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Chapter 05: Secret Hidden Down Below!

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Chapter 05: Secret Hidden Down Below! Empty Chapter 05: Secret Hidden Down Below!

Post by QG Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:49 pm

SCRIPT BY: qg2004
Lauren is horrified after realizing that Claire has been injected with FUSION. “Get away from me, in case I change forms.” Claire warns. “Shut up and hold still.” Lauren orders, as she pulls the dart out of Claire’s neck. “Pulling the dart out probably isn’t gonna help much.” Claire notes. “Its a chance I’m willing to take. How are you feeling?” Lauren asks. “I don’t feel anymore alien than I already am.” Claire notes. “Its weird...it doesn’t look like you are changing at all.” Lauren notes. “Don’t worry, I’m sure its coming.” Claire says. “When ManShark got injected with FUSION, he started to change immediately. But then again...you are already alien.” Lauren states. “What are you getting at?” Claire asks. “Maybe you are immune to FUSION because you already have alien blood flowing through your veins.” Lauren theorizes. “You might actually be onto something!” Claire realizes. Lauren takes Claire’s hand, and helps her get back onto her feet. “We should get back to the base.” Lauren says.
Klein is still on the phone. “Interesting new development. That Claire girl seems to be immune to the effects of FUSION...I know, I know, its not important...Yes, I am clear on the main objective. I need to eliminate The Master, along with anyone else that knows about where FUSION came from.” Klein says.

Dagger approaches The Master in his compound. “Bad news, sir. Your guy missed, and hit Claire instead of Lauren.” Dagger reveals. “I don’t particularly care which one is hit, so long as one of those do gooders are infected.” The Master says. “That’s just it. My source says Claire isn’t experiencing any of the effects from FUSION.” Dagger reveals. “Give it more time.” The Master tells him. “Normally, I’d agree with you, but everybody else whose been injected has experienced the effects immediately, but not this girl. I think she’s immune or something.” Dagger says. “Well that’s just bloody wonderful! Here I was, hoping to gain a valuable ally from one of my enemies, and that plan has temporarily fallen apart...no use crying over spilled milk, I’ll simply have to pick someone else from the alleged good guy’s roster. Then, when the time comes to deal with Claire...I’ll simply kill her.” The Master states!

Yo Mama enters the fire station. “Did Lauren call you here?” Andy asks. “Sure did.” Yo Mama says. “Sorry if this comes off as rude, but who is this guy?” Tat asks. “This is Yo Mama, he’s an old acquaintance that I use to know, back in the day.” Andy says. “Acquaintance is too kind of a word. I use to call this dude all the time, over stupid stuff. It annoyed the living heck outta him. I’m kinda surprised he didn’t bury me alive or something to shut me up.” Yo Mama says. “You were sometimes annoying. But, looking back, the time period when you would call me were simpler times...So tell me, how did you go from doing that to being a scientist for the WPA?” Andy asks. “About the time I stopped calling you all hours of the day and night is when I finally decided to clean up my act. After I spent a lot of years in college, I got a job at the WPA working as a scientist. But, that only lasted a little while, and I ended up cutting ties with those guys, after things started to get kinda shady.” Yo Mama says. “What do you mean shady?” Dylan asks. “Its nothing I can talk about, even though I’m not with the agency no more. Anyway, I made enough cash working with the WPA to open up an independent laboratory, and its actually pretty successful, believe it or not.” Yo Mama says. “Did Lauren brief you on the situation we are currently in?” Dylan asks. “Sure did. I can’t believe The Master is still around, causing trouble. I figured you guys would’ve taken him down years ago.” Yo Mama says. “Me too, but the guy is like a cockroach, he just keeps coming back.” Dylan says. Lauren and Claire enter the fire station. “I see my friend found his way here.” Lauren says. “Hey, Max. Good seeing you, again.” Yo Mama says. “You too.” Lauren says. “Did you get the blood sample?” Tat asks. “Yeah.” Lauren confirms. “What took so long?” Dylan asks. “We ran into a bit of a hiccup when Claire got injected with FUSION.” Lauren reveals. “What?!” A shocked Andy asks. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. Apparently, I’m immune.” Claire reveals. “Really? That’s crazy! I don’t know of anybody that’s been able to beat the effects of FUSION!” Yo Mama notes. “So, do you have what you need to create the antidote?” Lauren asks. “Back at my lab. It shouldn’t take long for me to finish the antidote.” Yo Mama assures her. “I hope not, because FUSION is out there spreading like wild fire.” Claire notes. “I’ll get to work right away. In the meantime, you guys should do everything you can to stop the hybrids, without the cure.” Yo Mama says. “If there are any people left in New Haven, we should focus on protecting them.” Andy notes. “Good luck.” Yo Mama says, before leaving. Puppy barks, and points at the TV. “Puppy wants us to check for news updates.” Claire reveals. Tat turns on the TV, and Katie Goo is revealed to be Live from her News helicopter. “Hello everyone, this is Katie Goo, coming at you with another update on the New Haven crisis, which is now being referred to as the FUSION outbreak. The number of creatures walking the streets seems to be increasing by the hour, and the local authorities have evacuated everyone until they can put a stop to this madness...wait a minute, what’s that? There appears to be a civilian walking the streets!” Katie announces. The camera focuses on the civilian, and Tat gasps. “Oh my god, that’s Penn!” Tat realizes. “Who’s Penn?” Claire asks. “My brother!” Tat reveals. “I find it surprising that there are still people in New Haven. Everyone should have been evacuated by now!” Katie says. Tat turns off the TV. “Why would he come here?” Tat wonders. “Maybe Penn is looking for you. I’m guessing he is probably worried about you.” Andy notes. “I’m going to ask him in person. I’m going to find him.” Tat reveals. “I’ll come with you. Its too dangerous out there for you to go alone.” Dylan says. Tat nods. Before they leave, Lauren walks over to Tat. “I know you probably wouldn’t want to use a gun, so maybe this will do.” Lauren says, as she hands Tat a sword. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” Tat says. “Be safe, kid.” Lauren tells her. Tat nods, before she and Dylan leave. “While they are searching for Tat’s brother, and Yo Mama is working on the cure, we should go and find The Master.” Lauren says. “We have no way of tracking him.” Andy notes. “So find one, because even when Yo Mama gets us the antidote, the problem isn’t gonna stop until The Master is stopped!” Lauren argues.

