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Fantastic S5 Episode 126(6/24/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 126(6/24/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 126(6/24/24)

Post by QG Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:21 am

In the Goo Living Room, Bethany comes and takes a seat in the middle of the sofa. “Hello everyone, and welcome to Bethany's Back Up! I'm the hostest with the mostest, you guessed it…Bethany! You're probably wondering what I'm doing here, huh? Well I've been asked by our esteemed producers to do this weekly segment where I recap all the fun bits that have been happening on our show! Since Kaylie dumped me, I don't really got anything better to do with my life. Anyways, let's just get the worst out of the way and start with Dannie. DANNIE. While my life is in shambles, Dannie is out clubbing with my ex girlfriend, you know, the one who I didn't need to be worried about! There was nothing going on between them! Like hell there wasn't! So Dannie and Kaylie went to this club down by the beach because we suddenly got money for a new set, it explains why they tore down the Club Aqua set. While they were out, they met this Australian chick named Scarlett who hit it off with Dannie right off the bat. I've just got one word for you, Scarlett: RUN! If you value your life, you will run off while you still have the chance! Doesn't look like those two have much of a chance anyway because it turns out that Scarlett is the person who bought the hospital, technically making them Dannie's boss! Aww, too bad so sad. Anyways, on to some other people I can't stand: Lucas and Lydia. Lydia's finally out of jail, but only because Lucas decided to bust her out before his sister could stick a knife into her back. So now they're both on the run, which I for one could not be happier about. Now they can both go to jail! Lucas cheated on me with Lydia, that in itself is deserving of a prison sentence! Last but not least-” Before Bethany can finish, Victor walks in. “Excuse me, what the hell is going on here?!” Victor questions. “The producers of Fantastic asked me to do some stupid weekly recap thingy.” Bethany reveals. “In my home?!” Victor asks. “Take it up with them! If it were up to me, I would've done this at the Stanpatos mansion!” Bethany says. “That's it, scoot over.” Victor demands. Bethany slides over and Victor sits next to her on the couch. “What are you doing?” Bethany wonders. “I'm here to make sure that this recap is as unbias as possible.” Victor says. “I can be objective.” Bethany claims. “You can't stand the majority of the people who live in this city!” Victor points out. “Well neither can you!” Bethany argues. “That isn't true! I love Fantastic City and I love the people in it.” Victor claims. “Does that mean you love me?” Bethany wonders. “No, you're despicable trash.” Victor says. Bethany rolls her eyes. “So what have you talked about so far?” Victor wonders. “I started off with Dannie's story line.” Bethany reveals. “Good god, I can't imagine how you butchered that in your favor.” Victor says. “Like you would've done much better.” Bethany says. “Hey, I love Dannie! I most definitely would have done a good job explaining their story line!” Victor argues. “You love them, huh? Tell me, what's Dannie's hair color?” Bethany wonders. Victor nervously laughs. “That's a silly question.” Victor says. “Then you should have no problem answering it correctly.” Bethany says. Victor looks over his shoulder at a photo of Dannie. “Uh…brown.” Victor answers. “You cheated!” Bethany snaps. “Oh shut the hell up and just tell me where you left off with the recap!” Victor shouts. “Can't do that, you told me to shut up.” Bethany points out. “Just answer the question! Are we talking about Lucas and Lydia? The real estate market? What?” Victor wonders. “Everything going down with the Stanpatos family.” Bethany answers. “Oh yeah, I did hear something about that. I guess Lawrence has kidnapped Ava.” Victor says. “And Harper.” Bethany says. “Who the hell is Harper?” Victor wonders. “Dylan and Daisy's daughter!” Bethany snaps. “Wasn't her name Sabrina?” Victor asks. “That's Dylan's daughter with Ciara! She's your granddaughter!” Bethany tells him. “Oh whatever! According to this post it note the producers just slipped me, Andy and Rebecca were gonna try and give Lawrence the two remaining diamond jewels in exchange for Ava. No mention of Harper…” Victor notes. “Yeah, that girls on her own.” Bethany says. “As it should be, she's not a Goo.” Victor says. “Speaking of Goos, your daughter teamed up with Dylan and Daisy to crash the little meet and greet with Lawrence.” Bethany says. “Why in the world would Ciara stoop as low as to team up with Daisy?” Victor wonders. Bethany shrugs. “Clearly she didn't inherit my brains.” Victor says. “Or maybe she did.” Bethany says. “So what happened? Is Lawrence dead?” Victor wonders. “No, the whole ambush thing went wrong and Andy got shot.” Bethany says. “Andy got shot?!” Victor questions. “Mmhm.” Bethany says. “Well damn. I would really like to go to the hospital to visit him, but I'd rather finish this recap first.” Victor says. “I think we're pretty much finished.” Bethany says. “Oh no, I know what you're doing! You're trying to get rid of me so you can give the closing statement! Well it isn't going to work! I am closing this recap!” Victor snaps. Victor turns towards the camera. “Thank you for joining me for this recap, I was delighted to be your hos-” Before Victor can finish, Bethany smashes a vase over his head and he collapses into her lap! “Oops, butter fingers!” Bethany says. Bethany turns towards the camera. “Thanks for joining me for the recap, it's been a blast. Can't wait to see you all next week, hopefully without any party crashers!” Bethany says. Bethany then pushes Victor off of her lap and onto the floor.

