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Fantastic S5 Episode 118(6/4/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 118(6/4/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 118(6/4/24)

Post by QG Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:28 am

At the Slate Gray restaurant, King Beast is sitting at a table when Dannie walks up to him. “Hey, sorry I’m late. I was meeting with Acerbi at the Lakeside Diner.” Dannie says. “No worries. I hope you didn’t eat too much though, you wouldn’t want to spoil your dinner.” King Beast says. Dannie sits across from him. “That is such a dad thing to say. Don’t worry though, I only had a cup of tea. She just wanted to meet with me to see if I was really ready to go back to work after everything that happened with Jenna and Janice.” Dannie says. “Are you?” King Beast wonders. “Yeah, I think so. I can’t just abandon my patients.” Dannie notes. “At the same time, you can’t really abandon yourself either. You aren’t any good to your patients if you aren’t taking care of yourself.” King Beast points out. “Very true, but looking after my patients is taking care of myself. It makes me feel useful, you know?” Dannie asks. “I can understand that.” King Beast says. “However, I’m not sure if I’ll have any patients to look after for much longer. According to Acerbi, the owner of the hospital is looking to sell it.” Dannie reveals. “What?! How could they do such a thing?” King Beast wonders. “I guess the hospital hasn’t been making much of a profit for a while now. On top of that, Acerbi seems to think that this guy has never had much interest in the hospital and has been looking to get rid of it for quite some time now.” Dannie says. “Well even if he were to sell it, that doesn’t necessarily mean the hospital will close down.” King Beast points out. “It’s not necessarily guaranteed to stay open either. The new owner could decide to close down the hospital and then use the building for something else, such as luxury apartments.” Dannie says. “That does seem to be the new thing these days. Buying buildings and then turning them into apartments that the average person is unable to afford.” King Beast notes. “Yeah…so it seems like the hospital’s only hope is if someone were to buy it that actually sees it’s value, that cares about people. That’s not something that’s common in the wealthy unfortunately.” Dannie says. “You know, I think I may know someone who would be perfect to buy the hospital. Someone I know would have no interest in turning it into apartments.” King Beast says. “Who?” Dannie questions. “You!” King Beast tells them.

At a nearby table, Virginia and Julia are seated. “If Kaylie doesn’t show up soon, I’m bouncing.” Julia threatens. “I’m sure she has a good reason for being late!” Virginia says. “I don’t care what her reason is, I’m not going to sit around and wait all night!” Julia says. “Don’t think I don’t see what you’re trying to do!” Virginia says. “Excuse me?” Julia asks. “You’re trying to get outta here real quick so you don’t have to make up with Kaylie! Well I’m not letting you off the hook that easily! You and your sister are gonna make up tonight, and neither one of you are leaving here until it happens!” Virginia says. “Kaylie has to first show up before you can forbid her from leaving.” Julia points out. Kaylie rushes off of the elevator and takes a seat at the table. “Sorry I’m late, I ran into Bethany outside.” Kaylie reveals. “You did? How did that go?” Virginia wonders. “We aren’t getting back together, mama.” Kaylie tells her. “I wasn’t aware the two of you had broken up.” Julia says. “Maybe if you would pick up your phone every once in a while. Oh wait, that’s right, you’re still pissed at me from the argument we had about Lydia.” Kaylie says. “I’m pissed at you because you accused me of abusing my power to settle a grudge.” Julia notes. “Okay, we aren’t doing this! I called you two here because I want the two of you to patch things up, not because I want you to rip each other’s heads off!” Virginia says. Virginia turns towards Kaylie. “Kaylie, I understand why you have your concerns with the way your sister is handling the whole Lydia situation, but this is her job, and it’s up to her how she wants to approach the case.” Virginia says. Virginia turns towards Julia. “And you, your sister was just showing some concern for you! She loves you and she’s only trying to look out for you!” Virginia says. “Look, I don’t think you and I are ever going to agree on how you’re handling Lydia’s case, so maybe we could agree just not to talk about it.” Kaylie suggests. “I think that’s probably for the best.” Julia agrees. “Does that mean we can be sisters again?” Kaylie asks. Julia smiles. “We’ve never stopped being sisters! The day we stop fighting is the day we stop being sisters.” Julia notes. “That’s the spirit! I knew the two of you could work things out!” Virginia says. “Now that we’re on better terms, what’s going on between you and Bethany?” Julia asks Kaylie. “Nothing is going on between me and Bethany. We’re over and nothing is going to change that.” Kaylie says.

