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#291 QG 7-11-16

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#291 QG 7-11-16 Empty #291 QG 7-11-16

Post by QG Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:54 pm

Written By: qg2004

*Brody is sitting at a table sitting on a drink when Bethany comes over to him. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in! Long time no see!" Brody says. "Did you do it?" Bethany asks. "Do what?" Brody asks. "Were you the one who sent the pictures to Rebecca of me and Andy kissing?" Bethany asks.

*Fletcher approaches Rebecca. "Do you want a frozen yogurt? I got two, cause usually I eat two. I have a big stomach. But I'll spare it if you want it." Fletcher says. "No...thank you." Rebecca says. "Well someone seems a bit under the weather, but its understandable given what just happened." Fletcher says. "Excuse me?" Rebecca asks. "I know exactly who you are. You are Detective Rebecca Rogers Goo, one of the Fantastic P.D.'s finest officers." Fletcher says. "Wait, how do you know who I am?" Rebecca asks.

*"Jackie! You alright man?" Clyde asks. "Don't bother, Jackie is dead." Ernesto says. "Have you completely lost it? You just shot him!" Ron says. "He shouldn't have messed with me." Ernesto says. "He beat you at poker, that aint messin with ya!" Wayne says. "I gave Jackie exactly what he deserved. Now unless you morons want to end up just like him, you need to get out of here. Oh, and if any of you feel inclined to confide in the police about what happened here, I'll kill you too. Trust me, thanks to this new job of mine, I have the resources to make each and every one of you die and make it look like an accident." Ernesto says. "You don't have to worry about any trouble from me." Ron says. "Me neither, man." Clyde says. "I aint gonna talk to nobody." Wayne says. "Good to know. Now get out of here, I don't want to see any of you again." Ernesto says. "You don't have to worry about that, Ernie." Ron says. Ron, Clyde, and Wayne leave. Ernesto takes out his phone and makes a call. "April, its me. We have a problem." Ernesto says.

*Brady and Kristina walk in. "So this is our new home?" Kristina asks. "Yup. Pretty nice, don't you think?" Brady asks. "Its beautiful! Hey, out on the balcony right there, are you able to see the river?" Kristina asks. "You bet, and there isn't a single tree in the way." Brady says. "Wow, that is amazing." Kristina says. "Alright, why don't you make yourself comfortable? I still got a few things that I have to unpack upstairs." Brady says. "I can go help!" Kristina says. "Don't worry about it. You are still recovering from being impaled by that rock, I don't want you to overdo it." Brady says. Kristina smiles. "You are so good to me." Kristina says. "I'm only trying to be the husband you want me to be." Brady says. "You have done a pretty good job of doing that so far." Kristina says. "I'm glad your happy. Well, those things aren't gonna unpack themselves. I'll be back down in a few. Then we can curl up on the couch and watch some Netflix." Brady says. "That sounds amazing." Kristina says. "I thought you would say that. Be back soon." Brady says as he goes upstairs. Kristina looks at the doors leading out to the balcony, and sees Mark looking in at her!

*"You and Andy Goo? I'm shocked!" Brody says. "Don't pretend like you are surprised, you knew all along." Bethany says. "Of course I did darling. I know every move you make. Its a good way to keep employees in check." Brody says. "So did you send those pics to Rebecca as some sort of warning to me?" Bethany asks. "Why would I do that? Obviously, Rebecca has a lot to lose once those pictures saw the light of day, as did Andy, but how does that harm you? If anything, it frees Andy up for a relationship. So, if by chance I did leak those pictures, I did you a favor." Brody says. "So did you do it or not?! I'm not in the mood for your stupid riddles!" Bethany says. "I'll let you decide." Brody says before walking away.

