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Fantastic S5 Episode 116(5/29/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 116(5/29/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 116(5/29/24)

Post by QG Wed May 29, 2024 7:08 am

In the dungeon in Monte Carlo, Dylan lowers an unconscious Daisy to the floor and checks her pulse. After checking, he breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god. You had me worried for a second there. You however don’t have to worry, I’m going to find a way to get us out of here.” Dylan assures her. Dylan’s vision begins to blur just as the door opens and someone walks in. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” A familiar voice says. Dylan turns around, his vision becomes clearer, and his eyes pop out when he sees who is standing in the doorway. “You!” Dylan growls. The camera pans up and reveals Andre standing in the doorway! “Hello dear brother, did you miss me?” Andre asks!

In an undisclosed location, Fransisco unlocks a door and then enters an office. Immediately upon entering, Fransisco is put in a chokehold by Andy! Rebecca then turns the lights on. “Hey Fransisco, long time no see!” Andy growls. “Andy Goo?!” Fransisco asks. “Glad to see you haven’t forgotten me.” Andy says. Andy throws Fransisco into a chair. “What on earth are you doing here?!” Fransisco wonders. “That’s what we were wondering about you. Last we had heard, Kadmos Masters dropped you on some deserted island after leaving you with an incurable disease, at least that’s what the rumors had suggested.” Rebecca says. “I’m resourceful. I found a way off of the island and a way to cure myself.” Fransisco claims. “You mean to tell me you didn’t have help from anyone?” Andy asks. “Who would help me?” Fransisco wonders. “I can think of a name: Andre Stanpatos.” Andy says.

In the dungeon, Dylan stands up when he sees Andre. “I must be hallucinating. Either that, or I’ve kicked the bucket.” Dylan assumes. “Oh no, you are still very much alive. But for how long?” Andre wonders. “Excuse me?” Dylan asks. “Well as I’m sure you can imagine, you can only last so long without food or water. Death is pretty much imminent for you and your lovely friend over there.” Andre says. “I’m not prepared to give up that easily.” Dylan says. “Of course not, because you still see yourself as invincible. That’s one of the things you share in common with the man you used to be.” Andre notes. “From what I understand, I was pretty invincible where you were concerned. All the crap you tried tossing my way and I survived all of it.” Dylan points out. “Let’s just chalk that up to dumb luck, shall we?” Andre asks. “We shall not. I bested you! Not once, not twice, probably not even just a dozen times!” Dylan notes. “If you’re looking for a round of applause, you certainly aren’t going to get it from me. I’m not here to praise you, I’m here to relish in your suffering! Uncle Lawrence has certainly left you in quite the pickle, hasn’t he? You poor soul! I don’t even remember myself ever putting you through such torture!” Andre claims. “Are you serious?! You and your father abducted me, you attempted to brainwash me! It’s the whole reason I ended up in Fantastic City!” Dylan recalls. “But you don’t remember that, do you?” Andre asks. Suddenly, Dylan flashes back.

Dylan is strapped down to a table in a lab, struggling to break free, as Andre lurks over him. “Oh don’t fret, dear brother, it’ll all be over soon. The doctor will be arriving shortly and once he does, you will forget all about these pesky morals you’ve lived by and you will FINALLY become one of us! A true Stanpatos! Personally, I couldn’t care less whether or not you pledge your allegiance to the family, but father has always had this fantasy of you coming to work for the family empire. Honestly, I think you’re a lost cause, but what do I know?” Andre asks. “Let…go OF ME!” Dylan growls. Andre laughs and takes a seat next to Dylan. “You really should try to calm down! Don’t worry, once Doctor Andropov is through with you, you won’t be showing much emotion at all. You will become a blank slate, quite easy to mold into whatever image father sees fit. And if that doesn’t work out, look on the bright side! Father may finally grow tired of your defiance and give me permission to kill you.” Andre says.

