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Fantastic S5 Episode 42(12/27/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 42(12/27/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 42(12/27/23)

Post by QG Wed Dec 27, 2023 3:30 pm

In the Slate Gray restaurant, the whole restaurant is decorated for New Years Eve. Virginia is standing by the bar, observing everyone who has come to the party, when Victor comes up behind her. “This is quite the turn out, huh?” Victor asks. “I’d say! I’m kinda worried we’re gonna run outta food and booze before the night is over!” Virginia says. “I doubt it, you’re always prepared.” Victor says. “Well nothing could’ve prepared me for what a hit this party would be! I mean, look at all these people! Its incredible!” Virginia notes. “I can already tell tonight is going to be one for the books.” Victor says. Victor turns towards the elevator and notices Lysandros and Daisy stepping off of it. “Oh boy…” Victor mutters. “Ain’t that Daisy Nichols?” Virginia asks. “Mmhm.” Victor says. “Who’s that tall, dark, and handsome gentleman with her?” Virginia wonders. “Someone that’s even worse than Daisy.” Victor says. “Don’t look now, I think they’re coming over here.” Virginia says. Lysandros and Daisy walk up to Victor and Virginia. “Victor, how nice to see you again.” Lysandros says. “Lysandros, how unfortunate to see you again.” Victor says. “And here I thought you’d be happy to see me.” Lysandros says. “Come on, if you know Victor at all, you know he’s never happy to see anyone.” Daisy says. Lysandros turns towards Virginia. “Forgive my rudeness, I don’t think we’ve been introduced.” Lysandros says. “We most certainly have not. Virginia Gray.” Virginia says, as she holds her hand out. Lysandros picks up Virginia’s hand and kisses it. “Lysandros Masters, charmed to meet you.” Lysandros says. Virginia blushes and smiles. “Oh, well…its nice to meet you too Mr. Masters.” Virginia says. “Don’t be fooled by his charm, he’s nothing more than a homicidal snake in the grass.” Victor warns. “Don’t worry Victor, Lysandros isn’t going to steal your woman. He’s already taken.” Daisy says, as she grabs Lysandros’ arm. “You two are involved?” Victor asks. “We are exploring the possibilities.” Daisy says. “Well I can’t think of two people who deserve each other more.” Victor says. “Seeing what an extraordinary woman Daisy is, I’ll take that as a compliment. Anyways, I’m gonna go order us some drinks.” Lysandros says. “Go ahead, I’ll catch up.” Daisy says. “Alright.” Lysandros says, before walking away. “I hope you realize what you’re getting into by getting involved with him.” Victor tells Daisy. “Thank you for your concern but I will be just fine. I didn’t stick around to talk about Lysandros though.” Daisy says. “You sure? Because I’d love to keep talking about him.” Virginia says. “I wanted to check in with you about Brady. How is he doing?” Daisy wonders. “Why do you care?” Victor questions. “Brady and I became pretty good friends before he left Fantastic. I just want to make sure he’s doing okay.” Daisy says. “Well unfortunately I don’t know for sure, I haven’t spoken to Brady in a while.” Victor says. “Really? Last week was Christmas.” Daisy points out. “He hasn’t been good at keeping in touch. He’s still dealing with losing his baby and his relationship with Kristina ending.” Victor says. “Oh…that’s…that’s terrible.” Daisy says. “It is, though I must admit, I’m grateful that my son isn’t icing me out while talking to you.” Victor says. “Whatever. Have a nice evening.” Daisy says, before walking away. Victor turns towards Virginia and notices her staring at Lysandros. “Will you please stop gawking at that man?” Victor asks. Virginia chuckles. “Don’t worry, baby! I’ve only got eyes for one man, and I’m looking at him.” Virginia says, before kissing Victor.

