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Fantastic S5 Episode 114(5/27/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 114(5/27/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 114(5/27/24)

Post by QG Mon May 27, 2024 1:25 pm

At the Fantastic P.D, a handcuffed Jenna is led into the interrogation room by a guard and she discovers Don waiting for her. “You can remove the cuffs, officer.” Don says. “Are you sure, chief?” The guard asks. “Positive. I don’t think this one is much of a threat.” Don says. The guard removes the handcuffs from Jenna and walks out. “That was awfully generous of you.” Jenna points out. “I wouldn’t get too used to it. Have a seat.” Don urges. Jenna sits at the table across from Don. “So…I’m guessing you probably know who I am by now.” Jenna says. “I spoke to our mother about it earlier.” Don admits. “How is she?” Jenna wonders. “She’s back in Colossal Heights where she belongs. After what happened with Dannie and King Beast, she’s probably never going to see the light of day again.” Don says. “I guess I’m probably in a similar situation, huh? Wow, I really screwed up this time…” Jenna admits. “Yes you did.” Don agrees. “Is that why you wanted to see me? To tell me what a horrible person I am? I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I am a horrible person and I deserve whatever is coming my way.” Jenna says. “I don’t think you’re a horrible person, Jenna. I think everything that’s happened in your life has really clouded your judgment, and I know that having our mother egging you on definitely didn’t help.” Don says. “She thought she was helping me.” Jenna notes. “I’m sure she did think that, but she wasn’t. All she did was make things worse for you.” Don says. “Yeah, well…I don’t want to drag this out any longer than I have to. I’ve decided to plead guilty.” Jenna reveals. “You have?” Don asks. “Mmhm. Accepting responsibility for my actions is the only way I can think of to start rebuilding my life, even if that means my life is put on hold for however many years I’m locked up for.” Jenna says. “That’s very brave of you to take ownership like this.” Don observes. “I wouldn’t need to take ownership if I didn’t go over the edge to begin with.” Jenna argues. “Well this is a great start to hopefully one day turning your life around. In the meantime, I don’t want you to think you’re alone through this.” Don says. “Aren’t I?” Jenna asks. “No. Now that I know you’re my sister, I promise I’m gonna do my best to be there for you. You and I…we’re kind of the only family we have right now, with Ma being locked away and Harry being out of town. We have to stick together.” Don says. “Even after everything I’ve done?” Jenna asks. “I can tell you aren’t a bad person, so yeah, even after everything you’ve done.” Don says. Don places his hand on top of Jenna’s. “You aren’t alone, trust me. And whatever comes next for you, I’ll be there to support you.” Don tells her.

In the kitchen at the Goo Castle, Rebecca is sitting at the kitchen island when Andy comes in. “Okay, I just got off the phone with our pilot and we can leave for Monte Carlo any time now.” Andy reveals. “Great. Now the question is where we’re supposed to start once we get there.” Rebecca notes. “Lawrence had to have left some kind of trail, we just need to follow it. Before we go though, I really think we need to talk to our daughter.” Andy says. “Right, we’re going to have to tell Ava we’re going out of town.” Rebecca says. “I’m not just talking about going to Monte Carlo. We need to tell her everything we know about Lawrence.” Andy says. “Andy…” Rebecca begins to say. “I know what you’re going to say, that we’d just be putting her in danger by telling her about what’s been going on. But at this point, I think keeping her in the dark could be even more dangerous. Think about this for a second, what if Lawrence does come back and he decides to target Ava? Ava would have no idea that Lawrence was a threat because she still believes he’s this adoring eccentric uncle!” Andy points out. “We’ve been trying to tell Ava that Lawrence isn’t what he seems for months and she hasn’t listened.” Rebecca notes. “Because we haven’t given her any specifics. If we tell her about the people he’s hurt over these last few months, she’ll have no choice but to see him for the monster he really is.” Andy says. Rebecca sighs. “You’re right. With Lawrence getting even more dangerous these past few months, we can’t risk Ava being around him anymore. We need to tell Ava the truth.” Rebecca says. “Tell me the truth about what?” A voice asks. Andy and Rebecca turn and see Ava standing in the doorway. “Hey sweetheart!” Rebecca exclaims. “Hi. Is everything okay?” Ava questions. “Uh, yeah. It’s just…your dad and I need to talk to you about something.” Rebecca says. “What is it?” Ava wonders. “It’s about your uncle Lawrence.” Andy reveals. Ava scoffs. “This again? We’ve been over this like a million times! I like Uncle Lawrence, I enjoy spending time around him, and I really do think that he’s changed!” Ava says. “He hasn’t changed. It’s time we tell you what your uncle Lawrence has really been up to these past few years.” Rebecca says.

