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Fantastic S2 Episode 11

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Fantastic S2 Episode 11 Empty Fantastic S2 Episode 11

Post by QG Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:38 pm

Lucas is standing in Lydia’s living room, on the phone. “Where are you? I figured you would be home by now.” Lucas says. “I was hoping I would be, too. But, on my way back, a work emergency came up, and now I’m stuck in the office for God only knows how long.” Lydia says. “I’m sorry.” Lucas says. “On the plus side, I managed to track Dylan down, and we came to an understanding, which means he and I will be divorcing soon, which means you and I can get married. For real, this time.” Lydia says. Lucas smiles. “That is a plus.” Lucas admits. “What about you? How did things go with Zoey after I left?” Lydia asks. “I told Zoey she had to move out, and she did. She won’t be causing our relationship anymore problems.” Lucas assures Lydia.

In a hotel room, Zoey throws one of her suitcases on the bed. “This is bloody ridiculous! How the bloody hell am I supposed to get close to Lucas now that he’s kicked me out of his bloody house?! And it is all Lydia’s fault! Not only did she cost me the money, but she may have cost me my life, if Mia finds out about this.” Zoey says. Suddenly, Zoey’s phone begins to ring. Zoey checks the Caller I.D. “Mia’s burner phone? What could she possibly want.” Zoey wonders. Zoey answers the phone. “Yes?” Zoey answers. “Yes? Is that the best greeting you can give me? Given the amount of money I’m paying you, the least you could do is sound a little cheery to hear from me. After all, joy isn’t hard to fake.” Mia says. “Alright. Mia, I’m charmed to hear from you. But, I’m a touch surprised. I just saw you earlier, so I’m not sure I understand why you’re calling.” Zoey says. “Oh, no real reason. I was just curious about why you are staying in a hotel room when you are supposed to be living with Lucas and Lydia.” Mia says. “Damn it.” Zoey says under her breath. “What was that?” Mia questions. “It was nothing. How exactly did you know about the hotel?” Zoey asks. “I know and see everything, Zoey. I’m offering you five million dollars to break up Lucas and Lydia, I’m not about to let you break a fingernail without me finding out about it.” Mia says. “I see…well, the truth is, I have hit somewhat of a road block in our plans.” Zoey admits. “That’s odd. When we spoke earlier, you were certain you were turning Lucas and Lydia against one another.” Mia recalls. “I thought I was! That is, until Lucas told me I had to move out.” Zoey says.

Andy enters the Goo Living Room, and finds Rebecca on the phone. “I’m glad you’re having a good time at your friend’s, sweetheart. Just remember to call me tomorrow, and tell me what time you need me to pick you up…I love you too, Ava…bye bye.” Rebecca says, before hanging up. “Ava is at a sleep over?” Andy asks. “Yeah, a friend she knows from school. Don’t worry, I made sure I met the parents first. Call me over protective, but in the times we live in, one can never be too careful.” Rebecca says. “Yeah…yeah, I agree with you.” Andy says. “Is everything okay? You seem tense.” Rebecca observes. “Josephine just called me, and I think you better sit down for the news she gave me.” Andy says. “I’m fine standing, I can handle whatever it is. What happened?” Rebecca asks. “Alexios was shot.” Andy reveals.

At the hospital, Alexios is rushed off of the elevator. “Get him to cubicle one, we need to operate immediately!” Acerbi yells at the paramedics. Bethany runs up to Alexios’ side. “Alexios, if you can hear me, you’re gonna be okay! You are way too stubborn to die, don’t forget that!” Bethany says. Bethany turns towards Acerbi. “If you let him die, I won’t rest until this hospital is bankrupt!” Bethany threatens. “If you want your boyfriend to survive, you will leave me to do my job.” Acerbi says. Bethany watches, as Alexios is wheeled off to be operated on…

“Alexios was shot?! What happened?!” Rebecca asks. “I don’t know the exact specifics. What I know is that Alexios and Brady showed up at Bethany and The Evil Force’s wedding, and Alexios ended up getting shot.” Andy says. “By The Evil Force?” Rebecca asks. “Yeah. Don’t worry, The Evil Force is in jail right now.” Andy says. “That doesn’t change the fact that Alexios was shot! Do they know if he is going to survive?” Rebecca asks. Andy shakes his head. “Not yet. But, last Josephine heard anything…he was in critical condition.” Andy notes. “This is my fault…I went to Alexios and told him Bethany was marrying Kristina today, and that’s probably what sent him in Kristina’s direction.” Rebecca assumes. “I don’t know if that’s it. Before the wedding disaster, The Master showed up at Alexios’ town house and tried to kill him. Luckily, Brady showed up in time and saved him.” Andy says. “Where is The Master now?” Rebecca asks. “Alexios and Brady left him tied to a chair, but by the time Josephine got there, he had already escaped.” Andy says. “So he could still be out there?” Rebecca asks. “I have every officer on the force out there looking for him.” Andy says. “That isn’t enough! You know how slippery The Master can be, and as long as he is still out there, there is a chance Kristina could escape! Have you questioned Daisy? The Master is her brother, he may have tried to contact her.” Rebecca notes. “I tried calling Daisy, no answer.” Andy admits. “That’s bizarre. Daisy usually jumps at the opportunity to talk to you.” Rebecca notes. “Maybe, but we got a bit hostile with each other at her doctor’s appointment earlier, so she might not be in any mood to hear anything I have to say.” Andy says. Well, in any case, I need to get to the hospital to check on Alexios.” Rebecca says. “I’ll go with you.” Andy says. “I appreciate that, but the Fantastic P.D needs you more right now. You need to make sure The Master is caught, and you need to make sure Kristina stays in jail.” Andy says.

