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Fantastic S5 Episode 135(7/15/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 135(7/15/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 135(7/15/24)

Post by QG Mon Jul 15, 2024 7:51 pm

In the living room of the castle, Victor is sitting on the sofa. “Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Victor’s Recap! Bethany’s Back Up is done, it’s finished, and you’ll all be dealing with me from now on! So last week was focused on the diamond jewels story line and Lawrence’s plan to take control of the world. There were a lot of gunshots, a lot of death. Just as Lawrence was about to activate the satellite and blow up Fantastic City and the rest of the United States, Ava literally dropped in on him and then bashed his head in with a pipe! He was only knocked out for like five seconds though, and when he came to, he shot Dylan in the shoulder! Lawrence didn’t stop at Dylan though! He managed to track down Daisy and Lysandros just as they were rescuing Harper, and he shot Lysandros in the back! Lawrence was fully prepared to shoot Daisy as well to reclaim his granddaughter, but then Daisy dropped the bomb on him that Harper was NOT Dylan’s daughter! Before that went any further though, Rebecca and Ciara showed up and Lawrence took off looking for Ava. Lysandros then died in Rebecca’s arms. Nothing too tragic about that, if you ask me. That son of a bitch tried to kill half the city not that long ago, it’s about time he finally croaked. Anyways, Victor tracked Ava down and tried to force her to hand over the jewels, but then Ava ate one of the jewels, which Lawrence did not appreciate. Ciara showed up, shot Lawrence in the leg, Ava took off, and then one of Lawrence’s goons knocked out Ciara before she could finish Lawrence off. Lawrence took off and his goon was about to kill Ciara, but Kaylie showed up and knocked the goon out. Thank you Kaylie for coming to my daughter’s rescue. After his encounter with Ciara, Lawrence tried to get away via helicopter, but Rebecca and Dylan hunted him down. Rebecca had a final showdown with Lawrence on the helicopter but was able to get the best of him, meaning she shot him and he fell out of the helicopter. Lawrence is dead now, by the way. Not before telling Dylan that Harper wasn’t his daughter, but Dylan chose not to believe him. The jury is still out on whether or not Rebecca believed him though. Back with everyone else, another one of my children found themselves in trouble when V.J’s brainwashing got triggered and he started having visions of Madeline Masters. V.J took Ava hostage and was planning to cut the remaining diamond jewel out of her, but Ciara showed up and managed to talk V.J down. Then everyone returned to the beach and they all started to head home. A happy ending was had by all, except for Lysandros and Lawrence anyways. And that’s it for this week’s recap! Wow, that was surprisingly peaceful without Bethany here to ruin everything.” Victor says. Suddenly, two men appear behind Victor and grab him! “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!” Victor questions. “They work for me.” A familiar voice says. Victor turns and sees Bethany standing there. “How did you get out of jail?” Victor questions. “I got released on bail! Duh! Now what do you think you’re doing? This is my Back Up!” Bethany snaps. “It’s called a recap, you dumb bimbo! Now do everyone a favor and back up out of here!” Victor tells her. “Take him.” Bethany orders. “Excuse me?!” Victor questions. The two men force Victor off of the couch. “Where did you even find these guys?!” Victor asks. “I did what everyone does, I bought them off of the dark web! Now do me a favor and drop him off on some remote island please. I hear Siberia is just lovely this time of year.” Bethany says. “Bethany, don’t do this!” Victor begs. Victor gets dragged out of the room. “BETHANY!” Victor screams. Bethany sits on the sofa. “And that is it for this week’s episode of Bethany’s Back Up, I’m so sorry I popped in kinda late. I’ll be back next week for some more fun though! Bye now!” Bethany exclaims.