In Monte Carlo, Dylan is banging on the door of the cell he and Daisy are locked in. “LET US OUT OF HERE! LET US OUT!” Dylan screams. “Will you PLEASE shut up?! You’re giving me a migraine!” Daisy snaps. Dylan turns towards Daisy. “Oh, I’m sorry for trying to get us out of here!” Dylan sarcastically says. “What do you think screaming like a raving lunatic is going to accomplish? Do you think Lawrence or his men are going to suddenly feel intimidated by you and decide to open the door? Well I guess I shouldn’t say Lawrence, he’s probably long gone by now, moving on to his next victim.” Daisy says. “Andy and Rebecca…they are the ones with the two remaining diamond jewels, Lawrence is gonna be going after them next.” Dylan assumes. “Does Lawrence even know they have the bracelet?” Daisy asks. “He knows they have the ring, that’s more than enough reason for him to target them.” Dylan notes. “Well I’m less worried about what kind of trouble Andy and Rebecca are in and more worried about what kind of trouble we’re in. Lawrence left us here to die, Dylan! If we can’t find our own way out of here, that is exactly what is going to happen!” Daisy notes. “You should’ve just stayed out of this…” Dylan mutters. “Excuse me?!” Daisy questions. “You heard me!” Dylan snaps. Daisy stands up. “How dare you try and blame me for this! You were the one who was naive enough to think that you could play Lawrence! Did you really think he wouldn’t find out you were double crossing him?!” Daisy asks. “I could’ve handled him.” Dylan claims. “If that were true, you wouldn’t be locked in this room right now!” Daisy yells. “I knew what I was getting into when I set out to bring Lawrence down! Did you? People warned you to stay out of this, but you wouldn’t listen! Now look where we are! We’re both locked in this room, and our daughter is in the hands of a psychopath!” Dylan yells. “A psychopath YOU brought into our lives! When Lawrence first came back to Fantastic, you could’ve just told him to leave! But you didn’t do that! You invited him into your home, into your business, all while he was holding Lydia against her will!” Daisy shouts. “I didn’t know about Lydia!” Dylan argues. “You knew about the kind of person Lawrence was! You may not have remembered him, but I’m sure you did your share of research when you found out he was alive! Now having dug into Lawrence’s background, you would think that would’ve been enough for you to realize that letting him into your life was a bad idea, but apparently not! The man was complicit in you being held prisoner years ago, but for some reason you didn’t think he could be too bad! Not as bad as someone who was blackmailed into sabotaging you at work! That person was the absolute worst! Nothing like cheerful, eccentric papa Lawrence!” Daisy yells. “Are we seriously going to do this now?” Dylan asks. “Why not? We’re stuck in this room, we may as well get our cards on the table!” Daisy says. “My cards have been on the table since the minute you stabbed me in the back!” Dylan tells her. “Oh for god’s sake, will you get off that high horse of yours? I did NOT want to betray you! I loved you more than anyone I have ever loved!” Daisy says. “Not more than you loved yourself apparently! Keeping yourself out of prison was more important than warning me that Xavier was gunning for me and my family company! You could have come to me, Daisy! I would have done everything in my power to help you because I loved you! But for some reason you either didn’t think I was capable of helping you out of that jam or it never occurred to you to do something that would involve helping someone other than yourself.” Dylan says. “You have some nerve, you know that?! Who are you to talk to me about being selfish?! When I gaslit Rebecca years ago, you blackmailed me into framing Bethany for the crime so that you could steal Stanpatos Enterprises from her! You didn’t care that Bethany could end up behind bars, or that Rebecca would never know who actually gaslit her, so long as you got what you wanted out of the deal!” Daisy snaps. “I did that to protect you!” Dylan argues. “You did that because you wanted Bethany out of the way, let’s not rewrite history! You and I are more alike than you’d ever like to admit, it’s the reason we fell in love in the first place. You never had a problem with my underhanded methods before, it wasn’t until those methods impacted you that it suddenly became a problem.” Daisy points out. “It was a problem!” Dylan argues. “Yes, and I have apologized for it at least a million times! I know I could’ve handled things differently, but I can’t go back and fix things! I am just tired of you holding a grudge over something that happened years ago! We have a daughter now, Dylan! It’s time for you to get over it!” Daisy snaps. “That’s easy for you to say! While we’re putting grudges behind us, maybe it’s time you put your grudge against Rebecca in the past.” Dylan suggests. Daisy crosses her arms. “Rebecca and I don’t share a child, thankfully.” Daisy says. “I see, so I should just forgive and forget because we have a kid together?” Dylan asks. “How about you forgive and forget because I am genuinely sorry? Or because despite the fact that you have been treating me like crap these last few years, I have never stopped loving you?! Isn’t that enough?!” Daisy asks. “No Daisy, it isn’t!” Dylan argues. Daisy shakes her head. “Wow, I really wish I had it as easy as you do. Here I am, still pining over you all these years later, and yet you were able to turn your feelings off as if they were a light switch!” Daisy says. “Do you really think it’s that simple?” Dylan asks. “You sure make it seem that way.” Daisy points out. “I have never stopped loving you! The reason why I didn’t want you involved in this Lawrence situation is because I love you and because I couldn’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to you!” Dylan admits. Daisy’s eyes widen. “S-seriously?” Daisy questions. “Yes!” Dylan tells her. “Then why have you been pushing me away all this time?!” Daisy asks. Dylan gets choked up. “Because I know you, and I’m terrified that you’re going to end up hurting me again. You don’t get how it felt for me to have you betray me the way you did. Even though I knew what you were capable of, I trusted you with all my heart and soul. It shattered me when I found out you played a role in me losing Stanpatos Enterprises to Xavier! I can’t go through that again, I can’t place my trust in you again and then have you completely betray it!” Dylan tells her.