At the police station, Evil Kristina is pacing back and forth in a jail cell. “Today was supposed to be the beginning of a new era. Bethany was going to become my wife, and we were going to rule this planet together. But, little do these fools realize that the game is not over just yet, far from it. I will not rest until I am released from this cell, and when I am, I will obliterate everyone who has ever stood in my way!” Evil Kristina growls. A guard lets Brady into the cell block. “What’s the matter, Forcy? Having a bad day? Well its about to get a hell of a lot worse.” Brady says. “What do you want?” Evil Kristina asks. “Well, now that you’re finally locked up, I figured you’d want to know that I’m in the process of tracking down your old buddy Ilia Andropov.” Brady says. “What could you possibly want from Andropov? Ah…don’t tell me. You think he may be able to bring Kristina back.” Evil Kristina says. “He’s the guy who performed the original procedure.” Brady says. “I don’t recall confirming nor denying that theory.” Evil Kristina notes. “You didn’t have to. It wasn’t Acerbi, so Andropov was the logical conclusion. So, once I track him down, I’m gonna bring my wife back, and you are gonna be gone, and you’re gonna stay gone this time.” Brady says. Evil Kristina chuckles. “Your arrogance never ceases to amuse me. How many times do I have to explain to you that your precious Katerina is gone? You are more than welcome to track down Doctor Andropov, assuming he is the one who resurrected me, and request that he reverse the procedure that transferred my consciousness into Kristina’s vessel, but he will not be able to grant your request. The procedure that brought me back cannot be reversed, and even if you managed to somehow destroy me, how do you know for certain that would bring Kristina back? Who is to say that the memory transfer didn’t eliminate any trace of Kristina left in this body?” Evil Kristina questions. “That’s a chance I’m willing to take, because its gonna take a whole lot more than your word to convince me that Kristina can’t come back. And even if Kristina can’t come back, I wouldn’t get too cocky if I were you. You shot someone, that’s attempted murder, and if Alexios dies, that’s first degree murder. So if by some miracle we can’t get you outta Kristina’s body, you are gonna spend the rest of your days in a cold, dark, miserable cell, and take it from somebody who’s been in prison before, it ain’t a pleasant experience.” Brady says. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on locked up long enough to end up in prison.” Evil Kristina says. Josephine enters the cell block. “Brady, what are you doing here?” Josephine asks. “I was just telling The Evil Force here that his days are numbered. He’s either gonna end up dead or in jail, there is no third option.” Brady says. “I suppose we will see about that, won’t we? Detective Acerbi, how is Alexios? Is he dead yet?” Evil Kristina asks. “Alexios’ condition is none of your business.” Josephine says. “His condition can’t be too good, otherwise, you wouldn’t miss this opportunity to gloat.” Evil Kristina says. “I have plenty to gloat about. Like Brady said, you’re headed for prison.” Josephine says. “Well assuming you wish to make this arrest stick, I suggest you not deny me any of my rights. For example, I believe I have a right to one phone call. I would really like to make that call.” Evil Kristina says. Josephine hands Evil Kristina her phone. “Knock yourself out, its not gonna do you much good. Even Betty Thorne won’t be able to get you out of the hole you dug yourself.” Josephine says. Evil Kristina takes Josephine’s phone. “I would like some privacy, if you don’t mind.” Evil Kristina says. “Fine. Brady, join me upstairs.” Josephine says, before she and Brady walk out. Once Josephine and Brady are out of sight, Evil Kristina makes a call.

Down at the Docks, The Master is looking out at the water, when his phone begins to ring. The Master answers. “Who is this?” The Master answers. “It is I, my son.” Evil Kristina says. “Father! What’s going on? Why didn’t you call me from your phone?” The Master questions. “Never mind that, I heard about your encounter with Alexios Stanpatos and Brady Goo. Where are you?” Evil Kristina asks. “I’m down at the docks, awaiting my ride to Canada. Now that more people know I am in Fantastic, I thought it may be best to flee the country. Once I’m in Canada, I’ll try to make my way to your compound in Scotland.” The Master says. “That would be pointless, I was unable to make it to Scotland, because I was unable to complete the wedding. Things took an unfortunate turn, which resulted in me shooting Alexios Stanpatos and then being arrested.” Evil Kristina says. “You are in jail?” The Master asks. “I am afraid so. You were right about Bethany, she was manipulating me.” Evil Kristina admits. “I did try to warn you, father.” The Master notes. “Spare me the lecture. My son, you must put your trip to Canada on hold. I need you to find a way to extract me from police custody.” Evil Kristina says. “That is much easier said than done.” The Master notes. “I do not care! Don’t you understand? If I go to prison, all of your plans will have been ruined! I can’t afford to spend another second in this hell hole, which is why you must come and give me aid!” Evil Kristina says. The Master sighs. “Of course, father. I will do everything possible to get you out.” The Master says. “You will do more than that. You WILL get me out. Do not disappoint me, my son.” Evil Kristina says, before hanging up.