Back in the present. “I…I remember.” Dylan reveals. “You remember what exactly?” Andre questions. “You had me strapped down in some lab…you and Michael were planning on brainwashing me!” Dylan recalls. “Yes, turns out you’ve never had much luck in the father department. Not when you believed Michael was your father, and certainly not after finding out Uncle Lawrence is your father.” Andre says. “You’ve clearly never had any use for me, so what the hell are you doing here?” Dylan questions. “Excellent question, dear brother! I’m here to offer you a bargain, a once in a lifetime deal!” Andre exclaims. “Dare I ask?” Dylan asks. “Salvation.” Andre tells him. “Salvation from what?” Dylan asks. “What else? Death! You are currently in an incredibly dire situation, and I would like to offer you a way out.” Andre says. “You’re going to save my life?” Dylan asks. “No, but I’m willing to make your death significantly less painful.” Andre says. Andre extends his hand. “Grab my hand and come join me, I’ll make sure your transition to the other side isn’t painful.” Andre says. “What’s the catch?” Dylan asks. “What makes you so sure there’s a catch?” Andre wonders. “I remember how you treated me in life! For you to come here offering me a painless death, there must be some sort of catch!” Dylan notes. Andre sighs. “Alright, fine! It gets rather lonely downstairs, and I was hoping to have some company.” Andre says. “You expect me to believe your father isn’t down there with you?” Dylan asks. “Oh who cares about that old fool?! I’d much prefer you! Come on Dylan, what do you say? It’s only eternity!” Andre notes. “You’re completely insane.” Dylan says. “Is that a yes?” Andre wonders. “NO! No it isn’t a yes! I am not giving up! Not only do I have myself to worry about, I have Daisy, I have my daughter! I am not giving up when they still need me!” Dylan states. “Since when do you care about your children? My daughter Sabrina, who you claimed as your own, has been without a father for years because you’ve been neglecting her!” Andre points out. “I know, and I’m hoping that one day I can turn things around with her.” Dylan says. “Well you can’t! You have made that poor girl feel like she isn’t wanted, why would she ever give you the time of day? The same fate is going to befall your latest brat. The only person in this world you care about is yourself!” Andre snaps. “That isn’t true.” Dylan says. “Isn’t it?” Andre asks. “NO! I love Daisy, and I love my daughter. I’m not giving up when they are counting on me.” Dylan says. Andre rolls his eyes. “What?!” Dylan asks. “You are just so tedious! Is there any version of you that is even remotely tolerable? You were an annoying bastard before the amnesia, and somehow you are just as loathsome after having your brains scrambled yet again!” Andre shouts. “Well then you’ll be pleased to know that I don’t plan on joining you. Not now, not ever. I’m staying here with the people I love, you can keep roasting in hell all alone until the end of time.” Dylan says. “Is that your final answer?” Andre asks. “Is this a game show? YES! That is my final answer!” Dylan snaps. Andre growls in annoyance. “Why must you be so difficult?! FINE! Stay here if you’d like, but I promise you, you and I are not even close to being finished! We’ll be seeing each other again real soon, that is a PROMISE!” Andre yells, before fading away. Once Andre is gone, Dylan rushes back to Daisy’s side. “Hey, you still good?” Dylan asks. Dylan checks her pulse. “Thank god. Now that that little detour is out of the way, I can get back to trying to find our way out of here.” Dylan says. “That shouldn’t be too difficult. The Dylan Stanpatos I remember was capable of getting out of any situation, no matter how large of a challenge it posed.” A familiar voice says. “That voice…” Dylan mutters. Dylan looks up and sees Queen Goo smiling down on him. “Hello my darling, it is so good to see you again.” Queen Goo says. Dylan stands up. “Queen…Queen Goo?” Dylan asks. “It’s me, and it is so good to see you. It’s been far too long.” Queen Goo says. “I…I don’t really remember much about you, other than you were the one who took down Virmor when he started that fire in Goo Village.” Dylan recalls. “That may be all you remember, but you and I share a much richer history than that one day. You were like another child to me and my Damien.” Queen Goo says. “You…you welcomed me into the city.” Dylan recalls. “If anything, you welcomed ME into the city. You were already here by the time Dannie and I arrived in the city. I remember we hit it off practically immediately.” Queen Goo says. Dylan flashes back.

In the foyer of the Fantastic City castle, King Beast is facing Dylan. “I’m glad you stopped by, there’s someone I wanted you to meet.” King Beast says. “Where are they?” Dylan wonders. “Please, follow me.” King Beast urges. King Beast and Dylan both walk into the living room, where Queen Goo is waiting. “Ah, is this the friend you mentioned to me earlier?” Queen Goo asks. “It is. Mrs. Goo, I’d like you to meet my very good friend Dylan Dog. Dylan Dog, this is Mrs. Goo.” King Beast says. Queen Goo shakes Dylan’s hand. “It’s lovely to meet you, Dylan Dog.” Queen Goo says. “You too. King Beast likes you, so you must be pretty special.” Dylan notes. “Funny you would say that, I was just thinking the same thing about you.” Queen Goo says.

Back in the present. “Back then…you and King Beast called me Dylan Dog.” Dylan recalls. “It was rather silly, but a lot of you had Dog or Cat in your name back then. Some still do.” Queen Goo says. “Like Kitty Cat.” Dylan notes. Queen Goo nods. “Exactly. I really owe my life to you, Dylan. I have been in so many life threatening situations that you have gotten me out of, which is why I’m confident you’ll be able to get yourself and Daisy out of this one.” Queen Goo says. “But I don’t know how! The front door is locked, I can’t get it open, there’s no other way out of this room!” Dylan tells her. “It may appear that way, but I’m sure you’ll find a way. You always do.” Queen Goo says. “You’re thinking of the man that I used to be. I’m not that man anymore.” Dylan points out. “Of course you are! You may not remember a whole lot about that time in your life, but that man still exists deep inside you. You’ve already begun getting back in touch with that version of yourself, both with the memory you had of us with King Beast and that unfortunate memory of you with Andre. You just need to keep trying to break through that barrier. You can do it.” Queen Goo says. “You have an awful lot of faith in me.” Dylan notes. Queen Goo places her hand on Dylan’s arm. “Because I know you, and you have never let me down before. You’ll find a way out of this, I’m sure of it.” Queen Goo tells him, before disappearing. Dylan sighs. “I’m glad you are, because I’m not…” Dylan admits.