In Monte Carlo, Dylan and Daisy rush over to Brady’s side. “Are you okay?” Daisy questions. “I’m fine…mostly, anyways.” Brady says. Brady throws the blanket off of himself and reveals he is missing a leg. “Yeah, Ciara mentioned that you lost a leg.” Dylan says. “Hold on, Ciara knows about this?!” Brady questions. “You didn’t know she knew?” Daisy questions. “I don’t even know why I’m here. The guards haven’t told me a damn thing!” Brady says. “Lawrence Stanpatos kidnapped you! He’s been holding your life over your sister’s head for the past several months, forcing Ciara to do his bidding.” Dylan reveals. “How the hell did Ciara get mixed up with Lawrence?” Brady wonders. “I guess she was doing some investigating that ended up leading straight to Lawrence. When he caught wind of the fact that Ciara was onto him, he grabbed you and he’s been holding you here ever since. I guess Lawrence having your leg chopped off was a warning shot to Ciara.” Dylan says. “Son of a bitch!” Brady shouts. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore! We’re going to get you out of here.” Daisy says. “What are the two of you doing here anyway? Did you come looking for me?” Brady wonders. “Not exactly. Daisy and I have sort of been working against Lawrence behind his back, and when he found out about it, he drugged us and then locked us in a cell right down the hall.” Dylan says. “He planned on starving us to death! Dylan and I haven’t had anything to eat in two days!” Daisy notes. “That’s about to change. The second we get out of here, I’m finding the nearest buffet.” Dylan says. “That might be easier said than done. This place is crawling with guards.” Brady says. “Maybe at one point it was, but not anymore.” Daisy says. “Huh?” Brady asks. “Dylan and I just came from the hallway outside your room, we didn’t see a single guard.” Daisy says. “That’s really weird. I’ve tried escaping before and each time I did, there was always a guard ready to drag me back in here. Of course, I haven’t been able to try anything after losing my leg…” Brady says. “We need to get you to a hospital.” Daisy says. “They patched me up after they took off my leg.” Brady notes. “And you think people who work for Lawrence are trustworthy enough to do that? We need to get you to a real doctor! I’m not taking no for an answer!” Daisy says. Brady smiles. “I’ve missed you.” Brady says. “I’ve missed you too.” Daisy says. “We really should get out of here, in case there are any guards lurking around. Can you walk?” Dylan asks Brady. “With a little help maybe.” Brady says. “Alright, we can give you a hand.” Dylan says. Brady manages to sit up and then puts one arm around Dylan and one arm around Daisy. Dylan and Daisy pull Brady off of the bed and help him walk towards the door…

Outside the compound, Andy and Rebecca walk up to the entrance. “That was a longer drive than I thought it was gonna be.” Andy says. “At least we made it in time, or at least it looks like we did.” Rebecca says. Andy looks at the front door. “Looks like Fransisco was right. Take a look.” Andy says. Rebecca looks and sees a bomb wired to the front door! “Yes he was. If Dylan and Daisy tried to escape, they would have blown up the entire building.” Rebecca notes. “That still could happen. We need to disarm this bomb before anyone has the chance to trigger it.” Andy says.

“I never even considered buying the hospital myself.” Dannie admits. “I think it’s something to consider. Just think about all of the money the Goo family has invested in the hospital over the years, I think it’s only natural that they finally own it officially.” King Beast says. “But if I were to buy the hospital, I’m not sure I’d be able to continue my duties as a psychiatrist. Owning an entire hospital seems like a huge responsibility, and I’m not sure I’d have any time left to devote to my job as a psychiatrist.” Dannie says. “Probably not, but look at it this way. If the hospital were to close down, all of those patients would need to go out of town for medical care. If you bought the hospital, you could potentially be saving lives!” King Beast notes. “And if the hospital were to close down, it could be endangering lives…I don’t know. Obviously if I wanted to buy the hospital, I could afford it, it’s just…it sounds like a lot of responsibility that I may not be able to handle. I’m a psychiatrist, not some corporate suit! I don’t know anything about running a business.” Dannie notes. “You do know quite a bit about working in a hospital though, and that could work to your advantage. Plus, I’m sure Acerbi would be more than happy to help you in any way she could.” King Beast says. “I’m sure she would. Acerbi is worried that if the hospital closes down, she won’t be able to find a job anywhere else because of her history. This hospital is her life and if it did close down…I’m not sure she’d have much of a life anymore, not one worth living in her eyes.” Dannie says. “It sounds as if the idea may be growing on you.” King Beast observes. “I think I still need more time to think about it.” Dannie admits. “Of course. This is a major decision, no one would expect you to immediately say yes or no. Whatever you do end up deciding, just make sure it is absolutely what you want.” King Beast urges. Dannie nods.

