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Fantastic S5 Episode 115(5/28/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 115(5/28/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 115(5/28/24)

Post by QG Tue May 28, 2024 12:44 pm

It’s a new day in Fantastic City. At the courthouse, Jenna is led out of the courtroom by a guard and finds King Beast sitting on a bench. “Hello Jenna.” King Beast says. “King Beast.” Jenna coldly says. King Beast stands up. “I’m sure I’m probably the last person you were hoping to see today.” King Beast assumes. “I’m sure I was probably the last person you wanted to see today, but I’m guessing seeing me carted off to jail was enough to tempt you to stop by.” Jenna says. “I’m guessing things didn’t go so well in there.” King Beast assumes. “I got sentenced to five years in prison, effective immediately. Probably could’ve been a lot worse.” Jenna says. “If it means anything to you, I did write a letter to the courts asking for leniency in your sentencing.” King Beast says. “Why would you do that?” Jenna wonders. “Ultimately, you did realize that what you were doing to Dannie and myself was wrong, that did count for something. Not only that, but I do feel I’m responsible for the path your life went down.” King Beast says. “That’s very big of you to admit. It doesn’t really change anything, though.” Jenna points out. “No it does not. Nothing I could do or say could possibly undo the damage I’ve caused you, and for that, I will be forever sorry.” King Beast says. “I’m not exactly innocent in all this either, not after what I did.” Jenna points out. “No, but I do understand why you went to such drastic lengths. This may not mean anything coming from me, but I do forgive you.” King Beast says. “Thanks…” Jenna whispers. “Well…I suppose I should be going. I wish you the best of luck.” King Beast says. King Beast goes to leave. “Wait!” Jenna calls out. King Beast turns back towards Jenna. “There’s something I need to say to you.” Jenna tells him. “What is it?” King Beast wonders. “I…I forgive you.” Jenna reveals!

In Monte Carlo, Andy and Rebecca walk into a restaurant and take a seat at a table. “That was a loooooooong flight, I could really use a bite to eat.” Andy says. “We shouldn’t spend too much time dining. We need to start searching for Dylan and Daisy as soon as possible.” Rebecca says. “We don’t even know where to start searching. Monte Carlo is a big place.” Andy points out. “Maybe, but we can narrow it down to places Lawrence has a known connection to. If we can do that, we may be able to locate where Dylan and Daisy are, possibly even Lawrence.” Rebecca says. “Do you think this could be the break in the case we need? If we find Dylan and Daisy and they can testify that Lawrence kidnapped him, we might finally have the evidence we need to put that bastard away.” Andy says. “Don’t be surprised if Lawrence is counting on that and doesn’t actually resurface until he needs to. We also need to consider the worst case scenario too.” Rebecca notes. “What’s that?” Andy wonders. “That Lawrence could have killed Dylan and Daisy. Dylan may be his son, but if Lawrence found out Dylan was betraying him, I’m not sure that would stop him from exacting his revenge. Just look at what he did to Zoey for trying to give him the fake necklace, or what he did to Brady when Ciara gave him the fake bracelet!” Rebecca points out. “I don’t think Lawrence would’ve flown all the way to Monte Carlo if he had killed them, he could’ve easily have done that in Fantastic City. No, I feel in my gut that they are still alive, we just need to find them somehow.” Andy says. “Maybe I can help with that.” A familiar voice says. Andy and Rebecca both look up. “Jackie?” Rebecca asks. Jackie smiles at Rebecca and takes a seat at the table. “I thought the two of you could use some backup.” Jackie says. “How did you even know we were heading here?” Andy wonders. “Your wife called me before she boarded the plane and filled me in on what was going on. I hear Lawrence has been pretty busy these last few months.” Jackie says. “You don’t know the half of it. Listen, isn’t it kinda risky for you to be here? You work for the WPA and we know that Lawrence is in charge of the agency, we don’t want him to figure out that we’re working together.” Rebecca says. “Don’t worry, I made sure I took extra precaution when coming here. There’s no way Lawrence could ever figure out I’m here or that I’m helping out the two of you.” Jackie says. “Is that why Rebecca called you? For help?” Andy asks. “Jackie has been using her WPA resources to give me a hand since we found out Lawrence was behind Lydia’s kidnapping. I’m sure you remember that Jackie was the one who told us that The Evil Force was the one who bought the diamond ring from Lysandros, via a third party.” Rebecca recalls. Rebecca turns towards Jackie. “But I didn’t realize you would travel all the way here to help us, I guess I just figured you would call.” Rebecca notes. “It’s always easier to go over things in person. Besides, I’ve been meaning to go somewhere with some sun and Monte Carlo’s weather is beautiful this time of year.” Jackie says. “So once we wrap up here, you’ll be heading to the beach?” Andy asks. “No, I’ll be heading to the casino to play the slots and THEN I’ll be heading to the beach, hopefully with a new man on my arm if I’m lucky enough at the casino. But that’s not what we’re here to talk about, is it?” Jackie notes. “Do you have any information for us?” Rebecca wonders. “First, let me just warn you that Lawrence has completely dropped off the grid since arriving in Monte Carlo yesterday. I’ve checked with several different sources and no one seems to have any idea where he is.” Jackie says. “It’s strange that someone who is able to disappear so easily would make it so easy for us to be able to track him here.” Rebecca notes. “It is strange, but I’m certainly not complaining. Now assuming he really did kidnap Dylan Stanpatos and Daisy Nichols, finding them will be the tricky part.” Jackie admits. “Why do you say that?” Andy wonders. “I’ve been doing some digging over the last twenty four hours and I can’t find any properties here in Monte Carlo with any connection to Lawrence.” Jackie reveals. “Which means we’ve hit yet another dead end.” Rebecca says. “I didn’t say that. I did stumble upon one piece of information, something that could lead you right to Dylan and Daisy.” Jackie tells them.

