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Fantastic S4 Episode 12

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Fantastic S4 Episode 12 Empty Fantastic S4 Episode 12

Post by QG Sat Dec 03, 2022 1:13 pm

“Just like Fantastic City, the Goo family has done a great deal for me ever since I found out I was a member of the family ten years ago. In fact, I don’t think the Goo family will ever fully realize how much they have helped me over the years.” Andy says. “THAT’S ENOUGH!” A voice shouts. Everyone turns towards the front gate in time to see Rebecca and Bethany walk in! “Rebecca!” Dannie gasps. “Bethany!” Kaylie gasps. Kaylie runs over to Bethany and pulls her into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” Kaylie says. “I am, no thanks to HIM!” Bethany says, looking at Andy. Kaylie turns towards Andy. “So I was right, Andy really did do something to you!” Kaylie says. “I have no idea what she’s talking about.” Andy says. Rebecca steps forward. “Just STOP! I’m back now, which means your little charade is over!” Rebecca shouts. “Obviously your time away wasn’t very restful, because you aren’t making any sense!” Andy claims. “Let Rebecca talk! Rebecca, how is this a charade?” Dannie questions. “Because...the man standing in front of us is not Andy Goo! My husband is possessed.” Rebecca announces. “Wait, are you serious?!” Daisy questions. “Clearly Ava’s coma has affected Rebecca more than anyone realized, it would seem that she has had some sort of a breakdown.” Andy lies. “Oh I can assure you, I am very lucid, and I know EXACTLY what I am talking about!” Rebecca states. “I can back up everything Rebecca is saying. Not only is Andy possessed, but he’s also behind a lot of the weird stuff that has been happening in town lately! Kristina isn’t the one who gave that recording of Victor and Virginia over to Julia’s campaign, just like Kaylie wasn’t the one who stole the evidence from the police station! That was all the creature that has taken control of Andy’s body!” Bethany says. “I don’t know, that all sounds very out there.” Virginia says. “That’s because it is!” Andy agrees. “This has happened before. Eight years ago, Andy’s mother was possessed by a demon named Virmor, a man who was once king of Fantastic City five hundred years ago.” Rebecca reveals. “I remember hearing about that. I believe that occurred right after Molly had shot me.” Lawrence recalls. “I was unfortunately in town for that. My mother blew up the castle when she was possessed.” Dannie remembers. “So what if it happened before? What are the odds of it happening again in the same family?” Andy says. “Not high, unless that same demon is looking to exact revenge on the person who cast him out of Queen Goo all of those years ago.” Rebecca says. “Are you saying that Virmor is the demon who possessed Andy?” Dannie questions. “Its Virmor, but he hasn’t been inside Andy the whole time he’s been back. Before he was able to successfully take over Andy’s body, he targeted my daughter first!” Rebecca reveals. “Are you saying Andy is responsible for Ava’s coma?” Victor wonders. “Not Andy, Virmor! He possessed Ava first so that he could get to Andy, and then when Andy finally submitted to him, Virmor used his powers to put Ava in a coma so she couldn’t tell anyone who he really was.” Rebecca tells them. “Is anyone seriously listening to this nonsense?! Rebecca is over there talking about magical powers, obviously she isn’t well!” Andy claims. “Maybe that excuse would fly if I didn’t see first hand what you were capable of.” Bethany says. “What did he do to you?!” Kaylie questions. “After I found out the truth, that Andy was possessed and that he was the one who framed you, Virmor knocked me out and stuffed me into the Goo basement with Xavier Irons.” Bethany reveals. “Hold on, Xavier is dead!” Dylan points out. “I know that, but Virmor was able to somehow resurrect him!” Bethany says. “Where is Xavier now?” Kaylie wonders. “He’s dead again. Rebecca got to me just in time and stopped Xavier from killing me by slamming a wooden plank into the back of his head, reducing him to a pile of ash.” Bethany says. “Its a miracle I was able to get to Bethany in time considering I’ve been trapped in hell for weeks, courtesy of Virmor. When I found out who he really was, he had me transported there so I couldn’t tell anyone else.” Rebecca reveals. “No offense, but this is all very difficult to believe. You expect us all to believe that Andy was able to send you to hell, resurrect a dead guy who died via an axe to the head, and manage to transform himself into Kristina and my sister to frame them for crimes that they didn’t commit?” Julia asks. “Andy didn’t do any of it, it was Virmor!” Rebecca argues. “Virmor is gone! He’s been gone for eight years! I vanquished that bastard from my mother and made sure he could never come back!” Andy claims. “Then how do you explain the glowing eyes? The flickering lights? Being able to control objects with your mind?” Bethany questions. “Do you see me doing any of that right now?” Andy wonders. “No, but that’s only because you are still trying to keep this ridiculous charade going! Well its over, sweetie! Your identity has been exposed so its time to pack it up and go back to hell!” Bethany shouts. “Do you know what I think? I think Rebecca made the whole thing up and you are just going along with it.” Andy lies. “Why would I do that?” Bethany wonders. “You’re very fond of Rebecca, a little too fond if you ask me. I think you’ve had a thing for Rebecca all this time and you’re hoping that by lying for her you might score some points.” Andy suggests. “That is absolutely ridiculous! Bethany loves me!” Kaylie snaps. “Of course you want to believe that, but the fact of the matter is Bethany isn’t a one person kinda gal.” Andy claims. “SHUT UP!” Bethany snaps. “Why should I? You’re making up all of these lies about me yet I’m not allowed to fight back?” Andy asks. “Rebecca, as enjoyable as this banter is, is there anyway you can prove Andy is indeed possessed?” Acerbi wonders. “That’s an excellent question, Acerbi, and to answer it, I do believe there is a way I can prove Andy is possessed.” Rebecca says. “I can’t wait to see this.” Andy says. Rebecca walks closer to Andy. “Be careful.” Bethany urges. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, I’m not who you think I am.” Andy claims. “We’ll see about that.” Rebecca says. Rebecca reaches into her purse and pulls out a small crucifix. “That’s your big plan? Well as you can see, I’m not having any kind of reaction to it.” Andy notes. Rebecca then presses the crucifix into Andy’s forehead! Andy begins screaming in pain before smacking the crucifix out of Rebecca’s hand! A burn mark can be seen on Andy’s forehead. “Oh my God...it actually hurt him!” Brady points out. Andy’s eyes open wide and they are now glowing red! “You REALLY shouldn’t have done that!” Demon Andy growls!