In Goo Village, Colin is walking through the food court when Daisy runs up behind him. “Colin, hey! Wait up!” Daisy urges. Colin turns around. “What?!” Colin questions. “Wow, no need to bite my head up. Don’t forget that we’re on the same side.” Daisy points out. Colin sighs. “I apologize, I shouldn’t have reacted that way.” Colin says. “It’s okay. I think we’re all a bit on edge right now with all of this uncertainty.” Daisy says. “You especially. Your daughter is in the hands of a madman.” Colin notes. “Yeah, that fact has not been lost on me.” Daisy says. “I know, I’m sorry.” Colin says. “Don’t worry about it. Listen, the reason I followed you here is because I wanted to see how you’re holding up. You were pretty upset when you left the castle.” Daisy notes. “Aren’t you? The people we care about are in danger and there isn’t anything we can do about it.” Colin says. “Yeah, about that. You and I aren’t nearly as powerless as Rebecca would like us to think we are. In fact, I think there might be a way you and I could help each other out.” Daisy tells him.

At Kristina’s Boutique, Kristina opens the front door for Kaylie. “Thanks for letting me in.” Kaylie says. “We aren’t open yet, but I’ll make an exception for you since you’re such a good friend. How have you been?” Kristina wonders. “I’m alright.” Kaylie claims. “You sure? I…I heard that things went south between you and Bethany.” Kristina says. “I’m managing. I have a young son I need to care for, I can’t afford to be a mess.” Kaylie notes. “That doesn’t mean you have to shut out your emotions.” Kristina says. “Can we please not talk about Bethany? I’d rather talk about literally anything else.” Kaylie says. “Sure. You must have something specific to talk about for you to stop by so early.” Kristina says. “I wanted to come and catch up with you, but I do have a professional reason for being here too.” Kaylie says. “Professional? Uh oh. Am I in trouble?” Kristina asks. “No, I just need to cover all of my bases and see if you’ve had any contact with Lucas since he broke Lydia out of Baronville.” Kaylie says. “No, Lucas has not made any contact.” Kristina says. “Okay, good. That’s all I needed to know.” Kaylie says. “Great! Does that mean I’m off the hook?” Kristina wonders. Kaylie smiles. “You were never on the hook. But now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, tell me how things for you have been going.” Kaylie urges. “They haven’t been going. I work, I go home, that’s it.” Kristina says. “I heard Brady is back in town.” Kaylie says. “He is. I actually stopped by to see him before coming here.” Kristina says. “Awfully early in the day for a visit between exes.” Kaylie notes. “I’m sure you’ve heard that Lawrence Stanpatos had his leg cut off, I just wanted to make sure he was okay.” Kristina says. “And how did that go?” Kaylie wonders. “Fine, right up until he basically kicked me out.” Kristina says. “He kicked you out?! Why? Come on, spill the tea!” Kaylie urges. “I was open to being Brady’s friend, but it turns out he isn’t open to being mine.” Kristina reveals. “Why not? I thought you two were on decent terms when he left.” Kaylie says. “We were. The problem is that Brady is worried that spending time with me might reignite his feelings for me, and he doesn’t want that to happen when he knows he doesn’t have a chance with me.” Kristina says. “Is he right about not having a chance with you? Or do you think it’s possible for the two of you to work things out?” Kaylie wonders.

