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Fantastic S5 Episode 50(1/15/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 50(1/15/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 50(1/15/24)

Post by QG Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:52 am

Corey and a tied up Dannie are still in Corey’s basement. “I was never in a relationship with you before, even back when I thought I was straight! I would remember that!” Dannie notes. “You might not remember me with this face, but I’d bet you would remember me with my old one.” Corey says. Corey reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wrinkled up photo. “This is you and me during happier times.” Corey says. Corey turns the picture towards Dannie and Dannie’s eyes widen when they see a picture of them and Corey from years ago! “No…no, it couldn’t be…” Dannie mutters. “It is. After all these years, I came back for you.” Corey tells a horrified Dannie. “No, no, that’s impossible! Corey Cambino is dead, Rebecca Rogers killed him!” Dannie recalls. “She gave it her best shot. Luckily for me, a guardian angel swooped in and saved me. The paramedics were paid to tell everyone that I was dead and then I was whisked away to a private hospital so I could receive treatment. Once I was well enough, I got facial reconstruction surgery and a brand new identity to go with it.” Corey reveals. “I don’t understand. You have been presumed dead for nearly eight years! No one was looking for you, you had the perfect chance to stay hidden for the rest of your life! Why would you come back now?” Dannie wonders. “Because of you. I heard about how you were possessed and I was devastated for you. I figured that your life had been shattered and that maybe I’d be able to help you pick up the pieces. I mean, I knew it’d be an uphill battle, but at the same time I didn’t realize just how uphill it would actually be. Its the whole reason I had to concoct this fake stalker, so I could be your hero.” Corey reveals. “Oh my god…that was all you?! This whole time I’ve been confiding in you, putting my trust in you, and you’ve been the person terrorizing me!” Dannie realizes. “You were never going to actually get hurt.” Corey says. “Don’t you dare try to justify any of this to me! I may not have gotten hurt, but Kaylie sure did! She ended up in the hospital because of you!” Dannie points out. “No, not because of me! Because of Meow Cat! I told that idiot I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, but he panicked and ended up injecting Kaylie with the drug!” Corey tells them. “It doesn’t matter! Meow Cat never would have had that drug if you didn’t put him up to playing the role of my stalker! My god, you’re even sicker than I remember!” Dannie says. “I did all of this for you…for us. I just wanted to be your hero, Dannie. Its all I ever wanted. I know that the last time we were together, that idiot Emilio was always this looming factor in our relationship, but he’s gone now. We can be together now, we can have the relationship we were destined to have! The one we would’ve had if it weren’t for all those people out to tear us apart. Please tell me you’ll give me another chance.” Corey begs.

In the interrogation room at the Fantastic P.D, Rebecca is sitting across from Lysandros. “I had nothing to do with Lydia’s kidnapping.” Lysandros says. “But?” Rebecca asks. “But you’re right, I know a little bit more about the jewels than I let on.” Lysandros admits. “Okay, lets start with a simple question then. Did you know that the jewels survived the pyramid explosion back in 2015?” Rebecca asks. “Yes.” Lysandros tells her. “How could you have known that?” Rebecca questions. “Because I’m the person that recovered the jewels from the explosion’s site!” Lysandros confesses. Rebecca’s eyes widen. “You were at the site of the explosion?” Rebecca asks. “That’s right. As you probably remember, I had been nursing my vendetta against my family for many years prior to me surfacing in Greece. The one that I despised most out of them was my sister in law, Madeline. I had heard about the incident that took place in Egypt, so the day after the pyramid blew up and the jewels were presumably destroyed, I traveled to Egypt to see if I could find any trace of the jewels, in the event that they somehow survived the blast. When I got there, the place was crawling with WPA agents.” Lysandros recalls. “One of those agents was my brother in law, Peter Wilson. Peter was the one who was overseeing the search through the ruins of the pyramid.” Rebecca notes. “I know that. I actually met Peter while I was there.” Lysandros says, before flashing back.