“Oh my God, its true! Andy Goo really is possessed!” Virginia shouts. “I can’t believe my eyes…” Julia mutters. “Its probably for the best, I was growing tired of impersonating that bland block of wood anyway. So now that its all out in the open, allow me to introduce myself. My name on Earth was Virmor, and many years ago I was king of Fantastic City.” Demon Andy reveals. “So Rebecca was right! You are the same demon that possessed my mother years ago!” Dannie says. “I have some wonderful memories of the times I shared with Queen Goo, blowing up the castle being one of them. But none of them quite compare to what I’ve been able to accomplish while using Andy as my vessel. Putting Ava in a coma, destroying Brady and Kristina’s relationship, nearly costing Kaylie her freedom.” Demon Andy says. “So its true then? You are the one who framed me for the recording?!” Kristina questions. “It was me. At the time I was still in control of sweet little Ava. I remember Victor and Virginia having the conversation in the castle living room, but little did they realize that Ava was hiding underneath the sofa recording the whole thing. Then when it was time for me to drop my bomb, I transformed myself into you and went to pay Julia’s campaign manager a visit.” Demon Andy recalls. “You son of a bitch! You destroyed my marriage!” Brady snaps. “No Brady, YOU destroyed your marriage! I may have been the one to plant the seed of doubt in your mind, but it was you who didn’t have enough faith in Kristina to take her word for everything, just like you are the reason that Kristina miscarried your child!” Demon Andy claims. “You bastard!” Brady shouts, before he charges at Demon Andy! “STAY BACK!” Demon Andy demands. Brady suddenly flies backwards into the wall of one of the restaurants! “Brady!” Kristina shouts. Kristina and Victor rush over to Brady’s side. “Are you okay?” Victor wonders. “Yeah...I’m fine. Can you help me back up?” Brady asks. “Yes, of course.” Victor says, as he and Kristina help Brady stand up. “How nice that you are still in one piece, but the next person who dares challenge me won’t be so fortunate. My patience is limited and I wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone here.” Demon Andy warns. “If that were true, you would’ve killed Bethany and I the moment we found out who you really were, but you didn’t! Because no matter how powerful you may think you are, Andy is still in there somewhere, keeping you on a leash!” Rebecca says. “Where was your precious Andy when I sent you to hell? Or when I instructed Andre Stanpatos to kill you?” Demon Andy wonders. “Wait just a minute, how does my nephew Andre fit into any of this when he is supposed to be dead?” Lawrence questions. “I arranged for Andre to keep Rebecca company during her brief stay in hell.” Demon Andy reveals. “Andre and several other people from my past. But no matter how hard Andre and the others tried to break me, I’m still here! And I am going to save my husband from your influence!” Rebecca states. Demon Andy laughs. “You tried that already, remember? You were so sure you were going to save Andy back in the Goo Castle basement, but you failed! Just like you are going to fail now!” Demon Andy says. “If you truly believe that, that just goes to show that you don’t know Andy and Rebecca very well! They have faced so many obstacles in their past, but no matter what or who gets in their way, they always find their way back to each other! This time will be no different!” King Beast says. “Do you honestly expect me to listen to the ramblings of a failed king? Oh Damien, you had such potential, but that potential was squandered the minute you fell in love with Queen Goo!” Demon Andy says. “That’s nonsense, Queen Goo saved me!” King Beast argues. “Queen Goo ruined you!” Demon Andy claims. “Don’t listen to him, King Beast. Virmor doesn’t believe in things like love or kindness. In fact, deep down, they terrify him.” Rebecca says. “Per usual, you are completely clueless.” Demon Andy says. “No, I think Rebecca has you sized up quite well. You thrive off of evil, but when surrounded by goodness, I’m willing to wager you are powerless.” Victor says. “Well lets see, who among you can actually be considered good? You cheated on the mother of your children and got your mistress pregnant, Dannie has barely given their family a single thought since leaving Fantastic City years ago, King Beast was a tyrant many years ago, Brady was once a puppet for the mob and a drunk, Kristina has had more men than I have fingers to count AND she killed Alexios Stanpatos, Dylan stabbed his own sister in the back in order to get his hands on a job title, Daisy threw herself down a flight of stairs while she was pregnant to frame Rebecca, Rebecca murdered Andre, Bethany killed Xavier Irons and used to run guns for her ex boyfriend who she also tried to have killed, Acerbi ran all sorts of inhumane experiments at her clinic in Phoenix, with the backing of her new beau Lawrence, Kitty Cat set off bombs across the city and got multiple people killed, Stefan attempted to poison the entire city, Virginia didn’t tell Victor that she had his baby until the child was a full grown adult, Kaylie allowed her son to be kidnapped by a sociopath, and Julia is just an insufferable bitch! None of you have the right to claim to be perfect, you are ALL tainted one way or another!” Demon Andy says. “We could put all of our crimes and misdeeds together and we would still be better than you! No matter how flawed we may be, we are still capable of doing good, something that you aren’t! The only thing you are capable of is wreaking havoc and infecting people’s lives with darkness as if its some kind of a disease! Well you won’t win, because love and light ALWAYS triumph evil in the end!” Rebecca tells him. Daisy steps forward. “For once I agree with Rebecca. Andy and I may have had our disagreements in the past, but I know what a good person he is, and I know he is strong enough to overcome you and send you back to wherever you came from!” Daisy says. “How dare you defy me, after everything I’ve done for you! The only reason you won’t be giving birth in a prison infirmary is because I stole the only evidence the police had on you! YOU OWE ME!” Demon Andy yells. “I owe you NOTHING! I never asked for you to do any of that, and for the record, I’m capable enough to have gotten out of that jam on my own. Besides, its obvious the only reason you helped me was to get your hands on that stupid medallion.” Daisy says. “What medallion?” Rebecca questions. “He came to me looking for something called The Devil’s Medallion, something my father apparently had before he died. Turns out the only reason Andy was being so generous with me was so he could butter me up and then ask me about the medallion.” Daisy reveals. Rebecca turns towards Demon Andy. “Why do you want this medallion so badly?” Rebecca wonders. “The Devil’s Medallion is capable of destroying all of you. Once I have it, I’ll finally be able to accomplish what I set out to do eight years ago when I possessed Queen Goo.” Demon Andy says. “You won’t have the chance to accomplish anything because you won’t be around long enough. I admit I underestimated you the first time I confronted you, but I won’t be making that mistake again.” Rebecca says. “You already have. Not only did you come to confront me yet again, but you also foolishly decided to do it in a group full of people! Now thanks to your heroics, everyone in attendance is going to die.” Demon Andy announces. “Stop it! You aren’t going to kill anyone!” Rebecca says. “Are you sure? I’m so tired of everyone in this miserable city getting in my way every step of the way! In fact, every single one of my obstacles is in attendance right now. Wouldn’t it be simply grand if I killed them all in one go?” Demon Andy asks. Victor steps forward. “Don’t you dare harm a hair on any of these people!” Victor yells. “ENOUGH!” Demon Andy roars.

