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S2 Episode 10: The Ugly World of Politics Part 1

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S2 Episode 10: The Ugly World of Politics Part 1 Empty S2 Episode 10: The Ugly World of Politics Part 1

Post by QG Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:08 pm

*Yeller is reading the newspaper when Dun Dun walks in. "Yeah, don't knock or anything." Yeller says. "What you doing reading that trash? Reading for idiots." Dun Dun says. "I'm not doing this by choice, the cable is out so I have nothing better to do." Yeller says. "If cable no working, then what Dun Dun doing here?!" Dun Dun asks. "Hey, can you believe that for this mayoral election, literally, nobody is running? What are they supposed to do come election day?" Yeller wonders. "Dun Dun have no clue. Dun Dun no even know what month it is, what make you think she know anything about politics?" Dun Dun asks. "It says right here that when there is nobody running for mayor, anybody can run!" Yeller says. "Is that real thing?" Dun Dun asks. Yeller shrugs. "I'll call and find out. Do you want to run too?" Yeller asks. "Sure, why not." Dun Dun says. Yeller picks up his phone. "Hi, me and my friend would like to run for mayor...Alexander Yeller and Dun Dun....Stop laughing, that's really her name....Okay, thank you." Yeller says before hanging up. "We're in." Yeller says. "Gud, Dun Dun cant wait to become mayor." Dun Dun says. "Uh, no offense, but you just said you don't know anything about politics, how do you expect to actually win the election?" Yeller asks. "Dun Dun know someone who know a lot about politics, he gud man." Dun Dun says. "Has this person ever ran for office though?" Yeller asks. "Yes, he run for president." Dun Dun says. "Yeah right, and my great grandfather is George W. Lets get real, you don't know anybody who's ran for president. You don't even know anybody who's run for park bench! Your connections are fake!" Yeller says. "Dun Dun will show you!" Dun Dun says. She takes out her old fashion cell phone and dials a number. "It Dun Dun, she need you to come to town, she running for mayor...Yes, Dun Dun know that she be gud mayor...Listen, she need you to come to 123 Rock Ave...Yes, Dun Dun know it stupid name, but Dun Dun's neighbor somehow change it name to that....So you be here soon?... Gud, Dun Dun see you then." Dun Dun says before hanging up. "What'd you do? Call Cop over and ask him to wear a wig and a fake mustache? Or maybe Abe Lincoln rose from the grave in order to help his good friend Dun Dun!" Yeller says. "You laughing now, just wait till you see who Dun Dun recruit." Dun Dun says.

2 Days later...

*"Two days later and your mysterious friend still isn't here. I'm starting to get this sinking feeling that he doesn't exist." Yeller says. "He do exist!" Dun Dun yells. The doorbell rings. "That probably him." Dun Dun says. She gets up and opens the door. "HE'S YOUR FRIEND?!" Yeller asks. "Hello, I'm Ronald Grump." Ronald says! "He no just my friend, he my daddy." Dun Dun says. "This guy is your father?!" Yeller asks. "What, you think Dun Dun hatch from egg?" Dun Dun asks. "Who's this guy?" Ronald asks. "This loser who running against Dun Dun." Dun Dun says. "Who, this guy? C'mon, this guy is a lightweight candidate!" Ronald says. "You don't even know anything about my plan!" Yeller says. "You don't have a plan." Ronald says. "Does your daughter have a plan?" Yeller asks. "She has a plan." Ronald says. "What's her plan?" Yeller asks. "She has multiple plans." Ronald says. "Nice job answering the question." Yeller says. Bo comes downstairs. "What is with all of the ruckus? Wait a moment, aren't you that billionaire guy?" Bo asks. "Yeah, he's also Dun Dun's father." Yeller says. "Oh, I can most certainly see the resemblance." Bo says. "Who's the guy with the hat?" Ronald asks. "Oh, he Yeller father." Dun Dun says. "Oh, no wonder his son is such a lightweight, he gets it from his dad!" Ronald says. "How dare you speak that way to me in my own home!" Bo says. "Sir, when we get right down to it, this is all one country. America, its all of our homes. Except for anybody who isn't American. They can get the bleep out of here and go back to their own dump of a country." Ronald says. "This is all fun and dandy, but we have a debate to get too." Yeller says. "Good, I cant wait to kick this loser out of the race and on to the street." Ronald says. "Daddy, you remember Dun Dun running, right?" Dun Dun asks. "Sweetheart, you and I have one thing in mind, we want to make Littlebridge great again. Remember that." Ronald says.

*Yeller and Dun Dun are standing on a stage at podiums. Ronald is standing behind Dun Dun. The waiter is sitting at a desk. "Why that man here?" Dun Dun asks. "Oh, he's the guy asking the questions." Yeller says. "Okay, we are here for the first Littlebridge mayoral debate." The waiter says. Bo and Leafy Fan, who are the only people in attendance, clap. "My first question is for Dun Dun." The waiter says. "Bleep." Dun Dun says. "We are having a problem of Littlebridge becoming overcrowded, how do you propose we stop that?" The waiter asks. Ronald pushes Dun Dun out of the way. "Waiter, buddy, that's easy. We're going to build a wall. We are going to build a giant wall, a HUGE wall. You know what the problem is, waiter? Its that city right next door, Fantastic City, their people are crawling here because there's too much violence in there city, especially those rich snobs, the Goo family! I hate em, absolutely hate em! That's why we need to build a wall, to keep those cockroaches out! They're all murderers, all of them, that's why we need to build a big, giant wall, and make that old hag Queen Goo pay for it!" Ronald says. "That's ridiculous!" Yeller says. "Uh, excuse me, I'm talking. Its not your turn to talk." Ronald says. "But I was just say-" Before Yeller can finish, Ronald interrupts him. "Let me ask you something baldy, were you born in this country?" Ronald asks. "Uh, yes." Yeller says. "Where's your birth certificate? I want to see your birth certificate, make sure your not Canadian." Ronald says. "Uh, I don't have it on me right now." Yeller says. "Well why not? Doesn't everybody carry their birth certificate around with em? Just like I said, a lightweight, that's what you're." Ronald says. "Um, okay, Yeller, what would you do about the grocery strikes where the groceries are only going to Fantastic City. Before Yeller can answer, Ronald answers. "I'd bomb the crap out of them. Bomb em I say! That'll teach that worthless city." Ronald says. "Booooooo!" Bo yells. "What'd you say? Get that loser out of my sight!" Ronald yells. Two men grab Bo and begin beating him up. "All I did was say what was on my mind!" Bo yells. "Get him out of here, get out! Now, where was I?" Ronald asks. "Well, that's the end of today's episode. Tune in tomorrow for the "exciting" conclusion." The waiter says.


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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