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Fantastic S5 Episode 141(7/29/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 141(7/29/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 141(7/29/24)

Post by QG Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:48 pm

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Bethany comes and sits down on the couch. “Helloooooo everyone, and welcome to another episode of Bethany’s Back Up! I’m your host, Bethany Wilson! Now for those of you who don’t know, this will actually be our last Back Up of the season. That’s right, this is the last week of season 5. I had suggested we do a musical number to celebrate that fact, but the cheap ass producer said it isn’t in the budget, so we’re doing another boring ass recap instead!” Bethany says. “Boring is not a word in my vocabulary!” A voice says. Scarlett, carrying a bottle of wine, comes and sits next to Bethany on the couch. “Oh yeah, I forgot I asked you to join. Everybody, this is my new BFF, Scarlett!” Bethany says. “Hi! SO happy to be here!” Scarlett exclaims. “Hey, is-is that bottle from Club Aqua?” Bethany asks. “Sure! We’re besties now, I figured I could help myself and you wouldn’t mind.” Scarlett says. “That’s a $200 bottle of wine, Scar.” Bethany notes. “Is it? My bad. At least we’re gonna put it to good use, though!” Scarlett says, opening the bottle and pouring herself a glass. “Okaaaaay, let’s start off with Lucas and Lydia.” Bethany says. “Sorry, who are they?” Scarlett questions. “Oh nobody important. Just my cheating dog of an ex and his tramp fiancee.” Bethany says. “Oh. Carry on then.” Scarlett says, taking a big gulp of wine. “So the recording of Mia’s confession reached the DA’s office, which means Lydia got the charges against her dropped and was able to go home. Woohoo, so exciting.” Bethany says. “Back up a minute.” Scarlett says. “That’s why it’s called Bethany’s Back Up.” Bethany says. “So who’s Mia?” Scarlett questions. “Some crazy bitch who shot up a New Years Eve party.” Bethany says. “Yikes.” Scarlett says. “Mmhm. Anyways, Ciara left town, thank god.” Bethany says. “Who’s Sarah?” Scarlett questions. “Her name’s Ciara, and she’s some chick who’s boyfriend I stole. But that’s okay, it happened years ago.” Bethany says. “Got it. Cheers to Clara leaving town then!” Scarlett says, before raising her glass. “No no, Scar. This is Ciara we’re talking about! Clara was bestie 1.0 for me.” Bethany says. “Sorry, my bad.” Scarlett says, taking another sip of wine. “Over with Andy, he offered Dylan this partnership. I guess they’re talking about becoming P.I’s together or some crap.” Bethany says. “Now Andy, he’s the guy in the coma, right?” Scarlett questions. “Was in a coma. He’s awake now.” Bethany says. “Even more reason to celebrate! Cheers!” Scarlett says, before taking another sip of wine. “One thing I forgot to mention about Lucas and Lydia because I keep getting interrupted is that they were talking about getting married and possibly even leaving town, which, if there is a god, they WILL! Now onto more important matters…Kaylie and I.” Bethany says. “I’m rooting for you.” Scarlett says. “Aww, thanks! I’m rooting for me too! Not sure Kaylie feels the same way.” Bethany says. “Oh she will! You’re very difficult to resist!” Scarlett says. “What a great friend! On the topic of romance though, I hear you and Dannie are getting pretty close.” Bethany notes. Scarlett shrugs. “I just asked them to help me organize a gala. No biggie.” Scarlett claims. “I also heard that you looked like you got a bit dizzy when leaving your chat with Dannie earlier in the week.” Bethany says. “Bethany, there’s no need to worry. I stood up a bit fast, I had a touch too much champagne, I’m fine!” Scarlett tells her. “Hm, ever think about dialing back the alcohol then?” Bethany wonders. Scarlett takes a giant gulp of wine. “Why would I do something silly like that?” Scarlett wonders. “No reason.” Bethany says. Rebecca storms into the living room. “Bethany Wilson, what on earth is going on here?!” Rebecca questions. “I can explain, Rebecca! Honestly!” Bethany says. “Who’s this?” Scarlett wonders. “Bestie 2.0.” Bethany says. “And who might this be?” Rebecca questions. “Bestie 3.0.” Bethany answers. “Mmhm, just as I expected. You have been cheating on me with a new best friend! I didn’t want it to be true, but I had a feeling when it started taking you longer to respond to my texts. You ALWAYS have your phone in your hand!” Rebecca notes. “Rebecca, just because I found a new best friend doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you!” Bethany says. “Hey Bethany, is this the girl you said had a couple of screws loose, and that you were always careful what you said around her because you were always afraid she’d snap and whack you in the head with a fireplace poker just like she did to her brother?” Scarlett asks. “SHUT UP!” Bethany snaps. Rebecca crosses her arms and glares at Bethany. “Would you believe me if I said she doesn’t know what she’s talking about?” Bethany asks. “Why don’t you and BFF 3.0 get out of my house?” Rebecca asks. “I mean, technically it’s Dannie’s house, but-” Bethany begins to say. “GET OUT!” Rebecca screams. Bethany gets up and runs out of the room. Rebecca then turns towards Scarlett. “Oh, you want me to go too? Alrighty then. I’m taking this with me, though!” Scarlett says, before picking up the wine bottle and walking out.