Buzzing can be heard in the distance. “Does anyone hear that?” Dylan wonders. “Yeah...what is it?” Kristina asks. Suddenly, a swarm of wasps fly in through the front gate of the village and head straight towards Victor! “Oh my God!” Kitty Cat mutters. Victor attempts to swat the wasps away as they continuously sting him. “SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!” Victor screams. Lawrence turns towards Demon Andy. “Are you responsible for this?!” Lawrence questions. “I warned everyone after what happened with Brady Goo that the next person who dared challenge me wouldn’t be so fortunate.” Demon Andy recalls. Brady attempts to get closer to Victor, but backs away when a bee flies near him. Victor falls to his knees, screaming in pain. “We have to do something, before its too late!” Acerbi exclaims. Demon Andy begins maniacally laughing. Rebecca turns towards Demon Andy. “Stop this RIGHT NOW!” Rebecca yells. “Why would I do that when I am having so much fun?” Demon Andy wonders. Rebecca pulls out a gun and points it at Demon Andy. “I remember that gun! Its the one I turned into a squirt gun during our last little dance. Did all of that time in hell confuse you so badly that you can’t tell the difference between a real gun and a fake gun?” Demon Andy wonders. “I know what the difference is.” Rebecca says, before shooting water at Demon Andy. Rebecca hits Demon Andy in the leg, and a loud sizzling noise can be heard. Demon Andy lets out an agonizing scream as he drops to his knees. “I filled it with holy water before I came here. You were the one who gave it to me, I figured the least I could to do repay you would be to use it.” Rebecca says. Suddenly, the wasps all fly away and Victor falls to the ground, crying in agonizing pain. Rebecca points her squirt gun at Demon Andy. “Release my husband immediately, or else I am going to keep doing this until your entire body is covered with burns!” Rebecca threatens. Demon Andy looks up at Rebecca. “Your husband is lost to you! His soul belongs to me...now and for the rest of eternity!” Demon Andy sneers. Rebecca shoots water at Demon Andy again and he once again screams in pain. “Rebecca, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’ve gotta get my Dad to the hospital. He’s in rough shape.” Brady says. “Go, I’ve got things handled here.” Rebecca says. “Thanks.” Brady says. Demon Andy stands up. “No one is leaving, NOT ALIVE!” Demon Andy roars. Demon Andy raises his arms in the air and fire begins shooting out of the ground, surrounding everyone! “What the hell is going on?!” Daisy questions. “I always intended for all of you to die. Originally, it was going to be at the hands of The Devil’s Medallion. But since I have so many people here at once, I may as well move up my time table!” Demon Andy says. “Knock it off!” Kaylie demands. “Kaylie, stay back!” Rebecca urges. “I suggest you listen to Rebecca, or else dying in an inferno will be the least of your worries!” Demon Andy threatens. “Harm one hair on Kaylie’s head and you’ll wish you’d been burnt alive!” Bethany warns. “Don’t worry about losing your precious little girlfriend, the two of you will be dying together.” Demon Andy says. “Andy, please don’t do this! I know that you are still in there and I know that you must be appalled by Virmor’s actions! You need to keep fighting! You need to beat Virmor and save the city from evil!” Rebecca says. Demon Andy laughs. “I admire your continuous efforts to reach your husband, but I’m afraid Andy can’t come to the phone, right now or ever!” Demon Andy says. “Andy, please think of all the people you love! All the lives that hang in the balance!” Rebecca begs. “Andy obviously isn’t listening, so maybe just shoot him with some more holy water and hopefully it’ll be enough to end this madness!” Kitty Cat snaps. “Its going to take so much more than holy water to defeat me! I allowed myself to be defeated once before, but never again! This time...Fantastic City is going to burn to the ground, and I am going to be the one to do it!” Demon Andy says. “Any more bright ideas? Maybe something that won’t get us incinerated?” Daisy questions. “I have one more. Everyone join hands!” Rebecca says. Daisy rolls her eyes. “You can’t be serious.” Daisy says. “I hate to agree with Daisy, but I don’t see how holding hands is gonna help!” Bethany says. “Everyone is just trust me, please!” Rebecca says. Bethany takes Rebecca’s hand and then turns towards everyone else. “That means all of you too! Come on!” Bethany says. Kaylie, Dylan, Kristina, Lawrence, Acerbi, Dannie, King Beast, Virginia, and Julia all join hands. As Brady is still kneeling by Victor’s side, Stefan and Kitty Cat are standing on the sidelines ignoring Rebecca’s request. “What the hell are you two waiting for?” Virginia wonders. “This is lunacy!” Stefan says. “You’re about to be burnt alive, you got any better ideas?” Virginia questions. Kitty Cat sighs. “Lets just do it.” Kitty Cat says. Kitty Cat and Stefan join hands with the others. Demon Andy laughs. “The only reason I’m not putting a stop to this foolishness is because I think it’ll make for some excellent entertainment.” Demon Andy says. Rebecca closes her eyes. “God, Fantastic City is in desperate need of help, we all are! Please give us the strength to fight back and vanquish this evil once and for all, the strength to save Fantastic City and save everyone who lives in it.” Rebecca prays. “That was it? Your big plan was to call upon a fairy tale?” Daisy questions. “Sorry to disappoint you Rebecca, but I don’t think God is listening, nor do I think he cares. Now if you’re finished making yourselves look like idiots, I’d really like to wrap this up.” Demon Andy says. “Please Andy, don’t do this!” Rebecca begs. “Its too late.” Demon Andy says. Demon Andy raises his arms in the air again, when a strong wind blows through and puts the fire out! “What was that?!” Demon Andy questions. A bright light begins shining in through the front gate of the village. Everyone turns to face the gate in time to see Queen Goo stepping out of the light!

