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Fantastic S5 Episode 119(6/5/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 119(6/5/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 119(6/5/24)

Post by QG Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:07 am

At the Seashell Lounge, Kaylie and Dannie walk through the front door and discover it to be pretty packed. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting this place to be so busy.” Kaylie notes. “I told you it was popular.” Dannie says. “Will we even be able to find ourselves seats?” Kaylie wonders. “I think I see a couple of free seats at the bar. Come on.” Dannie urges. Dannie and Kaylie walk over to the bar and sit down. The bartender walks over to them. “What can I get you two?” The bartender asks. “I’ll have a Bethatini please.” Kaylie says. “A what now?” The bartender questions. “Sorry, that kinda slipped out. I’ll just take a beer please.” Kaylie says. “A cosmo for me, please.” Dannie says. “Coming right up.” The bartender says. “Here I am trying to get my mind off of Bethany and I accidentally ask for her signature drink. It’s on the menu at Club Aqua and when I was dating her that was the only bar I ever went to.” Kaylie admits. “You don’t need to explain yourself to me, I understand that you’re hurting. That’s why it makes sense to me that Bethany would never be far from your mind. But, hopefully tonight will help you with moving on.” Dannie says. “Yeah…listen, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea or anything. I agreed to go out with you platonically. I’m not ready for any kind of relationship.” Kaylie says. “Did you think I asked you here on a date?” Dannie wonders. “Honestly I wasn’t sure what you thought this was. I just wanted to, you know, make sure we were on the same page.” Kaylie says. “Yeah, I understand that. Don’t worry, I know where we stand, where we’ll continue to stand.” Dannie says. “Okay, good.” Kaylie says. “For the sake of complete honesty though, I’m not going to lie to you. There was a little while where I did have a crush on you, it’s actually the reason I signed up for that dating app. I knew my feelings for you were wrong and I wanted to try my hardest to forget about them.” Dannie admits. “Oh, wow. Did-did it work?” Kaylie asks. “Yeah, it worked. Granted, I ended up getting Jenna as a match so I’m not really sure how well it worked out. But, I was able to move past my feelings for you. To be perfectly honest, I’m not really sure how well a relationship between you and I would have worked out anyway.” Dannie says. “Why’s that?” Kaylie asks. “We’re too much alike! I realize in some cases that might be a good thing, but I don’t think it would work out too well in our case. I think we’re better off as just friends.” Dannie says. Kaylie smiles. “I agree, and I’m really happy to have you as a friend. If it weren’t for you, I’d probably be sitting at home right now catching up on the soaps. Good for a little distraction, but maybe not good to make me feel better long term.” Kaylie admits. “You won’t have to worry about that. I don’t care if it takes all night, you and I are not leaving this bar until you are laughing and you have a smile on your face.” Dannie says. “Challenge accepted.” Kaylie says.

At Baronville, a guard leads Lydia into her cell where Gretta is sitting on the bed. “Lydia, you’re back! I was so worried about you! I thought maybe you had succumbed to your injuries and died!” Gretta says, feigning concern. Lydia smirks. “Don’t worry, I’m doing just fine. The doctors have given me the all clear.” Lydia says. “Well that’s good. Though I’m sure you would’ve preferred to be given the all clear to go home, instead of, you know, here.” Gretta says. “I’ll be going home soon enough.” Lydia says. Gretta gives her a thumbs up. “Sure you will! You should really try to keep that positivity going! I hear it’s infectious!” Gretta says. “If I wanted to infect you with something, it sure as hell wouldn’t be positivity.” Lydia notes. “Are you still upset with me?” Gretta questions. “You tried to have me killed.” Lydia points out. “No I did not! What happened to you was grossly misunderstood.” Gretta claims. “Oh? Please enlighten me as to what your intent actually was then!” Lydia urges. “Just to help my poor, deluded brother understand how severe this situation is.” Gretta says. “Right, for your mob friends. See, if you’re hoping to get Lucas’ help, I don’t think having the woman he loves attacked is the best way to go about getting it.” Lydia says. “Threatening his loved ones worked for Mia Goo, back when she got him to come and work for her.” Gretta recalls. “Lucas has grown quite a bit since then. He did some horrible things working for Mia and he isn’t interested in putting himself in that position again.” Lydia says. “I don’t know. I’m willing to bet that the threat of losing you has caused him to reevaluate certain things. I wouldn’t rule out him agreeing to my offer just yet.” Gretta says.