In Fransisco's office, he pushes Andy off of him and makes his way over to the mini bar. “I have no idea what you are talking about. Andre Stanpatos has unfortunately passed on.” Fransisco notes. “He was alive when Kadmos arranged for you to disappear. Maybe he saved you.” Andy suggests. “Or maybe it wasn't Andre, maybe it was a different Stanpatos. Ever hear of Lawrence Stanpatos?” Rebecca wonders. Fransisco pours himself a drink. “Once or twice.” Fransisco claims. “So you've never met him?” Andy questions. “I can't say that I have.” Fransisco tells them. “That's funny, because a source of ours told us that you've been doing business with Lawrence as recently as this year. I guess it must be bad information though, huh?” Andy asks. “Must be.” Fransisco claims. Andy grabs Fransisco by the collar and Fransisco drops his drink! “Do you think this is a joke?!” Andy questions. “Absolutely not! I don't find you barging into my place of business and assaulting me to be amusing!” Fransisco snaps. “Well I don't find the fact that two people have gone missing to be very amusing!” Andy growls. “I have no clue what you're talking about, nor what any of it has to do with me!” Fransisco says. “Dylan Stanpatos and Daisy Nichols. They both disappeared and we're confident Lawrence Stanpatos is responsible. Given your association with Lawrence, maybe you know where they are.” Andy says. Fransisco shrugs. “I can't help you.” Fransisco claims. “Can't or won't?” Rebecca questions. Fransisco smirks. “Let's pretend for a moment that I do know where your friends are, why would I tell you? If this Lawrence is as dangerous as people claim he is, it would be wise for me not to upset him, no?” Fransisco asks. “We could offer you protection.” Rebecca offers. “I'm not sure there is much your little police department would be able to do for me.” Fransisco says. “What about the Goo family? I can help you disappear, somewhere Lawrence will never be able to find you.” Andy tells him. “Or maybe you will just make me disappear.” Fransisco suggests. “I mean it. I'm willing to offer you anything in order to get information on Dylan and Daisy's whereabouts, just name your price.” Andy says.

In the dungeon, Dylan collapses to the floor and stares up at the ceiling. “God, I can barely stand…how am I supposed to get out of here?” Dylan wonders. “Maybe I can help.” A familiar voice says. Dylan sits up and sees Andy standing in front of him. “Oh great. Not only am I seeing dead people, now I'm seeing live ones too.” Dylan notes. “I thought you'd be happy to see me.” Andy says. “I'd be happier if you were real.” Dylan points out. “Does it help at all to know that I'm doing everything I can to find you?” Andy asks. “I don't know that, and neither do you, because like I said earlier, you are not real. I'm not even sure why I'm imagining you.” Dylan says. “Because you and I are best friends.” Andy says. “WERE best friends. That friendship ended when I came back and couldn't remember who you were.” Dylan notes. “That's the only barrier in the way of our friendship. If you remembered everything, I'd probably be willing to forgive you for all the crap you've pulled these last few years.” Andy says. “Fat chance of that happening. I've been back in Fantastic for years and I haven't had any luck getting my memory back.” Dylan points out. “That's not exactly true, is it? I know you've had some flashes of memory of Andre and my mother, so obviously whatever wall is blocking those memories from flooding back is starting to crack. You can feel that, can't you?” Andy asks. “I don't understand why they would come back now when I haven't had any luck all these years…” Dylan mutters. Andy kneels on the floor next to Dylan. “Because you need those memories now. If you're gonna get yourself and Daisy out of this mess, you need to access that part of yourself. That guy would know how to get out of this room.” Andy says. “Is that why you're appearing to me? To help remind me of who I used to be?” Dylan wonders. “Who better than your best friend? You know there was a time where we thought we were brothers.” Andy recalls. “Is that right?” Dylan asks. “Mmhm. Your memory has always been a little spotty so you didn't always know you were a Stanpatos and I didn't always know I was Queen Goo's son. There was a time where we both thought our parents were people named Scott and Velma.” Andy tells him. “Scott and Velma…Scott was from Fantastic and Velma was from Fishkit, right?” Dylan asks. “So you remember?” Andy asks. “Bits and pieces I guess…I guess that turned out not to be true, huh?” Dylan asks. “No, we weren't biological brothers…but we were still brothers. When I first came to Fantastic, I was still a rookie cop and you took me under your wing. I had no idea that my mentor would end up becoming the best friend I've ever had.” Andy recalls. Dylan flashes back.