In the interrogation room at the Fantastic P.D, Don is holding Jenna’s hand. “So I have this hearing tomorrow morning…I’m gonna plead guilty and I’m probably going to be sentenced. I imagine right after they’ll probably take me to jail. I-I know it’s asking a lot of you, but…but is there any chance that maybe you could…” Jenna begins to ask. “I’ll be there.” Don tells her. Jenna smiles. “Thank you. I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but it means the world to me that you’re willing to come and support me.” Jenna says. “Like I said, I’m going to be there for you from now on. I’ve missed out on a lot of time being your protective older brother, so I have a lot to make up for.” Don says. “You’ll have plenty of chances to play that role over the next few years, so I hope you’re up for it.” Jenna says. “Hey, everything is going to be okay. You have my word.” Don says. “It’s hard to believe that when everything looks so bleak right now. Even when I do get out, my nursing career is probably gonna be over. Where am I supposed to go after this?” Jenna wonders. “We’ll figure it out when the time comes, just know you won’t be figuring it out alone.” Don says. “Thank you. I’ve never actually had a brother before, so this is kinda strange for me.” Jenna says. “A good type of strange I hope.” Don says. “The best, actually. I have a feeling you and I are really going to get along well together.” Jenna says. “I feel the exact same way.” Don says.

In the kitchen at the Goo Castle, Ava is now sitting at the island. “You’re sure about all of this?” Ava asks. “We wouldn’t be telling you if we weren’t.” Rebecca says. “This…this is insane! I know Uncle Lawrence has done some pretty awful stuff in the past, but I really thought he had become a better person!” Ava says. “I know, and even though I’m sure you won’t believe us, we really hated having to tell you this. Your mom and I know how close you’ve gotten with your Uncle Lawrence, and we wish we were wrong about all of this.” Andy says. “Why are you telling me this now? I’m sure you’ve known for a while what Uncle Lawrence has been up to.” Ava notes. “We wanted to protect you, and we thought not telling you what your uncle was doing was accomplishing that.” Rebecca admits. “What’s changed?” Ava questions. “We think Lawrence may have done something with Dylan and Daisy.” Andy reveals. “What?!” Ava asks. “We don’t know for sure, but we do know that Lawrence left for Monte Carlo last night without saying a word to anyone, and that both Dylan and Daisy have disappeared.” Rebecca says. “I don’t understand, why would he want to hurt them? Dylan was his son!” Ava points out. “Dylan has known for a while now that Lawrence couldn’t be trusted and he’s been working him to try and get information. Dylan and Daisy came to me yesterday and told me that they think Lawrence might be on to them.” Andy says. “And you didn’t do anything to help them?!” Ava asks. “There wasn’t anything we could do!” Rebecca argues. “Anyways, Lawrence targeting Dylan and Daisy, killing Zoey Kellers, all it does is show us that he’s nearing his endgame and he no longer cares about hiding his true agenda.” Andy says. “We don’t know if Lawrence is still in Monte Carlo or not, for all we know he could be on his way back to Fantastic.” Rebecca says. “If he is, can’t you arrest him?” Ava asks. “I really wish we could, but we don’t have any evidence tying him to Zoey’s murder, or even any evidence that he’s done anything with Dylan and Daisy.” Rebecca says. “The reason we’re telling you all of this is because we need you to be extra careful. We know that Lawrence has shown an interest in you, we don’t trust him not to target you next.” Andy says. “I don’t think he would kill me!” Ava argues. “Neither do we, but we do think he could take you.” Rebecca admits. “Your mom and I have talked it over and we’re gonna have a security guard keeping a close eye on you, at least until we’re back from Monte Carlo.” Andy says. “Is that really necessary?” Ava asks. “Absolutely! We can’t take the risk of Lawrence targeting you next, we need to be extremely careful! If he’s gone after Dylan, all that does is prove to me that no one is safe from him! What we need you to do is take the threat Lawrence poses seriously! You can’t think of him as the man who has welcomed you into the Stanpatos family, who has brought you out to breakfast, lunch, and dinner every chance he got. You need to think of him as the man who faked Lydia’s death and held her prisoner for two years over a piece of jewelry, the man who murdered Zoey Kellers and kidnapped Dylan and Daisy. That is who Lawrence Stanpatos really is and that is who you need to be careful of.” Rebecca says. Ava nods. “Okay, I get it.” Ava says. “Good. Now, your dad and I really should be going. The sooner we get to Monte Carlo, the sooner we can hopefully track Dylan and Daisy down.” Rebecca says. “Aren’t you worried you could be going to Monte Carlo for nothing? What if Dylan and Daisy aren’t there?” Ava asks. “We’re trying to save someone, that’s never for nothing.” Andy says. Ava smiles. “You two really are like real life superheroes, aren’t you?” Ava asks. “No, we’re just trying to do the right thing.” Rebecca says. “Kinda sounds like superhero behavior to me.” Ava argues. “Going by that logic, I guess that makes you a superhero too. You played a pretty big role in your grandpa coming home, you were the one who noticed he was missing.” Andy notes. “Meh, that wasn’t really anything big.” Ava says. “It was big. Your grandfather might not be alive if you hadn’t noticed he was missing, the same goes for Dannie. You played a role in saving both of them and we are very proud of you.” Rebecca says. “Okay, I guess I’ll accept the credit.” Ava says. “Wow, we didn’t have to work very hard for that, did we?” Andy asks. “Did you think we would?” Rebecca questions. “Not really.” Andy says. Andy turns towards Ava. “Hey, before your mom and I leave, how about a group hug?” Andy asks. “Please no.” Ava says. “Come on, it won’t kill you!” Andy says. “Yes it will!” Ava argues. Andy wraps his arms around both Ava and Rebecca.

