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Fantastic S5 Episode 19(10/30/23)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 19(10/30/23) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 19(10/30/23)

Post by QG Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:47 pm

Its a new day in Fantastic City. In Bethany and Kaylie’s condo, Bethany is sitting at the kitchen table on her laptop when she spots Dannie coming downstairs. “Good morning.” Dannie says. “Morning.” Bethany responds. “Where’s Kaylie?” Dannie questions. “She went over to your former residence. She said she was gonna look for some more clues that could lead her to the identity of your mystery stalker. She’s really invested in this, you know.” Bethany says. “That makes me feel a little better. Hopefully whoever is responsible will be caught soon and I can breathe easier.” Dannie says. “Fingers crossed.” Bethany says. “I’m sure you’re probably really looking forward to that day as well, it means I get to move back home.” Dannie says. “I told you that you could stay here, didn’t I?” Bethany asks. “You did, but its pretty obvious you weren’t super thrilled about it. I understand, believe me. I know it was probably jarring for you to come home last night and find someone else had moved in. It certainly doesn’t help that we have a little bit of history from back in our Fantastic Gossip days.” Dannie says. “That was forever ago.” Bethany notes. “For me it was, but I’ve heard you know how to hold onto a grudge.” Dannie says. Bethany stands up and closes her laptop. “You heard right then. You’ll never meet anyone capable of holding a grudge better than me.” Bethany says. “Which makes it even more impressive that you were able to put those feelings aside by agreeing to let me stay here. I know it probably wasn’t easy for you and I just want you to know that I’m grateful.” Dannie says. “I know, you told me last night.” Bethany says. “Right...well, I should probably be going. I have to be getting to the hospital.” Dannie says. “Dannie, hold on a sec.” Bethany says. “Yes?” Dannie asks. “Since we’re gonna be living together for a bit, I feel its important that you and I clear the air...once and for all.” Bethany says.

At Fantastic Medical, Adelina is lying in a hospital bed when Acerbi walks in. “Good morning, my dear.” Acerbi says. “Is it a good morning?” Adelina asks. “You are here and not in some safe house or one of Wishbone’s hideaways, I’d say it is a great morning.” Acerbi says. “Yeah, I’d just rather not be in this hospital bed.” Adelina says. “I know, but given your ordeal, it was necessary to keep you over night in order to properly examine you. As a fellow doctor, you know that.” Acerbi says. “Just because I know it doesn’t mean I like it. But I’d rather not focus on being here, distract me.” Adelina says. “Distract you? Would you like me to do a silly dance or something along those lines?” Acerbi asks. Adelina laughs. “No! I want you to catch me up on your life! The positive things, anyways.” Adelina says. “I’ve been working.” Acerbi says. “Mother, you’ve been working since the last time I saw you. Do you mean to tell me there haven’t been any kind of developments in your life while I was away? Nothing at all has changed?” Adelina asks. “You seem to be fishing for something particular, so why don’t you tell me what that something is so I can tell you if there have been any developments on that front?” Acerbi asks. “Your love life, for one! I’m sure you haven’t been pining over Wishbone these past six years.” Adelina says. “Most definitely not. Any infatuation I had with Wishbone ended the moment he told Madeline you were Walter’s daughter.” Acerbi says. “So have you just been working all this time? No time for romance?” Adelina asks. “Well, I didn’t say that…” Acerbi says. “Ah, so there IS someone. Tell me!” Adelina urges. Acerbi smiles. “You are persistent. Since you want to know, I have been seeing someone for about a year now.” Acerbi admits. “Sounds serious. Anyone I know?” Adelina asks. “The man I’ve been seeing is Lawrence Stanpatos.” Acerbi reveals.