In Egypt, Peter is standing in the ruins of the pyramid on the phone. “My team and I have been searching the area for nine hours, so far there hasn’t been any sign of the three diamond jewels or Madeline Masters’ corpse…no, of course I’m not giving up. If there is anything left to find of either Madeline or the three diamond jewels, I am going to make sure I find it. I’m not going to sleep well until I know for certain that both Madeline and the jewels are no longer a threat to this world.” Peter says, before hanging up. “Agent Wilson.” A voice says. Peter turns around and sees Lysandros standing behind him! “I’m sorry, you don’t have clearance to be here.” Peter says. “Actually I do.” Lysandros says. Lysandros flashes a badge at Peter. “Agent Roark Larson, I’m here to help with the search.” Lysandros tells him. Peter takes the badge and examines it. “You don’t believe me?” Lysandros asks. “One can never be too careful. I’m sure you know that this is a delicate matter.” Peter says. “I heard about everything that went down. Madeline Masters tried to use the three diamond jewels to cause a global heat wave and her plan ended up backfiring on her.” Lysandros says. “Colossally. Madeline’s plan to use the jewels planned, she got shot by Rebecca Rogers, and then the whole pyramid blew up shortly after. Andy Goo and Rebecca Rogers were able to recover two of her prisoners before the explosion, Kristina Cat and Max Warren.” Peter says. “But nothing on the jewels or Madeline’s body?” Lysandros asks. “No. The clock was ticking, everyone inside the pyramid was focused on escaping before the place blew up. There was no time to go back for Madeline’s body or the three diamond jewels.” Peter says. Peter returns Lysandros’ badge. “Your badge appears to be authentic, so let me brief you on our objectives.” Peter says. “Please do.” Lysandros urges. “In regards to Madeline, I’m not anticipating her turning up alive. She was shot, she was most likely trapped in the explosion, if we find anything its likely to be a charred corpse. If we don’t find anything, I reckon her body was likely destroyed in the explosion. As for the three diamond jewels, those are a different matter entirely. I suspect its possible the jewels may have survived the explosion, which means it is crucial that we recover them. Once we find them, we are going to bring them back to headquarters and toss them in a secured vault where no one will ever be able to access them again. Regardless of what we find or don’t find though, the story we tell the general public will be that the jewels were destroyed in the explosion. If we do recover the jewels, the last thing we want is for anyone else to know that they survived the explosion. After the stunt Madeline tried to pull, I’m willing to wager there are plenty of others out there like her who would want to try and use the jewels for their own nefarious gain. Its our job to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Peter says. Lysandros smiles. “You can count on me, sir.” Lysandros claims. “Excellent. With that being said, happy hunting.” Peter tells him.

Back in the present. “So Peter had no idea who you were?” Rebecca asks. “Very few people at that time knew that a Lysandros Masters existed, Peter Wilson wasn’t one of those people. Then by the time I had made my move a little over a year later, Peter was already dead.” Lysandros points out. “So you were the one who found the three jewels?” Rebecca asks. “That’s correct. They were buried deep underneath a bunch of rubble, its actually pretty amazing that I was able to find them. But I did, and then when Peter asked me if I found anything, I told him no.” Lysandros says. “Do you still have the jewels?” Rebecca questions. “I haven’t had the jewels in years.” Lysandros answers. “So then what did you do with them?” Rebecca asks. “What do you think?” Lysandros asks. “Oh my god, you pawned them, didn’t you?!” Rebecca asks.