At the Fantastic P.D, Dylan is in the squad room with Queen Goo. “Thanks for bringing these doughnuts by, Queen Goo, I could really use these.” Dylan says. Queen Goo smiles. “Well I was in the neighborhood and figured I would drop by The Coffee Bean and pick some up, I know how much you love their doughnuts. So how is your day so far?” Queen Goo wonders. “Too soon to say.” Dylan says. “Oh?” Queen Goo asks. “Yeah. I'm getting a new partner today, no idea if he's gonna be any good or not.” Dylan says. “Awfully pessimistic of you to assume that he won't be.” Queen Goo notes. “Well you know how it is. It's hard to find a cop that isn't either on The Master or some other lunatic's payroll or is just plain bad at their job.” Dylan says. “You aren't bad at your job, so clearly they exist.” Queen Goo notes. “I could be better. People like The Master, The Evil Force, Kitty Cat, Dylan Cat, they're all still out there.” Dylan says. “And every time they try to hurt our city, you're there to thwart them. So don't you dare suggest that you aren't doing your job efficiently!” Queen Goo says. Dylan smiles. “Thanks.” Dylan says. At that moment, Andy walks up to the two. “Dylan Dog?” Andy asks. “That's me. Are you the new guy?” Dylan asks. Andy holds out his hand. “Andy Dog, pleased to meet you!” Andy says.

Back in the present. “So you had dog in your name too, huh?” Dylan asks. Andy chuckles. “A lot of us did. Eventually we all kinda came to the conclusion that it was stupid and dropped the dog part.” Andy says. “Not really sure why we did it to begin with.” Dylan says. Andy shrugs. “We were all young and stupid, playing into the whole dog vs. cat thing. Since you know that I had dog in my name though, that must mean you remember, right?” Andy asks. “I remember meeting you.” Dylan admits. “That was the beginning of quite the adventure. You and I have been through hell and back together, you know that? We've traveled the Arctic, Egypt, we've saved the city more times than I can count, we've even co piloted malfunctioning airplanes together…twice!” Andy recalls. “Yeah…the last time that happened, it was after I got away from Kadmos Masters’ people. You and I were trying to get back to Fantastic and he was doing everything in his power to make sure that didn't happen.” Dylan recalls. “You didn't let him stop you from getting home to Lydia, just like I didn't let him stop me from getting home to Rebecca.” Andy says. “I fought like hell to get away from Kadmos…” Dylan remembers. “Just like you need to fight like hell to get away from Lawrence, and you will. Be the man I remember, the man I was proud to call my brother.” Andy says, before fading away. “Easy for you to say, I'm not sure that man exists anymore…” Dylan mutters. “In all the years I've known you, I have never known you to throw in the towel so easily. What gives?” A familiar voice questions. Dylan turns around and discovers someone standing over him. “I see I'm back to seeing dead people again. Hi Josephine.” Dylan says. Josephine is revealed to be standing in front of Dylan!

In Fransisco's office, Fransisco sits behind his desk. “Would you like to hear the truth?” Fransisco questions. “If you're familiar with the word, sure.” Andy says. “I am getting older, too old to be doing anyone’s bidding. At this point in my life, I should be living on an island, and not the sort of island Kadmos attempted to isolate me on for the remainder of my life.” Fransisco says. “Is that what you want? I'm sure we could make something happen, provided the information you give us is accurate.” Rebecca says. “You would go through all of that trouble for these two individuals?” Fransisco asks. “One of those individuals I shared a child with, the other one was my best friend once upon a time. I'll give you whatever you want in exchange for their location.” Andy says. Fransisco sighs. “You don't need to give me anything. I will tell you what you want to know at no cost.” Fransisco says. “Why?” Rebecca questions. Fransisco shrugs. “Working for Andre was easy. He never had particularly grand ambitions other than wanting to lead his family. With Lawrence, it is different. Some of his future plans are not things I think I would be comfortable being involved with.” Fransisco says. “I can't say that I blame you. Thinking about what Lawrence could be up to has me unnerved too.” Rebecca admits. “So do you know where Dylan and Daisy are?” Andy questions. “The building was once a casino that closed down about five years ago.” Fransisco reveals. “Must be a pretty big building.” Andy notes. “It is. Lawrence has been using that building for all of his captives, not just the ones you are looking for.” Fransisco reveals. Rebecca turns towards Andy. “Brady could be there!” Rebecca notes. “Lawrence has never referred to any of his prisoners by name to me. The only reason I know of Dylan is because I remember him from back when I worked for Andre. The woman I can only assume is this Daisy you speak of.” Fransisco says. “So what exactly is your role in all of this?” Andy asks. “It was to oversee the care of the prisoners, make sure they do not attempt to escape.” Fransisco says. “What do you mean “was"?” Andy questions. “Lawrence came to visit me yesterday and told me that he no longer plans on caring for any of his prisoners, that they are all expendable at this point.” Fransisco reveals. “Even more proof that he's moving into his endgame.” Rebecca notes. “That also means his prisoners aren't getting any food or water, so we better hurry. Do you have an address for us?” Andy asks. “Of course.” Fransisco says. Fransisco writes it down on a sticky note and hands it to Andy. “Thanks, I appreciate your help.” Andy says. “There is one more thing you should know before you go.” Fransisco says. “What's that?” Rebecca questions. “Before Lawrence left me yesterday, he mentioned that he had put in place a failsafe in the event that any of the prisoners were to come close to escaping.” Fransisco reveals. “What kind of failsafe?” Andy questions.

