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Fantastic S5 Episode 104(5/1/24)

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Fantastic S5 Episode 104(5/1/24) Empty Fantastic S5 Episode 104(5/1/24)

Post by QG Wed May 01, 2024 7:05 pm

It’s a new day in Fantastic City. Kaylie wakes up on the sofa of her apartment to the sound of bacon sizzling on the stove. Kaylie sits up, turns around, and sees Bethany cooking. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you.” Bethany says. “What are you doing?” Kaylie asks. “Cooking breakfast. I know you mentioned you had a long shift ahead of you today, I figured you’d be hungry.” Bethany says. “Seriously?” Kaylie questions. “Are you not hungry?” Bethany wonders. “I’ll get something on my way to work.” Kaylie coldly states, before standing up. “Honestly, I thought that maybe if I cooked breakfast, it’d give us the opportunity to sit down and talk.” Bethany admits. “Talk about what?! There is nothing to talk about!” Kaylie snaps. “I know that’s what you said last night, but I just figured that after you had the chance to sleep on it-” Bethany begins to say. “Well you thought wrong! Talking isn’t going to fix anything, Bethany. Neither is cooking me up a nice breakfast or mixing me up a Bethatini, which I’m sure would be coming if I was planning on coming home tonight!” Kaylie says. “I get that you’re angry, and for good reason! I just think ending things between us might be a bit premature!” Bethany says. “In what universe?! It’s not like we haven’t been down this road before! We have, we’ve talked about this before, and you just ignored everything I said and made the same mistakes over again! We can’t keep doing this dance! I’m not going to put myself through that, you shouldn’t put yourself through that.” Kaylie says. “Put myself through what? I’m happy with you!” Bethany tells her. “Are you? Because for you to go through all of this trouble to keep Dannie away from me, you clearly don’t trust me! That’s not something that you can just turn the other cheek to, it can’t be ignored! Just like I can’t ignore the stunts you keep pulling because you don’t trust me. I have some packing to do.” Kaylie says. Kaylie heads towards the other room but Bethany grabs her arm. “Kaylie-” Bethany says. Kaylie rips her arm away. “No! There’s nothing left to say!” Kaylie snaps, before walking into the other room.

In the solarium of the Goo Castle, Andy is sitting at the table reading the newspaper when Rebecca walks in. “Good morning sweetheart.” Andy says. “Morning.” Rebecca says. “How did you sleep? You weren’t home when I went to bed last night.” Andy recalls. “I’m sorry. I made a last minute trip to Baronville to visit Zoey Kellers after you called.” Rebecca reveals. “And?” Andy asks. “I was too late. Zoey has already agreed to sell the diamond necklace to someone else.” Rebecca reveals. Andy sighs. “Lawrence?” Andy asks. “I don’t know for sure, but that would be my first guess.” Rebecca says, before sitting across from Andy. “Is something else bothering you?” Andy wonders. “Why do you ask?” Rebecca asks. “I don’t know. It’s something else in your eyes.” Andy observes. Rebecca sighs. “You know me too well.” Rebecca says. “Better than anyone. What’s on your mind?” Andy asks. “It’s Ciara. I ran into her at Baronville last night.” Rebecca reveals. “What was Ciara doing there?” Andy wonders. “She claims she was trying to talk Zoey into giving her the diamond necklace, but supposedly Zoey refused.” Rebecca says. “Well we already know Zoey agreed to sell it to someone else.” Andy notes. “But why wouldn’t Ciara have mentioned to me that Zoey already agreed to sell the necklace to someone else?” Rebecca wonders. “That’s a good question.” Andy says. “And there’s no good answer! I thought about it on the way home last night, I was up for half the night thinking about it. The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that you may have been on to something. Maybe Ciara does have her own agenda, maybe she’s been playing us ever since we bumped into her in Switzerland.” Rebecca suggests.