In the dungeon, Dylan and Daisy are lying on the floor together, Daisy resting her head on Dylan’s chest. “It feels so good to be back in your arms again…” Daisy tells him. “Yeah…I don’t think I actually realized how much I missed you until I had you again. Being with you…it’s nostalgic, in the best possible way.” Dylan says. Daisy smiles. “I feel the same way. You know, I keep expecting to wake up and find out this was all some crazy dream.” Daisy says. “I could pinch you if you want to double check.” Dylan tells her. “Don’t you dare!” Daisy warns. Dylan laughs. “Okay, I’ll keep my hands to myself. I’m really glad we worked things out. It never felt good hating you, not nearly as good as it felt hating with you.” Dylan says. “Hating with me?” Daisy questions. “Yeah! Everyone else! All those hypocrites back in Fantastic that judge us for every little thing we do.” Dylan says. “Speaking of which, they’re probably going to be judging you like crazy when they find out you took me back.” Daisy notes. “Let them. Your opinion is the only one that matters to me. It’s always been you and me against the world, I don’t want that to change.” Dylan says. “Neither do I. Right now, the bigger issue though is you and me against Lawrence.” Daisy points out. “Ugh, did you really have to ruin the moment by bringing up redacted?” Dylan asks. “Sorry! Believe me, I love being with you again and all that, but I feel like we’re wasting time just lying here, waiting to die! We should be trying to find a way out of here. My stomach is already starting to kill me, and I’m already feeling light headed.” Daisy notes. “Yeah, me too. You know, I was under no illusions where Lawrence is concerned. I’ve known for a while now that he was a bad guy, but I…I never thought he’d take things this far.” Dylan says. “Just another thing we have in common. We both have psychopathic dads who would have no problem throwing us aside over the slightest betrayal. At least The Evil Force was always honest about his feelings towards me though, he never pretended like we were some big happy family.” Daisy notes. “You mean like Lawrence did with me? He really loves pulling the family card, using it to justify all the insane crap he’s pulled these last few years.” Dylan says. “He can’t do that anymore. He left his own son to rot in a cell, that’s inexcusable!” Daisy notes. “I don’t think he sees it that way.” Dylan says. “You know, all I keep thinking is that if we can’t get out of here…what’s going to happen to Harper? He said he was going to raise her himself, as a true Stanpatos. Do you have any idea how much that terrifies me?” Daisy asks. “We don’t have to worry about that because we’re going to get out of here.” Dylan assures her. “You don’t know that.” Daisy says. “Yes I do. I’m not going to let you or Harper down, I will find a way to get us out of this mess, and when I do…there isn’t a rock Lawrence can hide under where I won’t find him. I’m going to find him and I’m going to kill him for what he’s done.” Dylan says. “You’re serious.” Daisy realizes. “I’m deadly serious. His reign of terror has gone on long enough and it’s time someone puts an end to it. I turned a blind eye to his activities for a long time, it’s only fair that I be the one to stop him after all the pain I’ve let him cause.” Dylan says. “You haven’t let him do anything…if you knew what he was up to, you would’ve stopped him.” Daisy notes. “Maybe if I had paid more attention to the signs, I would’ve figured it out sooner. There’s no point in dwelling on any of that right now. Right now, we need to find a way out of this mess.” Dylan says. Dylan stands up but nearly loses his balance. Daisy stands up and places her hand on his arm. “Are you okay?” Daisy asks. “Yeah…I’m…I’m fine.” Dylan claims. “You don’t look fine.” Daisy notes. “I haven’t eaten or drinken anything in 36 hours, I’m not feeling my strongest right now.” Dylan admits. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to get us out of here?” Daisy asks. “Yes! I’m not going to let you down, or our daughter. Do you trust me?” Dylan asks. Daisy smiles. “I trust you.” Daisy says. “Good, then I’m going to do everything in my power to prove to you that your trust isn’t misplaced.” Dylan says. “I know you will.” Daisy says.