“It can’t be!” Demon Andy growls. “Molly!” King Beast says. “Mom!” Dannie exclaims. “I can’t believe it…” Acerbi mutters. “Neither can I.” Lawrence admits. Everyone steps off to the side as Queen Goo approaches Demon Andy. “Its been a long time, I have missed you dearly.” Demon Andy says. Queen Goo doesn’t respond and simply glares at him. “I assume you must’ve been sent by the man upstairs in what is likely a last ditch effort to save your wretched little city from destruction. Well you’re too late! You may have put out my flames, but there is plenty more where that came from and I don’t plan on stopping until everyone in this city is dead!” Demon Andy says. “You are a trespasser in this world and you need to leave immediately!” Queen Goo tells him. Demon Andy laughs. “If I’m a trespasser, then what does that make you? You don’t belong here either. In fact, its a known rule that angels aren’t supposed to interfere in human affairs.” Demon Andy says. “There is an exception to every rule. Not only are you a threat to my son and to this city, but you are also a threat to human kind. I won’t let you hurt anyone else.” Queen Goo says. “Do you really think I’m afraid of you? I broke your spirit when I took possession of your body years ago and I can do it again!” Demon Andy says. “I’m only going to say this one more time, leave Andy’s body now!” Queen Goo demands. Demon Andy smiles. “I won’t surrender Andy’s body because you asked, but I am willing to make a trade...Andy’s body for your soul.” Demon Andy suggests. “That isn’t possible.” Queen Goo says. “I think we can both agree that everything is possible. If you want your son to have his body back, all you have to do is give your soul to me. I will take you back to hell with me and Andy gets to return to his mundane life. Its a fairly reasonable trade, all things considered.” Demon Andy claims. “Why would you sacrifice all of your work just to have me?” Queen Goo wonders. “You’re the one that got away. I had your soul all those years ago but I lost it thanks to your son. If you come with me willingly, agree to spend the rest of eternity in hell with me, I’ll reunite Andy with his family.” Demon Andy says. “Don’t agree to his terms! There has to be another way that doesn’t involve sacrificing yourself!” King Beast says. “I won’t be sacrificing myself, I refuse to award Virmor with any sort of victory!” Queen Goo says. “Then I hope you are prepared to have some company in the afterlife soon, because a boat load of people will soon be joining you!” Demon Andy says. “The only one going anywhere will be you!” Queen Goo says. Suddenly, Demon Andy flies backwards into a wall! Demon Andy then falls back on to the ground, unconscious. Rebecca rushes over to Andy and checks his pulse. “Now is your chance! Everyone go! Quickly!” Rebecca shouts. Acerbi turns to Lawrence. “I am going to go help Brady get Victor to the hospital.” Acerbi says. “Of course. We’ll talk soon.” Lawrence says. Acerbi returns to Brady and Victor. “Are you ready?” Acerbi wonders. “Yeah.” Brady says. Acerbi and Brady both pull an unconscious Victor off the ground. Acerbi and Brady take one last glance at Queen Goo before exiting the village with Victor. Meanwhile, Virginia walks over to Bethany and Kaylie. “I don’t know about you girls, but I’m getting the hell out of here before he wakes up!” Virginia says. Bethany turns towards Rebecca. “Will you be okay?” Bethany asks. “I’ve got things under control.” Rebecca says. Bethany turns back towards Virginia and Kaylie. “Guess I’m going home with you two then.” Bethany says. Virginia notices Julia and walks over to her. “Julia baby, I know that you’re angry with me, its understandable, but I really would like you to come home with me tonight. I can’t stand the thought of you home alone with demons running around town!” Virginia says. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’m going to go to the hospital and check on Victor.” Julia says. “Alright, I understand. Any chance you’ll come to the mansion after you check on Victor?” Virginia wonders. Julia hesitates for a moment. “Uh...yeah, sure.” Julia says. “Wonderful! Let me walk you to your car.” Virginia says. Virginia, Julia, Bethany, and Kaylie all walk out. Across the food court, Dylan and Kristina walk up to Lawrence, who cant seem to take his eyes off of Queen Goo. “You ready to go home?” Dylan asks. Lawrence doesn’t respond. “Lawrence!” Dylan loudly says. “Did you say something?” Lawrence asks. “What’s going on? You seem distracted.” Dylan says. “Forgive me, I just never thought I would ever see Molly again.” Lawrence says. “I get that you’re probably at a loss of words, but we should probably get going before Lucifer Junior wakes up.” Dylan says. Daisy walks up to them. “Before you go, any chance I could come home with you three tonight?” Daisy asks. “Absolutely not!” Lawrence states. “I know none of us have been getting along lately, but I don’t feel comfortable going back to the castle tonight after everything that happened.” Daisy says. Kristina looks at Dylan. “I guess one night probably wouldn’t hurt, right?” Kristina asks. “You have no idea how much damage Daisy could do in one night. But given the circumstances of the evening, I’ll allow it.” Dylan says. “Good God...well since Olivia won’t be making the trip back with us, there is an extra seat available in the limousine.” Lawrence says. “Great! Then we have no time to waste.” Daisy says. Dylan, Daisy, Kristina, and Lawrence all leave the village. Meanwhile, Kitty Cat walks up to Queen Goo with Stefan following behind her. “Well I hope you’re happy, you shooting Lawrence Stanpatos all those years ago is what caused this mess! You all but rolled out the welcoming mat for Virmor, and now eight years later we still can’t get rid of him!” Kitty Cat says. “You’ve been around for eighteen years and yet we still can’t seem to get rid of you either.” King Beast points out. “Perhaps now would be a good time for us to take our leave.” Stefan tells Kitty Cat. “That sounds like an excellent idea.” Queen Goo says. Stefan leads Kitty Cat out of the village. Queen Goo turns her attention to Rebecca who is kneeling next to Andy. “Are you okay?” Queen Goo wonders. “I am, thanks to you. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, Virmor would’ve burnt down the whole village and everyone in it.” Rebecca says. Queen Goo smiles. “I was happy to help. This city and the people who live in it mean everything to me.” Queen Goo says. “Is it really over? Is Virmor gone?” Rebecca wonders. “I’m afraid not. All I did was neutralize Virmor, I don’t have the power to cast him out of Andy’s body.” Queen Goo says. “What does that mean? Is Andy lost to us forever?” Rebecca asks. “Virmor is much more powerful than he was when he possessed me years ago, which means it is going to be much more difficult to get rid of him this time. However, by no means is Andy’s soul lost to us. He still exists, and he is fighting to come home to the people he loves, I can feel it! The same goes for Ava. Once Virmor has been vanquished, Andy will be able to return to his body and Ava will be able to open her eyes again.” Queen Goo says. “So how are we supposed to vanquish Virmor?” Rebecca wonders. “The same way you would with most demons. In order for Virmor to be cast out of Andy, an exorcism needs to be performed.” Queen Goo reveals. “Would an exorcism really be enough to free Andy from Virmor’s control?” Rebecca questions. “With your love supporting him? Absolutely. I’m certain that if anyone can reach Andy and free him from the evil that has taken him hostage, its you. But you must act quickly! It won’t be long before Virmor regains consciousness and you need to make sure you are prepared for when he does.” Queen Goo says. Rebecca nods. “How can I ever repay you?” Rebecca asks. “You don’t need to repay me, dear. The best thing you could do for me would be to rescue my son from Virmor’s clutches.” Queen Goo says. Queen Goo turns to face King Beast and Dannie. “Of course I can’t leave without seeing two of the people I love most on this planet.” Queen Goo says. “Its been five minutes and I still can’t believe my eyes...you’re really here!” Dannie exclaims. “Of course I am, I’m always looking out for you in your time of need. By the way, I must say that I am very proud of the person you have become. How wonderful that my child is a doctor!” Queen Goo says. “You called me your child...not your daughter.” Dannie observes. “I’m aware that you’re now going by a different name and using different pronouns, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you darling. You are the same person you have always been, a different name and different pronouns doesn’t change who you are at your core.” Queen Goo says. Dannie smiles. “You’ve always been the most understanding person.” Dannie notes. “So haven’t you, its the reason you became a psychiatrist.” Queen Goo says. “I suppose that makes me the luckiest man on the planet, having both an understanding wife and understanding child, especially given all of the mistakes I have made.” King Beast says. “Your mistakes don’t change the fact that you are a wonderful man, and I was so fortunate to have been your wife.” Queen Goo says. “I just wish we had more time together...I lost you practically as soon as I got you back!” King Beast recalls. “That bothered me for a while too, but I’ve finally come to just be grateful for the time we did have together, and what wonderful times they were! You are my one true love, and I will always cherish the memories we made together.” Queen Goo says. “I will always cherish those memories too, just as I will always cherish you.” King Beast says. “I don’t suppose you could stick around for a while? We have a lot to catch up on.” Dannie says. “I already know about it all. I’m always watching over the people I care about.” Queen Goo says. “Always? Because that may be awkward sometimes.” Dannie notes. Queen Goo laughs. “Don’t worry, I look away sometimes.” Queen Goo says. Queen Goo’s face grows serious. “As much as I hate to say this, I really must be going. I’ve already stayed much longer then I was probably allowed to.” Queen Goo says. “I’m really going to miss you, Mom.” Dannie says. “Oh my dear, I am going to miss you too, the both of you! But every time the two of you start missing me, I just want you to look to the stars and know that I am there, both watching and smiling.” Queen Goo says. “Do we at least get a hug before you go?” King Beast asks. Queen Goo smiles and opens her arms. “Of course.” Queen Goo says. King Beast and Dannie both move in to hug Queen Goo. “I love you both...forever and always.” Queen Goo whispers. As the three are hugging, Queen Goo fades away…