Across the restaurant, Kaylie has just finished telling Julia what happened between her and Bethany. “Wow, I knew about Dannie and King Beast being kidnapped, but I had no idea about Bethany’s role in the whole thing.” Julia says. “Wait just a second! Bethany didn’t have a role in the kidnapping! Did she point that Jenna girl in Dannie’s direction? Maybe, but she had NOTHING to do with Jenna kidnapping Dannie and King Beast!” Virginia argues. “That’s not the point, mama! Jenna never would’ve gotten near Dannie if Bethany hadn’t hired her to date Dannie! She probably would’ve continued to hate King Beast from afar, which is healthier than trying to marry his kid so she can take the family money, and MUCH healthier than kidnapping said kid and King Beast and then plotting to kill them!” Kaylie says. “You did the right thing by leaving Bethany.” Julia says. “Of course you’d say that! You’ve never liked Bethany!” Virginia points out. “And you’re always far too eager to excuse Bethany’s bad behavior! This is hardly the first time she has done something to sabotage her relationship with Kaylie, so why should Kaylie have to keep putting up with that?” Julia wonders. “Thank you!” Kaylie says. “Because Bethany loves Kaylie with all her heart, and that’s the kinda relationship I want for both of my girls!” Virginia says. “Love isn’t enough if all you ever do is lie to the person you claim to love!” Julia argues. “Bethany thought she was protecting her relationship!” Virginia points out. “And look where that got her! She’s all alone!” Julia notes. “Can you two please just stop?!” Kaylie asks. “I’m sorry baby, it’s just you know how much I supported your relationship with Bethany.” Virginia notes. “Well there’s nothing to support anymore! We’re finished!” Kaylie points out. Kaylie stands up. “I should probably go.” Kaylie says. “But we haven’t even ordered yet!” Virginia notes. “I’ve lost my appetite.” Kaylie says. Julia stands up. “Are we good?” Julia questions. “Yeah, we’re good. I’m not angry with either of you, it’s just…all this Bethany talk kinda soured the mood, you know? How about we meet for breakfast tomorrow? No Bethany talk allowed.” Kaylie says. “I’d be fine with that.” Julia says. “Yeah, same here. Do you wanna meet back here?” Virginia asks. “Yeah, that works. See you both tomorrow.” Kaylie says, before walking away. Kaylie approaches the elevator and presses the button. Once the elevator doors open, Kaylie boards the elevator. “Hold the elevator please!” A voice shouts. Dannie rushes onto the elevator just before the doors close. “Just made it.” Dannie says. “I’ve never seen you move so fast.” Kaylie notes. “If I didn’t make it in time, who knows when I would have gotten another chance.” Dannie says. Kaylie fakes a smile. “Yeah…” Kaylie mutters. “Are you okay?” Dannie questions. “Why do you ask?” Kaylie wonders. “You look stressed.” Dannie observes. Kaylie sighs. “No, I’m not okay. I ran into Bethany earlier and that didn’t go well. Then I go to have dinner with my mother and my sister and all they do is go back and forth about whether or not I should forgive Bethany.” Kaylie says. “Were you planning to?” Dannie wonders. “No! What Bethany did is unforgivable! Of course, my mother doesn’t see it that way. Bethany can do no wrong in her eyes.” Kaylie notes. “Sounds like you could use a distraction. I think I could use one of those as well.” Dannie says. “Did you have something in mind?” Kaylie wonders. “Maybe we could go out for some drinks. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a club.” Dannie says. “Not Club Aqua, right?” Kaylie asks. Dannie smiles. “No, not Club Aqua. There’s a new place down by the beach that I’ve been meaning to check out.” Dannie says. “Oh, I think I know exactly where you’re talking about! It’s called the seashell something…” Kaylie says. “Seashell Lounge!” Dannie tells her. “Right! Wow, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually gone out anywhere…” Kaylie admits. “Why not break the streak tonight then?” Dannie asks. “You know what? Why not? Let’s do it!” Kaylie exclaims.