At the hospital, Lydia comes into Lucas’ room and finds Julia sitting by his bedside. “Oh, he’s back!” Lydia says. “Where else would he be?” Julia questions. “Its just…when I was last in here a little while ago, a doctor came in and took Lucas away for some tests.” Lydia says. “What kind of tests? Is he okay?” Julia questions. “Yeah, he’s fine. Doctor Franklin said they were just routine tests.” Lydia says. “Doctor Franklin? That isn’t Lucas’ usual doctor.” Julia notes. “I’m sure Olivia was off doing something else. She is the chief of staff after all, I’m sure her schedule stays pretty packed.” Lydia says. “Alright…well since you’re back, I should probably be going.” Julia says, as she stands up. “You don’t have to go.” Lydia says. “Its fine! I don’t want to intrude.” Julia says. “You aren’t intruding, Julia. You matter to Lucas too.” Lydia says. “Look, I appreciate that you are trying to be civil, but we can’t keep ignoring the elephant in the room! That being that you and I are romantically interested in the same man. For that reason, I don’t know how you could possibly expect us to both sit by Lucas’ bedside and act as if nothing is wrong!” Julia says. “I’m not trying to pretend like nothing is wrong! I know better than everyone that nothing is right about this whole situation! You fell in love with Lucas and Lucas fell in love with you because he thought I was dead! I was being held prisoner on an island that whole time, kept from the people that I love! And now, Lucas is in the hospital with a gunshot wound because the psychopath who was holding me prisoner shot him! Nothing is right about this situation, but you know what? I also realize that there aren’t any bad guys here except for the people who were holding me prisoner! I didn’t do anything wrong, Lucas didn’t do anything wrong, and you didn’t do anything wrong!” Lydia tells her. “And you think that takes away the awkwardness? It doesn’t. I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel comfortable sitting vigil next to Lucas’ bedside next to a woman that I very well could lose him to!” Julia says. “Well forgive me for not being worried about that right now! I’m more focused on hoping that Lucas survives!” Lydia says. “Are you suggesting that I’m not worried?!” Julia questions. “I didn’t say that!” Lydia states. “You sure as hell implied it!” Julia argues. The door opens and Acerbi walks in. “What on earth is going on in here?” Acerbi questions. “Julia and I were having a bit of a disagreement, that’s all.” Lydia says. “Is that right? I could hear you down the hall!” Acerbi states. “Emotions are running high. I apologize.” Julia tells Acerbi. “Me too.” Lydia says. “I see. I realize that there is plenty of reason for there to be tension between the two of you, but try to remember that none of that is going to be relevant if Lucas doesn’t open his eyes. And let me tell you, if he can hear you right now, all you are doing is giving him reason to want to stay asleep indefinitely.” Acerbi says. A groan can suddenly be heard and Lydia, Julia, and Acerbi turn to face Lucas. “Oh my god, look!” Julia exclaims. Lucas’ eyelids can be seen fluttering slightly. “Is he waking up?!” Lydia questions. Acerbi walks over to his monitor. “His brain activity is increasing!” Acerbi announces. Meanwhile, Lucas’ eyes begin to slowly open…

“How could you possibly think there’s any hope for us? After everything that you’ve done! You are the reason I was terrified to leave my own house! I never knew when this stalker was going to strike, what he was going to do next! You may have known that Meow Cat wasn’t going to hurt me, but I had no way of knowing that! Not only that, but in a world where I wasn’t gay and I did fall for you, it would never be real! I would have fallen in love with a man named Caleb Cooper, a man who doesn’t exist!” Dannie says. “But don’t you see? Caleb Cooper is me! Sure it might be a different name, but I’m the same person I’ve always been!” Corey tells them. “Then why use the fake name? You can say its because you didn’t want anyone else to know that you were alive and well, and that may be part of the reason, but I think one of the main reasons you never told me your true identity is because deep down, you knew I wouldn’t want anything to do with you if I knew the truth.” Dannie says. “I knew it’d be hard to win you over, but I thought I’d be able to make up for everything with my love for you!” Corey says. “Oh my god, you are completely delusional! You didn’t make small mistakes that are easily forgivable, you murdered people! One of them was my niece, one of them was my father’s cousin! And to make matters worse, when the truth about you finally came out, you held a knife to my throat! You were going to kill me!” Dannie shouts. “I’m ashamed of all the things I did, believe me! But I can change, Dannie! In fact, I think you can help me change! Not only are you the love of my life, but you might just be the only person who can help save my soul.” Corey says. “I don’t have any interest in saving your soul! I’m a psychiatrist, and I do believe that no matter how bad a person is, that they are capable of turning their life around. Maybe you’re capable of turning your life around, becoming a better person, but if that truly is the case, I won’t be the one to help you. The damage you have done to me, to the people I love, its damage that we are all still feeling even to this day.” Dannie says. “I…I understand why you would be hesitant, but I really do think you’ll come around eventually. How about this? How about I head over to The Ancient Jewel and pick up your favorite salad?” Corey asks. “Are you serious? The Ancient Jewel is where you took me hostage, why would I want you to get me anything from there?!” Dannie questions. “Okay, maybe I’ll pick it up from Slate Gray instead.” Corey says. “No thank you, I don’t want anything from you. If you do end up getting me any food, I’ll just end up spitting it right back into your face.” Dannie says. “You’ve gotta eat.” Corey says. “I’d rather starve than accept anything from you.” Dannie says. “We’ll see. I’ll be back soon.” Corey says, before walking upstairs. Once Corey is gone, Dannie begins trying to wiggle their wrists out of the restraints…