At the Gray mansion, Virginia, Kaylie, and Bethany all walk into the living room. “Please tell me this is some kinda shared dream we’re having! Tell me the grand opening of Goo Village wasn’t just crashed by a demonically possessed man and his ghost mama!” Virginia says. “It was definitely an eventful night…” Kaylie says. “You don’t even know the half of it. If you think everything that happened at the party was bad, imagine having to see Xavier.” Bethany says. “You definitely have us beat when it comes to who had a worse day.” Kaylie says. “I’m gonna go down to the wine cellar and see if I can find us a nice vintage bottle, I sure could use some. I’ll stop by the nursery real quick to check on Issac too, make sure he ain’t levitating over his bed or nothing.” Virginia says. “That isn’t funny!” Kaylie tells her. “I wasn’t trying to be funny, its a valid concern!” Virginia says, before walking out. Kaylie turns towards Bethany. “Are you absolutely sure you’re okay after everything that happened with Virmor and Xavier? You don’t need to be checked out by a doctor or anything?” Kaylie asks. “I’m fine. Right now I’m more worried about Andy and Rebecca.” Bethany says. “Yeah...I feel kinda bad for thinking Andy was behind the evidence theft.” Kaylie admits. “You have nothing to feel bad for! Why would it have occurred to you that Andy was possessed by a freaking demon? It definitely didn’t occur to me before he revealed himself!” Bethany says. “That must’ve been terrifying.” Kaylie says. “It was, but everything is fine now that I’m back with you.” Bethany says, before pulling Kaylie into a kiss.