At Baronville, Lydia wakes up and notices Zoey sitting at the desk in their cell. “Good morning, sunshine. I was beginning to wonder if you were dead over there, you were sleeping so soundly.” Zoey says. Lydia sits up. “Sorry to disappoint you.” Lydia says. Zoey smiles. “Trust me, nothing could disappoint me on such a glorious day.” Zoey says. “Why are you in such a good mood?” Lydia questions. “Isn’t being alive more than enough reason to be in good spirits?” Zoey wonders. “Considering where we are, I’d say that’s a hard no.” Lydia says. “You are always so negative, darling. Maybe if you’d embrace the positives in life, you’d have less of a problem turning that dreadful frown upside down.” Zoey says. “Cut the nonsense and just tell me why you are suddenly acting as though life is made up of rainbows and lollipops.” Lydia demands. “Alright, I suppose I may as well share the news with you, seeing as we are cellmates and all that. I’m about to be released!” Zoey says. Lydia laughs. “Oh that’s good. Have you considered a career as a comedian? You could put on your own show in the cafeteria.” Lydia says. “That’s a swell idea, but I don’t plan on stepping foot in that cafeteria again.” Zoey says. “Let’s see, how do I break this to you gently? You can’t be getting released.” Lydia says. “Why not?” Zoey wonders. “Because you have seventeen years left on your sentence, that’s why!” Lydia snaps. “It’s amazing how seventeen years can be erased just like that.” Zoey says. “It can’t be, it isn’t possible. You’re either lying or prison life has driven you so insane that you’ve deluded yourself into believing you’re getting released soon. Either way, you have a long way to go before you ever see daylight again!” Lydia says. “I think you’ve got me confused with you, the lifer. I’ll be getting out as soon as today.” Zoey says. “What makes you so certain?” Lydia wonders. “Let’s just say that I’ve made a deal with someone with the resources to make this little miracle happen. Any time now, the guard will be opening that cell door to let me out, and you’ll be left in here to rot all alone.” Zoey brags.

At Bethany and Kaylie’s apartment, Kaylie comes out of the other room carrying bags and discovers Bethany holding Issac. “He’s still sleeping. I just…I wanted to see him one last time before the two of you left.” Bethany says. “You’ll have plenty of chances to see him. I’m not gonna cut off your access to Issac, you’re his mom too.” Kaylie says. “That means we’d still have to see each other, it sounds like you don’t want that.” Bethany points out. “No it doesn’t. I’m sure my mom would be happy to bring him to see you. She acts like you hung the moon, so I doubt she’ll be too upset about anything you’ve done.” Kaylie says. “I’ll take whatever I can get with Issac. Look, you have every right to be upset with me, and I know I won’t be able to talk you out of leaving today, but…if you ever feel like you’ve cooled down at all, or your feelings against me thawed, just know that I’ll be here. I love you, and I’m not ready to give up on what we have.” Bethany says. “You can do whatever you want, obviously, but I don’t want you to waste your life holding out hope for a fantasy. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, how much my feelings thaw, I won’t be able to get past what you did. Not this time.” Kaylie says. “You don’t know that for sure…” Bethany says. “Yes, I do. Now before I go, I just have one more thing I want to say to you.” Kaylie says. “What’s that?” Bethany asks. “I’m sorry.” Kaylie tells her. “Sorry for what?” Bethany asks. “Sorry if anything I did made you feel insecure about our relationship. I just-I don’t know, I can’t help but wonder if something I did might’ve brought us to this point, that maybe my actions or words or whatever could’ve pushed you over the edge.” Kaylie says. “I’m responsible for my own actions.” Bethany says. “Yes you are, but could I be responsible for your insecurities? I don’t know, maybe. Either way, there’s no getting past this for us…not this time.” Kaylie says. “This is really starting to feel like a goodbye…” Bethany admits. “That’s because it is. I’m really sorry that things didn’t work out between us, Bethany. You were my first love, and quite frankly, my only love. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” Kaylie says. “You don’t have to!” Bethany argues. “Yes, I do! It’s not going to end. If it’s not Dannie that’s coming between us, it’ll be someone else. This is the only way out for either of us, the only way we’ll ever have a happy ending.” Kaylie says. “How can you say this is happy?! I’m devastated!” Bethany snaps. “And you think I’m not? You were IT for me! But I just don’t see any other way! It’s sort of like when you have this married couple who fights about the same thing over and over and over again to the point where eventually, they just fall out of love and stop caring. It becomes less of a marriage and more of an obligation. I don’t want that for myself, I need to do the right thing and walk away. I’m…I’m gonna call a lawyer to see if we can work out some sort of custody agreement where Issac is concerned. I want him to spend plenty of time with you, I want him to grow up calling you mom.” Kaylie says. “I…I appreciate that.” Bethany whispers. “Yeah…anyways, I-I should probably go. I don’t want to draw this out anymore than it already has been.” Kaylie says. Bethany hands Issac back to Kaylie. “Can I at least help you bring your bags out to your car?” Bethany asks. “Bethany…” Kaylie begins to say. “You can’t bring your bags out and Issac. I promise I won’t say anything, I’ll be completely silent. I just want to help.” Bethany says. Kaylie nods. “Yeah…sure.” Kaylie says. Bethany picks up Kaylie’s bags, and Kaylie turns her back to Bethany when tears begin running down her face…