Dylan steps off of the elevator and spots Lysandros and Daisy sitting at the bar. “Just what I wanted to see…” Dylan complains. Dylan then turns and spots Lawrence sitting at a nearby table. “Lawrence?” Dylan calls out. Lawrence looks up and sees Dylan. “Dylan my boy! How wonderful to see you!” Lawrence exclaims. Dylan sits across from Lawrence. “What are you doing here?” Dylan wonders. “Am I not permitted to enjoy a night out?” Lawrence questions. “Its not that, its just this doesn’t really seem like your crowd.” Dylan notes. “Oh? Is that because mostly everyone here with the exception of the owner of the hotel and her boyfriend are younger?” Lawrence asks. “That isn’t what I said, not exactly.” Dylan says. Lawrence looks across the room and eyes Gizelle standing in a corner. “Well despite my age, I do like to get out every once in a while. Besides, who would want to ring in the New Year all alone? I suspect this party is going to be far more enjoyable.” Lawrence says. Lawrence’s eyes dot towards the elevator as Lucas and Julia get off of it.

Julia looks around the room. “Wow, I can’t believe how packed this place is.” Julia says. “Aren’t you glad we decided to go out tonight instead of staying home?” Lucas asks. “The jury is still out on that one. I’m gonna go say hi to my mom, I’ll be right back.” Julia says. “Okay. I’ll go grab us some drinks in the meantime.” Lucas says. Julia smiles. “Great idea.” Julia says, before walking away. Once Julia is gone, Lucas reaches into his pocket and pulls out the engagement ring. “This is it…this is gonna be the night everything changes for us…” Lucas mutters.

Down at the docks, Brody and Lydia get off of the boat. “Here we are, welcome back to Fantastic City!” Brody says. Lydia smiles. “I can’t believe I’m finally home…” Lydia mutters. “And its all thanks to me. I didn’t realize I had such heroism in me. Maybe I should consider joining the police academy so I can do this more often.” Brody says. Lydia turns towards Brody. “Despite the fact that you are extorting me for money and your freedom, I am grateful for your help. If it wasn’t for you, I might not have made it back.” Lydia says. “If it wasn’t for me, you’d be at the bottom of the ocean right now.” Brody points out. “You did save my life after that storm, thank you for that.” Lydia says. “You’re welcome.” Brody says. “So now that we’re back, we need to track down Lucas and tell him I’m alive.” Lydia says. “Good luck with that.” Brody says. “You aren’t coming?” Lydia questions. “Until you call your contact, the charges against me are still there, which means it would be foolish of me to come out of hiding. So for right now, I’m just gonna lie low.” Brody says. “Okay, fine, I’ll look for Lucas myself.” Lydia says. “I don’t think you’ll have to look far. I was looking online and saw that Slate Gray is hosting a New Years Eve party.” Brody says. “Slate Gray? What is that?” Lydia questions. “A restaurant and hotel owned by Virginia Gray, Julia Gray’s mother.” Brody says. “Lucas’ new girlfriend?” Julia asks. “Mmhm. So if mummy dearest is hosting the party, its safe to say Julia and Lucas are going to be attending.” Brody says. “So where exactly is Slate Gray located?” Lydia asks. “Right over in Goo Village. Oh wait, you were dead for that too, weren’t you?” Brody asks. “I remember hearing that Victor was working on some sort of plaza in Queen Goo, I think he had even started construction on it while I was still in town…okay, yeah, I think I know where Goo Village is. I better get over there.” Lydia says. “On foot?” Brody asks. “Well I don’t have the cash to call for a taxi and I imagine you won’t lend me the money!” Lydia says. “Sorry love, you’re on your own on that front.” Brody says. “Fine. I don’t care if I have to walk there, whatever it takes to be reunited with Lucas.” Lydia says, before running off. “Good luck, you may need it.” Brody says.

