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Fantastic S5 Episode 48(1/10/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 48(1/10/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 48(1/10/24)

Post by QG Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:59 pm

Its a new day in Fantastic City. Lysandros is sitting in the living room of the Stanpatos mansion when Daisy walks in. “Good morning.” Daisy says. “Morning…” Lysandros says, clearly distracted. “You seem off. Is everything okay?” Daisy wonders. “Sorry, I was just getting caught up with the news.” Lysandros tells her. “Let me guess, you were reading about Lydia’s kidnapping.” Daisy says. “More details are starting to come to light. For instance, Mia Goo apparently had a partner in Lydia’s abduction.” Lysandros says. “I heard. The only known associate of Mia’s was Joe Fish, but he’s supposed to be dead.” Daisy says. Dylan walks in. “That’s not exactly true, isn’t that right Lysandros?” Dylan asks. “I’m not going to deny that Mia and I worked together at one time years ago. However, that association has long since been terminated.” Lysandros says. “Has it been? Or maybe you reached out to Mia to help you settle an old score you had with Lydia.” Dylan suggests.

Down at the police station, Rebecca is in the squad room looking at a file when a guard leads Mia in. “Good morning Mia, how did your arraignment go?” Rebecca wonders. “Enough with the pleasantries, you know exactly how it went!” Mia snaps. Rebecca closes the folder and smiles. “Didn’t make bail, huh? That’s too bad. Well look at the bright side, the sooner you get sent to Baronville, the sooner you’ll be able to adjust to what the rest of your life is going to look like.” Rebecca says. “This is an absolute travesty! A miscarriage of justice! While you and your team of mall cops are busy railroading me, the person who really orchestrated Lydia’s abduction is still out there!” Mia tells her. “And like I told you yesterday, my department is going to find that person and they are going to make sure they spend the rest of their life behind bars, but we are going to be doing that without you. You may not have been the mastermind behind Lydia’s kidnapping, but you were still an active participant and you enjoyed every second of it!” Rebecca says. Mia smiles. “Well…I’m not going to deny that I enjoyed myself.” Mia says. “Lets see if that enjoyment is worth spending the rest of your life in jail.” Rebecca says. Mia shrugs. “I won’t be alone! I already have one friend incarcerated in Baronville, Zoey Kellers. I cannot wait to finally catch up with her, it has been far too long.” Mia says. “Thank you for reminding me that I was going to request Zoey be put in solitary for her own protection. I’m not going to let you hurt anyone else, Mia, not on the outside OR on the inside.” Rebecca says. At that moment, a man in a suit walks in. “Can I help you with something?” Rebecca wonders. “Who are you?” The man asks. “Commissioner Rebecca Rogers, who are you?” Rebecca questions. The man pulls out a badge. “Nice to meet you Commissioner Rogers, I’m Agent Carter with the World Protective Agency. I need to speak with one of your prisoners, its regarding a matter that pertains to national security.” Carter says. “Which one?” Rebecca wonders. “I believe he’s looking for me.” Mia says. “Mia Goo?” Carter asks. “That’s right, darling. Thank you so much for coming.” Mia says. “You called the WPA?” Rebecca asks. “I didn’t need to! I knew that once the WPA found out someone was after the three diamond jewels that they would want to talk to me.” Mia says. “Its imperative that I speak to your prisoner. May I use your interrogation room?” Carter asks. “I-I guess, but I’d like to sit in on this interrogation.” Rebecca says. “I’m sorry Commissioner, but my conversation with the prisoner could involve classified information.” Carter says. Rebecca sighs. “Alright, fine.” Rebecca says. Carter leads Mia into the interrogation room just as Kaylie comes up behind Rebecca. “Who was that?” Kaylie questions. “He’s with the WPA.” Rebecca tells her. “What would the WPA want with Mia?” Kaylie wonders. “That is an excellent question.” Rebecca says, looking towards the interrogation room…