It’s a new day in Fantastic City. In the living room of Lydia’s mansion, Lucas is sitting on the sofa when Lydia walks in. “How do I look?” Lydia wonders. “Beautiful as always.” Lucas says. “I hope that isn’t your way of saying that I look the same as I always do.” Lydia says. “You always look beautiful.” Lucas points out. “Do I at the very least look professional?” Lydia wonders. “Yeah, absolutely. Why do you need to look professional though?” Lucas wonders. “I’m going to the Stanpatos mansion to talk to Dylan about him possibly returning control of Masters Corp.” Lydia reveals. “Wow, you aren’t wasting any time. I can’t say I’m upset about that. The quicker you can convince Dylan to return control of Masters Corp, the quicker we can move on with our lives.” Lucas says. “What do you think my chances are?” Lydia wonders. “I think they’re pretty high. Dylan has his memories back, and I’d like to think that whatever morals he once had came back too.” Lucas says. “Well whatever morals he has may go out the window when he takes into account the fact that I cheated on him with you.” Lydia notes. “And he was working with Daisy behind your back to frame Bethany for gaslighting Rebecca.” Lucas argues. “Which doesn’t really excuse what we did, does it?” Lydia says. “No, I guess not. What do you think? You knew the old Dylan Stanpatos better than I did.” Lucas notes. “You mean you didn’t get to know him that well when the two of you thought you were brothers?” Lydia asks. “He barely even acknowledged he was a Cambino when he thought he was one. You on the other hand were married to the man. What are your thoughts on how this will play out?” Lucas wonders. “It’s difficult to say. I haven’t seen the real Dylan Stanpatos in nine years. The man we’ve been dealing with since then has been a completely different entity.” Lydia notes. “Well I guess there’s only one way you’re going to find out how this plays out. You’re just gonna have to head over there and see him. Do you want me to come as moral support?” Lucas wonders. “Absolutely not! Seeing you there might set Dylan off. Even if he isn’t holding any grudges over you stealing his wife, he might still be a bit upset with you over the time you kept quiet when Quinn Goo was holding him hostage in that mental institution and pretending to be him.” Lydia points out. Lucas sighs. “You do have a point. I guess all I can do is wish you the best of luck then.” Lucas says. “Thanks, I have a feeling I’m going to need it. This could be an uphill battle.” Lydia notes. Lydia heads into the foyer, opens the front door, and finds Dylan standing outside! “Dylan, this is a surprise!” Lydia notes. “Good or bad?” Dylan wonders. “Wonderful! What brings you by?” Lydia questions. “I’m here to give you back what’s rightfully yours…Masters Corp.” Dylan reveals!