In the solarium at the Goo Castle, Andy hands Rebecca a cup of coffee. “Thank you, sweetie.” Rebecca says. Andy sits across from Rebecca. “No problem. Back to the Ciara topic, do you think she’s working for herself here? Maybe she wants to collect the three diamond jewels for some sort of profit.” Andy suggests. “I don’t know. I think that the Ciara who first arrived in Fantastic City would do something like that, but she’s grown quite a bit over the last ten years.” Rebecca notes. “That’s what we thought, but it’s becoming more and more clear that she has her own interests where these jewels are concerned.” Andy says. “But what if they aren’t her own? What if she’s working with someone else?” Rebecca wonders. “I thought we both agreed that Ciara wouldn’t throw in with Lawrence.” Andy says. “It doesn’t have to be Lawrence. Plenty of people out there could be after the three diamond jewels, and Ciara could be working with any number of them. In fact, I’d bet that she is the one Zoey made a deal with last night.” Rebecca says. “I’m not so sure about that, Dylan said that when he went to visit with Zoey, she would only agree to give him the necklace if he was able to offer her up a release from prison.” Andy says. “Dylan? What does he have to do with anything?” Rebecca questions. “Turns out Masters Corp has a silent alarm and that alarm got triggered when I broke in last night. I know, I probably should’ve guessed that.” Andy says. “Why didn’t he call the police?” Rebecca wonders. “Because he proposed we work together instead.” Andy reveals. “What?” A surprised Rebecca asks. “Apparently Dylan has spent the past few months working Lawrence. He wants Lawrence to trust him so that he’ll finally tell him what his big plans are for the diamond jewels. Apparently Lawrence still doesn’t trust him quite a bit though. Dylan had no idea Lawrence was the one who kidnapped Lydia until Daisy figured it out, and he didn’t know Lawrence was the head of the WPA until yesterday.” Andy reveals. “I’m sure there is quite a bit Dylan doesn’t know. He’s going to be playing Lawrence for a long time, Lawrence is never going to confide in him.” Rebecca says. “I think he’s starting to realize that.” Andy says. “So you agreed to a partnership with him?” Rebecca asks. “I didn’t have much choice, sweetheart. Besides, the more people working against Lawrence, the better chance we have.” Andy says. “The more dangerous it becomes. Everyone plotting against Lawrence has a target on their backs! Dylan may be his son, but if Lawrence finds out Dylan is double crossing him, I don’t doubt for a second that he would kill him for his betrayal!” Rebecca says. “I know, but where Dylan and Daisy are already running their own operation, I feel like it’d be safer for them if they were working with us. I know how you feel about Daisy, I feel the same way, which is why we should try to stick with just communicating with Dylan.” Andy says. “Sounds good to me. Back to Zoey though, you said she would only give Dylan the necklace if he was able to procure her a release from prison?” Rebecca asks. “That’s right.” Andy confirms. “Not many people have that sort of influence, especially not Ciara.” Rebecca says. “The current head of the WPA would have that sort of influence.” Andy points out. “I don’t know, I just can’t think of a plausible reason behind Ciara working with Lawrence!” Rebecca says. “Maybe it’s not as simple as Ciara working with Lawrence. Maybe he’s brainwashed her like Madeline did with V.J, or maybe he’s forcing her to do his bidding somehow!” Andy suggests. “But what sort of leverage would Lawrence have that could be strong enough to get Ciara to work with him? Whatever it may be, we need to tread very carefully from now on. If Ciara is working with Lawrence, we can’t tell her anything that she could report back to him. God only knows what she’s already reported back to him…” Rebecca says. “We need to treat her like the enemy.” Andy adds. “Which pains me to think about. She’s one of my best friends, I hate that it’s come to this. We can’t completely cut her off though, she’ll become suspicious if we do.” Rebecca notes. “So we keep her in the loop, or at least we let her think she’s still in the loop.” Andy says. “And while doing so, we get proof that she is helping Lawrence and we find out why she is helping him. This can’t be allowed to go on, it has to end.” Rebecca says. “It will end, honey. Whether it ends with Lawrence in a cell or a body bag, it’s gonna end.” Andy assures her.