In a warehouse, Gizelle throws someone with a black bag over their head into a chair. “Ow! Be gentle! My bones are not as strong as they were twenty years ago!” The mystery man says. Lawrence is revealed to be standing over the man. “Remove the bag.” Lawrence orders. Gizelle removes the black bag, revealing Andropov! “Lawrence?” Andropov asks. Lawrence smiles. “Hello Doctor Andropov, you are a very difficult man to find!” Lawrence exclaims. Andropov looks around. “W-where am I?” Andropov questions. “If we wanted you to know, we wouldn’t have put a bag over your head.” Gizelle says. “How did you find me?” Andropov asks. “A mutual friend of ours was kind enough to provide me with your location.” Lawrence says. “Mia?! Of course…let me guess, she offered you my location in exchange for you letting her live?!” Andropov asks. “Not exactly.” Lawrence says. “Mr. Stanpatos, please listen to me! I-I didn’t mean to betray you, it was all Mia’s idea! I realize she was a bit hasty with her plan to kill Lydia, but she insisted upon it!” Andropov says. “And you were so worried that I was going to retaliate that you fled to Hong Kong.” Lawrence says. “Is that not your intention for me?” Andropov asks. Lawrence pulls up a chair and sits in front of Andropov. “I admit that when I learned you and Mia fled the island, my plan was to find the both of you and then kill you.” Lawrence says. “If it were up to me, that’d still be the plan.” Gizelle says. “But, as we all know, plans sometimes evolve. Now that Mia is in police custody, it would be far too risky for me to kill her, especially after the way Kitty Cat died. As for you, you still have your uses, which is why I am choosing to spare your life.” Lawrence says. “What sort of uses? What do you want from me?” Andropov questions.

In the Goo Village food court, Andy and Ava are sitting at a table. “I’m so glad to finally be out of that damn cell. I cannot believe the horrible conditions in those jails! The hard as a rock bed, the terrible food, and I swear to god I saw a rat!” Ava says. “Pretty horrifying, huh? Maybe bad enough to keep you from getting into any trouble again.” Andy suggests. Ava sighs. “I’m going to try my best to keep my nose clean from now on.” Ava says. “That’s what I like to hear.” Andy says. “So how come Mom didn’t come with us this morning?” Ava wonders. “She has a lot to deal with down at the police station.” Andy says. “Yeah, I heard things got pretty lit at the party after I left.” Ava says. “Not sure if that’s the word I would use. Sure Lydia Masters showed up alive and well, but then so did Mia Goo. And then to make things worse, she shot Lucas!” Andy says. “Any idea how Lucas is doing?” Ava asks. “Doesn’t sound like he’s regained consciousness yet but it does sound like he’s gonna make a full recovery.” Andy says. “Good, and what about Mia? Is she off to jail now or what?” Ava questions. “Most likely. She’s being arraigned today and I’d say there’s a real good chance her bail will be denied and she’ll be shipped off to Baronville, and if you think the conditions in the Fantastic P.D holding cells are bad, they’re like five star accommodations compared to Baronville Penitentiary.” Andy says. “I guess I should be grateful all I got arrested for was some underage drinking and using a fake ID.” Ava says. Bethany walks up to the table. “Look who it is, fresh out of jail!” Bethany says. Ava turns towards Bethany. “Can we please not talk about it? Please?” Ava asks. Bethany smiles. “Sure thing. I know better than anyone how annoying jail can be.” Bethany says. “Anyway, I should probably be going or else I’m gonna be late for work.” Ava says. “You need me to drive you?” Andy asks. “No, that’s okay. Thanks for bringing me out to breakfast.” Ava says. Andy smiles. “Any time. We should try to make a habit out of this.” Andy says. “I’d like that.” Ava says. Ava turns towards Bethany and hugs her. “Nice to see you, Aunt Bethany. “You too. Try and stay out of trouble, okay?” Bethany asks. “Can’t make any promises.” Ava tells her. “Well at the very least, try not to get caught.” Bethany urges. Andy glares at Bethany. “That I can try and manage. See you two later.” Ava says, before walking away. Bethany sits across from Andy. “So how’s she doing?” Bethany asks. “She’s scarred for life after having to spend a few nights in jail.” Andy says. “Hopefully it’ll be enough to keep her on the straight and narrow. So, how’d your talk with Caleb yesterday go?” Bethany wonders. “I tried to dig for answers but he became suspicious and took off.” Andy says. “So do you think we’re on the right track?” Bethany asks. “I don’t know, but I’m pretty convinced Caleb is hiding something, not just based on his behavior either. I did some digging into Caleb’s background, and its looking pretty barren before he arrived in Fantastic City.” Andy says. “Are you saying there’s nothing?” Bethany asks. “There are a couple of details here and there, stuff that easily could’ve been fabricated.” Andy says. “So you’re saying Caleb Cooper could be a fake identity?” Bethany asks. “I’m not ruling it out.” Andy says. “Well while you were chasing down leads on Caleb, I decided to look into Meow Cat’s lawyer to see if I could find anything linking him to Caleb.” Bethany says. “Wait a minute, how did you even find out the name of Meow Cat’s lawyer?” Andy wonders. “I have my ways.” Bethany says. “Forget I asked. So what did you find out?” Andy wonders. “The lawyer’s name is Mickey Dale.” Bethany says. “Never heard of him. Is he from out of town?” Andy wonders. “He flew in from New York. I couldn’t find any links between Mickey and the Cats, but, I did find a link between him and another prominent family here in Fantastic City. Mickey spent years working as a lawyer for the Cambino family.” Bethany reveals!