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Rebecca helps Andy walk in. “You don’t need to hold my hand, sweetheart! I’m fine!” Andy says. “Oh right! You’re recovering from a gunshot wound to the chest, and I’m supposed to believe that you’re absolutely fine with no pain or side effects whatsoever! I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to get used to me being annoying and overbearing. I’m not going to let you do anything by yourself for at least the next month.” Rebecca tells him. “You don’t think that’s just a little too extreme?” Andy questions. Rebecca smiles. “Not in the slightest, now sit on the couch and get comfortable.” Rebecca demands. “But-” Andy begins. “Andy Goo, do not even think about arguing with me! Not only are those doctor’s orders, those are your wife’s orders too! Do you really want to try and defy the latter?” Rebecca questions. Andy smiles. “Not unless I want to end up back in the hospital.” Andy says. “Good man, now sit.” Rebecca orders. Rebecca then helps Andy sit on the couch. “So what am I supposed to do for the next month? Watch TV?” Andy questions. “I could pick you up a crossword book from the pharmacy. Maybe Ava will even let you play some of her video games.” Rebecca suggests. Ava walks in. “Hell to the no!” Ava declares. “Hey pumpkin!” Andy says. “Hi Dad! I see mom is already making you relax, huh?” Ava asks. “Yup! I’m supposed to spend the next month on this couch, I’m not allowed to move an inch.” Andy tells her. “That’s not true. You’ll have to move to go to your doctor appointments.” Rebecca notes. “Can’t wait.” Andy sarcastically says. “Don’t worry Dad, I’ll keep you company. I’m sure we could find something fun to do together. Oh, I know! We could start a D&D campaign!” Ava suggests. “A what now?” Andy asks. “It’s a role playing game, Dad.” Ava says. “I’m not sure role playing is for me.” Andy says. “Come on! Hannah and I have this great game going right now, you could join in as some kind of demon slayer! After what this family’s been through though, I guess that wouldn’t really be role playing.” Ava notes. “Yes Andy, you should give role playing a shot. It’ll give you something to do while you’re resting on the sofa here.” Rebecca says. “I think I’ll stick with the crossword puzzle you suggested.” Andy says. “Okay, your loss.” Ava says. “You know Ava, there’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about.” Andy says. “Yeah?” Ava asks. “I know you said you weren’t interested in going to college, not right now anyways, which I’m totally fine with.” Andy says. “And I appreciate your understanding. Truly. A lot of parents would flip their lid over that.” Ava says. “You don’t have to ever worry about that with us.” Rebecca says. “But in the meantime, I thought you might still want to have a job.” Andy says. “I have a job. I work at Stanpatos Enterprises.” Ava points out. “A job your uncle Lawrence got you. I wasn’t sure you’d be interested in staying there after everything that went down with Lawrence.” Andy notes. “Truth? Yeah, the job is dreadfully boring, and the fact that Lawrence is the one who got it for me does not make me want to stay there. So what did you have in mind?” Ava questions. “I’m gonna be starting my own P.I firm once I’m back on my feet, and I was thinking maybe you could come and work for me there. Is that something you might be interested in?” Andy wonders.

In the Slate Gray restaurant, Victor, Virginia, and Kaylie are sitting at a table. “I for one think you should give Bethany a second chance!” Virginia says. “It wouldn’t exactly be a second chance, more like a tenth chance.” Victor adds. “Well who the hell asked you anyways?” Virginia questions. “Your daughter did! That question was directed at both of us!” Victor notes. “Like hell it was! Kaylie knows how you feel about Bethany!” Virginia points out. “Like she doesn’t know how you feel about Bethany? You certainly haven’t been shy about how you love and adore her!” Victor notes. “Okay, settle down you two! It’s not that serious!” Kaylie says. “This is about you and Bethany possibly rekindling your relationship! This is very serious!” Virginia argues. “Well it’s not even something I’m seriously considering. Forgiving her is just an idea I’m bouncing around. I probably won’t even do it, not after everything she’s done.” Kaylie says. “Good, stick to your guns!” Victor states. “Don’t stick to your guns! You love Bethany, she should get another chance!” Virginia tells her. “How many chances do you propose Kaylie give her before she realizes the woman is trash and finally decides to throw in the towel?” Victor asks. “Can you please not talk about Bethany like that? Just because I’m not talking to her right now doesn’t mean I’ll tolerate anyone calling her trash!” Kaylie snaps. “You’re right, I apologize.” Victor says. “I probably should’ve never even brought it up to you two, I should’ve known what would happen next!” Kaylie notes. Julia walks up to the table. “Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. I got held up in a meeting.” Julia says. “This early in the morning?” Victor asks. “You really gotta talk to the mayor about giving you a raise if he’s asking you to come in this early!” Virginia notes. “I volunteered to come in this early, I figured I may as well get it out of the way.” Julia says. “Get what out of the way?” Kaylie wonders. “My resignation. I’m resigning as District Attorney, effective immediately.” Julia reveals. “What?!” Virginia asks. “After all of the trouble you went through to beat me in the race a few years ago?!” Victor questions. “Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the job, but I’m not good for it. I let my emotions cloud my judgment with the Lydia Masters case, and as a result, an innocent woman spent months in prison.” Julia notes. “I wouldn’t exactly call Lydia Masters innocent.” Victor says. “She was innocent of murdering Mia Goo.” Julia points out. “But you didn’t know that!” Virginia argues. “I did deep down. Kaylie even called me out on it early on, but I wouldn’t listen to her. Instead, I lashed out!” Julia recalls. “But you see the truth now, that’s what matters. Still, resigning seems kinda extreme.” Kaylie notes. “I have to do it. I abused my power to convict someone I had a personal grudge against. The whole reason I went after this job in the first place was because I wanted to stop situations like that from happening! I’m not much better than the racists I’ve spent my career fighting against.” Julia claims. “That’s not true! Is you letting your personal feelings towards Lydia affect your judgment wrong? Sure it is! But that’s a whole different vehicle from targeting somebody based on the color of their skin!” Virginia argues. “I’m not sure I see it that way. Anyways, this whole situation with Lucas and Lydia has taken it’s toll on me, which is why I need to take time away to work on myself.” Julia says. “Time away from the job, right?” Victor asks. “Time away from the job and time away from everything else. I’m leaving Fantastic City…today.” Julia reveals!