In the squad room at the police station, Brady is with Josephine. “So, you are sure you have enough evidence to keep Kristina locked up, right?” Brady asks. “Absolutely. There are several witnesses to Kristina shooting Alexios, she isn’t going anywhere. I’m surprised by how eager you are to see her go up the river, though.” Josephine notes. “The last thing I want is my wife in prison, even if somebody else is in control of her body. But, if Kristina is in prison, that means there’s no chance of her disappearing, which means we have a better chance of bringing the real Kristina back.” Brady says. “Our best shot to do that would be to find Doctor Andropov, but the last anyone heard of him was when he was working with Joe Fish a few years back.” Josephine recalls. “People don’t just disappear, Josephine. Andropov is still out there somewhere, and I’m not gonna rest until I find him, and get him to bring Kristina back.” Brady says.

Down at the docks, The Master hands a wad of cash to a homeless man. “So, you are clear on what to do?” The Master asks. “Absolutely.” The homeless man says. “Perfect, and remember, once the task has been completed, you will receive more money that makes that amount look like pocket change. Now go, time is of the essence.” The Master says. The homeless man walks off.

Dylan is walking through the common area of the King Beast Plaza, when he bumps into Andy. “Dylan, we need to talk.” Andy says. “Not now, Andy. I don’t have the time to listen to your lectures on morality and all that nonsense.” Dylan says. “This is important, its about Alexios.” Andy says. “What about Alexios? Is he okay?” Dylan asks. “He’s been shot.” Andy says. “Shot?! By who?” Dylan asks. “The Evil Force, or Kristina, whichever name you like using better. You should really get to the hospital, I haven’t seen Alexios myself, but from what I’ve heard, its bad.” Andy says. Dylan nods. “I’ll do that, thank you.” Dylan says, before rushing off.

At the hospital, Rebecca rushes off of the elevator, and joins Bethany. “Where’s my brother?” Rebecca asks. “Acerbi took him in for surgery. Rebecca, this is all my fault! If I didn’t try to con The Evil Force, Alexios never would’ve been shot!” Bethany cries. “Stop it! You didn’t mean for any of this to happen!” Rebecca says. “But it did, and if Alexios dies, it’ll be all my fault.” Bethany claims. “Alexios isn’t going to die. He’s a Stanpatos, we’re like vampires, pretty much impossible to kill. He’s going to be fine.” Rebecca assures Bethany. Acerbi joins Rebecca and Bethany. “How is he?” Rebecca asks. “We were able to remove the bullet.” Acerbi says. “But?” Bethany asks. “Alexios is still in critical condition, and there is no knowing one way or another if he will recover, not yet anyway.” Acerbi admits. “Can we see him?” Rebecca asks. “By all means. Just please try to not crowd the room.” Acerbi says. “Of course.” Rebecca says. Rebecca turns towards Bethany. “Do you want to join me?” Rebecca asks. “No…no. I can’t go in there, not after what I did.” Bethany says. “You didn’t shoot Alexios, Kristina did!” Rebecca notes. “Alexios never would’ve been on Kristina’s radar if it weren’t for me! Did you know that before the wedding disaster, Kristina sent The Master to kill Alexios? That’s part of the reason why Alexios crashed the wedding, because he wanted to tell me what Kristina tried to do to him.” Bethany says. “Let me ask you something. Do you think that Alexios blames you for any of this? Of course he doesn’t! He wants to see you, Bethany. If anything, seeing you could help his recovery, and give him a reason to keep holding on. I understand why you are hesitant, but if you won’t go and see Alexios for yourself, do it for him. He needs you now more than ever.” Rebecca says. Finally, Bethany nods. “Okay…” Bethany whispers. Rebecca takes Bethany’s hand, and the two walk off.