In Lucas’ hospital room, Corey is standing over an unconscious Lucas. “I hear you’re gonna be making a full recovery. That’s a damn shame. Don’t worry, once I’m all set with this Dannie business and they finally remember how much they love me, I’ll be coming for you next, golden boy…” Corey warns. The door opens and Dannie walks in. “Caleb? What in the world are you doing here?” Dannie questions. “Dannie, hi! I was doing some work on this floor and thought I’d drop in and see how Lucas was doing. I know how important he is to you so I was hoping I’d be able to give you a positive update.” Corey claims. Dannie looks down at Lucas. “He hasn’t regained consciousness yet, but Doctor Acerbi seems to think he’s going to make a full recovery.” Dannie says. “Good.” Corey says. “Do you have any idea where Lydia went?” Dannie wonders. “I’m guessing she probably just went to grab a coffee or a bite to eat.” Corey says. “I hope so. She needs to make sure she finds the time to take care of herself, especially after being held captive for so long…” Dannie says. “Yeah…so how are you holding up?” Corey wonders. “Me?” Dannie asks. “You’ve been through quite a bit these last few days. The latest attack from Meow Cat, Lucas’ shooting, I’m sure all of that must be very traumatic for you.” Corey says. “Its…its been difficult, but I’ve been managing.” Dannie says. “So you’re okay then?” Corey asks. “Like I said, I’m managing.” Dannie tells him. “I get you’re trying to put on a brave face, but you don’t have to with me. I care about you, and I wouldn’t mind if you needed to cry on my shoulder a bit.” Corey says. Dannie smiles. “Thanks.” Dannie tells him. “You’re welcome.” Corey says, before hugging Dannie. After the hug lingers for a moment, Dannie quickly pulls away. “Uh, Caleb, I really appreciate your support, but…” Dannie begins to say. “But what?” Corey wonders. “I just…I don’t know…I’m still getting the sense that you want more. When we first met, you had asked me out to dinner and I explained to you that I’m gay, you remember that conversation right?” Dannie asks. “Yeah, sure I do. I wasn’t making a move on you if that’s what you're implying.” Corey claims. “Are you sure? Because sometimes it feels like you may be a little too invested in our friendship, like when you asked me to move in with you. On the surface that sounds like a friendly enough gesture, but when you think about the fact that we don’t really know each other all that well, it makes me wonder if maybe you had an ulterior motive. And that hug just now? It went on longer than it should have, longer than was appropriate.” Dannie says. “I’m…I’m sorry if it felt that way. Look, I’m not gonna deny that I’ve developed feelings for you. Who wouldn’t? You’re incredible! But I also get that you can’t be physically attracted to me.” Corey says. “Even if you understand that, being close to me must be difficult if you have these feelings.” Dannie says. “I like being around you.” Corey tells them. “But its not healthy for you to be around me. Maybe we should put some distance between each other, just long enough for these feelings to fade.” Dannie says. “We work in the same hospital.” Corey points out. “We’re bound to run into each other, that can’t be avoided. But we shouldn’t engage in any sort of conversation that could deepen your feelings, it wouldn’t be fair to you.” Dannie says. “I think I get it. You aren’t worried about my feelings for you, you’re worried about your feelings for me.” Corey suggests. “Excuse me?” Dannie questions. “Are you afraid that if we spend more time together that you might start to feel something for me?” Corey wonders. “Absolutely not!” Dannie tells him. “Really? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting!” Corey says. “I am only going to explain this to you one more time, and this time I expect you to listen! I am gay! As nice as you are, I couldn’t possibly develop any kind of feelings for you because I’m not interested in men!” Dannie tells him. “You sure?” Corey wonders. “What kind of question is that? Yes, I am sure! You know, I’m very grateful to you for coming to my rescue all those times, but I don’t think we should see each other at all anymore. Clearly we both want very different things, things that conflict with each other. Good luck with everything, Caleb.” Dannie says, before walking out. Once Dannie is gone, Corey kicks a chair over. “Damn it! I can’t believe how badly I just blew it!” Corey complains. Corey looks over at Lucas. “I’m not giving up, you hear me?! I don’t care what Dannie says! We were close once, we can be again! No, we WILL be close again! No more delays, its time I get what I came back for.” Corey says, before walking out.

