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Fantastic S5 Episode 140(7/24/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 140(7/24/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 140(7/24/24)

Post by QG Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:06 pm

In the Goo Village park, Kaylie and Issac are sitting in front of the water fountain as Issac eats a bowl of ice cream. “So, what do you think?” Kaylie asks. “I like just chocolate better.” Issac says. “What? How could you not like banana split? It’s my favorite!” Kaylie says. “It’s okay, but just chocolate is still better.” Issac says. “I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.” Kaylie says. Dannie walks up to the two of them. “What do we have here?” Dannie asks. “Just a little ice cream date between a mom and her son. Can you believe this kid doesn’t like banana split ice cream?” Kaylie asks. “I said it was okay, I never said I didn’t like it!” Issac argues. “I can read your body language, kiddo. You don’t like it.” Kaylie says. Issac hands Kaylie the bowl of ice cream. “Do you want the rest? I want to go play on the swings.” Issac says. “Sure. Just make sure you stay where I can see you, it’s starting to get dark.” Kaylie notes. “Okay.” Issac responds, before handing Kaylie the bowl of ice cream and running off. “Wow, he keeps getting bigger and bigger every time I see him.” Dannie notes. “Tell me about it. Before you know it, he’ll be taller than me! You want to keep me company while I wait for him?” Kaylie asks. “I’d love to.” Dannie says, before sitting next to Kaylie. “So, what’s new with you? Anything exciting?” Kaylie wonders. “You could say that. Andy is finally out of his coma.” Dannie reveals. “I heard that! I’m so happy for you, Dannie. You and your entire family!” Kaylie says. “Thank you. Unfortunately though he’s not resting. He’s been awake for less than 24 hours, and already he’s trying to convince Dylan to start a P.I business with him.” Dannie reveals. “Oh yeah, Dylan used to be a cop back in the day, right?” Kaylie asks. “He was.” Dannie confirms. “So how would that work with him being the CEO of two major corporations?” Kaylie wonders. “Well I guess he plans on giving Masters Corp back to Lydia, and I’m not really sure what his plan is for Stanpatos Enterprises.” Dannie admits. “He should burn it to the ground.” Kaylie says. “Right?” Dannie agrees. “Circling back to you, anything else exciting happen in your life lately?” Kaylie wonders. “You could say that. Scarlett has asked me to help her organize this gala she’s hosting to raise money for the hospital.” Dannie reveals. “That’s nice. Kinda weird she’d ask you of all people though.” Kaylie admits. “She explained it to me. I guess she figured it would be beneficial for the cause to have someone with the last name Goo attached to it. I already know that my aunt Olivia isn’t going to be pleased to find out Scarlett skipped over her though.” Dannie says. “God help Scarlett when Acerbi finds out.” Kaylie says. “There’s not really much Olivia can do, with Scarlett being her boss.” Dannie notes. “That’s true. So your last name being Goo is the only reason Scarlett picked you to help out?” Kaylie wonders. “It’s the only reason she gave me. Why? Do you think there’s more to it than that?” Dannie questions. “Well I know Scarlett seemed pretty taken in by you when we met her at the Seashell Lounge.” Kaylie recalls. “I mean, we did hit it off, but I wouldn’t go as far to say that Scarlett was taken in by me.” Dannie says. “Oh come on! She seemed much more interested in you than she was in me.” Kaylie points out. “I don’t remember that.” Dannie claims. “Well I do.” Kaylie says. “Well even if there were something there, nothing could ever come from it.” Dannie says. “Why not?” Kaylie wonders. “It’d be inappropriate! Scarlett is my boss!” Dannie points out. “So? Workplace romances aren’t always bad! Just look at your brother and Commissioner Rogers! I heard those two met when they were both working at the police department, and that Commissioner Rogers eventually became Andy’s boss. Yet here they are years later, still madly in love.” Kaylie notes. “Do you want to know what I think?” Dannie asks. “Am I going to like this?” Kaylie asks. “Probably not. I think you’re reading far too much into this.” Dannie says. Kaylie smiles. “You might be right.” Kaylie admits. “Hold on, can you repeat that? I could’ve sworn I heard you just say that I might be right.” Dannie says. “Let’s not dwell on it for too long! I could be trying to push this romantic fantasy with you and Scarlett because my love life is so barren right now.” Kaylie suggests. “Have you been looking for someone new? I know it didn’t work out for me too well, but you could always try online dating.” Dannie suggests. “No, I’m not ready for that yet.” Kaylie says. “I see. Still hung up on Bethany, huh?” Dannie asks. “Is it crazy that after everything that has happened, I actually miss her? I saw her today when I went to pick up Issac at her place, and even though I’m trying to hold onto this anger for her, I still feel that spark. I don’t know…what Bethany and I had was so special and magical, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to find that again with anyone else.” Kaylie admits.