At the Stanpatos mansion, Lawrence is sitting in the solarium reading the newspaper when Dylan walks in. “Good morning.” Dylan says. “Dylan, my dear boy! You’re home!” Lawrence exclaims. “I am. I actually flew in late last night but I’m pretty sure you were already asleep by the time I got home.” Dylan says. “If I had known you were coming home I would’ve made a point of waiting up for you! I’m just so glad to see that you are alright. I’m a little surprised though that Olivia hasn’t called me to let me know she is home. She did come back with you, did she not?” Lawrence asks. “Yeah, Olivia is back. I imagine she hasn’t called you because she is still making up for lost time with her daughter.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “I take that as meaning the trip was a success, then?” Lawrence asks. “It was.” Dylan says. “That’s excellent! So Madeline was the one holding Adelina prisoner?” Lawrence asks. “Actually, it wasn’t Madeline. Get this, Wishbone was the one behind Adelina’s kidnapping.” Dylan reveals. “I suppose that makes sense. Wishbone and Olivia do have history.” Lawrence says. “That’s not to say Madeline wasn’t involved. Madeline originally sent Wishbone to kill Adelina, but then he betrayed Madeline and brought Adelina to Olivia’s old clinic in Phoenix Arizona.” Dylan says. “So if Adelina was rescued, what does that mean for Wishbone? Is he in police custody?” Lawrence asks. “Wishbone is dead. Olivia shot and killed the bastard when he was trying to kill me.” Dylan reveals. Lawrence’s eyes widen. “Oh my goodness, sounds like you had quite the adventure. Now you are sure Wishbone is dead? It’d hardly be the first time he was presumed dead.” Lawrence says. “Olivia checked and she seems pretty convinced that he’s dead.” Dylan says. “I trust Olivia’s judgment, so if she says Wishbone is dead, he’s dead.” Lawrence says. “Took long enough.” Dylan says. “Indeed. As you probably know, I was the one who actually owned Olivia’s clinic back in the day, and Wishbone would always be lurking around it. He manipulated Olivia’s feelings for him so he could use that clinic as his own personal fun house.” Lawrence says. “I’ve heard I was a guest at that clinic while some lunatic ran around the city wearing my face.” Dylan says. “Unfortunately. But enough about that lunatic Wishbone and his shenanigans, have you managed to acquire Adelina’s shares in Masters Corp yet?” Lawrence asks. “No, not yet. I wanted to give her some time with her mother before I began buttering her up to get her shares.” Dylan says. “Oh my dear boy, rescuing Adelina from Wishbone’s clutches was more than enough to butter her up. Its time you got straight to the point.” Lawrence says. The doors open and Daisy walks in. “Ah ha! I knew it!” Daisy exclaims. “Excuse me, my son and I were having a private conversation! One which does not concern you!” Lawrence says. “Thanks for such a warm welcome home, Daisy. But enough about that, what is it you think you knew?” Dylan asks. “I knew it was strange that you were jetting to Greece so last minute for some mysterious business, but judging by what I just overheard that isn’t the case. You went looking for Olivia Acerbi’s daughter all so you could steal her shares in Masters Corp.” Daisy says.

“You want to clear the air? How so?” Dannie questions. “Clear the air, bury the hatchet, basically anything it’ll take to make it so this whole living situation isn’t totally awkward.” Bethany says. “I’m certainly all for that. Where would you like to start?” Dannie asks. “I think we should start by pushing any bad blood between us under the rug. The problems we had with each other were years ago and tbh, they were petty to begin with, mainly on my end.” Bethany says. “To be perfectly honest with you, my problems with you went well beyond our shared experience at Fantastic Gossip. You came in between my brother Andy and Rebecca, and you came in between my cousin Ciara and Alexios. That was why I had a problem with you.” Dannie says. “Which I totally get. I know I screwed up back then.” Bethany says. “You did, but since becoming a psychiatrist I have learned to be more forgiving. Besides, Andy and Rebecca have both forgiven you for all of that and it is clear to me that you aren’t the same person you were back then.” Dannie says. “I don’t think anyone is the same person they were seven years ago.” Bethany notes. “No, definitely not. And while some people change for the worst that is definitely not the case with you, I can see how much you’ve matured over the years and for that reason I’m not going to hold any of your past actions against you anymore, nor am I going to hold the problems we had on Fantastic City Gossip against you.” Dannie says. “I appreciate that. I’m also not going to hold the problems we had on Fantastic City Gossip against you, it’d be stupid to hold onto something so trivial and meaningless from six years ago anyway.” Bethany says. Dannie smiles. “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Dannie says. “Me too. So, to cement our truce, I’d like to extend an invitation to you. Club Aqua is gonna be hosting a Halloween party tonight, costume optional, I’d really like it if you could be there.” Bethany says. “I guess that depends on how my day goes at the hospital, but otherwise, I’d love to be there.” Dannie says. Bethany smiles. “Great, looking forward to it.” Bethany says. “Me too, and Bethany, again, thank you for being so welcoming. You didn’t have to agree to let me stay here but you did, I really appreciate that.” Dannie says. “I just hope the cops can find out who’s been terrorizing you.” Bethany says. “Are you saying that because you want your place back to yourself?” Dannie asks. “Partly, but I’m also saying that because this guy seems like a real dirt bag and I think someone like that shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets. This world will be a better place when he’s finally locked up.” Bethany says. “I couldn’t agree more.” Dannie says.

“Lawrence Stanpatos? That name doesn’t ring a bell. Is he another one of Andre’s siblings?” Adelina asks. “Lawrence is Andre’s uncle.” Acerbi reveals. “How come I’ve never heard of him?” Adelina asks. “Well, he was presumed dead when you were living in Fantastic City so he wasn’t really a topic too many people talked about frequently.” Acerbi says. “Well I hope he is nothing like his nephew Andre. Luckily I didn’t have any dealings with Andre when I was in Fantastic but I’ve heard stories about him.” Adelina says. “I’m not going to lie to you, Lawrence does have a rather checkered past. However, he’s trying to put all of that behind him. His sole reason for returning to Fantastic was to reconnect with his son, Dylan.” Acerbi says. “I know I only just met Dylan, but I thought his father was Michael Stanpatos.” Adelina says. “That’s what everyone thought, but it turns out Claudia Stanpatos had an affair with her husband’s brother, making Lawrence Dylan’s father.” Acerbi says. “Wow, that family tree is complicated.” Adelina says. “Not unlike our own family tree.” Acerbi notes. “So tell me about him. Does he treat you right?” Adelina asks. “He treats me far better than Wishbone ever has, if that is what you are asking. He’s charming, he has a terrific sense of humor, not to mention incredibly handsome.” Acerbi says. “I’m really glad to see you happy, mother, with a man that actually knows your worth.” Adelina says. Acerbi smiles. “I’m happy to see myself happy. Its been so long since I’ve had something to smile about...both you and Lawrence give me reason to feel joy, I adore both of you.” Acerbi says. “Aw, now I’m getting all sentimental! Come here, give me a hug.” Adelina urges. Acerbi leans in and hugs Adelina.