At the courthouse, King Beast is surprised by Jenna’s declaration. “You forgive me?” King Beast asks. “That’s what I said.” Jenna notes. “I don’t understand. You were so adamant over the fact that I wasn’t capable of redemption, that what I did was beyond forgiveness…and I agree with you! I’m not worthy of your forgiveness.” King Beast says. “The anger I’ve felt towards you all these years has ruined my life.” Jenna points out. “That doesn’t mean it wasn’t justified.” King Beast argues. “I’m not saying it wasn’t, but I also can’t keep letting it eat away at me. I saw the kind of man you are these days, I saw how much you care about Dannie and the people around you. What I did to you and to Dannie was awful and inhumane and most people wouldn’t spit on me if I were on fire if I had done that to them, but you’ve been nothing but understanding since then. Originally I thought you were just putting on an act so that I’d let you and Dannie go, but then you went and you wrote a letter asking for me to get a lighter sentence. When I walked into the courtroom today, I was expecting to get a lot more time than just 5 years, so I have to believe that your letter had something to do with me getting less time. I really appreciate that.” Jenna says. “You don’t need to, it’s the least I could do.” King Beast says. The guard comes over to Jenna. “The van is here, it’s time to go.” The guard tells her. “I guess that’s my cue. Life is going to look a lot different for me than what I’m used to over the next 5 years, and it’s going to look even more different when I get out.” Jenna notes. “You seem to be handling it rather well.” King Beast notes. “When I showed up today, I was expecting to get 20 years in jail, so 5 seems like a blessing. Plus, there’s always the chance I could get out earlier on good behavior.” Jenna says. King Beast smiles. “I have no doubt you won’t have any issue managing that. I know that your life is going to be more difficult over the next few years. I’ve never been in prison before but I have been a prisoner. The best advice I could offer you is to take this time to work on yourself and to fight off your inner demons, and to determine what your life after this ordeal is going to look like.” King Beast says. “I know I probably won’t be able to go back to nursing. Maybe I could pursue art! Any chance they have art classes in prison?” Jenna wonders. “If they do, I’m sure you’ll excel at them. Listen, if you…if you ever need anything, or if you ever need to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to call. I’m available. And when you are released, I’d be happy to try and help you put your life back together.” King Beast says. “That’s…that’s really generous of you. This…um…this may seem like a weird question, but can…can I hug you? I could just really use a hug right now.” Jenna cries. King Beast nods. “Sure you can.” King Beast tells her. King Beast wraps his arms around Jenna and Jenna cries into his chest. “It’s going to be okay, I promise. Remember, anything you need, I’m there to help.” King Beast says. “Thank you, and again…I am so sorry.” Jenna tells him. “I’m sorry too. Good bye, Jenna, and good luck. Until we meet again.” King Beast says. Jenna smiles at King Beast before allowing the guard to lead her out of the courthouse…