“What sort of deal could you have made to get yourself released?” Lydia wonders. “Why? Are you hoping you may be able to pull a similar trick to get yourself out? I’m sorry darling, but this is a unique case, one which cannot be replicated.” Zoey says. “No, I plan on proving my innocence. I don’t need any sort of tricks to get myself out of here. I’m just curious how you managed to pull it off.” Lydia says. “A good magician never reveals her secrets. I am sorry to be leaving you though, I just know you are going to miss me desperately.” Zoey says. “I’ll miss you like I miss a toothache, assuming this release is even authentic.” Lydia says. A guard walks up to the cell. “Kellers, it’s time to go.” The guard says. “Go? Oh my goodness! Wherever might I be going?” Zoey wonders. “That’s up to you. You’re being released.” The guard reveals. Zoey fakes a gasp. “What a happy surprise!” Zoey exclaims. Zoey turns towards Lydia. “Would you look at that, Lydia! I am being released! Me! Who would have thought?” Zoey asks. Lydia rolls her eyes. “Certainly not me.” Lydia says. “Oh try not to frown, I’m sure they won’t waste any time in getting you a new roommate. Unfortunately, I can guarantee that they won’t be nearly as fun as I am. Anyways, as lovely as this place is, I really should be going. Have a smashing time, love! Don’t forget to write! Toodles!” Zoey says, before walking out of the cell. “Don’t get too used to being alone, Masters. Your new cellmate is on the way.” The guard says. “Great. I can’t imagine her being any worse than the one I’ve been stuck with.” Lydia mutters.

Outside Baronville, Zoey walks out the front door, now in her own clothes, and finds Gizelle waiting for her. “Freedom looks good on you, Miss. Kellers.” Gizelle states. “Why thank you. It appears you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. You seem to know who I am and yet I don’t have the foggiest idea who you are.” Zoey says. “I wouldn’t expect you to. Surely you didn’t think that we would arrange for your release and that you could just ride off into the sunset. Now that you’re free, my employer would like to see you to discuss your end of the deal.” Gizelle says. “That sounds lovely, but can we do this later? I’d really like to go book myself a hotel room, have a nice warm meal, maybe take a shower that I don’t have to share with a bunch of other people.” Zoey says. “All of that can wait. There are more important matters to tend to.” Gizelle says. Zoey sighs. “Alright, lead the way.” Zoey says, before following Gizelle…

In Lydia’s cell, Lydia is sitting on the bottom bunk when she hears the cell door opening. Lydia looks up and her eyes widen. “It’s you.” Lydia mutters. “Well, well, well. Lydia Masters, what a delightful surprise.” A familiar voice says. “Gretta Cambino.” Lydia says. Gretta is revealed to be standing in the cell door!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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