“You know its not polite to eavesdrop.” Lawrence says. “Its also not polite to steal other people’s companies. I assume your plan must be to take control of Masters Corp, otherwise you wouldn’t be interested in getting your hands on this Adelina’s shares.” Daisy says. Dylan turns towards Lawrence. “I’ll handle this.” Dylan says. “Are you sure?” Lawrence asks. “Yes, just give me a minute with her.” Dylan says. “Fine, just please try to keep her in line.” Lawrence says. Lawrence goes to walk out but Daisy steps in front of him. “Hey, for the record, no one keeps me in line. I suggest you remember that.” Daisy warns. Lawrence smiles. “And I suggest you remember that its never a good idea to position yourself as an obstacle for the Stanpatos family. Have a lovely day, Daisy.” Lawrence says, before walking out. “You need to have a talk with him about threatening your baby’s mother.” Daisy says. “He isn’t going to hurt you, you have my word.” Dylan says. Daisy smiles. “Aw, its so sweet of you to be so protective over me.” Daisy says. “Look, about what you heard…” Dylan says. “What? You wanting Adelina’s shares in Masters Corp? I’m guessing that isn’t supposed to be public knowledge, huh? It would explain why Lysandros Masters was here. Lets see, if my memory serves me, Adelina is Lydia’s sister which would make Lysandros Adelina’s uncle.” Daisy says. “How do you even know all of this?” Dylan asks. “I almost married Andy, remember? Adelina is his cousin. You know, Andy had mentioned to me that Adelina was in hiding because her step mother wanted her dead for being the product of an affair her husband had. Now this is just a guess, but I assume Lysandros probably tucked Adelina away somewhere to keep her safe.” Daisy says. “That’s a good guess.” Dylan says. Daisy smiles. “Thanks! So tell me, how much of a stake does Adelina have in Masters Corp?” Daisy asks. “I wouldn’t worry about it.” Dylan says. “If you insist. I guess I could tell Lucas about what I heard, then he can worry about it.” Daisy says. Dylan sighs. “You never cease to be impossible, do you?” Dylan asks. “You see that as a flaw, I see it as more of a quirk.” Daisy says. “Adelina has a 20% stake in Masters Corp.” Dylan says. Daisy laughs. “20%? That’s it? That is barely enough to get your foot in the door over there!” Daisy says. “It will be when we combine it with the 40% we already have.” Dylan says. “What 40%?” Daisy asks. “Lawrence has Lydia’s 20% and Serena’s 20%, that’s 40%. If we can get our hands on Adelina’s 20%, that leaves us 60% which would mean we would be the majority shareholders.” Dylan says. “Impressive, but how exactly did Lawrence get his hands on that other 40%?” Daisy asks. Dylan shrugs. “It doesn’t really matters. What matters is that it belongs to us now.” Dylan says. “Actually, it sounds to me like it belongs to Lawrence. Let me ask you something, when you move forward with this takeover, assuming you can get your hands on Adelina’s shares, who is going to be the CEO of Masters Corp?” Daisy questions. “I am.” Dylan says. “But Lawrence will be the one with all the shares.” Daisy notes. “Yes, but I’ll be the one in control.” Dylan says. “Are you absolutely sure? Sure you might be the CEO, but it sounds to me like Lawrence will be the one holding all the power. All it would take would be for you to piss him off just once and he could easily have you removed from the company.” Daisy says. “That’s not going to happen. Lawrence is looking out for the future of the Stanpatos empire, I am the future.” Dylan says. “Until you disappoint him that is.” Daisy says. “Is there a point to this conversation?” Dylan asks. “Yes there is a point! Despite everything, I still care about you, both as Harper’s father and someone that I used to love and I don’t want to see you get hurt! Call me crazy, but it seems like throwing in with Lawrence is a really bad idea, and this is coming from someone who also had a megalomaniac for a father.” Daisy says. “The difference is that your father despised you, my father actually cares about me.” Dylan says. “He does now, but what about when you first disagree with him? Lawrence may have you thinking you’ll be in control, but you’re a fool if you think he won’t be pulling your strings, and the moment you try to cut those strings will be the moment he tosses you aside and moves on to the next sucker. Think about what I said, I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you as a result of your loyalty to that man.” Daisy says, before walking out, leaving Dylan to contemplate...


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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