It’s a new day in Fantastic City. In the living room of the Goo Castle, Victor is reading the newspaper as King Beast pours himself a cup of coffee. “You know, I’ve been thinking, and I think I could really use some new hobbies. Being retired, it gets so boring sitting around the house all day! I was considering cycling, what do you think? We live in a nice, quiet neighborhood, so it isn’t like I would have to worry about too many cars.” King Beast says. “Do whatever you want.” Victor mutters, his eyes not leaving his newspaper. “I was planning to, but thank you for the sage advice. Are you alright? You seem distracted.” King Beast observes. Victor closes the newspaper. “Two of my children are in the middle of a war zone right now! For all I know, they could both be dead!” Victor points out. “Come now Victor, you know that Ciara and V.J are more than capable of holding their own.” King Beast says. “It still doesn’t stop me from worrying.” Victor says. King Beast sits on the chair across from Victor. “You know, there is one factor that I think may indicate V.J and Ciara are just fine.” King Beast says. “Oh? And what’s that?” Victor wonders. “It’s been well over twenty four hours since Lawrence made his threat to the world. The United States is one of the countries that never surrendered to Lawrence, so if Lawrence still had control of his weapon, you would think he would’ve used it by now to destroy all of us. He hasn’t though, which suggests that maybe V.J and Ciara were successful in stopping him.” King Beast says. “That’s a good point, but it also doesn’t necessarily prove that V.J and Ciara have escaped from harm’s way.” Victor points out. “I know, I’m worried too. Not just for V.J and Ciara, but also for Rebecca, and Ava, and Dylan, and Harper. I just want all of them to come home safe and sound.” King Beast says. Serena walks in. “Good morning, gentlemen!” Serena exclaims. Victor stands up. “Serena! Have you heard anything from V.J?” Victor questions. “I actually got a quick call from him late last night. He, Ciara, and the others are on their way home.” Serena reveals. King Beast stands up and smiles. “Is that right? That’s wonderful news!” King Beast exclaims. “So what happened with Lawrence?” Victor wonders. “V.J didn’t get into too many details, just that he was okay.” Serena says. “Oh thank god. I was terrified for both him and Ciara.” Victor says. “Well you don’t need to be anymore. The two of them are going to be just fine, and since they’re coming home, I’m guessing that means the world is going to be just fine too!” Serena exclaims. “That really is great news. I can’t wait to see them!” Victor says. Colin walks in. “Hey! I just got a text from Ava letting me know that she was going to be home in a few minutes.” Colin reveals. “That’s terrific! I wish we had known sooner, we could’ve put together some sort of a welcome home party!” King Beast notes. “I have a feeling that the reunions will be more than enough celebration.” Colin says. The door opens and Ava walks in. “Did someone say something about a reunion?” Ava wonders. “You’re okay!” Colin exclaims, as he runs over and hugs Ava. “You have no idea how worried I was about you. I have been freaking out since the moment I heard you had been kidnapped!” Colin tells her. “Well you don’t have to worry anymore, I’m fine and I’m going to continue being fine now that my crazy uncle Lawrence is dead.” Ava says. “Lawrence is dead?” Victor asks. “Mom killed him.” Ava reveals. “Good for Rebecca. I’m glad someone finally put him out of his misery.” Victor says. King Beast opens his arms. “Any chance I can get a hug?” King Beast asks. “Of course, grandpa!” Ava says, before running into his arms. “It’s so good to have you back home, sweetheart. Where is everyone else?” King Beast wonders. V.J and Ciara walk in. “What, you mean us?” V.J asks. “There you both are!” Victor exclaims, before rushing over to them and hugging them both. “Dad, you’re hurting me.” Ciara tells him. “I don’t care. I’ve been worried sick about the both of you, I have the right to hug you as tightly as I’d like.” Victor says. V.J turns towards Colin and hugs him. “It’s good to see you, man.” V.J says. “It’s good to see you! My god, I was so worried that you wouldn’t come home.” Colin says. “We both were.” Serena adds. V.J walks over to Serena and pulls her into a kiss. “I’ve missed you so much.” V.J says. “I’ve missed you, too! Are you okay?” Serena asks. “Physically, yeah.” V.J answers. “What does that mean?” Serena wonders. “It means we should probably talk somewhere more private.” V.J says. “Oh, okay.” Serena responds. V.J grabs Serena’s hand and leads her out of the room. “Where’s your mother, Ava?” King Beast questions. “She went right over to the hospital to see Dad. I was actually gonna go with her but she said I should pop in here and let everyone know I’m good.” Ava says. “I’m glad she did. I’m really happy to see you.” Colin says. “Aww, I’m happy to see you too. But I really should get over to the hospital to see my Dad.” Ava says. “Of course. I’ll drive you.” Colin offers. Ava turns towards King Beast. “How is he?” Ava questions. “The same, I’m afraid.” King Beast admits. Ava sighs. “I really thought he’d be doing better by now…” Ava says. “He’s going to be fine, darling. Who knows? Maybe having you and your mother back by his side will quicken his recovery.” King Beast suggests. “I hope so.” Ava says. “You ready to go?” Colin wonders. “Yeah, let’s head out.” Ava says. Ava turns towards Victor and King Beast. “It was great seeing you both, hopefully we can spend a little more time together soon.” Ava says. “I’d like that. I’ve missed our movie nights.” King Beast says. “Yeah, me too. Bye!” Ava says, before following Colin out. Ciara walks over to the bar and pours herself a drink. “Ciara, it’s not even noon time yet!” Victor points out. “I just got back from helping save the world from a lunatic who wanted to blow it up, I think I deserve a cocktail!” Ciara says. “She does have a point, Victor.” King Beast says. Ciara’s phone rings. “Hold that thought, I guess.” Ciara says. Ciara checks the Caller ID. “Hm, it’s Jackie.” Ciara says. Ciara answers the phone. “Hey Jackie, what’s up?...Thanks. I was just glad to play a small part in that bastard finally getting what was coming to him…yeah, obviously…seriously?...I’m-I’m flattered I’d even be considered…yeah, I know. I just thought after I stepped down, that was it…it’s definitely something to think about, do I have to give you an answer right now?...Perfect. I’ll let you know soon after I’ve had the chance to think about it a bit…yeah, you too. Bye.” Ciara says, before hanging up. “What was that all about?” Victor wonders. “The WPA wants me to come back as it’s director.” Ciara reveals!