At the Slate Gray restaurant, Ciara and Julia are sitting at a table. “I’ve spoken to some former contacts of mine at the WPA, but none of them have been able to dig anything up on Lawrence or his location.” Ciara says. “The Fantastic P.D have put all their resources into trying to track him down, but I don’t think there’s much they can do at this point. Pretty sure Lawrence is probably long gone by now.” Julia says. “Rebecca is right, this really is all my fault. I never should’ve crashed that meeting.” Ciara says. “There never should’ve been a meeting in the first place! I’m no huge fan of the police, but this is the sort of thing that you let them handle.” Julia says. “I get that you’re still sort of new to town, so let me give you some words of wisdom from your older sister. The cops have been trying to handle the Stanpatos family for years, they’ve never been successful. I can count on one hand the amount of days Andre Stanpatos has actually spent in jail for his crimes, and he was a local terrorist!” Ciara recalls. “Was there never enough evidence to charge him?” Julia wonders. “There either wasn’t enough evidence, or the evidence the police did have would end up mysteriously vanishing. Well Andre wasn’t born a master criminal, he learned all of his sadistic tendencies from the elders in his family. His father, his mother, his uncle Lawrence.” Ciara says. “Well there has to be a way to stop Lawrence.” Julia says. “That’s what we always said about Andre, but we never managed to do it. Not until Rebecca killed him, that is.” Ciara says. Victor wheels Brady over to the table. “Hey, sorry we’re late.” Victor says. “Yeah. Takes me a bit longer to get out of the house than it used to.” Brady adds. “Don’t worry about it. It’s good to see you again, Brady.” Julia says. “You too. How have you been?” Brady wonders. “Life has been a bit hectic, but I don’t think a family breakfast is the place to get into any of that.” Julia says. Julia turns towards Victor. “Any idea if mama is going to be joining us?” Julia wonders. “No, she isn’t. I asked her to, but she thought it would be nice for me to spend time with just my children. Besides, she’s keeping herself busy. She’s taking Issac to the zoo today.” Victor says. “Ah, nice. She must love being able to spend more time with Issac now that he and Kaylie are living with her.” Julia says. “She’s over the moon! She just isn’t too happy about Kaylie breaking up with Bethany.” Victor says. “She should be. Kaylie dodged a bullet not marrying that trash.” Ciara says. “Agreed. Bethany has broken Kaylie’s heart more times than I can count, she’s better off without Bethany in her life.” Julia says. “I’ve tried explaining that to Virginia, but she refuses to listen.” Victor says. “She has a right to her opinion, Dad.” Brady points out. “I understand that. What I don’t understand is how she can be so blinded by that awful woman!” Victor says. Ciara receives a text message and her face lights up when she reads it. “Is everything okay?” Victor wonders. “Everything is better than okay! I just got some news that I think will brighten all of our days.” Ciara says.