In Monte Carlo, Andy and Rebecca approach the ruins of the front of Lawrence’s compound. “We got away just in the nick of time.” Rebecca notes. “I hope the others were as lucky. DYLAN! DAISY! BRADY!” Andy calls out. “WE’RE HERE!” A voice calls back. Andy and Rebecca turn to see Dylan and Daisy helping Brady out of the rubble of the building. “Thank god you’re okay!” Andy says. “The part of the building we were in didn’t get damaged from the explosion.” Dylan says. “We’re all lucky to be alive. Once we cut the wire, the bomb only had 10 seconds on the timer.” Rebecca reveals. “Lawrence wanted to make sure whoever was near the bomb didn’t have much chance to escape.” Dylan realizes. “We should get the three of you to the hospital.” Andy says. “Dylan and I are fine! We just need some food and water.” Daisy says. “You’ve gone 48 hours without food and water, I think it’d be best for you both to be examined by a medical professional.” Rebecca says. Rebecca turns towards Brady. “And you, after the trauma you’ve been through, you definitely should see a doctor.” Rebecca says. “Yeah, absolutely.” Brady says. “Any word on Lawrence?” Dylan wonders. “We don’t know where he went after he left the two of you here, but I can tell you he won’t be returning to Fantastic City. Thanks to everything that happened here, we finally have enough to charge Lawrence with a crime.” Rebecca says. “Which means the chance of him resurfacing are slim to none.” Dylan notes. “He’s gonna have to come back at some point. He still wants those jewels.” Andy points out. “And now that he’s wanted by the police, he doesn’t have anything to lose.” Daisy notes.

At the Seashell Lounge, Kaylie and Dannie now have their drinks. “So the hospital is in trouble and you’re conflicted over possibly buying it? Mmm, rich people problems.” Kaylie jokes. “Aren’t you technically rich too?” Dannie asks. “My mom is rich, none of that money is mine. I don’t want any of that money to be mine! Seriously though, if you think you buying the hospital could possibly save it, why are you hesitating?” Kaylie wonders. “Because it would mean the end of my career as a psychiatrist. I’d be attending board meetings and overseeing profits or whatever, which is something the Goo family has never really been about. Besides, the fact that I don’t know the proper terms to use about these things suggest that maybe I shouldn’t be the CEO of a major hospital.” Dannie notes. “I’m sure you could hire somebody that could help you.” Kaylie says. “But still, there’s my original point about not being able to be a psychiatrist anymore. I can’t do both.” Dannie points out. “Right, the famous monkey paw.” Kaylie says. “What do you think I should do?” Dannie wonders. “I think you should do whatever you want to do. I could tell you to go ahead and buy the hospital, and then you could be absolutely miserable because you aren’t doing what you love most in the world. On the other hand, I could also tell you to stick with being a psychiatrist and then the person who does end up buying the hospital could close the whole place down.” Kaylie says. “And then I would be out of a job and most people in the city would be out of a primary location for medical care.” Dannie notes. “You COULD always go find a job somewhere else, or even open your own office. You don’t have to work out of a hospital.” Kaylie points out. “That’s true. Opening my own practice could be an easy way for me to get most of my patients to stick with me. But it’s not that simple for some other people, such as my Aunt Olivia. She has something of a checkered history, so her finding a job elsewhere might prove difficult.” Dannie says. “Yeah, but she’s had a pretty successful run as the chief of staff over at Fantastic Medical, hasn’t she?” Kaylie asks. “Maybe on the administrative side, but not so much on the caring doctor side. She’s had complaints filed against her before due to her horrible bedside manner.” Dannie reveals. “Oh…well that could be a problem.” Kaylie admits. “It wouldn’t even be the biggest problem. My aunt’s biggest problem is getting out from underneath the shadow of her past. Her crimes may have been from years ago, but any potential employer is going to look at them as if they happened just yesterday. And sure she’s at the age where she could retire if she wants to, but she doesn’t want to! She just told me earlier today that her career in medicine is her life and she isn’t sure what she would do if she were to lose that. I could