“So Mia got denied bail, huh?” Kaylie asks. “That’s right. A bus should be here any moment now to take her away to Baronville.” Rebecca says. “Couldn’t happen to a nicer psychopath.” Kaylie says. “By the way, can you do me a favor and call the warden at Baronville? Explain to him that with Mia’s entry into the prison, the lives of one of the other inmates may be in danger, her name is Zoey Kellers.” Rebecca says. “Who’s she?” Kaylie wonders. “Lucas Cambino’s ex girlfriend. Mia hired Zoey to drive a wedge between Lucas and Lydia, which ended up failing.” Rebecca says. “Is that why Zoey’s locked up?” Kaylie asks. “No. Before Mia hired her, Zoey was a con artist who would rip off rich men. Mia somehow got a hold of a plethora of evidence linking Zoey to a lot of those con jobs and it was enough to earn her a 10 year prison sentence.” Rebecca says. “Jeez, I bet this Zoey girl is regretting ever getting involved with Mia now.” Kaylie says. “Yeah, most definitely.” Rebecca says. “Don’t worry, I’ll go and make the call.” Kaylie says. Before Kaylie can do so, Agent Carter and Mia come out of the interrogation room. “Commissioner Rogers, I understand that Miss. Goo is being transferred to Baronville Penitentiary today.” Carter says. “Yeah, that’s right.” Rebecca confirms. “Call off the transfer.” Carter says. “Why? Are you taking her to some WPA facility?” Rebecca wonders. “I’m not taking her anywhere.” Carter says. “You see Commissioner, Agent Carter here was kind enough to give me immunity for all of my crimes and misdeeds!” Mia says. “What?!” Rebecca asks. “You can’t do that! This woman is dangerous!” Kaylie points out. “Actually, I can. Miss. Goo provided my agency with some very valuable intel.” Carter says. “What kind of intel?” Rebecca questions. “The identity of the person who orchestrated Lydia Masters’ kidnapping.” Carter reveals. “I told you the WPA would be interested in hearing what I had to say!” Mia says. “No, she’s not going anywhere! If you want to give her immunity for being a part of Lydia Masters’ kidnapping, fine! But kidnapping Lucas Cambino the last time she was in town, killing her associate Gus Peterson, and then most recently coming back here and shooting Lucas Cambino are all inside my jurisdiction!” Rebecca tells him. “I’m with the WPA, everywhere is my jurisdiction. The immunity deal we offered Mia covers the abduction of Lydia Masters as well as all of the other crimes you mentioned. We understand that she is a dangerous woman, but you have to understand that the person who is after the three diamond jewels is considered by the agency to be even more dangerous.” Carter says. “Who did Mia tell you was behind all of this?” Rebecca questions. “You’ll find out soon. I have an agent going over to this person’s place of residence to make the arrest. Once they’re in custody, they’ll be brought back here to be properly interrogated.” Carter says. “Sorry to be a bother, but would someone mind removing these pesky handcuffs? I really would like to get out of here as soon as possible. There are just so many people in Fantastic City that I need to catch up with!” Mia exclaims. Rebecca glares at Mia before walking over to her and removing the cuffs. “Thank you so much.” Mia says. “Don’t thank me just yet. This is far from over, do you understand that? We are going to be watching you very closely, and if you even go near Lucas and Lydia, you will end up right back in here and there isn’t a damn thing the WPA can do to save you. Do you understand?” Rebecca asks. Mia smiles. “Don’t worry Commissioner, I have no intention of inflicting any more bodily harm to Lucas or Lydia. I’m a changed woman! Anyways, toodles!” Mia says, before walking out. Rebecca and Kaylie exchange a worried glance…