At Club Aqua, Scarlett is sitting at the bar when Bethany hands her a drink. “You’re beginning to become quite the regular here.” Bethany notes. “Did you ever consider that maybe I come here just to see you?” Scarlett wonders. “Do you enjoy my company that much that you’re willing to pay top dollar for my most expensive wine?” Bethany asks. “If I wasn’t paying for that here, I’d be doing it at some other club or bar. At least I’m pals with the bartender at this particular club.” Scarlett says. “I’m only the bartender because most of my staff upped and quit during that whole satellite laser scare. You know, when everybody thought the world was gonna blow up and didn’t see any reason to have a job anymore.” Bethany says. “Mmm, we’ve had a couple of people quit at the hospital for that exact reason.” Scarlett says. “And yet people call ME a drama queen!” Bethany says. “Looks like crisis averted since the maniac behind the threat took a swan dive out of a helicopter, AFTER being shot. So I’ve heard, anyway.” Scarlett says. “Not to brag, but my BFF was the one who pulled the trigger on that psycho.” Bethany says. “No way! You hang with the coolest people, myself included!” Scarlett says. “I make friends a lot easier than I would ever expect to. It’s the boyfriends and the girlfriends that I have trouble holding onto.” Bethany says. “Are you talking about someone in particular?” Scarlett wonders. “My ex, Kaylie.” Bethany says. “Kaylie, huh? I don’t suppose this Kaylie is dark skinned, hair down to just about her shoulders, incredibly hot?” Scarlett asks. “That’s her. How do you know Kaylie?” Bethany wonders. “I met her at a bar my first night in town.” Scarlett reveals. “What? Kaylie doesn’t go clubbing!” Bethany says. “She did that night, and she was with Dannie Goo. Not sure if you know who they are.” Scarlett says. Bethany grips the bar in frustration. “Oh believe me, I know Dannie Goo.” Bethany says. Scarlett notices Bethany gripping the bar. “Right, clearly. Listen, you don’t have to worry. I spent quite a bit of time around those two and there were no romantic undertones. They were just two mates having fun.” Scarlett says. “It doesn’t matter either way. Kaylie wants nothing to do with me.” Bethany says. “If you don’t mind my asking, what happened?” Scarlett wonders. “I did some stuff out of jealousy of Kaylie’s friendship with Dannie, and it ruined our relationship.” Bethany admits. “And there’s zero chance of you fixing things?” Scarlett questions. “Kaylie doesn’t seem to think there’s any fixing this.” Bethany says. “And what do you want?” Scarlett wonders. “More than anything, I want my family back. Kaylie, our son, our life together…” Bethany says. “So then answer me this, are you normally the type to give up this easily?” Scarlett asks. “I haven’t given up! I’ve asked Kaylie for another chance, multiple times!” Bethany says. “Well then there’s your problem! You can’t expect Kaylie to take you back just because you asked nicely! You need to be proactive, Bethany! You need to prove to Kaylie that you’re ready and willing to change, and that you won’t make the same mistakes over and over again! If you can manage that, all hope might not be lost after all.” Scarlett tells Bethany.

In the living room of Lydia’s mansion, Lydia is sitting on the sofa when Lucas hands her a glass of wine. “For you, my love.” Lucas says. “Thank you, my love. Maybe this should have been champagne, to celebrate my freedom.” Lydia suggests. “There will be plenty of time to celebrate in the near future, like at our wedding.” Lucas says. “Already thinking about the wedding?” Lydia asks. “I haven’t stopped thinking about the wedding since the day I proposed to you. Now that you’re free, I’m hoping we can get married as soon as possible.” Lucas says. “Why? Do you want to hurry up and get it over with before Mia is able to break out and spoil everything?” Lydia wonders. “No, I’m just tired of not being able to call you my wife.” Lucas says. Lydia smiles. “Did you have a venue in mind?” Lydia wonders. “I was actually going to ask you that.” Lucas says. “Well I’d prefer not to have a living room wedding this time. Don’t get me wrong, our last wedding was great, it’s just the scenery could’ve used a little work.” Lydia says. “Plus, I was keeping the secret of Mia coercing me into working for her, so that kind of put a damper on things, even though you didn’t realize it at the time.” Lucas says. “Well Mia is locked up, so hopefully we don’t have to worry about her ruining things this time. You know, I’m a huge fan of that water fountain in the Goo Village park. What if we got married in front of that?” Lydia asks. “I could get behind an outdoor wedding, and the fountain would give us a nice backdrop.” Lucas says. “Right? Imagine the wedding photos we’ll get from it! Plus, the park would be big enough to fit all of the people we want to invite.” Lydia says. “That’s very true.” Lucas says. “Now we’ve just got to settle on a date.” Lydia says. “How about two days from now?” Lucas asks. “Two days from now? Don’t you think that’s kind of sudden?” Lydia asks. “Not for me it isn’t.” Lucas says. “Well our guests may beg to differ!” Lydia argues. “Everyone we know has pretty flexible schedules, I think they would probably be able to make it.” Lucas says. “Do you really think so?” Lydia questions. “I wouldn’t be suggesting it if I didn’t. Trust me, it’ll be fine. If anyone can throw a wedding together last minute, we can!” Lucas says. “That’s very true. Okay, two days from now it is then.” Lydia says. Lucas smiles. “Perfect. Now that we’ve got the wedding sort of figured out, there is something else I wanted to bring up to you that we somewhat touched on in the mountains.” Lucas says. “What’s that?” Lydia wonders. “We bounced around the idea of possibly leaving Fantastic and moving somewhere quieter.” Lucas notes. “I remember. You were serious about that? I just figured you were trying to get my mind off of the fact that we were fugitives!” Lydia says. “Yeah, I was serious. I think it would be good for us to be able to go somewhere a little quieter, after the stressful few years we’ve had. It would literally force us to have to live drama-free lives!” Lucas says. Lydia laughs. “So, what do you say? Do you want to house shop in the country with me?” Lucas asks. Lydia nervously smiles. “No, I don’t.” Lydia answers!