In Alexios’ hospital room, Rebecca and Bethany walk in, and find Alexios hooked up to numerous machines. Rebecca approaches Alexios’ bedside, while Bethany stands by the doorway. “Alexios? Can you hear me?” Rebecca asks. Alexios begins to open his eyes. “Rebecca?” Alexios asks. Rebecca smiles. “Its me. You had me really worried. How are you feeling?” Rebecca asks. “Pretty numb, and tired…I’m so tired.” Alexios says. “That’s probably a result of the surgery.” Rebecca says. “Surgery…the wedding. The Evil Force had a gun, and was going to shoot Bethany. Is she okay?” Alexios asks. “I’m fine.” Bethany chimes in. Alexios sees Bethany standing in the corner of the room, and smiles. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” Alexios says. Bethany approaches Alexios. “I wouldn’t be here if someone didn’t decide to play hero. Seriously, what were you thinking?” Bethany asks. “I was thinking that I wanted to protect the woman I love. It’s the least I owe you, after the way I hurt you.” Alexios says. “The way you hurt me? Alexios, if it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. Trust me, all is forgiven!” Bethany says. Bethany sits next to Alexios’ bed. “By the way, while I have your attention, I should probably tell you that I love you, too.” Bethany says. “You really mean that? You aren’t just saying that because I’m on my deathbed?” Alexios asks. “One, you aren’t on your deathbed, you are going to be just fine. And two, I’m not just saying that. I’ve been trying to deny how I feel about you for so long because I wanted to protect my heart, but I’m done with that. I love you, Alexios, I’ve never stopped loving you.” Bethany says. “Even when you were calling me an idiot and putting restraining orders on me?” Alexios asks. “Doesn’t everyone do those things to the people they love? Seriously though, I’m sorry.” Bethany says. “Don’t be. I screwed up when we were together, I deserved everything you ever said or did to me.” Alexios says. “None of that matters anymore, all I want is to focus on the future…our future. You still want to be with me, right?” Bethany asks. Alexios faintly smiles. “More than anything.” Alexios says. Bethany smiles. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. Can I get you anything? Do anything to make you more comfortable?” Bethany asks. “I’m not use to you showing hospitality.” Alexios notes. Bethany laughs. “Don’t get use to it. But seriously, is there anything I can do for you?” Bethany asks. “I can think of something, but its kinda a long shot.” Alexios says. “I’ll be the judge of that.” Bethany says. “Will you marry me? Right here, right now?” Alexios asks. Bethany’s eyes widen, and she is left speechless. “Alexios, even if Bethany agreed, you don’t have anyone to perform the ceremony.” Rebecca notes. “Acerbi is ordained. She was the one who was going to perform The Evil Force and Bethany’s wedding.” Alexios says. “We all saw how that ended…” Bethany comments. “I know, this is moving a little fast…but I don’t want to waste any valuable time. Being shot and almost dying taught me that time is precious, and it shouldn’t be wasted.” Alexios says. Bethany smiles. “Okay. If we can get Acerbi to perform the ceremony, I’d love to be your wife again, this time for good.” Bethany says.

In her hotel room, Zoey is still on the phone with Mia. “Lucas is making you move out? Why on earth would he do a thing like that?” Mia asks. “Why do you think? The old bloody ball and chain told him to. I can’t believe how spineless Lucas has become. Lydia tells him to jump, and Lucas questions how high!” Zoey says. “This isn’t good, Zoey! The entire base of your plan was that you and Lucas were living under the same roof, and now that he has forced you to move out, that deals a significant blow!” Mia notes. “Thank you for that lovely reminder, Mia, but I am painfully aware of how problematic this setback is.” Zoey says. “So what are we going to do about it? Hm?” Mia asks. “I don’t know! I suppose I will have to figure something out!” Zoey snaps. “With the amount of money I’m promising you, you should already have something figured out!” Mia argues. Zoey rolls her eyes. “My God, this is tedious! I was certain that my plan was working!” Zoey notes. “Of course it wasn’t working! I already warned you that breaking up Lucas and Lydia wouldn’t be an easy task!” Mia reminds her. “Yes, you keep saying that, though I fail to see what I’m doing here if you have so much faith in Lucas and Lydia’s relationship.” Zoey says. “Because, given your history as a con woman and as Lucas’ ex fiancee, I thought you might be one of the few people who would actually be able to create a rift between the two! Clearly I was wrong! You are just as ineffective as Lucas was when he worked for me! Useless, useless, USELESS!” Mia yells. “Calm down, all is not lost! I don’t intend on giving up just yet. I just need to find a way to convince Lucas to let me move back in.” Zoey says. “Well as usual, I’m going to get stuck doing all the work. I’ve already come up with a plan that might change Lucas’ mind.” Mia reveals. “Oh? I’m all ears.” Zoey says. “No you aren’t. This isn’t a plan you need to know the specifics about, I will be handling the details. All you need to do is go to the King Beast Plaza. Take a seat, order something to eat, enjoy yourself. The plan will reveal itself to you soon after.” Mia says. “Why am I suddenly getting a feeling of dread? Why don’t you want me to know the details of your new plan?” Zoey asks. “Its for the best. Just do as I tell you, and everything will work itself out. Assuming everything goes as planned, Lucas will be rushing to move you back into his house.” Mia says, before hanging up. Zoey puts her phone down. “What are you up to, Mia?” Zoey wonders…