At the Stanpatos mansion, Dylan, Kristina, Daisy, and Lawrence walk into the living room. “Thank you for rescuing me from that loony bin for at least one night. With Rebecca back and a demon running around the halls of the castle, I could really use a break.” Daisy says. “So long as you are of the understanding that you will be returning there tomorrow.” Lawrence says. Daisy fakes a smile. “Of course.” Daisy says. “I hope the guest room will meet your incredibly high standards.” Dylan says. “I’m not sure that I feel safe sleeping alone.” Daisy claims. “Well then might I suggest you sleep out in the stables with the horses? Because you sure as hell won’t be sharing a room with me.” Dylan says. “Are you seriously going to leave me alone and vulnerable tonight? After everything that just happened?” Daisy asks. “I have an idea, she could always sleep at the gatehouse with me.” Kristina suggests. “Oh yeah, I’m sure you would be loads of help if Virmor decided to come and finish me off!” Daisy sarcastically says. “Like Dylan said, there is always the stables.” Kristina says. Daisy rolls her eyes. “Fine! But I’m not sleeping on the couch, I have a baby to think of!” Daisy says. “Well I’m not sleeping on the couch, its my place!” Kristina argues. “Actually, its Dylan’s place, you simply rent it!” Daisy argues. “If Kristina doesn’t want to sleep on the couch, she’s not sleeping on the couch!” Dylan says. “Okay, fine! You just better not be a blanket hog.” Daisy tells Kristina, before storming out. “I never said you could sleep in the bed with me!” Kristina shouts after her. Kristina turns towards Dylan. “Unbelievable!” Kristina complains. “Thank you for taking one for the team and letting her stay with you.” Dylan says. “You owe me, and I plan on collecting! Anyways, I should probably head back to the gate house and make sure she isn’t ransacking the place.” Kristina says. Dylan smiles. “Good night.” Dylan tells her. “Good night.” Kristina says, before walking out. Dylan turns towards Lawrence. “So that was quite the night, huh?” Dylan asks. “Indeed it was…” Lawrence mutters. “You’ve been unusually quiet, even with everything going on with Daisy. Is everything okay?” Dylan wonders. Lawrence turns towards Dylan. “I never thought I would ever see Molly again.” Lawrence says. “I’m sure you didn’t. No one counted on her literally descending from the heavens to fight her possessed son. I remember noticing you couldn’t take your eyes off of her.” Dylan recalls. “How could I? It is one thing to be seeing a ghost, but this was the ghost of a woman I was in love with, a woman I consider to be the love of my life! Seeing her again...it was nothing short of a miracle.” Lawrence says. “I’m surprised you feel that strongly about her. Didn’t she shoot you?” Dylan asks. “She may have shot me, but I hurt her arguably just as much with the way I treated her family. I was willing to shoot Andy right in front of her!” Lawrence recalls. “Well that’s definitely motivation to shoot a man. So you forgive her for shooting you?” Dylan wonders. “I forgave her a long time ago, the problem is that I forgave her far too late! It was Molly’s death that made me realize I was still in love with her, and that instead of holding on to this anger towards her, I should have been trying to win back her love! But because of my foolishness, King Beast was the man by her side when she took her final breath...not me. I’ll never be able to forgive myself for letting her go, just as I will probably never forgive myself for not approaching her today!” Lawrence says. “Its understandable why you didn’t, there was a lot going on.” Dylan points out. “It doesn’t matter, I should have taken the opportunity to tell her how much I love her, how deeply I miss her!” Lawrence says. Dylan puts his hand on Lawrence’s shoulder. “I think she knows how you feel.” Dylan says. “Do you really think so?” Lawrence asks. “Of course! Queen Goo is an angel, probably all knowing where the people she knew are concerned. If you truly do love her, then she probably knows.” Dylan says. Lawrence smiles. “Thank you for your kindness, son. It means a great deal to me.” Lawrence says. Dylan pulls Lawrence into a hug.