Mama GooGoo is watching a news report on TV, regarding the search for Yeller, Dun Dun, and Lightcap. She walks into the kitchen, where the three are sitting at the table. “The police have no idea where you are.” Mama GooGoo tells them. “Great! Maybe now would be a good time to leave, then.” Lightcap says. “NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!...You could get caught! Trust me, dear, it would be safer if the three of you would just stay here with me.” Mama GooGoo says. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” Yeller asks. “Not at all! I’m happy to let the three of you continue to stay here! After all, your personalities are just so yummy!” Mama GooGoo tells them.

Dylan and Tat arrive in the area where Penn was. “Penn! PENN! ARE YOU HERE?!” Tat calls out. “Quiet! A hybrid could be nearby!” Dylan warns her. “I’d rather a hybrid come after us than Penn! At least we are armed!” Tat notes. “Psst! In here!” A voice can be heard whispering nearby. “Did you hear that?” Tat asks. “Its coming from the alley.” Dylan says. Dylan and Tat walk into the alley, and Penn emerges from behind a dumpster. “Hey sis, long time no see!” Penn says. Tat slaps his arm. “What are you doing here?!” Tat angrily asks. “I came to find you!” Penn defends himself. “That’s no excuse! I’m sure you’ve heard about what’s going on here.” Tat says. “Which is why I came here. I was worried about you, Tat. You come here just for a field trip, you don’t come home, then, I find out some weird monsters are destroying the city! I needed to make sure you were okay!” Penn says. “I’m fine, Penn, really. Now that you have seen that with your own two eyes, you can go back to Banstown.” Tat says. “Not unless you come with me.” Penn says. “That’s not a bad idea.” Dylan chimes in. “Shut up.” Tat tells him. Tat turns her attention back to Penn. “I’m needed here in New Haven. I’m trying to help stop what’s happening.” Tat says. “I don’t see how you could do anything to help.” Penn says. “I’d feel useless if I DIDN’T help! I’ve teamed up with some people skilled enough to stop what’s happening, and we’ve reached a breakthrough.” Tat says. “Maybe I can help. After all, if you can help the resistance, maybe I can, too!” Penn suggests. “No, Penn! You have to go back home! No arguing, that’s the end of the discussion! You are safer back in Banstown!” Tat says. Penn sighs. “Are you sure you don’t want to come back with me?” Penn asks. “I’ll be fine.” Tat assures him. Penn groans. “Fine, just be careful.” Penn says. “I will. Love you.” Tat says. “Love you, too.” Penn says, before walking off. “We should get back to the base before we run into any hybrids.” Dylan tells her. Dylan and Tat go to exit the alley, but they notice three hybrids on the street the alley is off of! “Where did those come from?!” Tat asks. “The Master’s army is increasing by the second. We need the cure, ASAP.” Dylan says. “The two of us can’t take down three hybrids on our own. We’ll need to find another way out.” Tat tells him. “We can use my grappling hook to get out of here. If we stick to the rooftops, we should be safe.” Dylan says. Tat climbs onto Dylan’s back, and the two grapple up onto a roof. On another rooftop nearby, Klein takes a picture of Dylan. “I found the girl that broke into the WPA compound with Lauren Bates. She’s traveling with a male.” Klein tells his boss. Klein runs Dylan’s picture through the facial recognition database. “Dylan Stanpatos...another one of our former agents. My guess is that he’s working with Lauren, Claire, and Tat. Maybe the four of them, and possibly some others, formed some kind of resistance against The Master and the hybrids. That means other people could know that FUSION originated with the government, and that The Master stole it from us. I’d kill those two right now, but I need them alive, to determine how many other people know where FUSION came from. Besides, they might be able to lead us right to The Master, since they are probably looking for him, too. I’ll be in touch.” Klein says, before hanging up.