potentially save her career!” Dannie notes. “At the cost of your own.” Kaylie argues. Dannie sighs. “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. Both options have their pros and their cons. The pros would be nice, but the cons would be horrible.” Dannie admits. “I guess you have to look at it as which is the lesser of the two evils.” Kaylie says. “If I bought the hospital, I wouldn’t be able to continue my career as a psychiatrist, but if I didn’t buy it…healthcare would become so much more inconvenient for so many people. That sort of inconvenience could be life threatening. The way I see it, there’s only one sensible option. I need to buy the hospital, I can’t take the risk of it closing down.” Dannie says. Kaylie smiles. “You’re a good person, you know that?” Kaylie asks. “I’m not sure my patients will agree. They’re going to feel like I abandoned them by leaving my job to buy the hospital, not that it’s even close to a done deal yet.” Dannie says. “I’m sure a lot of them will understand once you explain why you’re doing it. What you’re doing is really selfless, and they’re going to see that.” Kaylie says. The bartender brings over two wine glasses and begins pouring wine into them. “Oh, we didn’t order any wine.” Kaylie says. “No you didn’t, but the blonde lady over there ordered some for the whole bar.” The bartender says. Dannie and Kaylie turn to see a blonde woman sitting on a sofa across the bar. “Who is that?” Dannie wonders. “Not sure, I’ve never seen her before. Must be pretty wealthy though to be buying wine for the whole bar, especially THAT wine.” Kaylie says. “You’ve seen it before?” Dannie asks. “Back when mama was single, she used to sometimes bring me to these wine tasting events that the hotel would host. That right there is some of the most expensive wine you can buy.” Kaylie says. “So she’s either incredibly generous or incredibly reckless with her money.” Dannie says. “Or maybe both? Either way, you should go over there and thank her.” Kaylie says. “Why me?” Dannie wonders. “You’re about to be the new owner of the hospital! You could use some rich friends to attend all those fundraisers you’ll be hosting.” Kaylie says. Dannie looks back at the woman, who makes eye contact with them and proceeds to wave at them. Kaylie waves back. “She seems nice!” Kaylie notes. “I’ll be right back.” Dannie says. Dannie stands up and makes their way over to the blonde woman, who is talking to two other women. “So here I am at this party in London that a friend of mine was hosting, I had no idea there were drugs at the party! You know who did know though? The cops! I’m up on the dance floor when suddenly I hear wee woo wee woo wee woo coming from outside! The cops bust the party up, they arrest everybody who was at the party, including me!” The woman, who has an Australian accent, says. “How did you get out of it?” Another woman asks. “I offered the cop the one thing he wanted most in this world.” The blonde woman says. “You didn’t.” Another woman says. “I did. I bought him a gift card of 1,000 pounds for his favorite doughnut shop. He forgot the whole incident after that!” The blonde woman says. “Oh.” Another woman says. “What do you mean oh? What did you think I was gonna say?” The blonde woman questions. Dannie clears their throat. “Oh, hi!” The blonde woman says. The blonde woman turns towards the other two women. “Could you excuse me for a moment?” The blonde woman asks. “Yeah, sure.” Another woman says. A moment passes as they all continue sitting there. “I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. See, I want you two to get up and leave, I’m going to stay right here.” The blonde woman says. The two women reluctantly stand up and walk away. “You’re welcome for the wine!” The blonde woman exclaims. The blonde woman turns towards Dannie. “So sorry about that, some people can just be so rude. Sit.” The blonde woman urges. “Actually, I’m here with someone.” Dannie says. “I saw. I couldn’t help but notice you and the cute girl at the bar staring over at me.” The blonde woman says. “We were told that you had bought wine for the entire bar.” Dannie notes. “I was feeling extra generous tonight. It’s been an eventful day so I thought the best way to end it would be to go out and splurge a bit.” The blonde woman says. The blonde woman stands up. “I’m Scarlett, by the way! And you are?” Scarlett asks. “Dannie.” Dannie answers. “Dannie, fabulous name!” Scarlett says. Dannie blushes. “Uh, thanks. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for buying the wine, my friend and I appreciated it.” Dannie says. Scarlett shrugs. “I could afford it, it was no trouble at all.” Scarlett says. “Well nevertheless, we do appreciate it.” Dannie says. “Well you’re welcome. So how long were you and your friend planning to stay for?” Scarlett wonders. “I’m not sure. Probably a little while longer so we can have a little fun, we’ve mostly just been sitting there talking about my problems.” Dannie says. “Well why don’t the two of you come over here and join me for some drinks? You can dump out the wine and I’ll order us some shots, my treat!” Scarlett says. “That was expensive wine!” Dannie notes. “Yeah, but shots get the job done faster. You and your friend look like you could use some fun so I’d be more than happy to help. Plus you’d be helping me too, I’m new to town and I don’t really know anyone. It’d be great to meet some friends, and tbh, the girls I was just talking with weren’t really doing it for me.” Scarlett admits. Dannie smiles. “I’ll go and run it by my friend to see what she has to say.” Dannie says. “Great! Hopefully I’ll be seeing you back here soon.” Scarlett says. “Hopefully.” Dannie says, before walking off.

At Baronville, Lydia gets in Gretta’s face. “Lucas isn’t going to be going into business with you or your new friends. The quicker you accept that, the better off you’ll be.” Lydia says. “I suggest you get out of my face, or else you won’t be well off by the time I’m finished with you!” Gretta warns. The cell door opens and the guard walks in. “Ah, just in time! This woman was just about to assault me, I’d like to file a complaint.” Gretta says. “While we’re on the topic of filing a complaint, this woman DID assault me! Or at the very least, had someone else do the dirty work for her.” Lydia says. “Shut up, both of you! Cambino, you’re coming with me.” The guard tells Gretta. “Where could you be taking me this time of night?” Gretta wonders. “Solitary. Evidence has come to light that you were involved in the attack on Miss. Masters.” The guard says. “What?! That’s preposterous!” Gretta shouts. “It’s the truth!” Lydia argues. “There’s no point fighting it, let’s go before you make things worse.” The guard urges Gretta. Gretta turns towards Lydia. “THIS is not over, not by a long shot! As long as you are in this prison, you won’t be safe from me! Me being in solitary isn’t going to protect you, it’s just going to place you in even more danger! Sleep well.” Gretta warns, before being led out, leaving a nervous Lydia behind…

In Monte Carlo, Dylan is lying in a hospital bed when Daisy walks in. “Hey.” Daisy says. “Hi! You’re up and about!” Dylan observes. “Yeah, my doctor just gave me a clear bill of health. I thought I’d stop in to see how you were doing.” Daisy says. “Never better, especially now that I have some food in my system.” Dylan says. “Yeah, same here. Listen, uh…there’s something I thought we should talk about, you know, just get it out of the way as quickly as possible.” Daisy says. “What’s up?” Dylan wonders. “A few things actually. While we were locked in that cell, you and I kinda admitted that we still loved each other and kissed.” Daisy recalls. “I remember that vividly.” Dylan says. Daisy nervously laughs. “Right, of course you do. Anyways, I just wanted to see where we stand. I know that we were in a tough situation at that moment and that neither one of us thought we would make it out alive, and I also know that you were thrown the curve ball of getting your memories back after that. I know that could impact things because I’m not sure how the old Dylan Stanpatos would feel about being with someone with my…colorful history and personality. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking things, but I just wanted to come and find out where we stand so that there isn’t any guessing on my part, or on yours.” Daisy says. “Well, while you are right that we were in a life threatening situation, that doesn’t invalidate anything that I told you. I do still love you, and I do still want to be with you. As for my memories coming back, that isn’t going to just turn off my feelings for you, regardless of your colorful history and personality.” Dylan says. “Okay, but what about your feelings for Lydia?” Daisy wonders. “I’m afraid you lost me.” Dylan admits. “You and Lydia were an item when you supposedly died, and then when you came back, you lost your memories. I just thought that maybe now your memories are