibly difficult to be able to just move on with my life without giving you a second thought.” Bethany says. “And you think it’s not difficult for me? You were my first love, Bethany! I have never been as serious with anyone as I have been with you! But what happened between us…it’s just going to keep happening over and over again, you’re never going to change.” Kaylie says. “You don’t know that!” Bethany argues. “Yes I do! I gave you the chance to turn things around after what happened with Dylan, but you kept down the same path and ended up making the same mistakes again! Why should I believe that this time is going to be any different from the last time?” Kaylie wonders. “Because I know now that Dannie isn’t a threat to our relationship!” Bethany says. “It doesn’t mean anything! If it’s not Dannie, it’s probably gonna be someone else! You might think that I hate you over what happened, but I don’t. In fact, it’s taking everything in me not to give you another chance, but I know better! I know that this is gonna happen again and that my heart is going to be broken all over again, and I’m not going to let it happen! I won’t open myself up to that kind of pain again!” Kaylie tells Bethany.

In the living room of Lydia’s mansion, Lucas and Lydia are facing Julia. “I was wrong to railroad you the way I did. You had accused me of pursuing this case because I held a grudge against you for what happened with Lucas, and I denied it. But upon further reflection, I realize that I may have allowed my personal grievances to guide how I handled this case. I abused my power as District Attorney to settle a personal score and for that I am sorry.” Julia says. “I’m sorry too for the way everything went down between the three of us. All of that time I was fighting for Lucas, I hardly ever stopped to think about how any of this would affect you. I should’ve been more thoughtful.” Lydia says. “Yeah, me too.” Lucas says. “Well hopefully we can put all of this bad blood behind us. Obviously I’m not suggesting we go out and grab martinis any time soon, but I would like it if we didn’t have to cross the street every time we saw each other heading our way.” Julia says. “I’d like that too. At the end of the day, Julia, we’re all in the positions we’re currently in because Mia Goo and Lawrence Stanpatos decided to play god with our lives. Everything that has happened since then has been all their fault.” Lydia says. “Well Mia is in jail and Lawrence is dead, so we shouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.” Julia says. “Let’s hope not.” Lucas says. “I really appreciate you coming by and apologizing, Julia. I hope you know that I don’t hold any ill will towards you over this.” Lydia says. “Thanks, that means a lot. Anyways, I’m going to leave the two of you to whatever it is you were doing. I’m sure you have a lot of time to make up for.” Julia says. “Thanks for stopping by.” Lucas says. “No problem. Take care.” Julia says. “You too.” Lydia says. Julia walks out. “Well that was nice of her.” Lydia says. “It would’ve been nicer of her if she hadn’t let her emotions cloud her judgment and put you in prison for months.” Lucas adds. “Obviously it wasn’t right of her to do that, but she’s acknowledged that she was wrong and she’s apologized. That’s something a lot of people in her position would never do.” Lydia says. “I suppose you’re right. Well now that Mia is in jail and we’ve made peace with Julia, that means we can finally focus on what matters…our future together.” Lucas says. Lydia smiles. “I love the sound of that.” Lydia says, before pulling Lucas into a kiss.