At the Goo Castle, Rebecca is pacing in the living room, on the phone. “I definitely think it’s safe to call off the search for Lawrence. There’s no way that he’s still in Fantastic City…we aren’t giving up! Unfortunately, this is bigger than the Fantastic P.D now. For now, we just need to cooperate with the FBI and any other law enforcement agency that may be trying to locate Lawrence and provide them with everything we know…okay, thanks Don. Bye.” Rebecca says, before hanging up. Bethany walks in. “Hey, you’ve got a visitor.” Bethany says. Rebecca turns around. “Who?” Rebecca wonders. Jackie comes in behind Bethany. “Hey Rebecca.” Jackie says. “Jackie, I wasn’t expecting to see you.” Rebecca admits. “I would’ve been here a lot sooner but my flight got delayed. I heard about everything that’s been happening with Lawrence, I want to help in any way I can.” Jackie says. “That wouldn’t be a conflict of interest given Lawrence’s connection to the WPA?” Rebecca questions. “Lawrence has been removed as director, which means the agency is now pouring all of their resources into tracking him down.” Jackie says. “Any luck?” Rebecca wonders. “Not so far.” Jackie says. “It sounds like the two of you probably don’t need me hanging around, so I’m gonna head out.” Bethany says. “Sure. Thanks for stopping by, Bethany. I really appreciate the support.” Rebecca says. “No problem. Call me if you need anything. Love you.” Bethany says. “Love you too.” Rebecca says. Bethany walks out. “So, any luck on your end?” Jackie wonders. “Nothing. After Lawrence left the woods, it’s as if he disappeared without a trace.” Rebecca says. “I’ve done everything I can to try and pick up his trail, but I haven’t had any luck either. He did an excellent job of covering his tracks.” Jackie says. “Well there is one way we could possibly track him down. Lawrence has all three of the diamond jewels now, which means he’s going to want to put them to use.” Rebecca says. “But we don’t know what he’s planning to use them for. The machine Madeline Masters tried to use years ago was destroyed, so we know it can’t be that.” Jackie says. “Which means there had to have been other devices. Does the WPA have any information on any of those devices? I’m sure after everything that happened with Madeline years ago, they must have done extensive research into the three diamond jewels and what they’re capable of.” Rebecca says. “All files pertaining to the three diamond jewels are heavily classified and I don’t have the clearance to view them. The only person who would is the director.” Jackie says. “Which is probably how Lawrence found out the location of this device in the first place…Jackie, if we can’t figure out what Lawrence is planning to do, we’re never going to be able to find him.” Rebecca says. “Hey, this isn’t a question of if we’ll figure it out, it’s a question of when. We will find Lawrence and we will bring all of his hostages home safe, including your daughter.” Jackie says. Rebecca receives a text. “Hold on a second…” Rebecca says. Rebecca pulls out her phone and looks at it. “Huh, this is strange…” Rebecca mutters. “What is it?” Jackie wonders. “Someone just texted me and said they have the information I’m looking for, they want to meet in Andy’s hospital room.” Rebecca reveals. “That sounds kinda sus, don’t you think?” Jackie asks. “Definitely, but where we don’t have a single lead so far, I’m not sure there’s much harm in going there to see what this is all about.” Rebecca says.

In the food court of Goo Village, Colin and Daisy are now sitting at a table. “You think we can help each other out? What exactly did you have in mind?” Colin wonders. “You live at the Goo castle, which means you are perfectly positioned to monitor Rebecca and any progress she may make in finding Lawrence and the hostages.” Daisy notes. “So you want me to spy on Rebecca on your behalf?” Colin asks. “On our behalf, Colin! If you keep an eye on Rebecca, when she does finally figure out where Lawrence went, you could be one of the first to know about it.” Daisy says. “Mmhm, and what then? It’s not as if I can just jet off to wherever Lawrence has gone. My mother would never approve of me using the family jet for something like that, and Aunt Lydia is otherwise engaged with her being a fugitive and all that.” Colin says. “You don’t need them, you’ve got me. Since Dylan is missing, I have access to the Stanpatos jet. If you can get me a location on Lawrence, I can get us both there.” Daisy says. “You really mean that?” Colin asks. “Sure. If you’re able to get that information for me, it’s the least I could do.” Daisy says. “Uh…yeah, sure then. I will see what I can do. I’m not going to make any promises though. From what I understand, Rebecca is one of the best. She may not let that sort of information slip so easily, even if she believes no one is watching.” Colin says. “Maybe not under normal circumstances, but Rebecca is currently under a great deal of stress. That sort of stress can sometimes lead to carelessness, which could be a very good thing for us.” Daisy says. Daisy stands up. “Just stay close to her as often as possible. I’m confident you’ll be able to find something that we can use.” Daisy says. “I’ll do what I can.” Colin says. Daisy smiles. “Thanks! I really owe you one! Good luck!” Daisy says, before walking off.