At the hospital, Brady is pacing back and forth by the nurses station when Julia rushes off of the elevator. “Julia, what are you doing here?” Brady wonders. “I was looking for an update on Victor. Has his condition improved at all?” Julia wonders. “He was rushed into the ER the second I got him here, I haven’t seen him since.” Brady says. “I still can’t believe any of this is real, I keep expecting to wake up from this nightmare!” Julia says. “Its definitely a nightmare, but its all real.” Brady says. “I can’t believe Andy is possessed by an actual demon! One who can shape shift, throw people across rooms using its mind, and start fires at will!” Julia says. “Don’t forget summoning swarms of wasps.” Brady says. “And as if any of that isn’t crazy enough, the ghost of Victor’s dead sister shows up and manages to neutralize the demon! That wasn’t a hallucination, right?” Julia asks. “You weren’t hallucinating, I saw her too. In fact, that might just be one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen in this city.” Brady says. “Its the craziest thing I’ve ever seen period! So, any chance any other members of the family will be stopping by?” Julia wonders. “Not that I know of, they all seem to have their hands pretty full.” Brady says. “What about Kristina?” Julia questions. “I’m sure you know things are going good between Kristina and me.” Brady says. “I know the two of you had a falling out because you thought Kristina turned that recording over to my campaign, but now you know it wasn’t Kristina, it was the demon. So any chance a reconciliation could be in your future?” Julia questions.

At the Stanpatos Gatehouse, Kristina types out a message to Brady asking how his Dad is doing. Kristina goes to hit send but is interrupted. “Are you coming to bed anytime soon, Kristina? The baby and I can’t stay up all night.” Daisy says. “You are more than welcome to go to sleep if you want.” Kristina says. “I can’t sleep with all of the lights on.” Daisy says. Kristina sighs. “Fine, I’m coming…” Kristina says. Kristina returns her attention to her phone and deletes the message before she can send it. Kristina turns off the lights, and then climbs into bed next to Daisy. “Good night, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Daisy says. “Bed bugs aren’t what I’m worried about.” Kristina says. Kristina lays down on her side, her face showing she’s clearly deep in thought…

“I screwed up big time accusing Kristina of being behind that recording, but that isn’t even the biggest problem we have. The argument we had about the recording caused her miscarriage, and in her book, that’s unforgivable.” Brady says. “I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. If you ever need to talk, I’m available.” Julia says. Brady smiles. “I appreciate that.” Brady says. Acerbi walks up to the two of them. “What’s the update? Is my Dad gonna be okay?” Brady asks. “Perhaps we should discuss this in private.” Acerbi suggests. “No, this is just as much Julia’s business as it is mine.” Brady says. Acerbi nods. “Very well. Upon further examining Victor, I discovered he had suffered several hundred stings as a result of the attack.” Acerbi reveals. “Several HUNDRED?!” Julia asks. “It is the most brutal bee attack I have ever had come into my hospital. I was going to give him something to help with the pain for when he regained consciousness, but then…” Acerbi begins to say. “What happened?” Brady asks. Tears form in Acerbi’s eyes. “Victor...he coded. I spent 25 minutes trying to revive him but I’m afraid it wasn’t enough.” Acerbi says. “Are...are you telling me my father is dead?” Brady questions. “I am so terribly sorry, Brady.” Acerbi says. Brady looks away from Acerbi and stares off in shock. “If there is anything that I can do to help you during this difficult time, whether as a doctor or as your aunt, please let me know.” Acerbi says. “I...I want to see him. Can I see him?” Brady asks. “Of course you can. I...I should just warn you that he is not in the best condition. The wasp stings...they did quite the number on his physical appearance.” Acerbi says. “I don’t care, I just want to see my Dad!” Brady snaps. Acerbi nods. “Very well. Follow me.” Acerbi urges. Brady goes to follow but Julia puts her hand on his shoulder to stop him. “Hey, would you...would you mind if I came with you?” Julia wonders. “Of course you can. Actually...I think I’d really like it if you were there.” Brady says. Julia and Brady follow Acerbi.