In the squad room of the police station, Andy joins Brady and Josephine. “Hey, how’s Alexios?” Josephine asks. “Rebecca just texted me a little while ago and said that Alexios is out of surgery.” Andy says. “That’s great! Is he gonna make it?” Brady asks. “Its too soon to say. What’s going on with The Evil Force?” Andy asks. “He doesn’t seem to worried about the possibility of spending the rest of his life in jail.” Josephine notes. “Of course he’s not. That ugly bastard probably still thinks he’s getting out of here, and who knows, he might be right.” Andy says. “Come on, Andy. He’s not going nowhere. There are witnesses that saw him shoot Alexios!” Brady points out. “I’m not talking about being released. I wouldn’t put it past The Evil Force to try and escape, he definitely has plenty of allies at his disposal. The Master is still out there somewhere, and then there’s Daisy.” Andy says. “I thought Daisy and The Evil Force despised each other.” Josephine notes. “From what I understand, Daisy has always wanted her father’s approval. If he calls looking for help, I wouldn’t put it past her to come running.” Andy says. “I know Daisy is nuts, but would she really risk her baby being born in jail just so she can help her psychotic Daddy?” Brady asks. “After Daisy threw herself down a flight of stairs to frame Rebecca, I find it hard to believe she gives a damn about that baby at all. Just in case, I made arrangements to have an officer keep an eye on Daisy. That way, if she tries anything, she’ll be arrested before she even gets the chance to bust The Evil Force out. Unfortunately though, the officer I gave this job to can’t find Daisy anywhere.” Andy says. “Did he check Dylan’s?” Brady asks. “He did. Her car is there, but there’s no sign of her.” Andy says. “Maybe she went for a walk.” Josephine suggests. “Maybe…” Andy says. “Daisy is the least of our worries, anyway. The Master is the one with the most loyalty to The Evil Force, if anyone is going to try something, I’d put money on him.” Josephine says. The homeless man The Master was with earlier enters the squad room, wearing an overcoat. “Can I help you with something?” Andy asks. “You can’t help me, nobody can help me.” The homeless man says. The homeless man opens his overcoat, and reveals he is wearing a bomb vest!

Downstairs, a guard is standing outside Evil Kristina’s cell, when another officer talks over the radio. “We have a problem in the squad room. An individual is here wearing a bomb vest.” An officer says. “What the hell?” The guard wonders. “Is there a problem?” Evil Kristina asks. “None of your business. I’ll be back, so don’t think you’re getting out of here.” The guard says. “I beg to differ.” A voice says. The guard turns around, and The Master punches him! The guard falls to the floor, unconscious, and The Master grabs his keys. “I hope this isn’t a bad time, father.” The Master says. “Your timing is impeccable! So tell me, what is this about someone donning a bomb vest?” Evil Kristina asks. “That would be my new friend Darrell, but I suppose its simpler to call him what he is…a diversion.” The Master says.

Bethany is with Acerbi at the nurses station in the hospital. “So let me get this straight…you want me to marry you and Alexios, even though you were ready to marry another man…er, woman, just two hours earlier.” Acerbi says. “Uh huh, that’s right.” Bethany says. “You must be joking. I was nearly shot at your last wedding! You really expect me to officiate another one?” Acerbi asks. “Oh come on! Its not like I was the one holding the gun! Not on you, anyway.” Bethany says. “It doesn’t matter! You are the equivalent of a black cat! Breaking a mirror! Friday the 13th! I do not want to die!” Acerbi says. Bethany scoffs. “The Evil Force is in jail, so if you think he’s gonna show up with a rocket launcher, you can chill out.” Bethany says. “I do not have the time. I am the chief of staff!” Acerbi says. “You’re right, you are the chief of staff, which means your job is to look after the well being of the patients here. Alexios is in the hospital, he wants to marry me, which means that’s a part of his well being!” Bethany argues. “That’s ludicrous.” Acerbi says. “It also happens to be true. Look, I know what you are going for, with the tough, take no prisoners bitch exterior, I’m like that too. But, as much as I hate to admit it sometimes, I have a heart, and I’m sure you do too. Please, Olivia, Alexios wants this more than anything, just give him this.” Bethany says. Acerbi sighs. “Lets get this over with, I have work to do.” Acerbi says. Bethany smiles.