In Andy’s room at the hospital, Dannie is checking Andy’s vitals when Rebecca barges in. “How is he?” Rebecca questions. “Rebecca! You’re back!” Dannie exclaims. “Yeah, I am. Has there been any improvement in Andy’s condition?” Rebecca wonders. “I’m sorry, there’s been no change. Even though I’m not Andy’s doctor, I have been monitoring his condition for my own personal reasons, and he hasn’t shown any signs of improving.” Dannie admits. “I was afraid of that…” Rebecca says. Dannie places their hand on Rebecca’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s good now that you’re back. Having you by his side is going to increase the chances of Andy waking up, the same goes for Ava. I assume you were able to rescue Ava, right?” Dannie asks. “Yeah. She’ll be here soon, but I thought she should head home and let Colin know she is okay first.” Rebecca says. “So what exactly happened? Is everyone okay?” Dannie questions. “Almost everyone. My brother Lysandros was killed.” Rebecca reveals. “I thought Lysandros was still in prison.” Dannie notes. “He got released and he went with Daisy to find Harper and take on Lawrence.” Rebecca says. “Oh Rebecca, I’m so sorry.” Dannie says. “Me too, but in the end, I got justice for Lysandros. Lawrence is dead, and so aren’t his plans.” Rebecca reveals. “Thank goodness. In most cases, I would never celebrate another person’s death, but I’ll make an exception for Lawrence Stanpatos. Anyways, I should leave you with Andy. Let me know if there are any changes.” Dannie says. “I will, and thank you for holding down the fort while I was away.” Rebecca says. Dannie smiles. “You’re welcome.” Dannie says, before walking out. Once Dannie is gone, Rebecca takes a seat next to Andy’s bedside. “Oh my darling, I’m so sorry that I had to leave for so long. I had to go, otherwise we were never going to see Ava again. But, I have some good news. Ava is home safe, and now I can devote all of my time to you.” Rebecca says. There’s a knock on the door and Acerbi walks in. “I’m sorry to intrude. I just ran into Dannie in the hallway and they told me that you were back.” Acerbi says. “Just got back a little while ago. This was my first stop.” Rebecca says. “You must be thrilled to be reunited with Andy.” Acerbi says. “I’m happy to see him, but I’d be happier if he were responsive.” Rebecca says. Acerbi nods. “I understand.” Acerbi says. “Listen, there’s something you should know. Lawrence…he didn’t make it off the island alive. He’s dead.” Rebecca reveals. Acerbi nods. “I figured that this would happen. It was either going to be Lawrence or all of you, I’m just glad it was him.” Acerbi says. “Are you? The two of you did date, I wasn’t sure how you would feel about his death.” Rebecca notes. “I’m fine. Lawrence used me, and I have despised him ever since I found out. Learning that he had been planning world domination all that time only helped me understand better what a huge bullet I dodged by breaking up with him. Moving on to other topics though, now that you have returned, we need to discuss Andy’s care.” Acerbi says. “What about it?” Rebecca wonders. “Andy has been comatose for several weeks now and he has not shown any signs of improving. It pains me to say this, but the hospital is not equipped to care for patients in his position long term. In order for Andy to receive the best possible care, it would be wise for you to move him to a long term care facility that specializes in caring for coma patients.” Acerbi says. “I guess I should have seen this coming. Do you have any suggestions?” Rebecca wonders. “There are multiple facilities, but there’s only one that I believe would be able to help Andy.” Acerbi says. “Is it nearby?” Rebecca wonders. “It’s in Baltimore.” Acerbi reveals. “Baltimore?! If Andy were to be moved there, that would mean that I would have to move too.” Rebecca points out. “I understand that, but I have done a fair bit of research, and this facility seems the best equipped to not only care for Andy, but also to help him hopefully one day recover.” Acerbi says. “Well what about you? Years ago when Liam Murphy shot Victor, Victor went into a coma and you had this drug that was able to bring him out of it. Do you still have it?” Rebecca wonders. “That drug wasn’t FDA approved…” Acerbi points out. “I don’t care! All I care about is getting my husband back!” Rebecca argues. “And I wish I could help, but I destroyed the formula for that drug years ago when I made the decision to stay on the straight and narrow! Besides, even though that drug may have helped Victor, I can’t guarantee it would be able to help Andy, or that it wouldn’t cause even more harm to him.” Acerbi says. “I guess it was worth a shot…” Rebecca says. Acerbi hands Rebecca a brochure. “This is for the clinic I am talking about. Look it over and see what you think. Even though I believe it’s what’s best for Andy, ultimately, that decision falls to you as his wife. Look it over, take your time thinking about it, and then let me know.” Acerbi says. Rebecca nods. “Thank you.” Rebecca says. Acerbi smiles at her and then walks out. Rebecca turns back towards Andy. “What am I supposed to do now?” Rebecca wonders.