Upstairs, Corey finishes locking his front door and then walks away from the house. A moment later, Bethany steps out of the bushes. “Don’t hurry back Caleb, or whatever your real name is. I need you to stay gone long enough for me to get what I came for, the DNA to prove that you and Corey Cambino are the same person.” Bethany says, before they pull out a lock picking kit…

“Why the hell would you pawn the jewels?” Rebecca questions. “I needed the money.” Lysandros says. “So you sold three pieces of jewelry that were used to power a doomsday device?” Rebecca asks. “Madeline’s machine was destroyed in that explosion, and at the time I was under the impression that Madeline herself had been killed.” Lysandros says. “So?! That doesn’t mean that someone else out there wouldn’t try to use the jewels! That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t some other device out there that needed the jewels as its source of power! And clearly there must be, otherwise the person behind Lydia’s kidnapping wouldn’t be going through all of this trouble to recover the jewels!” Rebecca says. “I’m not gonna try and defend my actions. I understand that I made a huge mistake by getting rid of those jewels, especially now that we know someone else is after them.” Lysandros says. “Do you remember the names of the people who you sold the jewels too?” Rebecca asks. “I sold the bracelet to a man named Clark Jacobs. He didn’t realize what the bracelet actually was, he was just looking to buy a nice gift for his wife.” Lysandros says. “Did he consider checking a jewelry store?” Rebecca asks. “He was an associate of mine, I was just trying to help him out.” Lysandros says. “While making a pretty penny for yourself in the process. Well I can safely tell you that Clark is no longer in possession of the bracelet. Lydia bought it in an auction a few years ago.” Rebecca reveals. “So that’s why this person targeted her? They knew she had the bracelet?” Lysandros asks. “It would appear that way. What about the ring? Who did you sell that to?” Rebecca asks. “His name was Vadim Sidorov.” Lysandros recalls. Rebecca writes down the name. “Vadim Sidorov…do you know if he had any idea that the ring was one of the three diamond jewels?” Rebecca questions. “He didn’t give me any indication one way or the other. I do remember he seemed pretty intense, he wasn’t one for small talk.” Lysandros recalls. “So then its possible he did know about the ring’s purpose. I’ll see if I can track this Vadim down. Lastly, do you remember who you sold the necklace to?” Rebecca asks. “That’s gonna be a bit more difficult to track…” Lysandros says. “Why? You didn’t get the name of the buyer?” Rebecca questions. “There was no buyer, the necklace was stolen from me.” Lysandros reveals. “And you have no idea who stole it?” Rebecca asks. “I didn’t say that. What happened was I met this woman at a bar and she seemed rather charming. She and I talked for hours and then we ended up going back to my hotel room…” Lysandros says. “Oh god, I’m not sure I want to hear the rest of the details.” Rebecca says. “Nothing happened between us because it never got that far.” Lysandros says, before flashing back.