In the Goo Village park, Dannie and Kaylie are still sitting on the bench in front of the fountain. “Do you think it’s possible you’d ever consider taking Bethany back?” Dannie wonders. “I do miss her…” Kaylie admits. “Missing someone and forgiving them are two entirely different things.” Dannie points out. Kaylie sighs. “Honestly, on some level, I feel like I’ve already forgiven Bethany. I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear since what Bethany did really hurt you.” Kaylie says. “Yeah, but it’s different for you. You were in love with Bethany.” Dannie notes. “I still am, and the saying that time heals all wounds…it must be real, because I’m not sure I feel any anger towards Bethany at all anymore.” Kaylie admits. “Why haven’t you taken her back then?” Dannie wonders. “I guess it’s just me trying to guard my heart from getting hurt again. Bethany swears up and down that she’ll never do anything like this again, but I can’t believe her. She wasn’t sincere the last time she said this, why would she be sincere this time?” Kaylie asks. “It’s understandable why you would feel hesitant about giving her another chance.” Dannie says. “You’re a psychiatrist, do you think it’s possible she could be telling the truth? That she really will try and be different this time?” Kaylie questions. “It’s impossible to say for sure. But, in my professional experience…when someone says they’re going to change, if they don’t put in actual work to try and evolve, they find it quite easy to fall back into old and terrible habits.” Dannie says. “That’s what I figured…” Kaylie admits. “I know it’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but it’s just what I’ve seen with many of my patients, plus some people I’ve known in my personal life too.” Dannie says. “I appreciate your honesty, and that you didn’t just tell me what you thought I’d want to hear.” Kaylie says. “I couldn’t lie to you like that.” Dannie says. “Bethany would’ve.” Kaylie notes. “Ultimately, the heart wants what the heart wants. You may be trying to guard yourself from getting hurt again, but if you still love Bethany, pushing her away is going to become more and more difficult as time goes on, especially where you’re both co parenting a child and will have to see each other regularly.” Dannie notes. “Are you saying that us getting back together is inevitable?” Kaylie wonders. “I can’t predict the future, but what I can tell you is that if you do decide to ever give Bethany another chance, make sure you take things nice and slow. Don’t rush into anything if you still find yourself unable to trust her. In fact, couple’s therapy might be something worth looking into if the two of you ever did get back together. I also think it’d be a good idea for Bethany to go to therapy solo to try and work through her jealousy issues.” Dannie says. “Bethany did offer to go to couple’s therapy when we broke up, but I was just so angry with her, I wasn’t going to entertain anything that could’ve saved our relationship.” Kaylie notes. “Well if the two of you ever did get back together, you may want to take Bethany up on her offer. Couple’s therapy can do wonders for a relationship, but sometimes it also helps a couple realize that their relationship is beyond repair.” Dannie says. “That’s what I thought about my relationship with Bethany when I ended things with her…” Kaylie recalls. “What do you think now?” Dannie wonders. “I really don’t know.” Kaylie admits. Issac runs back over to them. “I’m ready to go home now!” Issac tells her. “Yes sir!” Kaylie says. Kaylie turns towards Dannie. “Thanks for the talk. It was really helpful.” Kaylie says. Dannie smiles. “Any time. Call me if you need to talk anymore, I’m always available.” Dannie says. “Thanks.” Kaylie says, before hugging Dannie. Kaylie then stands up. “Okay kiddo, let’s roll.” Kaylie says. “Race you to the car!” Issac exclaims, before running off. “Issac, hold up!” Kaylie shouts, before running after him.