In Kristina’s Boutique, Kristina and Kaylie both sit down. “You know that expression time heals all wounds?” Kristina asks. “Pretty sure we’ve all heard that at least a million times.” Kaylie says. Kristina laughs. “Well I’ve found that I’m not actually angry at Brady anymore, I don’t think there’s any kind of resentment there either.” Kristina says. “So do you think it’s possible that you could maybe give him another chance?” Kaylie wonders. “I…I don’t know. What if I decided to forgive him, we give our relationship another go, and then all that does is bring up those painful memories of what happened with our baby? It’s easy to say that that’s not going to happen, but I really don’t know if that’s actually true. I can’t guarantee that I’m not going to be setting myself up to experience that pain all over again, and I don’t want to give Brady any kind of false hope.” Kristina says. “I get that, but the two of you used to be really good together, at least from everything you’ve told me. Doesn’t a part of you want that back?” Kaylie asks. “Does a part of you want back what you had with Bethany?” Kristina questions. “What happened between me and Bethany…it’s complicated.” Kaylie says. “What happened between Brady and I is complicated.” Kristina notes. “Well despite everything, at least you know you can trust Brady. Bethany keeps proving to me that she can’t be trusted.” Kaylie says. “Yeah…trust has never been an issue for Brady and I, at least not me trusting him. I know I’ve given him reason not to trust me in the past.” Kristina says. “That sort of trust is hard to come by, Krissy.” Kaylie says. “I know…I just don’t want to get my heart broken, I don’t want to break Brady’s heart!” Kristina says. “And I totally get that. But sometimes, love is worth taking a risk on, especially when the person you love is someone you thought of as your soulmate.” Kaylie says. At that moment, Bethany walks in. “Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something?” Bethany asks. Kristina and Kaylie stand up. “We were just talking for a bit before I open.” Kristina says. “The sign says you open at 9, it’s almost 9:30.” Bethany notes. “Shoot! I guess I got so caught up in our conversation, I lost track of time.” Kristina says. “I should probably get going then.” Kaylie says. “No! You can stay if you want!” Kristina says. “It’s okay. I don’t want to distract you from your work. We’ll talk later.” Kaylie says. “Yes we will.” Kristina says. Kaylie briefly smiles at Bethany before walking out. “Well, she smiled at me. Maybe that’s progress?” Bethany wonders. “What brings you by?” Kristina asks. “I just came from checking up on Rebecca.” Bethany says. “How is she?” Kristina questions. “Not good. Seeing her so down kinda depressed me, so I thought I would cheer myself up by buying a new dress.” Bethany says. “You’re in luck! We just got something new in that I think really screams Bethany Wilson.” Kristina says. “I’d love to see it.” Bethany says. Kristina begins looking on the clothes rack for the dress. “Hey, does…does Kaylie talk about me at all with you?” Bethany wonders. “This is actually the first time we’ve talked since everything happened between you two.” Kristina admits. “Did she say anything about me today?” Bethany asks. Kristina turns towards Bethany. “We mostly talked about me.” Kristina tells her. “You didn’t ask how Kaylie was doing?” Bethany questions. “I did, she didn’t want to talk about herself. Without betraying my friend’s trust in me, I can tell she’s really hurt over what went down between you two.” Kristina says. “Do you think there’s any way I can fix it?” Bethany wonders. Kristina shrugs. “I really don’t know. From what I can see, Kaylie’s biggest issue is that the trust between you two has been destroyed. Unless you can somehow get her to trust you again, I’m not sure you’ll be able to earn her forgiveness.” Kristina says. “So I just have to prove that I’m not gonna lie to her again.” Bethany says. “You can’t just prove it to her, Bethany. You have to commit to it! Kaylie isn’t gonna take your word on anything, she’s going to want to be confident that you aren’t going to pull any more stunts like that again! Are you even confident that you can manage that?” Kristina wonders. Bethany contemplates.