“I wasn’t expecting you to appear to me.” Dylan tells Josephine. “Why not? We used to be friends.” Josephine says. “Not so much towards the end of your life.” Dylan points out. “That doesn't mean I had forgotten the time we did spend as friends.” Josephine notes. “That makes one of us. I don't remember anything about you before I came back to Fantastic. I honestly didn't even think we were that close before my supposed death.” Dylan admits. “Maybe not as close as you were with Andy, but we had our moments.” Josephine says. “All good?” Dylan wonders. Josephine chuckles. “It was a mixed bag. You hated me when we first met, and the feeling was mutual.” Josephine recalls. “Did we butt heads at work or something?” Dylan wonders. “No, it was my name you didn't like.” Josephine tells him. “Josephine?” Dylan questions. “Josephine CAT.” Josephine reveals. “Ah, I see.” Dylan says. “You didn't trust me at all when we first met, and I hated you for it. In fact, you were so convinced that I was working with the cats that you actually arrested me when we first met.” Josephine recalls. Dylan suddenly flashes back.

At the Fantastic P.D, Josephine is handcuffed to the table in the interrogation room. “This is ridiculous! What exactly am I being charged with?” Josephine questions. “Gee, I don't know. Aiding and abetting criminals, maybe?” Dylan sarcastically says. “What criminals?!” Josephine asks. Dylan sits across from Josephine. “Do you want a list? We've got Kitty Cat, Katie Cat, my doppelganger Dylan Cat, and even that idiot Meow Cat.” Dylan says. “Who says I'm affiliated with any of them?” Josephine asks. “Your name IS Josephine Cat.” Dylan points out. “I'm from Fishkit City, dumb ass! Of course I have cat in my name! Doesn't mean I'm working with the Cat royal empire or that I agree with any of their radical beliefs!” Josephine notes. “Well I'm sorry, but I can't take that chance. I've been in this city for only two years and the chaos I've seen the cats cause has been insane, I'm not gonna take the chance of letting another one slip through my fingers.” Dylan says. “Let me ask you something, Dylan Dog. You said you're charging me with aiding and abetting, but do you actually have any evidence that I'm working with the Cats? Anything at all? Because if not, this is just a giant waste of your time and makes you look like a total moron.” Josephine says. “We'll see.” Dylan says. “No we won't. Something you may not know about me is that I'm a cop too, and from where I'm sitting, you don't have any reason to hold me here for another second other than your own personal prejudice. Now call me crazy, but that sounds like a lawsuit if I've ever heard of one! You've built yourself a pretty decent reputation in this city over the last few years, do you really want that to all be blown sky high because you couldn't see past your hate for all things cat related? Do yourself a favor and don't embarrass yourself anymore than you already have. Let me walk out of here before things get ugly…for you.” Josephine says. “Are you threatening me?” Dylan asks. “Yes…with a lawsuit. Are we done here?” Josephine asks. Dylan glares at Josephine for a moment. “Don't leave town.” Dylan warns. “Wouldn't dream of it.” Josephine says. Josephine stands up and goes to walk out but then stops and turns back towards Dylan. “One last thing. Can you point me in the direction of the commissioner's office?” Josephine asks. “If you're looking to confess, I'm available.” Dylan says. Josephine smirks. “No, I was actually looking to fill out an application to join the department. Despite the rude welcoming party, I like this city a lot and am thinking about putting down roots here.” Josephine admits. “You aren't coming to work here!” Dylan states. “That's up to the commissioner. Now, about those directions.” Josephine says.

Back in the present. “I really was awful to you, huh?” Dylan asks. “You made up for it down the line and we all became pretty good friends.You, me, Andy, Dannie…” Josephine says. “I'm sorry I never got the chance to make things right with you. Of course, if I don't find a way out of this room soon, I may get the chance to apologize sooner than I think.” Dylan says. “You're gonna get out of here.” Josephine says. “How? By praying?” Dylan sarcastically wonders. “By skill. I've seen you get out of much worse jams than this, I have no doubt you can find your way out of this one.” Josephine says, before fading away. “But how? I don't see any other way out. Maybe that other guy I was would be able to think of something, but this guy has hit a dead end.” Dylan says. “Do I hear some self doubt? Sounds like you would benefit from some time with a psychiatrist. Lucky for you, I happen to be well acquainted with one.” A familiar voice says. Dylan looks up and finds someone standing in front of him. “Dannie?” Dylan asks. Dannie is revealed to be standing over Dylan!