In Club Aqua, Scarlett and Bethany are still at the bar. “You know what? I really should be trying to be more proactive. Kaylie still loves me, I think she’s just afraid of getting hurt again! I need to prove to her that’s not going to happen!” Bethany states. “That’s the spirit! How are you going to accomplish that?” Scarlett wonders. “Therapy.” Bethany reveals. Scarlett cringes. “Ew.” Scarlett says. “Not a fan?” Bethany asks. “Therapy just isn’t for me, which is kinda ironic because god knows I need it! My family has lots and lots of issues.” Scarlett notes. “I’m not really a big therapy person either, but if it means getting Kaylie back, I’m willing to put myself through it. Not only will it hopefully help me figure out why I keep self-destructing with my relationships, but it’ll also prove to Kaylie that I’m trying!” Bethany notes. “Sounds like you’ve got a brilliant idea on your hands then!” Scarlett says, raising her glass. “Thanks, and with any luck, this will help Kaylie realize that I am serious about repairing the damage I’ve caused our relationship.” Bethany says. “I hope so, because I don’t know about Kaylie, but I can tell you’re madly in love with her. I haven’t even seen the two of you together and I already ship it!” Scarlett says. “Say, you work at the hospital! Any recommendations for a good therapist? Anyone except Dannie Goo.” Bethany says. “Well actually, Dannie is a psychiatrist. I can put together a list for you though. I’ll even take a look at their backgrounds to see which I think would be the best fit for you.” Scarlett says. “That would be great, thank you!” Bethany says. “That’s gonna have to wait until tomorrow though, I’ve gotta get out of here. I have a hot date back at home.” Scarlett says. “Oooooooh, who is she?” Bethany wonders. “Her name is Dixie, and she is this incredibly ADORABLE yorkie.” Scarlett says. “You have a puppy? Awww. I’ve GOT to meet her some time!” Bethany says. “Maybe I could have you over for drinks sometime. She’s pretty shy around strangers, but I’d bet she’d warm up to you pretty quickly.” Scarlett says. “That’d be great!” Bethany says. “Great, I’ll be in touch then.” Scarlett says. Scarlett stands up. “Thanks for the advice, by the way. You were a huge help, Scarlett.” Bethany says. “Consider it my thanks for entertaining me when I come into your club every night. Good night.” Scarlett says, before walking out. “For the first time in a long time, I actually feel like things could work out…” Bethany mutters.

At Lydia’s mansion, Lucas and Lydia are still sitting on the sofa in the mansion. “I thought you were into the idea of us moving away.” Lucas notes. “That came out wrong. I don’t want to house shop in the country with you RIGHT NOW. There are some loose ends I need to tie up before I could even consider leaving Fantastic.” Lydia says. “Such as?” Lucas wonders. “Well I should say loose end, because it’s really only one thing. I need to do everything possible to take back control of Masters Corp away from Dylan. My father built that company, and I hate the idea of it being in someone else’s hands.” Lydia admits. “I heard that Dylan finally got his memories back, maybe you won’t need to wrestle control away from him. Maybe you could go to him and just appeal to his better senses.” Lucas suggests. “Maybe…” Lydia says. “And if Dylan did agree to sign control of the company back over to you, would you agree to move away with me then?” Lucas wonders. Lydia smiles. “I love the idea of us having a quiet little house in the middle of nowhere. Just the two of us, and our glorious love story.” Lydia says. “It almost makes you want to march over to the Stanpatos mansion and talk to Dylan right now, doesn’t it?” Lucas asks. “No, that can wait until tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to be in your arms and relish in my freedom.” Lydia says. Lucas smiles and places his hand on Lydia’s cheek. “That’s definitely something I can manage. And I promise you, we are never going to be separated again. The hard times are over, my love. There’s nowhere else to go but up.” Lucas says. Lydia leans in closer to Lucas. “Up as in…upstairs?” Lydia asks. “I love the way you think.” Lucas says. Lucas stands up and then lifts Lydia up in his arms. “Woah! You know I’m capable of walking upstairs myself, right?” Lydia asks. “I know, I’m just giving you a sneak peek of what our wedding night is going to look like.” Lucas says. “I do like the sound of that…” Lydia admits. “Off we go then, my bride to be. This is going to be the first night of many where I romance the hell out of you.” Lucas says. Lydia smiles and then kisses Lucas. Lucas then carries Lydia towards the staircase.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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