At the Slate Gray restaurant, Victor, Ciara, Julia, and Brady are still sitting around a table. “Are you ever going to tell us what that text was about?!” Victor wonders. “It’s a surprise.” Ciara says. “We don’t like surprises, sis. Come on, just spit it out!” Brady urges. Ciara looks towards the elevator. “Turn around.” Ciara tells them. Victor, Julia, and Brady look towards the elevator, just as V.J approaches the table! “So this is where the party is!” V.J exclaims. “V.J?!” Victor questions. Victor stands up and pulls V.J into a hug. “Oh my goodness, you have no idea how thrilled I am to see you!” Victor tells him. “It’s good to see you too, Dad. Happy belated father’s day, by the way.” V.J says. “You already texted me to say that ON father’s day.” Victor points out. “Yeah, but saying it in person means more.” V.J says. V.J walks over to Brady. “Hey baby bro, I heard you were back in town.” V.J says. “And I heard you were alive.” Brady says. “I tried calling you to give you to the good news, but I guess you got yourself kidnapped, huh? I’m dead for a couple of years and you couldn’t help but get yourself into trouble.” V.J jokes. “Leave the poor kid alone, he’s been through enough. So, where’s Serena? Did she come back with you?” Victor wonders. “Yeah, she went to try and find Colin.” V.J says. “I’m surprised you didn’t go with her.” Victor admits. “I thought I’d catch up with the rest of the family first. Especially Brady here, since I didn’t get to see him last time I was in town.” V.J says. “So since you’re back, does that mean you’re all finished with the deprogramming? Are you back for good?” Julia wonders. “Uh…no, I’m not done with the deprogramming yet, just taking a little break.” V.J says. “As happy as I am to have you back, that doesn’t sound like the sort of thing you can just take a break from.” Victor notes. “It isn’t, but some things are more important. Ciara, do you have a second to talk?” V.J asks. “Yeah, of course. You wanna head out onto the balcony?” Ciara wonders. “That’d be fine.” V.J says. Ciara stands up and follows V.J out. “That was weird.” Brady admits. “Tell me about it. He’s back for all of five seconds and already he’s wanting to talk to Ciara in private.” Victor says. “Something tells me that V.J didn’t come home to catch up with the family.” Julia says.

V.J and Ciara walk out onto the balcony of Slate Gray. “What’s up?” Ciara wonders. “I want to help take down Lawrence.” V.J tells her. “That came out of nowhere.” Ciara notes. “I heard about everything that happened. Ava, Dylan, and Dylan’s daughter getting kidnapped, Lawrence taking off with the three diamond jewels, Andy getting shot, it all sounds really bad.” V.J says. “That’s one word for it.” Ciara says. “So it sounds like you and Rebecca could use all the help you can get in finding Lawrence and taking him down.” V.J says. “Rebecca and I, we aren’t working together on this.” Ciara says. “Why not?” V.J wonders. “She kinda blames me for what happened to Andy last night.” Ciara says. “Why? You weren’t the one who shot Lawrence.” V.J points out. “But I did crash her meeting with Lawrence, which led to Andy getting shot. I get why she’s angry with me.” Ciara says. “Well whether she has good reason or not, we need to stick together on this if we’re gonna take that son of a bitch down.” V.J says. “Why are you so invested?” Ciara wonders. “Because of what he did to you, what he did to Brady. He needs to pay for all of that.” V.J says. “Agreed. But…are you sure coming back was such a good idea? You still aren’t fully recovered from what Madeline did to you.” Ciara notes. “Maybe, but my family needs me.” V.J says. Ciara smiles. “I’m so glad to have you back.” Ciara says, before pulling V.J into a hug.