In the squad room of the police station, Josephine reaches for her gun. “Don’t even think about it! One wrong move, and I’ll blow this place sky high.” Darrell threatens. “Stand down.” Andy tells Josephine. Josephine nods, and removes her hand from her gun holster. “What’s this about?” Andy asks Darrell. “Like you give a damn.” Darrell says. “Of course I care. Obviously, you’re in a bad place, and I want to help you if I can. All I need is for you to tell me what’s wrong.” Andy says. “What’s wrong is your department, pig! My wife was murdered, and you never even bothered to find her killer. I ended up turning to drugs to cope, I lost my job, my house, and now look at me! This is all YOUR fault!” Darrell snaps. Josephine leans in close to Brady. “Something doesn’t seem right.” Josephine whispers. “You mean this guy seems off his rocker? Yeah, I agree.” Brady whispers. “I’m not talking about that. I have this really bad feeling, I hope I’m wrong, but I need to go and check something out.” Josephine whispers. “A guy is wearing a bomb vest, threatening to blow us all the way to Stanpatos Isle, and you’re just gonna walk out?!” Brady quietly asks. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” Josephine whispers. “Well that’s just great, you’re gonna get us blown up.” Brady whispers. “I guess you’ll just have to distract him enough so that doesn’t happen.” Josephine whispers. Brady groans. “You better pray this works, cause if we die, when you and I get to the afterlife, I’m gonna kill you all over again.” Brady whispers. “I’d like to see you try.” Josephine whispers. “So, what happened with your wife?” Brady asks. “She was murdered, you idiot! Don’t you listen?!” Darrell asks. “I got that, but do you have any ideas who did it?” Brady asks. “None! She was the sweetest woman alive, I don’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her! But it was this police department’s job to find her killer, and they couldn’t be bothered!” Darrell yells. “Trust me, I’m confident this department did everything it could to find your wife’s killer. As the police commissioner, I make sure that all of my department’s investigations are thorough.” Andy says. “Police commissioner? You mean you are the SOB to blame for this?!” Darrell asks. “Nice going…” Brady says. “If your wife’s murder wasn’t investigated as well as it should have been, then yeah, I guess I am responsible.” Andy says. “Then that gives me even more reason to set off this bomb and blow this place sky high!” Darrell says…

Josephine enters the cell block downstairs. “Oh no…” Josephine says. Josephine runs over to the unconscious guard, and then notices that Evil Kristina’s cell door is open!

The Master and Evil Kristina are walking through the park. “Where are we going?” Evil Kristina questions. “As I explained to you earlier, I already made preparations to flee the country. There is a boat waiting for us down by the docks, that will provide us with transportation to Canada.” The Master says. “I cannot leave just yet.” Evil Kristina says. “Why not?! Your wedding to Bethany Wilson was a colossal failure, you are wanted for the attempted murder of Alexios Stanpatos, the longer you stay here, the more likely you are to be captured!” The Master points out. “I realize that, but due to this unfortunate setback, my work in Fantastic has not yet been completed. I have a very important meeting I need to attend, where I hope to reevaluate my plans.” Evil Kristina says. “You will have plenty of time to do that later! As for this meeting, I’m certain it can be rescheduled! I’m sure your freedom is far more important than whoever this meeting is with!” The Master says. “This is not up for debate, my son! It is imperative that I attend this meeting!” Evil Kristina yells. “Great, that’s just lovely father. Well you are more than welcome to attend this meeting, just don’t be surprised if the next time you contact me, you’re calling from a maximum security women’s prison, which is precisely where you will end up if you do not run!” The Master yells. “If you wish to be a coward, so be it! But do not expect me to follow your example! I have loose ends to tie up before I leave. And just so we are clear, if you ever speak to me in that tone of voice again, I will remove your tongue. Do you understand?” Evil Kristina asks. “I understand perfectly.” The Master coldly says. “Very good. You worry too much. As long as no one sees me, I won’t be captured.” Evil Kristina says. “Too late.” A voice says. The Master and Evil Kristina turn, and see Lydia standing there!

In the squad room at the police station, just as Darrell is about to push the button on the detonator, Josephine hits him over the head with the butt of her gun! Darrell falls unconscious, and Josephine grabs the detonator, as another officer begins removing the vest from Darrell. “Good job!” Andy says. “I gotta hand it to you, you pulled this off better than I thought you would.” Brady admits. “Of course I did. But, even though the bomber has been taken down, we aren’t out of the woods yet. I just went down to the cells, and I found a guard unconscious outside Kristina’s cell.” Josephine says. “What?!” Brady asks. “Is Kristina still down there?” Andy asks. “There was no sign of her. But, her cell door was open.” Josephine says. “Damn it! This was all a ruse!” Andy realizes. An officer walks over to Andy. “Commissioner, we took a look at the vest, and it doesn’t look like it was a real bomb. Looks like someone just put a timer and a bunch of wires on an intimidating looking vest, and tried to pass it off as a bomb.” The officer says. “And I’m willing to bet that someone was in league with him…” Andy says. “In league with who?” The officer asks. “We have an escaped prisoner. I need an APB out on Kristina Cat, AKA, The Evil Force. I want every available unit searching for this son of a bitch, he is incredibly dangerous.” Andy says. “Yes sir.” The officer says, before walking off. Andy turns towards Josephine. “I’m gonna need the security footage from The Evil Force’s cell block.” Andy says. “I’m on it.” Josephine says, before rushing off. “I can’t believe this is happening! We were so sure that there was no way Kristina could get out of this, and now here we are! She’s on the loose, and we’re back to square one!” Brady says. “Kristina escaping was always a possibility, especially with The Master still being out there.” Andy says. “You think The Master was involved?” Brady asks. “Just waiting on the security footage to prove it.” Andy says. “So what are we suppose to do now? If Kristina is out there, nothing is stopping her from skipping town!” Brady says. “I’m gonna do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen. I just pray no one gets in Kristina’s way before we can find her. As long as The Evil Force is in her head, she’ll hurt anyone that tries and gets in her way.” Andy says.