At Lysandros’ hotel room, Lysandros opens the door to his hotel room and walks in. “This is it, my palace, at least for the duration of time I’m in town.” Lysandros says. A woman who’s face isn’t seen walks in. “This is a lovely room. Five stars?” The woman asks. “I recently was involved in some lucrative sales that were able to fund this little trip of mine. Right now I’m very happy with the way things turned out, it led to me meeting you.” Lysandros says. Lysandros leans in to kiss the woman but she puts her finger on his mouth. “Not just yet, darling. Before we take things any further, I was hoping that perhaps we could talk a bit more. After all, the conversation we were having back at the bar was just so fascinating, I’d hate for it to end.” The woman says. Lysandros smiles. “Works for me.” Lysandros says. “Excellent. I do think I could go for another drink, I assume you have a mini bar somewhere in the room?” The woman asks. “Right over inside that cabinet on the other side of the room.” Lysandros says. “Lovely. Can I get you anything?” The woman asks. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.” Lysandros says. “Perfect. I’ll be just a minute.” The woman says. The woman walks over to the cabinet and opens it, revealing the mini bar. She pours two glasses of whiskey and then pulls a small container of powder out of her pocket. The woman dumps the whole container into one of the drinks and then mixes it in. The camera slowly pans up and reveals that the woman is Zoey Kellers! “That should be more than enough…” Zoey mutters. “Did you say something?” Lysandros asks. Zoey picks up the two glasses, turns towards him, and smiles. “It was nothing at all!” Zoey says, before handing Lysandros his glass…

“Probably not even a minute after I took a sip of the drink, I passed out. When I woke up, the room was trashed and the woman was gone.” Lysandros says. “Was she after the necklace in particular?” Rebecca asks. “Its hard to say. Any and all valuables I had in that room were gone when I woke up, so its possible she just stole the necklace because it looked expensive.” Lysandros says. “And you have no idea what her name was?” Rebecca asks. “We didn’t exchange names. All I know is she had a british accent, she had dark brown hair that went down to around her shoulders, and she was probably 5’5”, 5’6”, something along those lines. She had brown eyes too.” Lysandros recalls. “So she could be any number of women in the world.” Rebecca says. “I tried to find her the day after but its as if she vanished without a trace. If I had to guess, I’d say that probably wasn’t her first time pulling a stunt like that.” Lysandros says. “I’m gonna have to find her somehow. Its crucial that I get to the three diamond jewels before Lydia’s kidnapper does.” Rebecca says. “You say that like you believe I’m innocent.” Lysandros says. “You are by no means innocent. You complicated matters significantly by stealing those jewels instead of leaving them for the WPA to recover.” Rebecca says. “I know what I did wasn’t right, but do you really trust the WPA to be the keeper of the jewels?” Lysandros asks. “Its not up to me to decide, just like it wasn’t up to you. Besides, we both know you didn’t do any of this for the greater good, you did it because it was profitable.” Rebecca says. “I was a different person back then.” Lysandros says. “I know.” Rebecca says. “So what happens now? How are we going to prove my innocence?” Lysandros questions. “I’m going to do everything in my power to figure out the real identity of the person Mia was working with.” Rebecca says. “And then what do I do in the meantime?” Lysandros asks. “That isn’t up to me I’m afraid. Given the danger that the three diamond jewels pose, I imagine the WPA is going to want to keep you locked up. Unfortunately they aren’t going to want to keep you incarcerated at a local prison which means Baronville is out of the question.” Rebecca says. “I’ve spent my fair share of time in the intelligence field over the past few years, and if that time has taught me anything, I’m guessing the WPA is going to drop me at some blacksite that doesn’t exist and interrogate me until they get some satisfactory answers. Once they get them one way or another, they’ll throw me in a hole somewhere and forget that I exist.” Lysandros says. “I’ll try to run interference with them to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Rebecca says. “Do you really think you can take on the WPA?” Lysandros asks. “I have to do something! I know you have committed your fair share of crimes, but you are innocent in this particular case! And while the WPA is wasting time trying to extract answers from you, the person truly responsible for all of this will be out there continuing their search for the jewels with the intention of doing god knows what with them! No, I’m not going to let them get away with this. I need to find the person responsible before they are able to get their hands on the three jewels. If I don’t…the results could be catastrophic.” Rebecca says.