In the dungeon in Monte Carlo, Dylan and Daisy are both sitting on the floor now. “I’m sorry. I know that I really screwed up.” Daisy says. “Yeah, you did.” Dylan agrees. Daisy turns towards Dylan. “But what we had together was the rarest kind of love! You have to see that, no matter how pissed you are at me!” Daisy says. Dylan sighs. “I’m not pissed at you, Daisy.” Dylan admits. “You aren’t?” Daisy asks. “No. The truth is…I got over what you did to me a long time ago. Like I said though, I just…I don’t want to get hurt again. That’s why I’ve been trying to keep you at an arm's length, because I don’t trust myself not to open myself up to that sort of pain again.” Dylan says. “What makes you think you’ll have to go through that kind of pain again?” Daisy wonders. “Because it’s who you are! You lie, you manipulate…” Dylan says. “It’s who you are too.” Daisy argues. “Maybe, but I’ve never lied to you. You were always the one person I could be honest with, I never had to worry about you judging me.” Dylan says. Daisy giggles. “Seriously? I remember a few times where I judged you pretty harshly.” Daisy recalls. “But you never turned your back on me. You understood me, the new me post amnesia, in a way that no one else ever has. I never had to filter myself around you.” Dylan notes. “Do you still love me?” Daisy questions. “Let’s not go there…” Dylan mutters. “Please, just…just answer the question.” Daisy urges. Dylan hesitates for a moment before responding. “Yes, I…I still love you.” Dylan confesses. “Then what are we doing? Why aren’t we together?” Daisy asks. “I told you why we aren’t together!” Dylan tells her. Daisy places her hand on top of Dylan’s. “I’ve learned my lesson. I know I should’ve come to you when Xavier was blackmailing me, and if god forbid I ever find myself in a situation like that again, I will come to you. I just…I hate myself for screwing up the best thing I’ve ever had.” Daisy says. “For a long time, I hated you too for screwing up the best thing I ever had, or at least the best thing I remember having.” Dylan says. “But you don’t anymore?” Daisy asks. “...No.” Dylan admits. “But you are scared of getting hurt again. I get it, but at the same time…sometimes taking a chance on love is the best thing a person could do. I still love you, you still love me, and when things were good between us, things were perfect. I want that back, I miss the way things used to be between us!” Daisy tells him. A tear rolls down Dylan’s face. “I miss it too. But…” Dylan begins to say. “But what?! You’re afraid of getting hurt again? Look at where we are! We don’t even know if we have much time left on this planet! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to waste what are potentially my last moments on earth dwelling on the past. I love you, I want to be with you, and if I do die in this room…there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side. Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel the same way.” Daisy says. Dylan looks Daisy in the eye. “I can’t.” Dylan admits. “I didn’t think so.” Daisy says. Daisy places her hand on Dylan’s cheek and slowly leans in for a kiss. Dylan hesitates for a moment, before putting his hand on the back of Daisy’s head and pulling her in for a kiss!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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