At the Goo Castle, Andy is in the living room on the phone. “Hey Dannie, Rebecca and I were just getting ready to head to Slate Gray for the party. Are you gonna be here soon?” Andy asks. “It looks like I’m actually going to be a little later than I thought I’d be, I had an emergency with a patient.” Dannie says. “Oh no, I hope everything is okay.” Andy says. “Everything is fine now, but now there’s some paperwork I need to fill out. I know you, Rebecca, and I were going to go there together but I think you should probably leave without me and I’ll meet you there.” Dannie says. “Yeah, sure. I’ll see you then.” Andy says, before hanging up. Rebecca walks in and Andy turns to face her. “My god, you look absolutely stunning.” Andy says. Rebecca smiles. “You don’t look half bad yourself. Was that Dannie you were on the phone with?” Rebecca asks. “Yeah. Unfortunately they got tied up at the hospital and won’t be making it here quick enough, they want us to head to the party without them.” Andy says. “Aw, that’s too bad.” Rebecca says. Ava walks in. “You two ready to go?” Ava asks. “Go where?” Andy questions. “To the party over at Slate Gray. You are going, aren’t you?” Ava asks. “Your father and I are going, you aren’t.” Rebecca says. “You really going to do this today Mom?” Ava asks. “Do what? The party has an age limit, ages 21 and up. Last I checked, you’re only 18.” Rebecca says. “Come on, no one is gonna be enforcing those rules.” Ava says. “I have a feeling the guy at the front door checking people’s IDs might be enforcing the rule.” Andy says. “So I’ll just use my fake ID!” Ava says. “Well there you go, our problems have been solved. No sweetheart, you aren’t using your fake ID. I really wish you could come with us, but rules are rules.” Rebecca says. Ava rolls her eyes. “You two are so boring.” Ava says. “We’re going to a party, we can’t be that boring.” Andy says. “We’ll see you when we get home. Happy New Year, Ava.” Rebecca says, before she and Andy walk out. “There is no way in hell I’m gonna spend my New Years Eve sitting at home watching some dumb ball drop while eating ice cream. I don’t care what they say, I’m going to that party.” Ava mutters.

At the hospital, Dannie is walking through a hallway when Corey walks up to them. “Hey there, happy New Years Eve.” Corey says. “Caleb, happy New Years Eve.” Dannie says. “I’m kinda surprised to see you still here. I figured you would’ve gone home by now.” Corey says. “I was just actually on my way out. I’m going to the New Years Eve party at Slate Gray. Are you going?” Dannie wonders. “I’m hoping to make it, I just need to wrap up some stuff here first.” Corey says. “Oh, well hopefully you can make it, but if not, happy New Years Eve again.” Dannie says. Corey smiles. “Same to you.” Corey says. Dannie walks away and Corey pulls out his phone and makes a call. “Meow Cat, Dannie is leaving the hospital to head over to the party. Assuming they don’t hit any traffic, they should get there in about 15 minutes. Be ready for them.” Corey tells Meow Cat…

In the Slate Gray restaurant, Bethany steps off of the elevator and Virginia walks over to her. “Well hello Bethany. I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.” Virginia says. “I needed to get out of the house. Besides, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping to see Kaylie here. Is she coming?” Bethany wonders. “I think so. I heard about what happened between you two.” Virginia says. “I bet you did…Virginia, I’m really sorry about hurting her. What happened between Dylan and me was a huge mistake, HUGE.” Bethany says. “I know you’re sorry, just like I know you love my daughter. I just hope you realize there is no easy fix to any of this.” Virginia says. “No, definitely. Kaylie has made that abundantly clear. I just hope I don’t lose her to someone else before she’s able to forgive me.” Bethany says. “Why would you think you’d lose her to somebody else? Don’t tell me you’re talking about Dannie Goo!” Virginia says. “I saw the two of them touching hands before Christmas, Virginia. I don’t know if they’re friends or what, but it goes beyond Kaylie just helping keep Dannie safe from Meow Cat.” Bethany says. “Well I hope you know that despite everything, you’ve still got my full support. I see the way you make my Kaylie smile, I’ve never seen her happier than when she’s with you.” Virginia says. “I appreciate your support. You’ve always been so good to me.” Bethany says. “That’s because I care about you.” Virginia says. Julia and Lucas walk up to them. “Well, well, well, look who had the audacity to show her face here tonight.” Julia says. Bethany turns to face Julia. “Hello Julia.” Bethany says. “Don’t do this, Julia.” Virginia urges. “Do what? Call out this piece of trash for breaking my sister’s heart?” Julia asks. “I regret hurting Kaylie and I really hope she’ll give me another chance.” Bethany says. “Well I personally hope she doesn’t. She deserves better than you after what you did to her.” Julia says. “Wow, that is so rich coming from you. Here you are ridiculing me for kissing somebody else when your boyfriend over there did the same exact thing to me! I guess that makes him trash too, right?” Bethany asks. “As I’ve told you before Bethany, I’m really sorry about hurting you.” Lucas says. “And you never forgave Lucas, so why should Kaylie forgive you?” Julia wonders. “You’re right, I didn’t forgive Lucas. But I also didn’t really have much time to forgive him because he went running back to Lydia not long after I broke things off. Consider yourself lucky that Lydia isn’t around now, otherwise he wouldn’t give you a second glance.” Bethany says, before storming off. “I’m sorry, she was out of line.” Lucas says. “They were both outta line!” Virginia argues. “On that note, I’m going to go grab us some drinks.” Julia says, before walking off. “So, is everything still on track?” Virginia wonders. “What do you mean?” Lucas questions. “Do you still plan on proposing to Julia tonight?” Virginia asks. “See for yourself.” Lucas says. Lucas pulls out the ring box and pops it open for Virginia to see it. “Oh my lord, that ring is gorgeous! That must’ve cost you a small fortune!” Virginia says. “Only about the cost of a three bedroom house.” Lucas says. Virginia’s jaw drops and Lucas laughs. “I’m kidding. What do you think though? Do you think Julia will like it?” Lucas asks. “I think she will love it so long as its coming from you! My daughter loves you, Lucas, more than you realize, and there’s no doubt in my mind she’s gonna say yes to your proposal.” Virginia says. Lucas smiles. “I hope so, I was up all night thinking about it…” Lucas says. “So what’s the plan? You gonna propose to her right here?” Virginia asks. “No, I don’t think Julia would appreciate me making a public spectacle out of the proposal. I figured I’d bring her out onto the balcony and do it there.” Lucas says. “You sure? Its supposed to start snowing soon.” Virginia notes. “It’ll add to the romance, even better.” Lucas says.