In Andy and Rebecca's rental car, Rebecca is driving as Andy appears to be deep in thought. “We need to get to that building as soon as possible. If Dylan and Daisy manage to escape before we're able to warn them, they could be signing their own death warrants.” Rebecca notes. Andy doesn't respond. “Andy?” Rebecca asks. “Hm?” Andy asks. “Did you hear what I said?” Rebecca questions. “Sorry, I was just thinking.” Andy says. “About what?” Rebecca wonders. “Thinking about how much danger Dylan and Daisy are in…it's reminding me about how close Dylan and I used to be. He and I were as close as brothers, never in a million years did I ever think we'd drift apart like this.” Andy says. “It isn't your fault. When you think about it, it isn't really Dylan's fault either. The Master and Andropov bringing him back to life is the reason he doesn't have his memories, and his amnesia is the reason he's been behaving the way he has been these last few years.” Rebecca notes. “Maybe I should've tried harder to break through to him.” Andy suggests. “Lydia tried that when Dylan first came home. If the woman Dylan once loved wasn't able to reach him, what makes you think you would've had any better luck?” Rebecca wonders. “Yeah, I guess you're right…” Andy says. “Honestly, I'm not sure anyone would be able to break through to Dylan. Whatever is responsible for him losing his memories, I think it may have created some kind of barrier that's preventing those memories from returning. All we can do is hope that some how, some way, that barrier can be broken down and the Dylan we once knew and loved can come home to us.” Rebecca says. “I hope so, because I just want my buddy back.” Andy says. “I know, I want him back too. Dylan may not actually be my brother, but I'll never stop thinking of him as one. Besides Alexios, he's the only member of the Stanpatos family that I've been able to get along with.” Rebecca says. “Because he was the only sane member of the family, other than Alexios.” Andy points out. Rebecca smiles. “Yeah…he was…” Rebecca says. “You know, if Dylan does make it out of this, maybe I should just try and get to know the person that he is now.” Andy suggests. “That person is the one who framed Bethany for Daisy gaslighting me.” Rebecca recalls. “I know, but he seems like he's trying to turn things around. He's trying to help us bring Lawrence down.” Andy points out. “That's because no matter what Dylan has done since coming back, none of it can compare to the evil that Lawrence is capable of.” Rebecca says. “Still, I've gotta believe there is some good left in him. There has to be, right?” Andy asks. “I'll tell you what, WHEN we bring Dylan home, we'll invite him over for dinner some night. Provided he leaves Daisy at home, of course.” Rebecca says. Andy laughs. “You know what? That sounds like a great plan. Thank you, by the way.” Andy says. “For what? Making dinner plans?” Rebecca playfully asks. “For being my rock. Whenever I'm down, I can always count on you to keep me level headed. You're amazing.” Andy says. “Well when this is all over, you can thank me for being amazing by bringing me out on a date. With all of this stuff about the diamond jewels, we haven't had any time to devote to ourselves.” Rebecca notes. Andy smiles. “I'd like that.” Andy says.

In the dungeon, Dylan is looking up at Dannie. “I take it you're here to reflect on the past with me?” Dylan asks. “Who better than someone you've known longer than almost anyone? Even Andy and Josephine haven't known you for quite as long as I have.” Dannie notes. “We…we used to be friends too, right?” Dylan asks. Dannie nods. “We were. In fact, you were the first friend I made in Fantastic after Mom and I moved back in 2004.” Dannie says. Dylan flashes back.