Outside Andy’s room, Acerbi’s phone begins to ring. Acerbi checks the Caller ID and sees that the number is blocked. Acerbi then answers the phone. “If you are looking to sell anything, I am not interested. In fact, if you are looking to sell me something, I would like to sell you on a thing called DEATH!” Acerbi tells them. “I’m not looking to sell anything, I’m looking for your help.” A familiar voice says. Acerbi’s eyes widen. “Lucas?” Acerbi asks. “Your ears don’t deceive you.” Lucas responds. “Why are you calling? Is Lydia okay?” Acerbi wonders. “Lydia is fine, especially now that she’s no longer in prison.” Lucas says. “Well I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that the only reason Lydia is no longer in prison is because you broke her out. I trust that you brought her somewhere where the police won’t be able to find her.” Acerbi says. “Don’t worry, we’re hidden.” Lucas assures her. “Excellent. Now back to the reason you called, how can I help?...Is that right?...I see…No, it’s no trouble at all. I’m happy to help in whatever way I can. I hope you realize though that the chances of this working are a long shot…as long as you understand that, I am happy to help.” Acerbi says.

At the mountain cabin, Lucas is on the phone as Lydia looks on. “Thanks Olivia, I’ll be in touch.” Lucas says, before hanging up. “Is Olivia going to help us?” Lydia wonders. “She’s agreed to go along with the plan.” Lucas reveals. Lydia smiles. “That’s great! I just hope we aren’t putting her in any danger.” Lydia says. “I really don’t think we are. We’re the ones that Mia wants, and if Mia is alive, this should hopefully help flush her out of hiding.” Lucas says. “We’re going to find out soon enough.” Lydia says.

At the Goo Castle, V.J and Serena walk into their bedroom and sit on the bed. “Okay, something is clearly bothering you. What happened in Siberia?” Serena wonders. “The doctors were right, I never should’ve left the clinic. When Ava showed me that she had the diamond jewels with her, a switch inside my head flipped. All of a sudden, your mom was standing right in front of me, telling me to take the jewels and finish what she started.” V.J says. “You didn’t listen though, did you?” Serena asks. “I did! I lost all control of myself and I took Ava hostage. I dragged her all the way back to the control room in the facility and I had every intention of activating the device Lawrence was threatening to use on the rest of the world. She wanted me to direct the satellite at Fantastic City.” V.J reveals. “So then what stopped you?” Serena wonders. “Ciara and Ava were able to talk me down, luckily. Otherwise, I…I can’t even think of what I could’ve done! I’ve gotta go back to that clinic, and I can’t leave until I know for sure I’m 100%. The diamond jewels might be out of play now, but that doesn’t mean Madeline won’t try and get me to do something else! I can’t risk the lives of the people I love, I’ve gotta commit to my recovery!” V.J says. “So back to Ireland it is, then.” Serena says. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve probably loved being back home with the people you love.” V.J says. Serena puts her hand on V.J’s knee. “I love you, and I want to be there with you during your recovery. We went over this when we left Fantastic the last time, remember?” Serena asks. “I know, but I’m sure you were hoping we might be able to stick around this time.” V.J says. “But we were never planning to. We knew that after Lawrence was stopped that we were going to go back to Ireland. This isn’t a curveball.” Serena notes. “I just feel so bad about tearing you away from your family.” V.J says. “I know you do, but it’s not going to be forever. You’re going to recover, and then we’re gonna come back home to the people we love. Do you trust me?” Serena asks. “Always.” V.J says. “Then trust that I’m right about this.” Serena tells him. “I do.” V.J says, before wrapping his arms around Serena.