In the foyer in Lydia’s mansion, Lydia is facing Dylan in shock. “You want to…return Masters Corp to me?” Lydia asks. “That’s what I just said.” Dylan notes. Lucas comes out of the living room. “Did I just hear you right?” Lucas asks. “Oh god, not you…” Dylan mutters. “This is why I didn’t want you to come with me…” Lydia whispers to Lucas. “Look, I-I know that I was wrong to steal the company from your family. It may have been Lawrence’s idea, but I still went along with it, which makes me just as responsible. So, in an effort to try and right one of my many wrongs these past few years, I’d like to give the company back to you.” Dylan says. “That’s very generous of you.” Lydia notes. “I realize that given everything that’s happened between us, you and I will probably never be friends. But, I don’t feel right staying in control of your company, especially given how you lost those shares to begin with back in the day. Speaking of the shares…” Dylan says. Dylan pulls out a large envelope and hands it to Lydia. “This contains the stock certificates for your shares, Serena’s shares, and Adelina’s shares.” Dylan says. “How did you get Adelina’s shares? She signed those over to Lysandros.” Lydia recalls. “I managed to track them down after Lysandros kicked…after he passed away. They’re yours, so is the company.” Dylan says. “Wow, I don’t even know what to say…” Lydia says. “Well if you’re considering saying thank you, please don’t. The company wasn’t mine to begin with, you shouldn’t have to thank me for returning something I stole.” Dylan says. Lydia smiles. “Well I appreciate the gesture nonetheless.” Lydia says. “We both do.” Lucas says. “Well I don’t really care what you feel after you left me to rot in a mental institution while some psycho was running around wearing my face.” Dylan says. “I told you he’d still be upset about that, rightfully so…” Lydia whispers to Lucas. “I should get going. Lydia, I wish you the best.” Dylan says. “Same to you.” Lydia says. “Lucas, I wish you what you deserve.” Dylan says, before walking out. Lydia turns towards Lucas. “Wow! I can’t believe he actually came to US!” Lydia exclaims. “Looks like the two of you were on the same wavelength.” Lucas says. “Yeah, I guess so.” Lydia says. “And now that you’ve gotten Masters Corp back, that means we can start looking into moving.” Lucas says. Lydia smiles. “Yes we can! Oh my gosh, I’m so excited! It feels like we’re getting a second chance at life!” Lydia exclaims. “That’s because we are, and nothing and no one is going to ruin it for us this time.” Lucas says, before pulling Lydia into a kiss.

In the living room of the Goo Castle, Ava is surprised by Andy's offer. “Wow…that's an interesting offer.” Ava says. “Do you think it'd be something you would want to do?” Andy wonders. “I think I'd prefer it a lot better than sitting behind a desk organizing spread sheets! Is it what I'd want to do with my life? I'm not sure I'd say that either. You know I've been interested in writing, and I was kinda thinking about trying to write my own novel or something.” Ava admits. “And you can still do that if it's what you want, but in the meantime, coming to work for me would be something to tide you over until you make it big.” Andy says. “Which we know is inevitable. You're too brilliant not to become a world famous writer.” Rebecca says. Ava smiles. “I appreciate the kind words, Mom. I mean…yeah, I think I would kill it at detective work.” Ava says. Andy smiles. “I think you would too.” Andy says. “You just won't be starting right away.” Rebecca says. “Why not?” Andy wonders. “Because you still need time to recover! You are more than welcome to start setting up the business, but I don't want you doing any sort of physical labor for at least another month.” Rebecca tells him. “Your mom is so bossy.” Andy tells Ava. “She's kinda right though, you really should try and take it easy.” Ava says. “That's gonna be hard to do. I can barely contain my excitement that my daughter is gonna be coming to work for me!” Andy exclaims. Ava smiles. “I'm looking forward to it, too.” Ava says. “I just hope you know that I'm not gonna treat you any differently just because you're my daughter. I'm gonna be a real hard ass boss.” Andy claims. “Yeah right! You probably couldn't even manage being a hard ass boss to people you aren't related to!” Ava argues. “She's right, you know. You are a bit of a softie.” Rebecca notes. “I can be mean!” Andy claims. “No you can't.” Rebecca and Ava both argue. “Well whether that's true or not, I guess it's a good thing my wife and daughter think so highly of me.” Andy says. “We think the world of you.” Rebecca says. “You both are my world.” Andy responds. “We love you, Dad.” Ava says, before bending down and hugging Andy. “I love you too, sweetheart. I love you both.” Andy says.