Downstairs in the food court of Goo Village, Acerbi arrives at the entrance of Slate Gray as snow begins to fall. “Why on earth did I decide to come to this party? Now I have to drive home in this mess.” Acerbi says. “Maybe I could get you a ride home.” A voice offers. “I do not accept rides from strangers.” Acerbi says. “Who said I’m a stranger?” The voice asks. Acerbi’s eyes widen. “No, it couldn’t be…” Acerbi says. Acerbi turns around and sees Lydia standing behind her! “Lydia?!” Acerbi asks. “Long time no see, Olivia.” Lydia says. Acerbi rushes over to Lydia and hugs her. “My god! I can’t believe my eyes! You are truly here, alive and well!” Acerbi exclaims. Lydia smiles. “Its good to see you too.” Lydia says. “I don’t understand, how is this possible?” Acerbi questions. “Its a long and twisted story.” Lydia says. “Well regardless, it is good to see you again my friend.” Acerbi says. “Its good to see you too.” Lydia says. “So where have you been all of this time?” Acerbi questions. “Once again, its a really long story, one that I probably don’t have the time to get into. I’m actually looking for Lucas, do you have any idea if he’s here?” Lydia asks. “I imagine so. Virginia Gray is the owner of this establishment and Lucas is…oh, Lydia, there is something you should know.” Acerbi says. “I already know, Lucas is dating Virginia Gray’s daughter.” Lydia says. “How did you find out?” Acerbi questions. “Someone told me…actually, I should probably tell you who told me.” Lydia says. “Nonsense! You don’t have time for trivial nonsense, you need to go and find Lucas and tell him you are alive!” Acerbi says. “No Olivia, you don’t understand. The person who told me about Lucas and Julia…it was your son.” Lydia says. “What?” Acerbi asks. “Its true. Brody is the person who brought me back to Fantastic City, he’s alive.” Lydia reveals. “No, that…that cannot be. Brody was killed nearly three years ago in that explosion at The Evil Force’s castle!” Acerbi says. “They never found his body I don’t think.” Lydia points out. “So you are telling me…not only you are alive, but my son is as well?” Acerbi asks. Lydia nods. “That’s right.” Lydia confirms. Acerbi smiles. “What a wondrous day! My best friend AND my only son are both alive and well! Where is he, Lydia? Please tell me where Brody is!” Acerbi says. “He’s hiding out on a boat he owns, it should still be down at the docks. Pier 35 to be exact.” Lydia says. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Acerbi says, before kissing Lydia on the forehead. “Good luck with your reunion with Lucas, I am going to go reunite with my son.” Acerbi says. “Good luck.” Lydia says. “Thank you! And again, I am so thrilled you are alive!” Acerbi says. “I’m thrilled to be alive too.” Lydia says. Acerbi then runs off. Lydia turns to face the door of Slate Gray. “Okay, here we go…” Lydia says, before opening the doors and heading inside…