In the food court of Goo Village, Colin stands up and turns around just as Serena walks up to him. “Just the man I was looking for!” Serena says. Colin smiles. “Mother?!” Colin asks. “The one and only!” Serena exclaims, as she pulls Colin into a hug. “I didn’t realize you were coming!” Colin says. “It was a last minute decision.” Serena says. “Is V.J here with you?” Colin wonders. “No, he actually went to crash a family breakfast with his dad and siblings. I’m surprised the two of you didn’t see each other, the front door of Slate Gray is right over there.” Serena notes. “I’ve been pretty distracted.” Colin says. “Yeah, so hasn’t he. The whole reason we’re back is because V.J wants to help with the search for Lawrence.” Serena says. “Is that wise?” Colin wonders. “Not sure, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it. At the very least, I get to see my family: AKA just you. Your brother is still living out of town and your aunt is on the run, so you’re the only family I’ve got here right now.” Serena says. “Well I am delighted to see you.” Colin says. “So how are you doing?” Serena wonders. “I’m doing well.” Colin says. “Really? Even with everything going on with Ava? I know when we last talked, you mentioned that the two of you were getting closer.” Serena recalls. “Rebecca is doing everything possible to bring Ava home safely.” Colin says. “I’m sure she is, but that isn’t gonna stop you from worrying.” Serena says. “No…no it is not.” Colin admits. “Well try not to worry too much. Ava will be brought home safely, and as for Lawrence Stanpatos…that bastard is gonna get exactly what he deserves.” Serena says. “I certainly hope so. Not only has he kidnapped Ava, but apparently he was the one who faked Aunt Lydia’s death.” Colin says. “I heard that too.” Serena says. “He needs to finally pay for all of his misdeeds, one way or another.” Colin says.

At the hospital, Rebecca rushes into Andy’s hospital room and finds an unknown man sitting by Andy’s bedside. “Who are you?!” Rebecca questions. The man stands up. “Calm yourself, Commissioner Rogers. I come in peace.” The man says, with a british accent. “Great, that still doesn’t answer my question.” Rebecca notes. “My name is Nigel, I worked closely with your husband’s grandfather, Stan Goo.” Nigel reveals. “At the WPA or as a part of his criminal organization?” Rebecca wonders. “A little bit of both.” Nigel says. “What are you doing here, Nigel?” Rebecca questions. “I’ve heard that the diamond jewels have come back into play, I thought that maybe I could help.” Nigel says. “How?” Rebecca wonders. “Did you know that Stan was the person who created the three diamond jewels?” Nigel asks. “Someone had mentioned that to me before, though I wasn’t sure if it was true or not.” Rebecca says. “It’s very much true. You see, Stan was not only a genius in the medical field, he was also a genius in the scientific field as well. Quite early in his career, he began secretly doing work for the United States government. This was right around the time of World War II, back when the entire world was in chaos. Seeing Stan’s abilities first hand, the government asked him to develop weapons that they could use against their enemies. The government probably assumed that Stan was going to develop some sort of bomb, but his ideas were more outside the box.” Nigel says. “Like a machine capable of causing a global heat wave?” Rebecca questions. “Among many zany inventions. By the time Stan was finished, he had created a total of nine weapons, each had been stashed across different corners of the world so that no one would be able to find them. However, these weapons possessed power that had never before been seen by the world. As such, they need a source of power to activate them.” Nigel says. “The three diamond jewels.” Rebecca realizes. “Stan disguised them as jewels so that no one would ever realize the power they held, in case they were to ever fall into the wrong hands.” Nigel says. “So why didn’t the three jewels stay with the government? How did they end up scattered across the globe?” Rebecca wonders. “Because the day Stan was supposed to turn the jewels over to the government, he had a last minute change of heart. He realized just how catastrophic the results could be if the U.S, or anyone for that matter, were to ever activate the weapons. So rather than turn the jewels over to the government, he stashed them away somewhere. As for how those jewels ended up falling into the wrong hands later, I truly have no idea.” Nigel says. “Why are you telling me this?” Rebecca wonders. “Because the fate of the world is at risk and you seem to have a vested interest in taking down the man responsible.” Nigel says. “I appreciate the information you’ve given me, but unfortunately it doesn’t help me track down Lawrence.” Rebecca says. “I know, which is why I’ve brought with me something that will.” Nigel says. Nigel reaches into his pocket, pulls out a worn book, and hands it over to Rebecca. “What’s this?” Rebecca wonders. “Stan’s journal. Inside that journal, he details the creation of the jewels, he talks about the weapons and what they were designed to do, and he lists coordinates for each and every weapon.” Nigel reveals. Rebecca’s eyes widen. “Are you serious?” Rebecca asks. “Mmhm. If you can deduce which weapon Lawrence plans on using, you’ll be able to track him down. Good luck.” Nigel says, before walking out. Rebecca looks down at Andy. “This could be just the break I was looking for.” Rebecca mutters…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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