At The Coffee Bean, Dylan and Queen Goo are sitting at a table together. “So you used to live in Fantastic, huh?” Dylan asks. “My siblings and I grew up here. I moved away for quite some time, but I've always considered Fantastic City to be home. I must admit, when I came back, I was expecting the city to be much different from the last time I lived here. But truthfully, it hasn't changed all that much! I suppose that's a good thing. Of course civilization is allowed to evolve, but it's always good to keep some form of familiarity.” Queen Goo says. Queen Goo's phone begins ringing. “Oh, hold on a moment. My daughter is calling.” Queen Goo says. “She was supposed to be here by now, wasn't she?” Dylan asks. “Supposed to be. I'm sure this is her calling to let me know that she's running late.” Queen Goo says. Queen Goo flips her cellphone open and answers the call. “Hello my darling! Dylan Dog and I are sitting here waiting, wondering where you are. Did you hit a bit of traffic?...Is that right? That's wonderful!...Alright, I'll see you soon then.” Queen Goo says, before closing her phone. “She's parking the car now, she should be in any moment now.” Queen Goo says. “Good to hear.” Dylan says. “Say, is there any chance that King Beast will be joining us?” Queen Goo wonders. “I asked him, but I guess he has a meeting downtown.” Dylan says. “Aw, that's a shame. He seems like a nice man, I'm looking forward to getting to know him better.” Queen Goo says. “You think he's nice, huh?” Dylan asks. “Why do you say it like that? Is he secretly mean?” Queen Goo wonders. “Not anymore, but the way you said it is curious.” Dylan says. Queen Goo blushes. “I don't get what you mean.” Queen Goo claims. “Sure you do, you're blushing! You've got a crush on the old goat, don't you?” Dylan playfully asks. “That is ridiculous! King Beast and I have only just met!” Queen Goo points out. “It's so crazy to me that the two of you only just met. You seemed so comfortable with him, almost like you'd known him for years.” Dylan notes. Before Queen Goo can respond, Dannie walks up. “Hey Mom, sorry I'm late.” Dannie says. “You aren't late, you're right on time! Oh! Katie Dog, I would like you to meet my new friend, Dylan Dog! He lives at the castle with King Beast, so I suppose that means he'll be living with us as well!” Queen Goo says. Dannie shakes Dylan's hand. “It's very nice to meet you.” Dannie says. “Likewise. So you have dog in your name too, huh?” Dylan asks. “I was born in Fantastic City. Shortly after, mom and I moved away.” Dannie reveals. “I noticed that you also have dog in your name. Were you born in Fantastic as well?” Queen Goo asks Dylan. “Uh, no…no I was not. See, I don't actually remember all that much about my own past.” Dylan says. “Oh my goodness, do you remember anything at all?” Dannie wonders. “Bits and pieces that make me not want to remember the rest. Anyways, I do remember my name is Dylan and I sorta adopted the dog part in my name to represent my new life here in Fantastic City.” Dylan says. “Well since I haven't been here since I was just a baby, it looks like you and I will be getting to know the city at the same time.” Dannie notes. “At least I know I'm not alone.” Dylan says. “No, you aren't. I can already tell we're going to be great friends.” Dannie says.

Back in the present. “Did you know back then that would turn out to be a bald face lie?” Dylan questions. “It wasn't a lie. We've drifted apart in recent years, but we can be close again. Just like you and Andy can be close again. The man I became good friends with twenty years ago is still inside you somewhere, looking to come back to the surface. You just need to reach out and grab his hand.” Dannie says. “I've been trying that for years, it hasn't worked so far. I even wanted to hunt down Doctor Andropov last year hoping that maybe he might have a solution to my memory problems, but then I got distracted by Lawrence's plan to take control of Masters Corp…” Dylan says. “I'm sure he didn't want you to find Andropov because that would've meant finding Lydia as well.” Dannie says. “Yeah, probably.” Dylan admits. “That's okay, I don't think you need Andropov to access your old memories. You're already making such tremendous progress.” Dannie notes. “I don't get it. I've been trying for years to get those memories back, why are they suddenly coming back now?” Dylan wonders. “A response to the trauma you're currently going through, perhaps? You are in a life threatening situation, so isn't Daisy. Your daughter is potentially in the hands of a mad man. I assume this is your way of finding your way out of the situation, by becoming in sync with the version of yourself that would be able to find his way out of this predicament.” Dannie says. “That makes sense, I guess.” Dylan says. “You're getting close, aren't you? Every second that passes, another memory from your past returns to you. Memories of your friends, your family, even your enemies.” Dannie says. “I got a good dose of that when I started having flashes of my time with Andre.” Dylan notes. “I'm sure not all of the memories that come back will be good ones, but most of them will be. You've built a wonderful life in Fantastic and have developed relationships with some incredible people.” Dannie says. Dylan smiles. “Yeah…I'm beginning to see that.” Dylan says. “Don't give up hope. Those people would be delighted if you were to not only make it home alive, but also with your memories back.” Dannie says. “It's kinda hard to keep the faith when faced with hopelessness.” Dylan notes. “I know it looks like there's no way out, but there is.” Dannie says. “How do you know? You're just a vision.” Dylan notes. “I know because I know you, and you always find a way no matter how bad the odds are. You can do this, I have no doubt.” Dannie says, before fading away.

Back in Andy and Rebecca’s car, Andy is on the phone as Rebecca continues to drive. “Be honest with me, how are you and King Beast doing?” Andy asks. “Okay, I guess. As if the kidnapping wasn't traumatic enough, I'm still trying to process what Jenna put me through.” Dannie says. “I heard Jenna pleaded guilty.” Andy says. “Yeah, she did. She's in jail now, so it looks like I won't have to worry about bumping into her anywhere for a good while. Janice is locked up too, she got sent back to Colossal Heights for violating the terms of her release. She'll also be standing trial for the kidnapping.” Dannie says. “Good.” Andy says. “How goes the search for Dylan and Daisy? Have you found anything?” Dannie wonders. “Rebecca and I are following up on a lead right now, hopefully it pans out.” Andy says. “I can't believe Lawrence did this. I knew he was evil, but I never thought he would go as far as kidnapping his own son. For the brief period of time when I thought he was my father, he seemed really interested in getting to know me and being an attentive parent.” Dannie says. “Probably because he was hoping he could mold you into whatever sort of child he wanted. You lucked out with King Beast as a father.” Andy says. “I wish I could say the same thing about Dylan. You know, him disappearing like this has really made me realize how much I miss our friendship. Dylan was the first friend mom and I made when we came to Fantastic.” Dannie recalls. “Yeah, I've been having similar thoughts. Don't worry though, we're gonna find him…and Daisy.” Andy says. “I know you will.” Dannie says.