*"That's an easy one. You were on the news. Your adopted daughter was murdered tonight. Tough break, eh?" Fletcher says. "Stop trying to rub it in!" Rebecca says. "I'm sorry if it sounded like I was trying to rub it in, that isn't what I was doing. Its just sometimes when I am talking, my words don't come out the way they should." Fletcher says. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. Its just...its been a rough night." Rebecca says. Fletcher hands her a cup of frozen yogurt. "You'll be needing this a lot more than I do." Fletcher says. "I told you, I don't want any frozen yogurt." Rebecca says. "Take it from me, frozen yogurt always helps when you are feeling down and out. So, why don't you tell me a bit more about your problems?" Fletcher asks. "Why would I do that? I don't even know you, other than the fact that you are Katie Cat's husband." Rebecca says. "Wow, I cant believe you know who I am! I've only been in town for a month and I already have a fan club! I'm flattered." Fletcher says. "Don't be, we have anybody who is associated with Katie Cat on a watch list." Rebecca says. "What do the cops think I'm gonna do? Blow up the plaza?" Fletcher asks. "We don't want to find out." Rebecca says. "Hm, well for the record detective, I don't want to be labeled because of who I'm married to. In fact, here is a tidbit you might be interested to hear, me and Katie Cat are actually at odds!" Fletcher says. "Oh really? How did that happen?" Rebecca asks. "I asked her a question, she didn't like that question, and she told me to go take a walk for a long while. Its not surprising anymore when she does that, she can really get kind of moody sometimes." Fletcher says. "That doesn't bother you at all?" Rebecca asks. "I've gotten used to it. When you marry someone, you kind of have no choice but to accept their flaws." Fletcher says. "Which Katie Cat has a lot of." Rebecca says. "She has some good moments." Fletcher says. "How often does she have those good moments?" Rebecca asks. "I'd rather not say, in case she decided to have someone tail me. If she heard me talking about her to you, eek, I shudder to think what she might do to me." Fletcher says. Rebecca giggles. "You laughed! That's a good sign! Now maybe you'll decide to confide in me." Fletcher says. "What else is there to say that you haven't already heard? Its all over the news." Rebecca says. "Your personal feelings. I have this sinking feeling that you have yet to confide in anyone about how all of this is effecting you." Fletcher says. 'What would give you that idea?" Rebecca asks. "For starters, instead of being surrounded by friends and family, you are sitting on a park bench all alone, crying your eyes out. I don't want to make any assumptions, but is it possible you may have closed yourself off from the people nearest and dearest to you?" Fletcher asks. "Maybe a little bit, mostly my husband." Rebecca says. "Your husband? What did he do?" Fletcher asks. "For starters, he let Emma do the project which may have gotten her killed, knowing the dangers it came with." Rebecca says. "And?" Fletcher asks. "Another woman kissed him and he didn't bother to tell me about it. I only know because I got pictures in the mail of her kissing him." Rebecca says. "Somebody actually sent you pictures of them kissing? Do you know who was sick enough to pull a stunt like that?" Fletcher asks. "No, and it is irrelevant. What is relevant is how much Andy has been lying to me as of late. I cant deal with it anymore, especially on top of Emma's death. Its just too much." Rebecca says. "I don't blame you, you have plenty of reason to be ticked at this guy. But, when you say you cant do it anymore, you sure that isn't the grief talking? Maybe you should hold off any major decisions until you are able to think clearer." Fletcher says. "No, I'm thinking clearly. Andy and I are over." Rebecca says.

*Ernesto opens the door and lets April in. "What is so urgent that I had to get right-" Before April finishes, she notices Jackie's dead body. "What...did...you...DO?!?!" April angrily asks.

*Kristina gets up and looks at Mark. "You can do it, Kristina, you can do it." She tells herself. She walks over to the doors and opens them. "What do you want?" Kristina silently asks. "You know what I want, Kristina." Mark says. He begins stroking her face. "You killed me, and now I am going to ruin what is left of your pathetic little life." Mark says. "I wont let you." Kristina says. "You wont, huh? I got news for you, baby, you don't have a choice. I am always going to be here, tucked away in a small, comfortable corner of your mind so that I can easily come out when ever I get the feeling that you might be getting a little too happy. After all, we cant have that, can we?" Mark says. "BRADY!" Kristina yells. "What the heck is Brady going to do? He cant see me, no one can, except for you. So once he comes down those stairs and you tell him that you can see me, he is gonna think you are nuts." Mark says. Brady comes running down the stairs. "What is it, Kristina?" Brady asks. "Hold me, just hold me." Kristina says as she walks into Brady's arms. He embraces her. While Kristina is hugging Brady, she sees Mark wave at her.


Posts : 992
Join date : 2021-01-15


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