At the Slate Gray restaurant, Victor, Virginia, Kaylie, and Julia are sitting around a table. “Is leaving really necessary?” Victor questions. “I'll answer that question! It isn't!” Virginia states. “I'll give you props, Jules. You've got these two agreeing after a morning of nothing but disagreeing.” Kaylie notes. “This is what I have to do for my own mental health. These last several months have been incredibly exhausting and I just need to get away for a little while.” Julia says. “Do you plan on coming back?” Virginia wonders. “Honestly mama, I'm not sure. Fantastic City hasn't really been good for me.” Julia admits. “Maybe not, but this is where your family is! Don't let Lucas and Lydia drive you away!” Victor urges. “I'm not letting Lucas and Lydia do anything. I'm leaving because I feel like it's what's best for me. I've lost myself these last few months, and I need to do whatever I can to find myself again. I don't know how long that's going to take. I don't even know if I'll want to come back once all is said and done. What I do know is that I'm not going to find what I'm looking for here in Fantastic. So, I'm gonna head back to New York and stay there for a while.” Julia says. “And there's nothing we can do to change your mind?” Virginia asks. Julia shakes her head. “Sorry.” Julia says. “I'm sorry to see you go. My goodness, in the span of a few days, it feels like my entire family is just disappearing one by one.” Victor notes. “I'm not disappearing! They invented this cool form of communication called the telephone call, and then there's an even neater thing called the text message! We should make regular use out of them, you know, while they're still cool.” Julia says. “Well you know me, I always try to stay hip and cool.” Victor says. Virginia rolls her eyes. “Please! You wouldn't be cool if you got stuffed in a freezer!” Virginia jokes. “I’m really going to miss you two. And you too, Kaylie, I guess.” Julia says. “Gee, thanks.” Kaylie sarcastically says. “Well if you’re going to miss us that badly, you could always decide to stay!” Victor points out. “I can’t, I’m sorry. Trust me, this is going to be good for me. Hopefully the next time you see me, I would’ve gotten my groove back.” Julia says. “Hate to break it to you, sis, but you never had it to begin with.” Kaylie jokes. “Be nice to your sister! We’re trying to get her to stay, not drive her away!” Virginia notes. Kaylie turns towards Julia. “In all seriousness, I am going to miss you. Issac will too.” Kaylie says. “And I’m going to miss the both of you. But, I promise that we will face time all the time. And don’t you dare ignore any of my calls, because I will know.” Julia warns. Kaylie smiles. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Kaylie says. Julia stands up. “I should get going. My flight leaves in an hour.” Julia says. “I can’t believe you’re leaving so quickly.” Victor says. “This isn’t goodbye, Dad. Not forever, at least.” Julia says. “Dad, huh? I’m not sure I’ve ever heard you call me that before.” Victor admits. “It’s not weird, is it?” Julia asks. “Not for me! Is it weird for you?” Victor wonders. Julia shakes her head. “Not at all. You’ve really stepped up and been there for me since finding out you were my father, and I’ll be forever grateful for that. Don’t worry, this isn’t goodbye, not forever. We’ll see each other again.” Julia says. “I’m gonna hold you to that!” Victor says. “Me too!” Virginia says. Virginia stands up and hugs Julia. “Oh I am gonna miss you SO much, baby! Even when you pick a fight with me over the stupidest thing!” Virginia says. “And I’ll miss you being all too happy to give it right back to me, mama. I love you.” Julia says. “I love you too. Take good care of yourself, you hear me? I want you back sooner rather than later!” Virginia says. “We’ll see. I love you, I love all of you, and trust me…this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me. In fact, I’m sure this isn’t the last Fantastic has seen of Julia Gray.” Julia says, before heading to the elevator. Once Julia gets on the elevator, the doors close on her as Victor, Virginia, and Kaylie all wave goodbye…


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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