“Miss. Masters, how delightful to see you again.” The Master says. “The feeling isn’t mutual.” Lydia says. “Lets see…as I recall, the last time I saw you was when you were searching for information on your husband’s mysterious employer, the one who coerced him back into the mob. I do hope you found them.” The Master says. “I did, no thanks to you.” Lydia says. “As lovely as this has been, I must be going.” Evil Kristina says. “You aren’t going anywhere. I know what you did to Alexios.” Lydia says. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Evil Kristina claims. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I was actually on my way to the hospital to check on Alexios.” Lydia says. “Don’t let us keep you then.” Evil Kristina says. “Nice try, but I know that you are supposed to be in jail for shooting Alexios, and given the fact that this only happened a few hours ago, I sincerely doubt you managed to get out on bail, which leads me to believe you escaped. It would certainly explain why your demented son is here.” Lydia says. “I’m here in order to protect my father from the unwarranted harassment he has faced from the people in this city, such as yourself. Now, instead of pestering us, why don’t you continue on your way? Believe me, it would be within your best interest.” The Master says. “No, my best interest would be to call the police, and have the both of you thrown in jail.” Lydia says, as she pulls out her phone. The Master rips Lydia’s phone out of her hand, and throws it on to the ground! “You really shouldn’t have done that.” The Master says. “Do you really think that will stop me from telling someone I saw you?” Lydia asks. The Master pulls out a gun! “No, but I’m certain this will. Father, go tie up whatever loose ends you spoke of earlier. I’ll deal with Miss. Masters.” The Master says. “Are you certain?” Evil Kristina asks. “Absolutely, I have this situation well in hand.” The Master says. “Very well, I’ll see you shortly.” Evil Kristina says, before leaving. “How long do you plan on holding me here until you let me leave?” Lydia asks. The Master smiles. “My dear Lydia, I’m afraid it won’t be quite that simple.” The Master says. Meanwhile, on the ground nearby, Lydia’s phone rings.

Back in Lydia’s Living Room, Lucas is leaving a message for Lydia. “Hey, its me again. I’m sorry to keep bothering you, but I just heard about what happened to Alexios. I know that the two of you are friends, so I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. Call me when you get the chance.” Lucas says, before hanging up.

In the common area of the King Beast Plaza, Zoey looks around, and takes a seat at a table. Her phone begins to ring, and she answers. “Yes?” Zoey asks. “Just calling to make sure that you are in position.” Mia says. “I’m seated at the plaza, just as you requested. Now, care to explain what it is I’m doing here?” Zoey questions. “Like I said, the plan will reveal itself in due time. There’s no need to rush things! In the meantime, just try and act as natural as possible. Order something, play on your phone, try to not act like you’re expecting something to happen.” Mia says. “That won’t be very difficult to accomplish, given the fact that you refuse to confide in me regarding this plan of yours.” Zoey says. “Now you are beginning to understand! I’ll be in touch very soon.” Mia says, before hanging up. A waiter walks over to Zoey. “Hi, may I please have a cup of green tea, please? Thank you.” Zoey says.

In her room at Colossal Heights, Mia looks through her door into the hallway, to make sure the coast is clear. Mia then pulls out her phone, and makes a call. “Its me. Zoey is in position, its time to proceed with the plan.” Mia says.

At the King Beast Plaza, Zoey can be seen through the scope of a sniper rifle! Suddenly, a masked man fires a shot at Zoey!

In the squad room at the police station, Josephine rejoins Andy and Brady. “I looked at the security footage of The Evil Force’s cell block, and surprise surprise, The Master helped him escape.” Josephine reveals. “Son of a bitch! The homeless guy was nothing but a diversion!” Brady realizes. “Someone to distract most of the department while The Master broke his father out of police custody.” Josephine continues. “We need to double our search efforts to find The Master! Now that The Evil Force is on the loose again, the two of them are even more dangerous!” Andy says. “We already have every officer on the force searching for The Master and The Evil Force.” Josephine notes. “Its not enough! You know how crafty those two are, catching them isn’t gonna be easy.” Andy says. “But we have to catch them! As long as Kristina is free, we’ll never be able to get The Evil Force outta her head!” Brady points out. “Trust me, we’re going to catch The Master and The Evil Force, we just need to try and do it before they can hurt anyone else.” Andy says.

Lydia steps onto a footbridge, with The Master aiming a gun at her back. “Lucas is going to find me!” Lydia notes. “I’m not concerned about Lucas.” The Master says. “Well maybe you should be! Because when Lucas finds out what you did to me, don’t be surprised if he kills you.” Lydia says. The Master chuckles. “So much for being a reformed king pin.” The Master says. “Lucas has changed, but he can be dangerous when the people he cares about are threatened.” Lydia notes. “I see. In other words, he’s only the good law abiding citizen whenever its convenient for him, just as you only disapprove of his former lifestyle, but when his connections are convenient for you, you have no trouble using them to try and intimidate others.” The Master says. “I’m just trying to spare you the pain of dying in a hail of bullets.” Lydia says. “Aw, how considerate of you. Fortunately, by the time Lucas discovers that I did anything with you, I will be long gone.” The Master says. “And what about me? What are you planning to do to me?” Lydia asks. “That depends on how well you cooperate.” The Master tells her.