In the dungeon, Dylan checks Daisy's pulse. “Okay, good…you're still breathing. Don't worry, I'm gonna find us a way out.” Dylan says. “You aren't going to do that kneeling on the floor for eternity.” A familiar voice says. Dylan turns around. “King Beast?” Dylan asks. King Beast is revealed to be standing on the other side of the room. “Hello Dylan, it's good to see you.” King Beast says. “No it isn't, because you're not real.” Dylan points out. King Beast chuckles. “Let me rephrase that. It's good to see you resembling the man I once knew a bit more than you have in quite some time.” King Beast says. “Still not quite there yet.” Dylan says. “Perhaps I could give you the extra push you need. I have known you longer than anyone else in Fantastic.” King Beast notes. “So I've heard. You and I had a pretty nasty fight, didn't we?” Dylan asks. “Yes we did. It was something I desperately needed, someone to give me a wake up call and make me realize the error of my ways. You were able to accomplish that effortlessly when no one else could. I'll be forever grateful to you, helping change the trajectory of my life. That single day changed everything for me.” King Beast says. Dylan flashes back.

At the castle, King Beast is sipping on a glass of wine when Dylan bursts into the living room. “Just the man I was looking for.” Dylan says. “Who are you? And how did you get past my security?” King Beast questions. “I was discreet about coming in.” Dylan says. “No, there is no such thing as being discreet around my security. I only hire the best of the best.” King Beast says. “Apparently not.” Dylan says. “Well for you to have been able to make it in here without being spotted, you must have put in a great deal of effort. I suppose I owe it to you to hear what you have to say, provided you didn't come here to assassinate me.” King Beast says. “That's more your style, not mine.” Dylan says. “Pardon?” King Beast asks. “I think the way you're running this city is cruel and I think it needs to end. These people are terrified of you! Terrified that if they say the wrong thing in public, you'll have them tossed in jail for the rest of their life!” Dylan says. “I'm running a city, I need to be strict about my laws in order to maintain order among the citizens who reside here.” King Beast says. “Order?! This isn't order! This is a dictatorship!” Dylan snaps. “And how is this any business of yours? Do you even live here?” King Beast questions. “No, and why would I want to? Why would anyone want to live here with you as a ruler?! Can't you see how much you're hurting your citizens? It's disgraceful!” Dylan says. “The only thing disgraceful is your pathetic attempt to appeal to my better angels. It isn't going to work, my friend. I've been the king of this city for years and this is how I've run it for most of those years, I'm not about to walk back my policies now all because some outsider disagrees with them.” King Beast says. “And I'm not about to sit by and let you terrorize the people of this city. They deserve better than scum like you.” Dylan says. “You know, you are very lucky that I've allowed you this much time to speak. I suppose you can attribute that to me being in a good mood today. But your righteous indignation ends here. I want you to leave my home now or else I will call security and have you removed. If you resist, I'll have you jailed indefinitely.” King Beast warns. “There you go, proving my point.” Dylan says. “I'm not going to ask you again! Leave this place and never return! In fact, I'd like you to leave Fantastic City all together. You have no place in this city, you are nothing to it! It is nothing to you!” King Beast states.

Back in the present, Dylan laughs. “That couldn't have been further from the truth.” Dylan notes. “I remember you leaving that day when I told you to, but you ended up coming back, and when you did, you forced me to face the reality of the pain I had caused the people in the city. You never gave up. This city was filled with strangers, people you had never met, and you were willing to risk your life to free them from a treacherous dictatorship. At the same time, you freed me as well from my own lust for power. If you were able to save Fantastic City from the brink of ruin back then, you are more than capable of saving Daisy and yourself from your current circumstances. You just have to remember who you are! Think of everyone that has ever mattered to you, all of the people you’ve met since arriving in Fantastic City twenty years ago. Let the memory of those people help restore your memories.” King Beast says. Suddenly, Dylan has a quick flash of memories including King Beast, Queen Goo, Dannie, Mrs. Babada, Andy, Josephine, Ciara, Victor, Lydia, and Sabrina. Once the memories stop, Dylan looks around and realizes King Beast has disappeared. “I…I remember. I remember everything!” Dylan exclaims.


Posts : 1027
Join date : 2021-01-15


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