Downstairs, King Beast, Victor, and Ciara are still in the living room of the castle. “Didn’t you step down as the director to spend more time with your daughter?” King Beast asks. “Yeah, but that was kinda because I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. Stefan Cat had shot me and it kinda made me start thinking about all the time I had missed out on with Sabrina because of the job.” Ciara recalls. “Aren’t you worried about missing out on that time again?” Victor questions. “Of course I am, but I’m also worried about what could happen if I don’t accept this job. The WPA is a mess right now, and that’s because Lawrence was the person who replaced me the last time I left the agency. If I were to take the job, at least I could rest easy knowing that the government didn’t bring in another power hungry bastard that would once again abuse the agency’s power.” Ciara says. “But you would think they would’ve learned their lesson after Lawrence.” King Beast notes. “This is the government, they NEVER learn their lesson. They keep appointing the same archetype of scum bags into positions of power. At least if I took the job, I would know that the WPA was in good hands, or at least hands better than someone like Lawrence.” Ciara says. “It sounds like you’ve already made a decision.” Victor says. “Yeah, I think I have.” Ciara admits. “Which means you won’t be staying in Fantastic either.” Victor realizes. “Yeah, the job would mean me going back to Washington D.C.” Ciara says. Victor sighs. “I’m not going to lie, I am disappointed. I had hoped after all this was over that you may be able to stay in Fantastic, but I understand why you feel you need to do this.” Victor says. “Thanks Dad. Your support means everything to me.” Ciara says. “So when do you leave?” Victor wonders. “I’m not sure. I’ve still gotta call Jackie back and let her know that I’m taking the job. Probably not for another day at least, though. I still need to say all of my goodbyes.” Ciara notes. “Well I am going to cherish every moment I have left with you.” Victor says. “I’m going to a different state, Dad. I’m not dying.” Ciara points out. Victor laughs. “I know that, but when you get to my age, every goodbye feels like it could be a final goodbye.” Victor says. “Well I’m still going to be calling you every day. Being the director of the WPA is mainly a desk job, so I won’t have the same restrictions that a field agent would.” Ciara notes. “Thank goodness for that. Can I at least hug you before you go?” Victor asks. “I’m not leaving yet.” Ciara points out. “Can I hug you nonetheless?” Victor asks. Ciara smiles. “Sure.” Ciara says, before walking over to Victor and hugging him.