In Victor’s hospital room, Acerbi opens the door and lets Brady and Julia in. “I will give the two of you a moment.” Acerbi says, before walking out. As Julia stands in the corner of the room, Brady approaches Victor’s disfigured body. “I was angry with you, probably as angry as I’ve ever been with you...but I never wanted any of this to happen. You weren’t just my Dad, you were my best friend! Even when the entire world was against me, I always knew I could count on you being in my corner, because...because no matter how tough your love was...it was also unconditional. Just thinking back to when I was in prison, the rest of the world wanted to forget that I existed, but you didn’t. You came to visit me every chance you got, which is amazing after all the crap I pulled. I honestly wouldn’t have blamed you if you didn’t want anything to do with me after all that. I’m...I’m so sorry you died thinking I hated you...that...that couldn’t be further from the truth. I love you Dad, I’ll always love you.” Brady says. Brady leans down and kisses Victor’s forehead. Brady then turns away from the body and begins sobbing. Julia pulls Brady into a comforting embrace. “I’m so sorry.” Julia tells him. “I...I have to get outta here.” Brady says, before running out of the room. “Brady!” Julia calls out. Julia goes to follow but then stops and turns towards Victor’s body. Julia sighs and walks over to his body. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this...I should probably keep this brief. After all, I didn’t have many nice things to say about you in life, why would that change now? That being said, I’m disappointed I didn’t get the chance to know this other side of you, the one Brady was talking about. That Victor Goo sounds like someone I may have gotten along with. I will say one thing and I hope you find some comfort in this, I’m looking forward to getting to know your side of the family, I suppose that’s probably the best thing I could do to honor you. Rest well.” Julia says, before walking out. Once Julia is gone, Victor’s spirit appears standing in the corner of the room. “Julia and Brady...I am so sorry. I wish I had been a better father, a better person even…” Victor says. “I can’t believe you are actually showing regret. What a concept!” A familiar voice says. Victor turns towards the doorway and sees Queen Goo standing there. “Molly!” Victor exclaims. “Hello Victor. Its so good to see you again, though I wish it were under better circumstances.” Queen Goo says. “Yeah...it looks like I’ve found myself in quite the predicament this time. I suppose that’s why you are here, to escort me to the afterlife.” Victor assumes. “As much as I would love the company, I don’t think you’re ready to cross over just yet.” Queen Goo says. “I don’t think I have much of a choice.” Victor says. “When has that ever stopped you before? You’ve never been one to throw in the towel simply because the odds are against you.” Queen Goo notes. “The odds have never been this dire before. Its not even that I’m afraid of dying, its just that I have so much to make up for with Brady and Ciara, Julia too!” Victor says. Queen Goo smiles. “There is still time for you to make things right with your children.” Queen Goo says. Queen Goo walks over to Victor’s body and places her hand on his heart. “What are you doing?” Victor wonders. “I’m sending you home.” Queen Goo tells him.

At the nurses station, Julia catches up with Brady. “Are you going to be okay?” Julia wonders. “I don’t know. Things have been so bad lately, I don’t know if they’ll ever be okay again. And you know what? Its all Virmor’s fault! Everything that has gone wrong over the last several months is because of that bastard!” Brady says. “I can definitely understand your anger towards Virmor, and I can also understand why you may feel tempted to do something reckless. But you need to remember that if you hurt Virmor, you hurt Andy. Andy is just the vessel.” Julia reminds him. “Right now I don’t see Andy, all I see is the monster who destroyed my marriage, who killed my Dad!” Brady says. “You know, I’m actually going to be staying with my mother tonight. Maybe you should come with me., it may help to get away from the house and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind the company.” Julia says. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not sure anything is gonna help.” Brady says. Suddenly, Acerbi rushes over to Brady and Julia. “Brady! I have the grandest news!” Acerbi exclaims. “My Dad is dead, I’m not sure anything will cheer me up.” Brady says. “Your father is awake!” Acerbi reveals! Brady’s eyes widen. “What?! Are you sure?” Brady asks. “I went into Victor’s room to oversee his transfer to the morgue, but when I got there...it still astounds me just thinking about it!” Acerbi says. “I’m sure it does, but can we please finish the story?” Brady asks. “Of course. When I got in there, your father’s injuries had completely disappeared. Not only that, but he was awake and alert!” Acerbi reveals. “How is that possible?” Julia wonders. “It isn’t possible...it is a miracle! In any event, though I would love to allow you to visit him, I am afraid visiting hours are over for the evening. Still though, I assume this news must have improved your mood.” Acerbi says. Brady smiles. “You have no idea!” Brady says. Brady turns towards Julia. “Dad is alive!” Brady exclaims, before pulling Julia into a hug. Meanwhile, Queen Goo can be seen standing in the back of the room smiling at them.

At the Goo Castle, Demon Andy is lying on a bed when his eyes begin to open. Demon Andy attempts to move but finds that both his arms and legs are tied to the bed! “What is the meaning of this?!” Demon Andy wonders. “I needed a captive audience.” A voice says. Demon Andy turns towards the doorway and sees Rebecca standing there. “I should’ve known you were behind this! Untie these ropes immediately!” Demon Andy demands. “Oh no, those ropes won’t be coming off until my husband is home and you are back in hell where you belong.” Rebecca says. “When are you just going to give up? You’ve tried and tried over and over again to reach your husband and it hasn’t done any good!” Demon Andy points out. “I’m not going to talk to you. I’ve tried talking to you, but since that doesn’t seem to be working, maybe an exorcism will do the trick.” Rebecca suggests!

NOTE: Fantastic will now be going on a scheduled hiatus and will be returning with brand new episodes in 2023. Thank you for your understanding and we will see you next year!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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