At Mama GooGoo’s house, Yeller answers a call from Bo. “Hey Dad, are you still in prison?” Yeller asks. “Yes, son. Yes I am.” Bo confirms. “Sorry to hear that. Is there anything important you called for, cause we are kind of busy.” Yeller says. “Oh believe me, dear boy, I am well aware of your latest antics. Unleashing a deadly substance, turning innocent people into monsters? Have you no SHAME, son?!” Bo asks. “That wasn’t me, Dad! It was some guy named The Master! Cop is just so determined to get me on something, now, he’s framing me for things I didn’t do!” Yeller says. “Then why did you choose to run from the authorities, rather than explain your predicament to them? Of course, if you did that, they may find my stolen credit card on your person! Not that you are entirely to blame, that little crook Dun Dun played just as much a part in that theft as you did, if not more! That little devil, I hope they lock her up for eternity!” Bo says. Dun Dun grabs Yeller’s phone. “Hey, old bald man! Dun Dun can hear you!” Dun Dun yells. “Oh yeah? Well hear this! Your reign of terror will soon be over! Once I finish serving my twenty year prison sentence, I am going to hunt you down, and obliterate you! Your horrid life style will soon become even more terrible! You believe House of Dun is bad? Oh darling, that will be like a five star hotel compared to where I will send you!” Bo threatens. “Dad! What are you doing? This isn’t like you!” Yeller notes. “Prison has changed me, son! It has hardened me! It has opened my eyes to the cruel reality of this dark and dangerous world, a domain where people like Dun Dun wander free, while innocents are painted as guilty parties. My days of being kind to that ugly, thieving, lying, classless, cartoonish glass of sewer water are over!” Bo yells. “Dun Dun never like you anyway! You always trying to tell Dun Dun what to do, by saying “No litter, Dun Dun. No waste food, Dun Dun. No steal, Dun Dun. No sell fake lemonade, Dun Dun.” SHE TIRED OF IT! YOU DESERVE TO BE LOCK UP JUST FOR BEING ANNOYING TO DUN DUN! SHE HOPE THEY TAKE YOU TOP HAT AWAY, AND THEN GIVE YOU DEATH PENALTY JUST FOR BEING BALD! DUN DUN HATE YOU! HATE YOU! H-A-T-E” Before Dun Dun can finish, Lightcap electrocutes her, knocking her out. Yeller then hangs up on Bo. “Well that’s just great, now I’m all tense. Is there anything to do around this house to get my mind off all that?” Yeller asks. Lightcap nods his head towards a door. “Maybe there is something in their!” Lightcap suggests. “What’s in their?” Yeller asks. “I dunno, but we haven’t looked in their yet. Maybe that’s where she keeps her board games.” Lightcap suggests. “She better have Sorry.” Yeller says. Yeller and Lightcap open the door, and find that the doorway leads to a staircase, going down to the basement. “A basement seems like a reasonable place to keep things she doesn’t use, like board games. Lets check it out.” Lightcap says. Before they can enter, Mama GooGoo appears out of nowhere, and slams the door shut so they can’t go down! “DON’T YOU EVER GO DOWN THERE, OR YOU’LL BE VERY, VERY SORRY!” Mama GooGoo screams. Yeller and Lightcap’s jaws hit the floor, in shock over her outburst. Mama GooGoo then sweetly smiles at them. “I have some very personal things down their, I wouldn’t want you to find anything like that.” Mama GooGoo says, before locking the basement door, and walking away.

On a rooftop, Dylan and Tat are observing the havoc going on on the streets below, with hybrids destroying everything. “Lets see...it looks like there are about nine of them, just on this street alone.” Dylan says. “The Master must’ve poisoned a bunch more people.” Tat notes. At that moment, a hybrid with spider like legs climbs onto the rooftop, and lets out a horrifying cry when facing Dylan and Tat! “Looks like the hybrids might come in different species...should we run?” Tat asks. “If we do, it could follow us back to the fire station, and if it does, The Master could find our location. We’ll need to take it down.” Dylan announces.