back, maybe you remembered how you felt about Lydia back in the day.” Daisy says. “You’ve been thinking a lot about this, haven’t you?” Dylan asks. “I know I’m overthinking and probably paranoid, but after hearing you say you wanted to be with me, I just really want this to work but now I have every possible scenario rolling around in my head where this WON’T work. I just need you to tell me that I’m crazy.” Daisy says. “You are crazy, but that has nothing to do with the reasons you’re thinking of. I get why you would have your doubts, but trust me, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s true that me getting my memories back also means remembering my life with Lydia, but a lot has happened between Lydia and I since I came back. We did reunite, and we didn’t work out.” Dylan notes. “But that was because you were a different person.” Daisy points out. “It’s also because Lydia’s heart belongs to Lucas, not me. I’m not gonna try and compete with that, not when I have someone who loves and appreciates me right here, someone who I love back just as much.” Dylan says. Daisy smiles. “So this thing between us…it’s real?” Daisy asks. “About as real as you and me.” Dylan says. “I love you so much.” Daisy says, before pulling Dylan into a kiss. Dylan pulls away. “Well that was nice.” Dylan says. “SO nice. I’ve never been happier. Finally, you, me, and Harper can be a family.” Daisy says. “We aren’t out of the woods yet.” Dylan notes. “What do you mean? We survived Lawrence’s attempt on our lives, we’re going to be fine.” Daisy says. “Maybe we are, but we have no idea where Harper is. For all we know, Lawrence could have her.” Dylan points out. “But why would he care about her? She’s the child of the son who betrayed him!” Daisy notes. “That could be exactly the reason Lawrence would take her. He could use her to punish me, or he could kidnap her so he can raise her however he sees fit. A child as young as her, he could create any kind of monster he wanted to by raising her.” Dylan says. “Oh my god, you’re right…we need to get back to Fantastic!” Daisy declares.

In another hospital room, Andy and Rebecca are standing over Brady’s hospital bed. “You know, your sister has been pretty worried about you. She’ll be so happy when we tell her that you’re okay.” Andy says. “I guess I should thank her for looking out for me all this time.” Brady says. “When you do that, try to convince her that none of this is her fault. She thinks that she’s responsible for Lawrence kidnapping you.” Rebecca notes. “Come on, the only person responsible for that is that scum Lawrence! Ciara had nothing to do with it.” Brady says. Rebecca’s phone begins ringing. Rebecca pulls it out and checks the Caller ID. “Anyone important?” Andy wonders. “I don’t know, it’s a private number.” Rebecca reveals. Rebecca answers. “Hello?” Rebecca asks. “I hear you and your friends put on quite the explosive performance in Monte Carlo earlier.” Lawrence says. “You mean YOU did? I hope you realize how badly you screwed up. Kidnapping Dylan and Daisy was a huge lapse in judgment and now you’re going to pay for it. By the way, they survived. So didn’t Brady. I guess that means you’ve lost the leverage you had over Ciara.” Rebecca says. “I’ve gotten all of the mileage I could out of Ciara anyways. Losing Brady as a hostage was no real loss. As for Dylan and Daisy, you know the saying. If at first you don't succeed, try again.” Lawrence says. “Stay the hell away from them.” Rebecca warns. “I’m surprised to see you acting so protective over those two after the way they have treated you.” Lawrence admits. “I’m protective over anyone who has had the misfortune of landing in your sights.” Rebecca says. “Such a shame you didn’t extend that same courtesy to Zoey Kellers, perhaps she’d still be alive if you had intervened.” Lawrence says. “Why are you calling me? It can’t be to gloat. Your plan to kill Dylan and Daisy failed, Brady has gotten away from you, and you only have one out of the three diamond jewels. The way I see it, you’re lagging behind.” Rebecca taunts. “That’s not how I see it at all. In fact, while you were busy rescuing my traitorous son and his insufferable girlfriend, I was busy making moves of my own.” Lawrence says. “Meaning?” Rebecca questions. Lawrence smirks. “I have her, Rebecca.” Lawrence says. “You have who?” Rebecca questions. “Ava.” Lawrence answers!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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