“Lydia and I settled our differences long ago, why on earth would I suddenly decide to go after her again?” Lysandros wonders. “Funny, when I was with Lydia, I seem to recall her talking about you in a way that didn’t suggest she had settled anything with you.” Dylan says. “Let me rephrase that, I lost interest in her. When Lydia supposedly died in that explosion, I didn’t have any reason to want to go after her. I certainly wasn’t disappointed to think she had been killed, but I didn’t have any reason to go through the trouble of faking her death. But enough about me, lets talk about you and your connection to Lydia.” Lysandros says. “Lydia and I were once married, we aren’t anymore.” Dylan says. “And why is that? Because Lydia cheated on you with Lucas. Maybe you decided to get back at them by making Lucas think Lydia died in a horrific explosion. It would make sense, seeing as how you were at the castle when it blew up.” Lysandros says. “Hold on! Dylan wouldn’t have been involved in something like that! Not only that, but I was there when the bomb went off and I was very pregnant with my son. If Dylan knew that there was a bomb that was gonna go off, he would have done everything possible to get me out of the castle in time.” Daisy says. “I understand why you would like to believe that, but given Dylan’s connection to Lydia, I think its more than a little suspect that the person behind all of this decided to hold her captive on Stanpatos Isle.” Lysandros says. Daisy’s eyes widen and she turns towards Dylan. “Wait, is that true?” Daisy questions. “Apparently. Lydia told me about this when I brought her to the hospital the night Lucas was shot.” Dylan reveals. “Still believe in his innocence?” Lysandros wonders. “Actually…yes, I do. Whoever was behind this would have had to have had some knowledge about the bomb Joe Fish planted at the castle. If they didn’t know about the bomb when it was happening, they definitely would’ve known after.” Daisy says. “Which is why I wouldn’t be so quick to rule out Lysandros. Not only does he have a history of doing bad things to Lydia, but it also wouldn’t be the first time he planted a bomb at the Goo Castle.” Dylan points out. “I had nothing to do with the bomb that Joe Fish planted! Do you realize the history that man and I have? I would never want to work with him again! And not only that, I would never do anything that would endanger Rebecca’s life!” Lysandros snaps. “An unfortunate flaw but also a compelling argument as to why we should believe you’re innocent.” Daisy says. The doorbell rings. “I’m gonna go get that. Keep a close eye on him, make sure he doesn’t slip a hand grenade under one of the couch cushions.” Dylan tells Daisy, before walking out. “For what its worth, I believe you.” Daisy says. “Dylan too, right?” Lysandros asks. “He doesn’t have it in him to do something like this. Is he conniving? Yes. Money hungry? Absolutely. But, he’s not a criminal mastermind capable of doing something like this.” Daisy says. “To be perfectly honest with you, I never thought it was him either. I just wanted to get him off of my case.” Lysandros says. Dylan comes back in with a man wearing a suit. “Who’s this?” Daisy questions. “Agent Fitzgerald. We worked together at the WPA.” Lysandros recalls. “Hello Lysandros.” Fitzgerald says. “So what brings you by?” Lysandros wonders. “He’s here for you.” Dylan says. Lysandros’ eyes widen. “What is he talking about?” Lysandros questions. “Lysandros Masters, I’m placing you under arrest for the kidnapping of Lydia Masters.” Agent Fitzgerald announces, before he begins handcuffing Lysandros!