“What do you have for us?” Rebecca asks Jackie. “A known associate of Lawrence that lives here in Monte Carlo.” Jackie says. “Any idea what the nature of their professional relationship is?” Andy asks. “Let’s just say that he takes care of jobs for Lawrence that a lot of other people may consider too “dirty”, if you know what I mean.” Jackie says. “The ugly ones, like kidnapping.” Andy says. “Except I’m willing to bet Lawrence was personally behind whatever happened to Dylan and Daisy.” Rebecca says. “Doesn’t mean this guy isn’t somehow involved. What’s his name, Jackie?” Andy questions. “Francisco.” Jackie reveals. Andy pauses for a moment. “Oh my god…” Andy mutters. “What is it?” Jackie asks. “There was this guy who used to work for Andre back in the day, his name was Fransisco! He took care of a lot of Andre’s dirty work. You know who I’m talking about, don’t you sweetheart?” Andy asks Rebecca. “I know who you’re talking about, but I remember hearing a rumor that Kadmos Masters did something to him.” Rebecca says. “Right, I remember that…” Andy admits. “Well reports of Fransisco’s demise were greatly exaggerated. He’s here in Monte Carlo, and I have it under good authority he’s been working with Lawrence as recently as this year.” Jackie says. “So it’s possible he could be in on Dylan and Daisy’s kidnapping.” Andy notes. Rebecca shrugs. “It’s worth looking into.” Rebecca admits. Andy turns towards Jackie. “Do you have an address for Fransisco?” Andy questions.

In the dungeon, Dylan’s back slides down the door as he falls to the floor. “Well it’s official, I don’t think we’ll be getting out the front door unless someone happens to poke their head in to see if we’re dead yet and we manage to get the better of them.” Dylan says. “I could’ve told you that. In fact, I have! Multiple times!” Daisy points out. “I guess we’re back to hoping someone pops in to check on us then.” Dylan says. “I have a feeling you’ll be waiting a while. Lawrence doesn’t need to send anyone to check on us, not when he has us under 24 hour surveillance.” Daisy says, motioning towards a security camera at the top of the room. “Comforting.” Dylan sarcastically mutters. “It’s fine, I’m sure we’ll find another way out. No one thinks faster on their feet than we do.” Daisy says. Dylan smiles. “Especially when we’re working together.” Dylan says. “Yeah…as horrible as all of this has been, at least it gave us the chance to finally talk things through.” Daisy says. “We should have done that a lot sooner.” Dylan says. “I was open to talking, it was this stubborn jackass that refused to.” Daisy notes. “Hm, can’t imagine who you could be talking about.” Dylan jokes. “I’ll give you a really vague hint. His name starts with Dyl and ends with an.” Daisy says. “Not a clue, but I’m sure he’s a really smart guy, incredibly funny! Basically the whole package.” Dylan says. Daisy rolls her eyes. “Whatever gets you through the day.” Daisy says, with a smile. Daisy nearly falls over and has to hold onto the wall. Dylan jumps off the floor and rushes over to her. “Hey, are you okay?” Dylan wonders. “Yeah…I…I told you I was feeling a little light headed.” Daisy notes. “Maybe you should sit down.” Dylan suggests. “Sitting down on the cold hard floor, I’m not sure I’d be able to stand back up…” Daisy says. “Still, you don’t want to overexert yourself. Save your energy.” Dylan urges. Daisy nods. “Right…what…what about you?” Daisy asks. “I’m fine.” Dylan claims. “Sure you are. Listen, you…you don’t want to overexert yourself either, you know?” Daisy says. “It’s the only way we’re going to get out of here.” Dylan argues. “Yeah, but I…I…I don’t want anything happening to you.” Daisy tells him. Dylan places his hand on Daisy’s cheek. “Nothing is going to happen to me. Are you sure you’re okay? You look really pale.” Dylan notes. “Don’t worry about me. Just…I love you, I really love you.” Daisy tells him. Dylan raises an eyebrow. “Daisy?” Dylan asks. Daisy suddenly collapses and Dylan catches her! “Oh my god, Daisy! Wake up! DAISY!” Dylan shouts…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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