On the docks, Lawrence is looking out at the water when Agent Carter walks up to him. “Director Stanpatos.” Carter greets him. “Agent Carter, I trust you have some news for me.” Lawrence says. “When I was speaking with Mia Goo, I planted the bug in the interrogation room just as you requested. I’ve been listening in on the conversation between our suspect, Lysandros Masters, and Commissioner Rogers.” Carter says. “And what have you found out?” Lawrence asks. “Masters is adamant he had nothing to do with the kidnapping of Lydia Masters.” Carter says. “Of course he’s saying that. Mr. Masters realizes the severity of the crimes he committed, getting a confession out of him won’t be so easy.” Lawrence says. “We’ll get answers out of him one way or another once we transfer him to one of our facilities. In the meantime, Masters did give Commissioner Rogers some useful information regarding the three diamond jewels.” Carter says. “Which would be what exactly?” Lawrence questions. “The day after the pyramid blew up, Masters approached the late Agent Wilson and pretended to be a WPA operative. He presented Agent Wilson with a convincing badge and Agent Wilson allowed him to participate in the search. Masters was the one who recovered the three jewels.” Carter says. “That’s quite the revelation. Any idea what he did with the jewels?” Lawrence questions. “He sold the bracelet and the ring. The bracelet he sold to a man named Clark Jacobs, but according to Mia Goo, the bracelet somehow ended up in Lydia Masters’ hand.” Carter says. “And the ring?” Lawrence questions. “Sold to a man named Vadim Sidorov.” Carter says. “That accounts for two of the jewels, what about the third?” Lawrence asks. “Stolen by a woman Masters met at a bar. He described her as being 5’5” or 5’6”, british, dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulders, not a whole lot to go off of.” Carter says. “And yet still more information than we had just a half hour ago.” Lawrence says. “We don’t have enough to go on regarding the woman, but I can track down Vadim Sidorov.” Carter says. “That won’t be necessary. You have your hands full with Lysandros Masters, I want you to remain focused on building your case against him and proving that he orchestrated his niece Lydia’s kidnapping.” Lawrence says. “What about the jewels?” Carter asks. “A delicate matter, one which I will handle personally. Thank you Agent Carter, you have done well.” Lawrence says. “I guess I’ll head back to the police station then.” Carter says. “That sounds like a splendid idea! I’ll be in touch with further orders once this Lysandros mess has been taken care of.” Lawrence says. “Yes sir.” Carter says, before walking away. Once Carter is gone, Lawrence pulls out his phone. “Hello Gizelle, has that business with Lucas Cambino and Doctor Andropov been taken care of?...Excellent. I have another job for you. I need you to track down a man named Vadim Sidorov, I have reason to suspect he may be in possession of the diamond ring. Find him and find out everything he knows. Once you get everything you need from him, you know what to do next.” Lawrence says, before hanging up…

In Lucas’ hospital room, Acerbi is examining Lucas as Julia and Lydia look on. “How is he?” Lydia wonders. “He appears to be alert. What is your name?” Acerbi asks. “Lucas Cambino…” Lucas mutters. “What year is it?” Acerbi asks. “2023…no, 2024.” Lucas corrects himself. “So this means he’s going to be okay?” Julia asks. “I suspected Lucas was going to make a full recovery, but I think this pretty much cements it.” Acerbi says. “Oh thank god…” Lydia says. “I’ll leave the two of you with him.” Acerbi says, before walking out. Once Acerbi is gone, Lydia rushes to Lucas’ bedside and touches his hand. “Lucas, its me, Lydia! How are you feeling?” Lydia asks. Lucas turns to look at Lydia. Lucas’ eyes suddenly become cold and he pulls his hand away from Lydia! “Get the hell away from me…” Lucas growls. Julia raises an eyebrow. “I…I don’t understand. Lucas, don’t you recognize me?” Lydia asks. “I know exactly who you are, Lydia, and I want you to get out of my room and never come back.” Lucas tells her!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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