“I offered Mia a deal. If she gave the WPA the name of the person who orchestrated Lydia’s abduction, I would give her total immunity for her crimes.” Lawrence says. “Who’s name did you want her to give them?” Andropov questions. “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Mia wasn’t completely satisfied with just being awarded immunity, she wanted something more. Typical, wouldn’t you agree? You give and you give and you give and yet still she wants more.” Lawrence says. “They’re never appreciative, sir.” Gizelle says. “No they are not.” Lawrence agrees. “I don’t understand. What does any of this have to do with me?” Andropov questions. Lawrence smiles. “Excellent question, Doctor. You see, Mia’s additional demand of me is something that only you can accomplish.” Lawrence says. Gizelle throws some medical scrubs at Andropov. “Put these on.” Gizelle orders. “Am I performing surgery? If so, I am going to need a more sterile environment than some ancient warehouse!” Andropov says. “You won’t be performing surgery. However, the task I’ll need you to perform will involve you and Gizelle here sneaking into Fantastic Medical and gaining access to one of their patients. As such, I’m going to need you to look the part.” Lawrence says. “Which patient?” Andropov questions. “Lucas Cambino.” Lawrence answers…

“So the Cambino’s defense attorney is the one who got Meow Cat sent to Riverview instead of prison?” Andy asks. “Not surprising that a former lawyer for the mob would have no problem making the court think his client was mentally ill when he wasn’t.” Bethany says. “No, it's not…this can’t be a coincidence, Mickey’s connection to the Cambino family.” Andy says. “Right! Lucas and Dannie used to be a thing, right? Do you think maybe he had something to do with all of this?” Bethany wonders. “No, Lucas and Dannie have been over for a long time! Besides, he wouldn’t do anything like this.” Andy says. “You’re right. I have my problems with Lucas, but I know he’s not a monster. The person who has been stalking Dannie strikes me as being certifiable.” Bethany says. “Certifiable…oh my god.” Andy says. “What? What is it?” Bethany asks. “I was just thinking…Lucas isn’t the only Cambino that Dannie has history with.” Andy says. “Dannie dated Gretta? Wow, I didn’t realize Gretta swung that way…” Bethany says. “I wasn’t talking about Gretta. I was talking about Lucas and Gretta’s younger brother, Corey Cambino.” Andy says.

In the hospital parking garage, Dannie is walking through and approaches the driver’s side of their car. As Dannie unlocks the car and goes to open the door, Corey comes up behind them and jabs a needle into their side! Dannie collapses but Corey manages to catch them before they hit the ground. “I’m sorry its come to this, honestly…but look at the bright side, you and I have plenty of catching up to do.” Corey says, before dragging Dannie away…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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