In Monte Carlo, Dylan and Daisy help Brady make his way towards the front door. “This looks like it leads to outside.” Dylan says. “Buffet, here I come!” Daisy says. Daisy begins to turn the doorknob. “DON’T OPEN THE DOOR!” Andy can be heard yelling. “Andy? Is that you?” Daisy asks. “Daisy? Are you and Dylan okay?” Rebecca can be heard asking. Daisy rolls her eyes. “Oh great, he brought the harpy with him.” Daisy complains. “Be nice.” Dylan urges. Daisy sighs. “Other than nearly starving to death, we’re fine! We’ve got Brady here with us!” Daisy announces. “Brady? Are you okay?” Rebecca asks. “Other than missing a leg, I’m fine! I’m sure Ciara probably filled you in on that though.” Brady says. “Look, we’re in a pretty big rush to get out of here. Any particular reason we can’t open the door?” Dylan wonders. “There’s a bomb wired to the door. The minute you open it, the bomb will detonate and kill anyone that’s near it.” Andy says. “That explains the lack of guards. Daddy dearest planned on blowing this place sky high.” Dylan realizes. “Don’t panic, Rebecca and I are working to diffuse the bomb.” Andy says. “Do the two of you even know how to do that?” Daisy questions. “We’ve done it plenty of times.” Rebecca answers. “She isn’t wrong.” Dylan notes. Outside, Rebecca opens the panel of the bomb and discovers several different colored wires. Andy comes up behind her. “What do you think?” Andy asks. “I think that it isn’t going to be as easy as cutting a few wires.” Rebecca reveals. “No?” Andy asks. “Take a look. The bomb seems to have dual triggers.” Rebecca tells him. Rebecca steps aside and Andy looks at the wiring. “Damn it, you’re right.” Andy realizes. Andy walks back over to the front door. “We’ve got some news for you, and it isn’t good. The bomb has dual triggers. Rebecca and I could cut the wire to try and disarm it, but all it would do is trigger a timer. Once that timer reaches zero, the bomb detonates.” Andy says. “So if you were to do that, I assume it wouldn’t disconnect the bomb from the door?” Dylan asks. “No, the bomb would still be connected to the door. It’s just that we would also have a timer to worry about too. Hang tight, we have a friend at the WPA. We’ll talk to her and see if she can call in the bomb squad.” Andy says. “No, we can’t!” Rebecca argues. “If we don’t, we might not be able to get them out of there!” Andy points out. “If Jackie were to call in the bomb squad, that would set off a giant red flag for Lawrence and he would realize that Jackie is working with us! With his position as the director of the WPA, he could have Jackie marked as a traitor and have her thrown in some supermax WPA prison somewhere, assuming he doesn’t just have her killed!” Rebecca says. “I’m not really seeing too many other options.” Andy notes. “I think I’ve got an idea.” Dylan says. “We could use one of those. What’s up?” Andy asks. “Maybe setting off the timer wouldn’t be such a bad thing. If we can trigger the timer and then get at a safe distance away from the bomb, the bomb can detonate and then we can walk right out of here.” Dylan suggests. “Do you think you’d be able to get far enough away?” Rebecca wonders. “The building is huge, I don’t think that would be a problem. My only concern would be the blast screwing up the structure of the building and causing the rest of it to collapse.” Dylan says. “Your only concern? That sounds like a pretty big deal to me!” Daisy notes. “It might be our only option if they can’t find a way to diffuse the bomb.” Dylan says. “They could just call this Jackie person like they had mentioned in the first place! If she goes to jail over this, oh well! It’d be better than us blowing up!” Daisy says. “Going to jail would be the best case scenario for Jackie. The worst case would be Lawrence having her killed!” Dylan points out. “Well I’m fine with that too!” Daisy says. “I’m not! If I thought my idea was going to get us killed, I wouldn’t even be suggesting it.” Dylan says. “You JUST said the explosion could affect the structure of the building and cause it to collapse on top of us!” Daisy points out. “It COULD, I’m not saying that it will! We’ll just need to find somewhere safe to take cover.” Dylan says. “I’m with Dylan on this one, it sounds like it could be our only hope.” Brady says. “FINE! But if this explosion ends up killing us, I’m going to make your afterlife a living hell!” Daisy warns. Dylan turns towards the door. “We’re all in agreement, cut the wire.” Dylan tells Andy and Rebecca. “Are you sure?” Rebecca questions. “I don’t think we have much choice here.” Dylan says. “Okay. Start heading as far away from the front door as possible, we don’t know how much time is going to be on that timer once it’s initiated. You should probably get a head start.” Rebecca says. “Sounds like a plan.” Dylan says. Dylan and Daisy begin carrying Brady away from the front door. Andy turns towards Rebecca. “Is it me or did Dylan sound different?” Andy wonders. “Different how?” Rebecca questions. “I can’t put my finger on it.” Andy admits. “Well we can ask him all about it once we see him again. You think we’ve given them enough time?” Rebecca asks. “I’d say so.” Andy says. “Okay, let’s do this then.” Rebecca says. Rebecca pulls out a pocket knife and cuts the yellow wire on the bomb. Suddenly, a timer appears on the bomb reading 10 seconds! “Damn it, we’ve gotta go!” Andy yells. Andy and Rebecca rush away from the building as the timer on the bomb counts down. The count finally hits 0, the bomb detonates, and the entire front of the building explodes!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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