At the mountain cabin, Lydia is on her laptop. “Oh my god, did you hear the news?” Lydia asks. “What news?” Lucas wonders. “Lawrence Stanpatos is dead!” Lydia reveals. “What?!” Lucas asks. “Yeah! Apparently his plans went up in smoke and he tried escaping on a helicopter. Rebecca caught up with him and Lawrence ended up getting shot and falling out of the helicopter.” Lydia says. “Couldn’t happen to a more deserving son of a bitch. I’m just upset I never got the chance to confront him over what he did to you.” Lucas says. “Me too, but at least he’s dead now and can’t hurt anyone else.” Lydia says. Lydia keeps scrolling. “Oh my goodness…” Lydia mutters. “What?” Lucas wonders. “Apparently Lawrence wasn’t the only one who died on that island. It says here that Lawrence shot and killed Lysandros!” Lydia reveals. “I thought Lysandros was still in prison.” Lucas admits. “He must’ve gotten released after it came out that Lawrence was the one behind my kidnapping.” Lydia says. Lucas sits across from Lydia. “So how do you feel about that? I know that you weren’t Lysandros’ biggest fan.” Lucas notes. “He tried to kill us. But, he was a victim of Lawrence just like I was, and he didn’t deserve what happened to him. Hopefully he’s found some sort of peace.” Lydia says. Someone knocks on the door. “I’ll get it.” Lydia says. “No, I’ll get it. You stay out of sight!” Lucas tells her. “I’m sure it’s probably just Olivia!” Lydia says. “I’m not taking any chances.” Lucas says. Lucas stands up, draws his gun, and then approaches the door. Lucas peeks through the window, puts his gun away, and opens the door to find Acerbi standing outside. “Any idea if you were followed?” Lucas wonders. “Not by the police. I can’t speak as to whether anyone else followed me. Is Lydia here?” Acerbi questions. Lucas steps aside and Acerbi walks in. “Hi Olivia, thank you so much for coming.” Lydia says. Acerbi walks over to Lydia and hugs her. “Of course, my dear! When Lucas called and told me that you needed my help, I was more than happy to drop everything and get right to it!” Acerbi says. Acerbi drops a brown paper bag onto the table. “Here are the clothes that you asked for, though I realize the clothes were just an excuse to get me to go to your house and hopefully catch the attention of a certain someone.” Acerbi says. “If Mia is alive, I’m hoping she followed you back here and will show herself.” Lucas says. “That sounds dangerous if you ask me.” Acerbi says. “I’ve taken all necessary precautions to make sure that Lydia isn’t in any danger if Mia does show up.” Lucas says. “I hope you’re right. Well I should probably get back to the hospital. I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but the hospital has a new owner and she has been ALL over me. If she learns I was gone for too long, she’s going to be suspicious.” Acerbi says. “You should probably go then. It was good seeing you.” Lydia says. “You as well, and hopefully you can clear your name and come home soon.” Acerbi says. “Hopefully.” Lydia says. “Take care.” Acerbi says, before walking out. “It was really good seeing her again. It almost made me forget that I’m on the run.” Lydia says. “Don’t worry, pretty soon this entire mess will be a thing of the past. Mia will make her move, and when she does, we’ll be ready for her.” Lucas says.

In Andy’s room at the hospital, Rebecca is sitting by Andy’s bedside when Ava walks in. “Sorry I’m late, there was a lot of traffic on the way over here. How’s he doing?” Ava wonders. “Still the same, I’m afraid. But maybe having you here will help.” Rebecca says. “Hey Dad, it’s me. I know you were probably worried about me after everything that happened on the bridge, but I just want you to know that I’m okay. I’d be a lot better though if you would open your eyes.” Ava says. Ava notices the brochure sitting in Rebecca’s lap. “What’s that?” Ava wonders. “It’s a brochure for a long term care facility that your Aunt Olivia gave me. She doesn’t think staying here would be good for your father in the long run.” Rebecca says. Ava takes the brochure and looks at it. “Mom, this place is in Baltimore!” Ava points out. “I know that, but your aunt thinks that facility is best equipped to help your dad.” Rebecca says. “He’d just be really far away! If Dad went to Baltimore, I’m guessing that means you’d be going with him.” Ava assumes. “I couldn’t let him go alone. I looked over the brochure, and it really does sound like this place would be good for your dad.” Rebecca says. “I don’t think anywhere would be as good for him than right here in Fantastic, with his family.” Ava says. “I get that, but Fantastic Medical isn’t equipped to care for your dad long term! Believe me, I hate the idea of having to leave Fantastic, but if it’ll help your dad come out of his coma then I think it’s worth a shot!” Rebecca says. “Dad’s best shot at coming out of a coma is if he’s in a familiar place and surrounded by people he loves! We’ve got money, can’t we just move him to the castle? At least he would be home!” Ava notes. “It wouldn’t be the same as being in a facility with a reputation for helping people in your dad’s condition! Now I looked them up online and they have stellar reviews.” Rebecca says. “I don’t care about some stupid reviews, I care about having my parents close by!” Ava snaps. Suddenly, Andy’s hand moves and Ava notices. “Dad?” Ava asks. “What is it?” Rebecca questions. “His hand! It JUST moved!” Ava exclaims. Rebecca turns towards Andy. “Andy, can you hear me?” Rebecca questions. Rebecca holds Andy’s hand. “Come on, open your eyes! We know you can do it!” Rebecca urges. At Rebecca’s request, Andy’s eyes begin to slowly open. “Oh my god, he’s waking up!” Ava exclaims!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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