In Andy’s room at the hospital, Dannie walks in on Dylan and Andy laughing. “Well what’s going on here?” Dannie wonders. “I just asked Dylan here to go into business with me.” Andy says. “Is that right? Won’t it be kind of hard to run Stanpatos Enterprises, Masters Corp, and a P.I firm at the same time?” Dannie asks. “I’m not really sure if I’m gonna stay in the corporate world. I’m definitely not going to be hanging on to Masters Corp. Now that Lydia’s been cleared, I’ll probably give her back the company.” Dylan says. “Lydia’s been cleared? I had no idea! That’s amazing!” Andy exclaims. “As it turns out, Mia is actually alive and Lydia got her on tape confessing to framing her for her own murder.” Dannie reveals. “Is Mia in custody?” Andy wonders. “I heard she was being transferred to Baronville today. I guess the immunity deal she made last Winter for kidnapping Lydia and shooting Lucas got revoked, since she named Lysandros as her accomplice even though he wasn’t.” Dylan says. “Good, it should be! Well I’m glad everything is hopefully gonna get back to normal for Lucas and Lydia.” Andy says. “And I’m sure Lydia will appreciate you returning Masters Corp to her.” Dannie says. “Not tonight though. I want to give her and Lucas some time to themselves.” Dylan says. “That’s very considerate of you, especially given your history with them.” Dannie notes. “I’m hoping to put all of that behind us.” Dylan says. “After everything they’ve been through, I’m sure they’d be all for that.” Andy says. Dylan stands up and turns towards Dannie. “I’d like to put any bad blood between us behind us too.” Dylan says. “I wasn’t aware there was any.” Dannie notes. Dylan shrugs. “I guess I haven’t really done anything to you personally, but I’ve also been out of touch for quite some time. Now that I remember my past and how important you are to me, I’d like to be able to get our friendship back on track. You and your mom…you treated me like another member of your family when you first came to Fantastic, and it made me start to see you as family. I’d like it if we could be friends again.” Dylan says. Dannie smiles. “I’d like that too.” Dannie says, before pulling Dylan into a hug. “It finally feels like all is right in the world. You know what would make this even better? If you agree to come and be my partner at my PI firm.” Andy tells Dylan. Dylan chuckles. “Like I said, I’m gonna need time to think that one through. But I promise, I won’t take too long.” Dylan says. “You better not.” Andy says. “Well I should be going, I’ve got a lot of thinking to do. It was great seeing you both.” Dylan says. “You too, and don’t be a stranger, okay?” Dannie asks. “I promise, I won’t be. Bye now.” Dylan says. “Bye bye.” Dannie says. Dylan walks out. “Well that almost felt like old times, didn’t it?” Dannie asks. “That’s what I kept saying!” Andy says. “So how are you feeling?” Dannie wonders. “Better and better by the second. What about you? How are things with you?” Andy questions. “They’re okay. The new owner of the hospital, Scarlett King, asked me to help organize this gala for the hospital with her.” Dannie says. “That’s a pretty big opportunity, to be able to work with the big boss herself.” Andy notes. “Yeah, I just don’t know how Acerbi is going to feel about it. Ordinarily, this is something that the chief of staff would be helping out with. When Acerbi finds out that Scarlett skipped over her for me, it could cause a problem.” Dannie admits.

“Is there anything I can do to prove to you that I’m willing to do better?” Bethany questions. “I’m not sure what. I’ll let you know when you actually do it.” Kaylie says. Issac comes running out, wearing a backpack. “I’m ready!” Issac exclaims. Kaylie picks up Issac. “Good! I was worried that the ice cream stand would close down before you were finished!” Kaylie says. “Ice cream?!” Issac asks. “Did I forget to mention we were going out for ice cream after this? My bad!” Kaylie says. “Can mommy come too?” Issac asks. Kaylie and Bethany exchange an awkward glance. “Mommy has to work, buddy. But I promise that I will take you out for ice cream real soon.” Bethany says. “How come we never do things together anymore?” Issac wonders. “We’ve been over this, sweetie. Mommy and I…we need time away from each other. You remember when you and Jax had that fight and you didn’t want to be around him, right? Well it’s sort of like that.” Kaylie says. “Will you two ever want to be around each other again?” Issac asks. “It’s…um…it’s hard to say.” Kaylie says. “You two should probably get going. You don’t want the ice cream stand to close before you get there.” Bethany says. “We need to run, mama!” Issac exclaims. “Yes we do!” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns towards Bethany. “Thanks for looking after him while I was gone.” Kaylie says. “I’d do anything for him…and for you.” Bethany says. Kaylie briefly smiles before carrying Issac out. Once Kaylie is gone, Bethany lets out a sigh and collapses onto the couch in disappointment.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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