Upstairs in the restaurant, Lawrence and Dylan are sitting at a table. “I couldn’t help but notice Lysandros and Daisy seem to have come here together.” Lawrence says. “Yeah, so?” Dylan asks. “Are they involved?” Lawrence wonders. “So what if they are?” Dylan asks. “You and Daisy were once involved, you share a child together. Besides, the two of them uniting could mean bad news for you.” Lawrence says. “How so?” Dylan asks. “Obviously Lysandros would like nothing more than to oust you from Masters Corp, and we both know Daisy has experience in undermining you so that you lose your job.” Lawrence says. “She was blackmailed.” Dylan says. Lawrence chuckles. “Now you’re beginning to sound like her. I’m just suggesting you keep a close eye on those two. Given your recent rise in power, you need to be extra careful. You have no idea who you can and cannot trust these days.” Lawrence says. Dylan smiles. “Oh don’t worry, my eyes are wide open.” Dylan tells him.

Bethany is sitting at the bar when she notices Kaylie step off of the elevator. Kaylie spots Bethany and walks over to her. “Happy New Year.” Kaylie says. “Happy New Year. You look beautiful, Kay.” Bethany says. Kaylie smiles. “So do you. I’m kinda surprised to see you. I figured you’d stay in tonight.” Kaylie says. “I thought about it, but I didn’t want to stay in on New Years Eve. Plus I wanted to show support for your Mom’s business and I was hoping to see you.” Bethany says. “Bethany…” Kaylie says. “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t expecting us to make any kind of progress to tonight, I only wanted to see you just to see you. I miss your smile, your laugh, I miss you in general.” Bethany says. “Ditto, but you know its more complicated than just missing each other.” Kaylie says. “I know. I’m not gonna push or try to pressure you into anything. But when or if the time comes for you to forgive me, I’ll be here. Happy New Year.” Bethany says, before walking off. “Happy New Year…” Kaylie mutters. Virginia walks over to Kaylie. “Hey baby girl! I saw you talking to Bethany.” Virginia notes. “We were just talking, mama.” Kaylie tells her. “Talking is better than yelling, wouldn’t you say?” Virginia asks. “There is still a lot she and I need to sort through…” Kaylie says. “I know that, but come on, you love her! And despite everything, you KNOW that she loves you back! Isn’t that worth at least trying to fix things?” Virginia asks. Kaylie contemplates.

Downstairs in the food court of Goo Village, the snow is falling harder as Dannie approaches the front door of Slate Gray. Just as Dannie goes to open it, Meow Cat grabs them from behind! “That’s as far as you’re going!” Meow Cat tells them…

On Brody’s boat, Brody is in his room pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Brody finishes and then raises the glass. “Happy New Year to you McKay. You’ve earned this one after the lengths you went to to bring Lydia home to her loved ones. You know, it actually felt kind of nice to be on the right side of things for once. I mean, I did technically extort Lydia in exchange for my help, but it still feels pretty damn good. Cheers.” Brody says, before downing his drink. There’s a knock at the door. “You’re interrupting my me time whoever you are! Come pester me in the morning!” Brody calls out. The door can be heard opening. “Didn’t I just get done bloody telling you that I don’t want to be disturbed?!” Brody asks. Brody turns to face the door and stops when he sees who is standing there. “So then it is true…you really are alive!” The voice says. The person standing in the doorway is revealed to be Acerbi!