Evil Kristina opens two double doors in a dark room, and then turns on the lights. Once the lights are on, the room is revealed to be the Study of Fishkit Castle. Evil Kristina spots a man standing by the window, with his back turned to her. “There you are. I apologize for my tardiness, but I ran into some unexpected road blocks. But, my son was able to help me remove those roadblocks, so I was able to come and attend this meeting. By the way, I very much appreciate you coming all this way to meet with me.” Evil Kristina says. The man turns around, and is revealed to be Doctor Ilia Andropov! “Of course, sir. As if you don’t know by now, your wish is my command!” Andropov assures Evil Kristina…

Acerbi and Bethany have rejoined Alexios and Rebecca in Alexios’ hospital room. “So you’ll do it? You’ll marry us?” Alexios asks. “I’m expecting a hefty tip, just to be clear.” Acerbi states. Alexios smiles. “You’ve got it.” Alexios says. Dylan shows up outside Alexios’ room, but stops himself from entering when he sees Acerbi, Rebecca, and Bethany in the room through the window. Acerbi clears her throat. “We are gathered here today to join Alexios Stanpatos and Bethany Wilson in holy matrimony. Before we go any further, lets get the fun part of any wedding out of the way. If anyone has any reason why these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold their peace.” Acerbi says. Bethany glares at Rebecca. “Say one word, and I will kill you.” Bethany warns. “I wasn’t going to say anything. I really am happy for the both of you.” Rebecca says. “No interruptions? Under normal circumstances, I would be upset, but given the last interruption involved a gun, I think I’ll manage. Now, on to the vows.” Acerbi says. “We don’t need to worry about the vows, I have my own.” Alexios says. “What?! This is a spontaneous wedding! How could you possibly have your own vows written?” Bethany asks. “You don’t need a pen and paper as long as you speak from the heart.” Alexios says. Bethany smiles. “Well, I guess I’ll go first. Let me just say that I am incredibly sorry for the way I hurt you. I know I’ve said this before, but in my opinion, I can never say it enough times. But I promise, its never going to happen again. I am going to spend the rest of my life being faithful to you, Bethany. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and your love is worth more to me than all the money in the world. I feel whole when I’m around you, a way that I haven’t felt since we got divorced. Your spunk, your humor, your beauty, those qualities light up my life, and I’ve got to be honest with you, a life without you isn’t a life worth living. I’m so glad I got this second chance to be your husband again, it means the world to me that you would forgive me, and I promise you won’t regret it.” Alexios says. “Very moving. Bethany, do you have your own vows? You could always reuse your vows from your wedding to The Evil Force from a few hours ago!” Acerbi snarks. “Ha ha, very funny.” Bethany says. Bethany turns her attention to Alexios. “I know we haven’t always had the best relationship. We started off as a one night stand, which I then blackmailed you with, but we’ve come a long way since then. I was a mess when we met, and you helped me build myself into the woman I am today. You helped me get my GED, start my first business, you even helped me when I first found out I had PTSD. We’ve had a lot of struggles, but the good times we shared together were beautiful, and I wouldn’t trade them in for anything. You have no idea what a huge impact you made on my life, Alexios. You are without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m so glad we’re getting the chance to make up for loss time. But, that lost time no longer matters, because you and I have an entire lifetime ahead of us.” Bethany says. “Out of curiosity, but how are we supposed to finish the ceremony without any wedding bands?” Acerbi asks. Alexios points to his jacket. Rebecca goes into the pocket, and pulls out two wedding bands. “There’s no way you planned this.” Rebecca says. “Wait…those are our original wedding rings!” Bethany realizes. “I know this will sound weird, but I’ve held on to them this entire time. Even when I thought all hope was lost, another part of me never gave up on the chance that we’d work through our problems. So, I kept the rings on me for good luck.” Alexios says. “That’s so sweet.” Bethany says. “Yes, adorable. Lets proceed with the wedding, yeah? Alexios, do you take Bethany to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, through sickness and in health, through rich and poor, until death do you part?” Acerbi asks. “I do.” Alexios says. “And Bethany, do you do all of that too until death do you part?” Acerbi asks. “I do.” Bethany says. “Fantastic! I now pronounce you both husband and wife, now kiss the bride so I can be on my way!” Acerbi demands. Alexios and Bethany lean in for a kiss. “You couldn’t have at least TRIED to make their wedding romantic?” Rebecca asks Acerbi. “They have each other, what more could they possibly want?” Acerbi asks. Bethany and Alexios pull away from each other. “I love you.” Bethany tells him. “I love you, too. I’ll always love you…” Alexios says. Alexios’ eyes slowly close, and his head falls back onto the pillow. “Alexios?” Bethany asks. Suddenly, Alexios begins flatlining!


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Join date : 2021-01-15


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