At the fire station, Lauren is cleaning her gun. “Can’t you do that somewhere else?” Claire asks. “Don’t worry, I took out the bullets first. I’m not you.” Lauren says. “Are you saying I’d be stupid enough to leave them in?!” An offended Claire asks. “Not saying you are stupid, just saying you aren’t experienced with a gun, and might forget to take them out.” Lauren says. “Well if I knew how to, I would!” Claire tells her. Andy and Puppy enter the room. “I heard a noise coming from outside.” Andy reveals. Lauren then slams the bullets back into her gun. “It could be Dylan and Tat, or even Yo Mama!” Claire points out. “It could also be The Master, planning to ambush us.” Lauren notes. Lauren aims her gun at the door, just as Dylan and Tat walk in! “Oh my goodness! Lauren, what are you doing?!” A terrified Tat asks. “I thought you were The Master.” Lauren states. “Riiight.” Dylan responds. “What took you guys so long?” Claire asks. “Things on the streets have gotten a lot worse. There are hybrids everywhere, there’s no way Yo Mama will be able to bring the cure back to us.” Dylan notes. “We could barely move around out there without being attacked! We had to travel via the rooftops!” Tat says. “If Yo Mama can’t get the cure to us, and we can’t get to Yo Mama, how are we suppose to get the cure?” Andy wonders. “We talked about that on the way back, and Tat has a solution.” Dylan reveals. “Tat? Of all people? Really?!” A surprised Claire asks. “I know some people who live in a place right outside of New Haven, called Robo Valley. I think they should be able to build us a vehicle that will help us maneuver the streets, even with the FUSION hybrids lurking around.” Tat reveals. “Tat gave them a call on the way over here, and they apparently have just the thing we need.” Dylan adds. “To get this vehicle, you’ll need to find a way to get to Robo Valley first, which could be difficult.” Claire notes. “I told Tat I’ll escort her there.” Dylan reveals. “I’m going, too.” Lauren chimes in. “You don’t need to. He might look and act incompetent, but Dylan isn’t a complete idiot. He can handle himself.” Claire says. “I’m getting stir crazy. I need to get out there and shoot someone, preferably The Master. You think you, Andy, and the dog can hold down the fort while we’re gone?” Lauren asks. “Yeah, sure I can.” Claire says. Lauren gives Claire a look. “I can do it! You really should have a little more faith in me.” Claire says. “I...I do have faith in you.” Lauren says. “But you are still worried, right? I’m worried about you, too, but I know you can take care of yourself.” Claire says. Lauren pauses for a moment, and then touches Claire’s arm. “Stay safe.” Lauren tells her. Lauren turns towards Tat. “You still have the sword I gave you?” Lauren asks. “Yeah.” Tat confirms. “Good, you might need it, if Dylan and I have our hands full.” Lauren says. Lauren turns towards Dylan. “Ready?” Lauren asks. “I’m all set.” Dylan confirms. Dylan, Lauren, and Tat then walk out.

At Mama GooGoo’s house, Dun Dun is still unconscious on the sofa. Lightcap notices Yeller at the basement door, trying to reach the lock so that he can unlock it. “Mama GooGoo doesn’t want us down there!” Lightcap notes. “I don’t care what Mama GooGoo wants! I want to see what she has stashed down there!” Yeller says. Yeller pushes a chair up against the door, stands on it, and is finally able to reach the lock, and unlock it. Yeller then pokes his head into the kitchen, to check on Mama GooGoo. He sees that she is standing in front of the stove, busy cooking. Yeller then ducks back into the living room. “Its all clear.” Yeller reveals. “I don’t know, Yeller...are you sure we should be invading Mama GooGoo’s privacy like this, after everything she’s done to help us out?” Lightcap asks. “Its fine! If she didn’t want her privacy to be invaded, she should’ve gotten a better lock!” Yeller says. Yeller and Lightcap proceed down the basement stairs, and once they reach the bottom, they find themselves in a pitch black area. “We need some light.” Yeller notes. The bulb on Lightcap’s head lights up. It shines towards the wall, and Yeller notices that there is a newspaper clipping hanging on the wall. “Hang on...why does Mama GooGoo have a newspaper clipping about some teenage boy that disappeared all the way back in 1991?” Yeller asks. “Maybe its her son or grandson or something?” Lightcap suggests. “Wait, shine your light around, I see something else.” Yeller tells him. Lightcap moves his light around, and more newspaper clippings are revealed, noting disappearances in the years 1984, 1986, 1989, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, and the most recent, 2017. “All of these people are in their late teens, early twenties. Why would Mama GooGoo have all these?” Yeller wonders. “Maybe they are all relatives.” Lightcap suggests. “No one has this many relatives that disappear.” Yeller says. Lightcap shines his light towards the floor, and he and Yeller both gasp in horror. On the floor are several piles of bones, each presumably belonging to the missing people!


Posts : 980
Join date : 2021-01-15


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