Back inside the Slate Gray restaurant, Julia walks over to Lucas and hands him a drink. “Here you are.” Julia says. “Thank you.” Lucas says. “You have a nice talk with my mother?” Julia wonders. “Yeah, it was nice. You know I enjoy talking to her.” Lucas says. “I also know she can be a bit extra sometimes.” Julia says. “Maybe, but its an endearing kind of extra. What about you, are you having fun?” Lucas asks. “Other than that little argument with Bethany, yeah, this is a fun party.” Julia says. Lucas smiles. “I’m glad. Listen, there was something I wanted to talk to you about, its important. Would you mind stepping out onto the balcony with me?” Lucas asks. “Is it something I should be worried about?” Julia asks. “No, its nothing bad. In fact, I think it’ll be something good.” Lucas says. “Okay, sure.” Julia says. Lucas and Julia start heading towards the balcony but Victor steps in front of them. “Just the woman I wanted to see.” Victor says. “Hi Victor, happy New Year.” Julia says. “Happy New Year to you as well. I wanted to come over and say hi earlier but I ran into an old colleague and we ended up talking for much longer than I anticipated. Do you have some time to catch up?” Victor asks. “Uh yeah, sure.” Julia says. Julia turns towards Lucas. “Do you mind heading out to the balcony? I’ll meet you there.” Julia says. “Of course. I’m looking forward to seeing you.” Lucas says, before kissing Julia and walking off. “He wants to meet you on the balcony? I’d be careful if I were you, going out there around his type.” Victor says. “Haha, very funny. I don’t actually know what he wants to see me about out there. He said its important.” Julia says. “Nothing bad I hope.” Victor says. “He says it isn’t. For the life of me though, I can’t figure out what it could be.” Julia says.

Across the room, Lawrence walks over to Gizelle. “Are you sure its wise for us to be speaking in public?” Gizelle asks. “Its a crowded room, I doubt anyone will pay us much attention. Have you seen any sign of Mia?” Lawrence asks. “Nothing.” Gizelle says. “Well I wouldn’t rule her out just yet.” Lawrence says. “Its nearly midnight.” Gizelle notes. “Even so, keep your eyes open. You never know when Mia may pop up, the same goes for our former guest Lydia.” Lawrence says. Gizelle turns towards the elevator just in time to see Lydia walking off of it! “Speak of the devil. I have eyes on Lydia.” Gizelle says. Lawrence turns towards the elevator and sees her. “So it looks like Lydia was able to survive the harsh waters of the sea after all.” Lawrence says. “Want me to recapture her?” Gizelle asks. “No. There are far too many witnesses and the last thing I want is to make a scene in public.” Lawrence says. “So we just let her go? Allow her to reunite with her fiance and tell the world what she knows about your plans?” Gizelle asks. “At this point, I fear we don’t have any choice.” Lawrence says.

Lydia surveys the room and doesn’t see any sign of Lucas. “Okay, I don’t see him anywhere. Where on earth could he be?” Lydia wonders. Lydia then notices the door leading out to the balcony. “That might be a good place to start.” Lydia says.

Virginia walks towards the center of the room. “May I have everyone’s attention please? It is almost midnight! So if everyone would please join me for the countdown, that’d be just swell! Here we go! 5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Virginia shouts. Victor walks up to Virginia and pulls her into a kiss. Meanwhile at the bar, Daisy grabs Lysandros’ tie and pulls him into a kiss as Dylan looks on. Across the room, Bethany and Kaylie lock eyes, both distraught over being separated. Meanwhile, Julia looks towards the balcony door and spots the back of a red headed woman heading towards the balcony. “No…it couldn’t be…” Julia says. Julia goes to follow but ends up being blocked by a crowd of people.

Out on the balcony, as the snow falls, Lucas is leaning on the railing gazing up at the sky. “My nerves are really starting to get the better of me, Lydia. The longer Julia takes, the more nervous I get. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some strength to do this. I know you’re up there looking out for me, and I can only do this with your help.” Lucas says. Lydia appears in the doorway behind Lucas and stops in her tracks when she sees him. At a loss for words, Lydia slowly approaches him. Lydia stops at the balcony’s railing, standing directly next to Lucas without him noticing. Struggling to find the right words, Lydia decides to keep it simple. “Lucas…” Lydia quietly says, her voice breaking. Lucas freezes when he hears the voice, knowing it well. Lucas slowly begins turning towards Lydia and sees her standing right next to him, snow in her hair. Shock takes over Lucas’ entire face as he soaks in the sight of the presumed dead love of his life. “Lydia?” Lucas asks!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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